Thread #650585
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rest in peace anime
You still around?
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I wasn't kidding when I said I'm always tired lately. It's hard for me to be awake in the face of uncertainty. I'll see if Ika's still around; there's time for three shows maybe.
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yuusha index (which ep, 21?) 3d kanojo (also 21?)
Episode twenty-one of Index, twenty of 3D Kanojo.
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yuusha okay lets start!
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Oh she's still cursed. I hope she gets fixed soon.
Oh it's a whole lot of the not-Chocobos
This girl is a little weird.
He's surrounded himself with too many good girls now. Now he's being pressured into doing the right thing.
Yeah this girl really has a screw or two loose.>>650604 In a sense, hah hah
filo ate her
Man this is a really weirdly geometrical church.
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Ih Oh are they going to refuse to treat her now I bet that's gonna be a thing.
Well they're trying their damnedest to screw him over. At least their Pope seems like a religious enough nut to treat him fairly.
Poor knight-kun. It's pretty clear he just has a word to have with him.
Oh no the Spear Hero is a lolicon.
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This guy is a nuisance.
I bet Naofumi is going to get blamed for this.
Oh no not again.
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Maybe this guy is his nex tparty member. oh saved by the noble
Yeah but turns out she's another daughter of the asshole king who's family has made his life hell.
The Spear Hero really is a total idiot.
>Second Princess >First in line to the throne How does that work.
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hmmm maybe she's more capable than the first princess or her mother is higher rank than the other mother
She also seemed to be kind ot hinting that her sister might've lost her inheritance of the throne because of how she's a psychopathic bitch. Maybe their mother pulled strings because of how this kingdom they're in has a thing for respecting women or what not.
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index 21 okay lets start!
Oh I guess Fiamma didn't outright kill the Pope. Looked like he did when he trashed the Vatican though.
This girl has some weird obsessions.
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That girl is dangerous. this is the frist time that espers may really encounter some of the magic guys.
Looks like Accelerator's getting a crash course in the world of magic. And doing usual Accelerator things in the meanwhile.
Well I guess they've got an open-topped car now.
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He has very good luck.
This lady still looks like she's in desperate need of sleep.
Yeah wow. It's kind of weird seeing Accelerator looking so abashed like that.
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best girl
Everything's really coming to a head now.
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Looks like it's happening.
Oh it's a normal one of the Sisters now. There are really way too many Misakas around right now, hah hah.
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okay kanojo 20 and yes they have every type of misaka now okay lets start!
This series is probably in the home stretch too now.
>Not that I care, but Wow guy how tsuntsun.
What an exhausting otouto.
These two squabble because they're such good friends.
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Both the guys after her kinda seem like trouble.
I think we've seen enough of this guy to know he's not trouble. He's got some people problems but I think he tries to be a good guy. That other one does feel waaaay too nice to the point of feeling disingenuous.
Might as well put a movie on with this beta-max around.
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Yeah he's trying to be wholesome but she just wants to get some.
Well looks like it turned out well at least.
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yeah here's where the last bit of drama stars starts
keyaids time
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well thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.