You fought for yourself, you stood up for yourself. I hope there isn't anything making you legally responsible for this calamity. You don't deserve punishment.
The fucker won't remember you. This is very disgusting. I hope you will find peace after this terrible event. Holy fuck is hate this I hate this so much
In a miserable twist of irony, sales are really less fun when you're poor. There's all these things on discount that you want, but you can't actually buy them. How annoying.
They wouldn't want the explosive energy of me, then. But I'd still give it to them. He'll my niisan is there right now, enjoying the sights as he pleases. I wish that mercy upon myself. Hell without an apostophe.
I'm glad he's enjoying himself then. I like to imagine we're a fun city to visit.
I can't 4th because my brains are all over the floor
if jammy has a q and a u he might actually win
i wish i had the q but i have an i instead
fuck it
GG did Jan overtake Moon in the end?
woo woo you pulled out of fourth ayenon nice job
>>531600 nah i couldn't find anything to use my two vowels on
good game
thank you folks for playing with me
well that was fun time to play more overwatch
Also Jan you should catch up on all but the last episode of HisoMaso. We can watch the finale at some point.
oh right on i didn't wake up until like midnight today sorry i missed anime
It's cool, sorry we watched without you. It's the between-season lull week and there's been nearly nothing for new shows. Once we finish HisoMaso we'll pretty much have everything we were watching from last season done. That hasn't happened in a long time.
pass 20 turns to get an initial full stack, when AI just poops out full stack cause ofc and you have nothing to do for those 20 turns then "click hire" and each turn is like 2-5 minutes fuuun engaging gameplay
>Former Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave members, and current Prophets of Rage members, Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk were interviewed by Kaaos TV a few days ago, and confirmed that Prophets of Rage have finished recording a new album. oh shit
Oh cool Though Prophets of Rage aren't as good Though, reaching RATM is kinda unfair to expect
Kirara 🚗
por is alright no sleep till cleavland is good ratm was always hit or miss for me their good stuff was like 9/10 or more but otherwise they stayed around 7/10 por is same for mr
>>531648 Can you IMAGINE going out of your way to defend a middleman company that only seeks to make cash out of you? Frankly I doubt anyone at Crunchy roll even cares about the industry At least not the people running it Crunchyroll does not give a single fuck about you, they would harvest your organs if they could get away with it
especially one full of traitors like crunchyroll that anime studios barely even get any $$$ out iof the only argument people make is that you should use CR bc it's legal and who cares about laws lmao
>stop pirating that game you're gonna hurt Ubisoft
>>531652 The only reason to spend money on anime is to directly support it Giving money to Crunchyroll means I'm also giving money to studios for making Naruto. I have nothing against Naruto or any other show but if I'm gonna spend money funding anime its gonna be stuff I like
you were talking about how important it was we meet today and i told you i barely had time bc i have clients from 10-5 and you said "let's meet at 9" and then at 9:05 i fuckin swear people
we scheduled this meeting last minute yesterday too it was supposed to be on Friday but then she emailed me like a bloo bloo i can't do Friday now!!!! fucken ugh
>>531723 talk on a phone all day attempting to make appts, refill prescriptions, or deal witb whateber horrible nonsens ecomes out of the woodwork, especially when things arent filled or paperwork isnt completed i had a woman today that doesnt list bipolar or anything in her problem list but you could have fooled me
I can't leave early because that's not allowed, but also there's nothing to do at work Since we arrived we've just fucked around, and it's been nearly 4 hours
>>531727 sbe has another alightly different version of her first outfit ahell be using for the main channel that one if // shouldnbe for her gaming one shoch j am down with
couldn't get my work done today and had to send it back nerves are still too shaken from the holiday fireworks, sirens, et cetera have too much cognitive impairment to do my job right
not sure if i should explain that to my client or not
explanations can be kind of overbearing on people too i find sometimes it's easier left unmentioned i did anyway but i'm not sure if it was the right decision
>>531770 something God planted in the earth to separate the believers from the non-believers
Twitter keeps pinging my phone about the World Cup and I don't understand why. The things I follow on Twitter and even if it's capable of spying my whole phone shouldn't indicate an interest in it.
>>531772 you have to indicate to them that you're not part of the world; you're from canada
not difficult i love him, he's amazing but he's so fundamentally broken on such a deep level and every time i see him he's opening up to me more and more and he can probably never become whole again
he's the perfect client for me and im probably the ideal clinician for him that is available
but i got to see into his mind with the rorschach today and his internal world is a burning hellscape of confusion and abstraction i don't think he's even aware of how abstract he is there was an almost psychotic component to all of his responses
but he's not psychotic hes overloaded by his own brain and doesn't know how to harness his own power so all he does is destroy and he wants to stop but doesn't know how
today, he wore this obnoxious, plain yellow shirt, and these torn up khaki pants the pants are full of holes but mostly intact at the bottom of his right pantleg, written large in sharpie, it says NO FEAR NO HOPE NO ROPE there's an 8 between the f and e in fear, for no fate he told me it means he doesn't fear death, and he views that as not fearing fate he has no hope for the future but he's failed at suicide so many times that he's decided to live, so no rope
he has ratty black converse with the white area over the toes, and it says "later" on one and "days" on the other
his ears are gauged, but he doesn't have any gauges for them, so he made his own out of duct tape and pins
not for that much talking about the way someone dresses is generally fine as long as i don't give exacts, and i'm obscuring the facts in that post and altering a lot of the information so that it keeps the spirit of his aesthetic but without using real identifying information
i wouldn't post something i could get in trouble for on /moe/
My imouto's gotten nosebleeds two days in a row now. It's a little funny to see her get a little fussy over it; she hasn't really ever had nosebleeds before.
tell her about your buddy who gets his nose cauterized yearly that'll spook her
Maybe if it happens again tomorrow, hah hah. I think she's just like me and has grown into them happening more often. Though mine are probably more air pressure sensitivity and hers are probably because she doesn't fucking drink anything.
Live-action Hollywood Gundam movie announced at AX.
Kirara 🚗
is it original or an adaptation
Looks like there's no information on that yet. It's being co-produced by Legendary Entertainment, and will involve the Sunrise creative team. That seems like the current extent of information available.
idk what it is but i've been feeling super therapisty lately i guess i got enough experience to level up bc a lot of stuff just clicked and i suddenly started doing really well
>>531818 I'm taking it easy in moderation with respect to this client. I'm using him for my clinical proficiency exam, so I have to go all out to make sure I get my master's.
>>531822 oh, you're right i've never looked closely at that until now time to delete it
>>531821 I'm trying! I'm almost done for tonight. My client is incredibly intense and complex. It's going to take a lot of work to figure out what's going on with him. But I want to work really hard to help him.
my clients rorschach was wild >first two responses to card 1 are bands he likes >third response: [tears up] a reoccurring dream i have of a guy chasing me, and he's got a pig mask, or maybe it's a pig's head... it's chasing me and i'm trying to get away but i can't run, i can only crawled, and it catches me, and i'm forced to do terrible things
>i see pain >four years of being single after my girlfriend killed herself in her closet.... my heart looks like this. i didn't even get a goodbye.
>melting. everything is melting.
>a skinned moth
>trumpeters taking down jericho
>some sort of entity holding everything together and holding hands with bears
>flowers giving birth to bears
>so many eyes
>two men letting their spirits go
man i love this dude
That went from ten to a million at the drop of a pin, huh. >>531827 I mean even just considering responsees one and two and then three.
Also what's with the bears and this guy.
Kirara 🚗
well those are just a few out of his SIXTY ONE responses but yeah it kept escalating and becoming more and more bizarre so many jumped sharks
>>531825 what does stuff like melting and the moth indicate?
Kirara 🚗
my favorite response is "so many eyes" he was like "it's more of a feeling than something i actually see. it feels like lots of eyes." haha okay man
>>531828 i haven't coded it yet so i can't say for sure but both probably are related to feelings of being incomplete or broken
Feels like lots of eyes lining the inside of his brain.
Kirara 🚗
it was honestly incredibly fascinating on tuesday, i'm going to do the thematic apperception test with him, where you're shown photos and have to tell a story about what's going on in that photo
one of the sheets is actually just completely blank and they're supposed to think of a story with no stimulus to work off of and it fucks people UP
thematic apperception test doesn't have a lot of empirical support, but i think it's a good way to get themes out of the way people think despite that not that it hasn't been proven you can't get themes out, because you can just that there's no standardized empirical way of interpreting it i want to use it to tease out his perceptions of interpersonal relationships
i learned a lot about myself when i took the TAT, it's a really cool test looking at the stories i came up with for it, i realized i had an obsession with autonomy and freedom and realizing that probably changed my life forever
>>531832 someday i'll just get a bunch of projective tests and test y'all just to see what y'all come up with
Seems good. I'll finally get to show off how perfectly normal I actually am.
one of the professors that serves on clinical proficiency exam panels (they're panels for three randomly assigned professors) is like super hard and strict and critical and nobody wants her on their panels, but i am pretty much the only one that would benefit from having her, because she's obsessed with assessment and loves the Rorschach probably more than anything else in the world i'm probably not gonna get her because i want her
>>531834 i'm already anticipating the most normal shit ever just unnervingly normal
"i see a butterfly" on a card where butterfly is the most common response blessed with the power to be as conventional as possible when necessary
Honestly unless I'm pressed to dig real deep for Rorschach interpretations, I don't think it's something I can interact well with. I'm no good with super open-ended suggestions, as I've probably demonstrated enough times. Tell me to come up with "anything" and I'll struggle and probably just give generic objects.
But something like the thematic apperception test sounds fun because it's given me a limited range, more so a limited range I feel definitely favours me. But who knows I've never actually had a chance to try anything like these in a serious environment.
what if you accidentally uncover some deep secret while giving us tests
>>531836 Well, for the Rorschach, the most important thing is how you see something, not what you see. I mean, content is important, but most of the information I can derive from it is based on structural components of your response: incorporation of colors, shading, textures, the shape, the commonality of your response, how well formed the idea is, etc.
people who say stuff like that are usually saying it because the rorschach is conceptually terrifying to them they usually don't know what to say because they skate by through life responding to things in the way that they think they're expected to or in the way they think will get the favored response from others when they're confronted with the rorschach and there's no hint whatsoever of what kind of response is desirable, it freaks them out and causes them to freeze up and feel uncomfortable and they have trouble generating responses
well i don't need the rorschach to do that people who have murdered others like to drop hints about it and in therapy, many of them will flat-out tell you they've killed people because it's confidential oftentimes you have to build rapport with them so they trust you before they'll tell you, but lots will tell you i've had two clients that have killed people and i worked with a lot of murderers in other settings and people that have killed people usually can tell when someone they're with has killed someone, too
Kirara 🚗
at least, for people that are more-or-less accepting of the fact that they've killed people
one of the reasons i'm good with forensic populations is because i've done crimes and been around people that have done crimes and i generally know how it is and forensic populations can tell whether or not you're bullshitting when you act like you understand what they're talking about and a lot of them will open up quickly if they judge you as legit
when i'm with clients like that i can talk like /// talk more normally in terms of what words i use, like i curse, or use drug lingo and stuff or they'll say something that happened to them and i'll scoff and be like "wtf, that's ridiculous" and they appreciate that level of realness
most people don't want realness, they just want someone to tell them how to get better and to tell them that the /// that things are better than they seem, or this is a more positive way to look at it, or this is a more effective way to look at it, etc there's a very different mindset in therapy with normals and forensics
the more intelligent people get, the more like forensic populations they get, though in terms of wanting realness so the really smart normals don't want the stuff other normals do, because if the stuff other normals want worked for them, they wouldn't be in therapy, they would have done it already
the except for this is ofc autistic people who generally fall outside that dichotomy and are really unique in therapy i don't really like working with autistic people because there are certain treatment modalities that are incredibly effective with them and i'm not trained in any of those, so i don't like to work with them- i just can't do a lot for them
>>531849 for most people, killing someone changes you in a fundamental way it's hard to put into words but you want to be able to connect with others even though you know that most people around you would consider what you did to be terrible so you kind of start dropping out feelers, looking for people that would still accept you even after you've killed people for some people, killing people and being around killings becomes so normal that they can just reference it in normal conversation without thinking about it, too, although they usually don't acknowledge they've killed anyone explicitly
>>531850 Oh I see where it's going now Dropping hints that normal people wouldn't notice, so you can possibly feel out the notnormals Like a sign only they would recognise
Well, it's something like that, anyway. I think it's hard to understand unless you've killed someone or been around people that have killed people. A lot of fringe situations are hard to understand unless you've been around someone in it or been in it yourself.
i don't really work well with low or average intelligence normals because they're best served with cognitive behavioral techniques and i loathe doing those i can use my treatment modality with them and it will probably be effective for many of them, but cbt is just so much faster for them and i feel bad about it unless they want to do a lot of exploration
every day, laz's hatred for my cellular phone grows he started trying to chew on it recently and now he's trying to steal it so he can chew it pushing it out of my hands at every opportunity
Hm. My cat loves to cheek-rub the corner of my phone whenever I have it in hand, and she'll do the same with books, or other handhelds. Never chews on them though. I kind of figure it as a bit of a "put that thing down and pet me damnit".
it's the phenomenon where cats become more like their owners he's learning to hate technology! if he sees me on my phone he'll come over to me wherever i am and start trying to yank it out of my hands and chewing on it
They might've shown some first-episode content of JoJo Part Five at AX too. I wish I had money to go. There seems to be a lot of industry content over there.
>>531884 i'm not really sure how to explain it people who have killed others and have come to terms with what they did or at least don't feel obsessive guilt over it just have differences in the way they interact with other people it's almost like a kind of confidence, but it's not really confidence i can't really describe it as anything other than just an awareness of death that others don't have, a more intimate awareness of death there's something more real about them, they're not pretending to be like everyone else, but they look like everyone else it's kind of a sense part of it is just that when you spend time around killers or are a killer, you can just feel it in others it's a metaphysical kind of awareness they have
if it were easy to explain, i think a lot more therapists would be able to work with murderers successfully some things can't be put into words
>>531886 a bear wont cry when it kills a salmon. they are different
>>531887Very unnerving. It makes me think I may have met one in my life actually, and i would say they had a weird kind of confidence, but were always completely normal, and friendly, even the most focused person in a group. Like having something else they focused on or had experience with gave them a little edge over people that they'd hide away, or drop like you said subtley. I think meta awareness is a big part of it too, for both. As
it's still showing my work due in the system the work i couldn't do today and told them that i was having flare-ups and regrettably wasn't able to finish and that i apologize but couldn't do anything about it idk if they're still expecting me to do it awfully confused
Apparently my nephew escaped the house this morning at 6am? He learned how to unlock doors and used his skills to go outside earlier today. Everyone was sleep. I was still at work. So was his mom.
Not last morning but before that. But yeah now I have to solve a child safety lock puzzle before leaving.
That's some pretty impressive intelligence there though. What's he, four? Five? And some stubborn insistence on freedom. I'd love to see how you all handle it when he gets to his actual rebellious phase.
build a series of mazes and puzzles for him to try and escape from
Install an electric lock so that you have to enter a code to get out.
so weird dsy so far i had 3 random conversations
I guess even one would be a shocking event for you, eh.
Ah my cat caught some small rodent again. Time for her yowling to show off her catch.
are you gonna let her have the head
that's their favorite part
I'm quite full right now, she can have the whole thing. She tends to clean up most of critter by herself anyway. Usually just leaves one or two organs.
basically #1rando notice eggs being sold separately, as in you could just buy 1 or 2. accidentally say outloud welp didn't expect this and some older guy heard this so we had a brief convo about eggs and how small farm eggs are better, but so hard to get nowadays #2 while packung groceries, store having more staff than customers at this hour, i ended up striking a random conv with tge cashieer as she amusingly looked at me tetrising my stufg into my bag. #3 noted that bus driver had entered wrong info on the line monitor outside so noted him about it. then bit before getting off had short conv about how dead mornings are during vacation season
yeah it's probably not going to be a big thing though we might go protest at the CEO of the private prison's condo at some point though help educate his neighbors on him
I'm really not sure it's super useful to protest, aside from it being a good space to talk to people about other courses of action But I think it's still good
Well, remember to be safe whatever it is Cops busted up an ICE occupation a bit earlier, confiscated their supplies like water bottles and stuff, I think
we'll be at the offices of the private prison that owns the ICE center so there shouldn't be any ICE presence mostly people that do admin so that ICE can do its thing
the people who set up the train schedules, so to say
Like, a legal one, even, I think? They were asked to move the supplies cause they were in the way for something, and they did, but the cops fucked them up anyway
>>532162 I won't be hurting anyone. Do you really think I'd say if it was violent, though? If it actually was violent, I probably wouldn't brag about that.
>>532173 No I expect you to release your confidential and possibly illegal plans just to satisfy the slight curiosity of mine Good luck with whatever it is you're doing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I forgot the mystic class is returning That's going to be uh fun
what's really important is that it will have mechanics from all the games including EO3&4's Subclassing, and EO2U's force and force break system which means uh This might be the most busted EO game
holy shit this darht mod for empire took like >>532194 from this post to compile itself to start
>>532203 you, an unseen chatacyer who might be a party member
>shinjuku as the last floor what a tweest
>>532203 >look there's a big dungeon and there's a bunch of guilds exploring it >go explore it The individual games have their own plot threads about why the dungeon is there and what its inhabitants are doing but that's the usual structure.
>>532221 It's a fun game so far The first time I tried it I just got destroyed and went "eh, not that interested anymore", but this time around I understand what I'm doing better Maybe there was a change since then, like just a better UI would possibly have an effect here
>>532228 That is a much more realistic way that scene would actually play out in real life, at least
>>532229 yeah in abusive families with violent dad, mom usually doesn't help that much if statistic are true especially if it is an android with the robotic laws in place
Well that but also the 'mom' here is literally a slave Like, a slave without the capacity to go against the word of the dad
Actually, the robotic laws would make her intervene, wouldn't they? Not that anything will ever be programmed with the robotic laws, nothing as advanced as the robots in the game at least
Cause they include a thing like "can disobey if it is in order to save a human life" right? Which could reasonably be extended to harm rather than death exclusively
Sure but if the only way to stop it is the death of the perpetrator, then the robot will just let it happen, as a feature That's messed up That's a bad rule
Yeah then it would most likely fail, but it would try to stop it the best it can following its programming. But the amount of stuff that opens when you allow, even if in extreme cases, the "sacrifice few to save many" under pure logic that afterall can lead to quite utilitarianist extrememism, which humans can't do because of empathy and emotions
Sure but this isn't like a trolley problem The trolley problem isn't as hard if the 1 guy you can send the train towards is the one who set the situation up to begin with
Kirara 🚗
>>532225 once you get the hang of it, it's really exciting the workshop has a lot of good mods too some really good new class mods
>>532242 Yeah, I fully agree where you come from, but I still say atleast intially using the traditional laws is safer, as it is quite fullproof method of ensuring the robots will never, even for our own "good", turn on us. And even if they do, they will do it nonviolently
>>532250 So how to get around it have human element around the bots that have to dealw ith these situations they can take the moral choices in "sacrifice few to save many"
Well it's not like any bot will be programmed to follow any moral framework I agree with anyway It's gonna be programmed with certain parameters that are necessary for it not to pull a Detroit
>>532289 please do i'm actually curious if you think i'd think that and why not in like a confrontational way i'm legitimately intrigued by this response
Commenting on most things causes incidents. That's why I don't.
b b b b b ang
damn wtf happened while i was busy doing things you guys would REEE at
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
However I also don't have comments.
Kirara 🚗
>>532294 disagreements on whether or not ICE is okay
b b b b b ang
man it's weird because at one point I would have considered you guys like some of the most open-minded people who I could tell anything but I feel like if I told you what was going on in my life right now you'd all judge me p hard
b b b b b ang
>>532296 oh is rika doing that thing where she makes herself look more racist than she probably actually is in practicality
Kirara 🚗
>>532298 not really she's avoided making comments about it so some people assume that means she is super into baby camps and stuff
>>532297 Are you sucking dicks for meth under a bridge downtown?
>>532297 did you get smashed at a concert or something
b b b b b ang
>>532300 lolno my life is moving in an amazing direction i think definitnely not towards that >>532301 i bet you would understnad me maria do you have me on any other services? steam? discord? gmail?
>>532305 yeah, but I can't comment on that convenient little story about how having borders and stuff is exactly how the nazis killed anne frank without causing an incident
b b b b b ang
>>532310 actually as far as I can tell, when she wasn't saying anything more than what she just said, the implication was that "she is super into baby camps and stuff" and that's probably going to be seen as "makes (sic) herself more racist than she probably actually is in practicality"
>>532311 my takeaway from that article has nothing to do with borders my takeaway was that stricter and fear-driven immigration policy leads to innocent people dying and that we probably shouldn't sensationalize victims
Denying people based on antisemitic fearmongering from the far right is what borders are all about -Rika, I guess
b b b b b ang
>>532311 i don't give a SHIT about that, I want you to comment on me
b b b b b ang
and then there's this european piece of shit whose only source of information is the media as it's given to others cmon man
Kirara 🚗
i was at an anti-ICE protest a little bit ago and the company we were on the sidewalk in front of turned the sprinklers on to make us leave but it was already raining??? and the sprinklers didn't point onto the sidewalk??? it was weird
>>532316 The article is literally about that though
b b b b b ang
I literally live in a border state man we're living in this shit go make some more taxes or something
>>532321 So it's lying? The US did not implement policies to restrict jewish immigration during the time in question? Because if it did, that is what the thing is about and it isn't lying about it.
Kirara 🚗
>>532321 the news article is describing the contents of a historical piece
b b b b b ang
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go bang I just wanted to intrigue people with my alternative lifestyle choices by vaguely hinting at them and now I've got a fuckin political debate going on FULL STEAM ALL AHEAD FULL
>>532323 A historical piece that just happened to surface as a debate about immigration is raging.
Kirara 🚗
>>532325 that's an argument you could have made if it was released when people actually cared about the refugee crisis but as it is, the article is completely removed from the current immigration debate and you haven't even read the historical report so how would you know how can you say it's obviously biased if you haven't seen it come on now
>>532326 I don't think I need to read the original report to be able to pick up on the fact that the text in the images you posted is written to persuade.
>>532328 wow shade Though I guess maybe a lot of it wasn't what would usually go as judgmental
Kirara 🚗
>>532330 you might be less judgmental but you're less tolerant of views you disagree with because you've become more extreme and are quick to speak out on it i'm not making a value statement on whether that's good or bad, that's just what i've noticed i'm the same
>>532335 i think you can argue that the article was released at a time in which it may be used persuasively, but arguing that the article itself is using persuasive language is silly
and whether or not it's persuasive, i don't see how that detracts from the facts presented in it
Let's just focus on the text you posted. The purpose of that little blurb is to persuade, is it not?
Kirara 🚗
i posted several images you'll have to tell me which ones you think are persuasive and why you think they are, since i don't think they have persuasive language
Y'all weird as hell acting like trying to persuade people not to play into another great horror is grounds for discrediting something
Kirara 🚗
>>532339 i don't see the use of any persuasive language, i see the reporting of facts if you believe there is persuasive language, please explain that to me so that we can actually discuss this instead of you just saying "isn't that persuasive?"
What do you think the author's purpose for writing it was, then?
b b b b b ang
i remember when kirara and yuu used to gush over each other and were like sexy besties and the ohio conspiracy and all that now they're bickering like an old couple cest la vie
>>532344 Oh, I see. Well I think that it's written with a very obvious agenda. Not written with explicitly persuasive language, what you'd see in a class or something, but it is presented in such a way as to convince people.
>>532362 As a proponent of open borders myself, I don't see anything in there about open borders. To me, it looks like it's about not sensationalizing immigrants and loosening restrictions and how doing so would have saved // potentially saved Anne Frank.
Were you aware that my beautiful boatwife, Verniy, is perfect?
b b b b b ang
>>532358 ew gross >>532359 if it's not anime it's not what i want i want to become the protagonist of a slice of life anime preferably about adult-aged workers in a very thriving industry
>>532379 yeah probably both i don't really like fallout 3 or 4 and i'm not hopeful for the next one though i like the original games and new vegas a lot
b b b b b ang
>>532378 oh yeah good fuckin luck dude i ain't got time for that shit
>>532383 are you lookin forward to the new one i'd be ok with a coop fallout but idk mmo fallout seems weird to me
b b b b b ang
>>532386 i am but i just have a few hangups they gotta prove to me first i need those private server things they were talking about so i can play with mods AND friends i need my friends to be down and i need the game to not accidentally be a shit
b b b b b ang
after 3, NV, Skyrim, and 4 I think I can trust Bethesda to not shit the bed but TESO also exists and I'm kinda skeptical about FO76 being online
>>532384 I don't know, does it? You read those four little things, right? I don't think it would be wrong to infer that loosening restrictions would have saved Anne Frank's life. But being able to infer something from a presentation of facts doesn't make something persuasive.
>>532390 Actually, I'm the one that picked certain facts to present! I selectively screenshotted the article and posted it on /moe/.
Some of the other parts of the article talked about how Anne Frank's dad potentially would have survived if an immigration office in Europe hadn't been bombed and his documents weren't lost in that bombing.
>>532387 Yeah, I will probably never play it unless there's private servers, but I have the feeling they're not gonna let them.
b b b b b ang
I do think they picked certain facts to present. I think that one can just as easily state that it's impossible to truly know if they meant to persuade or not because of the fashion in which it is written But I mean I've got a hunch
b b b b b ang
See now I REALLY don't know because you're a bit of a politically unique character
b b b b b ang
cherrypicking facts IS an attempt to persuade though so if you did that, the article given is no longer itself but instead your creation being presented to us (originality and credit due are irrelevant to the message of the medium" )
b b b b b ang
>>532389 oh there will be! at least they said there wil be Todd said it was a feature they hoped to implement after release they know how important mods are and i think they understand that mods can't work in a public server world and that internet play isn't going to make up for mods to most consumers
>>532393 oh, that's cool i didn't hear about that i hope it's not todd's sweet lies
>>532392 i was trying to persuade but the original article wasn't i don't think rika started talking shit about the article and the historical piece the article was written about which didn't make sense to me bc she didn't read either of those things
b b b b b ang
>>532394 Todd might be a shithead but he's generally an honest shithead
b b b b b ang
honesty can be roundabout sometimes
b b b b b ang
i feel like the REAL reason this started is because sometimes it's really fun to watch Rika fail to tread water
well i honestly didn't expect rika to engage about the article and i was going to avoid talking about politics, i just wanted to post that and a snide comment but when it's rika, sometimes i just can't resist she's fun to argue with
That's just gonna catch on something. A disaster waiting to happen.
Kirara 🚗
hopefully it catches on my spine and rips it out killing me instantly so i never have to see that horrible ring again finding a ring is ridiculously stressful
b b b b b ang
b b b b b ang
personally i suggest going with a really cheap but symbolic ring so like do that
Kirara 🚗
i want to but she's like rich and all of her rich people friends will probably make fun of us or something
just another example of us engineering our own doom
well not really it just is as bad as the disease was before modern medicine
Kirara 🚗
yeah but it wouldn't be if we didn't overuse antibiotics and actually continued to do medical research to identify new antibiotics
people are damn irresponsible also instead of antibiotics, they have developed for example viruses that target those bacteria
People do that sort of research It's not fast Drug development takes time That being said they should do it more
Kirara 🚗
one new antibiotic in the last like 35 years implies to me that the research is not being done i don't consider one or two groups working on it as research being done on it
>>532433 that's really not something that's used though and it's incredibly limited
Well it is an entirelynew field bacteriphoge or whatever it was called
Kirara 🚗
yeah but if we had been putting in a lot of work in the last 40 years we'd have a solution to the problem that we created by using the same antibiotics over and over nonstop for every little thing
>>532439 >>532441 >>532442 not sure if these are serious responses or not but in case they are, most of these are basically the same exact things they aren't new antibiotics they're slightly modified versions of old antibiotics
Slight modification in many cases is enough to make them viable.
Kirara 🚗
in most cases, it's not and there are many reports that have come out in the past few years saying that it's not enough and that it hasn't been enough and they we need new antibiotics
>>532445 I'm going to throw you a [citation needed] for "in most cases its not" We do need new antibiotics, but in the past 18 years just on that list, four new classes of antibiotics were developed. Those aren't just slight modifications.
Kirara 🚗
>>532447 check out the review on antimicrobial resistance from the UK govt that came out a few years ago
Kirara 🚗
>>532447 and no, in the past 30 or so years, there haven't been any new classes of antibiotics
>>532450 >>532451 not considered a new class because they're a modification of an old class
Kirara 🚗 Teixobactin was the first new class of antibiotic discovered since 1987
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
a potential new class was discovered earlier this year called malacidin but there's not a lot of research on it yet neither malacidin nor teixobactin are mass produced yet and neither have had any human trials yet
both have been made possible by advancements in culturing bacteria previously unculturable bacteria are now being able to be worked with which is great but this kind of work should have been going in force for the past 40 years and we're paying the price of not putting in that work and not funding it
>>532456 >should've been going in force Dude this shit takes time Advancements in scientific techniques doesn't happen overnight, it takes years of research All of this does
Kirara 🚗
you don't uderstand understand* yes, it takes time but it also takes people working on it which people haven't been doing which is a major point of many of the reports and articles discussing advancements in antibiotics all of them explain that antibiotics aren't profitable, so there are few people working on them
i'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about you do not appear to be well-read on this subject
There is a slump, but you are negating loads of scientific work I'm aware its unprofitable and that few people are working on it. But you're acting as if no one is working on it. Thats what's bothering me.
>>532459 gonna play some more charlotte soon going through some jap twitter stuff
>>532464 This is not how I would describe my twitter
I love twitter A feed full of things that make me smile
Kirara 🚗
>>532462 i'm acting as if not enough people haven't been working on it saying that we should have been going hard on it means that i think we haven't been going hard on it, and we haven't a few people here or there working on it is not even close to what we should have been doing and we're suffering because of that
what form of work are you speaking to design and execution of human trials compound development clinical need probe and discovery research
Kirara 🚗
literally anything by 2000, there were only three antibiotics in development before that, there were a ton, but development was discontinued on all of them because it's not profitable we have literally not been working on antibiotics we have been able to be working on them and have chosen not to because to do so would not be profitable
if we had actually been putting a priority on them and hadn't been throwing antibiotics at everything for the last 60 years, we wouldn't be in this mess
>>532467 well is not really "throwing antibiotics" but rather "handing them willy nilly, without making sure people consume them as prescribed" not to mention "handing them over counter without prescriptions" in many countries.
Kirara 🚗
>>532469 all of that it's so stupid fuckin people get antibiotics for colds here
those places are such disease grounds, that even herd protection won't work anyone during my time, that hadn't gotten vaccinated with the pigflu shot, got the pigflu
Kirara 🚗
probably doesn't help that russia and the US spent the cold war working on bioweapons and occasionally testing them in the middle east and asia and shit like that
>>532484 mm, but I basically refer to the whole mad thing, but with chem or bio weapons
>>532485 my uncle was affected by that during the war he's got quite a few persistent issues from it
>>532487 Damn I'm really sorry to hear that, that's awful It's one thing to get shot in a war, but to have persistent health problems because of something deployed by your own side, that's really sad
gotta take my damphs and get to work on these transcripts i'm starting to notice damphs cut out my systems thinking and ability to draw deep connections think it's actually decreasing my mental faculties tbh but whatever i got physical requirements to my job
or might possibly be the nicotine which i start craving when stimulated
I had a friend named Jewish in high school his given name he was filipino
>>532501 was it spelled Jewish or just pronounced that way?
>>532503 I bet he heard a tonne of jokes about his name I bet he's sick of them
it was spelled Jewish
Filipino parents can some times have weird notions about names. I have a friend whose parents tried to name him a pretty normal European name, but couldn't get the right letters to the name down. So now he's got a bit of a strange name that's not quire Filipino nor European. And most people call him it by how it looks, not like how his parents intended it to sound to boot.
i want to go to bed but i gotta finish this assignment that's due at midnight i've been pulling like 10-12 hour days every day this week
do you guys think i should go on tucker carlson's show if i were to have an opportunity i would basically go on as a socialist leader and then i would just fuck with him instead of engaging with his bad faith questioning
and yeah i'm askin because i have an opportunity his people emailed a bunch of dsa chapters fishing for someone to on his show and dsa national told everyone they're not allowed to respond until national comes up with a plan for how to respond but i can just respond anyway and get on the show bc i don't care about national
i really wanna call him cucker tarlson on tv
>>532505 I dunno anything about this show in particular but I'd assume that they would have the power to framde and edit the whole thing Seems like he'd stack the deck against you You could just call him a cuck and leave though Fucker Cuckson
Like do you really wanna end up in a video called "TUCKER CARLSON OWNS CRAZY TEFTTARD WITH LOGIC AND FACTS"
Kirara 🚗
>>532507 tucker carlson has people on the air and he basically just sits there and makes stupid faces when they talk about science and stuff bc he doesn't understand and then accuses them of lying or says science is fake and stuff like that it's a big show on fox like one of the biggest conservative primetime talk shows
Kirara 🚗
he would definitely stack the deck against me he engages with guests entirely through bad faith questions and only seeks to find the easiest way to make people look stupid but with me, i don't think he or his people can imagine how radical i actually am so if i just go there and spout super extreme bullshit and talk about a revolution he probably won't be able to maintain control over the conversation especially if i refuse to engage him on his terms
but also i would have my face on every tv in the country
Kirara 🚗
>>532507 kinda i don't really care as long as it's fun
probably not but maybe maybe if it was good for ratings idk if his show would let me
I would go in with zero intention of debating and I'd just spout nonsense I'd ask him for his opinion on some hot topic and after he finishes saying it I'd have a smug smile and say Tucker Carlson? More like Cucked Carlson And I'd wink at the camera
>>532514 Keep in mind it could potentially affect your psych career maybe Like if someone looks up Matty and they see you on tv calling someone a cuck or talking about how WE GOTTA EAT THE RICH MORTY WE GOTTA KILL ALL THE COPS Not necessarily a good look
going on would probably be an absolutely horrible idea but i guess what i'm trying to figure out is if the fun would be worth the consequences which would probably include death threats and stuff
yeah but i could also just plug my twitter on the show and get a bunch of losers to fund a patreon for me and live off that or if i'm marrying fish honestly i don't even have to work i like what i do but in the end all i'm doing is filling my hours with stuff while i wait to die and there are all kinds of things i can fill my hours with
yeah but if there's a revolution i'll be surrounding myself with other anarchists and i'll kill commies too and then i'll just go live in the woods they wouldn't want to kill me until after the revolution because communists believe that anarchists are tools for fighting the ruling class, but they also have to be thrown away after the revolution
but there won't be a revolution and communists won't kill me and i won't get to kill any of them
>win with a deck themed after your favorite I love it
>>532509 no point really waste of time and energy they've got tons of people on the list for stuff like that anyway and they'll just handpick the ones that are gonna look the most dumb on screen
Kirara 🚗
most of human existence is filling their life with pointless wastes of time and energy certainly most of what i do is a pointless waste of time and energy i don't think that's a good argument against it they're lookin specifically for DSA chapter leaders and there are only like 100-150 of us in the country
Kirara 🚗
well probably more like 150-200 now
anyone for a rousing game of scrabble
I'm down
Kirara 🚗
i gotta finish this assignment so i can sleep but it's fuckin hard since my meds wore off forever ago can't focus
>>532542 1v1 me nerd it goes quick until someone else wants to join us
Maria My sister might be moving to new Zealand .>>532544 I'll play if the site supports mobile
im not sure if it does it requires flash i think
>>532544 uhhhhhhhhh what's the site called I forgot nvm found it
someone i know submitted a paper for publication but they submitted the version from before i edited it for them so they submitted a paper that spells privilege wrong in the title
Damn Sam's never here when I am these days. For once I actually have a non joke good idea for a feature. Well LaTeX is a good idea for a feature but sam doesn't want to do it.
Kirara 🚗
if you make a thread for it, maybe someone can direct him to it when he shows up
Hrrrm Maybe I don't think its that important though.
Christ my scalp is so itchy. I don't use dandruff shampoo for a day and this happens.
>>532567 Feels good to have never liked the idea of wearing a tie.
Hi Rika
Kirara 🚗
>>532568 one time i was presenting a poster at a conference and this dude came up to me and started insulting me for not wearing a tie and he called my poster stupid it was really weird but there was a cocktail bar, so
>>532572 Did you ask him if he had anything better to do?
>>532586 I hS /// I had no idea what it was So why the FUCK didn't I google it
Kirara 🚗
im gonna yurt to the store
>>532587 Well, there's nouns, verbs and adjectives And for many nouns you can add s to the end And for many verbs you can add s to the end, since its a computer scrabble game you should've at least tried it
>>532577 I may be a bad person to ask about this because i'm superstitious about wedding bands. They shouldn't be black or have black on them. That seems like bad luck, doesn't it?
look at this disgusting board i kept trying to branch it out so maria could have good places to play but he kept blocking it off and making it difficult to play
or wait nvm that was me
>>532592 I was looking for a way to somehow play feet on the top right
i was trying to play uredinia but i blocked myself off from it with ion coulda bridged it to AVOID but i think you were setting that up for something
>>532591 New stuff's been trickling in. I know you're pretty busy at the moment but if you have time maybe check out Banana Fish. You might find it interesting.
>>532598 I want to get something oceany since I can't afford a big ring and I don't think she'd like a plain ring, but all of the fish ones I find online are really tacky.
i was looking at ones with like rivers or something engraved and idk it's stressful, i want something good
I think an engraving would be fine. I don't think she is really picky about stuff too. She'd like it in an autistic fish loving kinda way.
ah damn i thought marine would be a good search word but i'm just getting stuff for marine corps weddings thanks google certainly there have been people to do this before but how to find them
>>532604 yeah she'd be fine with something tacky but i don't want to get her something tacky! maybe it's a little selfish but i want the ring to be one we both like
>>532605 haha fish rings gets you tons of like, engravings of boats and stuff
wow two minutes of looking at these and i'm already taxed i didn't realize how intimidating it is to look at this stuff makes me feel so insecure
instead of rings people should get mutual blood transfusions That way they're part of each other That's way more romantic
Kirara 🚗
>>532607 it's crazy intimidating i tried looking at a shop irl and it was even worse lady was asking about my price range and judging me and shit
even aside from the price range it's evocative of so much stuff that makes me think about what a non-person i am
by that i mean i thought i could help you come up with an idea but i realized quickly i have no idea what i'm doing wedding bands are so personal and complicated
Kirara 🚗
it's okay, idk what im doing either when i got a ring for teacup i was like haha this is easy! now im like wtf this is more complicated than i ever imagined
i thought something with scales might be cool but then i could just imagine in my head someone thinking wtf is this serious how juvenile
Does your university have an engineering department?
Kirara 🚗
>>532616 yeah, we're basically an engineering school we were founded specifically for NASA
>>532615 i thought like that at first until i saw all these reviews from like 60 year old people like "my husband bubba love his lawn mower engraved wedding ring!"
>>532617 I could help you design something to make in a machine shop if you want.
Kirara 🚗
>>532618 im not sure if i can access that stuff without taking their classes there's a maker space nearby and i know they have woodworking gear and a 3d printer but idk what else they have
>>532620 Well there's services you can get stuff 3d printed in metal from. Not sure if silver is an option though But I was thinking like a fish ouroboros.
Going bed Night
Kirara 🚗
>>532622 that could be interesting ill see what capabilities the maker space has thanks >>532626 nighto
oh god now i'm gonna have wedding-related adverts for everything kill me now these guys are aggressive advertisers too
Kirara 🚗
i got an advert the other day that was like "find your wife the perfect engagement ring!" and i was thinkin uhh isn't that out of order
yeah but the marketing hearing wife really solidifies the idea in the mind and pulls at the motivations especially someone who's not engaged yet but wants to be and gets the idea supplanted in their mind of their lover as their wife >>532641 it's kinda cruel it hits me right in the bad spots
in like 7-8 months im gonna be standing next to a hospital bed while my kid is being born and im just gonna be thinking about this like it's some kind of surreal meme because my broken brain has become a dadaist nightmare
>>532643 i was thinkin about writing a program that probes for keywords in live news feeds, takes some excerpts or rewrites of the news article and puts it to text-to-speech with randomly grabbed license-free images applying to those keywords and generates youtube videos for the news feed and producing like hundreds of them a day really generic, pointless news in the most bland format possible
>>532646 id love to see a neural network that learns to write based on those stupid fake inspirational stories that poor indians get paid to write for facebook
>>532654 you'll love this