Thread #337184
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my thread my rules rule #1 take responsibility
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2017/11/18 (土) 01:31 No. 337188
We've got to hav more MONEY
2017/11/18 (土) 01:39 No. 337189
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>>337184 (OP) take responsibiility for this defeat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:40 No. 337190
Uggh I pointed out why some guy on /tg/ was wrong about magic rules and he doesn't even have the balls to reply
2017/11/18 (土) 01:41 No. 337191
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>>337190 repply to that poland lithuania
>>337190 >balls it's not like you can lose reputation on an anonymous imageboard or something
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You know what's fun is to find an argument and then reply pretending to be one of the participants, and say something really stupid. that's fun.
2017/11/18 (土) 01:43 No. 337194
>>337193 so you like to be stupid
>>337193 Holy shit Rika that's devilish Then you respond to yourself pretending to be the other guy
2017/11/18 (土) 01:44 No. 337196
but seriously Chii or Yuu?
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>>337193 I do that, too.
2017/11/18 (土) 01:49 No. 337198
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Untill you do the argument so manuy times and actually become that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:49 No. 337199
Well I directly refuted their point by citing the comprehensive rules and the tournament rules So they don't really have anything to work with
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Good job
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:51 No. 337201
Rather than being proud for winning, I'm proud of myself for actually knowing the rules well enough
but can you explain synchro and xyz summoning?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:52 No. 337203
>>337202 No But I can explain banding
2017/11/18 (土) 01:52 No. 337204
>>337203 I don't know my magic memes but I'm sure it's complicated>>337206 oh okay I guess it's not complicated then
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:52 No. 337206
>>337205 It's a mechanic that isn't complicated that people pretend is complicated
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:53 No. 337207
And then level up wasn't complicated either But they didn't bring it back for fear of confusing new players Which was fucking retarded Because it said how it worked on the goddamn cards
2017/11/18 (土) 01:53 No. 337208
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Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:55 No. 337210
Okay yeah nevermind Banding gets complicated Just a little bit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:57 No. 337211
Wait no It isn't complicated It's only complicated if you don't know other rules (that you should know) that apply to things without banding.
2017/11/18 (土) 01:57 No. 337212
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chii or yuu?
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2017/11/18 (土) 02:02 No. 337214
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2017/11/18 (土) 02:06 No. 337215
fug is it weird to watch Blend-s op fully after having all those memes thrown at you
>>337215 No it's a catchy song
2017/11/18 (土) 02:07 No. 337217
>>337216 it lacks SYKA BLUAT CHIIKI BRIIKI
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now it sounds like there are several cats outside my door what the fuck
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:10 No. 337220
Throw water at them
Train them for war
2017/11/18 (土) 02:10 No. 337223
>>337219 >>>/watch?v=M8el_P4yvfc You but replace owls with cats
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>>337219 He brought backup.
>>337219 They are meownting a counter attack
2017/11/18 (土) 02:14 No. 337226
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wow Blend-S seems quite fun
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2017/11/18 (土) 02:14 No. 337228
though it might be the litre of booze I have in me
2017/11/18 (土) 02:15 No. 337229
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Man does pacing make it all yesterday I did just a fifth and was out of it now I have done more than that and am just here
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>>337225 Nice
2017/11/18 (土) 02:15 No. 337231
shame that dash ain there
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>>337231 go on a journey to save dash
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:17 No. 337235
>>337221 Fill up a salad bowl or something with water Then throw tthe water out of it at them
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How do I reach them if I can't open my door without them getting inside?
2017/11/18 (土) 02:18 No. 337237
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>>337233 What would even come out of that not to mention I don't have the faintest clue where she lives
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:18 No. 337239
>>337236 I guess you'll have to git gud or something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:19 No. 337240
Can you crack open the door and take a pic?
i'm not going to risk four cats getting inside my house
2017/11/18 (土) 02:19 No. 337242
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>>337241 You will need to NYAHAHAHA them away
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:20 No. 337243
Ooh Here's an idea Order food, have the delivery guy deal with them.
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That's super fucked up.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:21 No. 337245
>>337244 The only reason you can't deal with them is because they might get in your house if you open the door. A normal adult human being should be able to chase away four cats.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:21 No. 337246
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Just spray water on them though I know quite many other ways to deal with cats
>>337246 just read the thread dude
2017/11/18 (土) 02:21 No. 337248
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>>337247 Well this might be troubling to your neighbours at whatever hour it is now but if they are there at an inconvenient hour SHOUT
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Will they really all run in if you open up?
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I don't know. They're all at the door. The last time I opened my door with a cat near it, it flew in.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:22 No. 337251
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So do the shout thin then
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yeah just gonna start screaming HELP HELP at 9:30>>337253 in
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:23 No. 337253
Does your door open in or out?
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I'm kinda curious, tbh. You should open it and see what happens.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:23 No. 337255
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>>337252 Naw I mean like RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW
>>337254 This
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>>337254 Fuck that. That's stupid. >>337255 what will that do
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:24 No. 337258
>>337252 RIP
2017/11/18 (土) 02:24 No. 337259
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>>337257 You have never shouted down a dog, wolf, bear or a boar?
2017/11/18 (土) 02:25 No. 337260
not to mention a person
you can't just shout at four cats from behind a door and make them leave when they desperately want in
2017/11/18 (土) 02:25 No. 337262
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Oh they will if you really mean it
that's ridiculous
2017/11/18 (土) 02:25 No. 337264
well try it
2017/11/18 (土) 02:26 No. 337265
and don't half ass it just to one up me
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>>337257 Stupid for you, maybe. I'm curious!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:26 No. 337267
Also do you really not have the confidence in your strength and dexterity to only open your door like an inch?
2017/11/18 (土) 02:26 No. 337268
in wild life the most fearsome predator always has the most fearsome ROAR
2017/11/18 (土) 02:27 No. 337269
it still applies to all well wildlife and even to pets and shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:27 No. 337270
Also you should get an air horn for next time.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:28 No. 337271
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>>337267 Can I do it? Yes. Absolutely. Can I do it without risking injuring an animal? Maybe? Maybe isn't good enough. I'm not going to risk injuring a cat when I don't even have to leave the house.>>337266 No, that's stupid. I'm not going to do dumb shit to entertain you.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:28 No. 337273
>>337269 My dog cowers when my dad roars at her.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:29 No. 337274
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>>337272 seriously do the shout thing it isn't too late yet even here "home peace" doesn't apply untill 22 or 23
2017/11/18 (土) 02:29 No. 337275
or if you really want to avoid shouting I can fucking record a shout for you in 3 hours
2017/11/18 (土) 02:30 No. 337276
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Oh yeah if anyone here thinks that I seem like a loud person they have no idea I am actually most like thrice as loud as you think
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:31 No. 337277
Just Google ultrasonic cat repellent sound mp3 Or something and play it loudly near your door
2017/11/18 (土) 02:32 No. 337278
>>337277 works with dogs not with cats
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:33 No. 337279
>>337278 I did some reading and it seems to work soewhat. *somewhat
2017/11/18 (土) 02:33 No. 337280
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>>337279 I just guessed this blindly I guess my knowledge on cats is quite accurate
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>>337272 It will be a good story!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:33 No. 337282
>>337280 It actually works fine I just downplayed it to not make you be annoying
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What I'm going to do is avoid doing things that hurt the cats or make them uncomfortable and wait until morning and see what happens because they will certainly not stay all night.>>337281 No it won't.
2017/11/18 (土) 02:34 No. 337284
Search [iqdb] (263 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [1(…).jpg )
So which Blend do you like moo?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:34 No. 337285
>>337283 >Or make them uncomfortable Okay sure But now I'm pretty sure you've lost all your rights to complain about them
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I can complain however I want about whatever I want, jackass, the fact that I'm not going to go fuck up a bunch of cats doesn't mean shit.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:35 No. 337287
>>337286 Yeah I guezz *guess Making a noise that drives them away isn't really fucking them up
2017/11/18 (土) 02:36 No. 337288
>>337286 So you don't want to shout at them at an hour it isn't illegal or anything to shout at them dnno what the "home peace" legislation limits you lot or anything but reallty and I mean really as in from experience a good SHOUT will drive them away
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:36 No. 337289
Anyways the word I was looking for was Shit I forgot it again
2017/11/18 (土) 02:37 No. 337290
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well not shout but a ROAR
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:37 No. 337291
Fuck It was a good word too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:42 No. 337292
Maybe the cat dropped his wallet or something when he was in your house earlier
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I've been really hungry tonight.
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I had a crazy appetite yesterday.
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Maybe I'll make some eggs.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:49 No. 337296
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WikiHow is so silly
2017/11/18 (土) 02:50 No. 337297
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>>337295 cabbage soup
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:52 No. 337298
The first reply made me chuckle a bit
>>337296 valid advice Kirara needs to plug up his chimney
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The new Punisher show is decent.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:53 No. 337301
Also, just for reference You haven't been feeding the cat (s) right?
I have not.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 02:54 No. 337303
Okay, just checking. Glad to hear that
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>>337299 He's a millenial, he doesn't have a chimney.
>>337304 These damn millenials They really are killing christmas
2017/11/18 (土) 02:57 No. 337306
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2017/11/18 (土) 02:57 No. 337307
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Why aren't you lot watching Hozuki?
2017/11/18 (土) 02:59 No. 337308
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I might get an apprentice finn on getting drunk how should I train him?
Give him alcohol.
Don't encourage it
2017/11/18 (土) 03:00 No. 337311
>>337309 meh atm he is too drunk>>337310 too late for that
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Someone in my cohort is trying to tell me that a cat costs $20 a month.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:09 No. 337314
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:09 No. 337315
>>337313 Ask them to adopt one or more of the cats in front of your front door.
I can't really speak for the one-time costs, or rare payments like vet costs, but generally we probably don't spend more than fifteen dollars -twenty at most, on our cat.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:11 No. 337317
If you take the yearly vaccinations' costs and divide them *it by twelve and add it to the other monthly costs And also flea medicine ...
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According to the ASPCA, the yearly cost of having a cat is like $500 a year most years, but like $1000 for the first year.
>>337317 Are you trying to say something with that elliptical or did you just twitch on your keyboard by accident.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:13 No. 337320
>>337319 That there are probably a few other things like that that I can't think of at the moment that are gotten regularly for cats
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>>337313 >>337318 Yeah, 20 seems a bit low.
Because I was strictly talking about the month-to-month cost, as I thought was pretty clear. I also somewhat doubt the necessity of yearly vaccinations, on account of none of my outdoor cats ever contracting diseases. And flea medicine is hardly a commonly recurring cost.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:16 No. 337323
Actually I'm not sure if there are any yearly boosters, but there are distinct every few year ones
why would you vaccinate your cats unless you wanted autistic cats
They're already pretty autistic man. Nothing really to lose.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:18 No. 337327
Anyways depending on where you live you may be legally (lol) obligated to get annual vaccinations for your dog or cat Okay y each, dogs are recommend to get yearly boosters for bordetella
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:21 No. 337328
I know both get rabies booster shots
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You should get your pets their shots.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:24 No. 337331
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:25 No. 337332
That fucking blurry ass png should not be 1.3 mb
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:31 No. 337334
Ah fuck I forgot to call the comic book store
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:32 No. 337335
>>337333 Herro
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>>337330 How do you get a protractor to stick into the floor like that?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:34 No. 337337
>>337336 Very carefully
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:34 No. 337338
>>337336 Wait Where's the protractor?
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>>337336 those are metal protractors and it looks like brute force to me
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>>337336 Do you doubt my power?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:36 No. 337342
>>337339 Those are set squares, not protractors
yeah whatever same thing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:38 No. 337344
Not really, bbut okay *but
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>>337342 They're protractors. Are you insane?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:39 No. 337346
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2017/11/18 (土) 03:39 No. 337347
Did someone say Insane?
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:39 No. 337349
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>>337349 That's a color wheel.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:41 No. 337351
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I need this in my life.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:42 No. 337352
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 564x768, 205e7fdd567ba1a53e773600d6b97a(…).jpg )
And this, but its about four times as much.
2017/11/18 (土) 03:43 No. 337353
>>337351 >>337352 You need more INQUISITION IN YOUR LIFE that is HERECY
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:43 No. 337354
>>337353 >HERECY no John, you are the heresy
2017/11/18 (土) 03:44 No. 337355
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My name can't be heresy YOU ARE THE HERETIC
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:46 No. 337357
>John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were heretics in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Inquisitor Varnus were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a Inquisitorial Pact for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be in the Inquisition daddy." Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY HERETICS" There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base over Kaurava he knew there were heretics. "This is Varnus" the vox crackered. "You must fight the heretics!" So John gotted his flashlight and blew up the wall. "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the renegades "I will shoot at him" said the pysker and he fired the doombolt missiles. John pew pewed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the heretics" he shouted The radio said "No, John. You are the heretics" And then John was a plague zombie.
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>>337358 agreed
I got stuck in a bit of a thought on the way home today. So I still get off at the same bus stop I did pretty much every day when I was in high school. I don't use it as frequently but some -I don't use it AS frequently but I still use it occasionally. And as I'm walking home from it, I still walk the exact same route I did when I was in high school. This isn't just the same streets though, I mean I walk the exact same path I tread for years, crossing to the other side of the street at the exact same point, passing the exact same houses. Which probably isn't weird. But you see, the reason I walked that specific path was because I had a friend in high school, who's house is on the route from the bus stop home to my house. So the reason I would cross streets and such at these specific times, was because it set us up for the most direct route to his house. I have barely walked home with him since graduating high school, but I have never really strayed from the route I walked with him. Now changing would be mostly of no gain or loss to me. I wouldn't save any time of merit adjusting to a more direct path home, and it wouldn't put me at any kind of danger to adjust. But it still caught my brain for the walk home that this route has perpetuated despite there being no reason to continue it.
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>>337359 Do you play FGO?
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>>337361 Yeah, I've been playing it for years, Rika.
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I wake up and I'm already bored
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>>337362 yOU know how I am
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>>337364 Yeah, I know how you are!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 03:58 No. 337366
This was pretty funny
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>337365 Yeah, that's how I am.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:02 No. 337368
>>337363 make something happen
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>>337367 It's one of those things that make you so very Rika!
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>>337368 I've been meaning to but I need some stuff to do for the next like, 12 hours, then
2017/11/18 (土) 04:02 No. 337371
2017/11/18 (土) 04:03 No. 337372
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:03 No. 337373
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I am sensing some kind of heresy here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:03 No. 337374
>>337370 Teach yourself calculus
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:04 No. 337375
>>337370 excuses, excuses
2017/11/18 (土) 04:04 No. 337376
>>337374 you smell of heresy>>337375 you too smell of heresy
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1200x1600, DNzOHOWU8AAXgWZ-orig.jpg )
>>337374 That would be difficult
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:04 No. 337378
>>337377 It might be fun though
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:04 No. 337379
>>337376 it's terrible being labelled a heretic by TN oh no what am i gonna do
2017/11/18 (土) 04:05 No. 337380
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>>337379 Do more prayers to the emperor and not that many to those machines you deal so much with
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I guess I've got some anime on the backburner>>337382 Yeah but this last week I've not seen anything, i think I have 2 eps of everything saved upo
are you watching Kino, SK?
Search [iqdb] (640 KB, 722x1056, DMBVKP1UEAEgqkB-orig.png )
Fuck it, that's a good like 2 hours, I'll figure out what to do with the rest of the time
2017/11/18 (土) 04:07 No. 337384
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But seriously why do you ALL umm how do you "you multiple people polite" in anglish whatevr NOT WATCH HOOZUKI NO REITETSU?
all y'all
2017/11/18 (土) 04:07 No. 337386
>>337385 is not polite that is like insulting towards your intelligence
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>>337386 haha what?
haha no way, plenty of people talk like that that's how normal people talk all over america
2017/11/18 (土) 04:08 No. 337389
plenty of people in any language and now +1 is what i think is fucking idiotic way to talk
hell, that's how i talk
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The most polite way would be "how do you comrades..."
I don't really know if there is any particular way to be polite to several people? Like, specifically
2017/11/18 (土) 04:09 No. 337394
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ya'all i mean it isn't impolite but>>337393 >>337393 >>337393 >>337393 that is what I think when someone says that
2017/11/18 (土) 04:10 No. 337395
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And no I don't think texan accent whatever is an inferior way to talk but outside of well the region is it talked and you have no way to explain why you talk that way it is fucking pathethic y u do that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:10 No. 337396
>>337388 Don't pretend "y'all" is normal across America Its predominantly used in the south And that's it
If you want to address a full group of people on the concept of them doing or not doing something, you could say, "how do all of you" or "how do none of you".
>>337396 all over the west and all over the south >>337399 TN thought y'all wasn't polite and rei thinks only the south says y'all
wait what are you guys talking about
2017/11/18 (土) 04:11 No. 337400
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>>337399 I praised you accidentally
i think tons of people say y'all across america it's of course popular here in texas but i've heard it from all sorts, typically younger people in general
Yeah, or at least they just don't contract it. Like I'll say "you all" but some times if I'm talking fast it'll end up "y'all"
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:11 No. 337403
no TN definitéy knows qhat he's talking about 🤔
anatatachi > y'all
2017/11/18 (土) 04:12 No. 337405
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Olette kaikki ihan vitun perseestä, näin kohteliaasti sanottuna.>>337401 >>337402 >>337403 >>337404
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:12 No. 337407
2017/11/18 (土) 04:12 No. 337408
though summarized it says "fuck the lot of you"
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:12 No. 337409
literally who cares
>>337409 >>337409 >>337409
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:13 No. 337411
On an unrelated note Sam, is your metal thing permanent?
2017/11/18 (土) 04:13 No. 337412
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also Fuck The Lot Of YOU!
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you'll cowards don't even smoke crack
2017/11/18 (土) 04:13 No. 337415
>>337413 DO YOU?
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:13 No. 337416
wow turns out TN is a rude uneducated foreigner let's rush him
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>>337415 it's all i do
>>337417 creative
2017/11/18 (土) 04:14 No. 337420
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>>337418 No jokes aside DO YOU
whether i smoked crack or not i probably wouldn't say i did on /moe/
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:14 No. 337422
>>337411 i can get it removed with another procedure optionally
2017/11/18 (土) 04:14 No. 337423
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>>337421 what I thought pussy
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metal thing? did you fuck up your leg or something?
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I say "you all" or "you guys". "You guys" is a northerner thing.
I thought you guys was universal
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:15 No. 337427
>>337424 broke my wrist jacking off too hard
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:15 No. 337428
>>337426 It may as well be
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>>337425 I say you guys, you all, and y'all
2017/11/18 (土) 04:15 No. 337430
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I will just keep using YOU LOT except when I actuallty feel like beign polite.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:15 No. 337431
I say "you guys" or "you people" But when I say "you people" Someone replies with "what do you mean you pople" Then someone else replies with "what do you mean you people"
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>>337427 well we've all been there hope it gets better dude
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:16 No. 337434
btw does anyone actually use you lot aside from me and cartoon villains?
commonwealth people do sometimes
I've coined the revolutionary new "YOU PEOPLE"/
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:16 No. 337437
there are nine (9) screws holding the titanium plate in place
commonwealth people is an oxymoron
2017/11/18 (土) 04:16 No. 337439
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>>337435 curious
>>337438 dayum
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:17 No. 337441
>>337438 Lol
haha gottem
fucking burned
2017/11/18 (土) 04:17 No. 337444
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>>337440 oh yeah all things considered and aside you are a permanent "you" nto a lot ever
>>337437 oh shit we're titanium brothers i have titanium in my pinky
2017/11/18 (土) 04:18 No. 337446
>>337437 For one broken arm?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:18 No. 337447
>>337446 They're tiny screws
2017/11/18 (土) 04:18 No. 337448
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I just feel like they use screws too much like antibiotics and shit I mean I don't have any base to base that on or shit but that is my "I feel like this" "mutu" "musta tuntuu" as we say in finnish
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:19 No. 337449
>>337445 woah wait is your whole pinky bone a titanium rod now or what
>>337445 >>337437 are you two cyborgs
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>>337449 no lol i just have a little bit holding the base joint together and a couple little screws not like a ton by weight but that's because moving parts and not a lot of weight in the pinky bones to begin with
2017/11/18 (土) 04:19 No. 337453
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>>337451 It will be fun in 2027 when I was proven right
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what, screws will stop working or something, cause we overused them?
2017/11/18 (土) 04:20 No. 337455
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>>337454 No human bodies reacting to said screws
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:20 No. 337456
Bones will develop a resistance to them>>337455 They use titanium for a reason
>>337453 I'm gonna screen cap both those posts and if nothing happens I'm gonna call you retarded in 2027 and laugh at you >>337460 Win win
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 04:20 No. 337458
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do not get used to the screws or you will resent their absence
>>337458 holy shit you're a cyborg
2017/11/18 (土) 04:20 No. 337460
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>>337457 For this one I will be HAPPY to be WRONG
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:21 No. 337462
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But my endless infinite eternal pessimism yeah
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:26 No. 337466
2017/11/18 (土) 04:26 No. 337467
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Chii or Yuu?
Yuu for peace times Chii for survival They're a duo though, they balance each others flaws out
hidden third option: the tank
>>337469 >the Tank Actually What do we call that thing
it has a name, it's a real model they said it in the episode with ishi but i can't remember what it was called it's some german nazi vehicle
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well I'm about to catch up so
2017/11/18 (土) 04:31 No. 337473
¨>>337468 quite heretical here it is
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a sad kfc
2017/11/18 (土) 04:33 No. 337476
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 04:39 No. 337477
Going bed Yasumi
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Alright time for me to go on a journey pls excuse weird posts in the next 12 hours
2017/11/18 (土) 04:43 No. 337480
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2017/11/18 (土) 04:44 No. 337481
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also man I wanna make some noise for some reason
2017/11/18 (土) 04:47 No. 337482
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also also wish dash was here to share my drunk
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Dude it's like 6am why are you already drunk?
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>>337478 are you dropping or something
2017/11/18 (土) 04:48 No. 337486
>>337483 that would be "still"?
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>>337485 Yeah I figured I might as well try to come down BEFORE I go to bed this time
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>>337486 Oh, since yesterday? Damn dude That's a long time
2017/11/18 (土) 04:49 No. 337489
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I started about 12h ago friday not that long if you ask me it was just 1,5l of booze and it is all gone noew
2017/11/18 (土) 04:49 No. 337490
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And that was it no more this year
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What, you're taking the rest of the year off from booze? Not even for christmas and new years?
2017/11/18 (土) 04:50 No. 337492
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Yeah not gonna buy any
2017/11/18 (土) 04:50 No. 337493
>>337491 lel I have never been drunk on NY and only // never been drunk on christmas and only once on NY
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>>337493 What the FUCK
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Kino doesn't seem to be retreading much ground I don't remember the ocean country or this 5th episode>>337496 Kino a good show
2017/11/18 (土) 04:51 No. 337496
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You still watch the shit new show?
2017/11/18 (土) 04:52 No. 337498
>>337495 the new shot is crap and that colosseum episode prove it
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Episode 1 more than justifies its existence
the only thing this proves is that you have no taste the new kino is amazing
2017/11/18 (土) 04:52 No. 337501
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>>337500 So my taste is shit because I like the superior previous incarnation of the said show you make a lot of sense
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The original can be better without this one being shit TN They're both good The original is just better But I've SEEN the original already And this is new
you didn't say "i prefer the original show" you said "the new show is shit" one of those is fine, the other is completely wrong
2017/11/18 (土) 04:53 No. 337504
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The ep 2 anyhow is proof enough
haha ok man whatever you say
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I'm not gonna force you to watch it or anything, but you're missing out
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that poor dirtbike
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Apparently the reason acid lasts so long is the receptor it uses in the brain like, locks it in, instead of it just being there in something else's stead The brain is weird, dude
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it blocks reuptake so the neurotransmitters stay there and you get flooded ritalin blocks reuptake as well, just of a different neurotransmitter
I wonder if ritalin would make the trip horrible I ain't about to try, fuck that It seems like it'd be shit
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:00 No. 337511
good vibes on your trip go look at a tree
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>>337511 It's gonna be good man, I've got a timer and stuff too and I wrote a note to myself that I have nothing that I need to do So I should be easy to calm if I start getting anxious like "oh fuck is there a thing I gotta do?"
>>337510 yeah don't do that using a stim while you're tripping will fuck you up real bad
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:05 No. 337514
clear your mind and go higher clear your mind and go higher ommmm
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I've got sobril left too, just in case it goes bad or I need it to end sooner
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The waiting time is always awkward Can't consume snacks or anything
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:08 No. 337517
snacks are for hosers
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I like snacks But I can't get anyone for today, so anything, even I have some food, but that's about it And some marsipan I don't trust myself to make food though
i, too, enjoy snacks
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:10 No. 337520
i eat fruit on trips, that's pretty much it
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FUCK now I want an apple But the shops aren't opena nd won't be until this hits
I want a granny smith But I already ate them all
I can't stop laughing at this
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>>337523 Should I be glad I know that song from GTA:SA?
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:13 No. 337526
>>337524 ay bb
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the OP is so pretty
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Kino no Tabi This episode is uncomfortable
which episode
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episode 6 this one
is that the latest one?
oh that one yeah
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This may have become the best episode, unexpectedly?
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It's a good one.
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This season of kino has been good.
Would you call it kino?
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I dunno why they redid the colleseum though, since every other episode is a new thing
does anyone wanna watch me play ghost recon wildlands? no? alright
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>>337539 you streaming? I'll watch, sure
oh i'll have to set up my OBS real quick one sec
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I'll likely get distracted eventually, though, just a heads up So don't stream if it's like a lot of hassle or something
>>337465 did she break my freakin phone
my friend's are asking me to join in on R6 Siege ranked too so i'll probably be doing that soon i will eventually set up OBS to stream for a few friends though
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no worried I've got anime and stuff anyway
>>>/watch?v=Qfgeznlm6jU Blue where art thou.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 05:54 No. 337547
O Blu-ther, where art thou?
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I'm so hyped
>>337548 for what
Who knows? I'm hyped though
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I had basically forgotten cars exist in the world of Kino no Tabi
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>>337550 yeah I can't wait for SMTV it's gonna be great>>337551 And yet you see a motorbike every episode Of course they have four wheeled motorbikes >>337553 Cars are just motorbikes with different shape and double the wheels
Motorbikes are one thing Cars are another
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Are anime friends around?
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>>337554 dude this cat is going so fast holy shit man those speed blurs >>337559 You through your windows >>337560 I can try cyber stalking you does that count
I'm here I guess
Oh I have to catch up on that anime
what all are we watching tonight?
>>337556 i wish someone cared about me enough to watch me
>>337555 Yes hello.>>337559 Kino, Net-juu, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko, Yuuki Yuuna. Did stuff get watched last night?
>>337556 alright then do it faggot you won't
ah fuck
>>337562 alright I'll try
yucky tuna is 100% recap
>recap episodes in 2017
>>337565 Ah RIP. Guess it makes sense though.
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>>337566 >the recap episodes also contain crucial plot information and twists
>>337567 yeah it's just a recap of S1 with no new footage togo says some stuff about how Taisha fucked her over and stuff but that's it
>>337568 >the recap episodes contain spicy fanservice that wasn't there before
I wonder if that means the new season is going to run thirteen episodes instead of twelve. Doing a six-one-six. Because it would be a little bothersome to go five episodes on the second half when they did six on the first.
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>>337570 >the recap episodes subtly change things that later plays into the shows time travel twist
>the recap episodes contain an alternate timeline that later episodes reference
the recreators recap episode was pretty cool
I never got to finish that one. We got half in and Ika went "Squid haets recap" and made us stop. Rika said she'd do it at some point with me but getting Rika to go along on an anime she puts off one time is a rare feat to accomplish.
>>337561 no
wow it was a damn good recap
it was like 80% humor too
anime >>337580 →
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Bang, are you watching anime?
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>>337579 You don't like holding the button to aim?
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>>337590 life
>tfw your light is going on the outside but you don't work
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>>337592 that's awful, too
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tfw your lights are on and you're also working
>>337593 I dunno man sometimes I don't wanna work
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we must end work
so how is everyone tonight
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I'm as one could expect System flushed at this point, very excited
>>337601 I had one beer and now I'm going to play video games>>337603 Jazz hands>>337596 Look at this got crawling on the ground grasping at shekels
I'm alive, I guess.
>>337610 Congrats
im feeling ferocious
Feeling genki?
>>337615 Fight me
i dont want to fight and im not really genki just ferocious
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>337601 sleepy gonna sleep all day tomorrow
>>337619 i am also feeling sleepy since a cat kept me up last night
I'm not really sleepy since I slept until like 16:30 today. But I'm tired.
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 850x1050, alice1.jpg )
>>337622 that's funny though
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 703x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>337636 Yeah, you would say that.>>337625 How was work?
Haven't worked since Wednesday. But it was exhausting as usual.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:45 No. 337644
the aliens are in control eat a lemon
I don't have a lemon.
please don't eat lemon
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:47 No. 337649
eat five lemons the sensations will help you
I don't have a single lemon, let alone five.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 507x687, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>337639 wELL, IT IS KINDAfunny oh hello caps button
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:48 No. 337653
a lemon beer is also acceptable
I don't have a lemon beer either.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:48 No. 337655
these posts aRE OUT OF CONTROL
cause I feeeeeel I can always show my lemons to you
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:49 No. 337664
it's getting hot in here so hot
so take off all those coals
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:50 No. 337666
(I am getting so thot)
Cool your jets.
when you're a jet you're a jet all the way
I guess it's a good thing I'm not a jet then.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:51 No. 337674
cool your japanese JETs
stay coolie cool boy
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:53 No. 337680
cowlick shine dance in the moonlight
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:55 No. 337682
Asshole Doctor Claims Head Transplant Performed Why Do We Report This Filth
wasn't it a transplant of a dead head
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 06:57 No. 337684
that would be pretty sweet if i could just keep transplanting onto fresh bodies wear a daft punk helmet 24/7
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 07:05 No. 337688
Does that really solve the problem.
>>337688 This is ideal for the average American
I guess by the vaguest concept of the term, that constitutes "decorating".
>>337691 Looks more Halloween tbh
I mean they never said it was Thanksgiving decorations for the Thanksgiving table.
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Kanojo (…).jpg )
my shoulders and neck are tense.
>>337697 Be careful It's a sixth sense
>>337697 very very hot shower
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 07:25 No. 337707
there is no substitute for a masseuse
What about a mooseuse.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 07:26 No. 337709
you're blowing my mind dude
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 907x1280, e4b242911f0ed3f5f8df34dbee42a409.jpg )
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 07:34 No. 337720
damn its too cold to chill on the roof
Winter time is suffering.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 07:35 No. 337723
oh wait the fire pit is open daaaymn
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 689x716, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
okay bang we're doing netjuu now.
>riajuu >rikajuu Confirmed normie
Search [iqdb] (801 KB, 1600x1414, 1510712803052.png )
The protagonist in netjuu really did became a normie. It's a shame!
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 08:13 No. 337772
there is an epidemic of gold diggin whores
Well you are in Gold Rush territory.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1144x1108, the fuck.png )
samu do you believe in normies
>>337749 Don't listen to Abes propaganda Never marry or reproduce
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 918x715, 1368574753609.jpg )
normies are what you call people who aren't as far down the "video games and anime and reeeeee" spectrum as you are as long as you're more mentally dysfunctional and bent on escapism than the person you're calling a normie, it's allowed
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are serial killers normies if they don't like video games or anime?
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>>337799 Serial killers definitely aren't normies. They're just not normies in a different way.
>>337796 Man in that case I have probably the strongest case to call someone it than anyone else. No one can beat me in sheer desire and addiction for escapism.
the most important part of not being a normie is using the DSM-5 to try and figure out why you can't talk to strangers without choking on your words like a faggot instead of maybe just sacking up and doing it
the other most important part of being a normie is making sure that you're convinced anyone with a social life is a bad person
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I can talk to strangers just fine and I'm not a normie.
no rika, you are in fact a normie
tell me your list of mental problems i'm gonna need 3 solid hitters
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 427x639, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Being a normie isn't about being not messed up. It's about not being a NPC!
>>337810 that's creating this giant assumption that there are people out there that lack sentience and individual will do you think that maybe if someone listens to pop radio and watches MTV it might have more to do with the environment they were raised in than some sort of i'm-not-a-player-character-ness they just intrinsically have
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Yeah, normies are the NPCs.
you're already racist though so it's probably not hard for you to compartmentalize and discard the notion that other people are people too
normies don't real it's just a simple perception that makes it easier to discount the habits of people who don't fit into your super unique homebound lifestyle
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I'm not racist! And normies are weird.
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i don't want to go to bed
I don't want to be out of bed. It's too cold in this room.
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my life was going so well i was so happy now i'm broke as fuck, i can't drive anymore, i don't have as much income, and i have to start looking into moving out in june how did everything get so broken
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Things will probably work out in the end!
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is there aactually an end?
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Everyone gets their happily ever after.
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my happily ever after is going to most likely be dying poor and alone at this rate as with a few brief exceptions i have only ever been poor and alone if a judge doesn't grant me an occupational i really don't know what i'm going to do that's when it gets to like "maybe i should do something illegal" territory
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goodnight /moe/ just remember all of us have shitty lives _together_ well except for those of us who don't
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
I hope that's what happens! You're good at keeping going though. I'm going to get some sleep as well I think, if my stomach ache will allow me.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 09:23 No. 337826
>>337785 no that's tribalist bs everyone is weird some people are just better at hiding it
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 09:25 No. 337827
>>337819 oh noooo shit dude was that all due to being pulled over>>337822 :thinking:>>337824 good night and good luck
>>337828 >Google Gnome is a real product Wtf
Wasn't it an April Fools joke by Google?
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 480x351, 1510477295843.gif )
>>337830 >upload date >31st of March Who's the idiot now Maria? Protip: it's you
>"Hehe, but after seeingyou I get it. Capitalism's fun!"
2017/11/18 (土) 13:23 No. 337833
>>337829 that isn't google gnome that is GOOGLE BLYAT
Google seize the means of production please
Google where's the nearest bread line?
2017/11/18 (土) 13:28 No. 337836
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>>337840 that's p dank
2017/11/18 (土) 13:33 No. 337842
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 467x700, 7997d5f1a7da0ffca8df6105f07c6ce7.png )
best solution is alcohol
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>>337842 Yes molotovs are quite a good solution>>337844 Wow I'm retarded I mistook petrol for booze
2017/11/18 (土) 13:34 No. 337844
those aren't actually alcohol, though
2017/11/18 (土) 13:35 No. 337845
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 800x1000, 44823083.jpg )
>>337843 well they were mostly booze bottles when first used with that name russians even bombed a few booze factories, since the bottle came from there, thinking it was some super military factory
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 208x207, an owie to one is an owie to all.png )
can probably do it with alcohol too, just not the regular 40% shit
2017/11/18 (土) 13:36 No. 337847
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1060x1500, 45192721.png )
alcohol needs to be 60% or higher to burn
>>337845 >thinking it was some super military factory Kek, that's good
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Bow before King and god
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she looks cute af
sup vivi>>337850 too bad healers are NO GOOD
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well spotted m8 I'm doing fine, enjoying my weekend hbu?
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 907x1280, 6fb2ff9505610f84e330ff30d9f525ef.jpg )
I'm doing good Just hanging out this morning Grindblueing and stuff
>>337852 I remember healers being good in regular not mobile Fe
>>337855 yeah but mobile you can make attackers into pseudohealers and stuff
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yo vivi check out these cute girls before i go get breakfast
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1367x1933, 39030262.jpg )
cute except maybe a bit generic
They are pretty cute! Goggles are pretty cute in all circumstances
>>337858 you calling nio generic should be a crime! there are BIG TITTY ones if that would interest you, gosh!
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 700x595, 39622065.png )
>>337859 I bet even you would look cute with goggles>>337860 sure post em bruv
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i dont have her but here have the biggest tiddies of them all
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they're not even bigger than her head 5/10
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I was going to do things today but I'm too lazy. I wish I was a motivated person!
>>337863 they are in her first art
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>>337864 don't we all>>337865 got it on hand?
>>337864 You're doing something Nothing
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>nothing I think you are beyond baka.
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 605x759, 41310882_big_p7.jpg )
such is life of the imageboard poster
2017/11/18 (土) 14:03 No. 337870
>>337864 looks so homely
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 682x681, 1505656738576.jpg )
>>337868 How can I be wrong If you aren't doing things you are doing no things Which is not a something, fuck>>337869 Surprised I'm even literate enough to post
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>>337870 I used to watch it all the time but the webcame over Aizu-Wakamatsu is dead now.
2017/11/18 (土) 14:05 No. 337873
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>>337871 I mean even an 8 year old can post online don't give yourself too much credit
2017/11/18 (土) 14:06 No. 337875
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 960x800, IMG_2555.PNG )
>>337875 this is dank
>>337873 this is dank too>>337876 nice
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 900x668, 1511009165404.jpg )
>>337874 My posting is way above the intellectual capacity of an 8 year old though At least in the double digits>>337880 This is good
2017/11/18 (土) 14:11 No. 337880
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>>337879 true, "intellectual" and "capacity" are difficult words
>>337880 lmao
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stonking great tits
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Yes, I'm here. Good morning
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good morning what's a good reason to not jump in front of a train?
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 615x870, DOwR1heVQAAsib9.jpg )
I'm going to be working on them soon and I do not want to be part of the cleanup crew. So no jumping in front of trains until I quit.
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can I do it in a different state or country
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1369x976, BeLL - 舞い散る花と無垢なるだいろく (65943624) .jpg )
no. You'll ruin the local economy.
Search [iqdb] (593 KB, 857x1000, 50816322_p0.jpg )
what if that's my goal?
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 1880x2659, ななかぐら - これでおあいこですよ、先輩 (65933730) .jpg )
Find a better method.
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got anything in mind?
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Dude I thought Zizek was like, a joke or something, but the man's a legend I'm just watching talks of his and loving it
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Do you play "TRAIN TRAIN I LOVE MAI STAYSHUN" while cleaning them blue?
>>337891 ah yes this is a good image
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 2620x3634, 榊葉ミソギ - デキるカノジョみ強い神風 (65945749) .png )
>>337897 no, only when they crash>>337898 good morning ton
>>337899 morning pal
>>337899 Wow. That is such a sinister twist on such a lovable song. wow
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 976x1538, DOzzx1hVQAAroPl.png )
>>337901 Years of resentment built up from the best station being cut off. Now only exists as the siren song of a train's graveyard.
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I dont really get it but thats some heavy stuff there blue
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>>337903 Deep r/a/dio lore
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1448x2047, DOv2mM7V4AEs8a7.jpg )
don't expand that kannagi
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 1349x1827, DLDtVq5VAAA7n4F.jpg )
>>337906 I can explain We can talk about this
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>>337908 You leave me no choice...
2017/11/18 (土) 15:19 No. 337910
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2017/11/18 (土) 15:25 No. 337911
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2017/11/18 (土) 15:28 No. 337912
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m36s, 2.6 MB, 320x262, 1507330199560.webm )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 16:01 No. 337913
Truly I am Ohio Three hours earlier than I should, since I'm going to be out until like 5am I didn't want to wake up this early.
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 403x302, 3973890257d5f9e61c65079aa30759(…).jpg )
i can pretty much sleep on command though i'm not sure how exactly i make it happen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 16:06 No. 337915
>>337914 Run aprpos sleep in your shell and then just go through the list *apropos Ah, but do apropos sleep | less If the results go off screen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 16:08 No. 337916
I had an eclaire for breajfast *breakfast It was really good, but not nearly as filling as I expected Luckily I have a second one to eat later.
too sweet for me i like savory breakfasts sugar makes my blood hurt
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 16:16 No. 337918
Whoah You're blood has nerves? That sounds like it could be a super power or something.
2017/11/18 (土) 16:19 No. 337919
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 16:19 No. 337920
>>337919 OH NO
>>337917 what is savory?
>>337922 eggs, mushrooms, biscuits and gravy, sausage
>>337923 thanks
>>337924 no problem
>>337904 this is a good image
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan (…).jpg )
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This has been an interesting like... day
how was your trip
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1050x700, DOIMzaKVQAEr1g6-orig.jpg )
It was pretty good I spent most of it just watching youtubes Been watching hours of Zizek
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>>337927 >>337928
kill her>>337930 haha wow
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1200x1600, DNzOHOWU8AAXgWZ-orig.jpg )
Zizek is interesting, dude I kinda feel like there are things I understand better from watching all this shit, even if I can't point at what exactly it is
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check out these cuties
where are they
2017/11/18 (土) 18:12 No. 337936
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 1920x1080, 20171118201156_1.jpg )
Delish soup...
>>337935 wow
>>337937 gotcha
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 656x1000, 88___a_f_t_e_r___f_o_r_e_v_e_r(…).jpg )
>>337933 slavoj zizek? one of my writing teachers really liked my papers and wrote on one of them that i should look into zizek and someone else because it seems like my ideas stem out from some of those foundations
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1000x1000, DNzP8F1UMAUivzy-orig.jpg )
Yeah, I think he's got a lot of really good takes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 18:30 No. 337941
I think I read some of his stuff in highschool.>>337938 Has the siege ended?
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/18 (土) 18:48 No. 337942
>>337933 oh god i hope you can crystallize something specific
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
take a look its in a book a reeing rainbow
>>337941 they came again around 6am and woke me up but they're not there now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 18:54 No. 337945
>>337944 Cool
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 535x516, C_jQmhIUwAIP_nO-orig.jpg )
>>337942 That'd be neat, but I think it's more of a uh I think the best way to say it would be I understand my own position better
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 18:57 No. 337947
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 498x695, 196 - Modern Pirate Ship.jpg )
one of the villains in punisher has a hidden blade like some assassins creed shit lol
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one of the villains is a crazy pro-second amendment dude though
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Fortnite is a lotta fun I keep getting silent teammates though
>>337950 Fortnite is out?
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 800x800, DO0oYgaV4AAs2XA.jpg )
It has been for a while dude It's f2p PUBG but casual
I thought it was 2018 for some reason So it's fun?
oh, only the PvP is out i was interested in the PvE
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 1063x1307, DO24QPYVoAAR3W6.jpg )
I should finish Hob. Although, I don't really have much of an idea of how close I am.
love to watch punisher beat the shit out of cops and steal their cars
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 800x1107, DOlA_BEXcAEEBVj.jpg )
Placed, ON MY OWN, solo from the drop because my whole team died, number 2 at game end Without firing more than 2 shots The other 4 left were all the same team
Search [iqdb] (250 KB, 2048x1536, DNx7hybUEAE2JUm-orig.jpg )
>>337957 Is there really anything more perverse in current day life than cops idolizing the fucking punisher?
usually punisher never touches cops, sometimes cop admins and stuff, etc like CIA bosses but in this one he killed a dirty cop and he beats the shit out of a bunch of cops
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 768x768, DM_WYxWVwAABZRP-orig.jpg )
>>337960 Haha what the hell
the cops were trying to arrest him so he beat the shit out of one with a rock and stole his car
he's fucking up whoever he has to but only killing the really bad guys
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1000x1000, DMq5fAaVAAA_m1l-orig.jpg )
>>337955 Both are out, I think, the PvE just isn't free I haven't tried it, and won't probably, but I think it's out I like the PvP a lot though
gonna check the punisher out, looks cool
it has some good portrayals of combat PTSD in it
>>337964 oh, i see
I'm bored.
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Kiyohime moe
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How are you feeling, Kannagi?
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Still coughing a lot. Feeling really bored. I did nothing today, I am too lazy. How are you?
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>I did nothing today you too eh
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 349x667, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
fucking vermin supreme>>337972 I'm so lazy today! For the first time in years, I woke up after noon.
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who is that person? Some big alt-left person?
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so i'm at the point where i'll need to buy another renoise license if i want to continue renoise do any of you have a preferred audio playground/mixing software that you'd recommend i've always like renoise and i thought maybe there's new and better out there now but there's so many and it rattles my brain to try to look at all of them just wanna get some inputs before committing to it
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1000x1000, DONOsv-UMAA9kAY-orig.jpg )
>>337974 Vermin is real cool His whole persona is just an outright rejection of the system as is
>>337975>Supreme is known for wearing a boot as a hat and carrying a large toothbrush,[5] and has said that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth.[2][6][7][8] He has campaigned on a platform of zombie apocalypse awareness and time travel research,[9] and promised a free pony for every American.[10]
>>337974 >woke up in the afternoon Wow I miss those days where I woke up anytime. I kind of want to be lazy but also feel stress from being lazy since I want to be productive.
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 400x400, 1330817709699.jpg )
>>337978 what
and they say the left can't meme
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 630x500, C-1CMr4UIAARvYF-orig.jpg )
Take a shot every time Zizek goes "and so on"
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>>337979 I haven't done it in years. I'm not a fan. I probably won't do it again.
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i'm doing a 4/6/4/6/4 rotating schedule lately so i will be waking up in the afternoon tomorrow
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>>337984 I die if I sleep too long, I wake up really shitty if I sleep too long.>>337983 how about a shot everytime he tugs his shirt
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man punisher literally cannot stop getting shot this guy takes like 7 bullets every episode >>337986 same
2017/11/18 (土) 20:22 No. 337988
how is he alive?
well he almost died once but it's because he got a really bad infection lol
i think he's probably wearing something that stops the bullets sometimes because he doesn't usually seem to be bleeding although he does occasionally but it's never been like, "yeah, he's wearing a vest"
>>337991 yeah this was great
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One of the things Marvel shows are generally good at is having a bunch of plotlines that converge towards the end of the show really well. But they all do it the same way, so it gets a little boring.>>337994 Yaho, Rika-chan.
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>>337992 Sounds amusing as heck.>>337994 Bonjour ojou-sama
hi rika
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How are we all doing today? I feel pretty good.
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Why are you feeling so good? I'm feeling okay.
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I feel good because today is my first day off since November 4th.
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I wanna see Zizek in some talk without any time limit Just hours and hours of him ranting would be fucking excellent, man
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Just checked this email again And it seems that my "start" date has been pushed. Class begins in December now. How frustrating.
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>>337999 Oh, nice. I'm having a lazy day, too.
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Next week will be a good week too. I get half a day wednesday, and then thursday and friday. I may just take all of wednesday if I can manage it.
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I'll have a good week as long as I can get out of family Thanksgiving.
I think we're downsizing this thanksgiving No hectic cleaning has been happening so it'll either be few people or we're going somewhere
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My two least favorite people that I see with any regularity will be at my family's thanksgiving. My aunt's boyfriend's incestuous, disgusting children.
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Double Garden space soon
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I'll just be doing thanksgiving with my mom and aunt, like every year.
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Must be nice to have a family you can have a nice Thanksgiving with.
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Having food for days is the part that I like the most but if we aren't having a lot of guests that won't happen. So it'll just be a week of moderately consistent cleaning.
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You should all invite me to thanksgiving. I will thank you all for delicious food.
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>>338011 Bless this Kannagi meal. amen
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>>338011 Do you want to come to mine and meet my terrible family? You'll get to experience the raw, sickening sexual tension between my aunt's boyfriend's son and daughter. You'll get to experience my mom screaming at walls. You'll get to experience my aunt farting and burping and laughing. You'll get to experience me, sitting there, looking incredibly angry.
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>>338014 >just like an anime >just like an american comedy >just like on /moe/
>>338014 Thats some fucked up thanksgiving there! But it will be okay, You, Fish and Me can escape through the windows and run off into the night with hot turkey in our arms.>>338018 >amusing I am not sure if I want to watch oreimo american edition
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I mean it does sound pretty amusing from an outsider's perspective.
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It probably won't be that entertaining to watch. Just to hear. I'd invite you over but I can't do that without stomaching a year of>so what happened with that girl you brought for thanksgiving >how is she doing >where is she from again >are you going to go visit >is she going to come visit >what's her facebook >does she go to church >where do you even find these girls
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>>338017 Yes, we'll escape and have fun without those disgusting numbed skulls.>>338019 >where is she from again? >the internet, mom >>338018 Do you want to come watch?
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>>338019 >Does she go to church I am kami of weeaboo.>>338020 We will escape to the sea and shout UMI DA.>>338022 That Rika's fetish I guess!
maybe i'll secretly record thanksgiving dinner
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>>338021 >Well, you just tell Cammy that she's welcome to show up anytime. >Where is weeaboo? Is that a city?
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>>338020 Yeah. kinda.
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>>338024 Then allow me to extend an invitation! >>338021 Wow, I'm not going to umi da!
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>>338025 Dammit, I was so going to get you caught up in the flow of conversation. and umi da
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>me running all the way to Florida for the umi da
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>I'm worried about being embarrassing at the beach when half of the population is with their family, the other 2/3rds are camping Best Buy, and the last fifth are still Floridians and probably have no room to talk about being embarrassing
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>Kirara, who are you going to the beach with? it's thanksgiving >MY REAL FAMILY, MOM
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>>338025 I'd come watch if I didn't have plans and wasn't so far away!
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>>338030 Maybe I'll hook up a wire and record it so you can listen to the highlights later.>>338028 1/2+2/3+1/5
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>>338031 Quick maths
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>>338032 >>338032 >>338032 >>338032 I didn't even get to finish loading my image
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>>338031 Yeah, a recording would be super.
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You want a recording of his distant relatives incestous flirting and his mom screaming? You have some unusual tastes
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>>338032 >>338033 omg>>338034 Well, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll pull out the highlights for you since I'm so kind and generous and want you to have fun.
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I gotta figure out more income sources before I even get this job.
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>>338036 I do love fun.>>338037 owo what's this?>>338035 It sounds fun to listen to!
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>>338039 Yeah, I know you do!
ive been groggy all day
french president macron's "send nudes" tweet is still up what's even happening
>>338042 is that really the account wow nice
>>338043 yeah
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This is such a great photo
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>The labor contracts also gave members lifetime spousal health benefits and free rides on the Metro-North and the Long Island Rail Road. (They already were allowed to ride the subway for free.) I love my union already.
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Are you gonna be a good hardworkin union man?
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>>338046 >free train rieds Very very nice
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lol punisher decapitated someone and is just throwing the head at people
oh he turned the head into a bomb
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>>338046 Oh, are things progressing with your employment?
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Yeah but that is unrelated to what I'm reading right now. I'm looking at an article on why the MTA is so shit. Bad politics, bad funding, all kinds of things. Now they're talking about how the union wins like every time.
>Subway workers now make an average of $170,000 annually in salary, overtime and benefits,
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>Mr. Samuelsen rejected the idea that subway workers were overpaid, arguing that it is a dangerous job in which assault is common. “We earn every penny that we make,” he said. “This is New York City. This isn’t Mayberry. It costs $700,000 to buy a house in Brooklyn. What do you want us to make? Fifteen dollars an hour?” There is a lot said in between these words.
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A lot of good stuff is said there.
maybe i should drop out and get a job with the MTA
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No, what you do is you sign up for the exam, graduate, get a job, move up, and then wave your Masters/Doctorate degree in understanding people as a reason why you should be Superintendent. Then you get the $130k
You'll be a graduate long before they are ready to process you in anyway
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i'll become superintendent and then i'll nepotism your ass
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I'm sure I'll be fine. Supervisor sounds like the spot to stop for me. You get to lead a GANG. TRAIN GANGS
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i took a good nap
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workin on the train gang you're gonna be a train gang star
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There's lots of things problematic in what they're mentioning but the unions really ain't it. lol>We took $5mil from the MTA's budget, from the money that they made, and put it into our state-owned ski mountains because they weren't making revenue >People weren't showing up because winters were warm and no one thinks of going skiing during warm winters Global warming is ruining our trains.
2017/11/18 (土) 22:02 No. 338066
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We wuz gangs
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>not being in a GANG Not even in the good part of Europe, guy.
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Gaming zen is having a Zizek voice in your head narrating what you're doing
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>>338069 At this point, bugs are a feature
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>>338071 It's hilarious that Skyrim has been out for like 20 years now and it's still like this.
what what what what
>>338073 HAHA BASED
>>338071 who doesn't want a flying horse
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You'll get messed up by arrows if you have a flying horse.
>>338076 Not if you pay for horse armour
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>>338074 I can not believe. I can't.
2017/11/18 (土) 22:33 No. 338079
>>338072 bethesda never fixes their shit
2017/11/18 (土) 22:33 No. 338080
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Though still lot better than paradox, that makes you bUY the fixes
punisher just tore someone's throat out with his teeth
2017/11/18 (土) 22:38 No. 338082
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I wonder how hard that is to do
probably somewhat difficult
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2017/11/18 (土) 23:07 No. 338085
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2017/11/18 (土) 23:21 No. 338087
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maybe punisher enjoys getting shot
2017/11/18 (土) 23:23 No. 338089
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maybe he is actually self-punisher
this one dude's assassins creed hidden blade is some shit lol
my name is nephenee and im here to say im gonna slay your ass in a major way
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slay, queen.
>Two Mississippi families - one black, one white - confront the brutal realities of prejudice, farming and friendship in a divided World War II era. netflix are you for fucking real and it's called mudbound?
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oh boy if only they could go right after slavery ended, they could have went for the full alliteration of farming, friendship, and freedom
but alas
it's a movie i guess 2 hours 15 minutes
2017/11/18 (土) 23:52 No. 338097
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But a movie for who?
2017/11/19 (日) 00:02 No. 338098
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the new kekkai sensen was so good as you'd expect
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>>338095 this ~30 year old well-off white lady in my cohort is asking people what deadass means lol
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"most definitely"
the (only) black person in my cohort explained it to her and she's like "so can i say, 'i'm being a dead ass about doing my homework... dead ass tho" and i'm fucking dying
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I hate words so much
2017/11/19 (日) 00:21 No. 338104
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Communicate with just STARES
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That is kind of a strange way to say it.
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heard a rumor you was talkin shit
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It's not strange, just improper
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>>338107 Who do you think?
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>>338109 I dunno!
Delicious Chili Night
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>>338110 So was it you?
what if we gave roy zanbato
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>>338112 I don't think so, I'm not the kind of person who talks shit!
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>>338115 Are you sure? Because I heard from a reputable source that you was talking shit.
what if your source is the real shit talker
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>>338116 Maybe the information you've recieved is heavily editorialized!
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hiii moe what a sleep day it's been overcast and spirnkly and cold and rainy all day here! i just wanted to sleep all day
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>>338119 I don't think so.
>>338120 Grey weather is good weather
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She must just be mistaken! I'd never talk shit.>>338120 I slept a good bit today too.
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i had some work i shoulda done today but last night i was too distressed by the thing so i took an extra anxiety med and i've felt real groggy all day i guess it's worth it in the longer run
>>338120 Yeah that's how it was here all day too. The sun rose this morning and the sky was pretty much a blanket of white. I almost thought we were going to get snow, but I guess it was warm enough to just be rain. Though in my case I did end up sleeping all through the daylight today, hah hah.
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it's one of those days where you smell the rain and feel the atmosphere and it shuts you out where you just want to fragment your consciousness into an array of n-dimensional simplicial complices and think about/resolve emergence patterns in natural logarithms amirite
I slept at like 3:30am I'm not sure if I heard my gran coming around or if I just dreamt it
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>>338123 That's not what I heard!
>>338126 It's one of those days where you smell the rain and feel the atmosphere and it shuts you out where you just want to bury yourself under covers and play games and read books until life finally stops knocking at the door asking when you're going to get dressed and come out.
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>>338128 Then a mistake was made somewhere!
>>338129 that tfw when you want to bury you are own self in you are own casket but you're parents will not let you
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>>338130 yeah. you made a mistake somewhere.
>>338131 Oh I don't know that one yet.
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>>338132 hmm, that doesnt' seem right!
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>>338134 That's just how it is! I heard you said I was a normie.
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What a rude thing to say about someone
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>>338135 I definitely didn't say that!
you're both normies
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>>338137 Is that so? Should I believe you over my source?>>338138 Liar!
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>>338139 Maybe you should seek clarification!
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>>338140 I did!
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Good, I'm glad we were able to get that cleared up.
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Yeah, now it's clear that you called me "kind of" a normie!
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I don't think I said that!
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But my source says you did. Why not just be up front about it?
as long as you never admit to it it never happened
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>>338145 I said you weren't weird!
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>>338147 Are you calling my source a liar?
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I think she's just confused!
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What a terrible thing to say.
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I would never say something terrible!
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I want to believe you, but my source said you did.
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I think she's just confused.
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I wonder.
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Oh yeah sue me Kannagya
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>>338157 oh no
My dog pooped on the stairs while I was gone, which I figured would happen because no one else is home until after Thanksgiving What I didn't expect was for my dog to be terrified by my mere presence from guilt over it He won't even go up or down the stairs now because of his dogshame
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I went to get food.>>338161 My roommates dog did that when we were in school. He had really runny diarrhea one day and when we came in he was pooping on the carpet. Oh actually that dog was a she now that I think about it. Anyway she was still pooping when we came in so we tried to catch her but she just ran around the living room pooping. Then she ran out the door my roommate left open and we had to chase her around the apartment complex, with her pooping the whole way. That was a real mess.
that sounds awfulf
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The worst part was just chasing down the dog with my roommate freaking out and crying because she was outside and running away. The poop wasn't really that bad to clean up since it was mostly water.
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our new puppy is not well-behaved he's already a few months old and basically full-size but he still bites a lot and he thinks that when i bop him on the head that it's just playing with him i don't know how to punish him anymore
My hard drive's ability to read stuff from disk gets really, really slow after my computer has been on for a long period of time. As far as I know the only way to get it back up to speed is to restart.
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>>338165 Might be time to look into getting more serious about training him. You don't want a badly behaved large dog.>>338166 Might be time for a new one!
might be time for a new dog
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>>338167 This problem has persisted from fairly early-on when I put my PC together, so I've always been self-conscious that I might've bungled something with fitting the parts in. And either way I don't quite have the disposable income to fix the problem that way at the moment, especially when the band-aid solution isn't too time consuming.
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>listening to music >think the rain is part of the music >it's actually heavy rain outside >>338170 Just be careful! Don't play chicken with hard drive failure.
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>>338171 the weather's been weird here today ive felt like ive been in a dream all day
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i had a client tell me i sounded "really tired" today i felt really tired maybe i'm not cut out for this stuff
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I was told I was tired thursday. Sometimes people are just tired!
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they sounded like they were saying "i dont think you can do this" like i was exhausted and overworked i think i am i believe them sometimes i get the burst of energy and do much then i crash and i'm useless forever
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thanksgiving week is a huge bummer too i have to spend time with people who don't want to spend time with me why?? i'm feeling really done with all this nonsense i wanna go far away and be a fashion designer
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I'm looking forward to the time off.
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Can I have some of your time off?
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>>>/watch?v=gFNBjrNn9Sg here's a really good mix for anyone wanting a really good mix said the sky is a special kind of special be gentle to it
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>>338178 You may want to check with someone else. Today is my first day off since November 4th.
>>338180 It surprsises me that it's even november already
>>338181 I'm surprised I heaven's seen Xmas decorations yet
I've seen some stuff in the malls. All the stores are starting to sell their Christmas stuff and use their Christmas advertisments too.
>>338183 I've seen one dedicated Christmas shop and one combini selling advent calendars
yeah i've seen some shit
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I've seen some around, yeah. I drove by a house with lights out already.
it's lights out huh
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No, it had Christmas lights on it.
It's lights out for Christmas
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it's lights out for you buster
>>338190 Good luck hitting me in the dark
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would you do free consultative work for a prospective big client /moe/
Depends on how confident I am that I can get the client. Assuming by prospective you mean a client that would be paying you for later work.
i wouldn't work for free
/moe/ its so much easier to get girls when your a druggie
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 1000x1000, anzu1.jpg )
>working for free
>>338196 Drugs are bad!
>>338198 Girls love bad boys
>>338199 Girls are dummies
>>338200 are they?
>not being bad
>>338201 The dummyiest>>338202 Bad boys don't know what they will do when they come for you
who is they
>>338204 I'm not sure. I don't know if the full song names who "they" are. I don't think I've heard any of the song outside of seeing the Cops opening
>>338198 I try to avoid drugs, but when girls are involved big fella you best believe i'm the biggest fucking crackhead around
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It's best to stay away from drugs.
alcohol is bad too but I can't kick wine from my fantasies of being a rich man on a balcony somewhere
lol just smoke crack it's not so bad
no thanks i'll stick to my fidget spinner
What exactly are you supposed to do with a figet spinner. I bought one a while ago and all it does it spin>>338212 >>338213 But there has to be more. Like just spinning it does nothing>>338214 But how is that fun?
spin it it's in the name you mongol
?? spin it
no, there's not more it doesn't do anything fidget spinners are a scam
>>338211 it spins
did you seriously buy a fidget spinner unironically or without havign autism?
>>338216 I kept seeing mentions of them and so I bought one to find out what the hype was about
and how do you feel now?
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 640x960, ピロ水@3日目東A12a - プロデューサーの誕生日.jpg )
Did it live up to the hyper?
this is like someone trying planking and being surprised it's just lying flat somewhere
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>>>/watch?v=xX1KxzSDfiw How as this such a popular thing? What is wrong with children these days that this would be popular. It's like on the level of jacks>>338219 No. No it did not.
it's a big meme
>>338221 because people like shit and nothing and no one has values so get whatever knick knacks you want because pattywhack wont give no dog no bone
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>>338221 Did you expect it to?
>>338221 Dog DOG
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>>338222 why are her nipples dinner plates?
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>>338224 I was expecting something.
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>>338226 something to do with genetics
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>>338227 Something like what?
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>>338229 Something that could be considered fun
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I mean, it spins. Were you expecting more than that?
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what kind of small ass dinner plates do you have Is your thanksgiving dinner White Castle sliders
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>>338231 YES
>>338231 >>338222 >>338226
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>>338232 way to rub it in>>338234 >>338233
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that took a while to go
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did you save it again>>338236 corn bread bun? i dunno>>338239 a nice bobbo
it wasn't really worth saving she had nice bobbos but bobbo pics are a dime a dozen
>>338233 what else could it possibly do
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>>338239 need that little extra eh?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:32 No. 338242
>>338226 I feel like I missed something Also trip to the awesome diner fucking canceled because we had an extra person and the not tiny car has brake issues And also the other autistic guy was being autistically stubborn about not wanting his sister to come with us to dinner to have her drive him
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bang needs that bobobo bo bobobobo
Search [iqdb] (635 KB, 1000x1365, fgo frankenstein mordred alt.jpg )
>>338240 Like they could have made it so it spins on its sides or something that you could actually play with it
>>338244 You can definitely make it spin on its side The kid in the video does it Maybe you're just not as skilled as him
>>338241 >>338243 no i just mean that porn is free and easily acquired not really worth saving
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porn is immoral though oh wrong
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>>338248 >.com/ass/ Wow this website is lewd >>338251 Should have gone faster >>338250 They probably know the difference but don't care
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:36 No. 338250
Heh Also someone here seems to not know the difference between nipples and areolae And also have small dinner plates
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:37 No. 338252
>>338249 Why would someone use the wrong word on purpose?
>>338251 love this one
>>338252 Because they can't be bothered using the technically right word when they can just say nipples and everyone will understand what you're talking about
I literally haven't a single clue why someone would use the wrong word on purpose
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:38 No. 338256
>>338251 Brirriant
>>338252 beats me fam they must be intelectually dry
>>338255 lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:38 No. 338259
>>338255 To pretend to be retarded
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I hate words so much. They are wasted on human beings.
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You totally love words.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:39 No. 338262
>>338254 Also you say can't be bothered, but areolae is *has the same number of letters.
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six letters that perfectly describe moo for $500
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Let me show you the kind of people who love words These people
>>338262 Who the fuck cares LIke Goddamn Fucking christ Jesus What's the fucking point of going out of your way like this
>>338262 look man dinner plate nipples is a term people use for this kind of thing
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These people and their giant fucking sign with braille lettering that's flat FLAT BRAILLE LETTERING LITERALLY WHO WILL READ THIS BRAILLE
>>338268 this is america in physical form
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:41 No. 338270
>>338268 Lol
>>338268 wow
>>338268 maybe it's a cruel and hilarious prank
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Blind people must hate everyone
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:43 No. 338275
If I were blind I'd probably hate everyone anyways
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:44 No. 338276
If I lose my vision before I finish my degree and get work experience My life as I know it will basically be over I have no idea what I'd be able to do for a living
if i went blind i'd kill myseld
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>>338277 but with what hands?
>>338278 i wouldn't need hands
>>338277 how will you find the means to do so?
>>338280 I thought you were going to ask how he was going to find the means of production
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 640x484, geistshades.jpg )
>>338281 The means of producing death >>338286 But how will you find the door?
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>Is this a knife? Yes dear, my wife responds. Lying between her smug teeth as I attempt to stab myself with a dildo.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:45 No. 338284
>>338277 My dad said that about going deaf He said he could handle being blind because he could still listen to music.
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i'm working with these british client and i asked them for their data on a research study so i can redo it with better metrics and they've been avoiding me real hard it's sus af
>>338280 i could just walk outside and kill myself with a passing car
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:46 No. 338287
>>338286 But what if you live? Then you're even worse off
then i'll have someone kill me i know a lot of people that would
>>338282 the door of my house? easily i know where everything is in my house without my eyes
No Kirara Your punishment must be more severe!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:47 No. 338291
>>338288 That's a good thing to know.
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I keep a diary with different ways to end my life depending on the situation it's more useful than you think
i could probably get myself killed just by saying the wrong things tbh lol
>>338294 >it's okay to be white
>>338295 >hitler was a great artist
>>338296 >I may not agree with what they say, but I will defend their right to say it to the death
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 634x421, hitlerwater.jpg )
>>338296 Hitler was actually a p shit artist tbh
>Ueno did nothing wrong
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:49 No. 338300
>>338294 >>>/watch?v=70bvwIXXxoY
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 03:49 No. 338301
>>338298 Better than you
>>338301 Yeah Sure
Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 251x200, hitler.jpg )
>I came here to laugh at jou
Public transit is so much fun.
>>338304 this tweet is stressing me out too much
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quick maths
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everyday blue on the block smoke trees
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>>338307 why is Watashi so shocked?
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>>338309 when the coup went quack quack quack Mugabe went ducking
I have to watch that again
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Zimbabwe out here liming like its jouvert. I wish I had reason to dance
>>338313 they're so beautiful
/moe/ why isn't this website a secure website I will never get over this I feel unsafe
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It is. Stick the s on your http.
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>Not using HTTPS everywhere
I've taken up swimming for exercise but it's really embarressing because I'm the only one in the pool in the morning and I'm a terrible swimmer and the lifeguards are maybe judging me and I still don't know how to tread water but I really enjoy it
get better at swimming then
kill the lifeguards
Get better and better Once you're good enough challenge them to a race
by drowning kill them by drowning
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I need to put some work in on my Faye and make her good again.
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>>338328 this is basically a cagliostro situation
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/11/19 (日) 04:48 No. 338330
I can't sleep.
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How is it a Cagliostro situtation?
Nico is actually an old man who's stuffed himself in the body of a high school girl.
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Wow, Love Live has really deep lore.
>>338193 >>338194 >>338197 i mean to what extent is it free work if it's securing you a hefty quarter i'm so tired
I think I understood what you meant. If you're confident you'll get the paid work in the future by doing it, and that later work is going to pay well, then I see no issue with it.
if it 100% absolutely without a doubt secures me money in the future, it's not free work if it doesn't do that, it's free work imo
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Yeah, working to get future work isn't working for free. That's the cost of doing business.
why is this song so good>>>/watch?v=bbqVg_23otg
why am i listening to late 90's early 00's RnB right now
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I don't know, why are you?
i think i like it
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anime >>338343 →
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>pity rate ruined by alm well I'm not that mad I guess.
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a fucking kpop boyband is going to the american music awards SOMEBODY END THIS MEME N O W
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I hav e a friend who is really into kpop. I don't get it.
I have a couple of friends that are really into Kpop. Some of the songs are kind of catchy but I can't get into the idol craze part of it.
I don't really get idolfans in general
uh people like to watch groups of people dress up cool and dance in sync
i don't think i have the patience to memorize that many names and faces or the willpower to it's not a confusing concept to understand though.
Yeah I get the passion others have for it. It's just not something I can share.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 06:14 No. 338407
omg Hyuuna just did the cutest twirl _
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg )
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 06:15 No. 338409
>>338304 sorcery
>>338409 in new york city you have to cast a spell to get down the block apprentices need not apply
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 06:19 No. 338415
sounds like my kinda town eyy i'm walkin ere avada kedavra go fuck yourself
At least the Toronto metro system is pretty straightforward.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 06:21 No. 338424
>>338421 you can go up, or you can go sideways
And some times you can go diagonally. Really though we need more high-traffic public transport here.
my sister brought her dog over and her sister's wait the dog was so excited for my mom to be here and ran to my mom's bedroom but then whined when there was no one there ;_;
oh good now you can ride the dog to work
sorry maybe that was inappropriate but you're bang and one of the most resilient people i know that's all
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>that tfw when you ask your comm leader's boyfriend to jerk off on a tortilla so you can grill it with chicken and cheese and eat it, and he says no >that tfw when you're banned from your comm
That doesn't sound that surprising.
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shit sorry i thought i was on cgl
We all make mistakes.
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Disgaea 5 switch is supposedly going to be 20 dollars on black friday. Don't let me forget!
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i still haven't found every shrine in zelda so i'll not be playing any other games for a while
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:13 No. 338524
that's DOPE
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:14 No. 338531
what a bijin
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:17 No. 338549
>>338467 lol @ comic
Ghost Recon Wildlands is actually a pretty underrated game I think Ubisoft If Origins is actually a good game, the Ubisoft is a respeected studio now in my book I had some problems with them for a while, but if Origins is actually good, then that makes Siege, Wildlands, and Origins all good AAA titles from the last couple years More than I can say for any other AAA studio
Ubisoft makes legitimately enjoyable games, or at least has been getting better and better and making them in recent years. But they still enthusiastically engage in a lot of the mechanics like microtransactions and frustrating DRM systems that are generally what people in the gaming culture find the most abhorrent. Generally when I see people complaining about them it's not for the quality of their games but all those other issues.
Search [iqdb] (312 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
I don't enjoy assassin's creed or batman style combat in the least.
Yeah, that's fair. The combat in Assassin's Creed games is generally the weakest part of it for me. I have a guilty pleasure in adventuring in the set pieces they create from the time periods in each game. They put a lot of attention to detail in the terrain and architecture and it's pretty rewarding for me to climb and explore it. But they've also made some other good games like the most recent Rayman game. And people generally received the Mario XCOM game in good review I believe.
>>338564 the latest rayman game was 4 years ago...
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:30 No. 338566
still can't believe rabbids made a comeback
>>338561 caring about DRM is pretty 5 years ago imo
>>338565 Still within a few years!
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 689x716, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
I almost bought the rabbids mario today.
>>338567 If people want to protest it I've got no qualms with them doing so. In the case that their offense produces a result and DRM is reduced I don't lose anything. Generally I'm apathetic to it but I'm not going to push that on anyone.
Search [iqdb] (376 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>338567 what does that even mean? If I want to play a game I bought for sixty dollars I should be able to do it without having daddy check on me and make sure my version of the game is real legit shit every single time. Not even steam requires me to have my computer online all the time to play my games.
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DRM is the kind of thing that often punishes the consumer more than the pirate.
yeah but who the hell pirates these days and i haven't felt negatively effected by DRM in a long ass time in fact i really can't think of the last time i ever had an issue with it
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
if you think taking 10 minutes to run a crack is punishment, they sure punish the shit out of pirates.
Eh, some times you have to wait a couple months for that crack to come through. For some people that might be a long-ass time to wait for the latest hot AAA game.
Search [iqdb] (430 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahoutsukai no (…).jpg )
>>338573 I don't buy a game unless I already know it's good and runs on my computer.
if you don't know if a game will run on your computer, you need to upgrade your computer if you have some other issue like a different OS, there's plenty of forums that cover stuff like that if you need to know a game is good i guess is a strong reason, but that's just how most things work you don't usually get to take a toilet bowl brush home and test it first
Search [iqdb] (437 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>338577 There are plenty of games that simply run like dogshit on release or on certain systems and video cards. Mistakes happen quite often trying to optimize a game for as many systems as possible.
>on release you should have been playing video games long enough to know that you don't buy them on release
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 1920x1080, 1435640028070.jpg )
Yeah. There are a lot of games these days that will run terribly even if your computer is super good.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:37 No. 338581
oh man i can't play mario odyssey until my left hand heals but maybe i could play xcom one handed...?
Oh no.
>>338581 oh FUCK
>>338581 play in 2p mode and have someone else control the camera
use THE CLAW to move mario and jump
I wouldn't wish the use of THE CLAW on anyone. We're long past those days, man.
i only use it to play dark souls and zelda moving my camera while dashing is paramount
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:39 No. 338588
odyssey has not been easy one handed i quit trying but i wonder if xcom makes sense
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1080x1920, 1510550423045.png )
Is your injured hand completely out of commission at the moment? It seems like the switch controller would be well-suited to wearing a cast since you can hold half the controller in one hand.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 07:42 No. 338590
>>338589 i can use my fingers and i can move my thumb but i prefer not to exert any force on my thumb for now
i tried to play mario with one hand and it was difficult
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 738x1065, 1491003600217.png )
Is the new Senran Kagura out? That's probably designed to be playable with one hand
that feel when bang
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 08:00 No. 338595
that eel
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:01 No. 338596
Which eel?
That reel
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1190x1567, 1507241957217.jpg )
watch out for that eel
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/19 (日) 08:07 No. 338599
Watch! Out! For! That! Eel! a novel
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:08 No. 338600
I have the opening part of this song stuck in my head.>>>/watch?v=hWhwXhpiMMU
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:11 No. 338601
Although the album version of the song has something cut from a film or something for the first few seconds.
alright i think the enemy AI are gods i was hovering near an enemy outpost in an attack helicopter so they fired a mortar at me and it hit me
except mortar trajectories aren't guided by some cheating AI so maybe i'm just really unlucky
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:19 No. 338604
Wait game? *what
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:22 No. 338605
This song is really good>>>/watch?v=C2n91fYDW2o
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:23 No. 338607
Never heard of it
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 700x848, 1452606260036.jpg )
My leg still hurts. I guess I made it mad by moving it too much last wekk. I'll have to make up for it by moving very little next week.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/19 (日) 08:27 No. 338609
What'd you do?
new >>338610 →