>>650486 >>650488 These are probably not that bad if you have a lot of experience with metro systems, maybe? I dunno. I look at these and get completely confused. I feel like I'd have to study them for hours before I figured out how to move through them.
>>650487 I can read them since I have the native experience of living in a capital city and having taken many vacations in capital cities and had to memorise partially some routes for example, how to get back to the hotel if you get separated from the group ie
According to Wikipedia, NYC's metro system has 424 stations. But looking at the map of the metro, I can't even figure out where most of them are. There's a legend and everything but there's just so much information on the map, so tightly condensed, that it's overwhelming.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
what the fuck my opponent ran out the clock but didn't auto lose this is fucking bullshit
Subways systems seem like a totally inaccessible world. How do people even learn how to do this stuff.
Forced trial and error really. Even if you can drive sometimes public transit has undisputable benefits over driving, so, you just gotta crunch down and learn it.
Man I wish we could get an elaborate subway system like that. But it's ridiculously difficult to build more subway in this city now, for a number of reasons
Do the lines that go across the water go over above-ground bridges or are they under the water somehow? I literally know nothing about how this stuff works. I've touched a train like twice in my life and I've only, like, looked at a metro entrance once.
>>650496 I know NYC has a decent amount of elevated rail so some of those lines might be suspended and cross the water on bridges. Anything that's underground is probably dug deep enough so that it avoids the water? I don't really know NYC's metro Blue could probably inform you better.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>650498 >usually underwater I'm pretty sure its the opposite
>>650496 coincidentally these, for example the L sign ehre mean that the stations are connected through tunnels and means you can stop here to switch al ine ie from the green tot he purple if there isn't a shape like this connecting stations, you can't switch the lines, without going overgrounds
Google suggests the NYC ones are underwater. That's so amazing.
I've seen photos of new stations and tunnels being dug deep underground for new subway in NYC. The huge caverns are honestly pretty eerie but also hella cool.
Also when travelling in metro/train/tram/bus lines in a foreign city, be it domestic or actually foreign it is recommendable, by yours truly, to memorise some station names as "landmarks" ie. >>650488 baker street, paddington street etc stuff that are easy to remember so you can think like "2 stops from baker street, I get off" instead of whambodambo station i get off
I'm gonna go visit NYC and force Blue to teach me the ways of the subway
The Toronto subway is so ridiculously simplistic by comparison. It's kind of both a blessing and a curse. Simplicity is nice but man we don't have enough rail to service the city's demands these days.
I'm alright. I had my first session with a new client today who I thought would be really closed off, but she opened up pretty quickly, which was nice. She's going to jail in a few weeks so I'm going to help her develop some coping mechanisms to deal with being in jail.
Alex Trebek's released a statement talking about how he's got stage four pancreatic cancer. Poor guy probably has a short time left for that.
>>650523 really? i heard of a lot of people abruptly dying in their sleep this year from the flu like three people that people i knew knew anyway locally
hmm Well I felt like it wasn't as bad this year as it was last year. I had lots of aches and lethargy but in terms of pure suffering it felt quite a bit less severe.
>>650533 What I am amazed at are some people, who can practically just stay in bed whole day and sleep like 12+ hours How in hell, unless you have fever degree HIGH and bonked by medicine
yeah we don't have any state taxes so we don't have any state run services other than the stuff the feds pay for pretty much all public transportation is just in like one city and there's no way to get from city to city unless you're in south florida or the panhandle
our driving infrastructure is really REALLY bad so bad that it drives up the cost of driving because we get higher insurance payments and we're legally obligated to have car insurance our gas prices are kind of in the average area for the country, lots of states with state taxes have lower gas prices car prices aren't cheaper because they don't have to be, there's no incentive to lower them even if there aren't state taxes
state taxes are basically when the government takes money out of your paycheck to pay for state services businesses and stuff don't really get hit by state taxes just like they don't get hit by federal taxes, they just evade all that stuff
btw the whole route map of the helsinki metropolitan area, since buses are the main transport here afterall https://www.hsl.fi/sites/default/files/uploads/paakaupunkiseutu.pdf
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
and you have elderly drivers which drives up the prices of insurance and makes it more dangerous to be on the road
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
car culture is absurd can we really go on like this
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>650557 yeah lol i almost got in an accident twice today and also almost got hit by a van which was a shuttle for disabled people lol one of the potential accidents was when an old motherfucker tried to switch lanes into the lane i was literally right next to them in although that happens like every day
>>650558 what can we do around here you can't have a job if you don't have a car unless you have someone (who has a car) with a good job to support you if i didn't have a car and was limited to working only at the places within walking or biking distance, i wouldn't be able to afford where i live or any of the apartment complex nearby
It isn't even limited to USA even where I live not having a car is a huge disadvantage, and I am just 50 or so klicks from the capital The world itself is quite heavily reliant on people being able to move as they will, meaning cars
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in this post apocalyptic world ton has realized something very important
I am not an electrician. how tf does power lines work
the apocalypse, btw, was the information about my birth being spread
>>650558 i can't i refuse to drive anymore it's too nerve-wracking
okay so basically there's an additional part of the penis underneath the base where it seems to be attached and then the cut where its connected then move more of it outward and then connect it somewhere further along so more of it is external or something like that
>But complications during the procedure proved fatal, with Belgian media reporting that the gem expert’s heart attack occurred when a substance was injected into his penis.
wew I have ranked a top 4% score with Fungus at some point in Plague Inc
Fungus is still so fun since you can just poof your spores all around the world and get super high amounts of infection points like 100+ and then just buy max lethality in one go once you hit 100% infection and kill humanity inl ike a month
>>650661 If I had to ride that thing I would lose at least an hour before feeling like I knew what line and stop I gotta use. Just one look at that is giving me conniptions.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>650663 And then even after figuring it out, we'd end up on the wrong side of the city. Let's go get lost in NYC
I really don't know who he is but I hear a lot of people talk about him Never seen him talk until now
>>650665 first time i see him talk wonder what he is talking about here really?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
quantum mechanics
>>650669 he's a marxist philosopher he's mildly successful but he's only popular because he talks funny and has a problem with his nose also he's quotable because he says dumb shit like "you cannot because you are inside the garbage bin of ideology"
samuel jackson said in an interview that Captain Marvel could time travel and it turned out to be something he just said because he was tired and annoyed at reporters everyone had been making a big deal about how that changes everything and making all these stupid theories about it lol
i really want a VR system for working it would actually save my body so much discomfort and muscular strain, such a small thing but they're all like 500 dollars and that's way more than i'll ever have spare
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i wonder if it's hard to steal one i haven't seen them in stores can you only order them online?
naw i think they're in stores and shit but they're like behind glass right now im tryna work and i either have to strain my neck to see the monitor (and my eyes) or strain my back to sit in front of it but still be in a typing posture since i dont use the laptop to type on, laptops are shitty keyboards
or if i could even just use my phone as a second monitor with cardboard or some shit that'd work though the proper vr workspaces are pretty dang useful
>>650691 apparently with android you can use some remote screen applications like Spacedesk to display a second screen in extended mode on the remote display but in my experience with using similar programs for simple screen mirroring, they can look pretty bad and laggy on slow wifi connections
it looks like oculus Go is like 200 for a standalone thing now? im guessing that's somewhat limiting thought as a complete standalone i'd imagine it's got some mainstream apps and that's kind of it or something i dont really know about all this stuff
You can use Virtual Desktop on oculus go to mirror your PC screen, that might be neat depending on how fast the go is
i bet it's remote desktop sharing though idk it doesn't seem like it'd be hard to simply have a direct port from the monitor the lag would actually be nauseating if it's not very fluent
just had an incredibly weird and awkward breakfast someone i do activist shit with asked me to get breakfast with them and i agreed even though i barely know them but they barely said anything or responded to me and they didn't recognize me even though we've known each other for like 6 months? she showed me my twitter account (we had been communicating via twitter) and was like "is this you?"
>>650699 what the heck maybe she just conked her head and forgot some stuff
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she randomly started telling me about how some palm tree fruit can be used as a remedy for erectile dysfunction and then asked me if i knew anyone who enjoys foraging
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the breakfast was so unpleasant that i didn't even finish eating it was so weird
>>650699 it's hard not recognizing people you dunno if you know them or if they're a stranger and just kinda play it off as either way and then it becomes really awkward
i tend to just not form many casual social connections to make things simpler and avoid the process altogether i really don't like, upon meeting someone, explaining that i'll never recognize them so introduce yourself each time it's just burdensome i wonder how many people are afflicted with that and don't even realize it if you were that way your whole life, how would you even know you were that way
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that would be pretty awful
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
another weird thing was that she made a big deal about the check she asked who was going to pay for it? did she think that was a date or something? idk i said we should just get separate checks and she seemed panicked about it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
then the server gave us a single check and she got upset about it and then got really anxious about me asking for separate checks
Maybe she was USING you for a free breakfast.
Really though whoever's doing the inviting should either be splitting the check or prepared to pay for it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, that's what i thought too that's how it usually is at least she was going to invite me to hang out after breakfast too but i said i had to go to work
that sounds about like my social occasions i freak out about everything and worry about what norms i dont understand and then feel really uncomfortable about anything and everything
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>650711 i dunno, it felt totally different from when you and i were hangin out
i dunno we were at that old western bar/restaurant and i wanted to get a salad but the salad bar was like in a separated building and i wasnt sure how to get over to it so i just decided to not have a salad instead of risk making a mistake in public then jan went and got a salad and i would have gone with him to get one if i had known where he was going, but i didnt so i asked him where it was at and he said it was over there but i didn't want to go over there by myself to get one so i still didnt get one
i don't even remember that was that Goodsprings? i was pretty high there haha i don't even remember what i ordered, i think i got a hot dog? i think jan played folsom prison blues on the jukebox
I like to sit around and do nothing but take screenshots of my character in this game I'm wasting time so hard >>650715 >>650716 God that was weird though There was like a whole restaurant area on the other side, but there was literally NOBODY there. Just me and my salad bar and rows of tables with unoccupied seats Everyone was in the bar, I guess it was kind of cold over there anyway and they had a firepit on the other side >>650716 Yeah I think you had a hot dog or something I had steak? Maybe. A whiskey sour and some beans,w hich th // which they just warmed in the can over the stove. It was a pretty western meal, I liked it. Good atmosphere there. Goodsprings seems like a nice place to live.
i think he got the ghostburger i would have but last time i ate ghost meat i got sick from it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i wanna show you guys jeffery city in wyoming it's way better than good springs there are so many abandoned houses and even an abandoned school perfect for abandoned people like us
>>650761 even if they do vote they're still basically voting for curated people who want to talk about nickleback while everyone is poor
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i can't wait until ecological disasters have forced people out of their homes across the country and congress is debating whether Creed was a good band
i was thinking about korn a couple days ago out of nowhere i remember my sister having a korn shirt in the 90s and i just thought about it do kids today know who they are
>>650764 wikipedia says they're still active as a band????
yeah they are im sure they still play live too
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they released an album in 2016 why
i bet some kids will come across them by accident soon and they'll start unironically be coming back into popularity
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
tom morello put out a new album recently he collaborated with a bunch of EDM people for it it wasn't a very good album i guess it was well received but there were only two songs on the album i felt were worth listening to more than once
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
hopefully their hipster peers make fun of them for liking korn
i wanted eggs but i didn't need a dozen of them so i was going to buy a half dozen but half a dozen eggs is more expensive than a dozen i hate this stupid economy
>>650762 I guess they are his HERO THAT WILL SAVE HIM
>>650797 My dissertation stuff is going alright. I think I might be done soon. It's hard to know because my dissertation chair is really unreliable. I gave her a draft a month ago and she hasn't sent me her edits or comments yet, but she still wants me pumping out new versions. So that's what I've been doing. She keeps trying to add a bunch of stuff I don't want, too. Luckily I'm barely at school anymore, I only have one class this semester. Work is going alright, too. I'm discharging a client next week and another the /// no, it's just that one, actually. I just remembered that I forgot to contact someone today and give them an update on an evaluation I did, though. Oops.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
this burger place’s motto is NOBODY BEATS OUR MEAT(TM)
>>650813 Do you accept that as a truth, or as a challenge?
My nose has been a bit runnier than it usually is. Which as an isolated thing is a very unusual thing to happen. The strange thing is, I don't feel sick, and I'm suffering no other symptom of being ill. But the only time I ever really get a runny nose is when I'm catching something, so to have it happen is, well, kind of indicative. But still.
>>650996 I wonder what its subtype would be then. Fighting is usually the realm of Pokémon who attack with punches or kicks, and those with "swords" fall under the domain of Steel, and that clearly doesn't apply here. Maybe Fairy? It kind of has a fey design about it.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](304 KB, 1080x586, 20190308_074326.jpg)Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sobble looks kind of dark to me
Well that would fit with the pattern of the starter subtype being at least neutral-effective if not super-effective against its usual prey in the starter trio. Fairy beats Dark.
The problem with a Grass/Fairy starter is that means the Fire starter has a 4x plus STAB advantage over it before you even consider the subtype.
maybe grookey isn't fairy, but i can't think of what else it might be judging by the picture
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also it brings me great joy that grookey does in fact basically become a humanoid
I kind of hope the Fire starter doesn't become a Fire/Fighting type. I mean I'd be fine with it but man we already have three of them. Bring in some variety. Though I'll agree I don't know what else it could turn out to be judging from its unevolved form. Maybe it'll change drastically and get a Steel subtype? It could also be kind of neat if it just stuck with pure Fire, we haven't had one of those since Typhlosion in Gen II.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i was thinking steel as well actually as an alternative to fighting. >>651006 i could see them all being mono
the same leak suggested a new type of evolution, as well, called armor evolution just as an aside i doubt the new starters will get extra evolutions already
>>651008 they look convincing to me but time will tell
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the only one i don't like is bunny's final
they lean in a lot to the European theme which is why they feel convincing but also they really didn't have to look at Grookey's high fucking pants This fashion is NOT TO BE REPLICATED
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im gonna visit you in my grookey cosplay and you gonna walk around NYC next to that shit
I bought the translated collection of Camus' first three notebooks. They're basically his literary diary. The book I bought contains his notebooks from 1935-1942.
There's another two collections of his literary notebooks, 1942-1951 and 1951-1959, but I don't have those yet.
I'm halfway through his first notebook which is May 1935 to September 1937. I'll probably only read notebook 1 today, but it's really interesting seeing how he took notes. I think the reason I gravitate towards him so much is that we think about a lot of things in the same way. There's /// There are already five or six entries in this where Camus talks about things I've been thinking about for a long time but haven't read anything about yet. He's usually a lot more clear-headed about it than I am, though. He's thought it out way further than I have.
"Life is short, and it is a sin to waste one's time. I waste my time all day long, while other people say that I do a great deal." I really like this quote It's real shit
"What gives value to travel is fear. It is the fact that, at a certain moment, when we are so far from our own country (a French newspaper acquires incalculable value. And those evenings when, in cafes, you try to get close to other men just to touch them with your elbow), we are seized by a vague fear, and an instinctive desire to go back to the protection of old habits. That is the most obvious benefit of travel. At that moment we are feverish but also porous, so that the slightest touch makes us quiver to the depths of our being. We come across a cascade of light, and there is eternity. This is why we should not say that we travel for pleasure. There is no pleasure in traveling, and I look upon it more as an occasion for spiritual testing. If we understand by culture the exercise of our most intimate sense - that of eternity - then we travel for culture. Pleasure takes us away from ourselves in the same way as distraction, in Pascal's use of the word, takes us away from God. Travel, which is like a greater and graver science, brings us back to ourselves."
>>651017 is this a real life Camus i guess it is since it's got dates
>>651017 That's one of the values to reading philosophy, being able to see how people who have thought out concepts you kind of just are inclined to agree with and give you avenues to express them nicely. It came up a couple weeks back when I was talking with my imouto about why I've taken a liking to philosophy. She's kind of still in the heart of that teenage headrush that makes you think you're so absolutely individual that no one can really express your views in the right way besides yourself and she was kind of dismissive of the pursuit of philosophy because of that. I think there's a lot of value in seeing how different people find the words for beliefs that you share with them.
>>651018 My Existentialism professor from last semester was really fond of Camus' championing of travel. She didn't quote that passage directly, but reading it now, I can definitely see her having it in mind during some of the lectures we had on him for that class.
>>651002 fire isnt super effective against fairy fairy however is not very edfective against fire
Ah I guess I keep getting that backwards then.
grass steel starter would be newt
>phone rings >is bruder >"yo you got food" >uuuuh >lke meat food not vegan >??? >i am somewhere in the hoods and thought why not ask lil bro if he has food >yea i do have food why..? >like meat food yea? >yes..? >can we come over to eat. just something small will do >the fuck? and also no
my brother is so oft so i guess not-weird that i tend to forget he too has inherited a good chunk of randomweird that runs in my family
The Non Non Biyori movie finally has English subs.
I've been invited to a baby shower. I haven't been to one before. They're kind of my /// kind of out of my social purview, but I accepted the invitation anyway. I'm not quite sure what to expect.
beats me never been to one and even if I had, different culture
Now that I think about it, they're kind of a women's thing. I wonder if it was okay for me to accept the invitation. I'm the only man who might go, since it's for a colleague, and our office has no men except for me, other than on Wednesday evenings. It's probably fine. I'm basically "one of the girls" since everyone feels comfortable discussing their feminine health around me. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Fish has been to some, but those were rich people events, so I wasn't able to find a lot of parallels.
It's just me invited. I could probably bring Fish, but then she'd have to wait around in the office all day until work is done, and we'd have to be extra careful with confidential information, so it might annoy my colleagues.
>>651039 I thought it already did, since Steam had reviews about it or whatever.
>“[T]he Science Denial scenario we released last year touched on anti-vaxxers (along with flat earthers and climate change deniers). But recent news makes the whole issue even more important,” wrote Ndemic Creations’ James Vaughan. >“We’re currently working out how Anti-Vaxxers will actually work in the game. We have a few ideas that we’re trying out and running them through our algorithms. (The biggest challenge is that if everyone in Plague Inc.’s global simulation suddenly stopped getting vaccinated then it would be a very easy game to win!)”
From an interview on Feb 28th. I guess it's probably not added yet, after all.
the science denialist is kinda meh scenario I mean it is fun kinda, but it just has one country become Wakanda, and has vibranium vaccines, that allows them to cure research as one country, with the power of 100% world research potential so you have to wipe out ONE country to prevent disease instead of half of the globe makes it bit trickier, but not really
though the brexit thing is bit too mainstream view of it instead of their usual take but I guess that is a given
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Brexit is pretty complicated. If they took their "own" view of it in the game, they risk being accused of minimizing all of the bad stuff that could happen or being accused of propagana.
>>651047 it isn't even "own" view, just neutral view so easiest path is make fun of it like comedians on late night shows and avoid any potential bad PR case still just shame you can't have a game make fun of BOTH sides fo the argument, without "sparking controversy" nowadays
>>651046 which is why I love this it makes fun of two political leaders in a very good fashion
btw if you play fungi, harder to cure, abilities don't become more expensive and "mnor boost in all environments" are must abilities to have
with everything else i'd go with "boost in starting country" well if you start with a country that has an airport and a shipyard that is egypt is my favourite you get native bonus to heat and arid starting there and you have like 4 air and shiproutes and can infect the whole Arid block of theworld quickly then all you need is medicine 1 and frost 2 and rest you can save for either anti-cure, symptoms or transmission
oh yeah I should actually try the vampire scenario and win the monkey one the palnet of the apes is hard or atleast hard to me, I just can't figure out an efficient path to it either them onkeys die always or the virus gets cured and shit
When I last played, there were still only the normal scenarios. You know the ones, fungi, worm, prions, bacteria. That stuff.
What other silly stuff is there other than vampire and apes?
Neurax Worm is best it is my absolute favourite in terms of fun
I think hardest was nano machines son that was fucking the kill signal was constant rush towards time >>651053 there is PIRATES or SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING where everything is shut down when you start
there is christmas joy, which is modified neurax scenario
there is artificial organs, which allows you to cause people to become insane and rip out their organs there is PORTALS
there is "everyone is rich as fug"
but beyond vampires, zombies and monkeys there havn't been any new official strains
they should make a last of us strain when last of us 2 comes out or just before
it kills ship travel similiar thee is "volcanoes everywhere" aka Iceland is fucking you over where air traffic is reduced to like 10% of the usual
the shut down everything scenario is prolly impossible to do with anything that isn't fungi or neurax Unless there is some trick to opening the sea or air traffic
Kinda makes the scenario moot when unless you can you luck out and can destroy the big brain country early it just gets wiped out at the same time as everyone else
so the scenario is kinda "w/e" and based on luck
the big brain country will always notice you when you get some 90% infectivity rate in that country but you DON'T KNOW which it is untill that happens, so... at that point i am usually at 90% world infection anyhow
if you do neurax worm, "symptoms don't increase in cost" is preferrable though ability cost is good too, since you then get the airplane bombs for practically free and that is your main way to spread thew orm love
I think ability costs don't increase is pretty much best trait to pick anyhow, since they are already expensive as fug, and you need them the most ie. atleast 2 of heat or frost resistance, depending on startign location and 1 drug and 2 cure resistance that with the ability perk is say 40 points and without can be up to 60 to 80 a huge save in points
a general 90 points is what you need for symptoms on any disease, save for neurax, zombie, monkey, vampire, to wint he game that gives you isntant access to total organ failure or hemmora... whatever shock
also you need something like 10+ million daily death rate to get points from people dying, meaning low amounts of lethality isn't even worth it
I guess it could be a mechanic, where if you sit on the same genetics, people start to become immune to it forcing you to evolve something new, for example symptoms, to counter it
hmm that would actually be a good mechanic for harder diffuclties, instead of having 500% research speed on vaccines
cause I mean winning strategy is still >get air+water transit >get good enough resistances >wait 1-2 years to 100% infect >slap 50% lethality and watch humanity drop in 2 months
ive been hearing waifu a lot outside of weeb contexts lately one friend i know particularly is aggravated by anime and thinks it's the destruction of art and fetishization of young girls and that it's really gross and then that dude was talkin about waifus in some literary works i dunno
The only person I know who might know the word waifu is my colleague's daughter, but she probably doesn't yet. I haven't heard anyone say that out loud since the /moe/ gatherings.
There are lots that use it ironically if they're old enough, I think. But I've noticed a lot of people on twitter who seem to use it unironically still.
husbando was originally used ironically to complement the unironic waifu but as time went on waifu just became ironic and now husbando is the only unironic one
i need to figure out how to calm down without the use of sedatives it's actually so hard
>>651105 whoops >>651116 goddamn right but not right now because my mom and dad are watching game of thrones on the TV >>651115 nero makes rye for kyrie dante doesn't even know what bread is he eats 99% takeout and 1% demon blood >>651119 >watching people play video games no thats gay
because the cameo is Stan Lee reading the script to Mallrats which is a movie he cameos in as himself and in which he discusses creating spider-man and other heroes but those heroes didn't exist in the 90s according to the MCU so it establishes Stan Lee as a real person in the MCU who talks about creating those characters who don't exist yet
All I have ehard about marvel is "okay movie, but the actress was a plank of no emotions" pretty much just like say, strange was "okay marvel movie, but the story was so basic that meh"
>>651133 well he exists outside of time just like a watcher
>>651133 he didn't create the heroes he looks at alternate universes and then in one is SELLING THOSE STORIES FOR HUGE PROFIT
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651134 also /tv/ was buttmad because she has a fungal infection on one of her toes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651137 that doesn't make any sense people would have reacted completely differently when superheroes started showing up if there had been comics about those people 20+ years before they appeared in reality
if mallrats the movie exists in the MCU, the problem is that it establishes the superheroes to exist in comic form 20+ years prior to them actually existing if that were the case, people would have reacted differently to those heroes, they would not have secret identities, etc because their stories existed before they did in that universe that's what people are upset about
>>651144 I guess it is bit badly written cameo then Wonder how they did it, though or hadit already been recorded prior to his death?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651146 you clearly don't understand what i'm saying but idk how to be more clear about it if their stories existed in the MCU before they existed, things would be different in the MCU
>>651149 >Stan Lee's last living cameo confuses everyone and starts internet flame wars what a legend >>651150 I feel like it would be a lot cooler if he experienced dying but how else would he have rewound time if he had actually died? Maybe he only felt it until the time loop repeated then he didn't know what happened
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651153 people travel to different realities in marvel shit all the time
>>651155 so in other words you're saying that a stan lee from another universe came to the MCU to cameo in a movie where he talked about creating heroes in another world
>>651154 he basically set up TIME in a timeless world and then looped it or he didn't even loop it, just created an X amount of time and then the world infinitely repeate that bubble the technicalities aren't really important, but the point is that it would never stop untill he left the dimension and undid it so it leaves open, did he just figure that after N amounts Dormammu would give up and when he did, he'd just follow the plan or did he actually go through each iteration and experience something like million deaths if latter, than DAMN that mental fortitude
>>651167 the point is that MCU stan lee cameos have made sense they even did the "stan lee talks to watchers" in Guardians 2, which was a fan favourite theory
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651166 yeah it is captain marvel establishes that mallrats is a movie that exists in the MCU
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651169 oh shit well that complicates things that means the entire askewniverse is in the mcu
>>651169 every movie that isn't MCU or DC exists in there too, though since they are referenced ie. Captain America's to do list
okay I figured it out the mallrats stan lee created wait no that doesn't work so do you mean the movie exists in the mcu or that its events exist in err happened in the mcu
>>651172 oh yeah... this is damn proplematic to exist in the marvel universe
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651174 the movie Mallrats exists in the MCU and Stan Lee (as Stan Lee) is in it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651177 okay so basically the stan lee in the movie is a fictionalized version of the stan lee that exists in the mcu and the screenwriter had some sort of prophetic ability that allowed him to predict the marvel superheroes and wrote them into the movie as fictional comic book characters written by mallrats stan lee
>>651178 Easiest explanation is that he created spiderman, who is a spider turned man that is a hero and so on basically superhero comics, that are very similiar to what actually turned to be in the future real superheroes Or in MCU Mallrats, they talk about DC heroes and in MCU world their stan lee created the DCU line up
even if you find an explanation for it, it still shows that spider-man is peter parker the only way to get around it is to assume it's a different version of mallrats but if that were the case you'd think they wouldn't include the real stan lee in it
>>651181 Spiderman the popular comic hero, who was ressurrected by ancient spider diety, who transforms into his superhero identity by shouting SHAZAM and in his civil identity he is Ben Reily, a mild mannered reporter
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i mean yeah spider-man is connected to an ancient spider diety in the comics at least
does he talk about spider man in the cameo where he's referencing the mall rats scene? maybe stan lee in the MCU just invented some different super heroes?
>>651185 I mean think about it, if there is a comic book hero called Iron Man and real life TonyStark Iron man reminded them of him and that is where the name came from? And peter being a nerd just took the name Spider-Man from some obscure 80s comic book that never made big
>>651187 yeah but you'd think peter parker would be like "damn my name is peter parker and that's the name of spider-man in this comic? and i got spider powers??"
>>651189 but mallrats says spider-man is peter parker
>>651188 yeah i guess the only logical explanation would be stan lee doesn't create spider man he creates a different legendary comic book superhero and that's the one he talks about in Mallrats
>>651193 we could go ahead and assume everything is the same excepting the marvel comic book heroes as marvel doesn't exist as a company in MCU so I guess Stan Lee is the lead editor of Timely Comics or something in MCU
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the problem with making changes to the movie so the meta doesn't break is that it means we can't assume any actual parallels between our world and their world because we have no way of knowing what's different usually everything is considered the same as our world unless shown differently
>>651194 idk i think Stan Lee's final live action cameo being the one where he breaks the marvel cinematic universe is perfect
>>651193 Makes sense, but just breaks the fun side story that his cameos were telling kinda
anyhow, it is also kinda perfect that HIM being stuck after guardians 2 at that distant rock wehre he met the watchers, would be the end of his "storyline"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
no it doesn't the mcu kevin smith could see the future and wrote the mcu superheroes into his script as comic book characters
I mean I don't think he was in thor 3 or avengers 3? was he in black panther
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651196 but then everyone can find out peter is spider-man with a google search
>MCU Kevin Smith is God of Distortion >Everyone simultaneously knows Spider-man and doesn't know Spider-man after watching Mallrats
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651199 so this is actually something that happened in the main marvel comic universe peter revealed himself during civil war and then later he made a deal with the literal devil to cosmically annul his marriage and hide his identity again and the devil made it so people no longer know spider-man is peter, but if his face ever gets revealed, everyone will immediately remember that they already knew it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651198 hrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe just a coincidence no one ever considers doing that or they think its just a weird coincidence that the name is the same
i think it's fine to just let the universe be broken
people were upset that star wars exists in the MCU before because they thought mace windu looking like nick fury was somehow problematic lol those are probably the same people exploding over this cameo
>>651200 see it's perfect i always knew kevin smith was an outerworld god anyway >>651203 i'd like to see nick fury and mace windu meet up and have one of them played by a stunt double or edited in or something and nobody questions why these two guys look the same
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh no star wars exists as a movie in the MCU haha which means samuel l jackson exists and so does nick fury so nick and samuel could meet potentially
>>651210 in one of the avengers movies or like maybe it was winter soldier? they showed his dead blind weird eye still in his head under his eyepatch it was used for some kind of eyeball scanner or something i think?
i mean i think generally it should make sense and avoid retcons and shit like that but like jokes are jokes when deadpool talks about ryan reynolds it doesn't cause the world to collapse
>>651220 that's because ryan reynolds is an elder god
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651221 just like stan lee and apparently kevin smith
>>651220 yeah but that is the essence of deadpool If the stan lee cameos had been that kind of 4th wall breaks all along, then no one would question this one either the issue is that while they obviously were just "stan lee cameos" people begant o have fun theories about them and then guardian 2 delivered so when the first one breaks the rule ofc some fans get pissed off fans as in fanatics
>>651222 nah he's the god of handsome only sexy motherfuckers may speak his name
deadpool can actually get added to the MCU now i hope they only do standalone movies for him though and maybe have him in the background in a scene in other movies if they have to include him somewhere
>>651235 my personal preference would be to have him show up in several movies doing something else in the background then have those same scenes from deadpool's perspective in his movies showing the MCU heroes doing something in the background mirroring the scenes
>>651227 you can't prereview a movie before it has started airing it was "plan to see/don't plan to see"
well many misreported on the thing so it was a misleading hassle
Have him in a really corny Stan Lee disguise (like one of those big nose and mustache masks) filling in for all the Stan Lee bits they can't do anymore.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651236 oh yeah that'd be awesome \ he just like is waiting at the bank while hulk is fighting some motherfucker and he's just like "who let this guy in here" or something or he's just dancing to some tunes on his walkman in the background of a fight
>>651238 >deadpool's buying a stan lee costume >it's a kids costume >cashier asks him if he thinks he'll fit in it >"it always fits... eventually" >cashier looks confused
>>651239 >Deadpool fighting someone >Spiderman fighting someone else across the street >Deadpool tries to distract his enemy by saying "Whoa holy shit, it's Spiderman!" >Enemy doesn't believe him >In the Spiderman counterpart Deadpool shows up to ask for Spiderman's autograph all beat up from his fight with the other guy
>>651238 just deadpool but with "Hi my name is stan lee" sign on him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651240 >spiderman's like "is that supposed to be a cosplay of me?"
>>651239 >He is with some murderers, and it seems to be "this man is here" Or does it just skip the Walkman's music to the background of fighter aircraft?
oh it's two lines oops
>>651242 >Y-yeah, Spidey I'm your biggest fan, hey can we take a picture? >Next deadpool movie has him admiring a picture of him and spiderman doing the spidey web shooter thing with their hands
>>651245 ugh if only peter were older, he could be gay with deadpool
although rumor is that there will be a timeskip of like 5-10 years after avengers 4 so maybe adult peter can meet deadpool and they can have gayventures
>>651246 Shit they could resolve avengers or some other movie happening pre timeskip and explain mutants and all kinds of shit this way and then continue MCu with X-men and FF and put avengers in the shelf
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they will probably add FF but x-men they've said is doubtful they're saying Phase 4 is basically going to have a ton of really obscure heroes and going to have a lot of focus on teams and that it might be a lot of cosmic stuff
>>651254 Take some characters who seems hit and make them really amazing or make an entire team of people with "useless powers", but who figure out who to use them super effectively
Like that some mutant, who could produce just bright lights and noise who ended up becoming a tv-star and uses herp owers for real live SFX
>>651257 Yeah, but when the other team mates are immortal, produce infinite lazor beams, canr ead the mind of every single person on the planet, and so on...
but that was kinda the amusign thing with x-men because the school was just a refuge for the oppressed mutant kids, there could be characters in side stories taht had shit powers, to give other less action oriented perspectives without having to force your A-listers into weird stories
>>651261 there was this hilarious cap arc in the 90s where he was so fucking buff but the story was that for some reason his super soldier serum atrophied his muscles (even though he was ripped) so he needed a robot exoskeleton to move around and it was like some LEGO ass lookin shit
my all-time favorite 90s cap story is the DON'T DO DRUGS story though it's so good cap goes to take down a meth producer and there's literally a WHOLE factory of meth and it blows up and he absorbs all the meth and it fuses with the super soldier serum in his blood and he starts freaking out and beating up everyone including daredevil and then he gets some kind of blood treatment they take all of his blood out and remove the super soldier serum because it's all fucked up with meth and it ends with him walking away into the sunset with his friends and he's like "the truth is i don't need DRUGS to make me strong. the super soldier serum was just drugs too! and drugs are bad!"
but then like a year later they retconned the serum again and said it was a virus now so it just repopulated in his body and he got strong again
imagine how much drugs i could do if i had super soldier serum i could do an entire factory of methamphetamine
a lot of ongoing comics have dedicated snip dot li archives and they're usually easy to figure out the directory names
>>651335 oh, hmm you might be able to find it on getcomics dot info ever since /rs/ was killed a lot of those old comics were lost or made nigh impossible to find unfortunately
>>651334 I bet there's a pricate tracker for that kind of thing *private oh there's also this /g/ thing I forget what its called but its some super obscure file transfer protocol and it has these hubs where people have huge (multi terabyte) drives full of media for you to access
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>651338 there's 32pages which is a private tracker for comics but i've never used it there used to be an irc bot somewhere on rizon that had tons of stuff too but i don't remember how to get to it off the top of my head
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found it on getcomics which I actually found through google thanks google
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
here it is if you're interested https://getcomics.info/dc/hitman-1-60-annual-extras/
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](1.2 MB, 1280x720, Hurt.png)Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](1.5 MB, 400x237, 1332801719870.gif)FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
anyways hitman is about a guy who got superpowers in the gulf war he can read minds and has xray vision so he decides to become a hitman in gotham city
he primarily kills people with superpowers well on contract he does other people send regular hitmen after him a lot because he's killed some mafia guys
turns out the guy in jokers cell was some hellspawn dude hired by demons of gunsmoke to kill people on earth here's where he kills the actual joker maybe
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>everyone in a large radius is basically dead >shake hands we're friends again
he's a superhero that beats up drug dealers and steals their drugs and sells them hitman gets hired by a cop to kill him because the cop is mad that he isn't getting a cut
i wonder if this is the first generation in which the rate of technological growth compared to the generational gap was so distant that parents actively tried to ruin their children's chance at success in the world during childhood
do you think it's better for patreon pages to have their donation volume public like showing anyone who goes to that page how much they earn through patreon each month or to not disclose that
id imagine it'd generally be better to disclose, especially for people still trying to grow, but iunno
what's the worst artificial flavor as in what tastes the least like its intended flavor banana? grape?
Well artificial banana is reputably supposed to taste like a kind of banana that has been driven extinct. So maybe it's less least intended than the artificial grape?
Either way I think the real answer here is artificial cherry. I love that flavour but man, it's nothing like actual cherries.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651565 banana >>651570 not driven extinct, it went extinct because of some plant disease