Cows can't lay down so they sleep standing up. So as a prank people will tip them over while they're asleep. Then when the cow wakes up on its side it can't get up.
wow that sounds fucking rude
It's also not real. Primarily because cows can in fact lay down. It's just a meta prank.
It's a thing rural people tell non rural people that they do for fun. Also even if cows did sleep standing up, you wouldn't be able to tip them over.
It was probably a much more effective prank before google and Wikipedia.
how do you tip over a stove
>>530322 a friend of mine did a similar thing when she visited new york and some naive new yorker asked her about life in iowa Sunday is our day of rest
idk if it's more applicable on a broadscale but it's a commonly used phrase in dota when there's a tanky unit, specifically axe, that you have a hard time dealing with people will be like "Just counter him" and it goes "how do you counter a stove"
I'm sorry for being such a rude person. It's behaviour I picked up from my environment. It's a sort of energy that is very aggressive. But I do respect you all. And I wish you well.
you're not being rude
we're all products of our environment i can see the way you're channeling it to be as positive as possible and i think it's really good it's a lot better than most others would have been able to do in the circumstance
>>530342 I dunno about everyone else but I have zero beef with you
>>530381 yeah i like it! i had only heard the chorus edited into videos before. >>530380 make sure you thoroughly clean it. Not too rough though it might be brittle.
>>530439 you got any rick james i'm into that harder shit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
sleep dart but IRL
i just watched a rein try to charge onto the point to stall 1v6 just to get a sleep dart 2 inches away from the capture zone then when he woke up brigitte stunned him and we capped it then killed him so brutal
Sleep dirt but ARL
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
are you tellin me to take a dirt nap cuz oh buoy >>530466 oh rein you silly enormous armored man why did you think you would be able to block a hypodermic syringe
>>530465 sleep on THIS *unzips elastic polymer mesh*
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>530469 oh no i’m trying to punch you but all the energy is dissipating
a dude from los angelos dsa that was pretty popular on twitter, but it came out he was a sexual predator and he was pretty much excommunicated from everything left he's the racism watchdog
In thinking about it I did only receive 2000 feathers. I must have gone down to 18 without thinking about it. Since you can't stay in 19 What a bother. This isn't a season I can try to 20 because of this game's stupid mechanics anyway I should really stop playing kusoge.
You're in T19 oh wait no, my game hasn't updated
Yeah, T19... Did you play arena at all last week? That's the only way I know to stay but if you got feathers, you had to have played
It really sucks that there is only one of those units up ... oh wait no, Legend Ephraim is there too. Still sucks that there's no Wind Legends available because they're both green and they're not going to allow two legends to be rollable under the same color.
it's like someone got dumped then went home and wrote a fantasy fanfic about how one day he'll be super rich and this totally unnatural meeting would happen and it'll be so wonderful it's like self-serving preteen fanfiction but these are real adults how does this shit get made lmao
idk it makes me laff
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha idk surely that was made ironically
no it's probably not indian media is so fuckin weird i dont even mean weird youtube stuff, i mean their television dramas and commercials and everything else television is super high level escapism there so you see the most ridiculous shit people want to tune in and specifically not think realistically so stuff tends to have really unrealistic vibes to it that's some of why their humor and comedy is so out there too not the rooted absurded that draws from pain but just the kind of whimsical stuff that's really random
Well To be fair Living in India sucks for most people there, so its no surprise they like stuff like that.
>>530539 it kind of does but it's a different kind of escapism too it's not the kind of isolationist escapism that we tend to do it's really family-centric watching afternoon soaps in india is a group activity, you got it running in the shops or at home and stuff idk what im goin on about really i should get back to work >>530541 i love bollywood actually but some of the more low-level and amateur stuff is just so out there it's a trip i love it tho
my first encounter with bollywood was stuff like this >>>/watch?v=sdyC1BrQd6g which is pretty racist honestly but i thought it was hilarious when i was in like middle school or whatever
Kirara 🚗
bollywood really has interesting choreography and stuff though i think that's what originally attracted me to it that and the colors
oh yeah bollywood is amazing way better than hollywood tbh in terms of talent less technical application because they don't waste as much money on production when i said the lower-level stuff i meant the other venues for production that aren't comin outta bollywood or the b-list bollywood stuff they are really on top of their game, and india's got such a huge amount of technical interest in its youths that everyone floods in there and wants to have fun with it which is how you end up with some goofy shit too like people way overusing special effects and making shit look like mid 2000s myspace somehow
yeah, it's really cool it's probably good that it's not mainstream in the US though
i actually wish hollywood wasn't so fuckin barrier to entry like bollywood is such a community thing the volume of stuff the pump out and the number of people involved, it's not about producing the best thing ever so you can market it harder just have some fun making something have some fun coming up with neat costume design or a fun soundtrack for a musical or playing with some silly ideas it's not as judgmental and having executives shutting down your ideas because they only wanna fund the biggest best thing with the best names attached
>>530552 agreed individual-driven stuff like that it always loses the things that make it natural it's like artificial entertainment engineered is a better word actually
>>530554 like i said though, in the US that kind of entertainment is more scheduled like we have to coordinate a time in our schedule to watch something so we're really selective in india you've got shops running tvs all day long and it's in the home with six or more people in the house it's just part of the atmosphere so it's much more casual, so the content is free to be more casual to there's not really the sense of something not being worth the time, and probably american movies are hyper focused too so it's harder to have that casual interaction with it where you can be wanderin from the living room to the kitchen and helping make dinner then come back and not feel like you missed most of the plot
i have a duplicate i can reduce but it hurts me to do so
Kirara 🚗
guess who got stuck in an elevator today that's right, me who the fuck else
Out by now?
I briefly got caught in a buggy elevator a month or so back. It would close, just sit at the floor I entered in, for a minute or so, then open again. Each time it shut I was worried it wouldn't open again.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, there's no cell reception in those elevators i was in there for like 20 minutes halfway between floors but it doesn't really have doors you can open yourself so i just stood there waiting there's an emergency button but idk if hitting it actually did anything after like 20 minutes it just started moving again and everyone was like, wow, the elevator wasn't working, you were in there?m
I've seen pictures of some elevators that have fake buttons for stuff like the emergency button and the delay closing button. Maybe you've got one of those on your hands.
Kirara 🚗
wouldn't surprise me but i feel like that should be illegal of course it wouldn't surprise me if it was and they did it anyway
it wouldn't have been so horrible if i had cell reception i ended up just playing music and sitting there
As far as things go, a stuck elevator wouldn't be so bad for me, aside from the eminent fear of it plummeting to the bottom of the shaft. Enclosed spaces like that can be kind of comfy for me, providing it's not a crammed one, I guess. I tend to have a book or notebook on hand when I'm out and about.
It's cooled off here but it was pretty intense over the weekend. Though it's still consistent highs of high-twenties/low-thirties as far as the weather predictions go.
drown the world in the rain no longer does africa get a monopoly on blessed rain we're going to bless the rain down in Cincinnati, we're gonna bless the rains down in San Antonio, we're gonna bless the rain in hell, and even florida
Kirara 🚗
my client kept perseverating on bayonets and muscle relaxers the whole session because he had pain in his shoulder like "someone rammed a bayonet through it"
Does he have experience with someone ramming a bayonet through him.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Kirara 🚗
>>530571 no, he's just autistic, is at a developmental level of around 8, and is super chuuni
Kirara 🚗
he kept talking about how his pain was so great, a soldier or a seasoned spy wouldn't be able to stand it
he has almost no reasoning ability it's wild >your spine and shoulder are causing you unbearable pain? maybe you should see a doctor >i'm fine, i'll get some muscle relaxers >you can't even sit in your chair because you're in so much pain, though, aren't you concerned? >nah >you said it was the most pain you've ever felt in your life, you rated it a 15, when 10 was the most pain you've ever felt, don't you think that's concerning? >nah
>could the reason your parents don't think you're in pain be because you're hiding your pain from them? >nah, probably not
I don't have to keep dealing with him, though. In two weeks, I'm done with my current clinic. Probably. At the very least, I won't see clients for therapy there anymore.
Hopefully the clients get some other decent staff afterwards. What are the other clients you might get?
My plan is to start working with a substance abuse population. I just have to apply for it.
Someone suggested I apply for a site that does animal therapy, but it's only horses and cows??? And that's some weird shit, fuckin, therapy cows. Plus it's a site for rich people, that is, only rich people can afford to get treatment there, and I don't really want to work with high income populations.
Later this year, I might get put on a site that would pay me $40/hr.
That's some pretty solid pay. I guess it wouldn't be a full work week but still really good.
I would have imagined animal therapy sites would at least have more "normal" human animals like dogs or cats or maybe even some birds.
It'd be 20 hours a week! It's a really hard job, though. I could potentially get it for 30-40 hours a week, but that'd be too hard to deal with in addition to school.
I have to try to get into a specific class so I can meet the requirements for that site. The class is full, but I can probably argue my way in.
It's probably like twenty hours on site and then another fifteen of off-site work.
>>530579 it's a website and it's therapy for cows? how do the cows use the site
Kirara 🚗
>>530583 that's what i'd be there for, to help them use the site since they got hooves and shit
oh so you're like technical support for them kind of man it's probably a good thing i'm not rich or i'd waste all my money doing stupid shit like actually hiring someone as a cow tech support and have that kind of stuff in the job description idc what they actually do as long as they know their hired role is to help cows use the website
i'd make em write up weekly reports and shit too
Kirara 🚗
it would be interesting to have a ton of employees hired to do that and just observe what kind of things they do to write the reports, what they put in them, etc i wonder how long it would take them to organically create a template for the reports
oh yeah, my client kept saying he wanted muscle relaxers for his pain (he doesn't know what those are) and i was watching the video of the session with my supervisor and some colleagues and we were laughing about it because he kept talking about muscle relaxers and bayonets and i was like, "damn, bayonets and benzos would be a really good name for a band" my supervisor thinks it'd be a better book name though
>>530598 Honestly, I have no idea. He said it's been hurting for three weeks, but it didn't hurt super badly until a week ago. It sounds like there's some problem with his spine, though, so I spent the entire session basically trying to convince him that he needs to be concerned with his health and see a doctor. Well, I convinced him to see a doctor, at least.
It's made by a machine learning keyboard. Scripts are fed into the keyboard and it learns to make predictions based on the script. After that, it predicts words, and the script is written by selecting the words it predicts.
>>530603 I had assumed they meant the fed it scripts.
>>530604 i wonder if it's actually machine learning that's p easy with a word n-gram distribution like those cookbooks i used to post
Oh yeah so the feature request that Sam always denies might be added to tano.
maybe i'll go put all my posts for the past few weeks in a txt file and feed it to the keyboard
Unless I imagined it. >>530612 By the way did you start learning LaTeX yet?
Kirara 🚗
nope i have it installed but i never got around to learning it i may try this summer since i'm working on my dissertation i can learn while i do that
It'll make it much easier to typeset stat stuff You can write an actual chi squared and have it look all mathy and shit. With the italic script and the super script
i had a technical writing professor at uni and we were told about our assignment i asked if latex was okay and he just laughed and didn't say anything he thought i was talking about condoms and trying to be funny or something
God Microsoft word sucks
Kirara 🚗
>>530615 unfortunately lots of journals won't accept manuscripts that don't have images for graphs and shit and tables are designed in word anyway
is it really we called it latex in the physics department
anyway the dude didn't know what it was so i was just like, "Uh, it's just for formatting the paper" super awkward he was an old dude and really cynical i was talkin to him about neal stephenson one day in the library and he was unfamiliar so like the next day i see him and he checked out Reamde from the library like the worst fucking example haha he was probably reading that shit and thinking wtf is this fuckin kids today
man i wish i could be as cool as richard fane-man or as smart as leonard yuler
Kirara 🚗
i recently pronounced jung with the j to see if anyone would notice and nobody cared except for one psychodynamic person who was fucking seething and approached me after class to correct me
>>530624 I've never heard it pronounced faneman. >>530627 Sigmund Fraud
there's evidence suggesting he became more liberal but there's no evidence he was a socialist the only evidence ever cited for that is that he supported the New Deal which was of course not socialist
Oh, I thought maybe that's like, an example of things he supported after this radical ideological flip
Kirara 🚗
no, he just said in one letter that markets only work if there's some regulation so the new deal was an improvement over no regulation
Wew What a fucking scumbag Lovecraft was honestly
Kirara 🚗
eh those kinds of views were pretty normal for his time he didn't even see a black person until he was in his 20s
Yeah but still
>>530668 It was normal for the time. I hate it when people get all caught up on shit like this.
Kirara 🚗
it being normal doesn't mean it was okay, but i don't think there's a point in being overly critical about it for someone like lovecraft he was pretty messed up and had a lot of problems and anxiety and stuff for someone with his temperament, seeing something new was probably intensely horrifying to him
I mean in a lot of ways, that's a running theme in a lot of his works I still like his books though, it's not like I didn't already know he was a raging racist, I just had no idea the extent
I thought he was like Racist Not "progress is a fiction and democracy untenable" levels of reaction
>>530677 ive never heard anything like that nor anything contrarion that provokes that in the first place is that a thing
>>530680 >It was regardless though You don't get it.
It wasn't called a slur, but it was obviously considered What A Slur Actually Is or it wouldn't be used Bigots don't use slurs 'because its a normal word', they use it because it's a slur That's why it's used
Kirara 🚗
>>530681 that is a super popular take people think racism not being a mental illness means that mental illness can't lead to racism it's usually stupid stuff like, "oh, i know mentally ill people and they're not racist" or "i'm MI and i'm not racist!"
>>530687 Sure But it'll be a long time in the future, cause I have a list as long as an american election cycle
>>530684 mental illness and feeling of persecution can definitely lead to fear and contempt of all people collectively or groups of people who are on the fringe of the sphere of interaction it can definitely breed racist ideals but i feel like it's such a different thing than the racism expressed by gp that it probably shouldn't be called the same thing i feel pretty bad for those people, as well as the recipients of their hate obviously
>>530690 oh yeah def people like to refuse that it's possible though, especially on the left there's a big left cultural thing that "mental illness can't make you an asshole and you're still responsible for what you do" and it's disregarding so much about what can happen when your brain is twisted around
>>530703 I mostly ignored it, too, but I got dragged in directly through Pyretta @ing me when accusing someone of being a pedophile because their @ had loli in it I ignored that also, and got blocked
I ended up as mutuals cause I had no idea and really still don't, who most people on left twitter is I just dodge the tanks now, though, they tend to be people I don't like once enough time passes in my experience
>>530712 me too i was at walgreens filling my lorazepam and the pharmatech was like "any plans for the fourth?" tryna be friendly i just held the script up that's all try to not die
there are 142,000 people subscribed to Chickens as a topic on youtube
I want a good summer thunderstorm. We don't get many of those anymore.
just out of cyriosity, dunno what i'll be doing on then. but does anyone want to see what kind of protests will go on during trump-putin meeting here?
take pics and make an imgur album
yeah i thought i might go check it out dince i will be in the capital that week and if i have a reason to do it i ight end up doing iy already 4 protests are listed and tjis is just after confirmation thst the event will take place
It's not the free market they're concerned with, though >>530739 Literally none of these corporations would say a word if the policies were the same, but reversed Not a peep Because it doesn't hurt them
>>530738 and you are expert in finnish politics now?
we aren't talking about corporarions but ncp here, though
Wait how exactly are they like, the most notable? The most mentioned by the media?
>>530741 cause it is one of the big three political parties >>530743 three ither so far listed are nobodies
Yeah but what do you mean when you say they're the most notable ones
Yeah but what if they're larger in size? Like how are you determining that they're nobodies? There could be thousands of people
Kirara 🚗
what kind of answer are you looking for tn just thinks that's the most notable one because it's the most significant one the one with the most established power
it is one of the big three, with 2nd largest majority in parliament and tgeur youth wing was first to send theur nitification of protesr not sdp not left alluance not greens not sone other organisation but ncp
idk, it gives me a lot of context about the situation that helps me make sense of it it has a lot of meaning
Of course it gives context, but I don't really care which of the protests is organized by the people with the most established political power It doesn't actually matter to me at all
also note that ncp and republicans are buddy parties
Kirara 🚗
>>530750 well tn wasn't saying they were the most notable because he thought you'd think they were notable
is notable because they are bug *big is nitable cause ncp is friends with repus
i dunno, a small protest with a lot of influence seems more notable than a big protest that has no influence even if the big one is commies and the small one is capitalists
yeah it us going to be a mixture of protests other two lusted fir were "helsinki for human roghts" literal nobodies, cops seem to say they were founded practically just now and then some finnish russian group has sent their notification no info on the 4th group so rhey are small too
>>530756 Yeah but it's a good indicator of why people are generally opposed to Trump in Finland Any sufficiently financed institution could organize a protest, but if nobody shows up or just a few, probably not a lot of people actually agree with their message on the thing
trump isn't even big on finnish issues anyhow russia and eu is what is on people's mnds here
Kirara 🚗
>>530758 in a country like finland, i don't think having a large crowd is indicative of more people agreeing with that protest when you think about >>530759, it's more important to view this in terms of large-scale politics you already know that your people don't like what's going on here, we see a capitalist party also protesting it that's significant, it means something
reminder that a crowd of thousands is equilevant of crowd of 100ks in terms of % when compared to usa populations
>>530764 I'm not, but that's why I wanted to clear it up Like I was wondering if that was like, a large thing, or if there were larger ones Because if there's gonna be larger ones, they're the ones i'm interested in
>>530766 just for comparison, imagibe trump like going to boston to hold a rally and amongst first to file a notice is local republican party for a anti-trump protest ofc that wouöd warrant a "well that is something"
keep in mind that finnish politics don't fall under the same spectacle that most EU nations or the US does they're a very different nation culturally with a very unique history
I don't know if that's so obvious At least here I don't know for sure there'd be any very large demonstrations against Trump, though Red might organize something, along with the greens and SV
you read a headline "already 4 protests listed to happen o t-p meeting day" do you expect one of the 4 to be the market luberal/capitalist party?
If it's protesting Trump, I don't think it's strange >>530773 Oh yeah, I guess I'd expect the other parties to probably have signed up, though there's a lot more deliberation necessary for them, politically
i'd expect it to be some ideologically opposing parties to be listed there not udeologically aligning, but dislikung methods
>>530772 i open the article expecting "left alliance has called for a protest" cause they oppose both putin and trump not ncp is throeing "fir free trade protest"
i don't understand normie communication traditions why do people text me "i'm watching drunk history with my boyfriend and then i got an ad on instragram for drunk history. are they spying on me?!?!"
what do they want me to say why do they think i'm interested
>>530797 idk it's probably something on youtube or netflix or something
though it seems like a terrible algorithm that selects someone who's just watched drunk history as a candidate for ads for that Like they just watched it guys, chill
>>530810 Yeah, but this isn't a conversation starter. We talk about pointless bullshit, but it brings us closer together.
If I just show up on /moe/ and I say, "I was just brushing my teeth and then I saw an add // ad for a toothbrush! Why would they do this?!" it's not really an interesting topic to talk about the only way that would lead somewhere interesting is if people make jokes about it and we bounce off each other like that and then that only works because we all know each other pretty well
Okay /moe/, follow me on this one just take a dollar amount it can just be any amount you can think of, any number that comes to mind you got that? okay, now bear with me now double it. yeah i bet you're thinking "wow, that's crazy" or "this moon fella has a complete screw loose! what a madman" but it's true, and i can show you how to do it today sign up for my webinar at my site now
I think the main issue with my memory comes from, once you hit HC3 you're pretty far down the rabbit hole. But puppeteer-stuff is still important at that point. Kind of.
>>530849 There won't be any more of that after HC1 if I remember right. However there are multiple endings in 2 and 3. You might want to get them all in 2 at least.
oh shit ton we got two cats and two cups, one's poisoned one cat lies the other tells the truth >the flames in the fireplace are dancing, go inside? hell yeah let's go inside
>>530922 I'm trying to remember the name of a singer who did some boss nova stuff. All I remember is that she sung in French. You wouldn't happen to know who I'm talking about would you? She may or may not have been part of shinbayan
>>530927 this isn't it but I was looking for this one as well so cool thanks
Shit now I'm starting to question my memory. I don't know if this singer ever actually existed or if my brain's making it up
>>>/watch?v=JMYFeNWv29Q French Touhou Bossa nova should be incredibly easy to search for. That I can't find it in a google search tells me that one of these things isn't correct.
I was distracted by a really cute girl. I'm sorry. Part of why I said "one of these things has to be wrong" is because I can find touhou bossa nova, french touhou, but not all three. And I simply didn't click on the french touhou one because hey maybe I could just search it youtube.
Remembering how much fun it is to be a kid now you're a squid now
Oh, hi, you.
i am probably going back to sleep
Seems good.
>>530969 we solved the mystery. you can sleep easy
>>530971 ok good hang on though >>>/@misa_chainchroa/1014401410601869312?s=21 do you see this girl i am waiting and waiaitng for her to be added i have completed death to obtain her and we dont wven know her name but she will be mine i have made efforts to ensure that
Did you whale again Tony.
no she’s going to be a hinest effort rather than gacha character, they already had one series of characters that you grinded for and this will be another however while i grinded the proper summon to the max it can be for now, we have little idea on when the characters will be added or whatever dumb requirements will be left once you habe the summon in its strongest current state like i do to unlock them
/moe/ i truly feel like a successful, smart person my friend group has been enjoying cuck jokes far too much for my liking recently and now im taking things into my own hands to end it i've strategically enabled a much higher rate of cuck jokes than usual, so now everybody will soon grow tired of them and stop making cuck jokes
>>530983 How was the flight? It's very strange having a smart phone. I now have the power of a computer in the power of my hand. There's so much I can do on the bus now Do you just use it for Japanese?
>>530984 Not excellent enough, I haven't done any reading for the past week.
>>530985 Mostly just Japanese! I do use it occasionally for other stuff I want to rememebr as well. Yeah having all these apps and stuff on my phone is insane, its is pretty nice to have portable anki to having to wait to get to my pc to do reps >>530984 YOUR AN EXCELLENT STUDEN
huh goldbloom actually voices his character in the jurassic world game
Scheduled days are determined by the day that has the most worked hours in it. Since I start at 10 and end at 6, it counts as "July 5th". And "July 4th" was last night, which I had off.
>But what value do you get from having the morning of July 4th off but not the evening? Hi, welcome to NYC transit. You are all caught up on the bullshit.
It makes sense for determining pay period. There are no evening shifts that cut into the next day that have the bulk of their time on the day prior. So they can call all the work done on Saturday nights as "Sunday" and everything works.
Kirara 🚗
wow look at this fucking hell steam is stupid one second
ive been thinking lately how convenient it would be to have a plaguebearer's mask with the herbs just so my aromascape is consistent smells get to me so much
i bought some $40 cyberacoustics speakers to replace my 10 year old logitech speakers i forgot how nice it is to have a subwoofer makes me want a 5.1 system kinda those are a bit of a pain though and i don't have the desk real estate
You can't meet up with people wearing masks in public unless it's an event where masks are expected (masquerade parties). But you can wear them in public by yourself.
okay i retract my statement after further investigation it ISN'T illegal in any way shape or form to wear any kind of clothing that conceals your identity in Texas the other sites I read were making sweeping generalizations and after looking at the penal code for my state there is nothing about any masks or other garments
>>531031 that's more my line of thinking i dont have anyone to meet anyway i just want to wear a mask as i go about my day outside with an herb pouch in the snout of the mask to keep the smells consistent
>>531036 everybody actually knows who the lone ranger is but they pretend they don't because they don't want to hurt his feelings he's the Char of westerns
Kirara 🚗
>876.12Wearing mask, hood, or other device on public way.—No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state. florida
>>531039 you can't even walk to your fucking mailbox with a mask on
Kirara 🚗
you cannot
>hood, This law is trash.
>>531038 >someone slips up and accidentally says his real name >he sheds a single tear but pretends he didn't hear out of appreciation for the effort
yesterday i was at the front desk of my clinic and one of the admin assistants was like "here's the number to my FIT coke contact" and i was like, oh shit, let me get that, but it was for the guy that works the vending machines and i totally misread the mood
>>531093 come to florida, we can hang out in some swamps and fight giant mosquitos
we can spread the disease that destroyed the citrus population of florida to california and destabilize the economy a little and reduce the amount of vitamin c people get to increase the prevalence rates of scurvy by a little bit
>:Banksy also records on his website how an old Palestinian man said his painting made the wall look beautiful. Banksy thanked him, only to be told: 'We don't want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall. Go home.' banksy blown the fuck out
Kirara 🚗
lmao poor banksy
He sould listen to his advice and go home.
Truly I am Ohio
i doubt it sounds like a fucking lie to me
>>531077 can we skip to the "Then Perish" part so I can die and not be in this heat
>the new one is +Atk/-HP i'm crying I just finished leveling the first one.
Kirara 🚗
>not saving for summer anna
even when spring is over, i'll always be your suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>>531142 This is one of the only times I could get Myrrh duplicates. And at such a high rate. Unfortunately, I've rolled 4 Hectors and 2 Brave Ikes despite this game absolutely denying me Distant Counters and Steady Breaths in the past.
>>531142 im going to probably just save for as long as i can im peeved at rolling in gacha right now
Kirara 🚗
also choose your hero is end of this month or start of next month
Kirara 🚗
choose your legend* or maybe it was end of august it was july/august at least
Also, my biggest problem is that the two Myrrhs support very separate builds. If I +1 the new one, Light Breath+ won't be as good because she's -Spd/+Res If I +1 the old one, I'm still in a position where Great Flame is a trash option because she's +Spd/-Def Honestly, I'm leaning towards my old one still.
>>531150 i've spent at least 600 tryna get my robin i've gotten zero robins they were all on legendary 8% banners too this last one i rolled 50 orbs i had saved and i got five leons 40 orbs*
I remembered the problem as soon as I finishe d the post. I have a little USB bluetooth antenna. It stopped as soon as I pulled it out. I think there's something wrong with that thing.
>>531199 I tried correcting her, but she wouldn't listen so instead of having a debate about whether my brain is damaged I'm just gonna consider her trash from now
Holy moly that's a lot of relics And all of that in 5 cards?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
basically amplifier into electrodynamics (done twice from amp) into Thunder Strike
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
among other things, like Storm and shit I had channelled somewhere between 7-11 lightning on turn 1
Oh damn rip perfect though
OH there's plated armor lmao
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It was perfect, I had 90 hp going in because I took the upgrade-all-cards-but-can't-sleep just before from a random event which made things even stupider
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean I COULD have fought another boss but I had taken like 3 consecutive elites because I was invincible
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I should have ascended the run
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh but the amplifier electro thunder combo, I had the three jars that let you pick cards you start with for each type That was the real nutty shit
Yeah, unless you get the ball rolling on lizardman and girl of many knives, it's harder to have a good time. Meanwhile you can do just about anything with Defect although LIIIIIIGHTNING is super quick
Also technically he didn't cancep he just said "I don't know if tonight can work, ill let you know" and then didn't send any more texts, i know from his brother that girlfriend (male) is over. I'd rather him just say "I want time alone with my gf" than this "I don't know" with no follow-up bullshit
>>531240 What's the best thought? How many feelings are there?
Best thought is probably something subjective to a specific person at a specific point in their time. >>531243 In that case any answer's gone out the window since we can't really accurately gauge thoughts that aren't human.
I have a walkthrough pulled up now, coincidentally, should you choose to play tonight before I sleep and get stuck still.
>>531249 mind posting a link? I'll try to avoid using it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh gladly I actually remember using this because I got stuck at the first bear instance.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It actually is also a walkthrough for HC2, but I forget if I used it or not for that. I remember HC2 being uh less instant death and obtuse.
However there is a puzzle in HC3 I almost figured out but kept getting wrong and had to look that up too.
That guide does tell you (though it's easy to figure out really) how to get all three endings in HC2, which does lead to an important thing for HC3, so I would recommend doing that eventually.
It's pretty painless to do all three because of how you get them.
Cheeseburger helper A meal i burn my tongue on just about every week
>>531260 It's uh Have you never heard of Hamburger Helper™? It's a suace mix and pasta and you cook the meat, add water and the sauce mix and pasta and maybe milk depending on which one you have. Then you cook it
I've heard the name I don't think we have that over here , granted I don't check import shops often
not quite sure but I think he said the first chapter of the kizuna ai manga got translated hope this helps
>>531262 i see these things but i have never made one it actually seems more complicated to me than just making something like that from scratch reading directions really confuses me sometimes
>>531264 yeah I see that thing around a bit what does the food even have to with hamburgers
someone got assaulted at the party a girl did it was bad this is why i hate normies
That's pretty trashy. What happened to the assaulter?
oh no i hate parties
Kirara 🚗
>>531272 well i hit him in the face but nothing else the girl (his wife) left to go to their place and the guy just passed out so someone said they'd bring him to their home in the morning
>>531280 why would you want to be head of a school if you have to pay 2 million to do it that sounds like a stressful position with a lot of responsibility
As Dean you just offload all the actual work onto the school's board. All you have to do is show up and look stern to the kids who come before you seeking whatever appeal they have.
Kirara 🚗
>>531286 i think they have to come up with 2mil to get the rights of the law school
>>531287 that sounds like a neet with a fancy title
I sure am glad I don't have to deal with parties often. The only ones I've gone to recently have been family holiday ones. And my family's pretty hardcore normal compared to most it seems. So it's always fairly ordinary.
Kirara 🚗
also a drunk canadian that didn't know how to use sparklers got my hand burned take responsibility, tilde
I'm sorry to hear that. Was it a bad burn?
Though I'm also sorry for that one's childhood then. What sort of lousy childhood do you need to have to not know how to handle sparklers.
Kirara 🚗
not that bad, but i have a pretty painful welt i lit it for her and then she like just moved it closer to my hand and a bunch of the burning embers landed on me and burned me while i was trying to get them off
idk there were like 10 people there and everyone was afraid of the fireworks except me and two others it was really weird people almost shot others in the face with roman candles
someone actually launched something under where everyone was sitting and it exploded under them idk why i expected anything different from a normie party where i was the only one not drinking
I somehow managed to make it the whole night without drinking. Everything was basically alcoholic and everyone wanted to know about my alcoholism. "Why did you start drinking?" you can fuck right off who cares i just don't drink
There was this peach-watermelon-rum punch thing that smelled so good and so much wine i wanted it so bad and then people were wasting alcohol because it was too strong for them and everyone was drunk and having fun
I bet you just want to have teeth without needing to take care of them.
>>531330 i want a do over for my teeth my parents never really taught me to brush em so i went like 18 years without it
>>531332 my mum had a bad experience with dentists when she was younger so she avoided anything to do with hygeine with me now she gets a tooth infection requiring hospitalization like every other year
>>531333 i'm gonna steal your idol teeth and sell em on ebay what will your adoring fans think?
he pulled out three of them before his parents realized and stopped him they were just driving somewhere and they looked in the rearview mirror and saw him like covered in blood and he was ripping out his teeth
novaine *novacaine is nice feeling tempature on one side of your tounge but now the other is super cool
Assuming it's the standard numbing drug for dental work, I hate, HATE, HATE getting those shots. I'd rather just never go to the dentist than have to deal with it.
I don't like the absense of feeling for the main reason. It's a terrible thing to endure. Less so I also just don't enjoy getting needle'd in the first place. It's also embarassing to have reduced control of those muscles because I can't feel them anymore, and have stupid shit like water dribble out of the corner of my mouth and talk like half my mouth is made of wax. An all around miserable experience.
>>531363 no, but i want to it would be a completely new kind of suffering for me i >>531367 i think that was an onion story but i know there was a story about it recently at least