At least there might be new stuff come tomorrow though. Assuming it's picked up by someone HorribleSubs rips from. I'm seeing like five or six new shows that have either been out a few days or should reasonably have subs by anime-time tomorrow if CrunchyRoll or someone similar is simulcasting them.
Sometimes that kid acts like an adult and sometimes she acts like a kid.
I'm going out on a limb here but I figure she was -really- acting like a kid for a bit there because the brainwashing got lifted and she remembered all her childhood memories. And the torrent of returning memories had her more recent adult memories get washed away for a bit. Now she's balanced out them a bit better so she's acting kind of inbetween them.
Also man Moeta is a highway star.
I can't wait for Kagari to hear that truck driving around playing Mozart again and go full sleeper agent again.
King feels like Fire Emblem with everyone's kids running around.
Kinda, right.
That probably would have been pretty spooky in the VN.
Did she get TRUCK'd.
>>531546 Yeah, kind of. Though in this case the people who are getting to meet their kids are gonna have to be raising them in the future still, unlike the magic hyperbolic time chambers in Fire Emblem. Feels like it's gonna create a weird feedback loop.
I mean it's not like it's a surprise to anyone. Big rituals like these to ancient gigantic creatures and sacrifices are pretty much two things that go hand in hand.