rabbit season duck season rabbit season duck season grookey season
psychological pair of dimes
>>649374 oh yeah this was an ACTUAL footnote in vol 4 >4 HUMINT standpoint In a nutshell, HUMINT is the gathering of intelligence from interpersonal conversations and the media. There was once an era during which Communism was particularly attractive, and there were Communists milling about all over the place. Recruitment was so easy! By the way, Carlo Zen is hoping to recruit people as “Communthusiasts.” Keep your wits about you!
did some research into it and it seems the whole socialist zen seems to come from his earlier work being set in some socialist country and him being into communist style art, ie uniforms and so on
the authoritarian enthusiast s in asia are amusing though like the people in thailand etc dressing up in SS-uniform copies for school festival etc just because it looks cool
Hmm just got reminded that we are going to have a dnd session on my nameday this month
>>649384 Oh hey wait a minute that's here in T-dot isn't it. I can imagine a number of Sony Centers but I imagine there's only one Sony Centre.
go check the place pre and/or post
It's happening 19:30 on a Friday it's really, really unlikely I'll be downtown around that time. My last class on Fridays ends at 15:00 and I don't really have much reason to hang around for four and a half hours.
It means "let's get out there and work hard" Work hard -> get paid -> buy bread
The full phrase is usually "rise and grind, let's get this bread" So it's like, get up and get your shit going, it's time to work hard and get paid so we can eat
>>649398 paid to participate paid to host paid to attend and the whole thing has real estate that's bought for pushing objectives or sales betcha at least once somebody's gonna mention their book
calibree can be kinda funny apparentkly how I have the text layed out is 3 pages of original format text per page so I guess if I had it as a physical copy or read it as a pdf/uneditable epub, I would have to flip pages 3 times as oft
I think you're probably better off than you think you are. Rika's fortune of the day is to think hard about what motivates people to do what they do. I'm okay, but my flu is worse. I may end up staying home from work tomorrow.
i dunno where the closest train is but supposedly there is one i hear people training to pennsylvania all the time and this one dude said he did to chicago b4
i dont currently have a car though so itd be ubers or something unless my friend lets me borrow hers
im at fort drum the town is watertown time to google it i guess
ok after a quick google i know where it is
theres a train that goes from my city to penn station tomorrow at 10:10 and arrives at 10pm what a train right ride
hey kirsra you still want this sruge ive got in my fridge from augusr
whats sruge
theres this new idolmaster girl with short pink hair and blue on the inside everyone on twit is drawing her really lewd i guess its cause shes got big tits
you’re a little sliw to the party there my deat whoa
these are the only ss griddo images I have I watched the first episode and it was alright >>649538 I haven't had a haircut in like two years maybe I'd like to go to a barber for a good shave though >>649537 prepared like opened my twitter app and it actually downloaded an image for a change
there's a bit of lewd on my tl makes browsing hard sometimes
>>649540 they were listening to BET when i first walked in during my hair cut they switched to 2pac
>>649542 what a real patrician i need a ghetto haircut
>>649544 oh that's right on then i suggest picking up a Relaxation Drank at your local Texan conbini then they probably don't have this shit in floor duh
>>649541 i have to get a haircut for my job :( although i cut it close to what i do now before anyways tho
>>649541 s/ss/s.gridman is a good show but i thought it didn't get really good until like episode 6 then it got fucking wild before that it's just an above average monster of the week with weird atmosphere
I picked the worst day to fix up this part recall for my car now it's going to an extra 45 minutes not like I need my car or anything
whoakunSearch [iqdb](391 KB, 1200x1600, +.jpg)Kirara, the Baseball Mom
do you guys believe in baseball moms
>>649560 i played baseball and my mom watched me and my mom also watched baseball mlb does that count
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did she drive you to based ball
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
lmao the second seller is ghosting me too then an old airbnb host of mine randomly called me up to ask me for help with his ipad and just now the san jose automated Hopes and Prayers hotline called me to offer to have someone pray for me?
I remember I used to have this stuffed rabbit that would readNow I Lay Me Down to Sleep and recollecting that I find it funny that they had a rabbit say "If I die before I wake" in a really cheery tone
its 4k and all that bull shit but i don't use it enough
>wow this show [American Idol] has gotten so much worse. So much. I dont know why its making a comeback >*some young vietnamese girl shows up* This guy is standing less than a foot from the tv now.
>Lionel goes to hug her >"oh you know he wants that" This is called projecting.
He said something worse right after but im striking it from My brain record as we speak
I got sucked into watching a dating reality show with my parents some dude was rocking a handlebar moustache, flanno and singlet his partner was a bit off the rails and latching onto other people but I could kind of see why
>>649594 She was good as hell. She sang whitney houston and her accent was just nowhere
hello moe there's always an anticlimactic lull at the end of all sports events where one team has aready won but there's still 7 seconds left on the clock and they have to let it get to 0 before the festivities start
which is why super smash bros is so exciting there are no time limits and it always ends on a high note
>>649596 >there are no time limits never seen a professional Jigglypuff huh
then again it's kind of exciting watching a highly skilled Jigglypuff time some poor fucking sod out it's a bit like edging
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>649596 actually I've seen quite a few football games where they end it early and start celebrating.
>>>/@KininaruMirai/1102162244408729600 >>649742 whatever steven spielberg doesn't like I don't know really if you watched something like "Tree of life" or whatever you might not think of that as a movie
>>649743 fucking robots man when the uprising starts i'm just gonna gie up
mutual aid was proven right by modern science when it comes to animal behavior and there's a whole study of how animals cooperate with each other to survive now
also i don't follow kropotkin my username on twitter is a sonic the hedgehog joke lol
dm's are always weird when i dm people they always freak out like it's a huge deal to get dm'ed i guess it is i dunno
wow so I was right the whole time >oh I get it it's a jewish version of dr. robotnik >no actually it's some old philosopher >oh... >no it's just a jewish version of dr. robotnik imdabes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
kropotkin is a Jewish name robotnik is a jewish-based name "nik" is generally a yiddish name suffix well, words too like nogoodnik
>>649790 with the german names voming quite heavily from the "you must have a last name ->profesdion becomes lastname" era, which is amusing
here >you must have a last name >okay, that is a hill and my house is next to it, thetefore hillman
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>649796 there are a lot of cases where asshole census takers would give people ironic names like giving a rabbi a name that translates to godless or faithless haha
>>649798 wew my own last name is literally "name of a farm by a lake" which is amusing in a sense, since there was a large "clan" of people named that who even have a town named after them, who i am not related to at all. also the branch of my family that moved here switched from "oös farm name" to vurrent one, just for shut and giggles *old
my maternal last name is fisher which is a little strange considering that side of the family comes from ukraine and were originally leather salesmen and it's been passed down for a while
Totally forgot I had my first midterm of the semester today. Still think I did pretty okay on it hah hah
Especially considering it's one of the classes I missed two weeks on and the information I missed is incomplete at best through the sources I can review.
i dont even remember?? i think it either gave // i think it was the song that Rations is based on where it gives temp hit points until the end and then it grants a recovery but it might have been blur, where every attack against someone has to roll a d6 and if it gets a 5, the attack is negated
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
aurelia ended up becoming deeps and was dealing like 100-200 damage per turn most of the time
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
by the end o the game she was just this incredibly ridiculous bard throwing insane damage around and destroying enemies with a magic bone that she threw at enemies and she would just do ridiculous shit with reach tricks
one time cordell, Jan's character, died and she impaled his corpse on a spear and gave it a pumpkin head and claimed she'd brought him back to life until he actually got resurrected she got the power to use elf racials at one point and always forgot to use them
>>649833 i think i just broke it tbh but it fit aurelia well who was a fucking insane idol who was a human that believed she was an elf despite all evidence to the contrary
maybe ton can port her to the current campaign so you can see her stats and stuff i don't have access to the first campaign anymore because i lost my account
Oh yeah Kirara Today is international GM Appreciation day.
Kafka's The Trial is hard to read. Not because it's Kafka but because he forgets character names sometimes? Like K's uncle was Karl and then suddenly he's Albert and the footnote is just like "Kafka must have forgotten his name was Karl" ok
daily cute >>649849 so it might have not been finished or rather seems like it wasn't
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
It was finished, more-or-less. But it wasn't intended to b published, he wasn't satisfied with it He stuffed it away somewhere, the chapters all separated in files, and just left there until a friend found it.
kinda comparable to SIlmarillion then >>649851 kinda rude it was published then as it was
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
all three of Kafka's big novels were published after his death even though he never readied them for publication
Kinda reminds me of Aleksis Kivi, who died poor and insane and is now regarded as FInland's best author with all of his work having been published by the woman who took care of him, had it been left to him, all of his work would have burnt or just rotted
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
It's weird how that can happen. Kafka actually burned a lot of his unfinished/unpublished books and stories before he died, but some survived.
Camus spoke very highly of the Trial, though, which is why I decided to read it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
in terms of the content, it's a good novel, but i can see why he wasn't keen to publish it the narrative at times is entirely the protagonist's perspective, but then at other times, there are long sweeping descriptions of things the protagonist shouldn't seem to know such specifics about
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seitsem%C3%A4n_veljest%C3%A4 if you find a copy of it would recommend
>>649847 I don't think I'm running one now. Last night I had the chills in the warmest room in my place, and then under three covers after that, so i know it was a fever. You're contagious for about 24 hours after running a fever so I didn't want to go to work to spread it.
Bus travel is much better, since the public company running it has several different bus companies competing for the lines so if one fucks up, they hire a better one to drive those lines. How a service should truly be provided, meritocracy based. Well ofc, it isn't perfect and I bet there are underhanded deals for the companies the top brass like etc. But it DOES run a lot better than the monopoly trains or trams or metro and after they stopped running the buses themselves and moved to the "hire bus companies to do it" the bus service became a lot better. And there is the down side that the bus companies running the lines aren't actually servingthepeopleonboardthe *buses but rather the public transit company, that is their customer So some drivers are indeed told to prioritise the overall task, that is running the lines, instead of serving the passengers afterall, the passengers don't pay them they pay the public transit company which btw is mostly tax funded
>>649926 it all depends on how you tell it man Blue told us a story about thinking he was locked out of his house for several hours when he wasn't but he made it fun
>>649929 no it literally is "I wake up 20-30 mins later in leppävaara, espoo, wait 40 minutes for next train, go back to nearest station that has the switch, wait another 30+ mins for train and then sit on it for 10 odd minutes for a 4 minute trip in normal weather and then walk home to cold dinner"
I have a lot more interesting stories to tell instead of that ie when i got offered a ride to city centre by a random immigrant guy and talked about how shitty finnish/eu immigration policy was and other random shit during the ride to the city centre all because I was visibly limping due to injuring my leg earlier that night
and then chit chatted almsot an hour with a night guard, before the metro started running
also talk about luck >arrive literally on the time when last bus to my homeof that time leaves >but almost an hour before metro starts running last bus being a night line replacing the metro
Speaking of VR, it is sometimes amusing what their reasons for being late are ie. >leaves on tracks but as far as I know, there have been 0 accidents, not counting people intentionally or accidentally falling on the train tracks, during their run time of the helsinki metropolitan area traffic ofc down the country side there have been some, usually being "car stuck on tracks" like most recent few years back, when an army truck got stuck in the tracks and a train rammed it at top speed due to poor visibility everyone onboard the trcuk died
Whenever conscripts die due to accidents it becomes a big thing afterall, when you are forced to go into army and the army gets you killed, it really paints them in pad light *bad
>nomenklatura The directory of Communist Party members. If you weren’t registered in it, you couldn’t use currency shops, and you couldn’t be promoted. But please believe me. The Communist Party created a classless, equal society! the footnotes are amusing at times
my little sister is not having a very good day never become an officer in an mmo guild y'all unless you can truly disconnect yourself from the feelings of others anyway
Yeah I can imagine. That's the sort of thing that's really rife for interpersonal drama and that shit's EXHAUSTING.
i am a pretty experienced tard wrangler but raiding guilds and social guilds seem to have pretty unique dynamics in that respect the kind of cliquey tooth-faced bullshit in question here just wears me out a different way than juggling feelings over skill and loot >>649948 pretty much this >>649949 i think it can be both engaging and tiresome like babysitting really depends on who the charge is too
>>649951 >playing a modern mmo without joining a circle jerk not gonna happen fam they don't make games like that anymore
Yeah, not playing an MMO -Playing an MMO and not joining a guild is effectively denying yourself huge swathes of the game's content. They're pretty much all structured around delivering a social experience like that.
>>649988 tldr me I hear some people are trying to get rid of himm for ridic reasons and that is all
>>649990 tl;dr someone got buttmad he wouldn't autograph her yaoi art then called him homophobic and started a twitter thing to get him fired Then people started making false sexual assault claims against him and he got fired Some of those people are people he worked with Then after he got fired emails and otherstuff came out revealing that the people who made the claims really didn't like him and now he's suing for defamation in a district where even saying things that are true can be considered defamation of character.
news article: 7 national parks nobody goes to me: oh cool maybe ill check these out >none of them have roads that lead to them, you need a private plane or a boat gee
>>650123 >enemies in the first level have 1100+ HP, teleport behind you, have 5 hit combo attacks throw projectile streams and spawns like 3 to 6 elites per stage how the fuck do you do 5BC
my dad tried to get me into little league when i was young i'd hit the ball and if i ever got to a base, i'd be wiping the dust off the base that got dirty and not paying attention when the next batter hit the ball i got in trouble a lot for daydreaming and not paying attention
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i only hit the ball once and it was a foul so i got bored and quit i wasn't allowed to practice my mom wouldn't let me not at home at least only at the practices which were like once a week
whenever i was learning to bat from a tee, i batted left-handed and got really good at hitting by the time i could bat without a tee but my dad had such a shit fit no fukken way was i gonna be a lefty shitter gotta learn me to bat RIGHT HANDED i never again hit a baseball for the rest of my life except once in little league when i refused to bat right-handed anymore
i forgot that i even liked baseball until me and jammy watched a baseball game in saint louis
the self is an illusion we create because it's easier to view ourselves as an object than as whatever our consciousness actually is
externalizing the self is the only way im able to care for the self if it's me im just gonna treat it like shit it inadvertently causes a lot of persecution complex or maybe not the complex, but feelings of persecution and victimization because i'll stick up for the self like it's somebody else but there are things that don't flow when representing yourself and it becomes whiny instead of important
then when i feel bad he can work and when he feels bad i can work and everyone will think i'm always happy now while the other part lays on the floor and stares at the ceiling
another day without work which means another day i don't have to take an adderall every time i go off the adderall i start studying proteins and pharmacology and don't notice that a whole week has passed but i guess that's not productive so i gotta take a stimulant so i can type redundant information out and be productive for society
>>650153 productivity is a scam invented by the tsars to grow more potatoes it doesn't even make your brain feel good like folding proteins
competency exists in a system where there's drive to improve performance and drive to compete (hence competency) and the things im really good at and immersed in and competent at are illegal now so these lesser systems don't satisfy any drive for me and can't quench that stimulation so i have to take a stimulant in order to create artificial drive to be competent in mediocrity i just want to fucking gamble it's not a gambling problem, it's legitimately what i'm competent at and fulfills my natural drives but we can't gamble because dumb people will try to gamble and lose their money and their families will be sad
it's like if you took a hunter out from their environment and just gave them food stamps so they could buy stuff at aldi every skill they've built and every natural function and drive they have just has no purpose in that world there is nothing they can do to feel valued or validated or gratified with themselves
the gambling we do have is entertainment gambling which isn't even gambling gambling isn't about playing odds or about probability or even about money
it's not about thrill-seeking or the rush from risk either despite what people commonly misconstrue it's about validation and about having a system to engage your drives not everyone is stimulated enough to dive into one thing so deeply, and there's constantly the letdown that whatever avenue you go down just cuts off prematurely, like nobody has any reason to go further down it but you want to because you can having somebody else in the world who's willing to go that deeply down that path with you, even in direct competition against you, is such a validation that you can't find anywhere else in the world
Totally forgot about a second midterm again today. Definitely didn't do as well on this one as the one yesterday.
ended up reading a year old well i guess 15 month old /moe/ thread because my tablet was offline and it was cached somehow turns out i don't change that much i was making dumb blog posts about eating instant noodles back then and now im making dumb blog posts about reading moe threads TN got very drunk and sad(?) no more time machine for me this is strange
seems about right
>>650162 There's a cached front page of /moe/ on my phone that shows up when I can't get reception that's from like late 2017 I think. Can't see too much but it's a funny snapshot of the past.
this looks like a proper royal capital with proper defenses too
However, I do notice one flaw in almost every fantasy nowadays if people in that world can fly, why aren't there any air defenses?
If you have major threats that can fly in that world, people would develop ways to counter, atleast partially, them. You simply can't copypaste the real world examples of cities to fantasy worlds, if they have stuff that we didn't have back then As an example, if magic can quite easily blow up walls, then walls would be built so that the magic either doesn'taffect them, or there are multiple layers of walls to counter that, or the wall breaks down so, that the rubble can be used as an impromptu barrier. Or whatever Basically, if people can work as artillery, you will have to instead study the era of artillery and the forts of that time, instead of the medieval look.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's weird that in a world with malicious dragons their defense against them is a row of archers
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's also weird that other nations gave them super weapons and passed it off as "they have an expiration date so it's fine"
the anime was quite lackcluster adaption but the manga is more enjoyable it takes bit more of its time, the art and chara designs are better and action actually looks like action and not some rpg turn based combat
I guess anti-flyer strategy would have to be similiar to our defenses either a layer of static anti-air artillery in form of some magic weapons, mages or just ballistae/we or detection points, ie magic radar, with quick scrample squads that would intercept and take care of the threat before it can reach anything vital, as the modern doctrine is.
>>650179 the sky dragon seemed like it'd be a big deal but it only got like one episode the pacing is really weird it was so slow at the beginning but now it's so fast
>>650181 nah that was also a curbstomp in atleast the manga, but it then lingered bit longer on the merchant also there was longer interraction between the beast kingdom and tempest and also rimuru went to the adventure guild to get ID and learnt demon summoning there and general bit more interraction between rimuru and the kids
Basically up to orc lord the series went at the right pace, but when charybdis started it just went whooosh I guess they had something like "we need this many novels covered" so they started skimping unimportant stuff to theoverall story, but still fun to read and know about
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>650182 are there any fights that aren't basically a curbstomp?
But I think the most amusing part is, when the news came out instead of like outrage or shock everyone was just "ugh" the kind of reaction you have towards say a known person to always do something shitty and then they do something shitty and you are just "just as I unfortunately expected"
>>650194 Yup apparently someone hilighted that some normal say family vids with kids showing up have real "suspicious" to creepy comments so youtube the kind overlord decided that it doesn't need to do anything, and instead will have a video or an entire channel demonetized for comments pushing the issue to the creators rather than themselves, as they are too busy doing much more important things.
So as of now, since I havn't heard it being removed yet, every youtuber can get their vids canned, if the comment section has anything haram in them. A 10/10 solution
That's an extremely poor interpretation of the situation. The reality is, ad providers are extremely jumpy about their products being associated with problematic imagery and content like that and can and HAVE pulled their ads, along with the money to both YouTube and content creators
I don't know why I ever bother talking with you is an exercise in tolerating asinine behaviour and futility.
Nonetheless, the advertisers put aside now comments can get a safe video disabled and this forces the creators to either remove comment sections, turn on maximum censorship filters or use lots of time and effort to go through the comments and see if anything sticks out. Not to mention, the eventuality when someone goes "hey we can just spam toxic stuff into comment sections to get videos demonetised or taken down" just like how mass flagging to take down videos ro entire channels has been used in the past or fake copyright claims
By no means is it a reasonable solution to this or any kind of issue, holdin people responsible for what their viewers do It is like shutting down say Fox News because someone who saw their news decided to do something stupid or break the law or CNN
Not only does it enforce creators to either censor their viewers or take their time browsing through every comment for problematic ones But also enforces the mindset that has been growing, that youtube doesn't care a shit about the people who create all the content on it.
It is basically, continuing with allegories, arresting a band, because amongst the audience something illegal, say a fight or a drug deal/use was happening. Completely removing freedom of association, and in this case those people don't even associate really.
And of course youtube still has their automatic systems in place, that can place a video in limited state or demonitzed or have the money go away to "an ip owner", just because it has a still shot of a publicly available screenshot of a trailer
Say something silly and the automatic filters can fuck your video over, due to not understanding context forcing the creator to do extra work to get it out of that limited state.
And now added to all that worry about youtube filters, algorhitms and others fucking you over, you ahve to also keep a constant watch on your comment section, lest something be deemed problematic or some troll decides to have bots spam something of the sort there.
Indeed, a recipe for success for the traditional youtubers, who don't employ lots of people who can share this kind of workload.
>>650198 I gotta agree with TN on this. The potential for abuse is way too high. And that's my biggest issue with it. I care about the other stuff too.
Dunno really, but apparently they were either creepy enough to be considered pedophile stuff or included some "key phrases" to mask their actual intent
nonetheless >arresting a band because the audience had a fight or >arresting the bar owner because there was a bar fight
and it were these kinds of comments that kicked off the thing, since pedophile stuff ahs been a problem on youtube ebfore and hit their revenues real bad but that isn't thew ay to handle it.
whole youtube and shit should just die so other smaller companies can rise up to the market
the anime also skipped how I think king of bulmund tricked Rimuru to sign a non-aggression and a defensive pact with him as in >if the eastern empire ever decide to invade through the forest to grab the kingdoms west of Tempest, he will have to stop that
I think it was kingdom of bulmund, but is been months since I read that chapter maybe even a year
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
matt smith is gonna be in the morbius movie with jared leto
>>650213 >sony marvel universe I guess he will join Venom in future movies?
I can't lay down for long in my bed without my cat coming over and napping on top of me. It's very cute but also very confining as I want to enjoy this moment as long as it lasts.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
mr rogers was bi get on the floor errybody walk the binosaur
Mr. Rogers probably loved everything and everyone. He was the goodest man
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
oh snap this bar has a drink called Phoenix Down
Pretty snazzy Does it say what goes in?
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
it was explained that it’s a variation on a Penicillin so probably whisky lemon and honey at least
Yeah that sounds decent
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i think she said ginger and angostura bitters too
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
ay it’s not bad i think the ginger smell is kinda strong tho
I'm fond of a gingery smell. We had some ginger pork tonight and it was pretty tasty. Gosh I'm so full now though.
in my nightmare, i was in the house i spent my teens in, and there was this guy there who was absolutely terrified that the electricity was going to kill him, like, anything electrical would kill him so i was following him around and his room was where my parents' room was for some reason and he was unplugging everything and then i went over to where my room was and my CD player/AM/FM radio was on and it was just making static sounds. it was on my dresser under the window and outside, there was a broken down fence. for some reason the radio terrified me because i didn't remember turning it on i think so i ran back to the dude and he was freaking out about how they were coming and i remember thinking "this dude is clearly a paranoid schizophrenic" and then he shouted "there!" and i went to turn around but i woke up before i did and when i woke up my heart was beating so fast, i was in like a state of terror even though nothing actually scary happened in my dream, i just got caught up in this crazy dude's paranoia
it was really weird i don't usually wake up from nightmares actually feeling scared so it's especially strange that i did for this one where nothing actually scary happened
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>650234 I thought Uber drivers had to use cars made in the past ten years?
>>650233 This is some music theory beyond my pay grade hah hah I'd like to get back into music again maybe.
>>650229 I dunno about the slang but I can assure you it was something delicious.
>>650235 Well you know what they say about nothing being scarier. That's a really intense dream though Sounds fun
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>>650235 damn that feeling of fear where i’m so intently focused like “I know this microwave is going to electrocute me” i’ve been there before you captured it well
Can you really interpret dreams, though? >>650235 Iamgine if someone actually had contageous paranoia as in wheneve they are going bonkers, they get everyone around them to join them in the fun
>>650242 I think dreams are too random, atleast mine, to interpret really
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](319 KB, 1024x1024, M1897.png)
the apparent randomness of dreams doesn't make them any less interpretable according to Freudian dream analysis which is actually an astoundingly solid and reasonable system for viewing dreams
>>650245 i like the little ghost >shotgun and shovel heh
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
my roomie has been telling me about his italian therapist who apparently keep wanting to talk to him about his childhood in a heavy italian accent ”Tarou-kun, tell me about your faaatha ” and my roomie is just like “no listen i have issues X and Y” and the damn therapist just ignores him and goes back to freud anyway my roomie dumped the italian man a couple days ago RIP
Funfact shotguns were considered too inhumane to use during ww1 and using them was considered breaking a treaty, therefore a war crime But gassing your enemies was fine
those old dinosaurs give psychotherapy a bad name they're so rigid they can't go with the client's flow and have to force the client to play along with them
>>650401 i have a similiar issue with forks, i have 2-3x more knives as them, dedpite originally having only sets...
I like when cutlery is smaller it's cute
i just have a pair of chopsticks i wash them every use
I'm the only person in my house that really eats anything with chopsticks so there's really only one pair in circulation. We do sometimes use a plastic one as a stirstick for coffee or tea though.
I can barely use chopsticks that is to say I can't use them
I like using them. There's something about my chimpanzee brain that feels good about the practice involved in managing them.
i use them for everything i think they are easier to use than regular utensils, especially for anything like pasta or chopped vegetables, small stuff i think that if they are made of a good material, they are more sanitary too
I only use chopsticks when I'm at an Asian restaurant that offers them. I don't find them any more or less useful as utensils. But I observe the law of when in Rome, generally.
i guess i dont think about eating utensils too often i should try to make an effort to do so maybe we can set up a google groups page for it maybe start a think tank
A spork is a pretty efficient utensil too. Surely we can get more efficient tools though. Maybe a spoon that has a bowl which splits into four tines with a mechanism and a handle that can be detached and separated into chopsticks. Just use one piece of cutlery for everything
i can't think of very many use cases for a spork personally
if the handle is chopsticks then you're putting the part you held into your mouth and thats gross
>>650417 I think the idea is that it can be a mediocre spoon or fork. So it has lots of use cases but does not serve at a comparable level compared to its constituent parts. >>650418 My idea is that the part you hold would be the end of the chopstick component, and the other end that you'd eat from would slot into the head that forms the spoon bowl/fork tines. Since chopsticks are usually tapered it would be difficult to make it comfortable to hold otherwise, too. But how would it connect together? How would it be ergonomic in terms of length, since chopsticks are a much longer tool generally?
if you have chopsticks, i dont see why you'd need the fork i could get the spoon just for liquids but that's really it
Well, I think it's kind of unwieldy to eat something such as cake with a fork but you could easily do it with the spoon in this case. Maybe a more rational combination would simply be a spoon with chopsticks. >cake with a fork I meant cake with chopsticks. >>650422 I eat cheesecake all the time if you want to allow me to call a tart a "cake".
I can't actually remember the last time I ate a proper cake of any sort. I don't even eat birthday cake at kids birthday parties when my family all goes to them. Cake isn't very good.
>>650434 Oh, guess I didn't remember exactly. I haven't been on 4chan in a couple of years. >>650433 Gross. Old /vip/ was a shitty board too but at least it had ASCII art and culture
>>650427 it becomes more inefficient as you will need to clean your hands
The only time I've ever had to take longer than 20 seconds to clean my hands was when there was auto grease or blood on them. I don't think your average greasy burger or whatever is going to be a big deal.
eating burgers by hand shoulda lawys be acceptable it feels so weird to eat them with knife and fork at some fine dining
Yeah if you're eating a burg with a knife and a fork it better be like prime rib burger or something Even then it's a fucking sandwich we invented sandwiches to eat meat and such with our hands
Then again if I was at a really fancy place with proper table setting and stuff I'd probably do it just so I don't look like a savage But I've only gone to fine dining establishments a couple of times in my whole life and certainly wasn't going to be getting a burger no matter how fancy, the opportunity to eat fancy isn't something I ever usually get
>>650441 fun to recall, that sandwhiches were indeed invented because some guy wanted to play cards and eat meat and not dirty his hands
well doubt that is the first iteration of it, but then ame atleast
>>650446 I haven't tried it. I think I may be out of valerian, too, I haven't taken it in some time since I was using melatonin supplements for sleep instead. I could get some more next time I go to the drug store, I ran out of tylenol the other day too I believe. But it feels like such a waste to go on errands on my days off. Maybe I should wake up earlier on workdays so I can actually go to stores that aren't open after midnight. >>650447 Bet everyone stopped wanting to play cards with him cause he kept getting the cards dirty. Earl of Sandwich is the kind of guy who bends his cards!
>>650443 i can see that really well actually that makes a lot of sense
>>650448 if you're already familiar with valerian then i guess there's nothing surprising to see there with the 5htp might just put you to sleep i'll always favor valerian root to kratom because it's a more calm, cerebral feeling i dont think valerian is very good for sleeping though even though it's marketed as a sleep aid i take it for focus and to relieve anxiety but it's also just fun
>>650450 Yeah I took it to help me sleep for a long time when I worked overnight. But it eventually stopped working so well and I started using sleeping pills instead. Or just drinking a lot and passing out every night. But now I use melatonin and it seems to help well enough. Still have some trouble sleeping after working nights though. I find Kratom to be really calming, too. I'll probably go to bed after I finish my last daily roulette in FFXIV. Thank god DMC is coming to save me from getting hooked on this stupid game again.
yeah valerian is a pretty effective sedative, but it's really not good for sleeping the best use of its anxiolytic and gabaergic effects would be while you're awake and active i dont think ive ever slept while on kratom, except high doses of reds i sometimes will nod a bit and have a 15-minute cat nap and i don't drink anymore, but that's really never helped me get to sleep either unless it was a lot
i typically fall asleep naturally, but i can take adderall or caffeine to make myself sleep at will pretty much