Thread #595314
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Beelzebub-jou Conception Cooking with Emiya Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-9 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sora to Umi ni Aida Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 3-4 Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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tsurune conception sora no fishing beelz yagate
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tsurune! okay lets start!
Need to do a reboot. One moment.
Well my Internet is not performing tonight. Ready.
I probably will not have Sora to Umi o Beelzebub downloaded before it is time to watch them. We should do Bunny Girl and Spyce instead.
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Okay, that works!
Oh there it finally goes. We should still probably do Bunny Girl instead of Sora to Umi, it's a far better show. Beelzebub or Spyce are fine either way.
lets save bunny
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You wanna save bunny? For when?
tomorrow maybe
Spooky archery ghost
not spooki
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okay let's see Do you have Conception, Tilde? okay lets start!
I would have said something if I didn't.
If you're insistent about not watching Bunny Girl tonight we should do something else anyway. I really don't want to watch Sora to Umi tonight.
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I'm okay with it if it's what Ika wants. Maybe he's distracted or not felling well tonight. let's see so no bunny girl or sora to umi let's do release the spyce next
yeah i want to enjoy bunny at full power
>>595342 That works.
This one has a nice personality. The kind of undead-blue skin is a hard sell though.
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She's a little pale but it's probably fine.
The route-conquering in this series is a little eccentric.
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oaky spyce! okay lets start!
She's kind of perpetually cross like Chinatsu too.
Those are some high-spec cat ears/
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Oh, that's actually a pretty good way to transfer spy info.
That's a cool hoverboard too.
>>595367 What do you mean Squid there's nothing gay about a girl giving another girl a pick or two.
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okay beelz okay lets start!
Mofu mofu
This is probably the most healing show of the season for me. It's got one purpose and that's to be as mofu mofu as possible. And it does that excellently.
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It's definitely overwhelmingly sugary and fluffy.
Well her shotacon nature was clear from the OP. But she's pretty far gone.
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Her type usually is.
High-level fujoshi.
Going to see a sick person when you're sleep-deprived yourself is a good way to inprove your chances of getting sick yourself.
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You're sure to get it in anime anyway when you're catching feels for the person.
Yeah, nothing like attraction to attract sickness.
Oh my.
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Yeah, there it is. It always happens.
Though a part of that might also just be her overheating from embarrassment.
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I tink we probably lost Ika I'm pretty sleepy too
If we started a bit earlier more often we could get through this all without losing anyone. What ever happened to starting at midnight.
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Yeah, I've been running a bit late lately.
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okay, I'm going to call it a night goodnight