Thread #593848
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smoke weeb drink bear
was there anime last night?
We didn't get anything watched last night, no.
Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Goblin Slayer Kishiku no Juliet --Episode 3-4 Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai --Episode 1-3 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-8 Sora to Umi no Aida SSSS.Gridman Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san (Episode Three) Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 3-4 Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Aarc to Renkin no Kishi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
i don't watch to watch the imouto show it looks like oreimo but worse somehow and more lewd
Alicization looks ok but ep 1 is an hour unsure if seasons 2 and 3 are relevant but i saw the animation and it looks pretty good
Well forty-eight minutes but yeah.>>593858 Having checked in on it, aside from characters showing up for what are effectively cameos, the story seems to be more original characters plus Kirito.
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SSS Gridman Doubt Decker Goblin Slayer Juliet Vampire Are these all Jan shows?
Maybe Anima Yell! instead of Vampire.
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that works okay SSS gridman need jan, right? okay he can catch up! let's start!
Glidmen Not sure where he's gone. Maybe to take a smoke or something.
Is she abducting the heroine now.
ok what time >>593871 thanks
4:00 4:05 4:10
>>593860 after you replaced vampire they're all shows i watch yeah
Hah hah the glasses guy is crushing on the secret villain.
is it just me or is one of the college guys way older than the rest or looks like it
Well as one college guy that is way older than the most of other guys in college. C'est la vie.
Oh this guy's gonna die.
Poor Yuuta.
It's good to not stalk people though.
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how is he eating jam toast with that faceplate
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It's high tech
It runs on jam for power.
Akane's pretty on-point with the kaiju thing now. She phrases things in the right way to make it sound like curiousity, not assumption. Though she still let herself get caught up in the mist here.
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>shit g2g guys left my cat on the stove
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i hope this guy survives and turns into their ally
his design is great
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They really mess up the city every time they do this.
Their secret college ally.
>>593886 It seems to get fixed in that reset that happens where all the dead people get erased from history.
Oh man- Oh what. Hah hah hah their PC is too lowkey to handle this INTENSE GAMING.
Woah. This combine has some pretty intense power.
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I like how he kicked even though he had huge arms.
The colour contrast between his hair and eyes is really good.
Akane is too nice.
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>>593886 whoops i didn't want to quote this post rook would love all this sip
poor MC
>>593895 The sip collection must grow
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what's in the bags anyways is it the bodies
Maybe. Probably just the trashed kaiju scraps or just the standard garbage that comes with being a modern human bean.
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how can hikkis live with full trash bags in their fucking room
Apathy is a poison man. It seeps into your mind and starts clinging to your brain, warping what seems reasonable or comfortable in a "normal" situation. Once you accept a little bit of trash the rest just seems to start piling up.
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I bluescreened! I guess that's a good time to do it. double decker! okay lets start!
Yeah, definitely less of a problem now than in the middle of an episode.
double dick me doug t. kirill
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These girls like to call Travis out on his Travis' Angels stuff but they do show up as a group a lot.
this reminds me of kekkai but poorer
You mean gayer.
poor and gay
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kekkai gaymen
>Constable Brown >Constable Smith Is their superior office Lieutenant Policeman?
japanese doesn't have a word for police department?
They probably do. But this show is trying to emulate a more European/North American setting so they're probably playing goof with some of the terms.
>There's always two suns Kirill you fucking what.
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>>593921 >he doesn't know there are two suns
There's only one sun!
Wow what's his nee-san doing just walking past less than ten metres away from him. Doug probably spotting some entirely different feature in the video.
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doug's eyes are all tired
All-nighters do that to you. He's still looking that way t- Oh fuck there ARE two suns,
We got a kick-off of Doug's main plot last week. And this week we're getting Kirill's.
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He got his own nose.
>tfw your sister just up and left one day with your nose and now you gotta become a cop to track her down and get your nose back
This onee-san of his doesn't really have an onee-san-poi voice.
she has a manlier voice than kirill
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this show has such great character designs
i think the fashion can be kind of hit-or-miss but the designs are good yeah.
Well there's an unsurprisingly reveal, hah hah.
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With a voice like that why is he surprised?
Kirill has like three intelligence he's as dumb as rocks.
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okay goblin slayer! This should be a fun episode. I heard this is based on a real D&D campaign. okay lets start!
It wouldn't surprise me. The Priestess' magic is totally a D&D cleric. And the way the goblins tear apart the weak adventurers in the beginning is a great demonstration of how action economy can totally fuck you up.
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ok but why did kirill's sister not tell him he was a trap how long has he been pretending to be a girl at least 20 years now this game does have a kind of classic RPG feel to it
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The spell uses is really D&D The other characters are like pretty classic D&D tropes too It's like the campaign that would be the result if one of the players said "I'm going to make a character that is really autistic about killing goblins"
Yeah it's really spell-slotty.
Hah hah hah. Priestess is totally broken to the whole experience by now.
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she's so shocked he treats the goblins like bugs
The only good goblin is a dead goblin, after all.
He's totally self-aware of how vicious they all think he is.
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he is pretty vicious
Yeah, he is. But he's still aware of that perception and is totally jeering them for thinking so.
>I have about three That's not exactly a large number. What's the need to be imprecise about three?
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He was baiting them there a bit. I'm surprised the elf is so emotional about all this. Also did he douse only the girls in blood?
Looks like it to me, yeah. He did say they're more attracted to elves and maidens more than the base attraction to people scent though. Still kind of questionable.
Priestess calls him Goburin Sureiya but the Sugita Lizardman calls him the Japanese equivalent.
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This is the kind of autistic shit D&D players would come up with, too.
To be fair a good DM would come up with a situation which would encourage making their lives easier by utilizing their skills like this.
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Yeah, but a good DM will have something bad happen before the end of the episode too.
Well, speak of the devil.
>Oh, so you're not a goblin Goblin Slayer please.
Priestess pulling her weight!
It feels like they've got three clerics to their party now. I'm not sure of the class of Lizardman and dwarf dude but they both seem like cleric builds.
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Priestess has pulled her weight from the start. I like the plot thread they have with her feeling conflicted about how he uses her spells for killing so often.>>593968 The lizardman is a shaman. I'm not sure what the dwarf is, he seems like more of an offensive spellcaster than a priest though.
yeah she was trying to help the scrub party that got massacred
>>593969 Clerics can be offensive spellcasters. Like, imagine him as a cleric of some stone god and what he's done makes a bit of sense.
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Oh, ther you have it. The Lizard yelled "sir mage" at the dwarf. I think he's probably a mage with stone flavored spells or something.
Yeah I guess. Weird looking wizard though.
>If she survives, I'll let her live >I'll make her food or my plaything >Let her live >Make her into food
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That's a pretty cool way to kill your enemies.
Goblin Slayer throwing the shade.
hahah who would use such a thing on goblins
Everyone who parties with Goblin Slayer seems to embrace a bit of the goblin slayer life.
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goblin slayer is a level 10 goblin slayer all of his party are level 1 goblin slayers now leveling up increases autism
>Adventures are supposed to be fun You wouldn't expect an elf to be so naive.
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>>593981 i mean goblin slayer doesn't really adventure he slays goblins his entire life is goblins
Unlimited Goblin Works
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Yeah, I bet he doesn't consider his work to be adventuring.
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juliey ep 3 okay lets start!
ju actually im goign to sleep continue on' i shall catch up!
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that ep was worth the last one being kind of boring exposition>>593987 ok good night squidders
He's such a fucking otome.
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he looks like roy mustang so that automatically makes him best boy tbh
A bit, yeah. Kind of a cross-up between Mustang and the MC of Ao no Exorcist.
This princess has a cat-ear tiara.
Uh oh.
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she's top doggy
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She's a different kind of strong.
She's a vicious foe.
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she's flaming hot
>>594000 Oh no Jan we're watching episode three.
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oh damn i already watched 3
So you've met the abusive princess then?
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yeah i guess i should actually read your list
She even calls him with a dog whistle, hah hah.
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she's even in the next episode at the same time haha i guess you guys can watch this episode without me another day
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Just catch up we're at 9:30
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I hope this doesn't ruin his date.
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>>594007 ok fine i'll rewatch episode 3 with you if you want
>Are you mad? Oh he's gonna play her game until she's sick of this.
Ah the three mooks are rallying against him in this predicament. They're really kind of cowardly.
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suggers would love this girl though
His lack of transparency with Persia is gonna cost him eventually.>>594012 Yeah she's totally his type.
Oh this'll backfire.
Oh gosh she's a Persia fan too.
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ah yes so this is why she's trying to mess everything up
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they're both hella gay for persia
To be fair I'd be hella gay for Persia.
Yeah this sure is a predicament.
He whistled a few notes from the OP there.
Oh more Julio next episode.
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Since we lost Ika let's stop here. Thanks for anime!
As a reminder, Tuesdays are my early days, so tomorrow night would be nice to start a bit earlier.
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aw ok thanks i guess i'm going to watch the rest of the next episode>>594027 i think i saw that one already
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Yeah I'll try to appear on time tomorrow!
Jan do you wanna do the most recent Irozuku We watched it on Friday.
let's watch uhhh that shitty ass imouto show
Eh, I'm pretty fine not watching it. I've kept it on the list because Rika seemed to have a inclivity to try it out.
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by the way it's not a very good show it makes fun of itself in-universe while also playing the same dumb tropes straight and has cheap animation the jokes are pretty good though