The name rings a bell but I can't think of what it is
Kirara 🚗
some behaviorists took a baby and made it like bunnies and stuff and then they made it so the baby would be subjected to incredibly loud painful noises when it saw bunnies and the fear generalized to everything furry and white and then they never tried to fix it lmao
Oh I remember that
>>407748 Yeah and imagine that pavlov did this with dogs and he was russian and with food and smells I think some american doctor did it with kids or pavlov himself or some other russian but some guy did it with kids, but once again smells and treats or something no torture
Kirara 🚗
yeah it was like reasonable and then americans come along and ramp it up to a fuckin thousand
Like imagine that one behaviorist doctor who made an experiment to see if stuttering can be "taught" and then ruined the lives of dozens of kids oh and he didn't even do anything forced a nurse or something working under him do it
Kirara 🚗
yeah or the psychologists that tricked people into thinking they murdered people
Especially war time stuff acn be horrible, but usually there is the excuse of horrible states, ideas and the subjects being war prisoners etc, people the experimentors honestly think are less than human but when some guy just does it to their neighbour in times of peace and doesn't even get any punishment for it ever...
>buy fruits >immediately get fruit flies fucking hell
It wasn't the hypothesis, I think, but that prison experiment was a hell of an example of science, too
And doesn't even help that the guy who invented the experiment RAN IT HIMSELF andw as part of it... like science 101, don't be part of the experiment
I'm just watching lectures at this point A fair bit of it is going over my head though, cause the video switches to a fullscreen image while the professor is talking about and pointing at stuff in the room it was recorded
"Hey america, look at us slowly but surely turning EU into the second USSR" "Hold my beer"
Kirara 🚗
there's no communist style resistance anywhere in the us government it's so ridiculous this guy thinks Hillary Clinton is a communist
Well I bet he is just confused by the #Resist stuff which is retarded too, for that matter.
Communist style resistance is molotovs and pitchforks, not legaleze bullshit
Kirara 🚗
>>407765 communist style resistance doesn't really exist even MLs will tell you so revolution is done by anarchists and then communists come and say they did it
I love how it is molotovs weapons used to stop commies
Look they're fun as shit, alright? Commies don't recognize IP
They are actually quite lame, though it isn't that big whoos and there is a big chance the bottle doesn't even break
I don't really know if I even consider MLs communists anymore
they are just basic "easy to grab" makeshift weapon used by any violent protest force or well army
Kirara 🚗
Molotovs are considered "commie" now because they're easy to make/grab so poor folks can make them and also a single communist said they were amazing
burning liquids+bit of fire+bottles all are damn plenty
The proletariat also has a lot of empty bottles lying around so
In terms of as a weapon of war, its use is pretty much limited to anti vechile combat from extreme close range and you still need to hit the exhaust port or such so that it gets tossed inside the vechile which is a lot harder in the more modern armour
even as litting something on fire, say tossing it inside a building that the nemy is holed inside they mostl ikely have the space and meanst o put it out you afterall need to use a liquid that is easily flammable, and most those things don't burn at that high temps or for that long Which is why napalm was invented, but where the fuck do you get napalm as a random dude... not to mention I doubt napalm would function that well as molotov fuel >>407776 yeah, but it is like "you can just make it" is not that easy and requires time and money and especially EFFORT
Can't you just make napalm?
A guy on /k/ made napalm shells
If you go all the way to play bomb maker, just actually make decent explosives something with shrapnel the products required to make such is equally if not easier than making napalm
But shrapnel won't burn banks
and neither will a molotov not even a hundred really
okay a hundred will but at that point it is easier to just pour gasoline through a broken window and lit that on fire.
You are RUINING my dreams
also alcohol molotovs are crap they burn at low temperaturs, the fuel is used in an instant and you also need that 80% strong alcohol
Kirara 🚗
Molotovs are best for fear you can use them to control people's movements sometimes
They're good against infantry I guess Kevlar doesn't stop fire
>>407783 basically in terms of mob fighting a molotov tossed into the opposing mob, it isntantly causes panic even if it is practically harmless fire is scary
>>407784 yeah but you need a real thin bottle and hit it real well for it to actually break on contact headshot to a riot gear or such might work, but most likely will get deflected by the riot shields
Kirara 🚗
can Molotov an alleyway to prevent people from going through too they won't realize they can just sprint through
And once again it has the same problems but even more than early flamethrowers the fuel doesn't really stick to thing which is why they used gas based short range flamers more oft more WOOSH per click the liquid ones have more rane though
and now now they have NAPALM
Kirara 🚗
man elon musks new flamethrowers are only $500
>>407789 They're basically just shitty blowtorches.
flame weapons are always terror weapons first and actually effective weapons second.
Also why would you use flamethrower against zombies? Now you have zombies coming at you ON FIRE
which amusingly in kf1 did damage to you, unless you were max lvl firebug don't remember was that the case in kf2
not that the damn game has a proper flamethrower anyhow just fucking diy low range gas shit gimme napalm
has the game even gotten more guns Last time I played it still had just "buy more expensive better gun" progression barely any alt runs
Oh Red Dead Redemption 2 has been pushed back to October. I wonder what this'll do to the PC release.
so apparently some kid will lose their credit card if they don't catch the next train home and arrive on time there s been some weird amount of teens hanging at the appartment corridors recently being damn loud
>new namco bandai fighting game >already has on launc 35€ season pass >and on launch DLC keep being yourself namco
YouTube's starting to implement embedded ads that my ad blocker can't seem to catch now. Except their for shit like American insurance. What the fuck do you gain by showing me ads for American insurance.
>>407810 I already gave up on the youtube ad vs adblocker arm race besides it pops up so random stuff like a wrist container for alcohol from a german webstore like what the fuck? also I kinda want one
Honestly I don't even really care about YouTube ads being there or not. The reason I got an ad blocker was for stuff like manga-reading sites and Wikia that are infuriatingly impossible to navigate with all the ad content they put up. Blocking YouTube ads was just a side-effect for me.
But back when I had no ad-blocking the ads were at least usually related to my interests and location. I don't have any use out of fucking American insurance though.
>>407812 That's pretty cool. >>407815 It was on sale for like 50% off on humble last week. I refuse to buy it not on sale because I detest Bethesda.
>>407816 well get me a new motherboard and processor for 50% sale oh and ddr5? 16GB ram
>>407816 Bethesda - buy after mods have fixed the game Creative Assembly - buy when imperial edition is out 50% on steam sale and same applies for any civ game
That only really applies for games Bethesda develops and produces. DOOM and a lot of games "out" by Bethesday lately are produced by third -by smaller studios they produce for. I've never seen any particularly problem in terms of the game being broken or buggy when it comes to DOOM.
Well Technically its not bethesda But id is owned by Zenimax, the owners of bethesda.
I am really disappointed in the people who play and buy GTSgame s fucking don't dish out full price for the useless DLCs you fuckwads all it has gained is brought more and more dlc expansions with bigger and bigger price tag with less content on each >>407822 >running games on anything but high
huh no rainstorms in the foreseeable future what is this we are actually getting snow fore more than a week?
Kirara 🚗TN !PcAPtAiNJo
she sells shea sells on sea shore she shed
>>407829 Night in the Woods was a really good play. It really embodied a lot of narrative and personal values that I really connected with.
wat even is night in the woods?
A video game.
Night in the Woods tells the story of a college dropout who returns to her small-town childhood home after two years of being away. She spends her time reconnecting with her parents, old friends, and familiar and unfamiliar townspeople. As well as investigating something weird that happens at night out in the woods.
I just heard about that a lot of heavy Christian/Catholic social sites from the States were telling people to not take their kids to go see the new Pixar movie, Coco. Since Coco has a lot of dialogue about Mexican beliefs about the afterlife and what happens after you die. And since that contradicts the Abrahamic beliefs of Heaven after death, those sites are "concerned" about kids watching the movie becoming fascinated with the spiritual beliefs presented in Coco and might "convert" to them instead. Which is fucking stupid.
I mean it likely originated as a meditative and spiritual function. But that would have been millenia ago and the function has been re-purposed and changed over time to not necessarily carry the same purpose it originally functioned as.
Being worried your exercise accidentally worships a god unconsciously, doesn't that mean you believe that god exists?
YEah I mean what does it matter if it is accidental worship of a false god that doesn't exist?
Yeah it's not like I worry about worshiping some false god every time I clasp my hands together skyward. Or that I'm worried I'm profaning something holy every time I "take the lord's name in vain". That shit means nothing if you don't believe it.
it is the intent that matters which is why a big warning is "you can't have two gods, god and money"
We don't live in some fantasy world where a deity's power increases with the amount of people that perform subservience, unknowingly or otherwise.
Gods aren't real and nothing you do on this planet is going to change that. So just do whatever, it's fine.
Would be damn bad if that was the case, cause we'd be popping up deities left and right or make some celebrities into deities
>>407853 Yeah, ikr Is this dude scared that Hindu deities are going to go kill God because people did too much yoga?
>>407856 someone should tell him to bewary of accidentally worshipping allah
Kirara 🚗
>>407857 yeah he expressed a worry about that actually
Yet he propably worships something practically with religious fervor without thinking about it much
>>407856 A Nordstrom I walk through every other week or sell is selling natural terrariums. Or so, even. Honestly they're kind of charming. If I had a place of my own to decorate I might consider stuff like that. Though I might opt to make my own or find them cheap elsewise since I wouldn't expect anything at Nordstrom's to be worth the retail price.
Kirara 🚗
>>407859 scared of paganism from forever ago but does pagan shit on Christmas lol
is unny how in finnish big amount of money or wealth is actually called mammona after the pagan god of wealth
>>407856 This might just be the fantasy nerd in me. But people who think like this rarely stop to consider that, in a sense of pseudo-logic, the rules that would exist for that to happen, would obviously go the other way for other faiths. And no number of people doing yoga would ever scale up to the same degree of obsessive faith that exists for the judeo-christian deity.
>>407854 I really like that idea. Ive seen it in fiction before.
>>407866 read up on warhammer and apply it the warp and immaterium work literally like that Slendie would be a quite powerful god
>>407869 For sure but in terms of modern an famous fiction I think the warhammer fantasy/40k has used it the most >>407870 pagan god of wealth later demon of greed
>>407871 That and American Gods Which is probably less well known, but more "mainstream".
and of course discworld books they too have gods popping out of belief
I really need to read more of those.
>>407873 To be more precise they establish that a god doesn't have any power without belief. And once they exist with no belief they're infintessimly small or something.
Well I have already read small gods that had such small god becoming big and then saw that hogfather tv movie and that had santa claus being erased from existence and then some belief problems popping up
Yeah, Small Gods was sort of the focus of the faith concept.
I'm up to Monstrous Regiment at the moment. Trying to find the next novel, but I can't find it in trade paperback anymore. After Pratchett died they started rereleasing the books in sort of mini-series that contain sorto -sort of the general plot threads of the novels. So you'll get a mini-series covering the City Watch books, another that does the "Industrial Revolution" stuff like that. But the new books are in fancy hardcover and are not only more expensive, but also don't match the size and style of the trade paperbacks I currently have. So that's a bother for me.
Have any of you read American Gods?
It's a pretty good read. It's by Neil Gaiman, but from before he was literally a cuck.
And in general Sandman is pretty good. I just prefer the earlier stuff because there was some plot stuff later on in it that I really disliked.
But I still love the immaterium of warhammer lore the most Just how it works and is inescapable is so good. and how the chaos gods per se aren't evil either it just is that how they operate gives them most belief juice compared to being nice and kind to your followers
>>407882 To be fair, Nurgle is actually really nice.
his life and death cycle representatiojn just usually manifests in quite unpleasant ways
oven baked bacon is actually quite good
That's how my brother does it. I think I kind of like how it cooks in a pan better, but they're both good.
if you are just making bacon oven is just waste of power but if you are just tossing things into oven for sustenance why not throw the bacon at some point turns nice and crispy but not really the kind of bacon I'd eat with eggs
also i am damn surprised how good this bacon is this is the cheapest shit in the past it was quite "meh" quality but now...
Kirara 🚗
>>407885 isn't that the normal way to do it unless you're pressed for time?
Nah I think everyone fries it on the pan and just mass cooks use oven
Kirara 🚗
i don't think I've ever actually seen someone use a pan to fry it
Pan has always been how we do it. I didn't even figure to put it into the oven until maybe a couple years back.
I have done bacon and eggsi n the oven once for shits and giggles
>>407894 >confiscating personal property without any sort of trial or emergency need 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
>>407894 I should move to dutchland and become a cop
>>407895 CAF has been like, a norm in the US forever
Kirara 🚗
that's a LOT different and is not the "norm"
It's different, but there's no trial there either Isn't it legla in most of the US?
Kirara 🚗
it's court ordered rather than random cops stealing people's shit randomly there's a long process
That's true The Dutch thing is fucked up
that fortnite game seems quite cool the crafting and building thing with 50v50 mod... seems so much chaos potentional
Kirara 🚗
>“We regularly take a Rolex from a suspect. Clothes rarely. And that is especially a status symbol for young people. Some young people now walk with jackets of €1800. They do not have any income, so the question is how they get there.”
>>407899 I don't think its most in most of the US anymore. *it's in most of the US Laws against it have been made in some jurisdictions. Although the amount that CPD does any the NYPD do is ridiculous. *and
They use the money from it (cpd anyways) to buy surveillance tools like stingrays and other stuff. And since its not tracked because its not part of their normal budget its not public record as to what they've bought with it. So it's basically a black budget similar to intelligence agency budgets.
monster hunter world was released a week ago and since then i have spent 49 hours playing it
5 outta 5 "it's okay"
Kirara 🚗
it's so good i have about that much time too but there's still so much more content and more armors and weapons i want and monsters i want to crush
Welcome to MonHun! Just wait until the inevitable G-rank DLC comes out.
Or who knows maybe Capcom will go "well we've always just sold the same game with additional G-rank and people have always bought it, so hey, why not do it again?"
One of the frustrating aspects of making large amounts of food for me is when other people in my house start eating it. I'm pretty good at sizing up the portions of the overall amount for myself and keeping it equal. But once other people take from it the portions end up all unbalanced and I'll have to take more or less than what I want to eat.
>>407921 "I will make a ton of soup and it will last a week" >a days later ALL GONE HOW HOW MUCH CAN TWO PEOPLE EAT living in goblin town was the dream
Yeah, kind of. Once I can live on my own these pots of chili I make will be good for like, five dinners. Instead of maybe three.
my roomie was something like >one day he eats one bread >one day he eats 2 pots of soup, 3 packs of bread and a moose
Hey tilde I ran into this conversation in a post-game just now from a chinese team i was playing against I put it in google translator i dunno what to make of it
oh this part got truncated Epic monster: yourself Epic monster: Your own 1/14 nobody BB you Epic monster Dian: You BB other people really interesting
Their in-game handles change translation from line to line too. Google could really improve their Chinese to English translator.
>Friends, you say slippery >play a group of dishes
This wave I am very strong: pom to help more control, how can shot in the middle of the shot puck Epic monster Dian: Friends, you say slippery Epic monster Dian: play a group of dishes Epic Monster Dian: Find your own reasons
yeah ahaha i love it
It kind of surfaces from the weirdness to be coherent from time to time. Like I can see them talking about the rankings/MMR, and asking why someone jumped or didn't jump in. But then you get stuff like the group of dishes.
I wonder how much of it is just bad translation and how much of it is contemporary Chinese slang that the translator just can't reliably pick up on.
chinese has a ton of that slang i wouldn't be surprised if go play a group of dishes was an actual chinese slang either like "go play bots" kind of thing, or like, "go wash dishes instead of playing dota" washing dishes is a very submissive chore in chinese families
I mean it's kind of submissive in most societies.
>>407933 Yeah that definitely sounds like a culturally-relative thing that doesn't have a reliable parallel to translate liberally with.
the two eyes of 100 soldiers was really interesting >>407932 yeah but the nature of chinese families having very family-focused evenings with extended family and tons of dishes
you can click on the lines and see alternative translations
oh it makes sense now road bounty annoying i think bounty hunter probably translates to road bounty or something
>>407934 Yeah but alternative translations can only go so deep into cultural context. Like I can say that we can talk about this 'till the cows come home but if you were to put that into a translator it would translate it literally and then a Chinese person would be going "why are they talking about cows?"
I'm thinking the 2 eyes 100 soldiers thing, they're talking about sentries for mid to combat bounty hunter sentry vision could be picked up as soldier eyes or something i could see that "buy yourself will die" is probably "buy yourself ward" but i'm guessing theyre using a loan word for ward, so it phonetically picks up "will die" haha this is pretty interesting to me
i searched for little y and found this: that's apparently shadow shaman
>Beastmaster >Zoo manager
haha yeah i forgot about that if you hit ctrl f - "little y" you'll find a much better compilation in the comments than the ot
Oh shit there's a tidying up update out actually. Interesting.
yeah i've been really stressed out from life so i've been playing a lot this last week i went from archon 3 to legend 4 in like 9 or 10 days if i win another game i'm at legend 5
Yeah I've been seeing you in-game. I've just been running a lot of bot games and Ability Draft stuff. Haven't really been feeling like full games.
Is Juuni Taisen good? It looks interesting
It's interesting. I can say with some assurance that things in it won't happen like you expect them to. That might be a bad thing or a good thing, but it will keep you on your toes.
That's what I want
Also I'm going to say if you pay attention there will be something VERY OBVIOUS in the first two or three episodes. But discard your assumptions once you realize that because it matters very little.
I mean most shows have a lot of obvious things so Is it something the characters act like we don't know?
>Strategy-phase item pooling I kind of loathe mids expecting you to pool them tangos but from a utility perspective this is pretty nice.
>>407948 The ED visuals tips you off to an order of events that happens in the show. But despite what you'll probably assume, that actually matters very little.
sounds neat
Gonna watch one episode of this, then sleep
Kirara 🚗sk
Already I am excited about this
It starts off pretty strong.
>>407953 Sounds like a good use of modern technology to me. We could all use more of the one true god.
>>407953 >>407955 coming back to that god discussion from earlier there'd definitely be a nick cage god
And he'd be all "I don't even want this, I just wanted to make corny movies and now you all have made me a god!"
I guess it's just in the nature of the Monkey to be a bit of a dummy
TN !PcAPtAiNJoKo-Shi
...well it's nice to know that my coughing fits are temporary but I think I might be allergic to something down there. The track really is a dangerous place.
Myrrh sounds good but she's also the kind of unit that I let roam on her own. Stat wise Atk/Def is perfect but I don't feel like I play her like that. ...Unless I throw Wings of Mercy on her or something
ehh, it would've been nice if I didn't +1 Elincia. I could have given her Flier Formation. I'd really like the other +6/+6 combinations to come out as skills +6 Atk/+6 Res would be nice specifically
They could call it Enchant
I am 15 points away from poison strike seal lol what am I doing
Oh yeah, I have another Water Blessing now. good shit. I don't know who to give it to though. Kinda want to give it to one of the armors. Spd bonus is wasted on them but the SP...
I was gonna watch one episode then 2
I am now on episode 6 and after this I NEED to go to bed
Kirara 🚗
I keep amassing more tea
>SP+12 Blessed Fjorm 71 more kills to go before I get all her skills
yorkshire? that I have never had
Also I wish they had orange pekoe here you gotta go to special stores to get that dnno why, guess twinings just doesn't export it here
Kirara 🚗
>>407994 it's the best black tea I've ever had hands down i have to get it imported
>>407996 I generally think all tea is imported from somewhere asia
Kirara 🚗
>>407998 a lot of American teas are grown in the US probably why they're all so horrible
>>407999 twinings gets all from its indian holdings still or I would think so
Kirara 🚗
yeah, twinings has a US branch though i guess i should have said specially imported
Most likely just means offices there Hmm come to think of it how am I on tea
>>408031 >that spoiler what the FUCK I'd never consider that I'm gonna go finish it now I assumed the endings were just wether or not you had any petals left when you opened the final door
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's a very simple thing you can miss because you'd never think to do it and it's required to understand and get the other endings. You have to take the key back out of the door[/spoilier]
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow I'm bad
TN !PcAPtAiNJoTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>408030 there are 4.5 endings, 2 of which are what you did except it depends on your petal count.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
By the way if you want to not suffer through playing the game four times, 1. I have the password, and 2. You can take the key out a second time in the otherworld.
>>408036 The truth is that Mary is a collective of androids I am merely Mari model A
Kirara 🚗
...This team is nice. I wonder if it's worth going full dragon now
huh I was 100% sure I owned a sieve, but guess I didn't
My Psych professor is so bad at telling anecdotal stories. She's a pleasant woman and is genuinely passionate about the field, but she can't tell a story for beans.
Maybe she actually lacks them and just makes them up?
Oh wow, I didn't realise you could move around in the credits Wow that means I didn't even get the first ending I just assumed the game didn't have credits
Did you listen to the radio for all the lore? Also why do RPG makers use this system like it's a console instead of just having the player type with their keyboard Really I don't get it What's the point of having this instead of JUST TYPING
>>408088 It shouldn't need a script it should just be bundled in with the base rpg maker
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Nope lazy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The typing thing can be harder than you think depending on the RPG maker scripts involved
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Do you think the end of Kancolle Phase 1 will lead to it becoming a good game?
Kirara 🚗
lmao are they pretending like they were still in phase 1?
>mary, don't go there yet Thougroughly spooked by this voice ton
Kirara is there some more context I'm really curious as to how that happens
>>408113 Is there a way to like, get in touch with the people who made this survey
Kirara 🚗
I don't even know how I'd respond if that happened.
>>408112 There's absolutely no context whatsoever that I can give you.
ToN Foxanne fucking cheats in the last game of hide and seek she stops giggling
Kirara 🚗
>>408112 I could potentially work my network and get in touch with them but they probably won't have context because it's survey info. I'd have to contact the survey respondents to get the context.
Like how big was the sample size Because if they just asked around 10 people maybe there was just one guy that happened to have a weirdo
>>408117 So that means that around 32 therapists noted that a client seemed to have an orgasm in their presence
Kirara 🚗
It was over 1000 therapists.
>>408111 hopefully a lot of changes a d a phase 3 w phase 2
i dont really know anything else not right now anyway
>>408169 Well, not in that way. I don't have disassociative episodes or memory loss.
>>408170 I don't think I've ever done anything so high level.
Kirara 🚗
I was eating a chicken sandwich for lunch earlier and Lazarus was all up in my face, trying to get food. So I give him a tiny bit of chicken and he got really mad at me and didn't even touch the chicken.
>>408178 You seem really excited about this event,
>>408181 Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I'm sure you feel the same way when I do something really Rika.
Kirara 🚗
>>408186 Wait, so you hear that I made a sandwich in my sleep, and you're like, "Oh, that's so Kirara!"?
Not quite but I think it's a similar feeling.
you guys are silly
oh also i'm home
Kirara 🚗
>>408188 So I see! I guess it's interesting. It's a little ridiculous, though. If someone told me they made a grilled cheese sandwich in their sleep, I probably wouldn't believe them.
>>408199 well we also have koi wa ameagari hanging around if you are around tonight i want to sub that in for something we'll do that next
>>408195 actually i don't think i watch anything you guys are watching i'm interested in marchen but i've only seen ep1 i'll watch koi wa yeah
Kirara 🚗
>>408198 Well, there's a used pan with some cheese in it. And Fish says it happened. I don't think she'd lie or anything so I guess it's credible. But the idea of someone making a grilled cheese in their sleep is something I wouldn't believe someone doing, so I don't know if I should believe that I did it, even though that seems more feasible than Fish pulling a prank.
>>408201 Well, people can display sophisticated behaviors when asleep. Sometimes they even try to drive, unsucessfully though.
>>408201 Are you taking sleeping meds? That's actually somewhat common as a side effect.
Kirara 🚗
>>408207 They can display attempts at sophisticated behaviors, at least. They usually fail because sleeping people are uncoordinated. Successfully using a stove while asleep is really weird.
>>408221 Bang, how fast can you make a grilled cheese sandwich?
i need a help
>>408173 it's normal to not remember things while you're tired
Kirara 🚗
>>408226 Sure, if you're pretty sleep deprived. Maybe like 10 minutes or so if you wake up throughout the night. Not like the time it takes to make and eat a grilled cheese sandwhich randomly
>>408224 i don't fuckin know man what kind of question is that
>>408227 Seems pretty normal to me you can say it's weird if you want but i don't honestly think it is people like you and i tend to occupy our thoughtspace with active projects so things like food preparation, taking a short drive, etc are background functions
>>408227 That's like two to three times as long as it takes me, and the three people I just asked.
Kirara 🚗
I dunno! I'm doing a bunch of googling and all the recipes online say 15-20 minutes.
>>408229 It's never happened to me before, so I'm reluctant to consider it a normal thing.
>>408235 Recipe time estimates for things other than baking are usually on the longer end of
Kirara 🚗
You have to do things other than baking to make a grilled cheese, so I consider that stuff part of making a grilled cheese.
Put pan on stove Butter pan Turn on stove While stove is heating up put cheese between bread Put bread cheese sandwich on pan for like five minutes Done
Okay I found an article that says he is back home and feeling better.
The sample size is like 25 so you're in good luck.
Kirara 🚗
It's crazy that camera lenses from like 20 years ago can still be like $1000
Have camera lenses changed much in 20 years?
Kirara 🚗
Absolutely. Newer camera lenses have better auto focus functions, are constructed differently, account for vibration, are quieter, faster, etc.
But you can shoot photos on a 50 year old lens that will be as good as the newest ones.
Some of them
Auto stabilization has improved quite a bit. Same with auto focus
Kirara 🚗
I have this old 35-80mm lens but I want something like 18mm. 35mm is actually something like 58mm on the camera I'd be using it on.
Why are they still expensive?
Kirara 🚗
Because lenses are the most important thing when it comes to photography equipment and they're fairly complex to manufacture.
Are the new ones even more expensive than the old ones?
Kirara 🚗
It depends on the lens. The prices vary a lot.
I have a lens that costs $600, but I also have one that's very good and only costs $200. Modern lenses, that is. The more complex the lens, the more expensive it is.
What I'm looking for now is a lens compatible with a 35mm film camera from years ago that's got a proper focal range and still cheap.
Is that easy to find?
Kirara 🚗
Unfortunately, not as easy as I'd like. I need a Canon EF lens and there are newer EF-S lenses, but some of the EF-S lenses aren't compatible with this camera and others are, but the camera is from like 2000, so there's not just a list of compatible lenses, unfortunately.
And what is it about these lenses that are better than like a normal camera?
Kirara 🚗
They're normal lenses. The lenses that are compatible with a camera depend on the type of sensor in the camera and some other factors. Different sensors also affect the focal length of the lens. So the 35-80mm one I have, that is the focal length of the lens on a full frame sensor camera. The camera I have uses a sensor that basically multiplies the focal length by 1.6x.
>>408327 Most cameras don't have 2000 dollar lenses on them though. What makes them different from lenses that are more normal prices?
Kirara 🚗
>>408330 $2000 for a lens is a normal price. A $600 lens is a cheapish lens. Most people that are just doing photography randomly and don't get deeply into it aren't using good ones.
You can get a digital camera for 150 bucks and it presumably has a lens on it. That's what I'm calling a normal lens.
Kirara 🚗
Oh. Well, those are generally mirrorless cameras. They're like a better phone camera than your phone has. They're not suitable for taking a good variety of photos and are lacking in all kinds of customizability. They're point and shoot cameras. They're the kind of camera you give a child or a tourist that just wants to take a picture of something cool without thinking about it.
Photographers use DSLR and SLR cameras as well as some larger cameras, like ones that use 4x5 film. 4x5 film is the go-to for a lot of professionals now.
I think I found a good one 10-18mm $300 though but there's an 18-55mm for $200 and the 18 is good enough for what i want it's just that 10 would be better
>>408354 A mirrorless camera doesn't get pictures as good as a Digital SLR. And a DSLR doesn't get pictures as good as an SLR.
I have a modern, very good DSLR and a 20 year old SLR that's pretty good. The thing about a film photo, though, is that you can basically make a 100 megapixel image out of it, while the digital photos are only as good as the camera which for me, with a very high megapixel camera, is around 24 megapixels.
I'm going to start doing landscape photography so I need to start using my SLR so I can get higher quality photos.
>>408365 it's not work my wallet is missing my mom is really sick i'm a nervous wreck in general i had a few close calls on the road this week and i've become morbidly fearful of driving and heavy machinery our washer's broken and i can't wash my clothes my entire paycheck went to a heating bill because last month was freezing -- but still the power's just out for two days at a time during sub-zero temps it's hard out here and i'm really getting distressed on a pretty big level
>>408367 i want someone to care but it's just dumb
>>408367 Well that stuff does sound pretty tough. See if you can use the weekend to recharge. Most of my stressors come from work so it's a bit easier in that situation. But taking some time to just de-stress and try not to worry is important.
>>408370 not to be rude but that's easy for you to say
>>408372 It is, yes, because most of my stress comes from work. I know it's harder to get away from stuff that is a little closer to home. That's how I deal with stuff though, which is isolating myself from it for awhile. So that's really the only thing I know to say to help.
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗
There are some really weird sounds outside. It sounds like whale songs.
>>408374 Yeah, being able to just take time to get through stuff is a luxury, believe it or not. when you can't take time to cope but you still have to cope with things that are time sensitive, like not having eaten or being without meds or stuff it's not much of a matter of just taking some time to chill
>>408376 There was a big boom in the sky here last year. I think they call those skyquakes. It could have just been the end of the world starting though.
>>408377 I take time to chill even if I don't have time to take time to chill. Which I guess is another way of saying that I shut down.
I do feel for you though. I hope things get better.
i was so anxious and stressed yesterday that i started vomiting while driving and had to pull over and call a ride home little things like people pulling out of my blindspot set me into a violent frenzy of nervous reflex i don't really mean to be whining to /moe/ but i'm not doing well and i want someone to know
>>408405 You can't have a negative amount of kills or deaths in that game so your kill death ratio is inherently positive. Also my kd is usually decent.
I don't think 18 kills to 35 deaths is positive
18/35 is more than 0. So its positive.
You know what he meant
Yeah But it's still positive.
I'll show you something positive
If you've played Breakdown then you would be godly at any FPS game. Maybe just stick to Mosnter Hunter World.
titanfall 3 NEVER
>>408413 I don't have a ps4, also I don't really get why you're insinuating that I'm bad at fps.
I just thought you played MMOs. If you're actually good at fps then I apologize I'm just fucking around for now
I think you think I'm someone else, I've barely played any MMOs. Also
>playing an Xbox exclusive fps making you godly at fps ???? You do know that mouse and keyboard is strictly superior right?
For real thoigh Titanfall 2 was fucking crazy and amazing as fuck It's too bad EA has a hold of that franchise. Yeah, that's why I got Global Elite in CSGO.
I could never really get into cs.
But ya'll didn't play Breakdown Makes me think you're all 22 years young and younger
It's on my backlog
Although I'm actually super out of practice for fps and vidya in general. Cause I've sstopped playing for the most part. Partially because of rpi from other stuff. *RMI
>>408420 I'm twenty-five. FPS games just never really caught my interest.
>>408418 I fucking KNOW RIGHT The campaign was very very good Full of great level design and encounters Like people complained about TF1 not having a campaign so they went and made a 10/10 campaign next game
Also I'm 24
Breakdown was the game that made me realize that the entire environment was against me, and too take note of ever single thing that was out of the ordinary
Tittyfall 2 goty any day
You ever play Unreal Tournament? Also I was going through an issue of pcgamer from 1999 earlier. It had a preview article about sims 1. And thought that Daikatana would be good when it came out later that year. And that duke nukem forever would be coming out soon.
I played 2007 But that was the worst one, apparently
Sounds about right
Oh yeah Also The fucking discount subscription cards Had no expiration date I'm considering mailing oone in.
>>408427 I got a few issues of pc gamer in a showbag thing once It was pretty neat how they came with cds that had demos and stuff One of them had a bunch of anime on it for some reason
Christ I really wish Bungie would revisit some of their older IP. I'm glad they did Destiny though, they couldn't stay alive on Halo forever.
Microsoft and 343 own all that Halo franchise tho. It's too bad Activision fucked Bungie over.
Yeah, I know.
What if We took Halo 3 And put it on PC
What if They remade Marathon
It was dope to play on the Xbox. But... What if Halo 6 fucking revitalized the whole genre> I would quit any game to be goldy at halo 6 But we have 343 to bank on for that
Also reminder that Bungie created the first real first person shooter.
Pathways into Darkness was the first texture mapped first person shooter.
Super old school. Now I need to play Thief Gold.
Or you could play Marathon
Also Reminder that Bungie was originally a Mac developer company. And that Steve Jobs got super fucking pissed when Bungie was bought buy Microsoft.
Rest in peace Bill Gates.
>>408447 dude fucking imagine what if Halo was Mac exclusive
It was also originally an rts Then switched to 3rd person shooter Before becoming an fps
Good thing it didn't happen. It would have had a fucking 1/10th of the numbers if it was Mac and Apple exclusive.
>>408449 It wouldn't have been mac exclusive but it would've come out on mac first
>>408452 I was under the impression it was mac exclusive
>>408453 Basically all of bungie's shit got ports eventually
Oh nvm Just some of it
Oh holy shit Alex Seropian is on staff at (or was) at a local university. Also fyi, Bungie was originally based in Chicago. For those who were unaware.
it's 3 in the am where does time go will it ever stop i dunno
Recently I've felt that time goes by too fast these days.
>>408485 damn sam I never thought you were a daddy type of guy
hes more like a cub
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm not its just an example
Samu's just memeing I can't even fucking differentiate
Whats ye 🐻 code sammy
>>408487 you got it wrong he's not a daddy type of guy he's just a straight up daddy :3
Congrats sam
>>408492 Well he said that the hole gets filled up with daddy so I was ASSUMING he was a daddy kinda guy I dunno I'll need to email him for conformation on this issue
alright time for bang to get a fucking life i mean kill himself wait i mean go to sleep i have work and stuff bye bye
>>408495 bye Bang I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow and a really good weekend
Fucking sleep good and have your entire life under your control.
Honestly, if you've never played Breakdown or Mirrors Edge. You will never be good at any FPS game. So you might as well just stick to the trash PvE shit like monster hunter
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i like mirror's edge catalyst it's fun to run around the world and explore
The environments were so crazy good But then... You know. EA
That's a pretty fucking savage clip I shared tho I got a couple more.
Bloodborne was fucking PRIME for those 1v3 engagements. But there might never be a game that will replicate that. Still one of the most fucking fun games ever to PvP in. >>>/@OpaqueSpecies/822787918154661888 Fucking crazy how intense it got.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're pretty good
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
god mirror’s edge’s story is so bizarre I still enjoy it tho
It just boils down to the high caste dominating thw low caste. Like how it is in everyday life.
Yeah gotta blame EA for the sibling drama shit. But the base of it is like how the rich people will always dictate the lives of anybody that is a lower income than them
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
I mean like the logistics of the battles she’s in death defying jumps and shit ridiculous sibling drama on top of a building collapsing like a pinata
Also future cops suck at shooting things
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
It’s cool how intense everything though im glad this game exists
ALso I found the "we can't catch these runners so lets train cop runners"
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
the emotionless CGI scares me though but that’s most games I guess
Also there was that one boss fight with the giant brawler wrestler that took me bit out of the immersion
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
I’m playing the sequel acktuallyyyyy
wasn't it a prequel of all things
Mirrors Edge plot is kinda dated for real But the gameplay in its time is state of the art One of a kind. Yo you seen my sav cluips or nah
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
something like that
and it still looks damn good
is weird how that works similiar with movie effects some practical or cgi effects get dated real quick, while some look as good now as they did back then and same goes for game graphics and art styles I think stuff that tries to be realistic and "stunning" dates most quickly like anything done by that pixels guy who knows ellen page heavy rain guy
The last level from Mirrors Edge 1 The Shard will be timeless tho
I still find that one elevator scene from some early level damn funny >intense chase >run into elevator >elevator starts playing Unloved
Come to think of it, why did the government event ryt to bust down the runners just observe them from some high viewpoint and find out their meeting spots, pick up spots and so on untill you have a clear picture of their hideouts, bases of operations, communication guys etc etc and then destroy the whole infrastructure supporting them instead of throwing manpower and resources like there is no tomorrow at some girl running on top of rooftops sure keep them distracted with occasional chases etc, but the main point should be nailing down the logistical and communication parts. Then again, most governments in RL also suck at doing that to similiar organisations for that matter.
But that's what happened in Catalyst. The >>408523city gov fucking ran up on them and dismantled everything
Welp someone had a brain in the writing team apparently cause in the first game their plan was just retarded what was it even >some runner betrays >cops trained as runners
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ya dude it's a parkour game
I just find it silly since the game took itself as quite seriously, despite being practically just a story thrown around a cool mechanic, gameplay and well stylished and polished environment
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
if the game were self aware and irreverent it would be much worse
Maybe Well it wasn't too serious anyhow so it didn't ruin it.
A game like that wouldn't exist in EA\s eyes. Fucking EA.
A good example is the dead space series first game is full serious mode, but it works damn well due to for example silent protagonist not ruining it second starts to be bit self aware and more actiony, but still manages to deliver and third is practically action movie parody of the first game.
tfw the only good part of DS3 is when you started to actually fight the aliens the final two hours lmao
You go full blasty blasty boomy boomy, but mostly against humans like how is that supposed to be fun? There are a lot of games that do that better It would be the same as having enemies that fire back you in a resident evil game.
I should do the hard mode+no music+ only slicer run of the first game at some point
in before Resident Evil 8 actually has mobs shooting back at your in first person. Let's be honest the next two games will be first person. Like how 4,5 and 6 were third person action games
They will grind it up untill they fuck it up they did do quite sillily amusing dlc expansions like PUNCHING PEOPLE TO DEATH and eating bugs
>>408535 4 was damn solid 5 was super amusing to co-op with a friend and 6 I havn't bothered with
6 was super action, like it tried to be gears of war. But 8 and 9 will also be the moody, slow, and methodical puzzle game like 7 was. That's just how capcom will try the formula. Gonna play them all like they were exactly what I needed though. I'm gonna schleep tho lol
I just wonder why the big industry just decided that "horror doesn't sell" despite it selling like no end
Like dead space 1 made SO much moeny, EA tried to turn it into their HALO series
>>408538 I hope they make a good VR version of 7 the tech demo I tried was good but clunky
I will move Heaven and Hell and anything in between to get to you. You wouldn't be safe anywhere if I was mad at you. And that's not bullshit, that's the truth. I've went up against people. You can pull a gun on me and if I'm mad at you, I'm coming for it. You'd have to shoot me to stop me. And if you don't kill me, you're stupid. So next time you see me, I will kill you.
That too and who has them anyhow? That doesn't look like crap country where they still have them
I remember playing Duck Hunt on my old CRT
dick hunt
Both of my Azuras are the same IV. Her skills are unexciting so I don't really feel like transferring so I guess I just +1 or trade for feathers
I'm guessing the last backstory in the show will be Rabbit
>Min 12 >Lux has 20 last hits
>>408555 if this takumi sucks who do i feed close counter to
>atk down res up wow he actually is the worst possible outcome
>>408559 That's a difficult decision. I don't know who to give mine to and my Takumi is actually good. I hardly use him now though. I'd say your best bet is a Ranged character with good Def/Atk Out of every unit I have, the two ranged characters with best Def are Saizo and Matthew But I don't think they're particularly high tier. And my Matthew is both Summoner Supported + Fury so I guess his normal Def would be 30 My Saizo is sitting at 31 without being 5* or level 40. But really Close Counter just isn't as desired as Distant Counter
The best feeling in the word is passing your exams and throwing all the courses you had god bless
why do some people say etc et cetera as ek setera? i mean it is ment to be said et ketera as c=k in latin but who the fuck says ek setera?
it's not odd in general but it hasn't happened to me before
I had a dream in which my foot was walked over by a car and felt it irl god bless
>>408579 I actually had that happen the other day or so even rose up thinking I had to wash a mug or two that I had used to drink and then was surprised to find them in the cubboard and then I realised "I hadn't drank yesterday"
>>408603 the rights belong to 343 which is part of bungie, technically
343 and microsoft
atleast it isn't EA
Kirara 🚗
oh damn they have halo 5 mega bloks
They actually had hhalo 3 megabloks too Sometimes when I'm at GameStop to check for suoer cheap used games I see elaborate call of duty megabloks kits for under $10 and I have to exert large amounts of willpower to not purchase them
Kirara 🚗
>>408602 tiger and ox were so good ox needed more time ox got totally gipped
There are ethnic Jews though. Gypsies are just wandering members of their ethnic groups who are also thieves.
are similiarly there are ethnic gypsies or well more commonly called romani
thought to have originated in india and then wondered all the way to europe where they kinda stuck around as group of people who still are distantly related to eachother similiarly how european jews kinda didn't cross marry "locals" they are a culture, but especially in europe where they are the most they are an ethnicity makes it weird though, since gypsies is considered a derogatory term and "romani" the right term. but that mixes them easily with romanians not to mention "romanian romanis"
They got kicked out of india according to legend.
HIS GUN MAKES POURING RAIN It's like the ending of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
In Romania btw the romani have it quite the worst and also they aren't improving their standing amongst non-romani, since they just say wander into finland and sweden to beg on the streets and do petty thievery
New New Game
>>408629 I have a romanian romani friend on steam. Well, I assume he's romani. Because he has plenty of stories about him and his family ripping people off.
Ain't the fault of the romani people that other groups of people decided to lay claim to land and erect enormous state machines to maintain it
Kirara 🚗
>>408627 was that movie good? i assumed it was crap because it was jk rowling
Can't recommend it, but if you were thinking of watching it anyway, it's not bad I guess
>>408631 Well even tot his day amongst the romani, if you start to well living normally as in become a working part of the society, you will be at the best frowned upon and at worst shunned by your family and clan
HEre the general attitude is "live and let die" if they don't do anything why bother and as they are citizens, well the finnish romani, they get the same rights and services as anyone else they are just a few ten thousand people minority anyhow, so they aren't a big problem in terms of resource drain and since they barely do anything illegal anymore, no one cares we got more noticeable minorities who aren't even citizens yet nowadays that gather all the ire
Anyways, gypsies consider frogs to be unlucky so putting statues of frogs near near the entrance to your store is supposed to ward them off.
coincidentally finnish gypsies were quite good horse breeders if you knew how to actually strike a bargain with them and not get swindled
neo-batoto is quite good, but they suffer from the resizing issues almost every other mangareader site does either too small or too big
That's a shame, I bet a good user script will come out soon. Wait actually, give them feedback ASAP. Devs are more likely to listen to and change implementation based on feedback in earlier stages of development.
it is a really barebone site yet and I am amazed how quickly it actually became active maybe they started working on it from the announcement day Is nice that for once something doesn't die off due to random internet drama
The mid card is really pretty
>>408642 everyone thinks they're swindlers, but really they just value horses more than everyone else
Indeed but they do occasionally swindle too well did
they are definitely swindlers yeah
But that was the gamble and what you got out of it was either the top race horse/warhorse or work horse or a harsh life lesson to be better at horse trading isn't like the so called "Honest" traders were always honest.
Kirara 🚗
>google grilled cheese once >fucks up my Google algorithms enough that it starts recommending grilled cheese news
Do ittashimashite
Also New good art one punchman.
must be /a/ scan i will wait for niggerstream
No I read the raw Came out yesterday, don't think its been scanned yet. Well Maybe /a/
Also one of the guys in the lets groove video is wearing an outfit that looks likes saiyan armar. *armor.
Kirara 🚗
i emailed my professor about something important and time sensitive on monday and then she never responded and then yesterday, she sent an email about having been contacted about the problem as if she hadn't been sent an email from me and she asked me to call her but i didn't check my email yesterday until like 5pm and i think she's trying to play it off as me dropping the ball even though i worked on the thing without her guidance because it was time sensitive
if you do a long vocal when speaking do you do a one //do you keep it in one pitch or do you alternate it?
Depends D
>tfw you are listening to music while reading and then suddenly you start to actually listening to what you are listening reactions may vary, but I do always appreciate the moment my ears are blessed with "and just as I suspected: it is a big fat hermaphrodite with a flock of seaguls haircut and only one nostril"
Kirara 🚗Ko-Shi
>>408670 For a week, my fingernail has felt like it is on the precipice of completely coming off. It's okay though.
they will regrow
Kirara 🚗
tape them on
I actually lost all but my thumb nails as a kid due to being a dumb kid
I can not afford to lose my fingernail now that I am doing manual labor on a probation period.
i really think the grammatical structure of the english language needs to be reworked the rules were put in place at a time when the channels of communication were very limited we transmit far more precise signals through language these days and the carrying capacity of that channel obfuscates those finer details
everyone should just speak finnish
>>408680 but jokes aside what would you change atleast for pointers? Or what do you find lacking
>>408682 this is a sentence that sentence conveyed a concept, so does this one
this sentence embarks on a new idea than the previous one, but contains just one expressive thought and one clarifying clause this sentence does the same as the prior sentence, but it has another expressive thought to be conveyed that's related. this is that related thought
capitalization should be reserved for proper nouns or for referencing, not for sentence starts the paragraph and the sentence are basically identical today, except some thoughts need some establishing context
just do away with sentences and express one thought per line
That is essentially what internet "english" is heading towards, though but if you ask me, you'd see more hmm cimpactising happening on the phone front and social media, though of course most use emoji and apprevations? *compactising
that indeed
compactifying i think is the word i don't see compactifying as a problem it's only a problem because it doesn't agree with historical protocol
obviously if someone's telling a story or something, it's a one-sided channel and there's plenty to articulate, but when we're not writing letters but using messageboards or talking in-person, using grammatical structure developed for one-way channels for a two-way channel is just dumb yeah letters are a two-way channel because they can write back, but there's no use for channel operands inside the letter itself since it's all being sent as one packet
spoken english is not one packet it's a continuous stream of packets, and it's a very high-energy channel
nah I ment that I consider it a positive in terms of relaying information, as long as the recipient can understand it and not get confused which is why the emote/emoji/rofllmaololwtf slangs can get wonky, since people quickly come up with their own abbreviations and I guess internet slang Gets real confusing when there is some word combination that is commonly one thing, in some niche another, in third niche its own and at the same time it can even be short for some game title or a company.
>>408685 Kinda get it and kinda don't I guess I'd wrap my head around it faster if I used spoken english more.
this made me instantly think of fansy the bard
skTN !PcAPtAiNJo
Maru kaite chikyuuu
There is a person who really wants to draw like ke-ta And I gotta say They're getting there.
Are they "getting there" in all aspects of drawing like ke-ta?
reminds me of how so many copy that hmm
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
so at my job any time I want to approve some code to go out I have to scan // approve it on my phone which involves scanning my face this is da future
this one
>>408695 I don't really know what to think about this
To be fair Ilya Kuvshinov might be a small group of people. And they experiment with a vast variety of styles while drawing. In either case it gets pretty easy to "copy" when the thing you're copying covers such a wide range. No one accuses anyone of copying the English dictionary.
Indeed it might very well be a circle
>>408698 It just is amusing how recognisable the most famous style of theirs is when you see someone else mimic it
>>408695 So your phone is part of some in-company network or something? Or do you just have the new iPhone which uses face-scanning security.
>>408700 I also want to further denote that there isn't really something "wrong" with mimicing. At least until you start claiming it's something you came up with yourself.
One of my artist friends got good by copying the style of which another, much better, artist friend of ours painted with. The copying allowed him to really leapfrog forward and start doing some decent art.
It becomes basically wrong when you take someone else's work and try to gain profit out of it be it fame or money or such but profit nonetheless
Thinking about western comics en large, disney's characters and superhero stuff of marvel and dc, in essence they are new artists copyign the older ones' styles and then either sticking with some solid one or coming up with their own look but it all starts at becoming comfortable at drawing them and being able to do it consistently of course here money is involved, but basically it is quite similiar to older apprenticeship, where you essentially just copied your master's works
>>408693 They have to work on their nude bodies But the progress is there
>>408706 And I bet you already ordered their books
They're going to need a larger portfolio than that one good image to make me part with my money.
Or just make that one image into a poster
btw do you still draw or did you pause that hobby due to work?
Hmm come to think of it, did I save any of my posters or paintings I had one quite rare one hmm wonder what that artists name was
It's more like I paused it due to anxiety.
oh and of course there is my self portrait where the fuck will I even place that
it is a full A1 + frames or bigger dunno how big a standard sized oil painting canvas is
>see fantasy town
>immediately start to analyze its defensive capacities and how best to siege/defend it shit
well for startets >surrounded by large body of water >each segment is divided with a bridge, meaning any invader has to fight practically another siege battle to take them >height difference in the final keep making it easy to defend and implying layers upon layers of defense there >all areas are divided into road network, meaning quick barricading of the roadway is possible, meaning taking any is a slow lenghty urban grind but >doesn't appear to have proper walls just height difference untill the castle >the bridges are way too large making their defence practically moot >no gatehouses between the areas >only one entrance, meaning after you block that passage only way in is through the port >the port area doesn't seem to be that fortified so a rapid naval invasion could succeed basically the strong points of the city might get turned around, if you can assault the "inner ring" area and then blockade the main keep from the areas, most likely grippling the defensive cohesion also as there aren't any walls and as seen from the picture, there might be cliffs high enough to deploy siege equipment to bombard the city dnno could ship based artillery reach the city However... since it is fantasy setting and things can fly, I don't really see ANY KIND OF DEFENSIVE MEASURES AGAINST THAT? basically, what about dragons?
needs more cute girls
also water they are surrounded by it, but is it a lake or a salt body? if it is basically an inland ocean, the city could be starved out so easily well rei will like this manga I bet
And since there is a commerce, industry and residential area all of those most likely have ports but at the very least commerce area has a large one adding another huge flaw against naval invasion, considering once again fantasy setting and seamonsters man I wanna siege this place
Coincidentally I recently studied up a little bit on napsie here more and turns out the guy was kind of a huge douche For example, killing an entire garrison after they surrendered to him, just because or when he was campaignign through egypt and syria, he promies everyone that he'd be their saviour claiming at best that he was 20 different kinds of muslim, christian, coptic and few others and when his campaign was thwarted, he retreated back to egypt, burnt everything on his way back and some say he even forced was it cairo's people to welcome him as a triumphant conqueror under pain of death
and then he fled back to france, leaving behind over 20k forces led by the only general working under him who disagreed with napoleon openly >>408724 for a japanese woman...
like 170 is already in the weird category, I think
general western height is what 165 and 180 for women and men respectively and in japan those are still 2-5 cm less except for most recent generations
Wonders of eating more than rice and scraps
Rice fills you and has a lot of energy, but little nutrients you can live off of it easy, but for a growing child, nah they need proper stuff wheat and meat
But nothing explains the dutch...
Why are the dutch about 5-10cm taller than rest of europe they aren't that genetically apart from germans and belgians and france they were a rich region, but not that more than the others and they weren't that much peaceful having their fair share of war yet during the industrial era they just suddenly became giants
>>408721 I've read it already actually It's kind of bad but I still read it >>408742 That one is also kind of bad But I still read it
>>408741 I dunno about same quality as that demon king harem
I think it is the enjoyable trash manga quite few isekai are actually that good there is just a charm in them at times either how they do the over powered main character bit unique setting or well the game take some are pure garbo though