oh my god imats please I altf4'd, but I reloaded back into the same fight, and my abomination will heal himself without considering my input, or the DEATHS DOOR will activate so he just stays alive like an immortal shit cause he has literally ONLY ONE MOVE and it heals him
slow post
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that was a fast shower
Kirara 🚗
>>533664 yeah funny stuff like that can happen when someone is afflicted
>>533665 I take it that it's not going well for you re:your feelings for CF?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh boy an entire episode of people talking trash on gaia online this ought to be good
i couldn't help but notice there isn't a lifeguard on duty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Guess I can save or spend my orbs on other things but then again CYL.
the only thing i'm rollin for is summer outfits in love nikki until anna drops just collectin my orbs in the meantime kind of feelin janked by femblem lately
>>533691 yeah for some reason you HAVE to link it to facebook in order to do that which i dont have one of those and i dont think facebook lets me make a fake account
>>533748 its basically a gacha but theres a p big story mode and you can earn and save to buy neat stuff too and level up it is really filling the FEH gap in my life
options so I can make the 20/10 perfect being.
Don't make Kars.
i feel at home that 628 people share my sense of humor idk how that many even got the chance to judge it and vote for it
K yout top is killer but the bottom needs to be worked on. Like it's mad tack Almost post-ironic top 1% is killer tho in any game NICE
>>533764 Well it's a shame I'm allergic to initiative then.
Dedication is the scariest thing of them all. But it has to be done, just so the feeling of vulnerability can set in. And that is what makes us so human.
Dont feel like screaming. Just sleeping
You should before Nature dur ecides Decides. I fucked this keyboard up. Watch the fuck out for hurricane chris that's all I gotta say A bay bay >>>/watch?v=oe9qb5yPQgA
Looks more like the keyboard fucked you up.
Ah it's hot today
It's gonna be hot today here too. We're in the D E E P SUMMER now.
Summer is being more slowly associated with death, far, far more than winter. Good. This is how it always should have been, since nanosecond 1.
Nah. To hell with winter, I'm going to take over the world and bring about eternal summer.
That is already happening. Why contribute to how the world will always work...
It's not really how the world will "always" work. There's certain thresholds in climate change that will cause the pendulum to swing hard the other way.
And I'm less interested in contributing to that and instead ensuring the world stays at lovely summer temperatures and long days/short nights. It's far too depressing to have seven hours of daytime during the winter, after all.
There's only one season where there is far less people on the streets than literally any other season. That will always be my own favourite.
Well, euphoric chrome optimism is a David Lynch thing. Like how the 40's portrayed the future, chroms flying cars, tall structures, no starvation or poverty. It's how the 40's imagined the near future. Fucking hell if you can understand this articulation
Oh I see what you mean now. I'm familiar with it. Stuff like The Jetsons was born about because of it. It was a little hard to grasp just from that one post though.
my phone plan says it doesn't even include hotspot data but i'm using my phone as a hotspot anyway fuck you at&t
fight the power
Seize the power
>>533828 Do you think you can download shows or is it not feasible?
>>533810 in our cyberpunk nightmare there is only (you)phoria
>>533831 maybe? i haven't tried to torrent anything i should have up to 22GB before they throttle me so i could download some for sure
If you can get FranXX in like twenty minutes we can finish it tonight. And if speeds are decent, we're in the start of Island right now.
>>533837 i'm getting like 750KiB/s or so island should be done in like 7 minutes
Hm, it might be a bit late in the episode if we don't stop. I could re-watch the episode with you after the other stuff we have tonight though. We're also watching Asobi Asobase too so prioritize that and FranXX.
>>533845 did somebody get train'd again >>533843 well it's already like two thirds finished i'm gonna let it download anyway
Whatever way you vent, make sure it's all the way.
🖤🖤🖤🖤 Never travel with psychos.
Beep boop Jan we're good to go if you are.
>>533862 I traveled with two psychos and neither of us killed ourselves or each other!
And ya don't stop Cause it's 187 on an undercover cop
I bet you're carrying so much shit baggage from that tho. Wait, i don't mean that. Maybe like a couple days after that. Bet that would ruin it a bit.
nah i travelled pretty light my friend had all the camping supplies and shit
As long as the person driving you all doesn't fuck off and get a hotel 40 blocks away, I think it will be cool. And if they don't fucking abandon you everywhere you want to go, like the fucking canada's wonderland or the CN tower. Heh.
i abandoned jan a block away from our hotel when we were gonna go to the store and he had to go alone my leg was hurting so i went back and slept
A whole block. That still seems like huge fun You got people you can trust and won't be all fucking spaz like
Looks like it's sweeping time
I never sweep.
More like never posts images.
Not entirely But generally accurate, yes.
I need more of your wilderness images.
Mission motherfucking complete Get to the God blessed dropzone
I figured it was just a face. Don't think whoever carved it was trying to make an animal. I found it kind of adorable.
That was so cute It made me smile
When I was taking walks in the valley recently, there's a few of these small blackbirds with bright orange trangles on their wings that have paired up in a part I walk through. One particular little bugger would follow me, skipping from tree to tree, chittering constantly at me from a distance. The first time it happened it was a little disconcerting, but the second time it happened in the same area, it was almost kind of endearing. I've been kind of wanting to go walking around there again to see if it still has its nest hidden nearby and will start chittering at me again.
I tried to get shots of them but they were cautious enough to always keep their distance and often hide behind tree branches. At the least their orange triangles were too hard to get pictures of
Parts of the trails can end up with the foliage growing up over the path like this, forming natural pergolas. It's really nice to walk through.
I love it so much when the trees and foilage can cover you from the sun. And the other people.
Well the trails are popular walking and bike routes around here. Especially during the afternoon and on weekends, they're pretty abuzz with people in the summer. I've always found the passerbys to be pleasant and polite though.
Is the water really that low there? The river anyway What an odd sight.
Depends on the time of year. Summer it gets lower unless it's been really wet. It also gets deeper the closer you get to the lake as more and more tributaries join together. Wouldn't recommend testing the waters either way though.
>cleaning around in kitchen >accidentally turn on kettle >don't notice and later poke the hot thing with mu midfinger burning it >reel back from pain and drop a plate >later picking up the shards >cut my other midfinger badly on a shard welp, and just yesterday i thought @hmm havn't gotten burmt or sliced in a while guess should always knock on food when setting up flags
Or maybe invest in a pair of kitchen gloves.
>>534004 but then he would have just burned his gloves, dropped a plate, and cut his gloves that's basically just as bad
>>534003 >burn one middle finger >cut other middle finger >typing on keyboard about it >feel like i should knock on food to be sure >cant use burned finger so i type food instead of food because i cant reach the f key >fuck
>>534004 if i use protection the world uses armpur piercing bullets
I wish I got 50 armour piercing bullets into my brain
fuck my brother annoys me at times
>hey i'll bring your chair that was left here on thursday over want anything elsr bring my camping gear too i eanna go fishing during weekend >day later:soz can't i'll bring the chair+gear on monday k, mind giving me a lift to the city while you at >surr |10 minutes ago, when i am expecting him to arrive >soz can't have to do it some other day .... i wonder does he do this to his frirnds, or is ita thing he only does to family?
fucking family annoys me too but we're stuck with em just comunicate what you need they will follow
he is a social butterfly, but if you constantly backaway from schrdules and promises and aleays cancel them at last minute...
He could just be in a situation where he expends his energy to others that can benefit him directly. But the effort needed to communicate with the family. It's just so much more effort to make.
and worst is i have no idea when i get my camping gear now or comfy chair as neither of us oens a car and access to one is rare as fuvk so most likely no camping for ne this summer yai
fuck last few times i had access to a car i did driving around for him guess can't expect favours to be returned from that guy should just revert back to "expect him to always cancel" so i'd never be surprised when he does
also iwas going to take a bath, but i dropoed the plug under tge tub due to picking it up with my butmt hand now i am just lying in an empty tub pissed off
empty tub is surprisingly comfy and cool to skin
are you t he tub half empty or tub half full kind of guy >>534019 don't fall asleep in the bathtub
well i ended up filling the tub third way up using my heel as a plug too bad can't move my leg now
though I bought a phone for work so I might fuck and do something stupid like gacha
>>534036 i played one of those that nexon made it was kind of fun it had all sorts of dumb ass game modes
Crossfire... ? Crossfire. Definitely.
The most popular game in existence, after all.
mainly cause it got cold
i also played one from a studio i have never heard called alliance of valiant arms it was like a really ghetto pay2win counterstrike still pretty fun though everyone that played it was almost braindead
ghetto counterstrike sounds cool what would it ve like gang fights? cops vs gangs?
>>534044 counter strike with gta san andreas skins
>>534045 >sa >spend hours conquering the whole city in gangwars >do next misdion >thrown out of city, kost all guns and vechiles and money way to make you hate the antagonist
so why is yoghurt considered a heslth food? either it is one of those diet things with nothing in it or ordinary yoghurt whete m'buök /bulk of the cals come from sugars?
>>534066 no the only winning move is to flip the table
as long as someone is pkaying you can be dragged along so tge only way to win, to not play, is to make the game unplayable ofc then everyone is "a winner"
>>534076 >that bit in the video where he directly qoutes the show what a weird year 2016 was
It's not stopping either Reality is out of control
>>534076 I think I'm becoming desensitized to this shit
Kirara 🚗
>>534076 i remember this it felt extremely minor to me then, but now it feels like it was part of a big ass pattern
>>534078 I've gotten used to it, it is now the norm Which probably isn't a good thing
Kirara 🚗
It's a good thing as long as you know it and still get mad about stuff.
I can get mad I just don't see it as being out of the ordinary anymore. I think that's a dangerous way of thinking for people to use. If you see something fucked up and weird you know it isn't right. But if you think it's fucked up but business as usual, then you get complacent
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, you gotta get mad even if it feels normal. Luckily for me, I'm always mad about things that feel normal.
This show has excellent production value
Kirara 🚗TN
welp that was a meeting got a beer out of it for somereason though i guess my "attract downtrodden drunk finns" passive is still a thing
some couple, both drunk stumbled unto the stop, asked me for eta of next bus, luckily not same as mine, and then wemt "just enough time to drinkmone and both cracked beers the guy gave me one and them we just struck a cpnvo
apparently he had busted some glass door open with his elbow few weeks earlier and then his ladyfriemd. who he had just broken up with, but now were together again atleast as fuckbuddies,
statred bandaging his arm ended up helping with that
also amusingly we bonded about few "drunk/hangover wounds" we both had quite a pleasant chap, but don't eant to get further acquinted
fucl sprinting with hravy luggage should be a sport
>>534107 after a certain point it's got to be like shooting fish in a barrel
reply if you opened it and closed it right tf back
>>534109 their ideology is essentially shitposting taken seriously
Kirara 🚗
i started offering to recommend the one guy books so he could figure out what he is opposed to and he told me they read all of the anarchist literature in school and blocked me when i asked what he read
but later he unblocked me and asked for recommendations so i guess it worked out?m
2hu that is like 150 hours of gameplay. Can you even finish one of them...
i've been told to eat ice cream >>534164 i have 2 weeks
well is not like i eill play them all i just grabbed all da games i wanted to play
i mean on my hdd i have like 300 hours of anime at the very minimum
Dragon's Dogma seems like a good place to start. I haven't played it myself but I've heard only nice things. Cuz if you play Dead Space you will have to play the 3rd one to wrap up the plot. Lots of peeps got qualms about that game eeehehehe
Kirara 🚗
3rd one doesn't wrap up the plot haha
Kirara 🚗
tbh the dead space books are really good
>>534168 yeah considerung i just have the post game left on my last run though i could also start a new char
Well, it wraps up the gameplay. With the best shooting in the series and movement options. I aint too into that universe.
If you're like me you can just continue on from the years-old save and keep grinding it. It's fun to put yourself back into the seat that you have abandoned so long ago.
I played DS3 all solo, fuck all that coop shit. Even RE5 my first playthrough was solo lmao
>>534168 i have that one pirated on my oc plsyed em all 3rd one is grabo
Kirara 🚗
ds3 has a few really good parts like where it's actually survival horror again
>>534174 the lore and plot is solid +simon templeman as thr bad guy >>534172 re5 is damn fun with a friend, you got it on ps30 ?
Kirara 🚗
the part with the people who ate necromorphs is so good how you gotta be super quiet bc there are so many they'll kill you if you fuck up
The food will wake up and kill you if you make too much noise?
>>534176 in ds1 the hard mode+only cutter+no music challenge is fun, ever done it?
Kirara 🚗
>>534177 the workers on this icey planet ate necromorphs bc they were staving to death, and it fucks them up they are blind and have acute hearing and swarm you if you make sound it's a common idea but they do it really well
Oh the people who ate the necromorphs are the ones you gotta be quiet around
Damn just looking at that thing makes me feel old-school which is funny cuz it was literally the last console generation
>>534182 it was scary and near impossible at times i doubt i could do it, atleast on a controller anymore
quality finnish engineering
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗Anno
Those are the ones that went down with just one headshot. Let's just say when I have to headshot something I don't scare easily I'm more scared of the invulnerable huge fuckers that rip you in two instantly It's a deep fear.
Kirara 🚗
bk evenson's dead space books were really good and def captured the feel of the first game he's a really good writer
>the beach episode is part of the plot
Kirara 🚗
the idea behind the markers in dead space is really cool as long as there are markers, there will be necromorphs because they alter dead tissue and shit like that and they fuck with people's heads and make them build more markers before making them all start killing each other
they're these weird alien objects that fuck with people's heads by emitting electromagnetic waves and persuade people into worshipping them and replicating them
Oh cool
It's super fun to get into. Let's just say the games effects are invigorating.
Kirara 🚗
>>534194 it's really cool they spread from planet to planet and infect more people slowly destroying civilizations and then eventually making everyone kill each other then when there are dead bodies everywhere, the marker changes the dead tissue at a cellular level and takes control of them and uses them to kill more people when there are enough necromorphs, it gathers up all of them and becomes a giant necromorph the size of the moon which then connects to a network with other of these and works to continue le spreading
Is there like, a purpose to it? Or is it just a virus?
Kirara 🚗
there's a purpose, but nobody knows what it is yet it's not a virus
Kirara 🚗
it's possible they just want to devour and spread too the necromophs have a hive mind kind of thing idk if every necromorph moon has its own hivemind or if they're all one or not
Maybe they're an allegory for humans
Kirara 🚗
idk, i don't think so
I think it'd work though
Kirara 🚗
in it, humans are just victims of this thing
Yeah, but humans sort of take on the role of what humans usually destroy
We've met the humans to our earth
Kirara 🚗
you could argue that there is an allegory for humans becoming twisted representations of themselves and mindless after being exposed to cult-like thought maybe
>human >the victim pick one
It wants to kill all of life across the universe. Believe me, some humans want that too. And if we expand Fucking help us.
Does it want to, or does it just do that? Those are different things
We dont' want to destroy the planet, but we do anyway
Kirara 🚗
the markers and the necromorphs are separate imo the necros are animalistic tools used by the markers the markers are sentient somehow and some of them have a weird duality where they simultaneously want to spread the corruption and help others stop the spread they're really interesting they're like two minds inhabiting each one
The necromorphs are our machines
We corrupt the earth, and from it we create more machines to further the corruption
Can I consume only the plot of this franchise somehow? I don't wanna play the games cause I tried once and got EXTREMELY BORED
Kirara 🚗
i think it might be hard but maybe idk where you'd get it or if there's a good write-up there's probably a wiki you can read
Ooooh, yeah there's probably a wiki >>534215 Most lets players just ignore all the extra stuff though Or skim it
Could just find a let's play for the particular in-game narrative.
The nice thing about videos is you can pause them and read what they skim in a second at your own leisure.
You could always get EA access LMAO
Kirara 🚗
one of the cool things about the narrative is that it presents Michael Altman as the founder of the cult unitology throughout the games and unitology is a cult that wants to become necromorphs
but the dead space martyr book tells altman's story and he worked so hard to destroy the marker 200 years before the game it's just really interesting how his image was distorted by people in power and the way that distortion is shown through extra media
fuck that gave me a scare used a faulty port in my usb hud, so I for a moment thought my phone had busted the charging port
Rika and I watched a bit of it back when it first started airing.
how'd you like it? I find it freaking hilarious myself
It was pretty fun. I don't think we got more than past sixteen or seventeen of the full-length episodes, but I don't think it was a conscious choice of ours. We just had so much to watch and it's hard to watch things we don't need Ika for some times.
Looks like it's sweeping time
>>534249 ah I can imagine I'm at episode 21 now I think, almost done also saw that a second season exists so that'll be nice I hope
Maybe I can convince his girlfriend to kill him in his sleep.
Kirara 🚗
>>534286 i don't hate tesla, i hate musk tesla doesn't make any profit either way, it's been hemorrhaging money for years
oh I'll buy a musk then
HAHAHA >gore cyclops >can only damage by hitting eye >okay anpther "jump to kill for a 2 handed sword player eh" >wait that cliff /fall seems quite high >what if I just hit it hard enough near the ledge and it falls down? it worked
That almost felt like a Sugoi post. Miss the mfer
wow killing it gave me a real good helm it is even better than my dragonpowered helm at lvl0 upgrades
He kept me in line. Which is what I need the fucking most in this day of July9th 2018
you appear pretty composed
mods are asleep post lewd
Nyet, there's watchers everywhere. if you, or dutch, or sugy, or kirararara got mod I woulda been banned so many times lmao
Sup with you tho.
TN !PcAPtAiNJoAnno
>>534299 nah fam I used to have mod through whoa's account and never banned anyone
Kirara 🚗
yeah mods can't ban
#8ball (My condolences) aw shiiit
this game is so bullshit at times though >random enemy spawn in black island >does 2,5k damage with one lunge attack >only solution to that >grind grind grind why does this game lack any block/dodge...
Wait are all trains in Japan like, fitted with seats on both sides pointing into the middle of the train car?
not just japan, many countries have their incity trains/subways with that layout
Yeah, that's pretty normal for subway and other metropolitian rail services. If you line the walls with seats like that, it gives more surface area on the train floor for people to stand on. Trains ideally need some seating because for some people standing is a health risk if they do it for too long, but other than that, extra seating just reduces the number of people you can fit in a train car.
>have laptop, open beer, and food on table >move table >one of the three legs of the table come off PANIIIC fucking hell why is that a thing now
Balance table on knee , drink beer, move laptop and food off.
meh I already attached the leg back
I still have hard time getting the military situation, as presented by the youjo senki anime how in hell is that turbo germany in a stalemate with just france and scandinavia just germany beat serbia, romania, russia, british empire and france quite heavily and this is "germany if it also had annexed austrian empire
It's magic Don't gotta explain shit
and that is EVEN MORE SO with magic flying girls+men, the main reason for why ww1 became a standstill in the west wouldn't happen they have the mobility and offensive cabability to break through
It could become a standstill for other reasons instead though Magic isn't necessarily distributed evenly
and so were modern(for the time) weapons and look what happened in ww2
and to boot they have quite working tanks too as revealed in the final 2 episodes not the "1 km per hour" prototype tanks they had in ww1 but proper battletanks
AnnoTN !PcAPtAiNJo
the main reason for ww1 being standstill in western front and at times in other, was simply that the offensive capability of armies wasn't sufficiently large to match the defensive capabilities but as the war waged, technology improved and tactics developed to deal away with that weakness somewhat ofc, other fronts like eastern and middle-eastern never bogged down, due to just either smaller amount of troops on both sides, like in m-e or just the front being that much larger, like in the eastern front it was a war of movement, mainly because neither side ever had truly the time to dig the trench networks they had in the west
also cup pasta is apparently a thing and quite tasty
I'm just gonna play a game on easy mode so I can actually get a grasp of Darkest Dungeon before I go for the difficult mode
It's the kind of game you take slow. Invest in a bunch of adventurers and cycle them out constantly.
rinse repeat just like sunless sea
I usually just don't play games on easy ever, because I rarely replay a game
I didn't touch the easy mode once. Just did like a dozen failed starts testing the limits of the early game.
FUCK I should have taken revengeance with me
also one of the best 15 minutes spent of my life, making that lame meme edit
they also have way more developed, maybe even beyond ww2 radio technology so... considering in ep2 how they use that to do quite effective artillery spotting, the most common cause for failed assaults in ww1, failed artillery barrage, wouldn't happen that oft unless ofc the observer was taken out so the ww1 like stalemate situation just is impossible france wouldn't have the resources to wage the war alone
This brown squirrel skittering around on the tree outside my window has body fur of the usual dark chocolate-y brown of their kind. But its tail is a lighter, almost tawny brown. Don't think I've seen a squirrel like that before.
eat it
No thank you.
so there will be youjo senki movie I wonder will it be a sequel or just a "recap movie"
wew you weren't kidding imats-kun first episode already
but one thing I find really amusing in youjo senki is scene switches so man y times they do it like >opens door->different scene of different people opening door or >drops stack of documents >goes to another stack of documents in different scene I know there is a name for this kind of, but you quite rarely see it in anime being more of a movie, especially western movie convention
It's a good cinematography technique, yeah. I like when anime includes stuff like that. There's no reason that lacking an actual camera means you can't replicate camera shot techniques in anime, aside from being too lazy to bother.
it is, I think there was one director that really liked to use it
>>534338 yeah you can as easily use "continuous shot" in animation, as live action and actually more EASILY since you don't have the limitations of a physical cameraman
>>534339 You're probably thinking Satoshi Kon. I believe some YouTube channel did a piece on his use of stylish cuts like that.
>>534341 yeah he too, but I was thinking more in line of western dudes
*him too
Oh I thought we were still on anime directors.
my brain hops place to place faster than a frog on coce
Well the Every Frame A Painting piece of Kon mentions Edgar Wright uses the technique a lot.
they havn't done any vids in a while
They stopped a while back. The two people working on it released a statement saying they were done making new pieces. https://medium.com/@tonyszhou/postmortem-1b338537fabc Here's where they explained why they were finished.
weird to notice how much of my writing comes from my right middlefinger especially touch sense based I guess that is my "main sensor" in terms of feeling the keyboard
so I guess closer look is the only active cinemachannel that actually deals with art of cinema I am subbed to anymore
btw is a very good channel for even slight cinemaphiles
ao oni is btw best game anime adaption
b b b b b ang
Okay /moe/ you have to pick another poster to marry for the rest of your life (in addition to any other partners you may already have)
which one do you pick? Hard mode: It can't be me
b b b b b ang
btw the correct answer is Maria
There's no poster on /moe/ I'd want to subject to a hell like that.
oof OOF OUCH I just thought of a horrible thing to say about sugoi and then didn't but i can still feel the pain from saying it
Kirara 🚗
im transferring a client to another clinician and we sat down to talk about it and we were just talking and we're both alcoholics and that's cool but then he got really comfortable and started telling me about how // about his sex life
>>534365 last visit to my psych i was trying to explain why i was frantic in my current living situation with the feral cat hoarding going on and my agent orange uncle always bashing on the gays and stuff after like a decade with her she out of the blue asks me if that bothers me because of personal reasons i hadn't even realized i never expressed it to her that i'm a flaming faggot i'm just like "yeah whatever ive done plenty of whatever" she was really persistent in trying to determine whether i'm bisexual or gay like what's it matter who cares
>>534376 that's so annoying people gotta learn to leave shit alone
>>534379 idk it tickled me a little bit that someone actually cared i'm not used to that kind of sensitivity or questioning she's such a sweet lady i think she's going to retire soon though which makes me sad
>>534375 i dont think its inaccurate you’re friendlier than you can come off as
Kirara 🚗
>>534380 are you still seein her? you're pretty far away now
>>534382 every six months i have an appointment in october i might just take a train back to saint louis for my appointment that's less stressful than trying to find a new one tbh plus i can't afford to not get another set of refills on lorazepam i'd literally probably die i need to start trying to take my healthchair seriously if i can afford to do so
Kirara 🚗
>>534383 yeah getting a new psychiatrist is so fucking stressful idk it's fucked up
>refill meds over phone >computer voice says it will be ready today >they're out of stock Fuck Luckily I got it transferred to a walgreens that does have it
there are so many instances of people attempting to call automatic refills in to be told theyre out when they have a new script at the pharmacy. its kind of funny
It's only funny that the system is that bad. The results aren't funny.
it’s unfortunate when the clerks at pharmacisa say jo and then i call and they say yes
that coworker my other ones hate’s phone hasnt rung for the past hour what this means is she’s probably intentionally not takig calls and should be burned at the stake for it
One day I'm gonna write a story that ties the sun's energy and light to people's souls. Just to have an excuse to make soul-ar eclipse and soul-ar flare puns.
The light that alters reality. The power to change your fate. SOUL-AR
Halfway through the game >You see, humans gained photosynthesis >Really? >Yeah, well, more like someone mated with a plant and the humans that didn't already have it all died and the ones you know now are all children of that tree. >You mean to tell me that my dad fucked a tr-
Kirara 🚗Anno
>>534404 It's a little reminscent of those old GBA games that had the solar panels on the cartridges. And playing out in open daylight charged your energy better.
Sunflower girl is best girl
I apologize for the terrible things that I have done over the past 24 (40?) hours.
I knew a women who loved wearing them. Like only being really fucking sick was enough to stop her from preferring them over any other kind of heel.
Kirara 🚗
>>534420 they're not that bad unless you're walking a lot
It looks weird having your heel supported by that thin little stiletto >>534422 walking a lot is the big issue yeah I guess if you're at a desk job it's not so bad
Kirara 🚗
wedges are more comfortable heels aren't that bad though
there are non-heel professional options too some folks feel like they gotta but there's options i don't condone heels personally a friend's mom had to get toes amputated due to wearing them every day
You get used to wearing torture devices every day. Bras are the same way.
every embassy in the city is all in one collected block right next to parliament house
and then the Russians are all by themselves in the back of what looks like a residential apartment complex on the other side of the city.
Probably feels right at home.
AND they only take checks who carries around a checkbook in 2018
so you have to try and find a bank branch to make a check for you and it takes you like an hour to find the place and then Westpac charges you a $10 fee just to print out your own money so the Russians will take it.
Money transfers are really only easy when everyone's playing the same ballgame.
hey my AU dollars are just as pink and blue as the next guys
I'm not talking about the value of your money. I'm talking about the activity of transferring it!
I knew what you meant
I'm sure your pink and blue money is totally adorable though.
you can also fold a fiver so it looks like a whale sucking a dick.
>>534478 >gendered money I bet the pink One is low value
>>534484 I think that might be universal to all bills that have Lizzy on them. At the least I'm pretty sure I can do something similar with a Canadian bill.
oh hey guess what /moe/. good news. and I share good news with you guys because you guys are my friends
they're going to give me a five grand scholarship. and all I gotta do is keep up a photo blog while I'm overseas.
done deal.
Oh shit man that sounds HELLA fun. You're pretty much getting paid to have a travel blog. Living the fuckin' dream man.
of course the real travel blog is always going to be Doushio
but you know we'll throw them some scraps
gotta get that funding.
Bonus points if you go stick your Yuno fig way off in the corners of some photo shots. Like so way out it would have to ZOOM ENHANCE to actually see like five pixels of her fac.
You already fuckin know Yuno is coming with
Face even.
but will I put her in the University photos maybe not Not even for BONUS POINTS
gotta keep the different spheres of my life separate.
Hide her in plain sight. Come on man you gotta up your game.
we'll see.
Honestly I've got mad envy for the deal you've gotten. I love writing up about places I've visited, photos wouldn't be a difficult extension. Being rewarded for that sounds really nice. Good jobbu
convince them that Hidamari Sketch is big in Australia
>>534561 not quite the same as writing for yourself. having to be a representative of the University.
But yeah. It should be good.
I mean I have this conversation a lot. Everyone tells me I'm lucky travel all the time. go explore. go on adventures.
and I am. I acknowledge that. I'm not ungrateful. I get a lot of unique opportunities
but I mean, part of the reason I can keep dropping everything and travel the world is because I'm 25. No career. No relationship. Minimal ties. Nothing to keep me in place.
so it is good. and it's great. and I'm lucky. but there are trade offs just like anything in life.
Well for all the things you listed, I can more or less tick each and everyone one off too. But I definitely can't drop everything and travel the world, so the defining feature is definitely something individual and wonderful about your existence. There might be always trade offs in life, but they sure ain't divvied up equally amongst everyone.
Not that I think you're particularly fortunate, your opportunities are a lot based on your attitude and the energy you put into reaching for them. But as someone that struggles with and is often inhibited by my own head, your achievements are pretty fucking enviable for the sake of accomplishing them. Kind of like watching someone hit a world record in a sprint, eh. There's a certain cathartic relief in seeing people excel in areas you struggle with.
Anyway my point is the people that are wishing you well and telling you how fortunate you are, are really doing it more for their own sense of relief and satisfaction than actually telling you to BE HUMBLE. Seize your throne with PRIDE.
well shit, mate. don't envy me too much. I'm still that same old fuck up that got arrested and pepper sprayed by the police for jumping in front of moving cars.
But I appreciate your kind words.
Don't sweat it. I'm just a passively envious person. It's a nice feeling to want what other people've got.
>>534567 Also I never caught this story, hah hah. In what state of mind did you figure playing in traffic was even a remotely good idea.
we don't need to relive the past.
Not even if it relieves the past?
I'm not asking you to revive the past, just review it,
>>534593 the real one is 67 megabytes. tee hee. If you'll look at the Atlus post it's on there. >>534591 Reminder that in this one they have EOV's customization. What joy
how are you liking your new job Rei-sama? It was data catogerizer or however you spell it, right?
I haven't heard back from those people yet. They were supposed to get back to me last week.
I must be misremembering then you send a reminder yet?
fingers crossed fam you looking for anything else in the meantime?
A little bit
I am gonna try looking for an internship myself this summer gonna try something in Japan first, otherwise maybe korea or china
Good luck
I'll be needing it. Gotta start learning some japanese too, besides works like cute and night.
besides words* did you do an internship rei-san?
The once beautiful world has been devastated by war, disaster, and corporate negligence. The wasteland is a desolate place, and only few chooses to wander in it. Others live in the cities, where megacorporations, with their sky high skyscrapers and underground facilities, hold almost as much, and sometimes even more power than the ruling party of the less-than-ideal government.
In one such city, lies a dark underground club, the OK20 Big Side. This club is known for being a meeting place for people from all walks of this post-apocalyptic life. In this club, one can talk to wanderers seeking rest from the wasteland, have drinks with workers and higher ups of the megacorporations, and hire hackers, thieves and other... morally decrepit characters. In one corner there is a merchant at least as suspicious as the origin of their merchandise. Sometimes, if one looks carefully, one can even find government agents, silently keeping an eye on the other club goers.
On a summer night, 20th of July, a poster has been hung at the front wall of this club. The poster reading:
Otakut celebrates the 22nd year of its survival on Friday the 20th of July 2018 at 17:00. We invite everyone, regardless of citizenship, corporate status or outstanding warrants, to join us in our underground club OK20 Big Side. We accept any currency our guests have gathered while wandering the streets or wasteland of this once beautiful world.
You going?
most likely
get me some sick drugs while you're there
sad thing is, that I am quite low on any kind of currency atm, though
maybe they accept cans of beer
Well I will manage as I always do
do you never feel bad for shoplifting?
I have never stolen anything
depends on the shop
ever stolen a piano?
Ever stolen a penguin?
I downloaded a penguin I AM EVEN WORSE
nobody should ever download linux
I am using leenux right now what are you going to do about it dweeb