this bag of popcorn has three kinds of popcorn like those tins you can buy around christmas
Kind of seems a bit much.
>>595966 what you don't want to eat normal, caramel, and cheese dusted popcorn all at once?
I don't really want to eat regular popcorn in the first place. Caramel and cheese-dusted aren't bad but evem when I get a bag of the two together I just eat the flavours individually.
>>595968 the hassle to reward ratio just isn't worth it popcorn always gets stuck in the gums or the throat and it's really not that filling or anything the texture on the teeth as you chew isn't very pleasant, and the salt just leaves that raw feeling in your mouth not a fan
>>595959 (OP) more like night of the ded /moe/ amirite fellas
Isn't it day down under for you though.
yeah that is true And as everyone knows this is the most important timezone, that oughta take precedence over all others what an op smh
My Internet's been going offline pretty consistently nightly recently. It's as simple a fix as unplugging and plugging in the power to the modem to fix it, thankfully, but it makes me feel it's something more than just a problem with the wires or so. I always have rotten luck when it comes to Internet.
sometimes i wonder
i think we live in the dystopia we fear i think to the us of old we've come upon a life more complicated than is worth it i'm sorrowful knowing this would i have lived unhappily knowing a life much less?
I've got a midterm in five hours. Shouldn't be too worriesome. Other than that, no real plans or obligations.
>>596130 yeah let me just find this fucking escape point
My new timetable for next week is mad. I have six hours of lectures on tuesdays
Oh that sounds pretty exhausting.
I wish they spread shit out more. 4 hours of lectures on wednesday. the rest of the week are just 1 hour lectures all over // I wonder how quickly I'll fall behind on everything
i caught it on some cringey anime podcast and all they did was read the article then nobody really said anything besides mention something from the big bang theory real quick then they moved on haha news is so wacky
Maybe one day moe will solve some big unsolved problem. and it'll be mentioned at a halloween party
i bumped up my kratom intake quite a bit the last few days while i was waiting on my wellbutrin script like six doses a day for two days i really dont suggest it! my bladder has had a horrible burning sensation all morning and severe discomfort
Is kratom worth looking into? I tried researching it but it seems to have so many colours and different affects
yeah i'd say so it's all around really beneficial for me roughly the same effect as valerian root imo but without the stomach cramps and some mild stimulation
Kratom would be good for you. It punishes you if you abuse it and it helpful in daily life without getting you high. It's a medicinal herb.
it's great for harm reduction for people who need that a lot of people use it so they don't have to live as an opiate addict, either clean with cravings or actively using and getting worse it helps kirara with alcohol issues it helps me with my non-substance addictions and other instabilities
ive noticed my wellbutrin changes the pharmacologics of my adderall the onset becomes much less of a kick, the peak is lower, and the whole experience is smoothed out maybe that's partially having my liver clean for once, but the wellbutrin does affect it physiologically i think that explains why the adderall hadn't been working well for me the past two years while i was off wellbutrin like it had before then
im starting to feel a lot better all around
the wellbutrin does have some negative effects though and makes my vision flashy again but i think i'm good
I havn't read it since I dunno ch 500 or something it just started to drag along and nothing interesting happened after the MC had her one bad moment >>596198 same
>>596208 Do set >>596210 TPUSA? Oh wait That's the uh Safe space diaper protest guy right?
>>596208 i wonder how many precautions they've prepared for does it have internal and external cameras does it send a red flag if the cameras have no feed or have been painted over or it detects weight on the seat that's not what the delivered items' net weight would amount to does it have heat sensors to know if someone put poisonous snakes in the car i mean what if you just had a vial of lyme disease ticks and dumped it in the car while getting your delivery or boarding/exiting if it's a passenger vehicle
Kirara, the Cat
>>596211 turning point the diaper safe space folks
>>596220 I don't mind recs but Salafrog cleanses me at the end of every chapter. Well, most chapters. It just really knows how to deliver pain for... 40 out of 42 pages
Koyuki upsets me so fucking much but I want to see her smile and succeed.
Koi, the Dragon
>>596221 The Quiet Man discourse is really funny because I remember the trailer and didn't hear a thing afterward and now it's out and it's near unanimously trash. >>596224 I declined the service. They probably do have it though
>>596226 theyre releasing the audio as dlc next week :)
>>596241 the guy in the middle looks like he's about to correct the shit out of him
>>596245 nah i think he's just paying attention he's the one they're explaining the story to
Koi, the Dragon
>>596240 you're a deaf guy after REVENGE but you can't hear anything so the player can't hear anything and according to ToN, they don't even give you subtitles to make it look like he understands lip-reading so you're just playing a punch kick game with no sound
>>596259 i thought you didn't like the red i ran out of red bali so ive been taking green maeng da somehow it makes me more sleepy than the red
Kirara, the Cat
the red just isn't useful for me usually i never use it so i still have like 30g of it
i still have some yellow yellow sulawesi shit is great but man it hurts to take you can feel how stingy it is on your mouth and it's the only one i legitimately have trouble getting down and i like the taste of green and red
my coworker wants to have me take anotjer one on a date the nyrse training next to me suggests I ask out the first coworker gee whiz
I'm pretty excite for the Ultimate story mode and the Spirits sub game. Spirits looks insanely indepth for being a thing that'll get COMPLETELY IGNORED by competitive play. Sasuga Sakurai.
Koi, the Dragon
>>596326 Haven't clicked it yet but I knew this would happen I wanted to make it myself but didn't feel like ripping anything
yeah I doubt the story is any good same with many gta games but the small moments, the side stuff that is where it shines
rdr2 seems fun to play and just ride around and do stuff, though I bet that gets tedious when you need actually earn money
also there isthe whol prequel thing meaning about almost every major character WILL survive whatever comes out there way so hat the marston guy can kill them in rdr1
Koi, the Dragon
wait rdr 2 is a prequel
Kirara, the Cat
>>596350 ?? only like three or four people out of a cast of like 20 survive
>>596355 haha seems like they put most of their time into game and engine development rather than good writing then again, rock star isn't that solid in writing either
hey check out this anime podcast it talks about anime math at 31:00 but you don't have to listen that far just the first 20 seconds of the podcast is good enough
when i thjnk about it dark souls 2 is probably the most fun to do with a buddy
Apparently there's a guy that is super into this girl but this // but I'm told this girl is into me? Because I need more dumb sitcom shit in my life I'm friends with both of them The guy is really cool, super smart The girl is a pilot Well, a student pilot
>>596417 yohane's work is incredibly sappy but the two pages with Suwako being an absolute beast is one of my favorite things. She really matches with what she is.
It becomes sappy right after though (which was cute too)
gensoukyo would actually be quite good settign for a horror style action game like a souls game living there as a human must actually be damn horrifying if you venture outside the protected areas
>>596434 >marisa flies over >too busy stealing things >sanae flies over >too busy ignoring common sense to help >reimu flies voer >guy didn't donate last new years
While we're talking, I'll suddenly groan in pain. She'll ask, what's wrong? Blue will say, don't worry about Kirara. He ain't been the same since that shark took his dick clean off.
I used to get paid to protect boaters from sharks! I'd jump in and fight them with a harpoon! But one day, the shark got a hold of my harpoon and held me hostage. It wanted to suck my dick. I couldn't say no at harpoon point! But while it was distracted, I made my move and grabbed my harpoon back. Yet, not before the shark bit my dick off. I got my revenge, but I was left dickless, even to this day, I have no dick! Oh, woe is me! But you know who still has a dick? My good friend here!
this bronchitis aint lettin me enjoy shit i'm hacking up a lung every few minutes and it physically hurts my whole body to cough that hard i really botched up some work today on a hard file because i couldn't focus and had tinnitus and also my sleep has been horrid because i wake up coughing
starting to get cravings for the first time now 11 days i don't at all want to drink and i'd physically feel averse to it because it would hurt but the craving is still there
Kirara, the Cat
are you on anything for the bronchitis?
>>596465 here a manga about a cat
>>596496 She wants to go to some ridiculous place with like $100 steaks! And I'm not willing to do that. And Fish feels like I'm being unfair in offering alternatives because we always do what /// eat at places I like, but I won't go to her favorite restaurants (which are inordinately expensive).
>>596499 Oh, come on. We both know I'm not suited for a place like that. I'll stick out like a sore thumb. They'll have all these different forks and spoons and I won't know the difference between them, and I'll look like a fool. And all those rich bastards will look down on me.
>>596508 >daughter bites into stick of butter like a snickers bar >immediately leave the state
Koi, the DragonSearch [iqdb](108 KB, 204x204, rdy.PNG)
>>596505 yeah there isn't anything complicated about it just head inside as the dishes arrive
>>596509 hi i'd like a philadelphia steak and cheese sandwich please >we dont have that sir do you have tacos >no ok i'll have two plates of cottage cheese and a side of egg whites *dips dinner roll in water glass*
You can't even talk normal in that kind of setting. I'll be like "Oh, I ain't too picky." and people will laugh at me for being some ain't saying yokel.
I'll have to talk all proper
I daresay, waiter, I am not very particular about that. Ohoho, yes, very good. A splendid evening.
>I make funny signs and put them up in the real world. Here, you can give me money and I'll send you products that will change your life or at least make you smile a little bit. oic
A couple of people I know got into Comiket. They're putting out a book right next to a bunch of Hidamari Sketch circles. That's kind of a neat accomplishment to me.
Or I guess it's more like... she asked if I was doing anything and then we decided on ice cream and that table hockey thing and ... whatever Anyway, we re talking about random stuff and I almost thought she was going to invite me out to ice cream again but really she just wanted to tell me that she can get it DELIVERED
>>596671 >imagine if someone actually had bullets with candidate names engraved on them' >or politician names >goes on a shooting in senate >only uses engraved bulelts on the specific person
Koi, the Dragon
>>596647 and no. I would have if I had money that day
i actually tried to vote and they told me im not allowed lol because the "florida voting registry went down two days before registration to vote in the coming election was finished and for some reason, anyone who registered around that time didn't count" so i can't vote
>Call me next time you get ice cream and i'll deliver myself over there
>will do ACCEPTION
>>596677 say it with me you deserve to be punched for every clap emote you post like this
michigan is really getting pummeled by political ad money the past month ive never seen it like this in any other state i guess campaigners are really pushing hard after 2016, or maybe every swing state is like this literally the same exact advertisement on every ad space on youtube, and each and every time ive seen it i click "i don't want to see this ad" with the reason "it's repetitive" and i still see only that ad every time
you know for the past four hours, I've been standing here thinking about getting food and putting off all the other things I wanted to do until after I get it
sometimes you get the food, and sometimes the food gets you
all my EX groups are trash except for the one that I had on the very first day where we beat it with no casualties. every other EX run I've had has been a struggle
I still haven't cleared with no casualties but I'm not worried about 5 wyrmite I just spent a few extra minutes leaving rooms until I found one where everyone was running dragon prep and it went pretty smoothly
now I just gotta get my dude naveed
Koi, the Dragon
same Lithomancers are cool in general
I don't have either of the two verica counts right? I got sinoa though, she's pretty neat
Koi, the Dragon
Cerberus is my top decision but Naveed would be cool
Koi, the Dragon
... oh hey, I just cleared it lmao NICE
Koi, the Dragon
Actually, I think we were right on the fucking line for it too. It's 3 minutes isn't it? We cleared at 1:20
Koi, the Dragon
I guess I don't have to go too hard to get the fifth Better Together anymore RESETTING BLAZON SUMMON
now you get to grind that sweet mana
Koi, the Dragon
It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it was to get gold medals last time and how annoying it is to get silver medals this time
Delta Rune has already gone places I wasn't really expecting. It's nice to see some returning characters though.
Koi, the Dragon
I downloaded it but haven't played it I haven't played Undertale at all
Well they seem (so far at least) to be only returning in name and personality only. So you're not missing details by not having played.
trying not to think about the eldwater grind it's too painful >>596749 oh yeah that did drop, I should check it out
Koi, the Dragon
Honestly, it's okay. Coabilities ARE important but at the same time, it won't carry you. Crit Chance is probably the best one to work on. Even things like Skill Damage is kinda minimal for the amount of work you put in. If you leave a bunch of your units at 46 or something because you're not about to max out those Eldwater nodes, it'll be fine. At least for now.
Koi, the Dragon
I say this as someone whose Althemia is 49
I mean, I got julietta to 48 and literally who cares about defense up compared to the rest? I just wanna max her out because she's my first five star and because she's really good
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
kitchen is cloooooozzed guess im getting popeyes later
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>596749 undertale open world mmo when bullets, bullets everywhere
You're in the city that never sleeps. Surely somewhere caters to the people who never sleep.
That's not like a Denny's or Waffle House I guess.
i hate mclane omg
Guess no anime tonight.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i got jambalaya im happy except its a little cold
Jambalaya jamboree
>>596767 wow what are you doing out this late! it is way past you're bedtime little mister
nyc sounds like a blast
Yeah, sounds like an exciting place to live in. New York is probably a bit too American of a place for me but I'd love to live in a hyper-metropolis that's something along those lines.
12 days a lot of sources say insomnia is really difficult when quitting but man i actually can't stop sleeping i never slept this hard in a long time i dont think i've really been dreaming // oh wait yeah i have i guess nevermind
Alcohol always makes for lousy sleeping for me. Maybe no longer having that involved means the quality of sleep is better.
im not gobbling down anxiety pills twice a day either i thought i'd really be relying on them a lot to get me through but i've actually been fine i take a dose every couple days, or if i have to deal with some unpleasant stuff like talking to family i am using a lot of kratom though so that's maybe buffering out all the negatives
I don't really have any experience with medications and substances outside alcohol.
Sleep's always hard for me though. I think I get a bit of sleep apnea, more so if I'm not sleeping on my back. So even if I fall asleep easily, I'm not always getting good sleep.
>Infamous Math Problem Finally Gets Solved by Fan in Anime Chatroom this is the best one yet haha
We were talking about some stuff Plato wrote on the beauty of more higher-level perception and understanding and how he sees The Good at that highest level and how that's inclusive of Beauty and other things like that. And how it's inherited by the physics and mathetical pursuit of making the formulas as elegant and beautiful as possible. That really reminded me of the Haruhi math story.
it's pretty funny to hear 4chan called an anime chatroom
i guess more than funny i should say intriguing in the perspective of whatever writer put that article together or whoever is likely to encounter it organically, you wouldnt even be able to explain to them why it's not a chatroom it's a place for talkin about anime with other people online what's the difference i like gazing through the lens of other people sometimes it's a fascinating world
Yeah, I get it. I've tried explaining /moe/ to some people I'm particularly close with and the concept just escapes them. It's easier to just find some similar thing they'd be more familiar with and refer to it as that instead.
welp i'm going back in the morning because this trucking company can't seem to adhere to the schedule they set for themselves any anime left to watch?
>>596780 Rika was a no show so we didn't get anything watched.
>>596781 receiving the grocery and general merch delivery for my store and stocking it tuesday and friday night my job is just to do that and leave whenever i get it done
I wish we could find some better time to watch on the weekend nights if missing them at the current time is so reliable. Not having to cram during the rest of the week sure would be nice.
Maybe you guys should drop some shows A lot of stuff this season is pretty bad or mediocre or if you can't get it watched on the day it airs, skip the ep and watch the next one on the next week trying to be flexible seems to be a pain in the ass
Skipping sounds like a terrible idea. I'm rather content with all but maybe one or two of the shows we're watching this season and those are ones other people are content in themselves.
There's twenty-four or so shows we're watching actively and a couple more we have waiting in the wings. Providing we were all caught up that's only four episodes a night. Or well less than. If we pushed on one or two other nights we could have an off day. Which would be far less intense than what we're stuck at now.
i like to stockpile and binge i just recently caught up on tonegawa, watching like 9 episodes at once that was really fun i appreciate the allure of watching and waiting week by week but i have a lot of stamina 30 minutes is barely a snack when ive got the appetite for a feast
I can't believe Tonegawa made me feel so happy for this cheating piece of shit
>>596789 I don't really have much of an opinion on density. I can sit and watch something for a long time, finishing a full season in a sitting, as easily as I can watch a weekly release and wait for it to release next. What's kind of a problem is having to wake up in the mornings and how watching the density we do cuts into the little sleep time I have.
>>596790 i really want to see what happens to him after kaiji robs his blind and outs him as a cheater in the underworld
>>596787 i skip episodes all the time honestly i don't see much wrong with it but that'ss personal preference i guess i usually just go back and watch the ones i've missed when i have the time i have a couple days that i'm not free when y'all are though so that's when i catch up
i dunno i was just trying to think of something since you seem to get frustrated about scheduling this stuff a lot we should be able to watch almost every show that comes out, i know i do, not sure when or how anime on //moe/ became so difficult
>>596792 A lot less trips above ground, at the very least Word would probably spread about what he did and his reputation would be pretty ruined. I'm not sure if the blacksuits would let him keep his official position or not He may likely have died underground as a common labourer with no friends and plenty of enemies
What I'd like to know is how Tonegawas team handles his defeat and demotion. Would they be loyal enough to try and get themselves sent wherever it is he's going?
>>596796 It's been a while since the jankenpon so I assumed they were doing other general business stuff as well. They get a lot of tasks involving Hyoudos personal needs in general. Like getting his body double, or that episode where a suit accompanies Tonegawa on the train ride
>>596793 It's probably more difficult in part more because I'm being insistent on it being difficult. Easy for things to not be hard if no one's really bothering to keep track. I'm kind of neurotic about organizing and that's got to make more noise than people approach it with some lenience.
>>596794 isn't team tonegawa specifically assembled to plan out jankenpon that's done with early in the show
Hyoudou originally directs Tonegawa to come up with something to entertain him, from which sprouts the Jan Ken Pon game. I think he put together the team of men in black for that purpose too. But in typical Hyoudou fashion they've probably just unofficially been re-purposed into also being a general affairs team, because of how close Tonegawa is with Hyoudou.
i forget did you watch kaiji tilde
Nope. I've got some vague concepts of things that happen in the series though. Plus the details that get brought up in Tonegawa.
the events that occur aren't as big of a deal as the scenecrafting in kaiji seeing hyoudou in a different light than tonegawa depicts is really something
>>596797 They probably keep the team together for the purpose of future games too They already came up with one, so there's no reason to disband a team that already has experience in coming up with them
>>596800 I'd be curious to see how someone would react going from watching Tonegawa to watching Kaiji for the first time You see Tonegawas sterner personality and stuff like the fuck you speech, but he comes off a lot less harshly when dealing with his own black suits
>>596800 Yeah, I didn't mean that like I feel I've been spoiled or anything. Most shows are generally more about the portrayal than the particular details anyway. I just meant I have a bit of context for some things about these Fukumoto series.
it's about time for an akagi rewatch soon
what do you guys think of this when spiderman goes and saves some random civilian from falling off a building, he doesn't do it because he cares about that person in particular. He does it because he cares about doing good. Now, when he saves, i dunno, his girlfriend's life, he's doing it because he cares about her and wants her in particular to be alive, right?
I'm struggling right now to think of which of these is more virtuous.
there's this guy I know, and he kinda has some depressed/self destructive tendencies. We're not friends, and i don't particularly care much about the guy at all. I could try to help him, or try to be his friend or something, but it wouldn't be real, i think. It wouldn't be coming from me actually giving a fuck about him. It would be from me wanting to be/do good, and/or fulfill the image of a good person and I don't know if that is the correct way to be.
>>596805 sticking your nose out when you're // sticking your nose into something when you're not actually able to help is selfish imo you get in the way and actually do more harm, cause more distance and feelings of hopelessness in cases like that
if someone needs help that you can easily provide but choose not to, that's a little bit different than someone being out of reach i think it's probably more virtuous to have impact within your own sphere of relations simply because that's within your personal obligations and you have good intuition around what your impact will be
>>596805 i would like to now offer a very real foil to this
i knew a lovely lady who had similar problems, and i just so happened to be in love with her. Of course I did everything I could to help her. But jt wasn't out of some sense of moral goodness or whatever. And because it was so much more of a personal matter, wasn't it sort of a self-serving act for me to help her through those struggles?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>596804 it’s saving their life in both situations, his feelings on the matter are unimportant in comparison
>>596808 it's not binary it can be both self-serving and helping if it's conditional and you're only doing it with the expectation of getting something from it then that's a little misguided sure but there's nothing wrong with helping just to help and also having some hope of getting something from it so, even if something is self-serving, what's so wrong with that? if you dont serve yourself, who will? you're just laying that obligation on somebody else to take care of your wants and needs for you if you dont do it yourself -- or else you're not letting anyone take care of it and then the people that care about you get to just watch you suffer and that's harmful too
>>596804 Spiderman would and has saved MJ and others he cares about even if they are mad at him or don't want to be with him. It's not really a good comparison for real life situations since he's a comic book character, and his morals are set in stone, but I think that's a good point determining if his actions are self serving or not.
In real life, you can't just save somebody like a superhero. If they don't want help, or won't accept your help in particular, there's not much you can do.
Whether or not it's a good thing to help this person hinges on what you stand to gain or prove by offering your aid. But with that said, there's nothing to it but to give it a shot. Either they're receptive and you can help or they don't want your help and you've lost nothing, really. Just don't come on too strong, I guess?
the inflation in this game is fucking unreal you go from hitting in the 5 to 10 million range at torment 6 to this right now i'm hitting for 20 to 30 BILLION damage with fully stacked buffs
>>596819 I'm alright, just trying to kill some time since the shift I was going in for last night got delayed by 4 to 6 hours. Pretty soon I'll have to go back and do the things. I'm not really tired but I kind of wanted to nap inbetween, since I missed a lot of sleep lately. It didn't work out and I watched gundam with Maria instead, haha.
It's always shard to get out of bed when it's cold in the room and warm in the bed. It usually isn't as bad as you anticipate, at least for me anywayss. Ganbare!
Have you felt any kind of comedown? You're going to avoid all of that stuff now, right?
>>596820 I need to set a timer so i Don't wake up frozen.
I've had some pretty bad moments, stomach pains that are insane and trouble sleeping. I have really weak or i guess subtle cravings for stuff.
I also haven't had full feeling in my right nostril for a while now.
I find it hard to adjust a I smoke some weed here and there to just feel strongly sedated
I hope you enjoyed gundam! Which one did you watch?
>>596821 I don't have anything to keep my room warm without making it too hot to sleep and my powerful little space heater boy doesn't have a timer, so I usually just freeze myself until it gets extremely cold and I can turn the thing on the lowest setting. I can't stand being too warm.
Yeah, coke is typically sometehing that fucks your sinuses up for a day or two, and it can upset your stomach or cause pain because it can get absorbed into your mucus and drain into your stomach. The after effects, thankfully, should subside after a day, maybe two days at best, though since you mixed them it might be prolonged or accentuated by that. Since coke is a topical analgesisc, it can make your shit all numb, yeah. Monitor that and see if it improves within a couple days and if not you should go to a doctor, it might have caused some kind of ulcer. Probably not though, since you haven't heavily used it for very long.
The benzo after effects make me pretty anxious and nervous, even though I'm not usually in a normal situation, so I can imagine it's tough for you. The only other effects I noticed when taking those was a general apathy and dysphoria, all of the effects subsided within 4 days without taking anything.
Smokiing can help with anxiety, but I would highly recommend smoking a very small amount to not prolong or add a comedown to your current list of woes. Though it's not that bad, weed does have some slight after effects, and a small dose around 0.1g or so will give you a pleasant numbing and anxixolitic effect without the stimulating properties being very pronounced. Unless the weed you got isn't very strong, I'm not real sure how prevalent potent strains are over there. They're easy to get here.
The weed I've got is 20% from what I've read aboit the strain. It feels calming, although I often feel like I'm glued to the ground and my sense of balance gets kinda screwy.
I went for a walk yesterday, along the Riverside. It was nice save for Cold it got. I took a photo because autumn colours.
I was stoned as fuck sitting on the riverbank.
My stomach is a lot better today, my appetite is back too. Food was so unappealing for a few days.
I j I got a lot of studying done yesterday which was good. I might use all my free time to study.
>>596823 Yeah, that's pretty good stuff then. You should only need like one hit to get a good buzz going without getting stoned or couchlocked.
i find it fun to walk around baked, but I don't do it much because I don't want to be a bother smelling like skunk and there's not too much to see around here. All the interesting stuff is in nearby cities. Other than the two sports stadiums and surrounding area, anyway. I usually just sit in my backyard and stare at the overgrown foliage I have yet to cut because I like the aesthetic too much. Nature is really impressive when you're high generally
Haha, that sounds like a funny image wonder what passersby thought of it. Probably thought you were contemplating something really deep or difficult.
Yeah, abusing stimulants does that and it's really awful if you forget that you have to force yourself to eat. Your body will be burning through nutrients quickly, but food looks mediocre and tastes bland and it's hard to swallow. Usually I get my appetite back pretty quickly, or I did, rather.
Staying productive is a great way to keep your mind off of recreational activity. It's also a much better usage of your time, honestly. Getting high is fun and all, but it doesn't improve you or advance you anywhere. Usually, all the hard work is done while sober. I think that's how it should be, too.
Personally, I don't smoke until after work or any other obligations. People often wake and bake, and I think that's a bad idea. It reduces my productivity and efficiency and focus too much to be high while at work or out and about.
>>596825 Yeah, I guess you're right. Nature is beautiful no matter your state of mind. It's just more impressive to a dumbed up brain, I guess. When I was in Utah with matt, the view from the small mountain that we climbed together was a greater rush of euphoria than any drug I've ever done except coke with mdma. There's a lot of truly breathtaking spots like that around the US, I love to travel and see.
Its amazing to walk around baked here, so many colours. Nature is so pretty high or not.
Being sober is hard sometimes, I substitute my cravings with a cig. I'm smoking a lot more. Intense Euphoria is such a desirable thing, I'm probably depressed. I often just feel tired 24/7. Ive been tired all the time since coming back from the states.
I should do something that will give me a sense of achievement or awe, like climbing mountains. You and matts travelling and camping sounds pretty neato.
woop, called in. I'd love to chat some more, but I've got a job to get out of the way. Let's continue later.
Work on endurance! As long as you build stamina, you'll be fine hiking with us. If you're not strong enough to get somewhere, we'll both help you out. Jan and I helped each other around a lot because it's safer that way.
Let's go camping in a forest! Or the desert, maybe, depending on when you visit the US next.
I suspect I'll probably be visiting during one of my uni breaks next year,. I doubt for 3 months but It might happen.
I kind of miss the sun and the sand, its pretty here but when its gloomy I feel so tired. I do like the rain and cold but it does make me low energy
It doesn't like 3 months could be possible but I have a some holidays, depends on if they give me a lot of work to do. Summer vacation looks like the best - I think.
Road trip sounds wild, I've never done anything like that.
>>596835 interesting about same schedule as our unis, but summer is mobth later
Although I could manage a weekend campu trip during that Easter break.
also 3 terms vs 4
>>596836 My uni is apparently fairly different from other unis in the UK too. I'm not too sure. >>596837 It really depends on my mom and her partner out there. I might be able to do any of the holiday times and go out and explore the states.
I want to show you the basins of Wyoming! They're my favorite. There's a cool ghost town there, too.
And we can hike in the Grand Canyon. It'll be fun!
That sounds super fun, that'd be nice to have something to look forward to. I need to use my camera more. I want to try a corndog again. Its so disgustingly nice. maybe I can make my own
Photography camping road trip! Woo! Just tell me when you'll be here and I'll get the planning going.
Yeah, it'll be fun! I'll sample the america foods.
I'll let you know as soon as I know, given my family, I probably won't get much notice. given I was kicked out of my old flat by my mom with only 3 weeks notice.
This is neato, things feel a little brighter with something to look forward to
Last minute is fine. The majority of costs will be renting a car, but even that'll be manageable. No concrete plans means nothing has to be set in stone beforehand.
We just need a roadmap!
Thats less stressful I think. I always find deadlines intensely stressful.
I hopefully will be less anxious and more sociable next year.
Deadlines give me alcohol cravings so I hate them. I try not to set them!
You'll be fine. You'll be great. I'll bring you some kratom, too. It'll help a little, if you need it.
Next week will give me an idea of how well I handle the whole load of uni work. if I can learn to be less avoidant about stressful things and do them in an organised way I can keep on top and not need extension
I've been going through my cigs so quickly. I only barely brought this 20 pack and its down to one left now. before a 20 pack lasted a week
Well, let us know if you're having trouble keeping up. We can help you come up with a system to stay on top of everything.
>>596849 I've got all my module handbooks printed that I could. some of the modules aren't open for me to look at yet which sucks. I've highlighted and gone through a couple of the readings.
I feel like other people probably are practicing essay writing and getting a lot of research done but I just get overwhelmed when I try to go through all the recommend readings. I have like 30 books as recommended reading. I clearly need to pick a couple and work through them.
There is one reading that is about mayan language that I have no idea what is important in it, I don't know if the social aspects of the language are the focus or the grammar or whatever. its just a reading with no context to the module.
You're smart and capable, so you can definitely do it if you try. As long as you don't procrastinate, I'm sure you won't get overwhelmed!
I think I've done some good preparation. I'll make studying a habit instead of filling my time with random crap. I don't know about being smart or capable. I feel like i've given off the pretense of being smart and inside I'm so far behind and dumb.
I usually make clinical determinations on people's capability and intelligence after like two hour interviews with them I've known you for like six years! I think you're smart and capable even if you fuck up sometimes. I fuck up a lot, too.
Hows things going for you? You've had a really fucking hectic past year
Yeah, it's nice. It's more chaotic with her around but it's comforting.
I have no idea how I'd be living with someone else. I'm all over the place in my house blankets everywhere. I need to stop smoking indoors and stand infront of the door.
Part of living with someone you love is learning to accept the things you hate about them. Like how Fish eats my ice cream or she sleeps on my arm and keeps me captive in bed on weekends when she's sleeping an hour or two later than I am.
>Design your own museum & display it during an exhibition; be prepared to answer questions regarding the creation/ curation of your museum & discuss the work of your colleagues Its for my arts and humanities module.
Its actually part of my mark for the module. This module isn't too bad.
I have so much group work like that. I hate the idea of standing in front of a lot people. I can do the essays and the written work but I'd rather I didn't have to do stuff like public speaking
Nope, you have to talk or you get marked down. sometimes the class time runs out which is great for me but its ultimately delaying, I'll eventually have to go up. I've let other people do some of the speaking for minor group work mostly because there are some very strong personalities.
Oh, I can show you some crocodiles and alligators.
The west is the best, though, so you should experience all of that, first.
>>596901 Haha! Wait until you road trip and get to see the scenery slowly change over 5-7 hours of driving.
The flight from new mexico to texas which was pretty short was shocking how different the different climates were. from super dry to humid and green everywhere. You don't need to leave the USA to see like all the climates.
lilling the lance fighter spawns THREE powerful cavalry at the start inwasbhoping to use swap to have serra chip away at the ninja but doing so made dorcas take too much damage and die
Koi, the Dragon
I would have killed the Lance and ran out of the corner but from that position it looks too cramped Oh, that Dorcas is armored? RIP >less clothes than usual >armored
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>running out of the corner with an armored unit The corner is the only safe space from the OTHER reinforcement from earlier.
oh yeah, I saw lunar brace earlier So you can't drop blue tome I feel like an armored lance would be good for that corner. Too bad you can't just borrow mine.
>>596962 why didn't you sleep thursday was it the cocaine
>>596965 I had a lot sleep issues probably the cocaine. I think that might have been the day I was just wrapped in a blanket on the couch trying o to be calm
did you order some kratom
>exercise heart rate peaks. >>596967 I ordered some It'll be interesting to try it out.
>>596969 Weirdly its part of the appeal to it. I don't know how to describe. you are so involved in yourself that you forget everything. the chemical taste down your nose and throat is also addictive.
That wasn't a good day. >>596970 100g Green Maeng Da Kratom
>>596973 I use them to // I don't really know. I forget everything and with coke you get a sharp focus with a really nice feel good feeling. its a really tempting drug.
>>596972 maeng da is a good choice i personally like the reds a little bit better but maeng da is a very quality kratom reds can be a little inconsistent quality
I suggested she start with green maeng da or green borneo I think maeng da is def my favorite reds are too sedating for me and my chronic pain is all nerve pain which it doesn't really help with
>>596989 wastin money kratom costs like 50 cents a dose at the worst and i think you'll find it's a lot more satisfying you don't get the rush but you feel okay for once
I got 100g for £18.60 with kratom. not sure if thats a decent price.
How do you know you have kratom, I say that as if it would stop considering I was snorting coke. * it would stop me does it smell?
seems like a good price 100g is always going to be a bit more per gram i get 250g bags but thats because i know what i like some places do like 20g sample packs for a few bucks too
>>597004 as opposed to something else other than kratom? there's no reason to cut kratom it's really pretty affordable as it is yeah, it smells kind of like dirt tastes that way too it should be kind of brownish green there's no real concern of getting something fake that isnt kratom since it's legal enough sometimes (in rare cases) it's not entirely clean though and can carry bacteria but that shouldnt be an issue from a reputable place. some people like to use boiling water with it to make tea to kill bacteria regardless but i just use cold milk
Kirara, the Cat
Chocolate milk works
so does orange juice and honey in a shot glass
i made mackin cheese and a toikey sammich and took some kratom and cough syrup it sucks though because i wanted to get some freelance work done today so i could get paid for it by monday and have money but there's no way i can work like this or even concentrate
wew I'm incredibly tired received a new schedule from da boss now I'm not going in at 10 I'm going whenever the truck is supposed to be dropping off since they can't get a routine schedule down