
Thread #652525

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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whose paint is it anyhow
i am surprises thhey sold nonalc beer in my birthtown cornerstores
I'm surprised you mafe a new thread even though we haven't even bro
ken 800 posts.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 840x472, __ginko_mushishi_drawn_by_kono(…).jpg)
i think me and ika are the only two who give a shit about melee but i really want to show this clip
at about 55 secs into the video
oh it's 50 seconds actually
this shit is actually on par or maybe more difficult than Daigo's legendary super consecutive parry at evo
he gets the perfect distance dolphin strike to get within ledge tech range so many times then successfully smash DIs an attack with only 4 frames of active hitbox
so he manages to tilt the c stick at the exact moment he is hit over and over and tech on the ledge to keep recovering
and it's not even like he could just
memorise the pattern since it's a singular attack, he does it reactively
crazy guy
200 is neu thread limit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like this image so I'm sharing it please appreciat.e
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1430, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg)
Talila lulila;
That makes your bones stronger than steel
Tulila talila;
That backs up your thoughts to the cloud
cute anime girl image buddy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 827x1169, IMG_20190219_212749.jpg)
i will burn my bed
Hey Kirara check this out
>>652516 →
>>652519 →
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
rip urinal ;_;
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the md ddos protection is kinda annoying
it keeps resetting every so oft and has few times asked me to vonfirm that ia am not a robotto
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (689 KB, 910x1300, f2d462e07b45aa82aba9c45381795484.png)
smooching with aichan!!
>lewdin idols
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (862 KB, 648x906, MikiMiki44.png)
I have never sexualized an idol in my entire life
except here
and billion other cases
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I posted an ass shot of Miki because I was being sarcastic.
and i ignored it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (856 KB, 3000x4000, f6b27f3541ce445b5b9380cee9ff3334.jpg)
>make joke
>get serious reply
>it was a joke dude
>yeah I knew I was just ignoring it
what kind of logic is this
Kirara, I overheard on the bus some people talking about "how we need Farrakhan".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
to die, i hope
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my shoes are amazing
These shoes were made for walking
And that's just what they'll do
Oh shit apparently Mamoru Miyano plays Hobo-Parker in the Japanese dub of Spider-Verse.
And Yuuki Aoi is Gwen.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Let's all watch it in Japanese
You get yours yet?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
What worth's a soul against that kind of cinematic experience anyway.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I've had mine it's nice
You ever heard of Louis Farrakhan?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Not exactly surprised.
I guess its fine cause white people don't really need to know about him.
Among other things, he's probably the guy who planned Malcolm X's assassination.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh that's awkward
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [orz] Girlfriend (Kari) 04 [13(…).jpg)
I bought some maple syrup from canada today
in a fancy glass bottle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 371x671, [orz] Girlfriend (Kari) 02 [46(…).jpg)
I splurged and bought some good food
Some imported cheeses
Some nice breads
Some kobe beef
You gonna share?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 303x556, [orz] Girlfriend (Kari) 01 [B5(…).jpg)
Yeah, for sure
With my fiance
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I had an idea regarding that idea of yours, Kirara.
Please look forward to it.
I might even have to do some extra work to make it work good.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 323x669, [orz] Girlfriend (Kari) 01 [B5(…).jpg)
I had a lot of ideas.
Is it the one I proposed about the person?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
It won't be for a little while, though, right?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
My dissertation chair did something weird and stupid again today.
She wanted to know why I spent two paragraphs discussing and defining stigma.
So I said stigma is an important part of the conceptualization for transphobia. Transphobia is the response to the stigma of being transgender.
And she said "but you're not measuring stigma, are you? you don't need it"
So I explained again why it was necessary, and then explained how the entire body of literature my dissertation is built on is about changing responses to stigma.
And she said "I don't understand. You aren't measuring stigma."
And I said she was right, I am not measuring stigma.
"So why is it in here?"
And again, I explained why it was in there.
And then she said I should take it out and I got frustrated and explained several more times until I agreed to take it out.

But I'm not going to take it out.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (6.1 MB, 2150x3035, 3cfc8422bc147791b92e85a74f5970fa.png)
yeah it would likely be in the middle of level 9 or so
since you need to take care of the Conductor and also the Empress, two memebers in the HGW
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Glass bottles are how I've always known maple syrup, hah hah.
By now there's a kind of association with the glass bottles being an indicator of goodness for me.
That and those plumb bob airtight sealing contraptions.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
someone has nier already my envy is peaking
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also that field is an effect of hers she changes the battlefield to look kakoi
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 613x691, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
another thing my dissertation chair does a lot is ask such open questions that i can't even answer them because i don't have any indication of what kind of answer she's looking for, when there's clearly a specific type of answer she wants
"what can you tell from that study"
uhh i dunno there is a lot that i can tell from that study, that's not a productive question
you can't encourage someone to think critically by pointing to a thousand things and asking what they think if you want them to point out a specific thing

and she'll be going through my paper and say like "what do you mean by 'mere contact', i'm very confused'"
and the next sentence will explain exactly what i meant by 'mere contact' and she's confused because she didn't fucking read the next sentence

They're pretty much all plastic here!
And from, like, New Jersey, lol
Sounds like those people that get upset at a movie or book because it presents some mystery or hanging concept without going into detail despite it being CLEARLY OBVIOUS that the piece will get around to elaborating or resolving it before it's over.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 432x791, deathmax.png)
maximum power
grant me nier
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 461x522, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
Deshou? It's really frustrating.
I don't understand why she does that.
She's really bad at providing feedback.
I usually just say I understand what she wants when she confuses me because I know she'll forget what she wanted from me anyway, and then I can just do it my way.
She has legitimate feedback sometimes. There are times when I don't explain things properly or elaborate enough.

But she also misreads sentences and then accuses me of contradicting myself because of it. So I read it out loud to her and explain why certain words mean things until she knows what I'm saying, and then she tells me it's confusing and I need to change the wording, even when it's abundantly clear.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 459x685, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
For example
>Broockman and Kalla (2016) did not see a greater change in attitude in voters who talked to a transgender canvasser.

My chair read this and said "but you JUST said they did see a change in attitude."
Even though that sentence clearly doesn't say anything contradictory.
In the context of the paragraph, it's clear that a transgender canvasser or a non-trans canvasser was used.
It's explicitly explained.
In light of that information, that sentence obviously is comparing the effect of talking to a transgender canvasser vs a non-trans canvasser.
So just before that sentence you are not referencing anything concerning change in attitude?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 453x629, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
Prior to that sentence, I discuss the methodology used in the study, talk about how there were two types of canvasser, and then I said they found changes in attitudes due to the canvassing.
Following that, I say they didn't find a greater change in attitude in voters who talked to a transgender canvasser.

The obvious implication is that this sentence is referring to the fact that there wasn't a greater change in attitudes for transgender canvassers compared to non-transgender canvassers.

In fact, this entire description and discussion of the study is part of a section where I'm discussing a theory that predicts there should be a greater effect. Immediately after the sentence in question, I discuss reasons why they may have not found the greater effect that the theory predicted.
Hm, would it be proper to lead the sentence you quoted above with a "However" or something similar.
I think the hang up is that you mention changes -were- found, which, at least as a layman reader, sets me up for you to start discussing the changes in question.
Which as far as I can tell, you don't, and transition into the sentence you quoted. Now I'm confident enough in my reading comprehension to not misunderstand that, but it does feel a little sharp a turn.
Assuming my understanding of the passage is correct.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 456x567, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
Originally, the sentence in question started with "Interestingly," but my chair god rid /// got rid of that.
The changes have already been discussed. The change is just "Positivity towards transgender people was measured with a feeling thermometer." and when I say there were changes, I again say that the change was an increase in positivity.
I do think starting with "However" or something similar is a good idea, but my chair disagrees.

If it were only this one instance, I would be convinced that it truly was my fault and that I was unclear, but she does it frequently with all kinds of sentences and topics. She just consistently fails to read things.
When I have other people read it, they usually understand it, because they're not misreading it.
There are definitely times when I can be more clear, but I'm usually clear enough that my colleagues or Fish are able to understand it without any difficulty.

It would be one thing if she just wanted me to improve the clarity. If she just said she wanted me to be more clear, that would be fine, and I would figure out how to do that.
But she's basically just accusing me of contradicting myself because she isn't reading it properly.

One time she made me move a section I wrote to somewhere it seemed to make more sense organizationally. It was a reasonable edit.
Ten minutes later, she's reading again, and she gets confused and she asks me why the information in that section we just moved wasn't there to give context to what she was just reading.
So I said we just moved that information to a place it seemed to fit better, in the background.
And she accused me once again of not having that information.
So I showed her again where we just moved that information.
And then she said "I don't like that." and moved it back and then carried on like it was my fault somehow.
It's so frustrating to be blamed for someone else's brain problems.
Yeah, I remember that story, or one very similar to it.
Which I guess goes to show how pervasive a problem it is.

It does sound really frustrating, yeah.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 447x562, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
She was also 30 minutes late for our meeting today.
No text, no email, nothing.

Also, she didn't bring the edits she did on the draft I sent her January 30th.
So she said "Send me your latest draft now and we'll start from the beginning."
Which suggests to me that in more than a month, she probably didn't read my draft at all.
Otherwise, why would she waste hours upon hours going over something she'd already gone over?
We worked together on my dissertation from 8:30 until 2:00.
And she didn't even get through to the end of my introduction.
Am I really supposed to believe she's doing literally the same exact work she's already done?
It doesn't make sense.
If she'd been returning edited drafts to me regularly, I would be done by now, I'm sure.
But no, every time I send her a draft, she takes two months to get through it.

As an aside, she's also one of those professors on that panel of professors who are supposed to be overseeing my "remediation" and the "improvement of my time management techniques".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>5 million damage charge attacks
>Improving time management techniques
>Shows up thirty minutes late
Seems good.

Is yours the only dissertation she's responsible for chairing?
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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The whole panel of people remediating me are like that.
The last time we had a meeting, I emailed them the first week of the semester, which was the second week of January, to set up the meeting they wanted to have in February. They decided on a date and time (without asking me my availability) it was the first week of February. They had three weeks to get together. A week before the meeting, I sent them materials they asked for, which included documentation of my time management and a list of times I consulted with supervisors.
I arrive to the meeting five minutes early and I'm the only one there. The person in charge of that panel shows up a minute late and asks me if I'll go wait in the lobby for a little bit, because the three professors haven't sat down to discuss me together, nor have they gone over the materials I sent them. So I go and I wait. The second professor is five minutes late (my dissertation chair).
After eight minutes of waiting, the third professor walks up to me in the lobby and asks me where we're meeting.

The whole thing is so ridiculous that I have to laugh at it. It's such a cruel joke that these people are supposed to oversee me "improve my time management."

She's chairing one other person, but she's even less responsive when it comes to her.

Hello, Rika-chan.
Yeah that's pretty absurd.
I guess they're all long past the point where them needing good time management is actually necessary so it all looks like they're probably good enough by lack of necessity.
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hello hello
seems like you're expreiencing frustrating at school.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
Yeah. That panel used to be run by my favorite professor who works really hard to understand people he's working with and to help them identify obstacles and stuff. He helped me discover how self-destructive I was and start choosing to make more positive choices.
But he had a knee surgery that resulted in complications that removed him from school for last semester so someone else started to chair that panel.

But on the bright side, that panel seems to have a good impression of my so-called remediation because the people who were sabotaging me no longer have an outlet with which to do so.

Well, today's frustration is with my dissertation chair, which I guess counts as school frustration.
How are you today? I'm actually in a really good mood.
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I'm doing okay. I like daylight savings time.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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The longer days are good for me now since I work until 7 or 8 a few times a week.
I usually don't like it very much at all.

My sleep has been bad, though.
It was pleasant enough today that I could enjoyably walk up to the subway station I change directions at rather than just hop on the subway right after class was over.
I can't wait for the actually warm weather though.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
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twas a nice day indeed
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 417x599, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
It was like 90f today.
And the AC at school was broken again.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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new mob was so good
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I wasn't sure about this season at first but it ramped up and got as good as the last one.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
I've thought this season was better than the first one all along.
But both seasons need to be together. This season wouldn't be very good without the first one.

Seeing Mob growing up and coming into his own is really wonderful. It's made me so happy.
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I don't think the beginning of this season was as good as the final arc of the last season where they're fighting other espers and Mob powers up Reigen.
But lately it's been pretty good.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
Isn't it normal that the beginning of a season isn't as exciting and high tension as the end of a season?
It's kind of weird to compare it like that.
I loved the bit from this season where he got mind-eaten by the super-esper possessing the girl.
It was a really good story arc.
Mob finally standing up to Reigen was a blast too.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 397x598, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
I hope I have a son whose as such a good boy as Mob someday.
He's such a good kid. I want to protect him and watch him grow.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 278x577, [HorribleSubs] Inou Battle wa (…).jpg)
i decided i'm gonna get sekiro instead of DMC5
i'll get DMC5 eventually i'm sure
but i'm way more interested in sekiro
From what I've heard DMC5 is an excellent DMC game.
Which for long-time fans of the series is probably great news.
But my experience with the game is watching a friend play for maybe an hour, hah hah.
Er, my experience with the series.
So I dunno, I might give it a shot eventually but I'm in no rush.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (656 KB, 1280x720, Movie - Prisoners Of The Sky.m(…).jpg)
god damn escanor what's with your waist

It looks really fun!
It's that Praise The Sun magic yo.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (446 KB, 1280x720, Movie - Prisoners Of The Sky.m(…).jpg)
I've never played a DMC game but from the DMC stuff I've seen it looks like a fun series
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (629 KB, 1280x720, Movie - Prisoners Of The Sky.m(…).jpg)
I'm trying a new ice cream flavor.
It's the Haagen Dazs trio ice cream with belgian chocolate, salted caramel, and chocolate.
It's pretty good.
Oh yeah that sounds great.
I love salted caramel mixed into chocolate and/or ice cream.
So all of those things sounds like a combination I'd love.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 1280x720, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 06 [026(…).jpg)
I recommend it!
But I think it would be better if it were belgian chocolate, caramel, and vanilla, maybe.
Daburu chocolate doesn't add a lot to the flavor.
You need chocolates with strong contrasts for it to really work.
Something like a sweet, milder milky chocolate for the ice cream and then some intense dark chocolate for the little bits mixed in.
Plus dark chocolate and salted caramel are also a super high-level pairing by themselves so it's win-win.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (664 KB, 1920x1080, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 07v2 [1(…).jpg)
Have you tried Mayan chocolate ice cream?
I think it's my favorite kind of chocolate ice cream.
I don't believe I have.
I do think when I was in early high-school as part of a world history project someoen -someone in my class brought in this traditional Mesoamerican , might've been Mayan, hot drink prepared with cocoa.
It wasn't very chocolate-y at all, definitely more of a bitter drink that probably took more from the less-sweet parts of the cacao plant.
I didn't really like it very much at the time, I wonder how I'd feel about it now though,.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Release the Spy(…).jpg)
I didn't like it at first, but it really grew on me.
The Haagen-Dazs mayan chocolate ice cream has some cinnamon spice mixed in, too, I think.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
lemme activate yo almonds bb
No don't
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
lemme lemma yo theorems qed
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 622x888, IMG_20190310_133043.jpg)
you got any cashews in there
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
damn i prefer to air out my loads on thursdays
today i learned something new
cashews are the devil’s nuts
i know a guy i’ll intro you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Momokuri - 01+0(…).jpg)
i don wanem
I thought that said into I was almost flattered
cashews used to make my tummy hurt maybe I needed to activate them
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what a way to crush a guy
Amazon's finally moving along with the Good Omens adaptation.
David Tennant's playing the main demon character in it.
And it sounds like they're paying proper dues to the Queen jokes the book made.
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I wonder if I'll have to say some words at my sister's wedding
I've never had to do that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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a powerful move
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
holy shit th finishing move in the nanatsu no taizai movie is a full seven deadly sins combo and it takes the form of a gay dragon
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Momokuri - 01+0(…).jpg)
My school email forces me to change my password every 180 days.
It's really ridiculous.
And you can't use passwords that are similar to any of the previous passwords.

I've had this account since 2013!
How many passwords do they think I have?!

In the end, I basically started using Stand names and a series of numbers and symbols I chose at random.
But it's hard to keep track of which ones I've already used, you know?
It took me like seven tries to come up with a new password today when I had to change it.
I had to do something similar when I worked that bank office job.
I had similar issues even though I only worked like ten months, hah hah.
By the last one or two times I had to change I was getting annoyed I'd have a hard time even remembering what the password was.

At least my university doesn't pull that on me, though they -have- made it really, really hard for me to change my password from what it currently is.
Which is kind of a pain since in a flash of temper I made up my current password as a really annoying one to type in, especially on mobile, which I access it a lot on at school with.
one of my previous jobs made me do that
pretty annoying
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Momokuri - 01+0(…).jpg)
My school email isn't even HIPAA compliant. It's not secure. There's no chance of sensitive information being in it. There's no reason to make us change the password so often.

It's weird to make it hard to change your password. Nani sore.
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aw damn all I did was go down to the store down the road and I missed an opportunity for a shift
I hate systems that make you change your password a lot
password management is a task in itself
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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i just got this email from one of the undergraduates i have that do research under me and in it they suggested we do something, and it would be a great idea, if it weren't the thing i literally told them to do two months ago, and they told me they did it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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i think maybe i expect too much from other people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I kind of miss sasami-san
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she's right there
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maybe a little
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I've only gotten like 10 hours of sleep in the last four days, but now I have some good Tequila so all is well.
tequila mockingbird
Is that tequila mixed with mint julep?
It's jalapeno, watermelon cubes, agave syrup and lime.
with tequila, obviously.
I expected it to be more southern.
Well I've never personally seen the drink or seen it ordered so might just be a yankee concoction
Either way, time to see if Herradura is any good
it was pretty expensive for liquor around here
Yeah, it's good. Way better than mixed tequila.
I've never had anything tequila.
Aside from maybe if there was some in that "everything goes" cup of liquors we got the first year of the Philly trip.
having dyssentary
kills your gains
Better your gains than actually you like it did in the past!
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1140x2048, IMG_20190312_152112.jpg)
you're missing out my dude.
well, 100% agave tequila is good. Mixed tequila is much cheaper and also tastes like cheap shit and regrets.
though I really wish I had rock salt so I could make a real margarita, this stuff tastes good straight or in mixed drinks.
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anime >>652673 →
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virtual mangaka
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newlaptop wo dis
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itsa me mario
damn this thing according to benchmarks has almost 3x more powerful CPU than my desktop
also jesus christ is weird to type on finnish kboard setting, but on a default english physical set up
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I should indeed upload more of my animu pics to webdrives
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I hate these youtube music ads so much
I don't want to download their stupid app
why not
cause is cancer
you aren't even the one who said it
I would use Spotify or similar if I were to pay for a streaming service
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Man I hate these early mornings.
The lack of sleep always gives me a mild headache and there's little time for food and such.
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i finally got sent some work just now but it's like 6 hours of stuff due in // 9 hours of stuff due in 6 hours
and without same-day bonus pay
i need work but idk i can't do that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Have you considered sleeping more?
Yes, but I've weighed that against cutting into time for watching anime and found it lacking.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Far better is it to be tired, disoriented, and unhappy, than it is to be without anime

Can't you just start anime earlier?

That sounds impossible
No, apparently not.
I've tried being straight about it with Rika but she never remembers. That or she just doesn't care.

It's only two days of the week though so eh. The exhaustion fades within the hour, but skipping anime leaves me disappointed and stressed with an ever-growing list for much longer.
yeah this month is cursed
and last month too
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Think it might pick up soon?

I bet if you start anime without her, she'll start showing up on time eventually.
Anime is a good way to deal with stress.
I've considered that, but I don't really want that authority.
And once I start I don't know if I could stop without things starting to slide again.
I just want people to do their own part and not need me to collect them. Is it that hard to show up on time.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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The weird thing to me isn't not showing up on time, but rather doing it consistently and without giving a reason
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i certainly hope so
im using quarters to buy a gallon of milk
it's kind of embarassing but im used to it
Well you know, Rika hates explaining herself, And Ika obfuscates when I try to ask.

Such is life
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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It really is an absurd life.

Life's full of cruel ironies.

Is it usually slow this time of year?
I know there are usually some months where it's slow, but I thought they were later in the year.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Yesterday in my Death & Dying class, we were talking about times when we lost someone, and what we felt.
So I was explaining how Teacup died, kind of. I said we were on a run, and my professor looks at me, seemingly confused, and he's like "a run?"
And I was telling the story emotionally so I was a little more rigid than usual and couldn't think of a good way to explain it and I said "uhh, with our legs"
It ended up being kind of funny.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
man i havent watched an anime since like zombieland ended
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you fool
You should be watching Endro.
im too busy thinking about the powerful corpse that isnt in my party
IRA is back
ToN, you ever heard of the IRA?
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it's never been this bad
also im in worse condition because the michigan winter
it's hard
im goin off wellbutrin starting today until idk when
ive been on it mostly since november, with a few short gaps of three or four days
or october rather, october 27th
that's also when i stopped drinking
infeel pike o have but i dont recall
infeel pike A-N also have that problem so O probably would too
sorry that's a stretch on that one
You wot mate?
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I think you mean IPA
im sorry i only know about the Icky Reginald’s Adventure
It's an irish terrorist organization or two or three that have been pretty inactive since the troubles ended in 1996.
whythe heck would you think id know anything about that
They were pretty much the most active terrorist organizations of the second half of the 20th century.
champion by the great michael bolton
oh great another meme cancelled
ok so
We need to cancel all the memes
yeah probably
but can we cancel all dreams as well
Can you recall the events of the Eureka Stockade?
can you recall all the cute armpits that have passed your twitter feed
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can you recall where the earth's deposits of gold and platinum came from
usually you can find near redstone I think
I don't see a lot of that though
I've been seeing a lot of Peni Parker art and not the bad kind which is a pleasant surprise
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oh i started seeing peni parkers and my feed too. only two and not defenerate either so yeah it’s pleasant
i took it as an omen of dark things to come but that hasnt happened yet
The dub of Spider-Verse only recently came out in Japan so they're for the most part only just discovering what a fantastic movie it is.
The student-run café on my university campus is having a Bowie music day it seems.
I'm always good for some Under Pressure.
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No WONDER I always felt I had such an attraction to the song!
some of these are so gosh damn cringey
and awful
i'll temper my excitement down a bit
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at least this one is cute
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What's happening to you, Blue?
this song
the first one
but it's TUESDAY you madman
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i’m glad
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oh, that's the obvious answer I should of thought of
that makes sense
what are sandwiches
Water sandwiches
now you've really done it
i didn't say it
what are cress sand witches
water crossaint which is?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
the spot where they sprayed the liquid nitrogen really hurts.
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Mm, that's a tasty burger!
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got something removed?
ah right warts
looks good
where from
Jimmy's Big Burger
short for Jimothy's Big Hamburger
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local hole in the wall that's connected to a donut shop i like to go to where me and the vietnamese guy working the counter talk about philosophical conundrums such as "what creature has a brain and does not kill"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
wart singular
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
a sikh
alternatively any "real" scavenger.
my answer was a buddhist
but either one works
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Wow they really covered hteir windows up.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
buddhists eat plants
you have to kill most plants before eating them
looks quite sketchy
they're a bother
that sounds like a cool place
there’s a place around here called Fat Patty’s and it’s solid and nicely priced
true but i remember you mentioning having wart(s) befotr
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yeah i'm not sure why they covered all the windows it doesn't look too bad inside
do the buddhists kill the plants though?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
no I haven't
I've literally never had a wart before
you might be thinking of the fact that I initially referred to it as a skin tag because that's what it looked like to me and the dermatologist
a week after I got what I thought was a skintag removed I got a call from the dermatologist saying that the pathologist determined that it was in fact not a wart but a skin tag so I came back in today to get the base forzen.
I swear you’ ve talked about having warts before
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I haven't
you may be thinking of the time I had a fungal infection.
Titania is spreading
god help us all
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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it means you have a bunch of bullshit self imposed limitations preventing you from having any fun!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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One of my dudes was gonna discharge today but he tested positive for alcohol.
He fucked up his sobriety!
Well, he also tested positive for cocaine, but he's not struggling with a cocaine addiction.

I'm disappointed. Now he's gotta keep going to treatment for a while longer.
looks american
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What a trooper.
He might have decided fuck it might as well drink because he was high on cocaine, though.
It's the most american place I've been to that has a staff of entirely hispanic people and TVs tuned to spanish news!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Nah, he drank a bottle of whiskey over the weekend.
The cocaine was last night.
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what was the initial thing they put him in for?
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Ah, it was the other way around.
What a dumbass.
Maybe he just really likes seeing you!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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He's totally a dumbass, but he was doing really good.
I'm not really worried about the cocaine, but he was six months sober from alcohol.

Six months is pretty good
jesus this keyboard doesn
t have arrow buttons
how do I greentext now

implying hispanos aren
and it also has enter where ' is usually
god damn POLES

but what I mean is, that it looks like an "american diner"
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I sure wish I had a bottle of whiskey and a ball of coke.
Google angle brackets and copy and paste!
the walls, the furniture, the colours everything
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yeah it's got a nice diner aesthetic
just needs the bar stools at the counter

there's even candy machines you can put a quarter in and get some M&Ms or a gumball for the kids
that's super american
Doing a line of coke won't get you DUI!
Alcohol is a bigger worry factor for people dumb enough to get behind the wheel when they're influenced.
there is a fucking 3-4 button size left shift, instead of the 2 buttons that should be there if this was a nordic layout keyboard
fuck you poles
also jesus the english layout keyboard is cancer
How do people use this
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Testing positive for cocaine is pretty bad too.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I wouldn't say it's good, but it's not really my business.
The client's goals are to remain sober from alcohol. He's not addicted to cocaine and only does it once or twice a year, as far as I know.
It does show very bad judgment, which is my concern, though.
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not sure why I have this picture and it's not what I wanted to post oops

The dialogue in DMC5 is so dumb
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random roadside drug tests are now pretty common here
they don't pick up cocaine though I don't think
just pot ice or ecstasy
what is with the enter?
why is left shift gigantic
Oh I found arrow button
the fuck...
this looks like a normal US laptop keyboard to me
it is and it is cancer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's like
your opinion, man
yeah i dunno i've never had a problem with it
you just need to get used to it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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that shitty commie organization i complain about did a big vote and it only got 24% voter turnout
and they're saying that it's amazing turnout and democracy is great lol
oh yeah and it uses the finnish layout so, if I ever look at the keyboard, it becomes weird
not to mention the ' button is completely in the wrong place
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oh yeah that would make it really confusing
this is the ugliest fucking font
those shifts are just huge waste of space
okay mr. german tell me more about efficiency
does american have § this button?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
we do not have a simoleon button
what the heck are
finding cordell
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
let me see if there are any spoilers on that
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okay I guess my 7 hour long naptime is over wonder how that even happened
>go for 1-2 hour nap
wake up at midnight

time to go et up my desktop and new laptop so that I can switch between them

>laptop is 3-4x more powerful than my desktop
>has 250gb ssd vs 10TB of HDD
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ditch souls 2: shovel of the first gravedigger
featuring shovel carrying skellingtons
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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skelly-kun, an undead shovel that wields a skeleton as a weapon
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
still confused whether Aladdin is supposed to be set in India, Turkey, Morocco, or Egypt
>you can buy a special taunt in DMC5 for 3 million red orbs
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I will get one of those for soili
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah but that could be any of those
jasmine seems indian enough with her tiger Raja
i think it’s officially set in Turkey
monkey wearin a fez
movie lookin very bollywood
i dont even know anymore
no, arabia means arabia
you don
you mean spain or portugal
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's based on Baghdad
or it was originally
both the 1001 nights and the disney cartoon had it in Baghdad
but dunno about the liveaction movie
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
originally a chinese tale apparently??
i’m just more confused bow
why is an indian princess in iraq
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
nah it wasn't in Baghdad it was in Not-Baghdad
it was in Baghmom
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i’m bregnant???
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But whatsoever, if you had to guess where the 1001 night stories happened the historical region of persia is pretty much the best guess
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Agrabah is what they called Not-Baghdad
>Sweet Surrender
>A Devil Breaker made with Kyrie in mind.
>The pliable materials are gentle on the skin,
>and it vibrates to sooth away pain.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
because the makers had no idea about the east and they basically just took elements from all over the east and middle east and put them together after watching one movie filmed in the 40s about iraq
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think it's time to brexit this conversation
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I'm going to kill some demons with the hand I use to fuck my girlfriend
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Also considering say persian empire, or if the story happened when they were compiled, during the islamic golden age
there was large cultural exhange happening from marocco to calcutta
all unified under the Islamic caliphate few centuries earlier
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But I do think they even tried to explain, later that is, in the aladdin tv-show that jasmine had actual indian maharaja parentage
or something
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
• The story is from CHINA and is not an Arabian tale.
• She has a tiger named Rajah - it has an Indian name and Tigers are found in INDIA and don’t exist in the desert.
• Another animal pet in the movie is a Scarlet Macaw - only indigenous to MEXICO and SOUTH-AMERICA.
• The location in the movie is this placed called Agrabah — influenced from Agra in India where the Taj Mahal is located. Does not matter what influenced the Taj Mahal in India but an actual place in Turkey would have been more suitable to the movie theme.
• The movie has elephant & elephant statues and carvings — elephants do not exist in bare desert, elephants exist in India.
• Jasmine’s look can be confusing as she has tanned skin and hair that looks like an average Indian girls - it is braided, thick, black and long.
• Her name is Jasmine ( prominent flower & not uncommon name used in India), Yasmin(e) would’ve been the Arabian alternate since Aladdin has an “ethnic” name.

A dress of hers had a peacock theme, while in this song peacocks surround her; once again these birds, elephants and tigers are not indigenous to the Middle East. These animals are indigenous to India with it’s tropical climates and jungles.
Despite this confusion, the Disney film takes place in Turkey so she was depicted to be from Turkey.
>elephants exist in india
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
quora strikes again
so that is about the new aladdin movie?
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
that answer was written august last year i dont think so
I mean jasmine is a switched name anyhow
the original was a real mouthful
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
seems like it

i’m going to start the agrabah cinematic universe that’s a melting pot of every arabic country ever plus some other “”””exotic””” stuff and all the cuisine is fusion
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it def doesn't take place in turkey because the city is near the Jordan
and if I do remember right the aladdin movie ripped a lot off from thief of bagdad
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, that's what it was basically based on
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and as for the original tale, looked up some stuff
yeah aladdin is "from a city in china"
and gets summoned by a fucking maroccoan sorcerer to the magic cave
so who the fuck knows where the story takes place
and he still marries a daughter of a sultan
so, considering the title, it must be in some islamic kingdom west of chinaä
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also everyone has american accents in agrabah
tigers existed all the way to fucking niger, when that rich as fuck sultan over there decided to import them as pets

ofc they died out eventually, but
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also the caspian tiger
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
yea the tiger is probably imported
havent seen that movie in forever
oh but where are we going to find actors that can play middle eastern looking characters!?
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Also back in the day elephants were an import product essentially
Living war machines, they were afterall when properly trained
and very powerful work animals too

north africa used to have elephants for aaages, untill they all got killed in the wars practically
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also even if you don't have elephants that doesn't mean anything you can still have elephant statues
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dessert elephant
I wish I had a pet elephant. I would teach it to step on cars
>The story is from CHINA and is not an Arabian tale.
this is just false
That quora answer was probably written by a chinese guy
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>the original story is not from China. It’s set in China. This is important because really saying China was a way to say “a far far land”. The person that wrote the story probably never had been in china, and this is why the characters of the original story seem to have middle eastern cultures and middle eastern names.
from the same quora
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
it’s all chinese to me mayyyn
yeah, even the sultan/king/we in the 1001 nights is "a ruler of sassanidian dynasty in india and china"
Wonder why they didn
t just use the "long ago in a distant land" like many western fables use
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I miss you more everyday
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miss me with that gay shit
i hereby acknowledge that it is not cool to be in only my underwear in a co-ed sauna and i will not be doing it anymore
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
*go for a cascade*

no wait

go for a cascade
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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glld mlbboj
good jobub
>wearing clothes in a sauna
welcome to heatstroke town
go for a cascade
thats the point of the sauna in the first place you hound
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i'm a hound
of the military
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You have now been missed with the gay shit
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
no further mano e mano action is required
I say hit me with that gay shit
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i say i say i say
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My baby's gone, with the wiiiiiiiinddddd
why would you wear clothes in sauna
and if you are ashamed of nudity, do the movie thing and wrap a towel around you
that is atleast acceptable in most sauna cultures
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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begone willies from my sight
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First we fight then we drink, good luck
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
it’s not easy being 🤢
oh no are you sick
can i drink then fight then drink
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
there are a number of aggressively frunk irish peeps near me
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corea khillstep
better to be aggressively drunk irish people than aggresively revolutionary irish people
better to get glassed than blown up
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Yeah but only if there's a bottle of moonshine waiting for us
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
wait they’re not irish
they’re basic white girls
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i want to buy some storage boxes
to put all my loose shit in
under bed bins?
should i get a safe?
maybe just a box with a padlock is fine
i trust my roommate, just paranoid about building people coming in
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Get a locker famygdala
get an authentic style medieval chest with 10 pound cast iron lock
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tie it with a cordian knot
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tie it with a trefoil knot
landlords ain't never getting in that bitch
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
considering how highly trained most airline pilots are, I wouldn
t be surprised if good chunk of them are MIT graduates, though not in computer science
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
hell yeah
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
just full on old man mode
back to using 2 monitors, though one is the laptop one
still better than 1 monitor
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hmm and the various gadgets linked to
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dipping my fries in my milkshake like a real man
my desktop work a lot better here
aaand I forgot logitech driver pack forced a reset without asking for a permission...
confused the fuck out of me last time too
I guess my motherboardw as truly dying indeed
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There is a God
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this does require some rearrangation
ie the place I usually place say drinks and food is now occupied by the laptop
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guess this will do as wp
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That gamma tho
that is where monitor settings come in
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but then u switch to kf2 and can't see anything
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Why would you want to see anything except the red glow in kf2?
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So my eyes don't get super strained due to the caffiene
Pretty much the only reason
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hmm the laptop monitor is bit too bright, tho
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I want to be able to see the zombies turn into Ragu when I hit them with my sledge.
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bacon soup
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He counted to three in his mind
he couldn't count further on
and he demanded weed
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Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
babies, goddammit it you’ve got to be kind
You've got to RESPECT
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for the death man
you are berry in the room
thanks now this started to loop in my head
>>653028 →
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Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
are kidneys called kidneys because they look like kidney beans
Oh Moon I don't know if you've seen this already but there's a new manga from the mangaka of Dorohedoro.
It's in Japanese and I don't know if there's people interesting in translating it, but I still felt it should be something brought to your attention.
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i had heard some whispering about it but i had kind of forgotten!
that's awesome
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considering dorohedoro got translated quite recently to the end, and people still read it en masse
I think there would be, atleast readerwise a lot of people looking towards their next work
>An anime television series adaptation of Dorohedoro was announced in the December 2018 issue of Shogakukan's Monthly Shōnen Sunday magazine released on November 12, 2018.
Oh I hadn't heard about that at all.
That's pretty surprising.
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that's pretty great
dorohedoro was well received within the magazine but it wasn't a real top line magazine to begin with and q didn't plan on having the series run long enough to completion, and then the magazine ending its run too
i guess things got shuffled around
i hope it's handled delicately
dorohedoro anime could be incredible or cringey depending on production
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oh that's pretty awesome
the art and designs in that manga were wicked
and the story was cool and unique
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i have no idea what's going on but the expanding skeleton seems like a nice bloke
he makes some cute faces too
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How did you like the ending?
I just wonder can a studio do its justice or will it become just wrong looking
unique art usually doesn't transfer that well to moving pictures
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unfortunately i highly doubt any studio could capture the feeling of the art well enough
even with a big budget
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if the group that did Mono no ke that "medicine seller demon hunter" anime did it
then I think it would turn well
even shoujoapo didn't really deliver the feel of the manga
it was simply I dunno
too detailed or pretty

the art style was alwasy kinda "sketchy" in scenery porn situations and such, to give it the bleak look of post apocalyptic ruined megacity

Another work I don't think will ever work otuside of its original material is Blame! and other works by that mangaka
the cgi anime on netflix was quite good, but it didn't nail the look
Studio WIT might be able to take a shot at it if they can get the resources to put in time and care.
When they did Mahoutsukai no Yome they created the spooky majesty of Elias well.
But their output tends to sway drastically.
a Blame! anime could never accurately represent the sheer amount of time everything takes in the manga
how you gonna represent the jupiter size room for example
a series of cuts of killy walking from different angles for an entire episode?
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endless 8
8 episodes of him just walking
im not finished
i haven't read it in years
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the fnal 20 odd chapters got translated just recently
around 4 months ago or something

I am not going to spoil anything, just informed since the translations were dead for years and due to the publisher hijinks, the official translation was dead too
im not gonna read the rest of that post
for obvious reasons
and also the manga did end last year
18 years it ran
whoa dorohedoro is old enough to read dorohedoro
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yeah the md comments on it had many people, me included laugh at the fact how long the manga had been running
or how several readers most likely are younger than the series
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this laptop is quite noisy
I guess you need quite powerful fans to fit tech into something this small
well relatively
Laptop ventilation is also generally extremely limited, so heat builds up easier, which drives the fans to spin faster.
I think something might be loose since there is a kind of resonating sound
oh well I will have to reset the BIOS at some point eventually, so might check it up then
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I wonder could I set up my desktop as a remote network storage
prolly should set up some remote desktop on it
so I don't need to actually plug anything to it, mouse, keyboard, monitor and can just access it from the laptop
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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mats heard that itou junji is doing a new series?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i did not
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there aren't that many chapters out, 4 translated dunno about published
seems quite promising
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sega is apparently no longer selling the game Judgment Eyes because a seiyu in it got arrested for cocaine use
that's nuts
japan is whack
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I always find it weird to drop an entire game, because someone involved fucked up on their own
or a show, or a film
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ofc it is entirely reasonable to kick someone out during production, but post-release...
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>write a big long math post to publicly post to a group
>accidentally send it as private email to one person
so embarassing
i wonder if ads are time-of-day sensitive?
youtube is giving me ads repeatedly for alcohol at 8 in the morning
idk why this
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never seen an ad for alcohol
guess they geolocate and see it is illegal here
yeah it should be here
can't have cigarette commercials but you can have alcohol
i dont know if television regulations apply to online media advertisements
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yeah it is always a question have laws caught up with tehcnology
here they have, after few controversies, including one nontroversy whenhmm
regional administration office, I guess, banned the word "whisky" from several bloggers, who were writing about a coming whisky event
as in, they claimed that using the word whisky in that case, was promoting alcohol or the alcohol related event in a fashion that was not allowed by our media related legislation

The backlash on internet was amusing, with everyone replacing periods in sentences with Whisky for several weeks

but yeah, severalc ompanies both finnish and foreign did try to advertise in social media for a while, but then legislation hit them eventually.
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Another fun example was, when a brewery was forced to remove a giant beer can prop from their premises, after it having been there for 50+ years
because same RAO decided it was "advertising beer"
i think vape cigarettes were allowed for a while and then it stopped
maybe it didnt stop idk
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vape was fine here, but then state realised it isn't being taxed properly
and then slammed it with taxes, and suddenly vaping practically vanished from finland
too expensive for consumers and too expensive to found vape-stores
I know of only one vape store in whole of finland

you wouldn't know it was one, since it is just a storefront where all the windows are taped over with white tapes and only a small text on the door reads "electric cigarette store"
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vape gets a lot of shit but honestly it's handy to have if you dont want smoke in your home and it's cold outside
it smells better and you dont have to sit down and have a whole cigarette at once
i dont have an e-cig though
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I kinda understand the EU point to it, for once atleast, that it is "untested" so we don't really know the health impact yet, but...
Taxing or super high regulating it won't do anything
and besides, it is just fucking breathing vapour
breathing hot water vapour with herbs has been a finnish folk remedy for ages
and sauna, as in hot vapour bathing, has been a thing for aeons

So what exactly are the "unknown health risks" here?
>you use nictoine vape
well we know what that does
>you use X vape
well we know what X does

So the whole argument falls apart with a mere glance from a layman like moi, leaving behind only the obvious answer
also it doesn't annoy others with the smoke and avoids second hand smoking completely
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and doesn't involve the user inhaling tar, carbon monoxide and so on
>you can get in trouble for saying it avoids second hand smoke (as a company or advertisement)
>can't say for sure it has no second hand effect so
Yeah you can't advertise this, but there be no smoke...
and whatever vapour comes out of the user, will mostl ikely have so tiny amounts of whatever the person is vaping for it to take effect

and also it is just vapour...
Fucking basic city air is more toxic than that

All I see in the pushback against electric cigarettes is big corporations panicking about losing profits instead of wanting to change their ways and government seeing a potential source of revenue + lobbying ofc

Reminds me of the good old question, why aren't big car companies making say electric cars or the other instead of pushing back against them
future proofing and investing in new tech and adapting to the times are much more profitable in short and long term than using money to curb said things.
Afterall inevitably someone will make that product that will make yours useless or out of date and then what?
You spend large amounts of money to fight against it, that you could have used to actually develop your own version of it or even buy the smaller enterpeuers and integrated them into your corporation and would now be profiting out of the new shit.

Makes me wonder about the business magnates, when some layman can think of such things and why they make sense
and they don't seem to
you can get in trouble for saying it avoids second hand smoke (as a company or advertisement)
can't say for sure it has no second hand effect so

i dont care at all about the health effects though, i already smoke
i just want something that's more convenient and doesn't stink like shit
and ruin clothes/walls/furniture
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>oh shit I forgot my bow
>if I just pretend to be drawing one maybe no one will notice
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one thing I'm not going to miss from my sister's is hearing my roommate lumbering around drunk and sleep talking
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>get text from cigar shop telling me the event is cancelled

>they never sent me a notice of any event for tomorrow

what to hecko
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
as expected
what button is W though
>Dwarf Fortress but not an ugly as fuck UI
I hope they also parallelized it.
>they didn't
That'd be the best possible improvement for DF.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I take it you just want it to run better
If I actually played
I wonder if they plan to improve the in-game database for stuff like geological information.
The game -can- be played entirely from the information it gives you inside the game, but pretty much everyone that plays (including ToadyOne and his brother) just use the wiki to figure out what metals form in which rock type and whatnot.
Which is fine for a game with the culture and like of Dwarf Fortress so far but if they're looking to make it a sellable product they should really make that kind of information should be accessible without going to third-party resources.
And also dwarf therapist.
It seems that the only reason they're making this special audio and tileset version is to raise money for medical expenses that one of the Adams brothers incurred.
i like how shenzhen io and that bomb defusal game have separate print-out reference manuals instead of in-game instructions
it feels really real
I really want shenzen io
I should probably get that.
Unlike most of my steam games I won't need a graphics card to play it.
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is ridiculously cool yeah.
The cooperative aspect of having to relay information through communication rather than in-game devices is something brilliant.
I actually have a lot of anxiety about signing back on to steam after being gone for like a year and a half.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hey dude
he's the stallion
the whole zachtronics pack was 80% off recently or something
i got infinifactory, shenzhen io, opus magnum, TIS-100, and spacechem for 20 bucks i think
there may have been something else in there im not sure, but i think thats all
maybe they'll do that sale again
ive really wanted to play it for a long time
i haven't gotten to though
communicating obscure concepts is right up my alley id have a tun of fun
Because I have a lot of anxiety and most of it isn't rational.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls

aw fuck yea
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
one does not simply parallelize into C++
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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one of my clients asked me if it would be crazy to hide a camera in her house to monitor her boyfriend while she's in jail for two weeks
i said it wasn't, and there are probably some more productive ways to feel comfortable while she's away

i think she ultimately decided to go for the camera though
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
you said it wasn’t crazy or that it was?

anyway my professional opinion is “fuck it might as well” if you’re goin to jail
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it wasn't crazy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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i didn't tell her not to do it
i even helped her figure out how she could do it
but i wanted her to think of some other solutions as well
she only came up with "deal with it" other than the camera
but that's okay, we have time to work it out
and if she goes with the camera we'll just have to hope it doesn't backfire

we're going to work on some coping skills either way though
it was a really productive session, i felt
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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i finally have some clients i think need some real help so im excited
people who need long term individual work

one of them is about to start a cold turkey detox off methadone
i do not envy her
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
that’s good to hear!
oh no prepare your pokemon shield
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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im probably starting at another substance abuse treatment center this summer
im excited for it

it's crazy to think that in a year i will be preparing to move to another state for my internship

i can't believe im like 2.5 years away from my doctorate
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
we'll have to have a paati
What kind of paati is a doctorate paati?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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we should do ayahuasca or something
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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or maybe go to hawaii or alaska or somewhere really cool
i dunno
there's time to figure it out
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm not supposed to take MAOIs on my current meds
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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peyote then
Do ayahuasca in Hawaii
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ayahuasca in a wawa
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
people really seem to want to be too woke for tate no yuusha
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>This is the most morally repugnant isekai show I have ever seen.
they must not have seen the one where the main characters travel the land stripping every female elf they see
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
or the one where they harvest skin from people to make parchment
>Regional infamous celebrity buys a slave and goes on to make a name for himself
>Slave dealer does not receive a boost in business due to association
The kingdom Shielddad takes place in is a garbage place for engaging in slave trade yeah but that's a different argument than the economical market OPERATING AS IT REALISTICALLY WOULD.
A better argument here is that the only character who seems to take an oppository stance against the practice of slave trade in the series is the Spear Hero who for all intents and purposes is a butt monkey to be made fun of .
And that the series is awfully dismissive of the horrible nature of slavery and the way it continually traps the preyed upon peoples in its system.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
or even fate stay night where a room full of orphans have been kept half-alive for 10 years and slowly eaten
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
not isekai
also not done by the mc
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also as expected of anime news network to have terrible taste and complain about shit that doesn't matter
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
holy shit lmao
netanyahu is nuts
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
well, all of the netanyahus aee

but talking about Constantinople
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I can't wait for the next episode of Endro.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
holy shit someone just got a really goopd combo in /cards/
>Rub a dub dub, thanks for the Skub.
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Lukas was pretty great.

I see I've found the minecraft level of fallout 4
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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My DRP chair wants me to spend my entire day with her again tomorrow, working on edits.
She wants me to meet with her 8:30-12, and then 3-7.
Maybe I'll make up an excuse to leave early.
I can't do a lot of writing if I'm with her, and there's only so much we can actually work on together.
Plus, a three hour break? What's with that?
She'll probably tell me to go work on my dissertation during it.

As if I can spend 12 hours straight working on doctoral level writing.
As if anyone can.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
hell yeah
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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suki kirai suki kirai

hell yeah motherfucker
we gonna be in it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i need an adult
But Samu.
You ARE the adult
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
nooo im reverting to my base evolution
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
rated M for mahchuuuuu
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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mahchu mahchu man
i wanna be a mah chu man
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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gamburu for promotions
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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The pacing in Kakegurui is so cruel.
The new gamburu always starts in the middle of the episode and goes on into the next episode.
It makes you feel like the episode hasn't started until it's halfway through!
Got to get
the narrative build-up to the game!
We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day here with some lamb chops and mashed potatoes.
... Greek-style lamb chops, but lamb chops nonetheless.
I didn't know lamb was a big thing for the Irish though.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I got an interesting confession from some anonymous person.
"I have paid to have sex with women in multiple occasions as a means of harming myself and I feel like it is a border I can never uncross. I hate myself"
And then a second one, "The first one was out of heartbreak, the next were out of sheer disgust with myself"

People really are the best
It's interesting that they can associate sex like that with harm.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I agree. I'd like to be able to talk to them about it.
It sounds like perhaps they don't associate sex with harm, but paying for sex, though.
It sounds like they did it as an act of self-humiliation and then they felt so humiliated by it that they became disgusted with themselves and punished themselves further by doing it again and again.

It's super interesting.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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There's really no way for me to know, though.
Maybe they see it as punishment because they asked the sex worker to do something weird to them, and that's also why they're disgusted.

It's interesting that they confessed it to me, too.
They confessed it to me on my CuriousCat, which is a place you can anonymously submit questions which can be answered publicly on Twitter.
Did they want me to answer it publicly as a way to humiliate themselves further? Did they want me to offer words of consolation? Did they just want to tell someone, anyone, and didn't care what happens after it's out there?

I want to know
I could see it as them seeing it as the most obvious avenue of getting anonymous ... not quite advice, but commentary, maybe, from you.
Kind of like consolation as you said but not necessarily so kind.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Well, I answered it publicly, so I hope they're happy with the way it turned out.
Maybe they'll follow-up.

FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
decided to watch kyoukai no canada
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Oh gosh those are cute phone cases.
I kind of want one.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Deshou? It's too bad they're only for iPhones.
Well whichever they're designed for is less important than the actual measurements.
It is true that since they're not designed for other phones, they might not fit properly, but phones these days are pretty close in terms of size and thickness that there's a decent chance it might fit other phones well enough.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Hmm, I guess that's true.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah it sure does suck to not have an iphone
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
low self-esteem is a hell of a drug
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
aww yeahhh!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Do you think I'm cynical, /moe/?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i think you’re cautiously optimistic and caustically mischevious
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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maybe but not enough to warrant being dubbed cynical.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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That's how I view myself.

It seems I have a reputation for by cynical, though.

I was telling a colleague that one of my supervisors told me I'm too preoccupied with seeing the good in people and it makes it so I won't admit some people are bad, and my colleague thought that was weird because she couldn't imagine me being like that, I guess.
And yesterday, I was explaining a // explaining a client's story about why they came to treatment, and I ended with "That's their story, anyway" after kind of skipping over some stuff about how she wanted to get treatment to be a better mother. Getting substance abuse treatment is kind of the stereotypical story, so I just sort of yada yada yada'd it. But then my supervisor laughed and said I was a cynic like her. But all I was saying is that I can't know for sure the client's story was true. I wasn't exactly doubting it.

Why do you think so?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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you've seen too much.
At the very least you're cynical when it comes to law enforcement and government.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Do you think so?
I don't really think those people are naturally evil or anything.
I just think the systems they're part of coerce them into behaving in ways that are harmful to me.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I appreciate your honesty, though.

I don't really want to be viewed as cynical.

It's kind of ironic that I'm developing a reputation like that, considering my primary treatment modality is a humanistic one.
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Also I found an amazing magic card the other day.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
have you seen this account
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Yes, it's great
Anyways I figured out a combo with two artifacts that lets you do infinite turns with that card.
But in red
So it's amazing.
man it just lacks what gambling shows need
it's got gambling as a theme, sort of, but it's really not a gambling show
it misses the heart
not to diss it it's got a lot of other stuff going for it
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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hi mars
Mega meme
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I've always wondered why her hat has a face.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i’m 8 levels into baba is you and it’s already hard
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Megumin IS the hat.
Deepest lore.
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 555x681, IMG_20190309_212850.png)
fuuck I didn't realise this doctor doesn't do bulk billing
plus I think I missed out on an electoral thing so that's probably another fifty dollarydoos
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [ANE] MM! - Ep01 [BDRip 720p x(…).jpg)
that's what you get for neglecting your civic duty.
you will participate in DEMOCRACY and you will LIKE IT
Feels nice to be CLEANSED again
oh joy now I have to do a stocktake on monday at 3am
gonna be interesting to pull off a 2am wakeup
Set all your alarms
and sleep through all of them
anime >>653315 →
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 750x933, 0e4bc61f256856c5.jpg)
>new ticket reform
>they said it will make travel cheaper
1) they increased all ticket prices
2) they didn't make it cheaper for ANYONE
3) it still shits on the metropolitan outskirt inhabitants compared to the rest
3 points it was supposed to rectify and failed at
sasuga finnish bureaucracy
Search [iqdb] (591 KB, 1272x1765, ef6181ffd48c45c1.jpg)
the basic ticket price, increased 40%
cheaper for everyone
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1440x1080, [joseole99] The Twelve Kingdom(…).jpg)
and of c
the richest areas of the city, that previously paid "inter-city" prices to get to the city centre
now pay the same as people living within helsinki borders

Everything about this is just so typically HSL
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let's just delete them all and sleep forever
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i want to kill people
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [ANE] MM! - Ep02 [BDRip 720p x(…).jpg)
dame desu yo
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Watashi ni Tens(…).jpg)
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nandemo nani
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Koishi time
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haben sie einen koishi
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and make it double
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Thank you for your participation~
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and a parusee
horriblesubs actually
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>this uploader name
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oh hell naw
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x960, [Kira-Fansub] Kidou Tenshi Ang(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (525 KB, 1240x695, BANGGG.png)

believe it
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
and I am the AVATAR
Search [iqdb] (389 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
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Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Harukana Receiv(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (428 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 08 [65(…).jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 250x309, No awoo zone.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (493 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 08 [65(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (466 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 09 [C1(…).jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
You're in big trouble.
Search [iqdb] (532 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 12 [74(…).jpg)
Please come and get me in big trouble!
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
What if I make it double-latte-espresso please
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-Mezashite] Hello!! Ki(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Are you sure it is super yummy?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (525 KB, 932x1000, Cross-Over.full.1966615.jpg)
if there's one thing I know about it's tea and cakey
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I'm gonna do it
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dew it
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Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
deeew iiit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 1280x720, Movie - Prisoners Of The Sky.m(…).jpg)
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alright I'm gonna dew it
I'm gonna sleep
too late
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (446 KB, 1280x720, Movie - Prisoners Of The Sky.m(…).jpg)
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
then you must die
Search [iqdb] (♫, 12s, 2.1 MB, 1280x720, 83583e8582fa5be5.mp4)
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
good job you killed images
too bad i have never repeated the "accidentally posting images when they are dead" feat
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Happy π Day
fuck your pie day
No, that's American Pie Day, totally different.
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a storm decided to hit before I try and nod off
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Ever wondered why there is a line in aux in computers and not just TWO 3,5 jacks that could be in or out?
I guess it falls down to shitty motherboards or something
or audiocards
i love storms
I like sleep and not loud noises
Aw the second Kabaneri work is going to be a movie rather than a second series.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (638 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] Kakegurui - 03 (Dual Audi(…).jpg)
I kind of expected as much.
I felt they really botched the first series. At least, towards the end, it stopped being interesting. They probably lost a lot of sales.
they do this more oft and oft nowadays
I never finished kabaneri just forgot after missing eps for a few weeks that it even was a thing
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (709 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] Kakegurui - 03 (Dual Audi(…).jpg)
It's a shame because the character designs were so good.
I loved the MC. He reminded me a lot of Nekki Basara, design-wise.
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the zombigirl was cute too
and it was damn well animated
New Endgame trailer
every day that goes by without Nier is saddening
but anyhpw Wit does attack on eoten, did magus bride and have vinland saga coming up next
is not like one not that big of a success wpuld hurt them
kabaneri anyhow aöready got the 2 recaps of the tv series movies so...
it can't be that unprofitable ip
nice joe silvestriis onboard on music
or we his name
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (745 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] Kakegurui - 04 (Dual Audi(…).jpg)
wait, lol
is thor gonna steal his hammer from his past self?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also those avengers suits were awesome
I think that's still his new hamaxe.
The hammer had a much shorter staff after all, there's no way he could lean on it like it was a cane.
yeah that is his new weapon in the trailer
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (672 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] Kakegurui - 01 (Dual Audi(…).jpg)
the use of color at the beginning was really good

do any other marvel movies really have a memorable sound to them except 1st cap am, avengers ones and strange?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but it comes from the soundtrack pics not composing
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also jessica jones and daredevil if those count
i should watch thr marvel tv
Every Frame A Picture did a decent video essay on why a lot of the MCU movies are kind of bland in their music composition.

It addresses a larger issue in the music development of movies but uses the MUC as a focus for it.
the ones that you rememver have either unique twist to them or a famous guy doinh it
ie alan silvestri
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this is the only track i actually kept with me from any of the marvel movies
funniest part is how it has evolved in each movie
i think first iteration in capam then av, then the not so good ultron one since not done by as, and then infinity
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (647 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] Kakegurui - 01 (Dual Audi(…).jpg)
i need to go see captain marvel
maybe i'll see it tomorrow
I've got a lot of free time today because of my class only being an hour long.
And I have a coupon that might still be good for tickets and refreshments for two for one movie.
There's a theatre close by so maybe I'll pop in and see if I can watch it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh yeah this is good
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 1280x720, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 06 [026(…).jpg)
my dissertation chair wanted me to work on my dissertation with her from 8:30-12 and 3-7 today
but then at 11:30 at night that dumb bitch sent me five text messages canceling our meeting this morning
it fuckin woke me up

i'd like to see captain marvel tonight but i have ToN's game
>One showing forty-five minutes after class ends
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (664 KB, 1920x1080, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 07v2 [1(…).jpg)
let's see it and then we can talk about it!
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Oh I still have the little proof of admission clip from the Philadelphia museum of art on this jacket.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom

I think mine's on my jacket still, too
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
precious memories
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190314_113704.jpg)
That "let's get that dough" ad from earlier this week sure didn't last long.
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My uni's newspaper had a really good article on the roleplaying aspects of D&D and the benefits to engaging in it.
You gonna join a group?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 1496x2048, IMG_20190314_081805.jpg)
I thought he was already in a group. Maybe I'm messing people up.
If he isn’t there’s always our ragtag bunch
Bang's been running a game and he invited me along.
It's been a lot of fun so far.
3.5 or 5e?
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dunno what that is, but it makes me want to kill Chechnyans
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mice cheddar biscuits
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I fucking fortgot to add the fucking cheesespread inside them
oh well
I can just add that post
The coupon I had for a discount admission was also good for two drinks and a popcorn. I told the guy at the cash I didn't need two drinks and I only had two hands to hold a single drink and popcorn anyway.
And then he just pulls out a tray for me, hah hah.

Also the seating I could get was for the VIP seating so I could have been buying some hard drinks.
Don't have that kind of money though.
These seats are hella roomy though.
tasty enough
damn filling
then again that is something like
20 buns turne into 5

the filling could use some work
maybe next time remember the CHEESE
and add some meat
maybe ham
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the elder biscuits
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 751x957, DYaWRt-U0AE6pKw-orig.jpg)
baking is always so relaxing and rewarding
Oh Danny Devito is a part of the live-action Dumbo movie.
I wish they'd use a real elepåhant
Is he playing Dumbo?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh my god
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh shit OxT's gridman music is all on spotify
He's probably goibg to be the ring master.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah looks like he is
I dont like where this is going
Reminder that there's a victim girls about Kirito.
i just want nier
So I might make meatbread and bring it to D&D this weekend.
meatbread huh
Ever had it?
i have not
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sometimes he draws nice things
like erica or whatever her name is from shirobako
he never draws her getting hurt or being unhappy as far as ive seen
that is cause erica is rabu
this would be nice
nier’s backstory is prime doujinshi bait though
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it's 55 degrees
i can take the tape off the seals of the window and actually get fresh air
an early peek of spring
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i wrote a long math thing about computational time of verifying a certain problem in one way and went in depth about the possibilities within that space, acknowledging that this method of verification is obsolete, but accessible, so serving as a framework for understanding what the accessible methods are for homebrewed content

i waited around for people who are higher level math than me to read it, kind of nervous
and now the only response to it was about how there are already much more efficient methods using prepopulation so worrying about optimization is a waste
i feel like the whole point was missed
I woke up before any of my alarms what the heck
that does seem like a bit of a awkward position
I guess if they all seem to focus on that initial response you might have to go into detail on what you were trying to show
good morning jan
Captain Marvel was a blast.
Wouldn't say it's particularly divergent from the atypical superhero origin movie but there's a lot of small things it does that made it a lot of fun to watch.
The characters are really compelling and Larson is a kickass Carol.
Seeing a not-entirely-cynical Fury was great too.

The Marvel Studios lead-in at the start of the movie was entirely a tribute to Spike Lee too.
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no point now
it's like if you tell a joke in the middle of a conversation and nobody really catches it, it just flies under the radar a bit, and then they move on to the next tangent
you can't be like "wait you missed what i meant, see"
that gets gross
there are more grains of sand on a beach than there are elements in the universe
It's elementary my dear What Son
i wonder if there are more atoms on a beach or beaches in the universe
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh god i think i'm allergic to my professor's perfume and we're in this tiny room next to each other for the next 2.5 hours
Oh no

At least it's a good reason to bail early.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but since she canceled this morning if i bail now i won't have any time with her lol
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>>653608 →
>>653608 →
>>653608 →
