I let Jan know last night that we'd watched up to the finale of HisoMaso without him. Maybe save the last episode until he's around and good to watch it.
Banana Fish is a new rendition of some old crime drama or something. I'm not too clear on it. Looks kind of interesting, though it also is apparently a little fujo-y. Shichisei is maybe a romance/isekai sort of thing? Didn't look too appalling.
>>531963 I'm a little hesitant considering that one. From what I can see it's in line with those pretty lewd isekai series that have been getting really popular lately. If you want to give it a shot though I'll go along.
>>531972 I 'm not really counting on Jan showing up. Odds are we'd just have two shows tonight if we don't. And I'd rather get this over with sooner rather than later.
I'm not too sure myself. I know it was an older series with a bit of a crime drama feel to it. And that this series is a modernized take on it. Other than that, I don't know much.
banana fish
This is the kind of fat, faceless old man doujin characters wish they could be.
Wow this guy's colourful.
Ah it is in reference to Salinger's story. I figured it was but it's nice to see it set out.
I had to go look at what the title actually was 'cause there was no way that tangle of letters was the actual title. >>531998 I think you'll like it, it's about New York gangsters.
>>531998 Check the file integrity on the torrent maybe? Or just re-download it or something.
>>532003 Wow you took the hardcore approach to solving the problem.
shichishichishieiei >>531997 yes it's me i'll watch banana man after hisone i think uh i'm having some technical difficulties? mpc isn't playing any video on this episode okay give me 5 minutes
okay reinstalling mpc and resetting my settings worked gomen
Except that one girl, these grade schoolers all act like teenagers.
Well grade schooler could be as old as grade six, -er, grade nine, so they could be about that age. At least I think the term they used that was translated to grade schooler means the range covered by elementary school and middle school there.
Also I can't wait for this MISUNDERSTANDING to ruin everything.
she looks like that girl from xenoblades 2 the red one
>>532016 Looks like that that's what she's helping them with, yeah. Super Sure must be convenient.
>>532023 A bit yeah. Definitely can see the semblance.
5 seconds in the opening and its already super lewd
anime t i d d i e s
Well don't say I didn't say nothin'.
Oh the slave is him huh. I wonder how long that will last.
buy da BDs
Nah there's uncensored raws out. This show's running on both the general anime channels and the ones that showcase the lewd anime uncensored. I guess CrunchyRoll just gets the censored episodes.
Nothing wrong with a little sabiisu but maybe at a lot of service it starts to get a bit much. I've been keeping tabs on the isekai threads on /a/ and there's a lot of pretty lewd isekai that are getting popular.
Those other girls never really got developed much.
Yeah. They came a bit late and most of the episodes were focused on Hisone's problems, with a bit of time for the other pilot. Maybe if this show had gotten two-cours they could have given all the pilots some attention.
Bit of a shame too, I liked the Kingdom pilot.
Hisone is still 10/10 though./
Oh shit Hisone what are you doing.
Hah hah hah Hisone.
Man she's the adorable kind of embarassing.
The old lady ended up being seriously hardcore. Wouldn't have expected it from the calm yoghurt lady she originally was.
I kind of expected the old lady to take the place of the sacrifice in some manner.
Oh there's the tonguing she did in the PV.
fucking rip
Oh how the turn tables.
how the turns have tabled
>You look like a real mechanic now >As she taunts dragons with cellphones