>>594120 Harmlessly smack kids and see how far they'll fly? okay
mm just like in those old flash games, hit a penguin with a yeti and the penguin flies loong distance harmlessly
i remember playing fable and knowing that you could kill townsfolk and there were these obnoxious little AI children running about that were disproportionately small and really fast for some reason i tried to take out my hammer which was bigger than they were and slam it down on them into a splattery mess but it turns out the children in fable have no weapon collision and can't be harmed so they just walked right through it very disappointing they are worse than the skyrim children
Kirara, the Cat
>>594126 >a kid pumps into heavily armoured stranged carrying daedric artifact as a weapon >dressed in dragonbone and scale >"I am not afraid of you, I can take you on" Sure
did i upset kirara by talking about slamming AIs in fable that game is so unpassionately made man i can't get over it the most casual experience in existence it's like you're not even actually playing a game i dont think it even technically counts as a game in the strictest sense of the word
>>594173 prob not haha this page was cloud flaring for both of us
fable 1 was quite boring gameplay wise and the story wasn't that interesting either didn't ever play the sequels
>>594176 the sequels were progressively worse maxis' idea was to just have the hero do more cool stuff with less demand of the player i mean, you already literally cannot die and can do whatever you want pretty much without regard and it got to the point where it was just pressing one button to fight and watching things happen and then the story finale "boss fight" is just press a or press b for two different choices the only thing that was fun in the games was the minigame tasks like blacksmithing or woodcutting or gambling
I don't really play anything made by Molyneux except by accident
>buys godus >this looks interesting >starts playing it >hmm something seems... familiarly dull and shitty like I had played this kind of let down gameplay before >where it at first looks good and as a concept is easily sold, but then just half-assed in-game >looks who was behind the game >molyneux >ah
i played fable 2 somewhat mindlessly because i worked physical labor night shift at the time i'd get back at like 5am and would never be able to sleep until after breakfast so i'd just wean down from the physical exhaustion with that or peggle until the store was open to buy a breakfast croissant and an energy drink the caffeine would put me to sleep
Like the black and white games
only game director worse than molyneux is David Cage
And neither is actually bad or "evil" or anything they just have damn good ideas and visions, but when those visions are made into games... they just always are let downs You see the potential, you see what they wanted to do but just didn't pull through it, either due to technological or budget restraints or just shooting too high to begin with, trying to achieve heights that couldn't be reached and then when truth hit them in the face, they settled for average
And the worst part is that they just KEEP DOING IT the same fucking thing all over again and again
they say cats always land on their feet but i have never seen this cat land on his feet even once almost always lands on his side or butt
guess that cat doesn't do the twist that well
Maybe he should listen to some Chubby Checkers.
>shape the dough into something that resembels a bun hahaha recipes can be sometimes amusing
I'm going to nap. I have the worst headache I've ever had. jesus
good luck kannagi
so rate my meal plan burgers made from decent minced beef buns self made caramellised onions as topping tomato lettuce and then I will mix up a chili mayo as a topping
and atleast for one of them bacon and an egg
depends on how big burgers I will make or rather how big buns I will make
That's the second time recentishly that I've toed the power switch for my powerbar. I need to not have such fidgety feet.
Connecting directly via ip isn't working either and ping is returning errors Although it also returned an error for doushio.com
Okay I think I figured out the problem, Verizon has major outages in my area right now. I can probably access doushio because of cloudflare being really good So like basically its a combination of high demand low availability on the network And routes not working properly
nice job Verizon
probably explains oir missing aidoru too
by some miracle I woke up the appropriate time to wake up after accidentally falling asleep time to do the thing I guess
god job
All day fucking headache. why
Do you not keep some mild painkillers around for stuff like that?
I don't think it's ever going to be less autistic. That bracket is all whales and autists. They're all mad there. If you're there, you must be mad too.
ive been having this weird pain in my side for months now i know appendicitis is way too acute for that to be relevant but if it was just inflamed or something maybe or a gallbladder thing maybe i dunno but it's worrisome the pain isn't really the issue just the worry of what it is
Today's the seven yesr anniversary of Chris-chan going to that game store and then running over the manager.
>>594285 Inflammation that lasts months and doesn't get better or worse?
>>594288 i mean it's not constant but it'll flare up for a few days every once in a while like maybe gi upset from damphs that my appendix is sensitive to or something idk why those meds tear my tummy apart
I'll probably check it out tomorrow during a break from clients at work. I've been playing RDR2 with Fish so I'm falling behind on my shows.
Understandable. Ain't like the shows are going anywhere in the end. I'd probably have gotten really into RDR2 if it had come out for PC too, though I guess I might've still had a free screen to put up shows on.
The game honestly has a lot of problems. They've created something amazing, but it feels like a lot of things are so bad that they're just juxtaposed to the rest of the world.
I checked out maybe three hours of gameplay and it didn't seem so bad. Might get worse once it really opens up and you hit the open-world though. I did see a moment where a player jumped on his horse and instantly clocked some civilian and triggered the law enforcement. Which ended up with him in jail over night.
It's not bad by any stretch. But there's no real freedom in the game, which is ironic considering it's about outlaws. The game presents you with scripted scenarios and you can choose to help someone or not, or choose to raid a homestead at night or in the day, but ultimately, the game gives you a problem to solve, but there's only one way to solve it. Your buddy is in jail, only one way to get them out of it, for example.
The NPCs all sound great, but they only exist in relation to me. They have their little lives, but they're only ever doing things in relation to me being around. If someone gets thrown out of a bar, it's because I'm there to see it. It's just a show put on for me, is how it feels often.
It's fun, and I'm enjoying it, but I feel like I was sold a false bill of goods, a little bit.
The lack of choice is just juxtaposed to this magnificent immersive world where your hat's always falling off, and you get muddy if you fall in the mud, and your hair grows, and characters sometimes get prosthetic limbs if you shoot them in their limbs.
It doesn't feel like a world. Which kind of feels outdated for open world games.
I guess I basically feel like a member of the audience rather than someone who is really making an impact in the game world.
My crew says they found a stagecoach to rob. Arthur says that's a horribly stupid idea, someone says it's fine, Arthur says okay, let's do it.
Almost all the quests seem to end in a big ole shootout.
The game is well written and interesting, but it's very formulaic and feels outdated.
Also they optimized HDR so poorly that the game looks like shit using HDR unless you have an OLED TV and even then it doesn't look as good.
Those both seem to be common complaints I'm seeing elsewhere. I think people just got their hopes up. Which in fairness to them, Rockstar definitely went snake oil salesman on it. But like, very little concrete information was available about the game before release and a lot of what was informed was still kind of easy to run with. Like they sell you on train robberies and all of a sudden you're thinking of all the ways you can rob a train. But then it ends up being one way and so the first or second time you've robbed a train, you've done it all.
It was similar in the original game, as well as other games that have off-main plot game mechanics. Like, the optional bounties in the original game, I did it the first one or two times, and maybe some other occasions when I wanted money. But never because I found it interesting or exciting. Same with Odyssey; I haven't done a war battle in that game aside from the main plot one and another which you -have- to do to reveal a Cultist. Aside from that I just ignore it.
Yeah. I don't think the game is bad. It's very good. It's just not the game I feel I was lead to believe it was. They spent so much time talking about how immersive the world was - and it is. But they didn't talk about the quests and stuff, which aren't very immersive.
The bounties actually seem interesting this time. There aren't just a billion of them. You find them occasionally. And they're all, like, unique events with unique characters. They're not procedurally generated which is nice.
My crew feels very self-destructive and it's hard for me to believe they survived to the end of the wild west.
It's fun to see John and Abigail fighting all the time, though. And little Jack is in the game, too.
To be fair most of Dutch's gang is either dead or obscured by the time Red Dead Redemption rolls around. Marston only hunts down Bill, Javier ... maybe one other? And then Dutch, of course. Those included, and then Abigail and Uncle, is like less than half of what I've seen is Dutch's gang in RDR2. So it seems to me most of them don't really do a good job of surviving, hah hah.
That's true. I hope some of them survive the game and just get out of the business.
Especially Lenny. Lenny is my boy. I will protect Lenny. There's also a guy named Charles who is cool.
Arthur is way more likable than John. I mean, they're both horrible people, but at least Arthur has good banter.
From what I've seen of Charles I'm really fond of him.
Arthur might have better banter but I think he's also much more content in his life of taking advantage of other people. John at least, or at -or how I played him in my RDR game at the least, was earnest in trying to be a good man. I haven't seen an attempt like that from Arthur.
Arthur's mostly just going along with Dutch since Dutch raised him, but he's usually trying to avoid killing innocent people and generally believes they should only be stealing from other outlaws, or stealing to survive. Although we did a quest earlier where he was pretty happy to kill a bunch of white supremacists.
John's kind of the same way, though. He's not really trying to go and take advantage of people usually, although he's cool with robbing random folks.
me too I think I slept 2-3 hours last night and then worked a shift the coffee is helping a little bit
I'm so tired. At least I'll hopefully sleep like a brick for the few hours I can tonight.
I should pick up some to ensure I don't crash on the way home tonight too
My sleep has been a total mess recently. I woke up at a good time this morning but the sleep I got was kind of tatters. And I'll likely not have much tonight either. At least I'll be able to nap in like fifteen hours.
>>>/@sarperduman/1056897877493104640 I have another 6am start tomorrow and I'm slightly paranoid I won't wake up on time even though it'll probably be fine I was looking to get a prescription for something like melatonin but for now I have some valerian root pills // capscules that I'll at least give a trial
Melatonin's helped me a bit. I worry I might have some manner of sleep apnea, or at least something like it that pops up if I'm in the wrong way when I'm sleeping. Sometimes even if I take melatonin or I'm dead tired or I've done the other "right" things for sleeping, sometimes it just doesn't end up restful.
I'm CONFLICTED, /moe/ travel 2019. So many paths to choose from
I really want to do another MOUNTAIN but that would blow out my travel budget. or I could keep going longer, traveling cheaply. see more of the world d-d-d-doushio
In your shoes, having been around so many mountains, I'd take the second option. Get a fresh, different experience. Besides, the mountains ain't moving nowhere any time soon. Do what you want to the most though man. Taking the cost-effective analysis is rarely what ends up maximizing enjoyment in the end after all.
and the one thing I've got going for me now is that I'm time-rich and money-poor so on one hand it really makes sense to take the option that involves traveling cheaply for longer.
but I also don't want to just spend 8 months sitting on buses and trains, stopping to look at the tourist highlights listed in the Lonely Planet and then moving on to the next one. I've traveled like that before. It wears thin fast.
That's why mountains appeal. I like the CHALLENGE. It's a goal. Something definite to do with a clear beginning and an end. And it forces me to push myself like nothing else ever does. It makes me happy.
but then again if I'm trying to travel for 8 months and I blow everything in the very beginning then I have no idea what I'll do until August.. Go back to my parents house and play videogames
>>594381 Well if you expend all your funds on mountaineering you could always engage in cheaper hobbies in the remaining time. Go read some novels. Write a story, or a memoir of your mountain travels. Do some drawing. Get creative man.
>>594392 climb all mountains of scandinavia you are in the region already
>>594393 it's not like I'm worried about being bored. I can always find things to do. It's more like that this is probably the last period of my life when I'll have a lot of time off, and the money to go almost anywhere in the world. And I don't want to blow it.
>>594398 You want to get into law, don't you? Sure you might be kind of swamped for a bit but eventually I figure you'll have the time and money to pursue stuff like this later on.
Besides if worse comes to worse you can just save up a bunch of money and then just quit a job and go sabbatical for a year or two.
True. I mean I'm counting on having time off at some point in the future. But just not months and months and months in a row. It's a very UNIQUE situation I'm in at the moment, in that I don't really have any other ties to go back to. Apart from Uni and I don't think they really care if I keep applying for time off. but no serious relationships, no job. Just me. and my passport. and 20,000 AU dollarydoos
From the sound of it, months and months of time off isn't really up your alley anyway. You'd rather have some intense shorter experiences, and doing long-term travel in your own words, seems to wear thin. Like I said earlier, you should really just do what will bring you the best experience. Worrying about time that wouldn't really be put to good use is probably a, well, not really a waste of your time. But you get what I'm trying to get across, eh.
>>594415 go to china and climb those wack ass mountains that look like someone took the landscape tool in roller coaster tycoon and just randomly raised and lowered the land level to the max and min
said I was dead tired and yet I'm rodong around in ajumper in thos weather
>>594501.tbnbt BM cm n .n.n NB NJmm mm n n NCB. BnB b MN . CB FB BB FM BB DC BB FB BBC BB cc NB CV BnB BBC m>>594502>>594499 NCB BCN NBC nvm NBC nvmb NC NCb CV NBC's NBC's FB NV BN. NBC nvm BBB bf NCB b. CBS NBC NB BN u VB b NC NCB BB CV f BH NV NCB VB CVb vvc BC bubble BV nvm BB NV VfB VB. NGC BV vv. BV BV VfB BCBS BV BnB BV
making food for 5 people for one meal or one person for 5 meals always results in 4 reheated meals though some foods can be reheated and they don't suffer like soup
>>594516 naw I mean like it tries to mimick the art style, but somehow just is off and not in a good way kind of like a fan art that really tries to look like the original, but just is off
doushio fucking froze when i opened my post >>594518 yeah most adaptations are like that unless you're david and have money coming out of every orifice it still looks good if not as good as the manga and the animation quality is decently consistent at least so i can't complain
I am still waiting for the manga to finish not doing another girl friends or sasameki koto
should i buy dark souls for the fourth time
yes but why?
it's a good game and i want to see how the ps4 pro version is visually
you dont really need the switch port oh remastered? i mean it’s just dark souls with slightly better than what dsfix offers you visually
yeah i have a 4k tv
i can not run dark souls at 2160p with dsfix because i have a 1080p monitor
dark souls remaster makes the boss look pretty nice.
>>594530 if youre that desperate to see gwenevere’s boobs in higher than high wuality then by all means
i really want to see my beautiful beef jerky man in 4k
beef jerky man?
when you die in dark souls and turn undead, you become beef jerky man
>>594532 i'll upload a screenshot to /moe/ for you buddy
you can fucking stream the original dark souls 2 pre sotfs with ps now why the fuck would anyone want that
some people think it’s better
some people think huffing paint is fun
streaming a ps3 game to a ps4 from sony's servers is definitely not better than just playing the rerelease in 60fps at 1080p on the console you're already doing the former on
When are they going to release the good version of Dark Souls 3?
never, lol
j/k they are going to remaster it next year and increase the shadow quality and charge $40 for the ps4 pro compatibility patch of the game maybe turn poise on
>>594541 but dark souls 3 is good just uh dont do online pvp
monday kicked off at -10 clearing lot of ice from the car and then it continued into a snowstorm that was prolly 20cm of snow most of it melted as it rained, though
>>594580 it's a viewtiful day in the neigihborhood a viewtiful joe for a neighbor
well 2 deaths so far 1 against initial boss for trying to kill it with the initial shit sword and then against random skeletons while i was looting for items
>>594618 he’ll fuck you up but fgo for it if youre ballsy
why can some enemies hit you through walls
they stab the wall really hard
Okay... >low level ud attacks me >I run past him >he 180 mid air and continues lunge and stunlocks me
rip souls
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
yknow i have a switch and a subway commute hmmm most of the time im standing and clinging for dear life tho
god the hitboxes are finnicky you clearly sometimes hitm ore than one enemy but it doesn't hit them
and fuck scimitat why does it have a fucking shit animation for the first attack
>>594625 Yeah I couldn't imagine using a Switch in a crowded subway. Even trying to read things on my phone involves the arm propping it up often in a really uncomfortable position.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
ar glasses when i could read a book while ordering my frickin cawfee
Like what is with enemies with shields vs player shield block area... you slightly have it NOT facing the enemy attack you take dmg you fucking sidestep fully behind shielded enemy and do what is supposed to be backstab CLINK you hit his shield
I guess it is charm for the game to not follow its own damn rules
Kirara, the Cat
>>594630 damn i can't read stuff so close to my face that'd give me a headache
I guess if an enemy is blocking, they have 360 degree shield around them
and why isn't there some shield bash or kick or something to push enemies off ledges
not with scimitar it seems or it iso ne of those stick+button which can cause my broken controller to press all d-pad buttons at once
Kirara, the Cat
yeah there's like up+attack i think? that kicks
>do jump attack >risk 50% chance of switching to 2nd weapon set (empty) >or using an item I don't even know if it is broken controller or just windows 10 being dick to sony
>>594673 Black squirrels are pretty commonplace around here. They can get pretty big too, I think even most cats will avoid picking fights with them if possible.
>>594671 I really liked Graham's mini arc in the episode. They portrayed the hurt of returning to an empty house well.
>>594677 ya i think they're just up north never saw them until now california had red squirrels though which were pretty big too!
We have browns and blacks/greys here. Though one of our city parks apparently has some freak white squirrels though. They're all mean bastards though, running around like they own the place.
>>594679 im sorry this should say western gray, not red
what i mean is that a myth was appropriated and completely changed into something barely resembling the original which is generally fine but the name should have been changed
stories, myths, legends and so on all get adapted just that skinwalker and the various similiar creatures in native american legends didn't really get into big limelight untill recently wendigos and skinwalkers and then internet just did the "changes as people write about it" process that normally takes decades to centuries in just few years >>594694 Well they were originally called Goat Men when they first popped up someone later tacked the skinwalker name to them instead
Kirara, the Cat
>>594690 if they're not werewolves and vampires, yeah
it's def not good for native myths to he appropriated compared to other groups though
In my opinion, I think it just shows how good mythology the natives have, if people fell in love with that legendary monster that well to make hundreds and thousands of stories out of it be it in the end a quite twisted version of it
I think supernatural actually launched the skinwalker boom with that one skin changer episode where the creep turned into dean at the end
But anyhow if memory serves the first few goat men stories had them be quite akin to the myth and then few iterations later the "changes into people" thing popped up
Kirara, the Cat
skinwalker isn't a legendary monster skinwalkers are vengeful spirits that return as // in animal forms and curse people that come across them
I don't see anything really particularly wrong with what happened to skinwalker though Only thing that differs it from other "adaption degradation" to other myths, legends, stories etc. is just how quick it happened
do you have groundhogs there's a groundhog taking residence in the back yard he has been there for years he's quite nice really
Yeah my mom despises our residents groundhog. Always eating up the plants in her garden. The most she's ever done about it is sprinkle cayenne powder around the border of the garden and encourage the dog to chase it - which doesn't result in anything. So I guess it doesn't bother her that much.
A bit off one of the lower corners of my phone case chipped recently. It's a little sharp and I'm worried it'll cut into my pocket insides eventually. But I also don't really want to get a new case.
i actually feel pretty great other than the cough! i am now eight days alcohol-free and starting to feel a big difference though i'll need to watch out because too much of my old self can be a bad thing i'm getting too old to be as wild and intense as my younger self
Not well! A client came in smelling very heavily of vodka. And it triggered a lot of cravings. So I'm just trying to finish my work so I can get home to my safety net.
It was one of those situations where I was lie "oh yeah I'll come along to help out and show you what to do" and then things got bad and I had to try to fix it.
have a rush file to transcribe of a conference meeting of like 11 businesswomen and they all sound exactly the same because it's a phone conference ahhh so troublesome
>>594753 speaking of do you know what vitamins i need to be taking during cessation i know thiamine and phallic acid are important but anything else top of mind?
Maybe so maybe so. But part of my scholarship grant was 'promoting study in Australia'. So if anyone asks - it's a fantastic place which everyone should go to. .
It does but perception and belief are not the same thing.
>>594803 >>594806 >>594807 >this message was authorized by the Australian government of canberra
>>594820 blind people confirmed to live outside reality
tilde did you guys watch overlord at all was it any good or was it just dropped
Yeah we've been keeping up with it. It's been really interesting, good plot threads and worldbuilding. The animation quality is kind of disappointing, but the rest still makes up plenty for that.
Oh yeah I'm totally missing out here. What a terrible misfortune. Oh no.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ur sarcasm isn’t thicc enough 4mii
I'm very sorry let me pour more of this Desert-Brand Dry AF Sarcasm Syrup all over my words like they're some kind of fluffy pancake slowly getting soggy in all this sarcasm sugary molasses.
There was a stand that followed people around, like on their back, and ate anything they threw away, and slowly got bigger. When they got big enough, they'd eat the person they were attached to and then combine into a main body that was really big.
Yoshikage Kira had to fight the big garbage stand while I was trying to escape the fight so I wouldn't get caught in the crossfire because my stand wasn't good for combat.
Crazy Train only really ever serves to make things worse, after all.