I'll be able to know the worst by tomorrow Stay tuned
Kirara, the Cat
What is it? flu?
Hey, Kirara, I reckon you've seen a few coen bros films before, right? Have you ever seen A Serious Man? I just watched it last night for the first time after just about everyone I knew back in High School that was a coen bros fan told me it sucked and it was one of the better coen bros films I've seen imho.
Think the story of Job meats quantum physics *meets, except it's done in a really REALLY absurdly jewish way that has a unique coen bros take on it. It's also one of the more mundanely horrifying movies I've seen in a long while as well.
i saw it the day it came out in theaters there was like nobody else there it was great i loved it
>>592070 >it was great i loved it I wouldn't say it's their best film, but it's most certainly not their worst or mediocre film.
Kirara, the Cat
>>592069 i actually have not seen it i will check it out
>>592072 I think you'll get a lot more appreciation out of it than I did given your [C R A Z Y T R A I N] and all.
>>592075 Ah, glad to hear that! How's she doing anyhow?
Kirara, the Cat
she is doin good her voice is back a little bit although it's still messed up and she's walkin around alright she's happy to be home im happy she's home
>>592079 I reckon the weed did him in. >>592077 >voice is back, though it's messed up What happened? Did she have a cold or something? I've been fighting this annoying cold for over a week now, I hate it.
>>592085 a bunch of people already @ed him saying "was it you elon??" etc what a strange timeline
Kirara, the Cat
>>592086 she had antibiotic resistant pneumonia in nigeria for like five months
>>592090 Right. Was she in the hospital or was she mostly trying to get over it at home? >>592091 >/sci/ Half expected it to be /a/ for a moment. Reminds me of when the writers on futurama used the harlem globetrotters to exibit some new mathematic proof on a chalkboard or something.
Kirara, the Cat
>>592092 she was in nigeria until august she was in florida at that point err maybe it was September early sept or late aug
>>592093 I knew she was in Nigeria all that time, so that's why I asked if she was getting treated at the hospital or if it was mostly a stay at home case. I knew this one girl in high school that had chronic pneumonia and she'd miss school a lot because of it, but from what I remember, she mostly just went to the doctor's and would stay home or come to school looking like a zombie.
just catching up on our netflix shows i didn't watch any of the marvel shows while she was gone so we're finishin up jessica jones s2 right now we already finished daredevil 3
>>592101 >marvel shoes *shows That's a buncha hot trash. Why don't you watch something good like anime or something. Heard Erza Koenig's/Jaden Smith's anime is breddy gud.
We're already caught up on all of the airing stuff. And we don't want to start a long show because RDR2 comes out tomorrow. Yeah, Erza's show is really good.
>>592103 >RDR2 Everyone and their goddamn mother is hype about that game. Never really saw anything that merits that level of hype/applause or whatever outside of the horse movements. That's easily the most comfy element of the game, but in all honestly, Gun did a better western game than Red Dead.
It's the setting for me. All I care about is experiencing the west. The west is where my heart lives!
>>592105 Yeah, you've got a point there. Their landscapes are quite beautiful and immersive.
I still remember the time I spent a whole hour trying to get to the top of this massive rock outcrop/wall thing in the game for something or other only to find out there was nothing there but a crow. Ended up having John run the horse off the cliff out of frustration lol.
Probably Colorado because it has good driving distance to all the deserts and national parks and forests I love. But Wyoming or Utah or New Mexico will work.
>>592109 Neat. Red Rock Amplitheater's in uh, Southwest Colorado anyway, right? >New Mexico would work Oh yeah, it was easily one of my favorite states that my mom and I drove through on our cross country road trip. The whole leg from Amarillo to Lubbock to Roswell to Albuquerque was some of the most scenic bits of the trip aside from the navajo areas on the Arizona/New Mexico border. Got these massive hand-woven blankets that was 8x8 each for $5 apiece. Pretty sure they were woven out of llama wool or something too. Really huge comfy things.
Honestly, the navajo tourist traps were better than most of the other native american tourist traps we saw, especially out in Oklahoma.
Kirara, the Cat
the west is the best no question
Shut up Jim Morrison
Kirara, the Cat
keep telling me to shut up, it will only make me do another line
through sheer force of will and the knowledge I have gained from voice training, I have removed the foreign substances ailing the back of my throat I should no longer get sick.
>>592133 Congratulations. My boss told me she thinks she has shingles the other day so I'm kind of worried about it but she wears pants and the sores are on her legs, so I'm probably fine.
If I get shingles, Fish will probably get it, and it'll probably kill her haha
for the record, this awful feeling in my throat was the precursor to the awful three day bowel movements I had so I have been flooded with paranoia and trauma all day but no one wants to hear about diarrhea so I kept that to myself. >>592138 My mom told me she thinks she has pringles the other day so I'm kind of worried about it but she has kids and the snacks are on the top shelf, so I'm probably fine.
please dont get shingles
irritable owl syndrome
Diarrhea diarrhea Diarrhea let me go Beelzebub has a toilet set aside for me
Pringles are pretty trash. The last time I got them there was a sale on and I was like "it has been years since I last had these I have no recollection of what they are like to eat." And then I realized why that was the case.
You all don't know the full glory of potato chips any way. I can walk into a grocery store and have like fifty different unique flavours to pick from. Aren't the States only just realizing the amazingness of ketchup potato chips?
Kirara, the Cat
>>592154 j /// i love salty shit but there's more to chips than salt
>>592191 I was supposed to be able to sleep in, but someone woke me up at 7am and made sure I couldn't go back to sleep, and then went back to sleep themselves and just slept on top of my arm for a few more hours.
following the media and twitter stream progress so rapidly and then just stop has given me kind of an excitement whiplash now i dunno what to do with the pent up anticipation
you should watch little witch acadamia and found out
Kirara, the Cat
little witch macadamia
brittle bitch back edema
Kirara, the Cat
some 15 year old in my juvenile drug court group thinks he's gettin a med pot card for his sickle cell soon
https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/10/25/health/maine-student-loan-relief-trnd/index.html >STEM majors -- who study science, technology, engineering and math -- could even get a check back from the government -- if their loan payoff amount outweighs their taxes. Non-STEM majors fall under a non-refundable tax credit program, which means they'd owe $0 in state taxes under the same scenario.
Suck it liberal arts majors
Kirara, the Cat
and people wonder why nothing works in this country
Although I would have to move to Maine so I'm probably not going to do it. I don't think I'd be able to function outside of the Chicago area for an extended amount o of ttitimtime.
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xjyap/bartow-florida-middle-schoolers-satanist-plot-drink-blood-knives-vgtrn Not sure How I feel about this. It's either really funny or really sad, or both.
>>592303 Fuck, man. I'm annoyed at myself for waiting this long. I could have headed up North a month earlier. but you know.. it's never a 'good' time. There's always something on. Some reason not to. And now I've probably missed my chance.
>>592335 same old same old setting in for the cold season by starting on my antidepressants and valerian root like always playin mahjong and reading maths stuff a paper got published today on some work that i contributed to which is really cool
>>592339 >implying I am not faster than a machine get the fuck out of my mining guild kid
There's been a few small ants rummaging about my oven and nearby kitchen countertops the past few days. Hopefully they haven't moved indoors and they've just found a way in.
>>592344 anime math >>592353 i forget how to do ranked games on the tenhou interface, but yeah im trying
>updating game >installer crashes >can't reinstall due to it particularly having installed the patch >can't rollback to previous patch >have to reinstall whole game codex is a quite cancerous group when you think about it
world eater beater was a fun mod with quite epic boss fight but... the pathing of the map and various stages could have used some work ie. >alduin is too damaged so next phase doesn't trigger >fall out of map constantly >when fighting the big world chomper on his back you constantly fall off only to appear on his back again >reaaallly killing immesrion there
and then finally FUCK HE SPAMMED THAT COMET SPELL like once every 20 seconds >>592513 It was doable, but damn stupid
But it made the fight much more amusing than just hitting the damage sponge that he'd normally be but basically pathing could have used a lot of working
But my biggest issue was getting to solstheim >every draugr/skeleton elite mob I killed somehow ressed 2-3 times before finally dying permanently I had to kill like 60 elite undead
but what I really hate the whatever mod that added tired... hunger isn't bad cause you can just eat but >tired in the middle of big fights or quests where youc an't sleep
By the way if you're concerned about that Prince of Balance bit
That's someone the previous party dueled with as part of getting their ultimate weapons. I'm offering you guys the chance to do that sometime again if you want.
>At most hotels, you can spend $0.25 to take a bath, and the game actually asks you to push buttons to wash different body parts. It’s strange, silly, and takes a surprisingly long time. Now it’s time to wait for Arthur’s own soapy action figure apparently RDR2 has a bathing minigame
Kirara, the Cat
i don't think he's seminole but he's obsessed with them it's really weird
Kirara, the Cat
>On LinkedIn, Cesar Sayoc identified himself as “Promoter, booking agent Live entertainment, owner, choreographer.” He wrote that he was a veterinary medicine graduate, saying, “Career decision of becoming a Horse Doctor was always a love for animals, which were here first and never do anything to anyone. And respect all living things. My family very sound Sayoc name in Medical field Grandfather Col. Baltazar Zook Sayoc that perfect the conversion oriental eye to Americanize. The first plastic surgeon to be observed by 8 million people in NY city Hospital. He over through Communist Philippines liberated island. He built all hospitals in Philippines islands and sets standards highest level. Most surgeon use his instruments which are patented. And a lot surgeon use today. Also Sayoc intl. schools marshals arts Kali that used to over throw communist party . Also one 5 Hero’s disciplinary my mother Madeline Sayoc Giardiello First president Pharmacy Cosmetic Association, Who Who Business Women of Year, Soul buyer consultant for Home Shopping Network, head number 1 marketing consul in World Aventura Marketing consul, up for city counsel women Aventura.”
Kirara, the Cat
soul buyer consultant
Kirara, the Cat
>>592563 he works at Seminole hard Rock hotel and casino that's the obsession
Koi, the Dragon
>>592563 yeah, I don't think he's Seminole. But, I've had about an hour's reading about them. Unconquered is a weird term though. Is it because the Seminole themselves were an assimilating group?
Kirara, the Cat
Because the United States tried to kill every Seminole for 150 years and never succeeded
Kirara, the Cat
Read about the Seminole wars
Koi, the Dragon
Yeah, that's where things took me. But there was something I saw that made me think about it that way hold on Hmm, I can't find it. Perhaps I read something wrong but it made it sound like the Seminoles assimilated other tribes under them or something So "unconquer" would make it sound like they "freed" other Natives from Seminole culture or something. I don't know. But it was probably just me misreading something because it says they were fleeing from wars that were happening further North.
Kirara, the Cat
Yeah, i don't really know it seems to just be some psycho boomer shit related to his place of employment maybe he doesn't even know
Kirara, why am I not the least bit surprised that the magabomber is a 56 year old boomer qtard from Florida? Florida Man strikes again, smfh
Kirara, the Cat
>>592587 did you look through his Twitter it's so funny
>>592588 Yeah, it's uh, something else. Honestly, I'm concerned about the whole backlash coming up in a week or two after which folks point to this cringy van as evidence that "memes are radicalizing folks and turning them into bombers!!!!". >>592590 It's clearly a false flag to get the whole Khashoggi case out of the msm. Give the plebs a bombing case! Heat up the division between party lines! Pokemon GO to the polls!!!
Though, you'd think the dude being in a heavily democrat area with that one sheriff would've made him a bigger victim than he already is. I mean, how the hell was he legally driving that van with his back windows completely covered up? Did nobody stop him and ticket his ass?
someone tried to steal the magna carta lol the fuck
Yeah I saw that. That was pretty amusing. I went to that particular magna carta.
Kirara, the Cat
>>592591 lmao yeah nick cage motherfucker be out there
>>592592 did you see the news about some anonymous 4chan poster helping solve a long-standing math problem by posting in a thread about haruhi suzumiya
yeah, pretty crazy they're trying to figure out how to cite it for a publication but whoever it is refuses to step forward so it just says anonymous 4chan poster as the lead author at the moment
what is it about?
Kirara, the Cat
>>592589 haha nobody actually cares about covering windows and extra tint not in florida no judge gonna go through with that shit
>>592608 >they're not drinking out of coke branded cups >none of them are wearing a shirt with the coke logo on it >no coke hat >no sponsored plug in at the start, middle AND the end 3/10 product placement, ign
>>592612 >burnt out rice at the bottom of a pot Long ass soak with some hot water and a fuckload of soap. Like, take the bottle of soap, coat the rice with it, run really hot water into the pot and let it soak. From there, periodically come back and scrape it with something.
I've been told that he's having lots of butt sex with lots of other individuals who claim that they're women but have penises, so there's that. I'd say overall things on that front aren't going too well.
No, no. I'm forgiving you because I'm your dear friend Kirara, and I know you couldn't possibly survive, knowing you hadn't been forgiven for what you did to me. So I'm setting your heart at ease!
i got the invitation for my graduation ceremony... i literally dont know who to invite
the wokers from my internship are organized and are going on strike next week but i already finished i feel like it would have been nice if i had supported them
Ugh I don't want to eat It seems like such a pain right now
Do you have some free time, or are you trying to calm down before setting out for some kind of activity or occupation?
Maybe this will sound odd as a suggestion, but bathrooms Bathrooms have total and utter privacy and allow you to totally deprive your senses of other distractions for a good five minutes So I think it is a very useful place to calm down
I think I had way too much weed
If you have time to spare, maybe go read something. Preferably physical, like a book or something. It's a really absorbing experience, especially if it's a novel or something that draws you in. I've found in the past that's been a good way to isolate myself from the things that are making me uneasy.
If you don't really have that kind of time, maybe do a short walk, even indoors like pacing to your kitchen and back, and try to focus on your breathing.
I've heard the dryer sheets are a bad idea since it adds to the substances you're inhaling into your lungs from smoking. I'd agree that if smoking inside is a no-go in your dorm, that you should really just go and find somewhere outside or elsewhere to do it.
I took more than weed and panicked, I'm a dumbass. go me
I know a lot of people who have done worse, trust me you'll be fine just be a bit more careful
I did a gram of coke and some weed. ended up calling the ambulance and they said I was over the worst of it. and just have to ride it out. I'm a dumbass.
Geez fucking louise Kannagi. Where are you getting all this stuff.
>>592796 you really are don't touch coke i dont know what has gotten into you but i'm disappointed
I'm disappointed. I'm such fucking idiot.
>>592802 stay safe and ride it out things will be okay
I've got // I'm going to see the doctors for therapy for my anxiety. I'm so stupid getting so into the feeling of being sedated and then thinking another thing might not be too bad. I'm done. I've never had the level of panic attack as I had earlier.
Are you still kind of panicking?
Maybe weird, but have you showered/bathed today, or within a stretch of time that you'd find it weird to do so after such a short time?
yeah showering helps me with panic attacks quite a bit you will be fine though just remember that it'll go away and don't do anything drastic
i'd like to help since i have some expertise in this field but everyone's already given some solid advice there's not much else to it but to wait like four hours
who convinced you to go on a gram of coke if you don't mind me asking
I got it from the same place I got the weed from. I was intending not take 1g as start. but I'mdone . It easy to empty the bag and I was sensitive , I have no idea if 1g is a lot I got the impression it wasn't a lot.
>>592812 I mean, did you take it in short succession or at once? You gotta understand, a gram is a good amount. You can get four or five nice lines or like 10 to 12 bumps out of that if it's decent stuff.
Doing that much with smoking on top of it was an amazingly bad idea.
>>592814 you should cut those connections if they're willing to get you on coke without any regard to your well-being
The worst thing is the initial rush is so euphoric. my nose and face still feel kinda numb. I've cut // I need to just calm
my net died for a sec there. I'm not touching coke again , the rush had me shaking. and I can totally see the addictive qualities to it, I'm not getting hooked on something I know I'll abuse.
Seems like a good idea to me. I'd even probably recommend chilling it on the weed for a while at least.
>>592819 Yeah, I've been smoking daily multiple times a day and that just isn't good. especially with the growing paranoia I was getting
>>592820 that's a bit more than me and I smoke pretty heavily for someone of my size it sounds like you're relying on it though, you definitely should remember it's all recreational and not a medicine that will fix your anxiety personally i've found smoking once a day after work or taking one hit with my morning coffee helps but it doesn't deal with it like an anxiolytic quite would >>592817 damn you go hard I wanna party with you some time
>>592823 Its really nice and can be calming but the feeling of my body not being mine, I got way too caught up in it. coke is insidious, even though I had a shitty experience, the memory of the euphoria is really strong.
>>592824 What you're describing sounds to me like depersonalization, an unfortunate side effect of many psychoactives. People usually have a threshold whereafter they almost always experience it, and taking stimulants with it can make it worse. Some people describe it as terrible, others say it ain't so bad, I think it's fairly uncomfortable, but I've experienced it enough by now to be able to snap out of it pretty easily most of the time. I avoid it by not taking my medication when I smoke, that seems to keep it at bay unless I smoke a truly legendary fatty. I find it easier to stay in my own head when around other people too, if I'm relaxing alone it can sneak up on me.
Coke is the fucking worst. Out of all the drugs I've ever tried, coke is the only one I can't recommend to anyone for any reason. It feels way, way too good. So it gets its tendrils in tight if you do it a few times. I've seen it happen to literally everyone I've ever done coke with or knew that did coke, and eventually they naturally ran out of money to buy as much as they did and moved on to other, harsher, cheaper drugs that give a similar high, like meth or just cheap crack. I quit doing it entirely in february and it only took one person saying, hey, want some? To get back on the wagon, too. I was thinking about it all the time whenever I felt like I needed some excitement or got bored. It just sucks the life out of you and the enjoyment out of everything else and replaces it with coke. But that only lasts long enough for you to ruin your body and desperately crave more.
Above all else, even though I heartily condone the use of almost all other drugs, and at least every drug I've tried, DON'T DO COKE.
I am weird in that I liked the depersonalisation feel
yeah what he said i didnt ever have a dream before i started doing too many drugs but if i did it would definitely be forgotten by now
there are a lot of things in the world that feel better than drugs, and are safer and can even win you fame or a job like breaking your 100m dash record 3 days in a row, or relaxing in the park in a secluded spot on a nice day, or taking a walk in the rain to go somewhere you haven't decided yet or graduating school with a degree i have heard that one feels really good but i wouldn't know personally, i dropped out of 4th grade
I'm done with doing anything for a while. except nicotine because Its hard to be calm without it. everything is so bright right now and I'm stupidly wide awake even though I haven't slept at all.
don't let yourself become an addict taking breaks is good
my experience is that people who heavily use drugs feel happier and better when they decide to give it up and go sober unless they have PTSD
>>592830 that's good to hear, you seemed to be getting a little obsessive about it and the side effects appeared to be causing some grief with school and all it's important to take tolerance breaks anyways every couple months i take a week or so off
I will take weed break, just the amount I was smoking was increasing all the time. I'm probably stuck with nicotine. I'm not going near coke, that intense euphoria is honestly scary.
Kirara, the Cat
yes, definitely don't touch hard drugs if you can't stop thinkin about pot it's a path you don't want to go down
>>592835 it really is the devil's work. probably one of the best feelings in the world. but the tradeoff really isn't worth it, and unlike mdma which has a shitty hangover that makes you not want to do more frequently, I think it has no real benefit other that replacing the happiness in your life with artificial euphoria it's like meth in that regard >>592836 this is a good point too if you're hooked on weed to the point it's interfering with your life, definitely stay away from anything that is substantially addictive It's a completely different game between weed habits and physiological withdrawal induced habits the worst that can happen on weed and I believe this fully, is that you feel a bit bored/dysphoric with life in general for a couple days to a week depending on how long and how much you smoke.
i try to avoid using anything because if i think about any substance, my mind immediately jumps to how i could use it in class or at work so i know Im not responsible enough to use those
i only use kratom now and just once or twice a week but you can't really get high on it so
>>592839 I have the same reaction honestly, but I have a strict policy not to do drugs at work or at somebody else's house if they're not sharing I find it really easy to just remind myself of the rule and not even think about it for some reason This was learned not taught however, I used to drink at work when I was like 18 and 19 until it caused problems
No, I wanna become the genius and actual accomplished person that everyone thinks Tesla is. I will rob him of all his valor and he'll just have to die an unknown man. I know. I'll call my company "Edison"
You need to start selling Suikars to the world, Blue.
>>592843 damn that's either impressive or scary i never really drank a whole bottle when i could have been considered an alcoholic, I just drank like half a bottle in a couple hours every night and passed out drunk/woke up hungover it probably has something to do with why i felt like shit in 2015 but i was stricken with some other grief on top of that so i'd probably still be fucked up i'd just remember more of that year
at my most alcoholic i was actually drinking a bottle a day, occasionally more that one night i got sick i actually drank a bottle and a half of vodka in like three hours
>>592847 god damn dude unless you bought the cheapest bottom shelf crap you could find you must have spent almost as much if not more than me when i was addicted to coke
i was spending like $150 a week on alcohol but i could afford it because my rent was paid for the first year i was here
i got that Ukrainian and Jewish blood so my tolerance is naturally really high nobody else in my family drinks though so i don't have a family history of alcoholism lol
id always get my favorite rum which was centenario and then id get whatever vodka was on sale but never really cheapest shit i tried to get finnlandia usually and the store always stocked 1.5l bottles of that
Oh okay even a bottle a day you're still like 100 to 150 off my costs at the absolute nadir i was picturing some good shit since i always went for the top shelf liquor myself
tbh though i've spent more money cumulatively on cigarettes than coke or alcohol or both combined i bet i've been buying one to two packs every single day at 4 to 7 dollars each, hard to estimate because the kind i smoke has changed a lot of times
>>592849 everyone in my family is super lightweight except for me and my sister who is ultra lightweight it's probably some genetic thing, they tested my sister and found her extremely susceptible and maybe even allergic to alcohol i missed that shit unfortunately, could have saved so much money
i used to drink this cheap ass nasty vodka called kru it was $17.99 for a 1.5L of this shit so you know it's good i drank an entire 1.5l bottle of it over the course of one night and showed up so fucked up at work they sent me home thinking i had the flu or something haha
drinking usually doesn't end up fun by the end of the night for me but I'm glad we got into all sorts of drunken shenanigans while we were still barely young adults right now is truly the best time to make mistakes and learn from them
drinking also afforded me one of my closest friends in a roundabout way, since we met because of drinking on r/a/dio night and drinking with him was truly fun until i couldn't keep up and started to fade
nowadays i doubt that drinking would be very fun for me though i'd probably still enjoy it drinking without company just makes me insanely depressed, even more so than binging until I black out
you said how heavy drug users are more happy when they go sober and i'm not really sure that's true for me but it does mean when i'm feeling particularly bad i don't have an outlet to enhance that feeling into some real self hatred like i used to so i don't think my disposition in day to day life has changed much but the lows are a lot less low when i can't drink when sad, is what i'm trying to get at
the rat wasnt a rat and im a rat
holy shit
Kirara, the Cat
>>592852 loneliness is one of my triggers so i usually drank alone haha
it's usually normal people who are happier sober people like us who have had traumatic experiences usually aren't because we lack the coping skills necessary to deal with our shit so just going sober isn't enough, we gotta learn replacement skills and have strong support networks and shit too
the new forging bonds is currently a little sad and i dont expect it to improve it’s a dick sucking contest between aversa and loki while owain just sorta annoys kliff
>>592866 ”brave heroes redux” banner so basically “we decided to throw three more characters you wanted based on the polls kinda at you for cash”
in addition to titties, Loki has Colorless Duel Infantry which is whalebait if nothing else Owain has a neee inheritable special that scores like aether and is scary and kliff has a unique skill too that you can inherit but he’s also the bulkiest mage ive ever seen
Koi, the Dragon
that +25 damage thing?
>>592868 yeah that’s a scary thought were it not foe the fact that my arena strat is bait everything first
>>592855 I would personally prefer everyone know me as a responsible functional adult even if i'm fucked up or my brain has wires crossed or whatever. I like to hide this kind of stuff, probably learned it from my dad who hid his PTSD for the majority of his life until finally going to a group health session and learning some coping skills I'll probably never go to one of those though, they seem too intimate and I hate having to explain myself and my history to other people. Rather that they just know me as I am this very second, I guess.
I like to drink when I'm alone but that's mainly becase I was bored. Liked, I mean. Deep in the hole of self loathing and shit, unwilling to reach out for help or just to talk to anyone, I was bored as fuck, so I drank. Then that made it worse everey time. But I kept doing it, because I don't learn when bitten I guess
Kirara, the Cat
>>592874 yeah im sort of the same way i try to hide it from most people helps me feel normal i guess life's hard when you ain't normal
a party of sorts, anyway. it was really just me, a coworker, another coworker(girl), the coworker's weedman, weedman's gf, a girl one of the others invited and a deaf guy my coworker picked up off the street literally the hotel room was nice though. two king sized beds, and a jacuzzi, adjustable lights, etc. All the swankiest shit you'd expect at a bachelor pad. in the end all we did was smoke weed and they drank a lot, it was like torture I felt like that corner guy meme but instead i'm talking as if i'm having a lot of fun
oh and my coworker may have boned the other coworker (who has a boyfriend) that was more or less his plan when organizing the event so good on the lad
>>592881 she's been leading him on hardcore as well so it's not only his idea. she keeps asking to hang out with him and telling him about how much of a dick her boyfriend is and all the manipulative controlling shit he does, like look through her phone but forbid her to look through his and so on and so forth. >>592879 >>592880 It was boring as fuck. There was practically zero chance of me getting any that night.
Hah hah one of the riddles of Odysses' Sphinx is lifted right out of Tolkien. Also she has an assortment of riddles I didn't expect this.
Kirara, the Cat
>>592882 you shoulda gotten with the chick that dude held the party to get with you know, just because
>>592883 did you get them all right the first chance?
Nah. I think I should have answered spider instead of wasp for one of them. On account of there being no wasp on the tiles afterwards. And then on the second attempt I was skipping through the dialogue because I expected it to be the same set of three and didn't catch the question of the first riddle. Third time was the charm though.
>>592884 that wasn't an option, she wants a baby daddy to take care of her little rugrats i already told her once that i hope i don't have any kids at this rate and she stopped flirting with me after that
>>592887 yeah she's looking for a long term father for her kids that doesn't treat her like shit but she's still staying with the assshole for the moment for some reason
i hope my coworker can get with her he's a much nicer guy and he needs someone to reign him in a bit
>>592915 why do you think say british had pences, shillings and then pounds? Because a single pound was like 100 pounds if not mroe in current day currency
RDR2 is so immersive that it's almost not fun very frequently
Are some of those things optionable like the directions based on landmarks thing. Or are they hardcoded.
Kirara, the Cat
they do not appear to be optional, no
enjoying walking miles and miles and MILES because my horse is too far away to whistle to me after a cutscene walked me very far from my horse and i can't borrow my friends' horses
if i shoot someone to steal their horse, they fall off and the horse just runs away too fast sometimes tramples me to death if im in the way
It's not grand theft horse you guts *guys
Kirara, the Cat
also i store all my weapons on the horse so i only have a handgun with me 90% of the time if i get separated from my horse
Kirara, the Cat
this game is immersive to the point that your character will get fat if he eats too much which negatively affects gameplay
>>592949 idk gta sucks, i haven't played any RDR1 was a lot better than this
>>592948 That's been a thing since like gta sa Maybe earlier Rockstar loves that >GTA sucks Pled detected
Can you also starve if you don't eat enough and also have that impact gameplay?
Kirara, the Cat
Awesome. I'm gonna be the gangliest fucking outlaw in the West.
Also how would you know if it sucks if you haven't played it?
gta sucks ive played it
Kirara, the Cat
>>592953 because i have seen it played and am know about the themes, stories, and settings of the games?
Well in the long run this is good for me because now I can say stuff I haven't seen/read/played sucks without people shutting me down with "but how woupd you know if you haven't seen/read/played/listened to it"
Kirara, the Cat
except i have seen gta you can know a game sucks without touching the controller that's completely normal
What sucks about it?
Cause I'm pretty sure its enjoyable, and I recall you using tat as a qualification for something to be good.
Kirara, the Cat
see >>592955 the themes, the stories, the settings of the games
>>592959 "it sucks" is obviously not an objective statement people can like things i think suck
ARGGHHHHHHHH I'm so bored I wanted to be asleep longer. Now I have nothing to do before D&D.
this week, several black people were shot by a white supremacist bombs were sent to 12 people who criticized the president 8 jews were killed by a white supremacist
things are very very bad
I think right now is the first time I've ever felt good about not having a Jewish last name. And I don't like it.
It's been twenty minutes since I asked about the cat and I've received no reply. I'm gonna spam more question marks in this text thread.
Dunno all I heard while going out to see if I canc atch the culprit was the she tried to crash uninvited to a house warming party going on upstairs but wasn't let in
I judged her to be so drunk that I didn't want to involve myselfi n the matter so went back inside
when anime maths wins the fields medal that sick $15,000 cad is gonna help fund haruhi s3
how much does one season of a show cost to produce at a decent tier anime studio do you think
I saw a cost breakdown of it once I think. Probably the kind of thing that's fundable for any wealthy eccentric, if you can get the studio to agree to it.
You are a competent admiral you see an enemy naval force raiding your trade fleets
and you decide to attack them
and then you somehow let the enemy fleet have the UP WIND when engaging them
How do you even attack a SMALLER FORCE when they have the wind on their side? if they have the wind on their side they will just flee
>>593004 i imagine the licensing and such is where a large cost comes from sometimes
Well that would be a different channel you'd be engaging with than the studio. Licensing and similar costs are probably handled by the production committee, who are also the ones that would be contracting the anime studio. Though I guess if you are acting as the production committee yourself or through your own organization those would be fees too.
Licensing fees would probably also change depending on the piece you're looking to license. Some big-name series would probably be pricey, but I can imagine some others get sold off by their publishing house for pretty cheap.
yeah i dunno anything about all that stuff it's interesting though
Ohhhhoohhhh noooo >TN talks to me about what to do for Halloween >agree to it >remember that PAN decided what happens is canon >remember what I was doing in the main plot >this all comes together
I have a good army here with my best general, who is fucking 72yo damn old chap so soon will die of old age and I could somewhat easily take Rome and rest of italy but it would risk my border with the french
last time i left my western border undefended, I got attacked by 7 stacks, 5 of them french
she's a character from hero academia she's a sadistic pervert who ingests people's blood to shapeshift into them
oh ok thanks
kratom has a lot stronger effect when you're clean of alcohol and cigarettes or maybe it's the wellbutrin with it the wellbutrin is really sticking this time and i want to stay with it but sadly i've got two pills left so i'll have to stop
>somehow enemy cavalry is raping my artillery I love it when the Ai can just cheat and charge through 200+ men lines >>593063 I guess never researched into drinking blood
She's strong. Although, I'm a little worried about dropping my skill damage when I get her 5* to Elemental. The dark wand is a heal, which I think is a good thing but the 4* gives me a burst damage skill, which is what Alty is best at. The other 5* wand is a ranged nuke which is even better but it doesn't become dark which absolutely sucks.
>>593085 It's good to hear hear you're still speaking a little, at least. When you first told us, I thought it sounded like the family would not survive it easily. How's your mom taking it?
>24 pounder howritzers I WILL use these to kill the french
>>593099 i was around of stuff like that when near my family also a lot of faggot this, faggot that, etc im doing a lot better physically and mentally now that im gone from that
this is the first time ive been on my wellbutrin without feeling vulnerable and subject to severe panic attacks the last time i could do this was in 2011 i really want to stay with it this time and be back to my old virtual self
Kirara, the Cat
that's awesome
i only have two pills left though i'll find out how much it'll cost to refill once insurance gets processed i could have afforded it for sure if i just paid for the meds instead of insurance though oh well
normies trying to probe these 4chan threads they're so confused by samefagging they're thinkin that if someone's a namefag in one post then that's the only post they made haha i cant even say samefag on twitter probably or it'll be purged
100+ hours out of a game I think I have gotten enough to stop forcing myself to play at this point god I have gorwn to hate that game or rather the playerbase
though part of the hate goes to namco bandai for being shitters