Thread #592293
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Akanesasu Shoujo Black Clover Beelzebub-jou Cooking with Emiya Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ore ga Suki nan wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai --Episode 1-3 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-8 Sora to Umi no Aida Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Zombieland Saga Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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What else do you have from tonight Jan?
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banana fish
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okay banana fish zombieland hmm do we really have another black clover alread?
We don't, sorry. I took Banana Fish off my list instead of Black Clover.
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okay banana fish zombieland akanesasu shoujo sora to umi beelzebub
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so banana fish okay lets start!
no homo i successfully got up and got a drink>>592327 perfect timing oh whoops
i did start on time though my b
Ash is a fucking ninja.
>>592332 he's a man fucking ninja
Dino's got a real god complex concerning Ash.
wow dino wasted that whole cigar what the heck
It's probably pennies to him really.
Hah hah hah. This is one hell of a mess.
ash must be fucking superman or something
Yeah that's some crazy core strength he's got.
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>tries to bone the prisoner >all he gets is a slap on the wrist
It's funny how Ash and these two missed each othe- Oh no. Well that's gross.
It's funny to see Ash lose it a bit.
>I know psychopathy I know when people are lying to me
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i love t his show
That was a pretty good escape arc. Jeez fucking louise Dino.
Ash's friends are pretty used to his particulars now. What good friends.
This ED kind of ends a bit too undramatically.
>>592361 yeah i thinkt he first ED was a lot better honestly time for AOTS oh no tilde's internet disappeared >>592366 dang i got it wrong
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zombieland! tilde never stays down for long okay lets start!
Sorry I needed to use the washroom.>>592362 Well I really like this new ED personally. I just think the cut they've done for the TV size is a lazy cut.
>>592366 ah i see i dunno i don't really like it i feel like it's too subdued for such a crazy show
What a glorious shit head.
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He really likes bullying zombies.
Do they just shove Lily's heart back into her chest when they're doing the make-up for the public events.
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he looks so fu cking proud of himself haha
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He's the best. Simply the best.
Ah here we go. OP sutaato
I wonder if they'll have a new OP recorded for when they reveal the seyiuu for Densetsu no Aidoru, Yamada Tae. Though I saw some chatter that one of the theorized seiyuu for her is fairly old and might not really do singing bits anymore.
Yeah this must be fun for the courtesan. She's been dead like 150 years.
Yamada Tae is still best zombie.
>Some times it feels like we're fighting the currents of history Thats because all your idols ARE history, dude.
If they're zombies how do they even feel it at all.
Oh they're finally getting around to what's kind of the mystery of the series. How exciting.
I wonder if popcorn-hair-chan has forgotten she was a part of an idol group. She seems to remember the values of being aidoru but she doesn't reference those memories at all. Though Sakura doesn't recognize her either.
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You do kinda gotta wonder why they're so motivated.
This is probably going to be a Bad Idea.
They've all got heart mouths now.
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The models are still kind of weird but the routine's being done much better this episode than the last one. I'm kind of feeling like it was right to assume it was an intentionally bad routine last time.
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I liked it better when they did a different type of music each ep.
>>592391 maybe the cgi will slowly grow better>>592392 yeah same
Saki's the bad friend that gets Sakura into all the fun things.
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listen to me sakura fuk the police
Those were some excellent faces.
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i know right
It's a bit weird to see so much of their body in zombie mode. They're all pretty Oh no. Hah hah hah. We've gone full zombie again.
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Their heads come off quite easily.
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What's been bothering me is, did they even need to take breaths before diving under water? They're zombies it's not like they need oxygen.
HA I ?
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Having a nice time is all that matters.
Oh does Saki's Tamagotchi get a revival too?
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yeah akanesesususeuesu okay lets start!
A ka ne sa su
Poor white-chan. Parents don't let her have any fun. It's probably the other Akane- Yup.
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if i caught myself stealing from myself i'd beat myself silly
I'd be happy to share. There's enough to go between myself.
CrunchyRoll please get your subbing shit together. That one line's been on there for a couple minutes now.
Oh no they're getting set up.
Well that's a problem.
This is such a silly iteration of reality. I love it.
>Bank robbery of 100,000yen That's like a thousand dollars. Not really a huge score.
Oh the pretty boy's in this world too. He's still kind of a shit.
sheriff ano eto
Kakkoii sherrif
correction, deputo ano eto
Oh no this is going to be problematic.
This isn't the same Asuka from before, is it? I thought she was dressed differently. Maybe it's the same though. Man things are getting turned around fast this time.
they're really bad at this alternate world thing
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I think I'd just stay in my dimension.
Where's your passion for ADVENTURE, Rika?
>>592428 you don't want to see what western rika is like?
Western Rika is probably about 95% identical to normal Rika.
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You need to kill your alternate reality selves so you can take their power. Like that one movie.
When they were talking about settling everything with duels I thought they meant just standard Western duesl. Duels, even. Not some kind of crazy colloseum duel set up.
why not just combine with your alternate reality self
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>>592434 that's gay
What a good okaasan.
Wow what good vagrants.
It kind of paints a picture of how terrible this world is.
Who the fuck is this.
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>>592440 what didn't you hear it's lovey dovey asuka-san
That barely begins to answer the question!
Ika do you know if you've got space for one or two more shows yet?
probalby one show
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which would you guys prefer then, space fishing or fluffy demons?
Well that's why I was asking, I'd rather close out on Beelzebub.
one order of fuwa fuwa, waiter
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okay beelz okay lets start
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you got it chief
Mofu mofu
Casutera Dess
The legs in this show are very very nice.
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The fluffy in this show is very nice.
Beelzebub's got a real addiction to all sorts of fluff.
>Now that I see her up close, she's really pretty Mullin you dense motherfucker.
What a siscon.
Wow Mullin you dense motherfucker.
Nice heels Astaroth.
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Astaroth sure has some misconceptions of what people do.
Fuwa fuwa
She just trashed a vase of Beelzebub's.
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oh her moe point is gun>>592464 the vase wasn't soft who cares?
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saikyou saiko
She's very honest about enjoying it huh.
Oh she's another part of the fuwa fuwa fanclub.
Astaroth what the fuck.
Oh gosh.
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maybe astaroth isn't that dumb
Why the camel.
This is a really heart-warming series. Nice and relaxing.
yeah this one is cute thanks for anime acids
Make sure you get your daily intake of anime acids for maximum health and well-being!