my client was asking me about physics stuff a few weeks ago and saying he was showing his kids some outer space videos for his young kids so i suggested him some youtube channels about physics and i guess i didn't register that the videos i suggested were like high school level things and beyond and his kids are like 5 years old so he was a little puzzled when he tried to put them on being a real human bean is hard
Assume he's not braindead and put on more suitable videos.
It's more I'm worried that he thinks I'm braindead "wtf this person is crazy"
Nah, you might have just thought too far ahead. But now you've established a criteria.
i told him yeah, they probably wouldn't be ready for quantum physics until they're at least eight he brought it up in a humored manner but i instinctively think of what was probably going through his mind when he put it on the tube for his 5 year olds and wife and the point at which they decided, "Yeah we gotta put somethin else on for the kiddos."
>Honey what is this stuff >My marketing specialist suggested it, i dunno >what the fuck >yeah idk it's some crazy person
hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow you're here late stop dying
There was an incident at work and I was held up for a couple of hours.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You need to be free
So where are all of our friends?
A bus
Kirara 🚗
300 orbs and no myrrh
I have no orbs from trying to get flying Azuna. It's a shame. FEH had not been kind to me lately.
Kirara 🚗
i didn't even get green orbs in probably 40% of my rolls i'm pretty sure it's fuckin RIGGED
Yeah, I have had that problem chasing Azuna. There are way less greens than other colors.
Kirara 🚗
i got 5* Eirika x2, Chrom, Cordelia, Julia, Sonya, L'Archel
Kirara 🚗
mostly worthless stuff eirika has swift sparrow and sonya has res ploy i guess chrom has aether but i don't have a lot of use for that usually and i don't generally use brave weapons
I don't know where my phone is. Hopefully it's not in the clothes that I put in the washing machine. I don't even think I can muster frustration over it if I did.
>>402944 >>402943 I got like a Fae with bad IVs while doing for Azuna. That's all. I am up to 5% now on my pity rate. Not sure if I'll spend a few bucks to get my 5 off it or not.
Kirara 🚗
i don't understand why you spent so many orbs on flying azura in the first place
does she dance
Kirara 🚗
yeah but she's not worth 200 orbs there are a lot of dancers and azura? is not a very good character
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Azura is perfectly ok
Proud Owner of Ninian +5
>>402949 Well, it's not like she has many of the other dancers.
I was so tired today I forgot to deposit my paycheck. Good job Ko- You did it Ko-
I was thinking of maybe getting a phone to get FEH But I heard that Celeste came out and while I can get it on PC I think I'd rather make that my first Switch purchase.
>>402947 She is a flying dancer who fills out my flying team well. If I had known Myrhh was coming with dragon buffs, I probably would not have rolled for her
Kirara 🚗
i don't personally believe myrhh is actually in the game yet
>>402978 it's the worst IV for her but she's still amazing i need to get distant counter for her eventually
I hope she'll be available on a later banner since Azura ruined everything.
Kirara 🚗
Myrrh's art is so good. I think it's one of the best CGs in the game.
>>402980 I hope so, too. It'll be hard to get +s for her. I got a new 4* Nowi today, so I can get my Nowi up to +4 at least.
i got my reinhardt to +5 today
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hang out with me in the doesn't care about his tier group
>>402981 Yeah, she's cute. I predicted that she'd be end of Jan or early Feb awhile ago. i wish I'd listened to my own prediction and saved orbs.
>>402983 too busy in the can't play, can't bother tier
this cough makes my arm come out of its socket tier
weekends dont exist tier
Do you have the flu, blue?
I don't even know what that entails
Fever, chills, cough, soreness.
I can't tell if the soreness is caused by the sickness or the work all i have is a cough and i am surrounded by rocks for hours and a consistently dropping desire to do anything like finishing this very
>>403003 Of course neglecting my moes would make me feel guilty!
I've been kinda off this week because I had a one day weekend.
What is going on with your neighbors?
Kirara 🚗
>>403004I've been wow >>403004 I've been a bit busy lately, too.
Every single day this week, when I've come home from anywhere, I park like normal, and then within a minute, my new neighbors show up and park right next to me. Even though I come home at different hours of the day every day. On Monday, I went home at like 11:30 and they arrived right after me, and then I left around 12:30, and their car was just sitting out there in the parking lot, running, with no one inside. And then when I got home again later that night, they pulled in right after me again. And similar stuff has been happening all week. Especially the car running with no one in it. I've only seen the people once and only one of them, and they just glared at me. It's really suspicious!
Kirara 🚗
Also I got a glance through their window and they have no furniture even though they've been here a week.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They're government spies sent to watch you
Rate my new apartment
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is this an apartment for ants
>>403005 Is it cold? People leave their cars running all the time here.
The other day at the bank, I walked past a police car that the cop left running in the parking lot! So lax!
The most suspicious part is that literally nobody that might come after me would do it like that.
Even if it's suspicious, what evil motive would they have for doing it? Maybe they're ghosts.
Kirara 🚗
I was also thinking that they might not be human.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Maybe they're aliens who have slipped themselves into those flimsy meatsuits.
Kirara 🚗
The likelihood of it being something dangerous is incredibly low so I don't want to go full Kirara and start monitoring them or anything, but it makes me feel really suspicious.
Well, technically I got the original version from magic origins but it does the same thing.
>>403016 Ghosts need cars too, there isn't anything wrong with a ghost car.
Fuck I got current with the shitty isekai ln i was reading. Well, current as in "read every translated chapter".
Kirara 🚗
>>403023 I'm fine with ghosts or vampires or whatever they might be. Even aliens, I'm fine with. I don't mind. I just want to know for sure what the deal is so I don't have to be paranoid.
>>403025 Maybe they're nice ghosts! You should get to know them.
Kirara 🚗
>>403027 I don't really want to get to know them, or anything. They play loud music and it annoys me. I just want to know what the deal this. Because as it is, it's super sus!
Also in retrospect, fear of being possessed by a dybbuk as a child really aggravated my ocd. When I was very young I heard a story about someone being possessed by a dybbuk that transformed into a hair and hid inside the person's glass of milk. And when they drank it it possessed them. So I became obsessively hypervigilant about making sure there were no hairs in my food or drink.
Anyway there's just a lot of weird stuff with them that triggers me and makes me feel paranoid obviously the chances of it being anything dangerous to me are extremely low though
>>403043 Yeah, you should be careful and give them the benefit of the doubt!
Kirara 🚗
>>403051 I'm at least functional enough to not go after people.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah I'm getting worse slowly so I'll probably lose it eventually i was thinking about getting therapy
Just don't worry! Be happy.
Always remember happy day
Kirara 🚗
I don't feel safe without a knife so I actually sneak a knife into counseling rooms so i can be comfortable
Kirara 🚗
my hypervigilance is really the only thing getting worse though it has been slowly getting worse for a while but it made a big leap lately and my trauma class has me thinking about my own trauma s I'm not dangerous but I worry that I could potentially become dangerous in the future if my hypervigilance continues getting worse I think I'm actually doing better with everything but that
>>403057 I know that feel, I have a knife with me almost 100% of the time when I go out. Although really this particular knife isn't great for self defense since its in a multitool.
Gosh Kirara I was just being a dumb jokester I'm sorry I said something that's actually a worry for you.
And that sounds really snarky in retrospect I'm actually feeling bad for it.
Kirara 🚗
It's not like something I lose sleep over or anything! It's kind of funny.
I think that's a little too hypervigilant!
Kirara 🚗
That's why I'm thinking about getting help.
I started considering bringing a bigger knife but I know I don't need it and I don't want to let myself slip anymore. I'm trying hard to learn how to be human again but there are still roadblocks. I'm still sleeping with an eight inch knife under my pillow.
>>403064 I actually did that for a while, but when I left for college my mom found it and freaked out. She hid it while I was gone. I found it though.
>>403064 You should ween youreslf off that. You can't take knives into restricted areas.
Kirara 🚗
>>403068 Technically, I can. Nobody checks clients for weapons and a client brought a gun to a session once last year. So I just keep it in my briefcase.
Kirara 🚗
I do refrain from bringing weapons into government facilities usually but that's it
Make that a little more consistent than just "usually"!
Kirara 🚗
I'm trying to get better.
What the fuck
Hi B.
hi anno
What's shaking, smoked bacon?
its too hot
A friend of mine in Ausland had the tires on his bicycle melt into the road as he was going down the road. You people are in some really hot weather.
I found some anime figs on Craigslist Including a mysterious heroine x figurine
>>403107 yeah it just barely came out i'm DOWNLOADING
Oh, neat. I hope it's good.
Fuck The guy with the figures is really fucking far away
I expected the lizard girl to be that kind of other thread actually.
>>403108 >not offering a price I would like a baseball seibah though
>>403121 Dude there are sso mamany ffucking things that I coukd complain about for Craigslist posts but it justs takes too much time
bang are you anime tonight?
craigslist is fucking dead around my city
That's cause you're in the middle of nowhere
>>403128 Correction: Capital of the middle of nowhere ALso I think people use trademe instead
>>403126 monster hunter i'm sorry the wild calls to me
I found my ff14 collector's edition journal ive been using it as a work log i hope it's not valuable or something from being the ff14 1.0 collector's edition it's a nice journal though
It's cool how in this kitchen I can turn the microwave and the toaster oven on at the same time without blowing a fuse or tripping the circuit breaker. Parts of the electrical system at my old place were literally over 100 years old.
>>403176 mate of mine lives in a house that has two kitchens on the same group so if they both turn their ovens and water boiler on, the fuse trips or whatever you call it pretty dumb
>>403178 Breakers trip, fuses burn out The difference being that a tripped breaker is just a heavy duty switch that is turned off, all you have to do is go to the breaker and flip it back, but a burnt out fuse has to be replaced
>>403180 ah makes sense he has breakers, but my house still has fuses I'm glad nothing ever burns here
What country are you in? There are interesting technicalities regarding the legal status of torrenting/downloading and what not deoending on your jurisdiction
>>403203 Piracy is highly immoral and I don't care Oh god I love being unethical
Morals and ethics are different
>>403204 netherlands, so it's pretty illegal still do it though fuck the police
Tell me why the difference matters in casual conversation
Because fuck you that's why. As an excercise talk amongst yourselves and determine the difference between what is good and what is right.
ethics are morals, except the person using the word ethics thinks his morals trump others and should thus be standard in society
Thanks Trump
no problem mate see you in 2020
>>403212 Something that's right may not necessarily be something good because it's simply the least worst option available
You're studying chemistry right?
yeah, doing a materials master in chemical engineering
Yeaaah Water you learning about right now?
>>403216 Wrong The correct answer is "Your index finger fits right in your butthole, but its not good to stick your finger in your butt.".
>>403219 how to make "advanced" ceramics, so things like powder preparation and further processing and stuff also some processes about making stuff from polymers
Oh neat I know a guy who has soecialized in ceramics for like 40 years.
>>403221 there are ceramic superconductors i wonder how difficult the material is to produce
>>403226 as far as I understand, almost all of them are ceramic yeah but we didn't cover those advanced ceramics, that's why I put ceramics in "" it had more to do with making layers or membranes and stuff like that, so just more "advanced" than pots and plates
>>403226 Difficult, but some are harder than others
Isn't prostate stimulation supposed to be healthy? >>403230 on?
>>403228 post of the year right here boys look at that revolutionary way of thinking
>>403227 Non ceramic super conductors have bern around for a while Ceramic ones only came out in the 80's It just so hapoens that the cerakic ones require less cooling so are used more
>>403229 i mean nothing is uniformly healthy it can help some issues but there are a lot of muscles down there that can get really messed up by improper use so overdoing it or doing it when you've got issues with those areas already probably isn't healthy if it leads to rectal distress
kind of like squatting vs upright sitting when pooping, you really shouldn't sit upright it messes up the gi tract and the muscles around it
>>403233 ah yeah the picture on wikipedia has a lot of metals
>>403277 Wait shit I fucked up I confused Kyoukai no Kanata with those type moon movies
>>403279 I dunno what it is man I just couldn't get into it
Fuck you Kara no Kyoukai is fucking great I'm gonna make you watch them eventually
no you're right it does have a second movie wtf first movie is recap of series and second apparently happens after the series I gotta watch this shit fuck
Also it's not by Type-Moon Nasu wrote the Kara no Kyoukai novels before Type-Moon was formed.
>>403280 >first movie is recap of series Is it just the first movie that's boring then
Kyoukai no Kanata Kara no Kyoukai Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki is so good.
>>403282 dunno I haven't seen the second yet I liked the series though, didn't find it very boring
/moe/ so I'm sitting outside the courtroom rn for my jury duty and all these other people brought h their letter that we receive and I don't have mine and now I'm like mmmmmmm
>expected to make rational judgements about the balances of probability >can't even remember a piece of paper
congratulations you just escaped jury duty
all according to plan.
also happy 'STRALYA DAY cunts
grab your lamingtons. grab your vegemite. grab your digeridoo
We're heading out to King Hit cunts waiting at the bus interchange
it's too hot I wanna die australia day sucks
we can bash this poofter >>403309 on the way there.
and if you're not wearing the Southern Cross as a cape you can't come.
didn't even have the hottest 100 how am I meant to shitpost
oh I'm sure you'll find a way
but it's not the same!
nothing in life is ever the same. transition is the nature of the universe
what did you even end up doing besides blowin dudes for spare change
gettin' 50 dollaridoos an hour to be a wagecuck on a public holiday
can you believe I sat in court for like 5 days, and didn't see ONE person lose their shit and have to be restrained
that's why you start your fights throw out something thatw\ will cause an uproar
but then I will be the one who is getting restrained.
you're not thinking right what even were the cases
Those Corrective Services guys they have down at the Magistrates Court are BIG motherfuckers, too. Like seven foot tall.
that's why I wanted to see them in action.
sk 🖤Marsh-chan
oh. there were heaps of different cases. A lot of it was just applying for bail after getting arrested for not complying with their release conditions the last time they were given bail
a lot of domestic violence stuff too.
oh now I wish they were restrained too
It's real easy to breach a Family Violence order though. It doesn't mean they were all slapping their wives around.
A lot of them just did stupid shit like calling them up on the phone when they were not supposed to. Or coming within 100 meters of their property.
One guy was arrested because he was in the House drunk, when the FV order specified that he had to stay sober at all times.
sk 🖤
Well I mean If you're pushing and poking at a restraining order, it's not cause you just want what's best for the other person That's deliberate, threatening behavior
what happens a lot of the time is that the man and women make up. the guy moves back in then they have another fight then the woman calls the cops and he's arrested for breaching the order.
Not always. there was some nasty domestic abuse stuff too where the guy definitely should have been locked up. but those ones usually aren't given bail in the first place
sk 🖤
it's not like I can say much about cases I don't know about, so And besides I'm not into the whole justice system thing to begin with either
one creepy motherfucker broke through her bedroom window and was watching her while she slept
sk 🖤
the fuck
Shockingly, he wasn't granted bail
I'll tell you guys another weird fact
all the people I saw working for the Department of Public Prosecution were insanely hot women. In their mid to late 20's.
my theory:
it's part of the punishment.
It's not enough to just be told that you're scum. You have to hear it from a beautiful woman
well actually it's probably because when dealing with petty matters down at the Magistrates they DPP sends their most junior lawyers.
and anyone intelligent and high-achieving enough to get a job with the DPP in the first place is likely to be motivated enough to look after themselves and take care of their health too.
but I like my theory better.
jokes on them I'm a masochist
because it is
it's all of them. Not just one or two. But every single one I saw. at least an 8/10+
sk 🖤
Maybe the women are stuck in the lower ranks
it's a conspiracy
im so happy
chicken and dump
Dump and pump
On PS4?
Now that I have this card and am putting it in a deck, I think I'm obligated to print out that dril tweet and tape it to the card
so is three black knight 1 zelgius the optimal armored team
Densha Koitoko
of course we are going to spend the final day of training explaining every urban dictionary sex position that involves scat
Densha Koitoko
im sitting here like no dont tell them what an Alabama hot pocket is. theyre going to repeat it over and over
they repeated it nine times
I'm so sorry, Blue.
I'm going to say I don't understand that phrase but I have no inclination to learn what it is.
I've never really liked them. I'd rather get a panzerotti/calzone from a pizza place. Or just find some other combination of grain, tomato sauce, and cheese.
Densha Koitoko
its ooooverrr time to get home and ace this exm i went through it. i need to do more research on a third of the questions but i should be good
it's not even lewd it's gross I am so glad that I don't have to be with that group anymore. But at the same time, I am worried about what group I am going to find tomorrow night.
Kirara 🚗
ooh heaven is a place on earth
sk 🖤
what if god was one of us
So is Hell, and it's in New Jersey.
sk 🖤
Norway, too
Kirara 🚗
run like hell
Kirara 🚗
Fridays are so good
I had a one day weekend last weekend too. So this Friday is super welcome.
i love finding these heated debates about whether jesus was black or not based on the assumption that africans originated in /// humans originated in Africa as if we know the skin color of early humans or as if 2000 years ago, the skin color of the earliest humans played a role in the skin colors
sk 🖤
But plenty of Africans are white though
>>403399 Oh no That's a shame, I hope he gets the help he needs.
Kirara 🚗
he's getting a different therapist he wants a woman which is why he's been refusing to return my calls
Hah He's not
Kirara 🚗
apparently he's intimidated by men
What a wimp
Ask him if he'll come to your appointments if you wear a skirt
>>403412 You damn well know what people mean when they African in this context
sk 🖤
In my defense, the context of this being a discussion about 2 millennia ago was not yet clear to me
That's not the context I was talking about. Maybe I'm confused, what group were you referring to when you said "plenty of africans >>403422 Yeah As a general rule, people don't mean that when talking about race.
sk 🖤
People born and raised on the continent of Africa? You know. Africans
sk 🖤
Then they should use a different term and be more clear
They won't The problem is that african can refer to race, or not quite nationality.
the argument is that africans moving into israel 50k years before we previously thought is an explicit statement that jesus is black and the Real Jews are black people
hoteps are basically the alt-right but in black and with a side of hoodoo
Kirara 🚗
but yeah they think they were the kings of the world in the past and stuff
The harder I think about these questions, the harder they get.
As a child I loved the "Jesus was black thing", because if I were blamed for something for being white, i woukd remind them that Jesus was black and Jewish, and that as a Jew I was in fact not white.
Kirara 🚗
jews are pretty frequently excluded from being white even in leftist circles, jews aren't considered white just white passing
Don't Mormons think that Native Americans are one of the lost tribes?
Although there's actually a decent chance that the Ethiopian Jews are descended from the Danites.
Errr not the mormon organization, but as in the tribe of Dan.
Taking it easy is the best.
Man I almost forgot about ththe Missouri Mormon war.
Fuck It turns out that one of the ingredients in a vitamin we give our dog is poisonous to dogs. Although there must not be very much because we'd been giving it to her for months.
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗FormerRei@mobile
Uggh I really don't feel like cleaning but I'm having people over tomorrow so I need to.
FormerRei@mobile I know someone who would probably pay me to build one of these to protect her garden.
>>403458 Stiff animations are kind of a hallmark of the franchise I've found. You can get punished pretty bad for chosing the wrong action at the inopportune time.
Kirara 🚗
The lowest brightness setting is also way too bright I expected the game to be a lot prettier than it is Maybe I need PS4 Pro for it to be pretty
>>403461 Right? Although I am no longer surprised by people forgetting how the stack works.
>>403458 MH is all about timing which is why you can't cancel
>>403464 I thought that I might need to spend time studying certain things but it's really as they say it is. Stuff that you might need to search articles for answers of.
And also all about sawing apart once-living creatures to craft cool armor and weapons.
Kirara 🚗
>>403465 >>403462 I'm talking about like walking around characters gesticulating to each other while talking climbing in particular looks really stiff and kind of unnatural
Yeah, I get what you're saying here. Not that it excuses it or anything but I think the games have always been like that. I'm not quite sure why they never transitioned into smoother walking, especially in places where it doesn't impact you fighting things.
Really, the smoothest-moving things int -in the series have always been the Felynes.
I forgot to add my usual seasoning topping to my pizza when I was ordering it. Only realized my mistake when I was halfway back to my house. It's kind of surprising what a different -difference a bit of seasoning can do for that.
hottest 100 thread pretty dead this year probably because the countdown date changed
Is this some weird Ausland cultural thing.
yeah pretty much the most popular alt radio station counts down the most popular songs of the last year on Australia day cept they moved it to the day after
>>403507 It's not your fault, its the fault of the people who run that business and their competitors Cause I'm pretty sure that gravity assisted gocart thing hasn't been around for that long
Kirara 🚗
>>403506 thats the answer i was expecting isn't that weird? what is it about trains that attracts autistic people
>>403510 The answer is that autistic people get obsessed with things and the train "fanbase" has been around for a while, but also trains aren't as much of a common things in people's lives as they used to be so generally normal people don't get super interested in trains, but since the community already exists despite trains becoming less common I forgot wgere I was going
lots of people like trains while some autistic people love trains, so do a lot of people without autism
Kirara 🚗
nobody's saying only autistic people like trains
Yeah, but a lot of autistic people like trains
Basically everyone I know who is really into trains is either a baby boomer (or older) or autistic
You Fuck Anyways, people with autism are easily obsessed with things It just so happens train enthusiasm is a bit less common than some other things, so it stands out a little bit more
Kirara 🚗
yeah, makes sense
Something that's somewhat common of an obssession amongst people with autism is anime and other Jalanese stuff, but compared to trains that's more mainstream (these days anyways) I've also known people who were obsessed with agriculture technology and raising livestock and modern animal husbandry Well person She was also really into anime
Also unlike some other interests, it doesn't require socialization Which is also probably a large factor
>>403513 yeah but i mean it's not what comes to mind for me when i hear of someone liking trains maybe that was a roundabout way of saying that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEFormerRei@mobile
Honestly I'd really like to do a psych diagnosis survey across a large train fanclub organization
>>403510 Are autistic people attracted to trains or have we latched our idea of trains to autists
Kirara 🚗
among clinicians, "trains" and "Minecraft" are two things that are absolutely considered associated with autism
>>403523 A little bit of both >>403524 I forgot to mention Minecraf
>>403527d never even heard of a client talking about it i think the roblox generation isn't in therapy yet for the most part
there are like 10-year-olds with youtube gaming channels that are just entirely roblox they're probably bringing in like thousands a month if they're able to monetize, idk if they can or not
Kirara 🚗
some 4 year old got referred to therapy because she's having temper tantrums or something ridiculous
What's roblox? Sounds like some kind of pill.
It's a video game
It's a Minecraft clone
Oh yeah, that guy who did that shooting at the high school he dropped out of (4 years or more after the fact) was into roblox was, anyways I think his username on the forums had sephiroth in it
So minecraft is really associated with autism? memes sure have been becoming real lately.
>>403618 yeah but i don't think i've listened to anything from then since then i used to a lot but i guess i got tired after i heard all of it there's probably a few tracks i'd enjoy hearing again
laz still isn't letting me get a full night's sleep i might have to start closing him out of our room until i can find a way to keep him out from under the bed
>>403630 I watched about 5 minutes and then my computer crashed and then I played touhou instead
>>403657 next time you go on a trip I'll try sleeping in your bed to find out.
Kirara 🚗
>>403664 I never thought I'd see the day you invite yourself into my bed! I don't think you should try it, though.
Only when no one is there!
Bang are you anime tonight?
Kirara 🚗
That's even creepier than if we were here! My bed is pretty comfortable, so I can't blame you, though. If you're going to be here, will you feed Laz and scoop the litter box while I'm on a trip?
>>403714 That's why I want to keep some secrets secret!
>>403718 but I already half know so you should tell me.
Kirara 🚗
>>403721 You already knew I've got lots of secrets.
>>403724 but not about things that will attack visitors!
Kirara 🚗
>>403725 I don't have anything that will attack visitors.
You said I'd find something scary!
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, but it's not like there's anything that'll attack you.
Then what's scarY?
Kirara 🚗
I don't know! I just think you might find something you think is scary if you look around on your own.
Oh wait have you taken to keeping pentagrams about the apartment.
Kirara 🚗
Of course not. Satan is a good guy in Judaism and also Fish would be against it.
It's good that you arne't doing that.
>>403735 >Satan is a good guy in Judaism please elaborate
You crazy religious people are so silly.
Kirara 🚗
>>403737 Satan is a Hebrew word for adversary. He's an angel of God that tests humans. He can't do anything without God's permission.
Satan became a bad guy after the original Old Testament was misread and misinterpreted, and Satan went from testing humans to being the adversary of God.
>>403735 Satana never did anything wrong he's working for god testing us
I like Satan in SMT2 where he has like 6 tits
>>403739 It's also translated as "accuser" sometimes rather than adversary.
Which makes sense since he's basically a prosecutor in one of his earliest appearances.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah. That's also his role in Job.
Ah I just remembered that according to some, counting Jews is against the rurus.
Kirara 🚗
how do you make sure you have enough people for a minyan if you can't count
Count indirectly maybe Although minyans are a rabbinical Judaism thing iirc The counting rule is temple Judaism at the latest,
Kirara 🚗
gotta get a counting goy
Count Jew sucking the blood of goyim
FormerRei@mobile This is a pretty good explanation, also it covers work arounds.
>counting to ten by using Psalms 28:9, which is comprised of exactly ten words.1 Typically, one person recites the verse word by word while pointing at each person in the quorum. When he reaches the last word, everyone knows that there are ten people in the room, and prayers can begin.
Kirara 🚗
orthodox is so weird
>boss asks me to stay until 2am >say alright >leave at 12:30 anyways time to play monster hunter
what does a jewish beer maker do? Hebrews!
>>403760 It's not just an orthodox thing Also arguably the statements from God that the no counting rule comes from in their interpretation is much closer to the original statements than the keishrut rules are to God's original statements
Oh yeah I'm part of Nvidia's developer program And they're currently doing a contest where they are giving away a bunch of Titans So I might look into that I'm pretty sure I have written 0 lines of CUDA code though
The PC release for Worlds is like, autumn this year or something. Last I heard it's quite a ways off. Kind of annoying.
I wonder about that really. The Monster Hunter environments have always been kind of lacklustre. The only graphical stuff they've ever particularly focused on has been the monsters and equipment.
Kirara 🚗
The quality of the animations are rather low so I'm guessing the quality of the environmental textures are also low.
There's probably no way to make it look even half as beautiful as a lot of other games.
Kirara 🚗
There are some textures that are pretty bad now that I think about it. But the gameplay is good.
Sounds like MonHun.
Do you know what engine it uses?
Yeah, it really just needs to be passable. The 3DS games are kinda too bad looking.
Kirara 🚗
I wouldn't consider it passable graphically. But the gameplay is good enough and there's enough action that I can deal with it.
The graphics are like 2010
I just want a MonHun game that plays at a higher resolution than 480p. I'm so tired of the grainy 3DS screens. They could pretty much just pluck the games from previous generations and put them in a minimum 720p and I'd be happy.
The biggest improvement is having two analogue sticks again tbh Playing with the 3DS nub was painful
I don't think graphics are a huge deal in a monhun game
Kirara 🚗
the character creation and character textures as well as weapon and armor textures are pretty good and some of the monster textures look good but the environments are absolute crap
The perfect combination here really would be a new MonHun game on the Switch. Being able to play with modern-ish hardware but still be portable would be so nice.
>>403808 It does but I bet it feels better to play on than the 3ds. Although I haven't played the 3ds one, i have several monhun games on psp.
The 3DS circle pad feels fine. I dunno about the PSP nub
The 3DS, controls-wise, are miles better than playing on the PSP. Even if you don't have the new3DS nub, there's a option to get a second control stick on the touch screen.
I will say the 3DS is a bit more edgy than the PSP and it kind of digs into my hand over extended periods of play.
>>403802 way better than 3DS! 3DS is too pixelated for me to be able to handle monhun on.
There's also this Whatever the fuck it may be
Huh apparently this wasn't a suoer rare limited thing after all
>>403824 3DS graphics were really hard for me. It got to the point near the end of the generation that I couldn't play a lot of 3DS games because they were too ugly.
Fortunately Fire Emblem managed to look pretty good still.
Why the fuck is the 3ds XL called the 3ds ll in Japan?
I really have a hard time with most 3D 3DS games. The piss-poor resolution is all right with 2D sprites but it really makes anything with 3D models look kind of bad.
Kirara 🚗
>>403828x I guess so! I guess I'm just really disappointed in the MonHon graphics.
>>403830 Same, that's part of why I never got a 3ds.
My guess is that the pc version will look bad The engine it uses is the engine they were supposed to stop using for eighth generation consoles Err, stopped using past seventh They developed a new engine for the eighth gen
I've always found that part of MonHun funny. You put so much time into making the face and then for practicality's sake you cover it all up with armor. I always look out for more hat-style or open-faced helmets because of that, kind of.
Plus I usually make female characters recently and those are more tailored to showing the face usually.
>>403852 i'm quite impressed with it compared to the previous installments >>403851 Yeah it's a damn shame that the DLC armor I got covers the head. I'm going to have to play without a helmet, should be easier than in previous installments in this one
>>403855 I'm hoping the potential for STYLE is as high in this game as in previous installments. The fashion design for armor in the MonHun games have -has been so great in the past. I want to dress up characters in cute clothes again.
Hrrm, seems like they updated their old engine because they're having trouble with the new one. The new one does sound pretty cool though, but after reading its overview I can definitely imagine they're having problems getting it to be fadt enough. *fast
>>403879 A little fish told me that you were jealous.
>>403880 you can get a cool ass skeleton rabbit helm for it
>>403884 hmm, I don't know if I'm quite jealous because I don't want to take care of a cat right now. but I did say nice things about cats. Cats are great.
>>403880 I need to be able to make my SAMURAI CAT again.
I used to send "please respond" messages to my friend who never checks his phone But now I just send progessively degenerated versions of the word "honk"
Rika has never seen magic beans in her life I bet. She's pretty sheltered.
>>403998 I thought it was really neato, but the bezel inbetween the screens would make it annoying to watch anything that spans across both screens. Browsing the internet with it worked fine, apart from the annoying split in the middle, but the feature of using each screen independently seems more useful. Not useful enough to justify the price for me, though.
Kirara 🚗
>>403998 They're beans that you swallow and then you're good.
>>404003 Is that really waht you do with them? Swallowing them is pretty extreme.
>>404005 You could watch videos on one screen and talk on Discord or text with the other. Maybe a more industrious person would be able to figure out a good use for it. I can't think of a lot of applicable situations.
Kirara 🚗
>>404005 I don't personally take mine in magic bean form.
>>404012 Therein lies why I don't have much of a use for it. I don't use my phone for anything except calling and texting, but I'm sure other people use it for all sorts of stuff.
>>404048 I've known some manic depressive people who've done some pretty wild stuff
Kirara 🚗
she was telling him about it in session and sobbing
Kirara 🚗
she was in tears like "you can't return a house"
At the least it's a dumb impulse purchase that might give a higher return value in the future. Though this is Florida so I don't really expect the real estate markets to be particularly hot.
>>404076 yes it was really annoying when you killed a big monster and keep getting nibbled on by his tiny buddies while trying to chop his scales and talons off
After you defeat the target large monster of the quest you've only got like thirty or sixty seconds to carve off his now-dead body parts. Each pass takes like five or six seconds to go through, and you've got three carves on your usual large monster. So if you're getting jumped on by little shits while carving, if you're really unfortunate, some times the quest will end before you can get all your carves. Doesn't really happen much at all but it's still annoying.
Why don't they just let you choose when to leave after killing the monster Why did they give us a time limit
i am the hunter of monster
I've got a monster for you to hunt alright ;)
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i've been applying crazy glue to my stuff to make it stronger and now my fingers have patches of crazy glue on them