Thread #530869
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 10-12 Black Clover Cooking with Emiya Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 12-14 --Summer 2018 Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa
There reaaaalllly isn't much at all today.
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First time we've had a short list in a long while.
Chuukan is a spin-off/pseudo-sequel to Kaiji. Not really sure what else it concerns beyond that.
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okay then black clover chuukan kakuriyo 12 hisone 10
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so black clover okay lets start!
Kuro kusobaa
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wow, the guy that was just introduced is the trator! traitor that is shocking
Well they did showcase a couple of the captains all at once at that meeting earlier. It's also pretty unsurprising that the money-greedy one is the traitor.
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This guy is acting like a traitor too.
>Living in a fantasy world >Accusing someone of reading too many fantasy novels A world -In a world like this having some crazy power sealed by some magic stones shouldn't be so far-fetched.
Everyone knows water temples are SHIT though.
i bet the true traitor is still there
Oh boy, there is a swimsuit episode all along.
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okay chuukan okay lets start!
Zawa zawa Apparently there's gonna be a quick Kaiji season one re-cap right off the bat.
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yeah looks like the whole recap. It's going fast though.
Nothing like the blood money loan sharks of the Yakuza.
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Middle managment huh
Feeling sympathetic?
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no, not really.
Hah hah hah. He's got the same thing on the mind as a bunch of watchers I figure.
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zawa zawa
They all like bowling. So much for distinguishing features.
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Maybe they all bowl together.
Oh he finally called them out on it.
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well that was something kakuriyo 12 okay lets start!
Everyone in the youkai world seems to know her grandfather. He really got around.
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servicu I wonder how they described this concept before they had loanwords.
Probably something like "meal of gratuity" or something along those lines. I know there's a Japanese equivalent phrase for "on the house" too, though I don't know it off the top of my head.
They have an entire race of mice youkai just squirreled away in the basement.
The barf dog.
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yeah, they got saved and stuff
Saved by Spider-Man.
It really is a tablet.
The yuki-onna's become an amusingly whiny character.
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hisone 10! oaky lets start!
Hiso Masoooo
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Let's see how they get out of this pinchy.
Well they kind of landed properly. Kind of.
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Oh, that was one of Japan's new helicopter destroyers.
Boat nerd.
Uniform Dude always speaks real silly. Oh here he goes breaking her hea- Wow.
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Wow this is an exceedingly evil plan.
It's more or less exactly what he talked about, but, yeah. Seeing it in action is particularly depressing.
>Adult man kissing a fifth-grader
Her forwardness is kind of adorable. Masotan's having none of it though.
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>>530930 She's not a fifth grader now. He just made that promise when she was a fifth grader.
Ah I see. I parsed that wrong I guess. He's still a fair bit older than she is though.
Hisone please.
Masotan wants to fly! Oh the tsun tsun girl gets to fly Masotan a bit.
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I guess she got cucked by that other girl.
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Oh, maybe only cucked a little bit.
Oh what. Nani. What.
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Looks like she's going down the wife track.
Really though, if the process that makes the dragons go crazy and try to eat their pilots is because the pilot and the dragon hold irreconcilable feelings. Couldn't Hisone and Masotan just bond over a mutual love of the boy.
Also sounds like the serious pilot girl and the guy that smashed her heart are gonna have another showdown next episode.
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Seems like their plan to manipulate her really failed badly. since she's quitting and all