i've made a critical miscalculation ika won't reply for 10 more minutes >>529609 so how about that bloodborne 2 rumor time to get a ps4 so you can play the first one right?
well you know the story then but the gameplay is a blast too with how cheap it is now it's definitely worth it if you do get a ps4 sometime
So we're gonna orange again?
>>529608 Seems pretty exciting, yeah. I'm even more broke than the last time I was tempted to get a PS4 though, so that's not in the picture any time soon. I do really want to play Bloodborne though, it looks fun. Even though I did kind of watch people play through pretty much the whole game. I guess providing money falls into my life it'll depend on how close it is 'till the Bloodborne 2 release. Close enough and I might just go for it instead.
I figured he probably pressed play, hit mute, and went back to GranBlue. He seemed pretty disinterested in last season's shows.
>>529608 Yeah, the gameplay always looked pretty good to me. But unless they pull a Dark Souls II on Bloodborne 2, the gameplay will likely not be a huge change. So it seems more sensible to get that if it's closer to release.
>>529609 Assuming it's real, I'd estimate a release date in Q3/Q4 2019. >>529613 That's a very real possibility with Miyazaki being confirmed as the director for Sekiro. As long as he's directing it, I have faith in whatever game they're making. But I'm not sure he usually works on two projects at once.
Is he going to have to kill his wAIfu now.
Shinguru masaa
wait i thought that anon was tilde was that jan
It was Jan yeah. Do you need the time or did you never stop.
Japanese islands seem really comfy. I'd want to live on one, if not for the being a english-speaking gaijin thing. And the fact that they have spotty internet.
>Outsiders go and stay go Is this show supposed to be commentary on Japanese social policy.
>>529660 Well some of the more southern Japanese islands might have a fair bit of American expats. Would maybe be easier to integrate there. Still don't know about the quality of Internet there.
Is this Asumi Kana voicing her. Aw hell yeah I thought I recognized the sound of her voice.
And this is Yukarin, huh.
>Yukarin playing a mysterious long-haired girl in a small Japanese town What is this, Higurashi.
>>529675 I think the catch is they're affiliated with him in his time in the future, when they're no longer children and more aorund his age.
This miko has one of those conspiracy crazy-person walls.
Also I wonder if Yukarin is a vampire or something. She was walking out in the middle of the night, sleeps during the day, and was anxious about stepping from the shade into open sunlight.
>>529691 Probably gonna just be a really cramped adaptation. I heard it's a pretty big VN and if this is getting the one-cour treatment it's probably gonna be tight.
Yeah that's true. Though the obaa-chan flew in the ceremony seventy years ago, and she was already probably around twenty. He's probably old, but not like that old.
>>529764 well he seems like kind of a jerk so far i wanna know what his real motives are though
Yeah I think so too.
I think he's just prioritizing getting this ritual over with successfully regardless of the emotional damage he'll incur upon people. It's not like a serious villain role but it's still subtle and kind of hard-hearted.
>>529766 maybe he loved the miko from the last ritual that died and he's learned that love is a shit
Eh, sure I'm not sure how old he is, but if the previous ritual was like seventy years ago, he'd have to be around eighty at the least to be romantically aware of her during her ritual. Granted the old lady pilot must be somewhere around ninety and doesn't look it either, so maybe their ages aren't gauged easily by their appearance.