Thread #649601
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Hang tight
3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 12-14 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Endro Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-8 Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-8
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okay domestic kanojo kouya boogiepop / egao if no jan kake 4 endro
Well I've pinged Ika.
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what ep of domestic are we on?
Episode eight.
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okay eight domestic 8 okay lets start
this show is dumb
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i had a really difficult time getting food on the way home from work tonight!
Do you need the time for DomeKano?
yes that would be much appreciated my fluffy haired familia wow the us-int keycode for the i with diacritic doesnt work on moe
4:50 4:55 5:00
This gaijin sure is something.
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wow he didn't even get to the point where he tried to set them up
Yeah because he'd rather set himself up with her.
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>it's not what it looks like come the fuck on nigga
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now they're gonna have a threesome
Yeah that would be fun.
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>she said no nat-chan you fucking liar just tell him you fugged your own sister
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Yeah that's some twisted stuff.
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>we should probably hold off for a while >hold off for a while >for a while TL: let's not fug in front of my sister
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The drama in this show gets really silly.
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MASTA is such a wonderful man
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>she's acting like a child >an actual child makes her feel better
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oh god she's just butthurt because her little sister had the gaspacho to fuck her brother but she doesn't
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yeah she really wanted it that's why she was playing chicken with him but she was a wuss about it
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this is the worst typesetting i have ever fucking seen people got PAID TO DO THIS
Well lucky for them they're both dumb enough to forgive each other.
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>>649642 >tfw trying to fuck your student for so long but your imouto gets to him first ok let me dl kaguya
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okay kouya that's a good idea but let's do kaguya next for now boogiepop instead boogiepop 12 for now okay lets start
Also we should do Kaguya instead of Kouya. Okay BOOGIEPOP
ok boogie 12 i have kaguya though ai yai preparamente mas cerveza michelada
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the character designer in this show does a real good job of making the characters unique with their own features
For the most part they're all pretty normal-looking too. Balancing normal and distinctive can be a fine line.
The colouring this episode is kind of reminding me of Violet Evergarden.
more like violet evergreen am i right because it's green
>a novelist that doesn't believe in the power of words hm
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gradient hair!
This is more like the Kirima Nagi we know in present time.
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this murderer looks a lot like the main character from Parasyte
oh wait shinichi doesn't wear his dorky glasses after he gets healed and gets the hair from migi i must have been mixing the two styles in my memory
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she looks weirder and weirder the further she slides down the slope i swear
Insanity sure is one hell of a drug.
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I'd like to see one of those comparison things for murderers and schizos like>0 kills >4 kills
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Probably want an orange post then.
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you know what else does the violet evergarden color scheme every sci fi movie ever made oh nooo i'm out of lime i feel the spanish energy fading
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okay kaguya okay lets start
Shirogane has a cute imouto.
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This is all going to backfire on Kaguya. The whole thing.
Poor Kaguya just wants a family to dote on her.
Chika beat her to the sister friendship before Kaguya even had a chance!
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cucked by chaos
Chika's favour with Kaguya changes through extremely fickle circumstances.
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chika is too powerful
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I feel like Kaguya can be very similar to me.
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i feel so bad for emo-kun and shirogane
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shirogane loses without even doing anything
i love this series
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the fucking legend
Kaguya is a total menace.
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>bruh just let me go home and play mhxx
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sucks for this guy because she's all about kaichou
Ishigami gets his own rose-coloured high school life before it's all said and done. Kaguya's more of just an onee-san kind of character to him.
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he just wants to play vidya you MONSTER
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I like kaguya, she's really good at dramatic delivery.
Fucking Shirogane stalking them from outside the library.
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oooo ashita no ishigami
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Do you guys want to do 4 or 5 tonight
eithers ok
i can do both
Let's move quick about it, I have an early start tomorrow and I haven't had the best sleep the past couple days.
let's just do 4 to be safe.
Well at the rate of response, yeah, moving quick is out of the picture.
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sorry had to pee kakaegurui 4 oh wait we're doing 4 okay endro i didnt know jan had an early day haha tilde sorry I have the flu and i'm feverish okay well let's just start and ika can catch up it's been awhile okay let's start
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That's not Jan, Rika. And though I've long given up this actually registering for you, I've got early mornings on Tuesdays as well. So starting a good bit closer to on-time and/or moving fast tomorrow night would be useful too.>>649712 More like cynical exhaustion "oh boy here it goes again".>>649712 Yeah I feel you.
Search [iqdb] (477 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg )
top lol ready for endro >>649710 it's alright>>649711 it's all right we all gonna make it except ika i bet he's downloading kakegurui>>649711 more proof chika is a fourth dimensional chaos elemental tilde stares at the clock in pallid agony "i shouldn't be doing this," meanwhile in canada ika just did 500k damage in one combo! kitaaa!>>649711 that's probably more accurate but i had an itch that could only be scratched by inserting the word pallid into writing you feel me yeah i knew you'd get it hai hai kanpai
Princess has now completely integrated into the main cast.
Hah hah. I was listening to a DnD lecture of sorts a while back and apparently a common piece of equipment in the super, super early days of DnD were for parties to carry these ten-foot poles into every dungeon, tapping them in front of them to check for traps. I wonder if the writer for that bit was aware of that history.
Search [iqdb] (448 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 08 [720(…).jpg )
GEE FAI WHY DOES YOUR MOM LET YOU HAVE TWO BURGS>>649716 it sounds pretty specific i feel like there aren't a lot of other situations in which RPG characters have ten foot long wooden sticks
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wow she's talking mad shit
And now she's BRIBING the teachers. Princess is a scoundrel.
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wow she's kinda ethical for a maou oh there go the ethics
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>>649723 she tried her best>>649722 she's just using her BIRTHRIGHT same as the yuusha has a right to rout evil himesama has the right to ENDLESS COFFERS
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Princess' focus on authenticity is gonna kill her beloved Yuusha if she's not careful.
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Yeah that seems pretty dangerous.
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this is what it's like playing an RPG ToN is DMing
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they should have just let them pretend beat them up
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those knights are cool dudes
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wow so she can just turn back into maou like that?
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>>649734 yeah she just got tired of the charade but himesama is getting her back into it
Once you get a taste of power again, can you really give it up a second time?
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oh SHIB she is awakening the hero power
Too bad it got cut short so the Princess could set things straight.
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>>649738 wtf man she was so close to class advance
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dropping some real maou-sama shittalk there
You've got to talk the talk if you're gonna walk the walk.
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thanks for anime!
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yes what fun good night tilde get well soon rika and rip ika i barely knew him
Yeah, night night. I gotta get my sleep.