Thread #403661
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Beatless Cardcaptors Dagashi Kashi Daga Shikashi Grancrest Crangrest Grencrast Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens HakuMiko MikoHaku Koi wa Ameagari no you ni
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well let's see Does anyone have strong preferences tonight? I would like to do Koi wa Ameagari if we can get Bang. There really isn't as much as I would expect for a Friday night, I guess it all airs on Saturday.
Unless you two have your heart set on not doing Grancrest I'd like to get at least one of those episodes out of the way.
>(01/25) Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - 14 pls xpln
OVA episode.
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>>403672 I'm fine with just skipping to the episodes you guys are on as long as Ika is okay with it.
I've only watched one with Jan.
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So what episode are you on?
I'm astounded the simple math of one plus one escapes you. Jan and I have watched through episode two.
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Okay, so episode 3. I'm fine with just going to that. so let's see here hakata ramens grancrest 3 beatless koi wa ameagari dragon maid OVA does that sound agreeable to everyone? Do you watch all that Bang?
I don't think he's watched Hakata, and I don't think he was here for Beatless 2. I know he hasn't seen Grancrest.
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looks like from the other thread he just wants koi wa ameagari, any maybe he'll want maid-san too He's probably busy playing monster hunter otherwise anyway. Let's start with Hakata okay let's start!
Wow. He's really not someone you want to get on the bad side of.
never mess with traps imouto
Pft. Got too angry and forgot to count his bullets.
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This is why you always just shoot the bad guy!
>Trap used Knife! >But it had no effect... >>403690 To be fair he DID shoot the bad guy. There just weren't any bullets left in it.
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Oh, here's Spike. Spike is the best.
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This guy's life is just one accident after the other.
Ton kotsu ra men
Niwaka zamurai
Hot damn.
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Wow, he has a lot of confidence. He doesn't look that much like a girl, and he certainly doesn't sound like one!
you might have to send someone after me i'll be hunting monsters
Trap-kun looks a bit more like a girl here than usual.
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He still has really wide shoulders.>>403715 Hopefully someone here will be able to come get you.
It's a trap. Trapped trap.
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okay grancrest 3 okay lets start
By the way the MC got a bunch of allies last episode. A small army came to take over the castle he took over so they all fought and after losing the enemy commanders became his vassals.
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>>403722 Did they get befriended, or did they get enslaved?
Befriended. These two guys at their table are the chief mage and leader of the army. The mage and Theo's mage-lady knew each other from before and the blonde-haired guy liked Theo's GUTS or whatever.
This music is pretty Legend of Zelda-y.
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His new allies are all overpowered.
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beatless! okay lets start!
Bleatess Female goat nobility.
Oh shit she even makes tea. I want a robo-waifu that can make me tea.
Is five minutes all she figures he'll need.
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She's probably not wrong.
Oh no a roboduction.
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Well, didn't take long I guess. She's like a super robot though., I'm sure she'll be fine.
Oh man it's time for AUGMENTED REALITY.
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reddo boxxu?
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You're only catching that now? They've been dropping it since episode one.
Geez dude the fuck is your problem.
Pftah hah hah hah.
Geez dude the fuck is YOUR problem.
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Why was some lady with a weapon just waiting in there?
Yandere robot waifu!>>403792 Lacia's kind of OP she probably arranged for that robot-lady in there to bring her the giant black boxweapon.
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She's making a pretty good argument here.
For a Kyouko she's got a pretty close name, Kouka.
>I bet you just want to play house with her >No you're wrong! She's a part of our family! ? ? ?
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Well it is a bit different than the kind of house that otaku guy wanted to play.>>403795 I thought so too. Definitely a derivative character.
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okay someone find bang!
I've done what I can.
He says 2 (TWO) minutes.
okay sorry here it was literally two minutes oh that's a cute lucina she just confessed and he kinda brushed it off
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okay koi wa ameragarari okay lets start!
>>403817 I mean what would you do if a cute high school girl confessed to you like that.
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he was probably going ohshitohshitohshit i'm her manager on the inside,
>>403823 the same thing pretty much depending on the situation and person, maybe i'd directly confront them about it right then and there "you know i can't.... right?"
these high school girls are so anime
She wants to be the runner.
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She's emo about not being the runner anymore.
it's really depressing when injury like that ruins you her entire life might be on a different track because of it
well not might be in this case
Well she probably wouldn't have been moping around famires if she hadn't injured herself. And then would have never met the manager.
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Wow, killer confession. 10/10 execution.
>What a letdown Wow guy are you actually wanting her to have confessed to you.
cmon man
Poor Manager-san.
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Don't be dense, manager-san. She's said it twice now.
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Wow he's a little older than I thought. I expected he'd be like 32 or 35 or something.
i'm injured and sick and more sick please go away
She's kind of bad at all this.
Serious Automobile Conversations
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This episode has done a great job with the weather.
shes strong
I want to experience one of these wet Japanese summers. They look kind of nice.
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The air is really nice after a rain on a warm summer night.
I can't bring myself to touch empty cicada shells like that.
Oh no
god she really doesn't get it but neither does he
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Crumbling up something like that is kind of a shame. The cicada shell that is. I love cicadas.
he was making a point when he was crumbling it
>>403883 I like their sound but I'll happily go through life never having to touch one or one of their shells.
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meido dragon ep 14 / OVA bang are you in on this one? i'm sure that you are ijay let's start!
Chu chu yeah
oh i didn't know downlaoding already 40%
ok ready and hype hot springs episode is what i heard
Oh right.
jesus tohru you're scary
god this show is so fucking pretty this OP is so good i'm losing it IM LOSING IT IVE LOST CONTROL
the part with the little fish cakes getting cut off and that's how her face is animated that's top notch
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This was a really good OP, yeah.
tohru is so girly
even though she's a dragon
oh no
Can't pull a fast one over KO BA YA SHI
' f o o '
no valentine's pranks this year
That kid is jaded as fuck.
that kid is probably gay now
Or swears on DFC.
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She's pretty much unironically a succubus at this point so it's good that he's staying vigilant!
wow Kanna is popular
i guess if there was literally a dragon in my class i'd probably give her chocolate too
sounan janai __kara was that su?
elma is worst dragon
Elma is adorbs.
That's gay as fuck dudes.
uh oh
oh no
no no no no no no
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tohru gonna get cucked
Kobayashi is surprisingly self-aware in the situation despite being under the influence.
oh no
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oh, the alcohol canceled it out.
uh oh
she's going to eat them all
>Hot springs Oh this chapter surprised me in the manga since it was uncensored. There's no way KyoAni would be faithful there though.
Hot springs towns are really nice-looking. I'd like to visit one.
i am -eto..- japanisu goburin
poor kobayashi
She really didn't get the hormones she needed when she was younger.
Oh yeah this gets weird and philisophical for a bit.
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This show did that from time to time. That was part of what made it good. Though I don't think that conversation was very philosophical. Maybe this one will be.
I'm kind of following along with what I remember from the manga, since KyoAni hasn't changed this bit around much. They go a bit more in-depth into that "ideal self" kind of thing in the manga chapter.
>this is how it should be
poor kid
i also feel bad for the maid who has to clean his sheets
He'll be traumatized around grown women for years and years.
>shall we breed
Geez Tohru.
>Let's go outside >Just casually step out of the shinkansen
kobayashi lives in the best timeline
She gets to be around all these cute chorogons.
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That was good. very comfy thanks for anime!
Senmetsu shitaiiii
kana is like my favourite loli
Good series. Season two never.>>404013 Wow, lolicon.
so good thanks guys