Thread #594327
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Akanesasu Shoujo Anima Yell! Cooking with Emiya Golden Kamuy Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-8 Sora to Umi ni Aida Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tonari no Kyuuketsuki (Episode three) Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 3-4 Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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okay let's see akanesasu golden kamui tensai slime anima yell yagate if time is an issue we dump yagate
Well we'll see. Might be me that ducks out for the fifth tonight.
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It's expendable so it's fine. We'll just end up doing 4 in that case okay akanesasu okay lets start!
How rude. It's a show I'm warmly anticipating each episode of.
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>>594334 It's expendable in the sense that we'll dump it and only do the 4 if that's all you can do.
There really are way too many copies of people running around.
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wow that's a wagon being pulled by a motorcycle
this might be the worst show we're wat ching
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This silver haired girl seems to have a high luck stat.
Oh speaking of Jashin-chan. I saw something on Twitter just earlier from them saying that if they sell over a certain number of hard copies they'll be able to enter talks for a second season. Maybe. It was machine translated so I'm a little unclear on all the details.
I'm pretty sure wagons don't spin like that, even on oil.
This is quite the kangaroo court,
Both Asukas have a clinical inability to not backtalk.
Oh it's Seriasuka again. Probably.
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To be honest I don't tihnk they had giant coliseums or female judges in the wild west.
Yeah probably not. But this isn't quite the Wild West, since motocycles. And when they were transported into this world they still arrived in a Japanese shrine.
Oh Sherrif was a bad guy all along.
Her cassette toku is really thematic. The twintails girl's was kind of wedding dress-y but the rest of it was more of a neutral design with the sword and shield.
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I like the cowboy getup.
The giant floating sets of ammo are a bit much but the rest is fine.
Maybe she's from a fragment where all of them are perverted and evil.
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seems like it! oaky golden kamui! okay lets start!
This is a really Shiraishi predicament.
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I want to see him escape that.
Asirpa gets to ride Chinpo-sensei's shoulder like she's a parrot.
This Shinsengumi guy is crazy hardcore for how old he is. Yeah you should have expected something like that from a rope bridge, hah hah.
NIkaidou's just gonna lose piece by piece of his body until he's got nothing left.
Oh it's another eccentric person.
I feel kind of bad for this one soldier guy. He seems so serious amongst all these absolute nutjobs that make up the 7th.
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These people are really messed up.
so silly
Papa Sugimoto protecting his young.
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Good lead into the ED there.
It's got a strong lead-in in general. The ED thatis. Over all it's not as good as the first season's ED though. Is growing on me though.
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slimes! I like this show okay lets start!
As you remind us weekly.>>594379 That's kind of gross Ika.
i want to eat a slime >>594378 i'm not ika >>594380 hi tilderang>>594382 ok
Oh hi Jan. Jan?>>594377 Rika we should probably re-orange we had a surprise.
slime ok let sgo its okay>>594377 >>594379 >>594380 goooo
I was holding off on resetting until Rika made a point so I'm still ontime with her.
it's okay she can just go back a bit probably
Also.>>594379 That's kind of gross Jan.
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Oh we restarted what time are we at? Jan what time are you at?
Well I'm on time with you so I don't really know. It doesn't really matter much anyway.
Tries so hard to call him out and be all high and mighty. And gets shut down because of SLIME EFFICIENCY.
Oh it was the dwarf that blew his temper instead.
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Honor and stuff!
fucking shrekked
>>594387 what's gross about tasting a slime i bet if you asked nicely he would be alright with it
wait what why did they arrest everybody else too only dorfbro hit him
I guess they figure his gang would cause trouble if they arrested him and no one else. They've already established there's kind of a prejudice against monsters too so that's a reason for why they threw Rimuru in too.
Some of these dwarves aren't really dwarfy.
Well exile is probably a more pleasant experience than slave labour.
That was some pretty roundabout comeuppance.
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I bet they will re-establish relations with them sooner or later.
Oh Dwarfking was able to sense the storm dragon in him.
Wow dorfking is so kakkoi
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I don't think he sensed the storm dragon specifically, but sensed that he was dangerous. I bet that monsters that are aberrations pop up from time to time in that world.
The direct callout to the storm dragon makes me think it was more specific than that. Dwarves probably don't have much dealings with a storm dragon compared to other races, it wouldn't be okay nevermind then.
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I think he got a similar vibe from him. okay anima yell okay lets start!
Ready. This is a four-person show Rika we need both Ika and Jan.
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oh okay orange again okay lets start!
anime yeet i somehow got behind you guys in slime my ep just finished before i posted this
shit what time
i accidentally switched to slime in mpc somehwo
3:05 3:10 :315
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if you join cheer you'll become :DDD
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did the cheer kill you guys with diabetes or what
Being shut down when I'm in the middle of saying something doesn't really encourage me to talk.
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Wait did I accidentally shut you down I've just been trying to push things along since I know you're on a time crunch tonight
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well I didn't mean to shut you down if I did that. I have been trying to push things along though. Sorry!
c h e e r u p
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HOW DO I become cheer-bu
Probably start with being a girl.
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step 1 - become 2D
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screw you guys i'm going to be the cutest most retardedly smiley male cheerleader ever
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They have male cheerleaders. Tilde are you good to continue or is this a good stopping point for you?
I can do Yagate.
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okay yagate I believe we're on three, yeah. everyone ready? oh tilde needs a minute okay okay lets start!
yeet is this ep 3 or 4 whats yeet even meaning even mean***>>594447 whats yeet>>594447 but yay is to express happiness what does yeet express
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Anima Yell! - 0(…).jpg )
>>594446 it means yeet it doesnt have a concrete meaning it's like yay
Oh shit yeah where did episode three go. We're probably supposed to be watching episode three. This is the problem with missing days it throws me all out of whack. I'm gonna need a moment to download episode three. All right, ready.
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>>594446 yeet expresses excitement
this show has such good art
Good character designs and good colouring.
indirect kissu
that look of sadness
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>i know ur gay
Onee-chan on point.
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holy shit they can't show this kind of lewd crap
wow she's so optimistic
The older sempai being the one all flustered in the gay relationship is a refreshing switch-up. Normally it's the kouhai.
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that cut was beautiful
This show really likes its eyes.
Good eyes though.
Lean on meeee When you're not strong
She's gotten taken in by her sempai.
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>>594463 >>594464 yeah for sure
>When people borrow your device chargers and don't give them back
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>when the perfect student council prez does some hella gay shit and nobody else is around to believe you
That guy's going to be telling that big fish story to his friends all the rest of high school.
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Thanks for anime!
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>>594475 he's going to awaken now on the way home he's going to buy his first yuri manga tankobon
He'll become like that guy from Blend S.
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also this show's amazing art and character designs really reminds me of fruits basket
anime >>594778 →