3d Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 8/9 Egao no Daika --Episode 6-10 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Meiji Tokyo Renka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-9 Kakegurui XX --Episode 6-8
domestic meiji tokyo boogiepop? we have jan right? doukyonin
yeah i'm here just literally blowing myself up for the amusement of the healers in the main city they keep resurrecting me i think they want me to blow myself up again
I put the question out but I haven't gotten back from him yet.
oh shit i forgot we did wrong on douk i guess we'll do 8 yeah okay lets start!
Doramatikku >>651575 Probably yeah. He posted so he's probably around. >>651575 Well that's why I put it down as 8/9 You two can do the episode you guys didn't watch, I'll watch the one I didn't. I don't know what Ika did he can watch whichever he wants.
domesticated girlfriend we secured squiddles right?
oh are we watching douk 9 again or what maybe i'll secretly watch episode 8 instead >>651572 we'll do 8 and tilde can watch 9 and ika will ??? play mobage? what does a squid do
If she's living on her own that just means they've got a place to themselves private from their parents. Ah yeah she mentioned it herself.
Geez small world. Does everyone know each other in this city.
USOTSUKI >>651615 who's episode is it anyways? the fun gameshow where nobody knows anything and the rules don't matter! >>651616 it's because i like this show clearly
oh god dammit i thought we finally started >>651616 oh haha I thought it was just steam reminding me you're playing a game again usually it pops up "tilde is now online" or "tilde is now playing xxxx" like every hour or so constantly for some reason >>651618 that happens to me a lot too
>>651619 That sounds like my Internet being a pile of junk. I don't think Steam does that naturally. But I do know my Internet can drop in and out on occasion.
Oh yeah we finally triggered the main route last episode.
So much for sneaking around. Sure flunked that stealth check.
>Catch him while he's in the bath Gosh, that's pretty forward of you.
He really just appears out of nowhere.
Wow nice catch Syunso.
Her modern image of romance is probably going to be pretty let down by the Meiji-era concept of romance. Romance to them was very much a tragic experience.
Cats can get pretty fussy if you up and disappear all of a sudden. All my cats have been pretty standalone but I've heard stories of cats panicking hard when their owners go out of town for even a day or two. Haru's panicking at a half-day or whatnot is a bit of an exaggeration though.
>>651671 3 of the cats my family has don't really mind it but one of them gets really upset if everyone's alseep if i'm the last to go to bed she'll try to follow into my room and meow at the door for an hour when i shut it
I keep my door always open so my cat will come in at any hour of the day. She usually wants some kind of attention or to be let out at like three or four in the morning. Fortunately in these colder months she doesn't really want to be let out and she's happy enough to just lay in bed with me for attention.