Thread #335343
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2017/11/14 (火) 15:15 No. 335343
second salad of the day
enjoy your salad
2017/11/14 (火) 17:03 No. 335348
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coughs and sore throats are the enemies
You seem to get sick a lot. Do you feel like you get sick a lot?
ive got a pretty bad headache today i can't even have three beers without feeling like shit the next day anymore
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 18:19 No. 335352
>>335351 >i can't even have three beers without feeling like shit the next day anymore this is called being a pussy
considering i was drinking a fifth a day for like a year i'll challenge you on that
a fifth of what? semen?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 18:27 No. 335356
>>335355 >>335355 >>335355 >>335355 >>335355 >>335355
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2017/11/14 (火) 18:42 No. 335358
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Chino is for mofu mofu not lewd
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 18:47 No. 335360
She doesn't look very mofu mofu to me
2017/11/14 (火) 18:48 No. 335361
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and ton can only lewd
2017/11/14 (火) 18:49 No. 335362
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 18:50 No. 335363
>>335362 Heh
>>335362 10/10
2017/11/14 (火) 19:18 No. 335365
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orange>>335370 i think it is literally that
Captcha tried to give me a German double S. I can't remember what the actual character is called.>>335371 I've reported them so hopefully we've got eyes on them soon.
why is this what I wake up to
In retrospect that's probably not the best term for it.
am I missing something?
I bit pretty hard into the side of my cheek yesterday and now it's tough to chew on anything without clamping down on the wound. I hate how this happens.
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I fell asleep for a few hours Up again now, obviously, but I got that "just slept, but little" feeling
>>335375 i hate when that happens
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>>335378 what anime is this from?
2017/11/14 (火) 20:25 No. 335380
>>335379 oreimo
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>>335378 GO V 4 C
>>335361 thats where you are wrong finman
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I got a cute jewish girl from guild wars
>>335384 Cute but where's the dab?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:56 No. 335386
>>335370 ß
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:56 No. 335387
It's the sharp s
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:57 No. 335389
>>335388 Herro
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:57 No. 335390
I might be going shooting this weekend
>>335390 The great american past-time! Who are you shooting?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:58 No. 335392
>>335391 Targets
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:58 No. 335393
Time to finally determine just how bad ive gotten in the past 13 years since ive been shooting.
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>>335388 hi how is the night
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 22:59 No. 335395
Also I have a friend who may end up commuting by plane.
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>>335394 Yahallo! The night is cold! and I have super sore throat. I sound like an old baba.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:00 No. 335397
Err His plane
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:01 No. 335398
>>335396 As opposed to a young baba?
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>>335398 Shut up.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:05 No. 335400
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>>335396 aww, are we about to take a shot of rum? Feel better soon. Hoodie life.>>335398 Those exist
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:10 No. 335403
>>335401 Was that a question or statement?
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It's a truth
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:22 No. 335405
Name one aside from Rika and Yukari
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Clearly you can name some, so they exist.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/14 (火) 23:26 No. 335407
>>335406 Those were jokes and you know it.
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rika counts
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>>335401 How are ya? I logged into GW2 recently out of a bit of boredom and suddenly everyone is on mounts. and they are all HUGE.
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>>335409 ah, you know me. Tired. Restless. Midway through panic and the inability to care to panic. And in an endless pursuit of 100% worksafe images. Mounts are fast. Running across the map has changed.
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Panic is an everyday event! Humans wake, breathe, eat, sleep and panic.
There was a guy who was upset right before launch because the "speed meta" was going to change. He enjoyed playing as a thief and rushing to things far faster than anyone else. Everyone laughed.
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The mounts make me feel like "Tch, cash players"
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Oh, have you seen the mount skins? They've got all kinds of skins now. I don't know if it's still available but you can unlock ALL of them for just ... 9600 GEMS
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>>335415 Greetings my dear friendo! How art thou?>>335414 TCH CASH PLAYERS. BOO
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>>335416 I'm well, my friend. And you?
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I need to get cash in my pocket. I can't do anything out here. I wonder if there's some kind of city/town council thing in my neighborhood that I can just sit in and listen and pass time at.
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Same. I want to get my hands on an extra $1000 by February or so.
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>>335417 I speak like 90 year old smoker right now, sore throat from a bad cough and flu.>>335418 Start your own real life guild hall.
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>>335420 You're still sick, huh? Have you seen a doctor lately?
good evening friends
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>>335421 Nope but I have one book next monday.
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>>335420 I'm tired of starting things. I just want to join something nice.
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like the dsa>>335423 That's so far away, that sucks.
>>335425 is that the dick sucking association #destravaged
Wow socialism is over now Congrats Ton
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>>335425 Yeah it sucks. but appointments can be pretty hard to get soon
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>>335426 >>335427 oh no>>335428 Are there not walk-in clinics?
True facts basically none of the clinics i schedule for do walk ins for non children
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Crap Im still thinking about what all is missing from the ultra moon canon since the plot is so different
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>>335429 No really. not were where I live anyway
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>>335433 That sucks.
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here you go kirara
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I don't get it.
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oh ok
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so whats uo ip up
has anyone here played doki doki literature club
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no. they haven't. I have finished dinner.
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i'm hanging out
>>335439 i have it but no
im catching legendary pokemon
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>>335440 What was your dinner?>>335441 LEWD
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>>335444 younom There was salmon leftover. I usually don't eat the fish my parents make because my dad doesn't eat other kinds of meat and my mom is like that to a lesser extent. But they flat out just... forget that they have leftover food and I hate seeing it go bad. Because they make really good fish.
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>>335444 Lewd?
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pretty lewd
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>>335445 I am not salmon! Fish is alright as long as it it salmon or tuna. well haddock and plaice are pretty good for fish and chips.>>335446 Your hanging out *you're
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>>335448 There's lots of good fish. You just gotta cook it good. My parents do salmon, kingfish, and red snapper
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Kekkai Sensen OP should be out within a few hours. or rather it should be available somewhere
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I want Unison Square Garden to perform in Union Square That'd probably be ... no it won't be weird. Not that weird. I'm sure far stranger things have happened.
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Today's best twitter thing is Manuscript
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Time for me to sleep. I'm tired and dying. SARABA TOMO YO>>335452 wow
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>>335453 sleep well feel better
>>335454 siy kokoro you arent a shrine maiden
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i got home from work and then fell asleep
did you have good dreams
i don't remember what i dreamed about
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I // between kannagi being sick and rika being worked to the bone, the moe gals have it rough
Everyone has it rough in their own way
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life is pretty rough
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life is ugly rough
It's a Bittersweet Symphony That's laiyiafe
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Abolish everything
Don't abolish me
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maybe I just need to lay on the floor
It must be pretty weird to get a message like that. I think even people honestly shagging wouldn't go around excusing themselves with it.
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hello hello!
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hello hello!
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>>335473 So late!
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I'm pretty sure tonight will be my last late night for awhile.
Oh are you finally comitting to being an elite NEET?
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>>335476 Oh, good. You're here forever, so it's weird when you don't show up.
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i just ordered my meds to be refilled and walgreens refilled them at the old location in tennessee and they're ready for picky oh no for pick up* this is going to be troublesome i can tell
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>>335477 No, the extra duties I've been assigned should be ending tomorrow though. I may take a three or four day weekend to make up for the fact that I didn't get a weekend last weekend.>>335478 I usually keep pretty regular hours too. Oh well, I will get to take it easier soon.>>335479 Yeah, you'll probably have to call to get that sorted out.
How boring. A long weekend sounds nice though.>>335479 Does that location giv- Oh wait right Tenessee not, uh, whatever state St. Louis is in. I see now.
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>>335480 Well, good work surviving everything.>>335479 That's a weird mix up.
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>>335482 Well, don't count your rikas until they've survived. I gotta make it through tomorrow.
I finally got called in for work again tomorrow, so my lengthy work vacation is over. It's probably going to be a long shift too.
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>>335483 Do you think there's a chance you might not make it?>>335484 Excited?
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>>335485 Yeah. I might fall over and die tomorrow about midday. If I do, go on without me! I'll hold them off.
>>335485 Yeah, totally. Every pore of my body is metaphorically seeping with sheer enthusiasm over the notion of lugging heavy things for eight hours once more.
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>>335486 You're not allowed to die. It'd be really troublesome if you did. I'll probably fail my exams if you die. Do you want that on your conscience?>>335487 You're gonna look like Chris Redfield in RE5 soon.
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>>335488 Being dead is the ultimate state of taking it easy. I'll have no regrets!
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>>335489 Wow, I want to take it easy. Maybe I'll join you!
>>335489 Oh geez I hope I get the right post and end up not.>>335488 Oh geez I hope I don't end up that low-poly.
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>>335491 That'll suck, but you'll be able to punch boulders.
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>>335490 Your continued existence is important! If I use too much energy and stop moving, it can't be helped.
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>>335493 Am I more important than you, then?
fighto fighto
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>>335494 I wouldn't go that far! Maybe a little more functional. I'm very important but not very functional.
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>>335496 I would be incredibly surprised if I were more functional than you.>>335495 Anything new with your license?
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>>335497 No way. I'm like a hood ornament. You're more like a cylinder or whatever.
>>335497 not really have to set a court date
>>335498 So when you get married does that mean you're going to end up a trophy wife.
>>335498 wow
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>>335500 I'm certainly a prize!
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>>335498 All this praise seems a little weird! How do you figure that's the case?
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Praise from me isn't weird! I'm not a tsundere.
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I dunno, you saying I'm more functional than you seems out of character. Did something happen?
she called you a piston that's basically a sexual derogatory
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Wow, how scandalous.
>>335499 Any idea when you'll be able to?
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>>335506 I don't even know whta a cylinder is, other than it makes things in an engine work!>>335505 I don't think it's out of character. I am pretty tired though.
Oh. I thought you meant a literal cylinder. As in the shape.
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>>335510 pfft haha im a barrel >>335509 I dunno, I'm kind of taken aback by you saying that.
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>>335511 You should know by now that I'm not a very functional person. I just want to take it easy and become a blob!
>>335508 not until i call to find out tomorrow i'm at peace with it now
>>335513 maybe you don't aspire to be but you probably make a lot of money and that's very functional
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>>335513 Yeah, but you should know about my functioning, too. I think you're probably a lot more comfortable doing a lot more normal tasks than I am.
>>335514 ganbare
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i'm not very functional because i can't even drive i'm basically a retarded vegetable ofo a human being
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i'm going to be working with senpai again i'm worried
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What are you worried will happen?
well i used to be really good at my job but a year of being overworked at a dysfunctional store has kind of dulled my ability to manage the way that we're supposed to i had to kind of develop a sort of dysfunctional management style to cope at that store and now that i'm moving back to a store that's run more by-the-book it's just gonna be a weird transition senpai is the GM now and she might be disappointed
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>>335515 I make okay money but to be honest I just put it all in the bank and never use it.>>335516 No way, I hate normal tasks!>>335523 That stuff is all pretty cheap to be honest. If I ever redo my lounging area that will be a little pricey I guess.
Except for video games and plastic figurines.
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Speaking of plastic figurines, my Serval nendo came today.>>335522 I do too, but I think you're probably more comfortable doing them than I am. I'm the kind of person that procrastinates on making important phone calls unless it's for professional stuff.>>335521 That makes sense. Do you think you'll be able to adjust quickly?
>>335521 isn't it gonna be easier running a place that's more by the books after you adjust
>>335524 Even the most normalized people tend to hate or at the very least dislike doing "normal" tasks. Hating them isn't really a good metric for being comfortable with them.
after I adjust yeah until then it might be awkward
>>335524 I hope so
>>335522 that's a good thing! the idea of retirement is that once you've done that for long enough, you'll have enough money to ration out for decades, and you won't have to work anymore or you can work a part time job doing something fun
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>>335528 I hope so, too. Wish I could help somehow.>>335526 Yeah, that's true, but I still feel like Rika is probably more functional than me.
Oh yeah, I completely agree. As far as functional /moe/s go she's at the top of the list. Along with probably Bang and Samurai. Then it's sort of a slide down as you get more and more into the people that struggle or don't interface well with necessary life tasks.
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I think I'm functional enough to get by, but that's probably as functional as I can be. If I didn't have Fish around, I'd probably be even less functional.
I'm moderately functional within my exceedingly comparatively easy life, but I don't think I could properly handle a severe or even kind of problematic life crisis. I'd probably just end up letting myself wither away.
I despise function itself
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>>335534 hard same>>335533 Letting yourself wither away always seems like such an attractive prospect when I'm feeling a little down. letting myself*
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I'm going to become a blob big time at the end of this week. And maybe if things go really badly I'll just become an elite NEET!
Do you really feel you're in that precarious a position/at the end of your rope?
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>>335538 I also want to do it.
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>>335539 You can always fall off that cliff and bring great shame on yourself. My ability to pick myself up after great failure is very low. I am good with minor failure but bad at great failure.
Failure is pretty much the enduring theme of my life so I've grown pretty insensitive to it by now. Which isn't to say it's a good thing but I hardly feel anything about it anymore.
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Every time I've had a major failure, I ended up just changing all my future plans and doing something else, haha.
i guess i'm good with failure because i've dealt with it so much
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I dodged failure by giving up
I just treat them one in the same.
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I have a very strong giving up urge. Just stopping and dying really doesn't sound that bad.
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>>335547 calling 'giving up' 'failure' lacks nuance. but i guess it's a failure
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>>335548 Hard same. Every little setback makes me want to just give up and do something else or nothing.
>>335549 Hey now I'm not saying anything about calling them the same. But they're similar states and the end result produces the same dissatisfaction. And also satisfaction because even when it screws you over it feels good to be right.
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>it feels good to be right I have gotten over that a long time ago. Being right has been the worst thing since 2014
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>>335548 I always really want to give up but I have this weird thing where I bitch out of giving up and endure it instead
>>335552 Well then whoopdeedoo congratu-fucking-lations for you.
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i almost posted tooth_clipper.gif
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>>335554 yeah that's about how it feels to be right
>>335556 Nah it feels pretty good.
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instead i'll post this cute gif
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It always feels good to be right. Even if you're right about something you don't want to be right about, it feels good to be right.
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It really doesn't.
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
It absolutely doesn't.
>weapons can be upgraded now >Legendary Hero Summoning Event
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 540x654, thinking.jpg )
I told you so is just about the best feeling in the world.
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Depends on what you're right about.
>12 heroes in a summoning focus >with 1 new hero >8% chance >0% chance for non focus 5*
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>335562 >>335565 no
>>335563 no the best feeling in the world is the feeling of resonating with one or more people feeling the same about something as others
are these new characters?
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 289x348, 1432198227178.gif )
>>335564 nope! Even if we're in a runaway train and you're saying "I can stop it" and I'm saying "You can't!" I'm going to tell you that I told you so, and feel happy about it, as we careen off the cliff into the canyon.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>335569 What if you think your friend is dead and then find out you're right?>>335568 I don't know, I can't see them.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>335570 Oh, that kind of thing never happens to me. I hold out hope until it's completely past the point of denial.
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There's a satisfaction in being right about something. Even when every other detail of the circumstance is crushingly miserable and is making me feel completely awful.
yeah, there are new characters now
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 538x708, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
I'll wait until FEH english posts them on twitter to see them, I guess.>>335571 But it'd feel bad to be right, right?>>335576 Oh, that's nice. How cool. Is she a new FEH exclusive character?
oh, that 1 new hero is actually a guaranteed unit. You get her at 5* after finishing the first chapter of the next story set. She's a lance unit.>>335575 Yeah. In the Heroes universe. There's an Ice Kingdom and a Fire Kingdom. She's from the ice one.>>335578 not yet, soon. Ther was a stream of it
weird that they're giving her as 5* but i won't complain
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Is there new FEH content? I haven't opened it up all day. Is there art of the new stuff?>>335575 I don't find myself in those situations though, because I'm hopeful to a fault.
no there will be in about an hour probably
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 580x493, 1505935013504.jpg )
You'll be able to upgrade Killer weapons into Slaying weapons As well as a number of other ones. Like Aura -> Dark Aura
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 712x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Oh, that's nice.
okay, so there's a Choose your legends event oh shit !!!!! Joshua: Sacred Stones MIA PATH OF RADIANCE Lute: Sacred Stones DORCAS This guy actually looks japanese
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 637x702, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
That's pretty useful stuff. I wonder if you will eventually be able to upgrade to other weapons, like brave weapons and stuff. A lot of builds really want brave weapons but slaughtering units to get them is tough.
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 407x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
I got Jakob today. But he's +spd/-res. So that's really disappointing. I guess he can still be used, but it kind of sucks.
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 652x685, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
My Jakob is -atk +sped. spd even IT's terrible but oh well. I'm giving him death blow and a brave bow. He'll be good like that even with bad IVs.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 985x546, dorcas.JPG )
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>>335583 CYL means we get to choose one, right? I will probably pick Mia.
wow if the art was there you should have been posting them this whole time
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1002x547, mia.JPG )
>>335589 i wasn't watching from the beginning and i was watching from the little youtube window on discord MIA IS HERE WOO
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 586x657, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Oh, that Mia is cute. I can get her for free?
Mia: HP 38, ATK 32, SPD 40, DEF 28, RES 25
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This is for a Tempest Trial event starting on the 20th
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wow A free 8% banner a free unit stamina capped at 10 for story missions weapon upgrades healer buffs the 8% banner isn't free though I got excited anyway, the devs are so reasonable.
Lute: 33/36/32/16/34 Joshua: 40/31/35/30/28 Dorcas: 45/35/23/35/24
>Staves getting buffs
>>335598 It's not the banner that's free, but the new unit that is added in it. You can get her at 5* for free by playing the story
new skills weapons: Resolute Blade, Audhulma, Stout Tomahawk, Weirding Tome
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 701x555, fear +.JPG )
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Kanojo (…).jpg )
>tomahawk that's going to be a ranged axe
let's see R Blade gives +3 atk and grants +10 to special triggers Audhulma gives +5 res and accelerates special trigger tomahawk is just distant counter weirding tome grans +3 spd and spd ploy 3 new skills: HP/RES Fierce Stance Flashing Blade Fierce Stance is +6 atk during combat when attacked Flashing Blade is if unit's speed - foe's speed >= 1, unit gains cooldown lowered so it's basically heavy blade for speed
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Oh, distant counter built into the weapon? That's pretty nice.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 849x481, oh boy.JPG )
>>335605 this is all the stuff from the latest datamine
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 861x434, skill cooldown reductions.JPG )
daylight and noontime and sol being reduced makes me really happy.
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It looks like a nice update.
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I like how they are reasonable and often give us nice things. I'm pleased.
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Reasonable occasionally, you mean.
everyone is getting a +100 barracks increase
Oh, a bunch of unique weapons are getting stat adds. Sol Katti, Mystletainn, Siegmund, Hauteclere, Fujin Yumi, and Deathly Dagger.
>let's shed a tear for the heroes who were sent home because there wasn't enough space for them
Search [iqdb] (425 KB, 800x1134, 1509924645884.jpg )
>>335613 >>335613 They always come crawling back when you're nice to them occasionally!
>>335618 wow that's dragon butt
What what
oh boy, the weapon refinery is showing up now. This is where shit will start to get silly
what, it's already in the game?
no not yet Now we have to play Arena. ...more
oh, it starts in a few hours
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so the new banner starts in a few hours along with everything else and the tempest trial starts in 6 days
and joshua is the trial reward
and we do not, in fact, seem to get a free 5* other than the >>335625
;__; why not mia
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 900x1272, 1509294926639.png )
>>335625 >>335626 These have the same aesthetic as the base units.>>335630 >>335629 Oh, I guess it's time to work on saving orbs. Is there a spoiler unit in there with Mia?
>>335631 They're from the FEH universe so yeah
doesn't seem like it but idk
oh, the 8% focus pool is all just reruns of event characters
this is a lot less exciting than it sounded earlier
Search [iqdb] (493 KB, 529x628, 85d0abb87de88c4558656ece7eb376(…).png )
look at all these orbs that I don't have
>>>/watch?v=KBVTbzChs6I trailer for the update
oh there's a new twintail loli villain and a titty witch
Oppai uitchi are pretty great.
"bangi s the best
wtf the fire dude can summon a sun and the ice chick is just like "i'm gonna throw ice at it"
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yeah, dude because one snowflake is strong as shit
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>>335638 I want to capture all the bad guys too!>>335641 sun of fire vs sun of ice?
"bang is my favorite poster because he is a loser"
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>335643 No, she just throws giant ice cubes into the sun as it flies towards her. I also want to capture the bad guys.
Search [iqdb] (4.3 MB, 3000x3329, db9846469b3c81d14b729e3e81e801(…).jpg )
I just want brown twintail but I know I know that it won't be possible and if possible it wont happen
we'll probably get veronica eventually at least
Search [iqdb] (276 KB, 800x1135, 1509929763514.jpg )
Veronica is pretty cute. I've wanted to capture her for awhile.
i wonder who is going to be in the tempest trial it's kind of fucked up if they want to give us 6 days to get a new character for it i'll be mad
Search [iqdb] (531 KB, 600x1000, 50b7e2b6b8f89c380b6ece8658bb0a(…).png )
ehh, she's okay I would enjoy her tome at the very least The real question is if Tiny Bird Garden is going to be too big for my phone and if I have to uninstall feh to get it
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 268x438, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Just get a new phone with your new job.
I'm going to have so many FEH accounts that I will end up playing myself in Arena
>>335652 just link your nintendo account dude
I already did
so why would you need another FEH account
For the thrill of BvB.
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Mia has a pretty good kit.
Search [iqdb] (751 KB, 729x1200, c97df1a88c0d75ace4183487212ad4(…).png )
Of course Mia has Vantage god damn, Dorcas is top class
>>335657 she's OP as shit
mia looks like she's high on cocaine in all of her sprites
also her thighs are as thick as her waist lol
Makes for some nice hips though.
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1375x1000, 6afcc87420535ad9c1e13f10f14ae8(…).png )
>>335661 Yes, that's Mia.>>335662 Yes. That's Mia.
>>335663 yeah, she's got some good hips
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that feel when that feel when that feel when that feel when that feel when
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 04:28 No. 335670
Is there a bang?
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 623x720, 1504753140541.png )
there's a hollow husk who goes by that name at least
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finally finished my work for the night now I get to relax for an hour or so before anime
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 04:32 No. 335673
Oh no
>>335672 oh god you had to work once you got home too
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 1300x1360, DFbrYRZXkAAOM3s.jpg )
I want to relax.
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>>335674 Yeah, I was working on preparations for tomorrow.
>>335677 I'm not sure if it's a panty shot or a stocking top in her damaged picture that's visible.
Looks like part of her panties.
Has there been FEH characters with underwear showing in their damaged sprites before?
I don't think so I guess it could be some kind of garter belt
brown twintails
it's an... interesting design
titty witch
>>335684 I don't mind the design but the art feels a little unenthusiastic.
>>335686 yeah, it really does
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the OC characters kind of lack the charm of a lot of the others. The only OC character that I feel really pop are Sharena and Veronica.
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The norse aesthetic they're going for isn't really that greak. great* I like Anna, but she's technically an old character. Veronica does look good, too.
she's so top heavy all the FEH originals feel super extra
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1131x750, ぢせ - SILENT YARITORI (62960762) .png )
Laevatein is going to go Four-Of-A-Kind on us and it'll be great
does anymoe want to play insurgecy
Got a bit of a Ganondorf feel to him.
yeah def brown twintails
i think she'd look better with fewer feathers
titty witch with her weird half pantyhose
>>335697 I can relate to this it's like when you only want to wear one sock
That dress looks really cumbersome. Imagine stretching that one leg on the side it clips together on forward and all the resistance involved.
her design seems oddly out of place compared to the others especially the shape of her hat
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>>335700 She also uses shadow and everyone else uses fire. It bothers me!
i really want to play botw
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 720x1019, DGEDP2bUwAALbry.jpg )
>>335701 I don't think Veronica uses fire either. I bet this titty witch isn't from the fire land.
>>335702 It's a pretty solid game. Are you still in contact with the friend that has it?
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>>335703 It seems like a kingdom other than veronicatown is going to be the new enemy.
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>>335706 The trailer showed Veronica fighting alongside the new enemies. I think Veronica is possessed by a dragon or something and she's probably messing with everyone to make them evil or something.
anime >>335708 →
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>>335707 dragons ruin everything! I hope we can save (and capture) Veronica soon.
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I bet it won't be soon, but I think it'll happen eventually.
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She's also got this weird face accessory going on. Or did she always have it?
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>>335711 I want to capture her!
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>>335714 I'm sure you'll be able to.>>335713 Yeah, idk what it is.
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>>335713 Yeah, she always had it.>>335715 I want to capture her now!
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>>335716 Patience is a virtue.
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I don't have any virtue! I want Veronica now.
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We all things we want that we can't have!
all have things*
You could have also made it more succint and said "we all want things that we can't have!"
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>335722 Yeah, but they shouldn't make me wait. They can just give me Veronica early. No one else even has to know!
help I installed firefox quantam and all of my plugins are broked
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 820x820, 20170609012540.jpg )
Why'd you do that?>>335724 true>>335726 We all have to wait for stuff.
>>335727 try unplugging and plugging it back in
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gonna have me some birds
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Something tells me that I'm not going to be sleeping well tonight.
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Are you experiencing difficulty?
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1000x701, DLnQeHzU8AAcllh.jpg )
Difficulty sleeping? Not really in general, but I think I will tonight.
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 720x720, DOD4JZrWAAA9vHx-orig.jpg )
I didn't sleep well either
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>>335738 I meant experiencing hardship in a more general sense!
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 900x1058, DKVjwO4VwAEIUKZ.jpg )
>>335740 Yeah, you could say that.>>335739 rip
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 427x639, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Well, good luck with your hardship!
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 750x792, 1470653177542.png )
Thanks. I hope it doesn't last very long.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Maybe you should try explaining yourself!
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 844x714, 1472178957752.jpg )
I have
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Hardship is tough.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 686x734, 1472478890574.jpg )
It sure is.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/15 (水) 05:32 No. 335759
surgery was a success i am now part metal
Search [iqdb] (493 KB, 529x628, 85d0abb87de88c4558656ece7eb376(…).png )
>go to the shop for deals >shop owner pops up what is this a dating sim>[Talk] >I love games with dating sim elements. Sign me up! ... DID SHE READ MY MIND
>>335759 cyborg samurai
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 513x545, 1507866562768.jpg )
>>335759 wow well congrats!
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/15 (水) 05:33 No. 335763
>>335761 the heart of a man still beats inside me
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/15 (水) 05:34 No. 335765
and now i have a bottle of meme pills V I C O D I N I C O D I N
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 400x375, 1474032750131.png )
>>335760 Oh, is Tiny Bird Garden out now?
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
meme pills sounds funny.
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Don't do bad things!
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 402x524, 1474458643798.png )
Why not?
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
because it's bad.
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 396x704, Screenshot_20171115-004800.png )
I don't know why I found this so funny.
But it was.
i wish i had a bottle of meme pills
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 184x184, 1481151565056.png )
>>335783 Yeah, but it makes me want to do bad things until I'm satisfied.
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 727x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
Don't do bad things! They won't satisfy you!
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 523x389, 1484241862678.jpg )
You don't know that. They might.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
I dunno, doing bad things doesn't really make people satisfied!
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Maybe it will this time.
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It probably won't!
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But maybe it will.
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I don't think that's true!
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Seems like you have a pretty difficult problem!
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I guess you've heard about it. I feel like it's probably not going to go away.
Doing bad things satisfies some people.
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>>335808 Seems like you're in a pickle!
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>>335812 Yeah. It has me feeling kind of pessimistic about things, too.
I want a pickle. It's a good vegetable.
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>>335815 I think things will work out!
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>>335820 I hope you're right, but I can't help but think very pessimistic things about where this is going.
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>>335821 I think it will be okay!
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>>335824 I sure hope so! I don't know what I'll do if it's not.>>335822 such a good birb
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Her name is Cherry. Out of the few I've seen so far, she's the best
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I like Syrup.
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Spice is cool too.
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 450x510, 1467193348772.gif )
Yeah, some cool birds.
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bed time for me. bye bye and good luck to those of you who need luck!
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Sleep well.
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oh whoops
Going to bed means waking up and going to work so early int -in the morning the rising sun isn't even a conceived notion. I hate long winters.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 07:35 No. 335841
Anyone still up?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 07:48 No. 335843
Titanfall 2 has a pretty great campaign
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:04 No. 335845
I've heard that a lot actually.
I feel like you could make a pretty decent anime out of it All the wall running and sliding is fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:09 No. 335847
Making a Titanfall anime would be a mistake.
I dunno Get the writers and director from the game to supervise the production and animate it with a bit of grit>>335849 >loss Oh in monetary terms absolutely But I'd like it It's a shame because I feel like it fixed a lot of the first games mistakes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:11 No. 335849
I can almost guarantee you that it would make a loss. Hell I'm pretty sure they didn't even make a profit off of Titanfall 2.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:13 No. 335850
>>335848 They didn't fix the biggest mistake
Which was what I haven't played the first
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:13 No. 335852
Using EA Origin
>Origin I forgot it was EA until I had alrealr paid for it Ew
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:22 No. 335854
>>335853 Ikr
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 454x640, cd91eb7cf76f144857bed55be60c0ae9.jpg )
Wow I completely missed neechang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:29 No. 335856
Oh no
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:32 No. 335857
Uggh I need to stay up untip my phone charges some more Cause I can't leave it charging overnight without leaving it in the bed with me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 08:42 No. 335858
Going bed Yasumi
lel waiting at an empty office door fpr people to maybe arrive so i can water their plants and whatnot
nkrmally not a problem. but car parked illegally
now if i could tell are they just on lunch break or is the place dead for the whole day
>>335853 unicronic arts gonna shut them down soon
Army of Zimbabwe says it has taken the President into custody and now appears to be in control of the capital.
long time no revolution in africa last pne was just last week
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 14:43 No. 335866
Truly I am Ohio.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 14:45 No. 335867
There's a decent chance the new government will be better. It shouldn't be that hard to have a better regime than Mugabe's
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 14:51 No. 335868
>>335867 i dunno, for example has egypt gotten any better?
>>335864 there were a bunch of tanks heading for the capital the other day and mugabe's admin was like, no, everything is fine, do not worry
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>call from walgreens >you requested that your script be transferred to germantown, tennessee a few days ago and then requested it be transferred back to us yesterday, but we can't transfer it again until it's been filled at least once at the new location because it's a scheduled substance assuming that even makes sense, no i didn't request it be transferred. i requested that my goddamn script be refilled, per the "your script is ready to be filled" email at the default location, which would be the place where i originally took the paper script order, which was here but you bastards and your poor data management defaulted it back to the walgreens in germantown, tennessee on Farmington Blvd instead of filling it at the Farmington Walgreens in Farmington, Missouri and ofc they can't mail it to me because it's a scheduled substance man what disorder i didn't ask for this
I am sorry
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/15 (水) 17:19 No. 335875
man these narcotics don't do shit tine to OD
what are they
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/15 (水) 17:20 No. 335877
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>>335873 I wonder if Rook could pick it up and mail it to you somehow?>>335875 how much vicodin are you on?
nah i'll get it sorted but i'm so booked with work that i dont have time to go to walmart and sit there in line and on the phone with them both to try to figure it out for some reason i can transfer it from TN walgreens to MO walmart, but not TN walgreens to MO walgreens because it just got transferred from that walgreens shit is so weird
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Yeah, that seems kind of ridiculous. it's stupid how many policies just function to make things more difficult for everyone
the two walgreens didnt seem to agree that it wasn't possible to do either one was happy to do it and the other one said they can't and i am way behind on today's work so i cbf
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>>335882 yeah, i dig hope you can sort it out without too much trouble
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 18:43 No. 335885
Blue, you around? I have really really good magic news.
dorothy is best valhalla
2017/11/15 (水) 19:13 No. 335887
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If the leak doesn't get fixed with duct tape, you havn't used enough duct tape
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2017/11/15 (水) 19:41 No. 335889
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My house is totally locked to me and I'm stuck out in the cold with a whiny cat who wants in from the cold too.
2017/11/15 (水) 20:30 No. 335891
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>>335890 why forget keys?
Because I leave the house at 06:50 in the morning when I am certainly not in full possession of my faculties, let alone possessions.
2017/11/15 (水) 20:59 No. 335893
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Well time to learn lockpicking
Nah I'm already inside.
2017/11/15 (水) 20:59 No. 335895
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Also I think I will have to appease the machine spirit of my laundrymachine
2017/11/15 (水) 21:14 No. 335896
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Appeasement is not working call a techpriest
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:25 No. 335897
Fug Looks like Blue is still not around
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:36 No. 335898
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>destroy target player
2017/11/15 (水) 21:38 No. 335899
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Work damn machine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:39 No. 335900
Is your washing machine on the wall that has the drilling guy's apartment next to it?
2017/11/15 (水) 21:39 No. 335901
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it just is one of those older machines with veeeery weird settings>>335900 I'd have to attach it to the roof
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:40 No. 335902
Oh I didn't know where it was so i thought maybe he could've drilled into it.
2017/11/15 (水) 21:40 No. 335903
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I had similiar problems with my previois machine at my previous place I think they were from the same manufacturer even you do some wrogn settign and the machine i s just damn confused untill proper reset
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:41 No. 335904
Huh Weird
2017/11/15 (水) 21:41 No. 335905
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>>335906 nah I just at this point need to get it to empty, manually rinse the few items I had in and then hang them dry and then tomorrow figure out some proper ways to use it and get the "exhaust pipe" better attached so it doesn't leak
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:41 No. 335906
Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:42 No. 335907
>>335905 Ah
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:47 No. 335909
>>335908 BANG Check it>bad image Fug
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:47 No. 335910
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Why does this work but the other doesn't Fuck
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:49 No. 335911
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phyrexia is back?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:57 No. 335914
No It's in a joke set
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:58 No. 335915
But it actually allows for some really fucking ridiculous combos
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:58 No. 335916
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Like taking other players cards and keeping them Because every catd that did that or involved ante is banned
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 21:59 No. 335917
Also there are one or two that do that and say "this effect does not end at end of game"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:01 No. 335918
But yeah It even includes (until oracleification or errata) cards that were previously banned but aren't anymore
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:04 No. 335919
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:05 No. 335920
I just saw some sort of street view car But not a Google one
2017/11/15 (水) 22:10 No. 335921
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:11 No. 335922
>>335921 Maybe But the guy had a dell laptop so I'm not sure Organizations like that are often very particular about what hardware they allow and I feel like they probably wouldn't use dell laptops for something like this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:12 No. 335923
Also the car had like 6 very visible cameras on it Seems a bit overt for them
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still best thing about this house
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/15 (水) 22:15 No. 335925
Did you ever go over to join the drilling party?
no they have yet to wake me up by drilling since then
hmm the burn wound is healing quite well
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keer ah rah
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>>335929 yaho bango how's it goin
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i'm just browsing the internets
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what are YOU doing on this Fine Eveninv g
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I'm eating dinner and browsing the websites
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I went off my ADHD meds for two or three weeks recently and I gained 10 pounds, now I've been on it for /// on it again for like a week or two, and I already lost that 10 pounds.
i made a bunch of rice for dinner and i'm gonna have beans too
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nice, rice and beans how ethnic
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Hello, Rika.
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hello, yhow are you today? Have some of your troubles resolved themselves?
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Well, I wouldn't say they resolved by themselves. I have a feeling someone helped with them. I guess resolved is a strong word but there's been progress, at least. I'm okay. How are you?
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It's nice to have a little someone help out sometimes! I'm doing well. I finished with all my hard work today so I'm going to be a lazy slob for awhile.
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I hope they know I'm appreciative. That's cool. I worked hard today, too. I want to do some self-care this weekend.
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Yeah, it's nice to take it easy once you've worked hard. I'm looking forward to relaxing a lot.
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For sure. You've probably been working harder than me, this week. I got some upsetting news this morning. I'm probably going to have to delay my master's by a semester.
are you going to take 4 days off now?>>335944 more like mastur's am i right
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i'm watching john wick
good work neechang I ended up sleeping vefore you appeared
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>>335945 I was thinking about leaving early friday and taking monday.>>335944 Oh, that's pretty bad! Sorry to hear that.
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>>335948 Yeah, it kind of sucks. It might be better in some ways, but I'm still pretty upset about it. It's kind of my fault, but only because the system here is really unreasonable. I was supposed to go to four orientation sessions this semester to prepare me to start providing therapy, it's mostly admin stuff. The sessions are all two hours long. Well, the email that said I had to do that stuff was titled "[organization name] - FALL" so I was like, oh, well, that's for the people that are starting in the fall semester and I'm starting in the spring semester, so I didn't read it too deeply. Then they sent an email out that listed meetings for the Spring, so I assumed those were for me. It turned out the "Fall" ones were actually the dates for the Spring starters like me, so I missed two of the sessions and nobody thought to reach out to me after I missed the first one or anything. I found out because someone in my cohort asked where I was. So I emailed the person in charge asking if anything could be done. I only missed four hours of content, so you'd think it'd be easy to make up, but she said that I was shit out of luck and I'll just have to start providing therapy in Summer instead, which means I have an extra semester of working on my Master's. It's technically my fault, but I feel like my mistake was completely reasonable and they should have contacted me or something after I missed one of the sessions.>>335945 damn fucking right
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>>335949 I actually had a similar issue earlier this year, I missed out on a certification because I missed a class. They offer three classes a year, and I thought you had to take one of them, but you actually have to take all three. i was going to take the august one and then I realized that it was a problem since I'd already skipped one earlier. It sucks it's going to delay you that bad!
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hell yeah birds
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>>335950 Stuff like that is so unreasonable. I feel like people frequently don't make things clear enough! I'm trying to be more honest with my emotions by admitting that I'm really upset about this.>>335951 I got one named Robo that is a cybird.
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Well, it's certainly reasonable to be pissed.
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Robo is pretty cool. There's a bird named Blues!
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>>335953 I think I'm disappointed and sad more than I am angry. The whole situation is just kind of unreasonable. Moving me back a semester will trouble everyone a lot more than just letting me make up those two sessions. I feel like the person in charge of it is probably just being lazy and asinine about it.>>335954 Have you seen Ribbon yet?
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>>335955 Well, you can always call and call and call until they stop taking your calls. That's what I do!
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The person took like a week to reply to my email, too. She apologized for missing my email which is really ironic since I more-or-less missed information in an email to get into this mess. I don't think calling will do anything, unfortunately. If I cause a stir about this, it'll impact my ability to get clients when I start providing therapy. The person in charge is one of the people that assigns clients to people and if she doesn't like you, she assigns you fewer clients which causes you a lot of trouble. So I really just have to lay low and let her do what she wants to reduce my suffering even though everyone else will suffer more for it.
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>>335955 she showed up once She didn't say anything though. I want the Odd Mushroom... Why is it so expensive? I have to know.
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>>335957 Sounds like a bummer! That does seem like a potentially troublesome person.
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>>335958 I bet it makes the bird big! >>335961 Yeah, it sucks. All I can really do is try to keep my head up. With the stuff that was going on yesterday, it was really stressful to find that out this morning. I wanted to try to take some time to destress, but I had to study for an exam, so I didn't get a chance.
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We're going to find out once I get two more shiny feathers. or maybe I should just save to buy the other half of the space double the space, double the feather rate
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>>335963 Yeah, try to keep your head up!
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>>335965 That's all I can do. I feel a little better than I thought I'd be feeling, though. I think I'm handling it better than I usually do since I'm trying to be honest about it.>>335964 I need to find a good bird to give the Big Boss eyepatch and beret to.
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Also Zoey is the best girl.
Also, the full Kekkai Sensen OP is up
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>>335970 it's time
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>>335966 Maybe there will be the chance to make up for lost time later.
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>>335973 Nah, there won't be. It won't affect when I get my doctorate, though.
>>335972 time for what>>335974 wow it's like you know what Im watching right now
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garlic knots lets get em
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>>335974 Oh, at least that's the case!
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>>335977 The real problem with it is that it makes me less competitive when I'm trying to get my internship in my final year of the program, because I'll have a semester less than my colleagues of clinical experience. I might be able to make it up by taking on extra work over the next few years in order to boost my hours of experience, but I'm not sure yet. This isn't the end of the world by any means, and it probably means I'll start as a therapist more competent than I'd be without the delay, but I really wanted to get my Master's sooner than later!
>>335976 is that all?
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>>335978 So you're working on the doctorate and masters at the same time?
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>>335980 Yeah, basically. I'm in a doctorate program, working on my doctoral stuff, but I get my Master's along the way. By the time I get my Master's, I'll be trained in everything I need to be trained in to get a doctorate, and then the next two years are basically accumulating clinical experience and working with different populations while taking one or two classes per semester, and then the last year is a year-long internship. After the internship, I get my doctorate.
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Getting qualified for stuff sure is hard work!
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Arent you qualified?
that movie was pretty good
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>>335983 I'm qualified for some stuff but not all stuff!
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But the real question is who is qualified to LOVE? Break out the dueling pistols it's time to jam
Space Jam is old enough to drink now, bang We can drink with Space Jam
what a time tobe alive
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shocking truth
What the hector
>>335991 true
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What a shocking truth!
this is for you, rika nobody else open this
yeah no i'm reposting this shit
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That was vaguely disturbing!
only vaguely?
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is it as disturbing as this
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I'd say it's more disturbing than that.
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Thanks Obama
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Wow, I didn't know we had so many Rikas here!
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>>336003 what
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>>336004 >>336006 wow, you guys are slow! He said that only Rika could open the link.
>>336003 also what
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Oh, I was thinking of everyone as evil rulebreakers, not rikas. but also >>336008
kirara only posted that because he knew it would cause everyone to look at the link instead of just you since most of yall's posts are for eachother
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No way, there's no way he had a clever plan like that.
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it's not very clever
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wow it was incredibly clever it was the kind of thinking only someone trained in espionage like me could come up with it's almost as clever as tossing over a titty magazine
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>>336010 Sounds like you fell for it though.
>>336012 there was nothing to fall for i was going to click on kirara's link regardless of who it was for
if anything, the fact that it's meant for you should dissuade me from wanting to see it, because it's probably some boring mobage bullshit or you two talking about his girlfriend again
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Wow, damage control!
there's no damage to control i just feel like being spiteful right now
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nobody look at this except for bang
im looking
me on the right
>>336017 Wow what a jaw dropping post
>>336020 im going to spin your jaw
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i'm sure kirara's well acquainted with ToN's jaw
Why cant i hold all this love triangle
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When I'm tired I just end up sitting around doing nothing instead of playing games or something.
Wow thats what ive been doing most nights
>>336024 sometimes it's not bad to just laze around if you had to get something done when you're taking it easy, it wouldn't be so easy
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I should find a fun game to play though. Otherwise it will suddenly be tomorrow!
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kirara i found some memes you posted about the hurricanes and that shit isn't even in the news anymore i expected durable memes to last me a good while from you i can't believe you'd give me memes that stale so quickly
Search [iqdb] (616 KB, 540x630, desu desu.PNG )
>>336027 i can suggest like 20 games but you won't play any of them what games do you have that you haven't finished?
don't you think the fleeting nature of the memes makes them that much more beautiful
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>>336032 this is a good image
alright time to play pubg
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>>336029 I want to play a fun one!
>>336027 mario
>>336036 yeah mario or botw or your shitty mobage or an atelier game or find an otome game and download it and spend the whole night guilty
>>336036 You should play dokidoki literature club
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
I don't have mario yet. I ordered a memory card though. It shoudl be here soonish.>>336039 I already know the twist!
>>336040 awwww you missed out
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>>336041 I can't play VNs anyway!
did you finish botw and warriors
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nah I haven't played lately since my time has been lmiited. I'm working on botw. I've saved the end of warriors for later.
im sure you're talking about something else but Hyrule Warriors was a really fun game i enjoyed playing it
FE warriors same thing but with fire emblem
is it actually like for real warriors gameplay i thought it was an FE game that just had the title warriors
it's a musou
oh shit i'm down
it has stats and levels like in FE though idk what the system is actually like
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 730x602, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
You can tell your other units to move around and take objectives too.
A painting by Leonardo da Vinci has been sold at auction for $450 Million dollars, the largest amount ever paid for artwork.
I plaued it a bit it seems pretty aight riding as a pegasus knight and mowing down enemies was dope
that sounds fun switch only?
3ds too but itll look 500 times worse
3ds if you want a neutered version fate/extella is a fate musou it was really good
my friend has fate/extella
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
FE warriors seems like it would not translate well to 3ds.
i bought an ecig
>>336057 it's pretty good i wish it had more characters though shaft is animating a prequel animation for it
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consuming fire
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I should just sleep.
>>336062 yoh can sleep when yourr dead
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I desperately need a back massage.
>>336064 same
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It feels like my back is on fire. Like, below my shoulder blades.
ok mine isnt like that but ive been wanting one for a while lets go to a masseuse
i am traumatized by that rich spa massage i got
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 907x1280, 6fb2ff9505610f84e330ff30d9f525ef.jpg )
well you have a cute girl who can massage you
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 699x689, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 05 [7(…).jpg )
Yeah, I don't think so.
I'm sure it would be good
holy shit
oh new key visuals for that new trigger/a-1 mecha
fuck why are wizards so good
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can i get some more maids please i need like 6 or 7
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Maybe another time.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 523x637, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
I wouldn't mind a back massage from a maid.
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 640x453, 961cb4f3c01447ce526cabf2f6374ca2.jpg )
Im sure you could find one
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Are you offering to dress up and give him a massage?
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>someone sends me a message asking a question >logs out before I can respond wow this is annoying!
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 703x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>336080 I don't think so.
>>336081 I wouldnt make a cute maid
>>336078 well fuck you too>>336079 i feel like i would be uncomfortable if they were actually my paid maid
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 379x595, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
Yeah, I'd probably be really uncomfortable with actually having a paid maid.
>>336086 what about an unpaid maid
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Slavery would be even worse.
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It would be kinda awkard to have someone cleaning up your mess.
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I'm usually the one cleaning all the messes.
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so you're the maid
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Yeah, I must be.
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Well can you come clean my bathroom? My sink area is a mess.
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What's in it for me?
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I dunno, don't you normally clean stuff up for free?
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Yeah, in my own house.
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well thats another anime under my belt
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>>336096 So cleaning someone else's house shouldn't be a big deal. for free.
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That's a little different. I benefit from my own home being clean.>>336097 CCS?
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 416x573, 1509491165997.jpg )
>>336099 And I benefit from mine being clean! So you benefit too.
>>336099 yeah
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 258x519, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>336100 How do I benefit from it?>>336101 What's next?
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 708x1000, 1387918241587.jpg )
>>336102 Because I benefit from it!
>>336102 Slee p then I dunno, ill pick one at some point probably
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>336103 How does that benefit me?>>336104 Sleep is a good idea.
I'm glad i managed to not fall asleep when i got sleepy almost give hours ago
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This is also an important image
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>>336106 Anything that benefits me benefits everyone!
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Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>336110 That's not very convincing.
>>336111 This thing is perched on top my monitor and I don't know what it is.
>>336113 it's a stinkbug you dolt
that was rudei apologize that's legit a stinkbug squish it and take a whiff and youll be like "yeah thats what I expected"
Is it really? I honestly have never seen one before.>>336115 That's an expectation I'm happy to not fulfil.
>>336113 It's your new best friend Give him a name
>>336116 it doea stink but it's a kind of stink you arent expecting it's not really foul as much as just really strong
>Take a whiff and you'll be like "yeah that's what I expected >"it's a kind of stink you aren't expecting
well expecting as in "wow this stinks" but unexpected in that "wow that is a new kind of stink"
Search [iqdb] (420 KB, 640x772, 1448489395260.gif )
>>336112 Checks out to me.
Well I'm not squishing it anyway. I don't really like squishing bugs to begin with, unless they're like, literally sucking my blood. And this one is way too huge for me to get my head around making go all squished like.
I stopped killing insects on sight unless theyre bugging me or are wasps
or are big spiders that are too close like once they get too big they gotta go
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 746x716, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>336121 Not to me.
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1600x1200, f90970328cb7385bf0c6c785ea422c75.png )
This is also a good image
>The brown marmorated stink bug was accidentally introduced into the United States from China or Japan. Fucking hell America. This is all your fault.
or china/japan's fault
Search [iqdb] (429 KB, 1280x720, 1478768895786.jpg )
Yeah, sounds like asia's fault.
I'm blaming you guys.
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It's cold. I should get a space heater so I can absolutely immolate the area around my computer.
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Buy a kotatsu.
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I've thought about it but they're expensive.
They also don't work the best with PCs. That's probably not too big an issue thought. Though, even. I'm kind of weeaboo enough to want one but I don't really have the space. Maybe some day.
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Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>336133 You can afford one, though, can't you? Maybe I'd come clean your sink if you had one.
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>>336136 That's not the point, though!
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work done hi /moe/
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i sure hope conquest is in this mix 00:00 - bundun-dun-dun-dudududun ok
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>>336138 hello!
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 600x886, 88___it_s_been_so_long_by_vash(…).jpg )
hey yuu what's up
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 600x600, hifumi.png )
Oh not too much, just sitting around.
hi '
anime >>336144 →
I really exhausted myself at work today. It was the first time back after about two weeks so I might've lost a bit of the sturdiness I'd built up for it. That and there's a bit of sickness passing through my house so I'm worried about having to deal with that possibly soon. I just want to be lazy.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 547x675, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
The flu went around at my school but I didn't catch it. Everyone was really surprised.
It's always hard to predict if I'm going to get sick or not. Some times I don't outright, but when I do it's always like a week after everyone else around me has dealt with it.
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 745x745, DOTUU5SWsAEOX3h.jpg )
>this video of a tire that's on fire, going maybe 30km/h, cutting a woman's arm clean off, and then exploding is fake >"Proof?" I swear, the internet is a disease
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>>336153 I can tell by some of the pixels Trust me, I'm an expert
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KIRARAAAAAA>>336074 I saw the PV for this I really like the female robot designs. I'm not sure if they're actually piloted or not>>336168 It's what lets me get around Sony Entertainments cockblock on new zealand
what the fuck is youpak
oh neat
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>>336167 >unicorn horn I hope there's a scene where that stabs through the cockpit or heart of another robot That'd be fucking sick
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>>336170 n-now you knowwww
>>336171 oh fuck yes that'd be so good i can feel my hot blood rising just thinking about it
especially if the pilot does it by accident and then gets PTSD from it
>pilot its too dangerous, pull out! >MADA MADA >removing safety lock >pilot, you can't be serious! >horn splits in two and falls apart >revealing a giant laser cannon where the horn was >>336183 What if it's a sentient robot and the horn is its dick
>not somehow revealing an even larger horn
what if it's a sentient robot and the horn is its horn
What if the horn grows like super big in the final battle and it's an even BIGGER sword and it works on the power of hot blood and stuff>>336188 What does the horn do then
What if the horn is just a horn and gets broken off in like two episodes and the robot has to go around the rest of the time with a stunted horn.
well then awesome welcome to tragedy fake town fake town baby
That actually sounds kind of sarcastic when it's just words.
Search [iqdb] (42s, 2.9 MB, 640x342, kitty flying.webm )
MY LIFE caps is about to get a lot more solitary
"i'll come back" - the terminator
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you sure like birds huh or is it just that bird
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>>336207 Birds are okay, I guess.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 11s, 3.9 MB, 960x540, 1505786579026.webm )
birds are probably the funniest of animals nature's comedians
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unlike rabbits which are the sugois of the realm
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Probably playing wow!
sugoi is gone forever ;_:
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and soon, bang
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Don't be gone forever! Sugoi dropped by a few days ago anyway.
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where else is there to go but away? i can't drive anywhere
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sugoi isn't real he's just a myth that wives tell their children to scare them
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>>336228 You don't have to go anywhere!
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welcome to tragedy
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on the brightside, my 30 minute commute by bike will help me lose weight so will being unable to purchase food without the help of someone with a vehicle oh and i won't have to spend money on gas or tolls because i can't leave my house look at all these bright sides
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 629x551, lawn mower.JPG )
look at this lawn mower
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>>336241 Is there a black person in there?
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>>336244 what in the hell
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You guys always act so surprised.
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i share a roof with a black guy he's my friend
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Aren't you glad it's 2017 and he isn't forced to be the engine in a lawnmower?
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Fish is half black!
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It does look like an old timey lawnmower though! Like they used back in the day when people were slaves.
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Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 415x612, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
maybe it's better to quit before it goes too far
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I don't really get it. Is even alluding to the fact that slavery existed racist now?
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no it's more complex than that but i wouldn't worry about it i would just maybe talk about something else now like what anime there is tonight since i'll be here to watch it
isn't anime going on right now
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I don't think I said anything racist. And yes anime is going on right now. I don't think you watch anything that was watched though.
11:24 what the hell i've been on moe all night how did i miss that
no i don't
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>tfw i'll never know the source material for that image
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I told you, I drew it.
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>>336275 what do you even do for me why do i tolerate this>>336276 that's scary one of rin's weaknesses is her weakness a strong rin is overpowered
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Rin's biggest weakness is her tendency to miss a critical detail and screw everything up. She'll still do that even if she's strong.
rins weakness is her inability to stop pleasing old men for money
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>336280 I Think I need to delete this image. That's what my heart is telling me.
>>336280 no stop
mod abuse....
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>>336282 Ahh, it brings such joy to know that I spurred your heart into action!>>336283 you can't stop the werediaper
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[sighing intensifies]
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It is cold.
it's kinda stuffy in here to the extent that i have my fan on the 3rd setting
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i had gone so long without drinking on nights that i work the next day
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solo bangu
dying bangu
dead bangu
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i wonder what my last moments will look like the inside of a hospital room is the assumption usually but sometimes i think it might be the wreckage of a car accident from the inside but more and more i wonder if it will look like my bedroom
here lies bang he died as he lived with a cock in his mouf
it'll probably look like the muzzle of an AR-15 assault rifle as you shoot yourself with a clip full of shells
i don't think i'll buy an AR-15 though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:04 No. 336311
I can't sleep
>>336310 quarx has mine i dont think he even shot it yet i wonder sometimes why he wanted it but i wont judge wish the nigga'd go and shoot it thogugh for real
>>336311 that seems lie // like a recurring problem for you man
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:07 No. 336314
Yeah but i seriously don't know why tonight I haven't had any caffeine, I stopped using electronics (aside from just now) at like 7:50 I was just laying in bed with the lights off and listening to classical music
Search [iqdb] (880 KB, 1000x1000, 1504299196195.jpg )
sometimes i post pictures of happy looking anime girls because i run out of ones that are sad enough
just a few months ago not even just a few weeks ago i was literally the happiest i felt like everything had been uphill for so long and now i'm like nothing
>>336316 >>>/watch?v=JWM3rRXywxg
>emotional >trap when i'm listening to trap it's because i'm trying to turn up or get lost in the beat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:13 No. 336320
I'm having ice cream now Because I'm fucking hungry
>>336319 sad trap is a special kind of thing
i skipped through and the only ones i was vibing with still sound off like this one at 34:18 either the soudn quality of the upload is shit or these producers are really ametuer or something
some of these are alrightr but idk it's like barely trap
it's not great no yeah it's not really very trap i dont know why it's labelled that hold up though i do have something actually good for you i listen to even meh mixes sometimes you know how it is
this just makes me want to listen to eastghost>>>/watch?v=dJhNuXHMO-0
>>>/watch?v=gFNBjrNn9Sg here you go here is my favorite thing lately
Search [iqdb] (423 KB, 766x866, __takimoto_hifumi.jpg )
tomorrow is about to be a nightmare of dissappointment i think
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:19 No. 336328
I've been up for almost two days now.
>>336327 that's how i feel every day
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 540x699, 1510026885354.gif )
i was looking forward to having so much time to spend on doing things i like tonight but i've kind of lost the will to do anything at all i'm gonna start my laundry and then stare at the ceiling
Search [iqdb] (423 KB, 768x768, 8ea.png )
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:30 No. 336332
>>336304 i had some thoughts like this recently as i was being wheeled on a gurney to the operating room for arm surgery like, huh so this is what it's like
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:31 No. 336333
>>336332 Herro Sam
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:32 No. 336334
>>336333 hello whats new
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:33 No. 336335
>>336334 Can't sleep So I'm having ice cream
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:34 No. 336336
Also the cards from the new joke magic set have been revealed And they are very funny One let's you use cards you own from outside of the game you're playing as long as they have been banned or restricted
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:36 No. 336337
And there's a card with "destroy target player"
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:38 No. 336338
uh oh that sounds like a get out of murder conviction free card
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:40 No. 336339
man today was trippy i was taking it easy recovering from the operation hanging out in sweats with my parents when suddenly that girl i went on a date with recently shows up in the same area she's the one who cancelled on me the day of the bicycle accident
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:40 No. 336340
Also old cards that use a now unused mechanic involving taking ownership of your opponent's cards are banned
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:43 No. 336341
>>336339 Did you talk to her?
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:43 No. 336342
>>336340 i wonder if anyone actually respected that mechanic in a real game or ever tore up that confetti card>>336341 yeah briefly she was surrounded by a posse of coworkers though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:43 No. 336343
>>336342 Yes Ante was part of the game If you were at a tournament playing for ante and refused to give the opponent your cards from an effect like that you would literally lose for breaking the rules
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:45 No. 336344
eh i dont mean in a tourney
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:46 No. 336345
If you don't want to hand over your cards then don't play for ante
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:46 No. 336346
Its bad sportsmanship And literally against the rules
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:47 No. 336347
oh no not the rules
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:50 No. 336348
And magic is a game where violating the rules can make you automatically lose a game.
goodnight /moe/
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/16 (木) 07:51 No. 336350
bye baaaang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 07:51 No. 336351
Yasumi bang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 08:18 No. 336352
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 265x370, en_xwYpq07ksH.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 08:29 No. 336353
Anyone still up or no?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 834x1200, DOSIq4BVwAAg83k-orig.jpg )
Shame then that all is quiet on the Western front.
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I'm watching Stranger Things 2 I've got chips and garlic dip, it's gonna be good
One of these weekends I'll marathon it. I keep putting it off because I'm lazy.
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 384x384, DN9gJYxUQAA8Y7t-orig.jpg )
I mean, I put it off until now, so I have SO much shit on the backburner
>>336354 I am asquare
I am a skance.
>>336361 → >>336361 → >>336361 →