Thread #405117
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okay the list cardcaptors x2 dagashi x2 mahou pop team XD haku miko takunomi 3gatsu mitsuboshi colors kokkoku I think that's all?
Two episodes of HakuMiko .
oh, missed Nanatsu
Search [iqdb] (3.7 MB, 2294x3502, うらら - 無題 (55495486).jpg )
oh chome exploded oaky well I'm thinking 3gatsu nanatsu hakumiko mitsuboshi colors that's hakumiko 2 Anyone want anything else?
It works for me. But one of these days that Ika is taking a while to arrive, we really ought to watch an episode of Dagashi Kashi or Cardcaptors.
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yeah we'll have to get that stuff done for sure. We can tack Dagashi on the end on days we're running ahead too. okay 3gatsu okay lets start!
3 gats
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Time for his butt whooping.
hes gonna win!
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You can't just beat the final boss like that. It looks like he will make a good showing though.
>I got myself a shogi piece
He lost so resoundly they didn't even show the loss on-screen.
Absolute shogi nerd.
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Top notch episode so far.
The characters with glasses in this show always look so different without their glasses on.
Well that's an interesting quirk of his.
The reason he's always had the old man sort of herding him around wasn't because he was shogi autism. But he's deaf. Must be kind of rough, even if you don't really need hearing to play shogi.
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That was a good episode.
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okay nanatsu okay lets start!
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This is probably the big hole you see Meliodas standing over in the OP of the first episode. yep they just mentioned that.
Oh no
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I wonder what he did.
He's a surprisingly pleasant man for the weird outfit.
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I had heard that this goes a bit overboard with power levels in the second half.
Yeah I remember seeing some talk about that a while back. That's partially why I've been P O W E R L E V E L I N G.
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If Ban is unkillable, does giving his life force even do anything?
maybe he'll die of oldness
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He's already super old though. He is the only human in the group I Think. Also, is that Jan I see?
no that was me
Jan's on Snooze, so he's either at work or sleeping.
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oh okay i was confused for a second haku miko episode 2 okay let's start!
Hiko Maku
This is a kind of sleepy OP.
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I liked it. It was somewhat comfy.
Yeah I liked it too. That sort of soft, sleepy music is relaxing.
Cute tsukumogami.
this show makes me want to become a marshmallow
That's a strange sort of desire.
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Those are some big freaking fish.
Nah, these girls are just really tiny, remember.
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okay mitsuboshi! ijay lets start!
Karasu Oh wait Bang.>>405176 >>405177 OH WAIT BANG.
14% download oh
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okay waiting for bang okay lets start!
orange sorry i haven't been aroudn a whole lot monster hunter is a hell of a drug
>>405186 Yeah that's what I figured happened.
this show is so cute
And the kids such fucking brats.
This is how I feel trying to explain things to some people some times.
Total brats.
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Wow, she's going to sell rice at her family bread shop. That's a really high level of rebellion!
Some people just can't cook to save their lives.
They went from doing that silly, calf-murdering position to running around. Kids really are too strong.
This is the same tune they put that neko shogi song from 3-gatsu to. I guess it's a classic Japanese song or something.
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I don't think they bothered the policeman once this episode.
Well I think they mistook him for an impostor so they didn't get a chance. But he deserves a break from those nuisances.
Ma Ta A shi taaaa
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 500x469, ghost yomi.png )
thanks for anime!
i got distracted during the ED Colors is probably the surprise hit of the season for me i like it a lot