by nature the first post making and forming the thread is first and even if you disqualify that >>406736 dis here is FIRST post non OP here
The "first" meme has always been about the first reply. And while you also replied before I did, Anyways what's important is that Maria does not reply before me
Honestly I'd be more interested in a game I lose, because you learn more that way. I don't have a good gauge of how good I am at chess, primarily because all my friends are garbage at it. I'm probably not very good, especially since I'm out of practice.
Huh I got an invitation from a game publisher to run their game at Gencon in exchange for reimbursement for entry and $100 towards hotel fees. Too bad I'm still too broke to go. Well I could, it would just be a terrible waste of money.
Although actually I know enough people going that I could probably bum a ride and sleep on the floor in someone's hotel room.
Christ This new thread is so dead We might need to talk about Communism again to get the conversation going.
>>406753 remember those sick af fruit rollups with the cut out shapes
I can't stand those kinds of fruit candies anymore. Fruit Roll-ups and Gushers all taste really foul to me.
>>406754 I've never seen a gusher before tell me more
>>406756 No I don't remember those because my FUCKING MOTHER banned fruit rollups in our house She was like "noooo they'll break your teeth" But I'm an adult now I can just buy whatever I want
>>406761 When my mum told me to pack my lunch I was lazy so I'd just put in four pieces of bread Goddamn Kirara you little capitalist
>>406758 lmao my mom used to buy me tons of fruit rollups like she'd pack my lunch sometimes and it'd be like half a sandwich and five fruit rollups so i'd sell the fruit rollups to stupid kids on the playground for a dollar a piece
>>406758 For gushers, imagine a small, gem-like candy made of the same material that Fruit Roll-Ups are made of. And inside them is a gooey, sugary, condensed flavour burst of whatever flavour the specific one is supposed to be.
>>406787 I've never had a cat that liked gnawing on cables. This whole time I've been partially convinced it's nothing but a fiction perpetuated on what people think cats act like.
Kirara 🚗
he's never gnawed on cables until i just looked next to me and noticed he's literally severed half of the cable so cleanly it looks like it was done with a knife
>>406790 He might destroy them. Or give them to someone trustworthy. Like Rin Or Kotomine
>>406792 Now you need to spray him with water and shout no
>>406793 Kirei is very trustworthy It's not hard to predict what he'd do
Also I tried tsukihime before and I didn't get into it
>>406801 I /// Ton's had a pretty good track record so far End Roll was really great
>>406798 The graphic novel series was pretty good too. But going into the movie having read them was a bit of a let-down seeing what they didn't cover. I think from a fresh perspective the movie is probably a really good adaptation though.
It's also great to see Toronto on the cinema stage like that. And not just as a backdrop set for a generic North American movie.
>>406804 I was happily surprised I wasn't expecting a lot from it, I thought it was polygon-tier gamer bullshit It turned out to be pretty good
Kirara 🚗
wait now i have one working charge cable for two people
>>406803 Mogeko Castle is ok but on my next recommendation that you play I of course suggest Hello Charlotte It was pretty good. Mogeko Castle is more of an interesting thing Like the Sea of Death >>406808 I think I might join you
I'm gonna play Dreaming Mary next because it's pixel art looks really good
>>406819 I do. It's got the horror tag, but has a cute exterior It's gotta be neat
>>406823 I would not eat green eggs and ham Not in a box with a fox Not here, nor there Under no circumstances would I say that I would eat green eggs and ham
Kirara 🚗
maria what is your opinion on green eggs and ham
Oh shit I never finished Chaos;Head
The VN I watched the anime
I was in an unaired commercial for a doctor Seuss museum exhibit
>>406834 It's not a personal computer It's a communist computer you see The whole community uses it
That's called a thin client or remote terminal.
you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy you seem happy vvvvv
And if the cloud computing meme goes to far It really will be communist computing.
>>406838 Remember when the Xbox One was supposed to have cloud computing? And it just never happened Like they were supposed to use DA POWER OF DA CLOUD for extra programming Which means the xbox must be always online of course :)
do any of you get an empty feeling when you complete a game or show even if you liked it or even especially if you liked it
>>406845 Yeah that's not uncommon It's like you just spent 20 hours getting to know these people and now they're gone Their story is over but yours goes on
>>406845 very yes i hardly start new things anymore because i hate it so send help
I find it a bit more of a satisfied feeling than anything else. It's an emotional investment and it drains me pretty hard. But it's a real content feeling, I guess like someone who likes exercising and puts themselves in a really intense run or something. I'm just exercising my emotional muscles, is all.
It doesn't really happen much anymore unless it's something I've focused in on for hours and hours. Or if it's something like a fiction series I've been following for years that finally finishes.
I felt content after one game ended but im having trouble remembering which but even then i also felt a little empty after too it may have been hello charlotte
i have some jrpgs to finish too but those take so long
>>406845 Sometimes But I'm really off these days so maybe more or less so atm
>>406849 I am never ever going to finish Persona 5
Did you ever play Chrono Cross? Heard mixed things about that one
As far as I'm concerned It doesn't exist
I probably saw spoilers for it a while ago but I barely remember them. Anyways just ignore it, if you want a good "sequel" play radical dreamers. Which chrono chross is incidentally kind of a remake of with additional crap.
that's cool and all but neph is coming back so nah
Kirara 🚗
it's kind of weird that they introduced a seemingly lackluster legendary hero right after myrrh you'd think they'd put out someone really high tier so they could rake in money
I did not know that blessings were things that you couldn't move from character to character. but at least Sakura is getting her SP quickly.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, you can only get additional ones through tempest
Kirara 🚗
did y'all know there are people with the last name "goodenough"
yeah that's me
Kirara 🚗
it's a good ass last name i would own that shit so hard half ass something and people would be like "oh that's good enough!" and id make a silly face and the camera would zoom in on it and the laugh track would play
Kirara 🚗
that actually sounds like something my own personal hell might look like
people who make name jokes are really annoying if i had a dollar for every time someone asked me if i was made of gold or had gold i could buy my weight in gold and they all think it's hilarious and original
shouldn't they ask if you can handle gold or something?
>>406975 Wow That's really stupid. I've known a lot of people with gold or silver in their last name but I didn't think people made joke that were that bad. *jokes
Kirara 🚗
it was really common in grade school and then i didn't hear it for years then one day at the post office a guy made that joke when asking me if i wanted to pay $200 for next day delivery and i complained about it later to someone
FUCK the rathalos and the diablos those fuckers are GAY
and not in the cool way like liberace or neil patrick harris i mean like in the "hey can i have a piece of gum" guy who announces it so loudly that the rest of the class wants some too
Kirara 🚗
diabolos was kind of boring and just big and fast and a little too easy
what weapon were you using? i was trying out SnS at the time and hadn't used them in forever
Kirara 🚗
i was using the bow diabolos destroyed me the first time but the second time i knew his like three moves and it was easier doesn't even run far away ice bow
easiest way to distress yourself is probably to pour a lot of dimethylmercury on your hands and then know that you have a limited amount of lifetime left before your brain starts to lose function slowly and painfully and we're talking about a few years span of slow de-functioning
even though i probably have studied the bible more deeply than most here....
>>407099 yeah i wasn't aware how negatively some people view my homosexuality until recently it's not surprising that it's there but it's more so than i thought
also all of the girls on /moe/ are realy big on gay dudes making out and stuff so you don't need to worry about that they love it, i promise
>>407106 yeah in their manga not in their social circles i mean do you have any lesbian friends they're not usually like your yuri shows make it out to be
>>407104 have you tried being less gay or do you not care as much also how does it show
>>407107 yes actually my best friend is bi well two of them are but one is a girl and the other is not and boys can't be lesbians
>>407108 im not very gay to begin with tbh because i'm almost entirely celibate. i dont like sex really at all i just have romances with male gendered boys
in some ways, some people think of my homosexuality as a degenerate condition some people don't care some people say they won't judge me for it but it's still a sin and stuff I say "some people say" but nobody's explicitly said that, it's just kind of the temperament
it doesn't concern me regardless i'm so reclusive that i just can't care anyway not that anyone's really rude about it it's just occasional patterns anywhere, even online and stuff >>407120 h-doujins are gross non-h doujins are where it's at they're usually better than the actual manga
oh it's moon
hi moon
you should find zen through hentai manga it's the hip new thing every single one of my friends is doing
>h-doujins are gross you're gay as fuck dude and not like gay as in watching video clips of shirtless russel crowe i mean gay like when someone cuts you in line and you point it out and they're just like "lol okay"
>>407123 i am pretty isolated most of my interpersonal interactions are either professional or necessary a few family members that are dependent on me but i'm rather far from most of my family and it was mostly like brothers-in-law that have since divorced out of the family
>>407122 i mean just like any other medium, 90% is going to be shit and you're going to have to find the good shit
i wish i could show yall some of these applications ive gotten during this recruiting gig some of this shit is so out there
wait actually this code is really fun no one would ever know unless they knew but it's actually super easy to decode once you get it 147456963 98745654123 7412 7412 147896321 14785258963 14789632 14789632 147852369
>>407156 it's a timed transcription test and i guess there's some appreciation that's built after having pored over transcripts for thousands of hours throughout the years that makes some of this shit hilarious to me
>>407186 that dude is always in jail he can't even afford to pay child support because he's fathered like two dozen children he's broke as fuck even with his fame and fortune
Yeah I was trying to think of what sounded familiar about it, that's exactly what it was.
I knew that skit was spoofing some disco song in particular but I didn't know the name of the song and couldn't recall any of the lyrics off the top of my head. That was the one.
>>407196 Among other things, yes. It's also post disco.
Also when I type in "smack my" on youtube the suggestions are "smack my bits up" And when I type it all the way to "smack my bitch" it gives no search suggestions.
I forgot ANCAP is also the Australasian New Car Assessment Program they even have same colors
That's pretty great. I bet that's where the color scheme came from in the first place.
It's just all a front. ANCAP is a front for ancap activities.
Is there any Cranberries albums that are particularly good? Someone at the bar played them and I have a hankering >>407204 oh that's good >>407205 yeah I remember
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? Is probably their best. It has Linger on it.
Also their lead singer died a few weeks ago.
Also I really like this band. >>>/watch?v=OgkzRE89Gyw I'm pretty sure that's not an official music video tthough.
not bad
Yeah McLusky is a really great band. They have such good song titles too. Like "Without MSG I am Nothing"
I recommend McLusky do Dallas, its their best studio album (out of their three). It was engineered by Steve Albini at Electrical Audio.
oh that s neat
I also have their singles and live recordings compilation that was released after their break uo. But as a hard copy. I was super excited when I found it at the $3 a disc cd store.
Would have been just a lot simplier had they jsut passed the baton instead of now forcing the former staff to rebuild the site oh well guess they can now make it better? since it is easier to wrok from scratch than changing an older thing
i'm baking frozen chicken breasts straight from the freezer covered, at 405 F, for 90 minutes, with corn, peas, onions, garlic, and a can of beer poured into a 9x17 baking pan does that sound right? or am i going to burn the veggies
Nintendo announces an animated Mario movie to be created by the American animation studio Illumination Entertainment, creators of Minions and Despicable Me movies.
>>407275 I thought this was supposed to be a hypothetical or a joke and I was waiting for a punchline
Well, people will get excited about anything the media tells them to get excited about.
I'd be stoked to see a blue colored moon. That doesn't happen very often.
It would have been cool if it wasn't extremely cloudy and blocked my view
i saw it earlier it was fine nothing shocking
Oh I love that album.
In other news, apparently my sister left a large suitcase in the trunk of my dad's car. My dad just bought a bunch of groceries and he put them in the suitcase, because it was otherwise in the way.
i could get super speed like burger-kun from darker than black and get killed by a bug or rain
>>407302 I see, this is the therapist industrial complex
Kirara 🚗
i have a client with like no distress he's there just for personal growth and his level of health makes me want to show him what the real world is like but he's pretty cool and he's still 17 so he has lots of time for the world to fuck him up without me doing it
Kirara 🚗
it would be really fucked up if you went to therapy for personal growth because you were already healthy and you finally became your best self and then the world gave you bad RNG and you got fucked up and needed therapy so you can function at a normal level again
>>407305 What if the therapy given beforehand helps him cope really well with the fucking and he ends up coming out of it totally fine
Kirara 🚗
>>407307 i will have to become a supervillain or something
Get a mafia going that traumatises people so they have to continue paying for more therapy
Kirara 🚗
yeah we need more clients at the clinic i'm working at so i keep making jokes about how i could go fuck people up so they need therapy my favorite thing about clinicians my age is that they're totally into it
Really what you should do is tell your clients that they'll always be broken no matter what so they have to keep giving you money
Kirara 🚗
i don't get paid actually the clinic takes all of the money i'm working for free
>>407312 This is why you start doing backdoor deals with them
Kirara 🚗
it'd be hard to everything in-session is taped
damn the man's keeping you down again
Kirara 🚗
tear it all down
Tear down the ethics committes they're holding us back from getting in on the exploitation racket
Kirara 🚗
yeah psych ethics committees are actually really bad all of the rules are basically written by people that don't know anything about therapy
"ethics" committees
Kirara 🚗
the rule is that you need to be culturally competent for example you should be using research on what therapies work for different ethnicities and stuff that's reasonable
but no research is done on therapy outside of white straight college kids all therapeutic research is done on that tiny, ungeneralizable population
and the APA says that people should try to include diverse populations in their studies but nobody does they just say college students are the easiest subjects so they don't want to try to get a generalizable population and the APA is fine with it because it's all posturing and bullshit
>>407319 It sounds like a supervillian organization name in a trashy YA dystopia novel
>>407320 We don't need to actually do anything we just need the appearance of it
Kirara 🚗
if absolutely nothing in a person's presentation is suggestive of a brain tumor and then they die of a brain tumor and you didn't tell them to see a doctor, you can lose your license
>>407305 is this kind of therapy normal it sounds like the set up to a manga
anybody wanna play RS2 Vietnam, Insurgency, PUBG, or Tarkov
Where's Tony I need to discuss video games with him
>>407323 If this was a manga there'd be a twist where it turns out later that he's actually really fucked up in the head and it was all a bait and switch Actually I bet there's a VN where you're a therapist and you /// and all the girls are patients
it's not exactly normal but it's not uncommon either it's unusual for a 17 year old to go get therapy for personal growth but he's kind of really mature in some ways
usually people seeking personal growth therapy are people that don't need therapy but see that they have some kind of deficit like they're bad with certain social situations or they're slightly bothered by something and they go to therapy to iron out their only flaw like assholes
>>407327 what up I 100% DDLC time to do other things
>>407333 Ton did you start Dreaming Mary I'm betting on this guy being a huge prick
>>407335 That's cool Did you like DDLC >>407336 I really like this image >>407337 I actually thought that the lobster dad was a woman and that the big lobster was the man
Boy I can't wait for this image to upload in the next hour or so
>>407338 ehhh It kind of sucks to get a client like that. It's pretty chill and easy but it's also kind of hard. For me, at least. I don't know how to relate to healthy people.
These two women next to me are talking about Netflix while slipping between English sentences and their presumably native language. It's really fascinating to listen in on even if it is eavesdropping.
>>407345 Actually, you should be able to relate to your clients because being able to is beneficial to the therapeutic alliance which is the most important factor in successful therapy.
>>407419 don't post lewd or pornographic content ie exposed panties, bras,bulges,nipples don't post gore don't be a dick ie cause drama that's all I can think of right now
Just post your question anon
Русские тут есть?
Wait, I can't even do panties? Is this a church?
yep the church of moe we're all pure virgins who fear gosh
it's difficult i don't really have a social life so it's not really good for me to turn down chances to see people but unfortunately the people i get to see are always only aroundl late at night >>407468 it's so hard to watch anime alone you don't understand
You can but there's not a lot of point. well actually when he dies he goes to the fields in Gladiator so you can't really put him jail after you've killed him because he'll really be in the field with his dead family.
>>407589 i guess they didn't think that through when writing the script
Sure, but he was still delusional. He wasn't free even though he claimed they could never take his freedom. They had already taken his freedom. Everything he did was a desperate attempt to break out of the cage he was in. He refused to acknowledge his situation because he was too delusional to see it!
They didn't take the freedom in his heart. That's what the movie was about. That's what they cared about taking too, that's why they killed him! If they had been content with the situation they wouldn't have killed him.
Right? Although actually there are some cases where security through obscurity does work. Like building your computer from scratch and connecting it to the internet without making a ton of information about it available. I know of one guy wwho ddid thay.
Fuck This guy stole (independently came up with) my idea.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
or get a router that doesn't sckBALLLLS
Oh wait actually this is slightly different than my idea.
>>407666 My Airport Extreme is never going to get an update to fix that WPA2 issue from last year so its not worth it. It also won't get an update for the new wpa thing in the works either.
Oh nvm, the thing I was thinking of isn't a completely original architecture. Its an altair 8800 clone built from scratch.
>>407287 super blue blood is like a half century event in NYC we only got the super. and a little bit of blood No blue.
oh waif wait I was there whoopsie, I broke the moon alignment. teehee
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i was there when the earth faltered
Hi blue
Sam, you ever see this?
I find stuff like that to be really interesting. CV and handwriting analysis and other stuff like it are really cool. Wolfram has a pretty good image identification tool, but they haven't released much info about how it works (other than it being neural network based) iirc. But it is able to in some cases identify from a black and white sketch of a bird which species it is.
I actually had an idea for a SAS computer vision
cloud platform. A while back, I might try to make a prototype, it has to do with identifying things in a certain class of objects.
I came up with the idea while building something from a kit that appeared to have missing screws.
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
at this point we should just make algorithms that can take a live video stream and completely decipher the visuals into a like semantic mesh and reason about what it’s seeing to make inferences
Sounds like a great idea. I'll get started on the logo.