>>338647 No. Gundam is a VERY mature and intelligent war drama It is not dumb and has never had anything dumb in it
>>338649 where your mum blows and men chunder can you hear can you hear thethunder
>>338650 Oh yeah I must have been thinking of lotgh. That's the dumb one with all the goofy shit in it.
>Has never had anything dumb in it Then why even bother existing.
>>338651 Ikr they all shoot at each other from thousands of KMs away instead of attacking up close
why would you want to shoot a laser at someone from a cannon when you can't even stab them with a laser yet?
>>338654 laser cannons are just very large laser swords
laser cannons are just laser swords for pussies.
real men use the space axe
What about a giant laser horn that you stick on the front of your laser ship and then laser ram into your laser enemies for some good ol' laser jousting.
what about a mech with the power to travel through time to kill the guy who cucked you in the future thus ensuring he cucks you in the future
>>338662 I know ;_; I 'm a little envious of all of you that got to buddy time that show.
what if we had a mecha that could travel through time and then the pilot just gives up on life because his obviously outmatched teenage opponent said "no u" when he tried debating him
>>338663 I'm sure you've done plenty of more interesting things, though. >>338664 >when you travel through time but people still be dumb
what about a death star as big as the megastructure in BLAME!
What if took the death star and made a death PLAMET
i'm talking death UNIVERSE man we're gonna walk 16 trillion light years across this open room to hit the switch to fire the laser that wipes out the rest of the multiverse
What about the desu universe.
where ryuk lives?
we'll spare the desu universe
well i guess they would probably be down for a good wiping out of everything they are immortal too so they could survive waiting 25 quintillion years for me to turn it on
>smug thread
oy, name 3 things to consider catching up on for the holidays
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
calories would probalby be more appropriate and i doube sleep induced calories is decent in catching up on sleep
You talking weeb shows here then?
no i'm talking illnesses
Ah, I don't know what sort of illnesses are hot and popular right now in that case.
try the dog flu. it's the new flu craze.
can't wait for cat flu in 4 years
>wandering through the forest >remember that one time the princess tried to make me eat a live frog why am i rescuing this crazy bitch anyway
>wandering through the forest >remember i'm high as shit why am i in this forest to begin with
>>338684 Link drinks potions made literally from bat wings and salamanders. I really think live frogs aren't that bizarre all things considered.
well at least you're not sober and lost in a forest that would suck
>>338686 >implying i don't just sell the parts for rupees and stupid shit from kilton
i'd think it'd be fun
>>338690 I sell most the parts. But it doesn't hurt to keep a few stamina potions on hand.
>>338692 get the endura carrots from the great faerie fountain in the desert. you can cook one at a time and get a full restore + small bonus stamina from each carrot. they respawn all the time.
suddenly went from zelda to pokemon
>>338693 I always end up hoarding edibles in BotW. Potions are easier to impulse consume because they don't restore hearts.
>>338694 the pokedex is the best feature they ever added to zelda. gotta catch em all
like i would know i don't play video gays lol
And ultimately keeping five on hand is like a thirty rupee loss next time you're selling shit. Pretty negligable.
>>338698 you can get something better for free every blood moon though
not that i've played any of the 3d zeldas but botw sorta sounds like an offline single player mmo
it kinda feels mmo-like but it's not that in depth the quests and dialogue are pretty simple and the amount of items and ingredients in the game isn't that large
I always associate MMO with grindiness, which I don't figure BotW to be at all. A lot of the game is a harken back to the first Zelda game with the non-linear dungeon completion and pretty extensive free-roam exploration.
the original zelda was good and yeah that would almost feel like an offline single player mmo if it was modernized so to say it's one of those games where i odn't know if i would ever get the chance to paly but don't want to really look into the game as a let's play sort of thing playing og zelda blind was p good so a modern experience of that would be nice
i like the shrine concept. distilling the dungeon puzzles into random sets of puzzles around the world builds a reward system that keeps you playing and exploring.
>>338700 Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker are really good Well, Majora's Mask is too but its a bit harder and is a direct sequel to Ocarina so I don't recommend playing it without finishing Ocarina.
>>338704 I enjoy the shrines, but generally I haven't been hugely impressed with the dungeons in the game. I get that the experience was fragmented and spread throughout the game, but I've always loved the sprawling dungeons of some of the games. So I'm a little sore they're left out.
majora's mask looks like the best of the recent 3d zeldas or rather 3d zeldas in general i played a bit of ocarina like 14 years ago but got bored with it from what i looked into ww ti seemed too hand holded to be fun probelm wiht the 3d zeldas was less exploration and more here is the path sorta thing
>>338706 i agree. i think it is really missing that aspect. >>338707 majora's mask is pretty much perfect to me. it has my favorite dungeon in the series in the stone tower temple. my only complaint is it can get annoying switching masks all the time. it's probably easier on the 3DS version but I didn't play that.
Although I think they made Majora's Mask easier in the 3DS port.
Majora's Mask's world feels really fleshed out to me. I like it. >>338709 Gyorg is harder but also more interesting
>>338710 Didn't they change the way saves worked or something?
>>338707 Wind Waker has a shit ton of exploration in it.
Wind Waker has a shit ton of fucking nothing. with a few rocks that occasionally have cool things on top.
i'm talkin bout dungeon design too overworld can go p quick in end game and dungeon focus is more on the way if dungeons are too linear it kinda kills it all to me it's sorta why i didn't care that much for minish cap
>>338716 that was one of the strengths of ALTTP even within the dungeons you ahd to do
either way they made the song of double time more pleasant
>>338707 I kind of like "you're free to explore but here's where you need to go next" If I have no idea what to di next it demotivates me >>338717 not really? what gives you that impression
I like it when a game just lets me play and says good luck. Souls games are good at it. BotW's pseudo tutorial is a bit pushing it but didn't annoy me by dragging on too long.
I get them confused all the time but generally squid's posts are shorter I think Look for love live girls
Squid doesn't even post images anymore.
>>338721 that's the problem i would say wind waker and twilight princess have they take a while to ramp uo i would say theyre pretty good agter that though
>>338724 i don't even post anymore so like i'd know that lol
>>338726 Calm your bosom that was directed at Tony.
Early game Wind Waker is pretty linear But after the the great deku stuff its pretty open
Wind Waker, simple islands aside, the exploration might ha ve been cooler to me were the massive ocean not absolutely terrifying to me as a child
>>338718 I'm fine with games being more linear when they excel in other aspects. Fun mechanics, or an engaging story/good environments. I played through the Metro games a month or so back and they're really, really limited on exploration and non-linear-ness. But they filled the particular niche I was kind of craving at the time and did their environments really well.
>>338729 I didn't save for three days while playing it And mom shut off my gamecube while I was at school I'd beaten through the Kokiri stuff And my save was immediately before the actual dragon roost island dungeon And I had filled like 80% of the map. Also I found myself unable to get past a certain part again I got so irritated that I didn't touch the game for several years
funny this is i got bored of alttp randomizers because they became too similar in progression i wanted randomizers to be actually somewhat random not lol get to dark world and go in dungeons lol
something something I guess theres only so many ways to roast a fish or something like that
>>338731 wait you mean you filled the map before doing the first dungeon >>338736 oh no i cant remember for the life of me how it goes right now
Well more like I got irritated stopped playing and then didn't think about it >>338734 No, you can't do that without glitches/hacks I filled the map after kokiri but before tower of the gods And had not saved since dragon roost island's beginning
Is that actually how the saying goes in your parts or are you just reaching for words here.
>>338731 >I didn't save for three days Why. You madman.
Holy shit nailing people from REAL far away with the sniper is satisfying in fortnite This guy was running away from forever into the distance, and I pinned him to the ground with one shot, then ran up and annihilated his whole team
What a game
maybe i should just replay og zelda since it's been like 20 years since i did and i don't remember that much
everytime i try playing through oot i get bored with it halway through
I was playing Nethack earlier for the first time in a while.
I also tried to play oot recently and cant really be motivated But that also goes for a couple things lately
oot seems like one of those games that would have been great to play blind when it just came out but after it's sorta not that good
Last time I was playing was back in college and I had to stop because my workload got really high. I never got around to finishing it.
oot was really fun as a kid but i am almost certain I had a walkthrough handy for it so I dunno if I can verify blind run = fun I remember being worried about the run to the megaton hammer and reading a thing that said dont worry the path gets bigger >>338748 water?
I did not use a walkthrough for my run. Guess where I left off
>>338747 Yee Although I rreally did stop cause of mid terms And I basically stopped doing single player vidya for the remainder of that semester
I have no idea how I would have managed water as a child without a guide so thats another reason i believe i had one >>338751 exactly right
water temple for oot just seems like ice palace for alttp overrated in difficulty, just too complex for 9 year olds to really do so memories blind things
>>338752 that is sorta my point in comparing it to alttp's ice palace
like if you were to go into it blind now and be good at games you'd be like, shit this is just tedious but not difficult
>>338751 I wouldn't call it complicated, but it is more complicated than the other ones in that game.
There's a couple of parts to it that involve platforming too. And in the early N64 days of "we don't know what we're doing when designing this!" 3D platforming, that can be a serious increase in challenge.
also the water temple is so vast that it feels like when you finally get to the boulder rooms that its an entirely different dungeon
>>338757 there are too many i wouldnt know where to start ;)
>>338759 Silly Tony they're all numbered. You just start at one and go up.
am i cute >>338761 ssssssh its an excuse sssssshhh
i still have to bother to finish chrono trigger every time i try to play through it somehing irl comes up and i can't bother to finish it so now i'm like shit if i play it what stupid shit will come up
>>338762 Your colours match at least. Those sunglasses are dumb/10 though.
Anyways, Dragon Quest 3 is the best of the original trilogy so it doesn't really matter if you play the first two. Also it's a prequel to DQ1.
Chrono Trigger for me is something Id like to play to see the hype, the music is dope, but I bet id never actually finish it if i tried
But the real question is have you guys played Dragon Valor
from what i have played through of chrono, it's a damn good game that life doesn't want me to finish
i don't even know what the hell dragon valor is
I started it on a PSP homebrew emulator but got distracted. Some times it's really difficult for me to get through an RPG; I think it kind of depends on how I'm feeling at that time of the year or whatever.
Dragon Valor is one of those playstation one polygonal mess games but its dope because its about killing dragons because theyre assholes
You start as an edgelord whose village and sister die to a dragon so you find a dying "dragon valor", take his sword, and try to kill it several years later you actually do kill it and settle down with a girl of your choice, make a baby, and your descendents also go and fuck up dragons
I played CT like halfway through on a snes emulator in like 2005 But when I got the DS port I ended up getting most of the endings.
maybe i'll play completely through CT soonsih since i have a super UFO thingy cheap flash carts to save the day from palying on emu
>>338771 Oh man I love the descendents What's your favorite album of theirs?
If you pick the mechanic girl over the princess yohr finaly character is a girl and i thought wow thats different
I also need to finish Alundra 2 as that game haunts me from my childhood. Same with Wild Arms
ARGGH I don't even want to start thinking about all tge RPGs im halfway through >>338776 I'm like 1/5 through wild arms
i almost want to unironically play through chaos wars again with the english dub voices
>>338777 I might remmeber where you are if you say it i got to like level 30-something and was in a tower where the party splits before my game disc died and never got there again even in emulating
Also I'm probably getting another copy soon. Since my current copy is disc only (no case or manual) and a store near me has it with case and manual for $8.
my ps2 disc tray wont open anymore
oh god i did not think of that last time i paled something on my ps2 the controller just fucking died on me but that might have been because my room was like at 40f i haven't touched it since i haven't even touched my ps3 in years fuck i really don't play viedo games
There's a bunch of classic JRPGs I never bothered/was able to play but I don't figure I'll ever actually get around to them. I'm happy enough just playing my autism games and whatever comes out in modern times.
Pan has two slims he has actually offered me one
I've repaired one of my fat ones I had a completely disassembled obe for spare parts but those got tossed a few years ago. So I just have one at home and another loaned to a friend indefinitely.
oh pan's ps3 disc thing only works when the console starts up, you have to eject, turn off, slip the disc partway in, then turn it on
could always lurk goodwills or some shit from time to time to see if one shows up i got my wii from there just randomly going for like 20 bucks to soft mod
I have a wii and wii u so i could probably afford to mess with it or something toi va too bad nintendo keeps pumping out new consoles
oh hey i soft modded this wii what should i download oh uh GAMECUBE GAMES
Both Mario Galaxy games were generally well-received. I only played the first but it was a lot of fun.
though kirby and ss are pretty dang good though i cant guarantee youd like ss considering its a 3d zelda iof course
>>338798 wow 2 of like 4 games i bothered to dwonload wii has more god damn shovelware type of shit than any system i have ever seen, god damn it's like at the time if something could have sold a little bit of a thing, MAKE A GAME FOR THE WII OF IT
There's also other m And brawl And uh
It also had Metroid Prime 3, though that doesn't feel like a game you'd like playing.
>>338800 Mostly because the console sold really, really well to the family market. So a lot of publishers figured it was an easy bet to make something cheap and hope enough clueless families pick it up.
the wii probably has so much shovelware because WOOOOOO MOTION CONTROLS
Honestly the Wii sort of pissed me iff *off I really wished they'd kept making conventional consoles rather than relying on gimmicky stuff
the wii is the literal definition of a meme console a miim console it was somehow before it's time
The Wii actually also had the two best Harvest Moon games on it. I put in a lot of hours into both those games.
>>338808 If Nintendo stuck to conventional consoles they would have closed up their console department years ago. They don't have the sort of identity to push out a console that would be competing on the same platform as Xbox and Sony.
>>338811 Unfortunately, yeah But of the gamecube/Xbox/PS2 generation The GameCube did have the best graphics, it just took a while for the dev's to fully take advantage of the hardware
>>338811 that's because nintendo is smart and saw 10 years ago that consoles would just pretty much become pc games wiht a few nich unique titles so they went to a spot they have been strong with in the past in the portable market and wii was sort of a few year success in motion control shit before VR was a thing at least this time for them their newage virtual boy sold well
I mean I would strongly, STRONGLY hesitate to call Nintendo's market awareness smart. But I think they didn't want to compete with that hardware arms race and they took a gamble on going for games that played differently than ones on a traditional controller and it was a gamble that paid off.
If you want to enjoy games just do what I do and find really good rpg maker games
speaking of nintendo decisions, ultra sun and moon are good but probably could have been a single title or dlc
>>338820 Kirby's Airride, Soul Calibur 2, 1080 snowboarding, harvest moon, >>338820 Hal Laboratory is a second party dev
>>338820 Especially with Black Friday coming up, you're going to have an easy time getting one dirt cheap.
>>338820 sun and moon and usum are very similar gameplay wise usum is strictly and upgrade especially for online folks but the story has things in each that make me feel bad the other lacks
then again it is pokemon so it's entirely possible to go >story
>>338820 Rogue Leader That game alone justifies the Cubes existence
>>338822 Only someone as totally anal as you wouldn't put Kirby as part of Nintendo though. It's as stupid as saying Pokemon isn't Nintendo.
>>338824 my problem wiht portable consoles right now would be that it would sit on my desk to collect dust
man i should have played kirby on the sega genesis and playstation
>>338826 Hal laboratory is literally not owned by Nintendo
>>338828 And you're literally ignoring what I'm saying. Stop being so anal.
>>338821 So far I haven't hit the point where they particularly diverge from the way Pokemon Sun played out. At least in any considerable merit.
>>338831 No I've already noticed a few things even before that. But my point is they're all pretty negligible. I get that the major twists come later.
>kirby >not nintendo h-huh?! >>338830 you'll start noticing a couple things at aether paradise, and then the real changes start about when you go back
sorry if you consider that spoilery btw
>>338828 It is published by Nintendo. Nintendo likely owns the rights to Kirby. Every Kirby game is Nintendo exclusive I don't think it's right to get anal when someone associates Kirby with Nintendo
Gamefreak released a game on xbone though
>>338832 Published by nintendo, hence second party
and kingdom hearts 3 will be on the xbone
>>338831 And I mean ultimately the Ultra Sun/Moon experience is pretty good if [spoiler[like myself, someone hasn't actually played fully through Sun/Moon.
oh no your spoiler failed
but yeah usum is especially great if you have nothing to compare it to with sm but its the parts they had to change that are my only real complaint
also they removed fucking press a to pound mallow what the fuck
Aw whoops. Such is life.
tupw kingdom hearts 3 took more than a decade too long for me to want to bother playing it
They're kind of director's cuts of the original Sun/Moon games.
>>338841 on the bright side at least kingsom hearts 3 is happening, unlike another 3 i can think of
>>338837 Coroborate this for me though, did they add more Pokemon to encounter areas from the ones in the original games? I've been running through the first island and I feel like I'm seeing way more variety.
it's gonna be a buggy hilarious mess when it finally comes out in 2019
>>338845 become the first runner for it >>338844 yeah for instance they added buneary to the first route
Yeah. And you can catch Zorua in the grass at the Trainer's School.
>>338845 What if it's a well polished game that's fun to play and neatly wraps together all the spinoff and satisfies everyone
>>338847 i completely forgot zorya because i replaced him haha
I've just been autistically running in circles in each area, trying to catch all the unevolved options you can find before moving on to the next region. It's like five hours in and I haven't even gotten to Ilima's challenge yet.
i should get the 7 games in one kh for ps4 someday
I take Pokemon games pretty slowly. The part where I'm thorough about catching everything possible before moving on is the bulk of the time really. I even consider this a bit of a faster playthrough since I'm playing with the Exp. Share on.
keeping exp share off just sort of makes things a little grindier I like it althought if i didnt turn it off vefore vixtory road in y i would have been insanely overleveeled
well apparently some bosses can be dumb but kirara loved that shit and i think jan did too?
>>338856 With the change of the Exp. Share to be party-wide I've found as long as I don't encourage myself to grind out, I tend to hit major checkpoints at about the level of enemy Pokemon or even some times a little underlevelled, Which adds a bit of welcome challenge and encouragement to play the battles smartly.
the new z move for a certain pokemon form is kind of ridiculous >>338866 thats basically what it is yeah
>kiitanda is back >event looks like shit >only one okay shit lamo at kancolle
If you're still playing at the end of this event, that'll make you the last surviving Kancolle player here. Rika's said after this event she's likely going full secondary.
i'm not even playing right now
last thing i did was max hayashimo's luck quick due to spamming lsc for saratoga just for the lulz got a taihou and 2 maruyu
You're pretty much saying you've got intent to go back though.
i'm saying i might just do it on esay to get one shit in case i care agin in the future ship shit same thing at this pint
i can literally clear any event on easy in like 3 hours
>>338873 nigger i've posted like 5 days this whole year the fuck are you saying
So why the fuck you gotta be so contrarian. Just say "yup I outlasted everyone".
>>338872 I'm saying you've outlasted anyone else that started playing here. How hard is that to compute.
>>338875 I don't care if you don't give a shit. Just don't be contrarian just because you want to fucking bitch about something.
and do you think i really give a shit about that
they implemented verniy in kancoarcade so thats the only thing that really matters
i've spent more time and actual money on it than anyone else here too so MAYBE IT MIGHT BE MORE DIFFICULT FOR ME TO PUT IT DOWN FOR GOOD don't give the contrarian shit you damn faggot unless you want to actually piss me off
>>338876 i was more surprised she got seasonal art in my random checks here and there
>>338879 here is a hint calling me contrarian about a thing when the contarary thing is to /moe/ when i haven't fucking paid attention to /moe/ that's what i'm getting pissy about
You get pissed off at the drop of a pin so I've long stopped worrying about that.
tilds pls
anyhoozle, ive spent a gross amount of money on granblue, am considering putting a far more disgusting amount of money into it, and yet right now I feel demotivated to play it >>338878 right? I was really happy about that
(not to start anything but the act of tilde calling anyone contrarian is huge pot calling kettle black anyway)
Fuck It's almost 6am
sounds like time for some more booze to me
>>338880 really shouldn't put money into gacha games the only reason i did wiht kancolle was for some sort of distraction from extreme depression to keep me alive but now that i'm passed that and the game is shit it's like well i almost owe the game for my life but at the same time it's gone to shit but i still like the ships so i'll just look at ships and not care about meta aka where i am now i like ONE ship that came out this event so i kinda want to get her without caring about the game and most of my spending was just to keep all the ships to begin with and even then i can't do that with what i've spent further illustrating how badly planned the devs were with the game
>>338883 the time i buy things in granblue is when its for like a costume or a suptix on top of the 10-roll the problem was i am contemplating just buying rolls because i have horrible self control and cant wait to stack 300 rolls to guarantee something
but yeah its a horrible idea i hopefully wont follow through on i did just do 50 pulls only to get like a nice thing i dont want and an ok thing the rest was trash and it demotivated me
which ship are you interested in? suzu?
yeah pretty much i'd only have to deal with 1 DE on the way so i fell as though i might as well quick on some day that i have time to bother logging in
i snuck a peek and it doesnt even seem like the music is too good this time either but apparently this event ties to the next one so maybe the better stuff is there?
i've only really cared about one track in the past year music wise and that was like an E01 for winter or some shit
https://moso.moe/boxes/dd6questionablequality i bought this
tfw unlimited data unless i go over 22 gb i watched too many things now theyre warning me >>338904 right? theyre just like "we may reduce your speed when things get too congested" >>338905 i mean 55 is pretty cheap right?
i want internet so i can actually use my computer though
not really
Nah trust. It's pretty great.
internet is just a luxury anyway who needs it then again i'm the weirdo that can just go without it no prob
It's about as much a luxury as a car is by now. Being deprived of it puts you at a considerable disadvantage when it comes to accomplishing things in life.
and i don't have a car just like cars there is free transportation, or connections just like internet, thare is free wifi at places hence why i'm the weirdo that can just flat out deal with that and be like no prob whatev i'll just make it bare minimum
Yeah, I get that. Ideally with how much of the world is connected through Internet, there's good argument to push it to being more of an essential service.
If I use the wifi at work to look at my twitter ill get fired
well google is sorta tryin that in a way
>>338916 then go to wcsalads for your twatter food
Yeah. Projects like those are pretty neat.
water closet salad sounds really gros s
time for shower
enjoy your closet water salad
my cat will be 18 in a few months and that is crazy he's just too dumb to age
Yeah, that's a pretty late age for a cat. I think the oldest cat I've ever known was in his late teens.
I've heard stories though of cats that can live to twenty.
if you have any grievances towards me just post them, i'll listen
I don't think I've been particularly subtle about them. It's kind of infuriating to have something like Rook no longer hanging around be met with what almost sounds like a self-satisfied "I thought so". Generally whenever you show up it's pretty much these days a similar tone. This "whatever the miserable situation is, I totally expected it" take on it.
Like, if you want to take refuge from whatever's your lot in life with a jaded, nihilistic attitude, fine, I get it. But I'm not obligated to be civil towards you if it feels like that's the majority of what I deal with.
is that all i merely asked to see how he is whether it be contact here or steam because i know how i am, i don't keep contact well yet i know enough of rook to understand why he'd not want to be here, i don't hide things like that well i know if you don't like jaded nihilisted or whatever the fuck you want to call it then yeah, i'm not thte one to care about that, i'd ask about you if you weren't posting
no you fucking faggot it ain't easy fo rme to fly off because i worry every god damn day i only do it because i'm scared it's actauly difficulty even being here especially with your shit right now even when i try to express emotion it comes as fucking nothing apparetnly if that is the issue than so be it it's not worth the hassle i just can't express enough emotion towards things
>>338985 i haven't bothred to install it after having to rego thorugh thigns computer wise that came at a time i didnt' feel like being contacted or deal with constant updates
is it so wrong to want to manage contact on your own
See, but you're so full of shit on that. You care about a bunch of things. Like I said earlier it's so easy for you to fly off the hook at the slightest provocation. I never get the feeling like you don't actually care about shit.
>>338982 If you ever get to installing it maybe Ill drop a message sometime though I'm not sure what I'd contact you for aside from "hi"
if it's the worst case scenario then the least you can do is tell me if my paranoid suspicion ends up being true or false all i just wanted was a catch up on things
Oh for pete's sake. If you're worried about that ask it first. As far as I know he's perfectly healthy and fine.
I don't talk to him over Steam because it's way too anxiety-inducing for me to initiate private conversation but I see him playing games on it from time to time. I'm sure Kirara and/or Jan text him or whatever from time to time.
ah okay for a moment i sorta got that feeling
Oh yeah, from what I know rook just got bored with moo
which is what i figured for sugoi as well it's just that all the negativity made me second guess
Sugoi hasn't really quit the place. He comes by every few days.
you don't have to guess or second-guess though you can just ask it's not like you get brownie points for subtle assumptions
well i'm bad at that haha
and i haven't exactly been good about checking up on things either
so sugois just addicted to bad mmos still well i guess there could be worse or is that even too critical at this point like fuck
Though Blizzard is starting up a WoW Classic server, which is a flavour of it that Sugoi has a hard-on for. So we might even see him less as he falls deeper into that addiction.
>playing wow anno domini 2017
>>338996 I don't fucking know man. But he theoretically pays for the subscription so he ought to have some sort of life beyond it.
I've been too tense sitting in this chair for too long. There isn't an iota of heat left in my shins.
Though if memory serves that "too many eggs will kill you due to choleterol" was proven to mostly false As are most food stuff. I think the common pattern is "release new study" "some idiot who can't read it proper picks up one something and writes about it" "everyone picks up that article and go X IS BAAAAAD/GOOOD" "wait for most hype to die down" "is corrected, but correction is buried under the hype"
>>339069 i would eat a potato if you catch my drift
Well it used to just be such science stuff now it is everything. If you just follow say as US citizen one enws channel, you truly live in a bizarre world.
If i do summoner support with lilina, then pair her and roy, does that count as cuckoldry
Kirara 🦃
good whew i was scared
Though if you have to ask, I have general bad news for you.
Lots of people do things on accident I asked so I could stop this if necessary
>>339097 Not a problem here, though can still be hard on stomach due to your system not being used to it same for raw meat, if it isn't contaminated with something you can perfectly eat it raw, but your system will go "da fug is dis shit I want it cooked"
Kirara 🦃
>>339107 the problem is the bacteria there's so much bad bacteria in raw milk
Not that I would want to eat raw milk it is so fatty never liked it.
eat lol drink
i mean if its fatty enough you might be eating the milk
It's not a wall that we need in America. It's a door.
What you need is the imperial creed
>>339135 But I do wonder about these people who go against the identity politicals and such and go "well my identity should also be represented here" Basically, you aren't actually fighting against what causes the problems in most modern western socities, but you are just jealous you don't have a place in the victim pyramid or believe your spot should be higher.
That's the whole joke. Or rather half of it. It's impossible to understand the problems that people feel victim to if you don't think they exist. And a good amount of people refuse to comprehend racism and every other ism. So take those two things together and you end up believing that "the way to victimhood is creating your own victimhood". Hence you get: "Is it okay to be white?"
More over most problems are caused by lack of wealth and resources than any systematic oppression of course shouting "X is -ist" is much easier than identifyign the actual problems and working to fix those. Virtue signaling afterall gives you a good feeling and only requires 140 character tweet
>>339139 the it's okay to be white was too amusing, though
Things always start as funny until they get serious.
Yeah nowadays you have that "retards thinking they are in good company" effect happening way too fast. I bet without even looking to it, that the joke and purposeful jab at the leftist media "it's okay to be white" has by now become an actual white supremacist and other idiot group rallying symbol.
Kirara 🦃
yeah it's crazy
Then again, why wouldn't they claim it? Since all the media went "look at this new alt-right, nazi, fascist, xenophobic, islamophobic, white imperialist scum thing" quite easy to claim it afterwards
But nonetheless, the whole campaign was successful in proving its point about the media and several of the targeted university faculties.
>>339149 How dare you, it culturally appropriates the iron Fist character from the chinese
Kirara 🦃
Yeah, I mean, it's kind of racist and sexist, but not more than the other Marvel shows.
But the character Danny Rand is really funny. He's so into his mystical bullshit that he just talks about it like everyone else knows what it is. someone's like, "what's your deal?" he's all "I'm no ordinary fighter... I'm... the Iron Fist." and everyone just looks at him like "wtf does that mean"
>>339153 That was an actual backlash by people, who didn't even know that the guy was and has alawys been caucasian...
Kirara 🦃
i do think they probably should have made danny rand chinese for this
And then they spun it to "well it is 2017 so he should be asian now" because current year
Kirara 🦃
yeah because we should get past the "everyone needs to be white" thing that we've been obsessed with for like 80 years
Yeah, but for that you can invent new characters instead of painting old ones different colours.
Kirara 🦃
but there has been an asian iron fist before
Be it white, black, yellow, pink, green or fucking rainbow washing Xwashing is X washing and shouldn't be done. Similiar idiotic choice of throwing that quite famous black actor into that stephen king dark tower movie.
>>339159 Then use that IF I mean there is black spiderman, but that isn't peterparker
Kirara 🦃
sure and i'm not saying every character should be made ethnic but iron fist is 100% based in chinese and buddhist shit
peter parker / spider-man isn't necessarily racial
Indeed and if he was made now, he'd be chinese or just few decades later when bruce lee and such started making chinese cool. But the point is now atleast the original incarnation of Iron Fist has been established as white so while you could have made Iron Fist with asian fist, you shouldn't still call him that danny whatever Actually make him a whole new version, though maybe if you wanna use the danny name give some weird dan-chan or whatever name that could be turned into danny when he pops up in america.
I am completely lost in Hob. I have no idea how to finish this gam
I just oppose taking established characters and muxing them around into ethnicals or whatever for just "current year" reasons and I would equally oppose taking say yellow character and turning them white or black or anything
Kirara 🦃
my biggest probably with this show is that the fight choreography is really poor compared to the amazing fight choreography in daredevil and punisher
You'd think they'd get a good choreographer to do a martial arts show...
Kirara 🦃
yeah, i know they have some amazing ones but it's noticeably poorer which is really upsetting
also isn't iron fist kinda a one shot hitter or something? never read his shit
Kirara 🦃
nah, he's a martial arts master so he can fight really well he uses chi and stuff like that the iron fist power is that he concentrates chi into his fist and uses it to break stuff
Wasn't one of the biggest problems that the actor isn't that well versed in martial arts in the first place so the action scenes aren't as good
>>339174 I think in almost all of the superheroe movies/series the nolan batmans had some of the best with batman*S just brutal beating down in quick succession it looked brutal, good and realistic
Kirara 🦃
>>339175 yeah probably they should have gone with someone else in that case
Like there was an Asian guy, who actually ended up as one of the people he fights against, who wanted the role. And his fight was considered one of the first good fights of the series. It was the drunken boxer guy.
>>339175 >>339177 this if you do a martial art movie/series actually get someone who can do it.
Kirara 🦃
his movements are pretty weird looking which is probably one of the reasons the choreography looks so bad he's really stiff and sometimes it looks like he's moving slowly but they sped it up
And then, if your actor can't do something, maybe work around it by >>339181 or changing the choreography so that it works for the actor. Like the epic "shoot the swordsman" in indy So maybe have the iron fist do some different kind of martial arts, since isn't his shit supposed to come from some hidden kingdom?
Kirara 🦃
yeah, but it's always kung fu learned from chinese monks in a mystical city
but he did punch a dragon, right?
Kirara 🦃
i'm not sure if this incarnation of danny rand did
But anyhow, why not have the actor actually learns ome kung fu before shooting... and practice more. you have the budget
Kirara 🦃
he mentioned fighting thou-lao /// shou-lao but idk if shou-lao is a dragon in this
Kirara 🦃
there's an actually very good depiction of opioid addiction in this show too
that old spawn cartoon had that too would recommend watching it
Oh Hibiki has zero (0) lines in the film. Akatsuki has about one and it's like "What" and then slowly tearing up realizing she's going to fucking die
>>339228 Of course. No lines could be spared so there could time for Fubuki bullshit
>Mudbound has Mary J. Blige in it. Wow, you didn't mention this Kirara
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>339229 The Fubuki stuff was interesting until everything was solved with a hug
>>339231 I just don't think it's necessary to focus at all on why/how the Abyss are created or how the ship girls are created. Just let it be and people won't care if you make all the other parts good. Also just have an Admiral be shown.
YuuTalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>339232 lore is nice but yes, fun would have been better. >>339233 hey hey!
Fubuki is just a bad boat. IF they wanted a serious series, there are lots of boats that would have been better protagonists. But Fubuki is Tanaka's waifu so that's what we got.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
ah, so I finally found out I'm banned wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Kirara 🦃
Banned from what?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
3ds online stuff for homebrewing
Kirara 🦃
Oh, that's a shame.
Serves you right
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>339239 the banwave was a while ago, but I haven't been properly connected to the internet for doing pokemon or anything for a while But the way they did it was "everything we detected after this date that has cfw is banned"
This is totally my fault, dont' get me wrong, but this does make me happy I didn't actually buy ultra moon
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I'll have to like buy a new 3ds or basically erase everything on this one. So eh
The Takumi and Hinoka bound hero battle was pretty easy. I beat it on infernal in a pretty low number of tries.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
what a nerd, actually being able to clear infernal maps
waht did you do
Kirara 🦃
>>339245 Really? That one gave me a lot of trouble.
can't beat insane
>>339247 Well, I used a bunch of strong units but I didn't have too much trouble with it. I used Amelia, Brave Lucina, Horse Lyn, and Olivia.
Kirara 🦃
Oh yeah. I was thinking it'd be incredibly easy with Hector, so I guess your Amelia is the same way.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
just gotta like beat them up?
Yeah, that's probably what it was. Amelia (buffed by Lucina) held down the left side of the map and horse Lyn with dance spam held down the right.
>Urvan Ike is going to be 1.4x bonus i hate this game
Wow, really?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Guess who have that boy
>>339254 It's the three Farfetched Heroes + Urvan Ike at 1.4 then the other three Brave Heroes + Joshua at 1.2
Well, that makes my life easy! I was trying really hard to get Mia so I'd have a 1.4 unit, but my pity rate was spoiled by Alm.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I'm sure Kirara will be upset at you for saying that it was wasted on Alm
I would like Mia because cocaine
Kirara 🦃
She said spoiled, not wasted!
Mine was wasted on Sanaki.
>can't beat Insane I beat Insane
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You did it
A lot of my losses were solvable from taking out Ike and putting in Deirdre
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Deirdre is strong Deirdre is fast Deirdre is the best
She's not fast She can hit people's face though
>What's Infernal like >more HP okay >more damage okay >and a red tome Deirdre is in trouble >with Warding Stance in trouble >and Raven tome just fuck my Lyn up
>let me roll for this Henry because I need him >no Green ... >then let me get this Jakob FIVE STAR ...maria
>needing henry oh the good one
why do you say insane it clearly says lunatic also let maria know
because I don't read
I can't wait for the Staff buffs.
pretty sure infernal is going to be an impossible mess for me
A lot of the staff units are cute but usless, so it will be a nice thing.
I work 10 to 6:30 this week woooo
Maria will be good when Panic+ happens
but I probably won't upgrade it to Panic+ because all these upgrades are a slog and I'm tired
the emptiness that fills my chest after finally getting that one and then knowing just how many other things you're not going to get because you're too tired
the emptiness that fills my chest now that I have zero reason to continur pokemon ultra moon and from new game+ in p5 happening too soon all culminates in my boredom taking over unless i find a way to fill it
i do have some nice things though
I'm going to watch kekkai sensen and then finish the rest of this paperwork
Im gonna watch some maid dragon I guess
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
oh hi firefox quantum why the HELL is it so blocky
They need to hurry up and get noscript compatible with quantum.
Leo's smiling face and innocent laugh is something that needs to exist more often.
Kirara 🦃
>>339285 Yeah. They said they'd have it be the end of the week, back on the 14th. Hopefully today.
That was a really good epsiode of kekkai sensen yesterday. They're all good but I especially liked that one.
Kirara 🦃
I guess they won't be doing the other Zedd episode since they did this one but this one was really good, so I'm happy.
>>339290 So I guess it's separate from the B2B one. That's okay. That was a nice arc too but I am open to new things.
I think this season is actually better than the first. It's rare whe na second season can so dramatically increase the quality of a show. Every episode this season has been really spot on.
I have a hard time saying which season I like better. But that's because I really miss White. I love these character based episodes a lot. But I loved exploring the hell of the city in S1 a lot too.
>soon Maybe
It's like... katsudon
Because Chain's episode is great because Chain is great. But also everything else is great because you know how everyone is great. Klaus comes back home after risking his life playing 20-dimensional chess with Andross offscreen for information that essentially comes in too late.
but it's okay because Chain is great.
Kirara 🦃
i love that the setting is so well done that you see chain doing all this shit and you don't know how but it just seems normal among all the shit going on in the show, to the point that they can wait to explain it so long
I didn't need this...
I REALLY didn't need this
oh no
me on the right
you on the WRONG
I didn't know if she became officially Libra or not so this makes me happy. Moving up in the world.
also >orange juice
They're technically kids, Blue.
How do scales feel against skin, do you know blue?
If this image-oh
>>339309 Yeah but how can you not be excited for more BURODI ANDO HAMMA
>when there are two hot boys you like and you want both >when you're actually one of the best existences in existence and won't fuck it up like that dude who halfassed it in a VN
Truly I am Ohio.
>>339316 how has your first weekend off in a while been
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
all i wanna do is have some pun-pun
Oyasumi Punpun
>>339317 Well, my washer broke. With water in it. So I'm about to go scoop all of my clothes out, rinse the soap out of them, and then put them in the dryer so I'll have clothes to wear tomorrow.
>>339320 well that sucks is it an easy fix or are you going to have to replace it?
I have no idea!
is it old?
Not terribly so.
Just kick and shake it a bit
Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
Yes, I tried both of t hose things.
I take it its not turning on anymore too right?
ToN, what's you're new job?
i take calls for clinics im assigned to and fill refills, schedule appointments, and take care of assorted other messes if i can
>mother refuses to drink regular ass water >walmart by grandma is out of what she wants >dollar general has an off brand she hasnt tried >still wants to go to another walmart for it >basically threatens me with "we will have trouble getting to it if we wait to thanksgiving and black friday but im not the one going in so" >still pretends i have a choice
that frustration aside, what are you guys doing now
Eating dinner.
whatcha got
Roast pork, potatoes and potatoes, squash, veggies.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
robo vacuum making a crop circle in the carpet
sinkingggg feelinnnnnngggggg
We've made the aliens and put them to work cleaning our carpets.
aliens r gay
>>339372 that sounds prerty giid we had roast, mashed potatoea, corn, and rolls
I'll find another way to send her my financial remains.
Hopefully you won't have to worry about financial remains for a long time!
You should send her your physical remains tok too
>>339410 True. The longer I survive, the better the payout. >>339411 I don't know if that would be good. Or if that would be possible. Dying in "active service" when "active service" means trains is...
Well, you'll probably find a Mrs.Blue in that time. She will probably be interested in your financial remains.
...are you trying to shape me like one of those watermelons? Is that what I am to you? A WATERMELON?
with a label that says "not blueberry jam. please dont consume"
>>339417 why does it have to be watermelons you invverse racist
Because I scrolled past this and you have bad timing
Please excuse my continuous pessimism as this giant stack of papers just won't seem to be finished until I get there and ask tons of questions about taxes and I really really hate having to get up at 9am and wear business casual.
I would say that planning for death is easier, but as you can see, it actually isn't.
You can do it blue I believe in yuu
i HAD TO oh my caps I had to do some homework tonight too.
No rest for the weary. Is no rest for the wicked a saying too? I feel like both apply.
will you ever be free
it is
>>339424 I have never heard of no rest for the weary. just the wicked
There ain't no rest for the wicked. And JUSTICE never sleeps.
Which is like... lol wow what a lie
who comes up with this
Songwriters, mostly.
But also, "ain't no rest for the wicked (that have yet to find real success and stability in their ammoral behaviour)" isn't really as nice a saying.
>Isaiah 57 ah I see > originally expressed as 'no peace for the wicked' There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. Is 57:21
Wait is it from a religious text? Fascinatnig.
Well from a religious connotation having a couple decades of peace in your wicked life is probably pretty insignificant when faced with eternal damnation for those actions. But that's pretty irrelevant while you're alive.
I am / Well, I guess I should be bothered by the seemingly complete removal of its context, but I can just hate words instead
>Seemingly complete removal of its context But English isn't even the original language of those texts. You have no way of knowing for certain if either context is the closest semblance to whatever concept the original language was trying to say.
That's why you should stick with the Hebrew original.
No that's why you should just take everything written in a book from thousands of years ago with a grain of salt. Nothing in it has the same meanings nowadays as it did when it was conceived.
>>339437 But there are ways. The biggest of which is that the verse, while a single sentence alone, has an entire chapter preceeding it that gives it context. And there are also people who study the language and history of these things so I'm sure that even if I could take the concept of the chapter out of context, although the chapter seems mildly straightforward, someone could actually know.
Let's get comfy and have a big comfy party
>>339441 I wouldn't trust it. All the manner of those books from their conception to modern day is a long line of broken telephone. Who knows what has been changed minutely as interpretations and definitions of words has changed over thousands of years. What has piled up through a changing of hands and cultural entities over all that time.
Not that I have a vendetta against the band elsewise I just haven't bothered with them past that.
>>339443 We can ruin a sentence's meaning without thousands of years of minutae turning it into something completely unknown. You might as well disregard all words. Join me in hating them forever and ever.
That's not relevant to my reasons for not trusting those text whatsoever. The fact that other sentences and meanings of words can be changed in a fraction of the time has NO BEARING whatsoever on what I said.
I'll choose what I disregard and what I don't.
Well yeah, you're right. You will choose what you disregard. But in between two posts, I have completely lost exactly what it is you're not trusting.
The reliable consistency of religious texts that have existed over thousands of years. Between total cultural shifts in participants in the documents and a change of hands of several languages, or at least the same language in different stages of development, whatever original meaning the text had has connection to what is written in them today.
Well, I guess I can be bothered by the possible complete removal of original context that the text may have had. But I guess I can hate words instead.
Watching people be excited by things or looking forward things is strange. I used to be excited by things or look super forward things, I haven't felt like that in ages.
I wish I could be into something with excitement.
>>339452 Words are great. You don't know what you're on about.
>>339453 what about all these japanese cartoons and video games
>>339454 Words are the worst thing to happen to anyone. >>339453 The future is hard. I am only mildly excited to have a job. Kekkai Sensen keeps me alive.
>>339455 All the excitement is gone and all that is left is habit.
>>339453 Bursts of enthusiasm for the short-term future is about all I can work up nowadays. Getting excited has at least some positive feeling to it. I'd probably be in an even worse state if I wasn't able to work up excitement for some things, personally.
>>339458 You. I will murder you and burn you on stake. How about that you rude cunt.
This season is so good. I look forward to anime every night. I am also looking forward to thanksgiving holidays! So much time off. I'm looking forward to lots of stuff these days.
>>339461 Yeah you're right that was pretty cunty to say
Kirara 🦃Koi-
I am not looking forward to towers of dishes. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow I should get clothes ready
I'm looking forward to my Thanksgiving already being a month past.
>>339462 So much energy and youthfulness. I am being blinded by your positivity
I do enjoy things. I just miss being unable to wait for something to come out or be super excited.
I pretty tired usually and stuff rarely makes feel any real excitement. I need to be motivated and try be a bit more positive.
I'm a big spaz so I'm always excited about one thing or the other.
what if you got into something completely new and different to what you normally do So it's all fresh and exciting
I too much of a super negative person. I generally hate people and I can't stand super happy people.
People who are too happy are annoying. also most normies are too annoying. but they sure look like they are having fun despite brain damage. >>339473 You need to lay off the maple syrup
>>339470 I'm pretty envious of you then, I think I lost something precious when I went full NEET and spent years in a dark room. I want to get that sort of innocent excitement back again.
... oh no bad pickup line #flip (true) OH NO WHY FLIP
>>339475 I don't really give a shit to be honest. No worries.
It was pretty mean though, cunt. >>339476 The condolance is always dark that is why they are given out at dark times. >>339478 I couldn't care to spare the effort to fufill your Masochist need to be insulted. >>339481 You need to eat ice-cream
>>339477 >cunt my mum calls me a cunt all the time you'll need something more insulting than that cunt
>>339477 coin flip says i have to write my bad pickup line So we should totally take our two negativities and multiply them into a positive please don't hate my brain for thinking this
>>339509 I don't know if I really like In Rainbows but this is really good
In Rainbows and Hail to the Theif went completely over my head for some reason
>>339544 The actual song isnt as good desu senpai Also Nude was originally recorded for OK Computer but didn't make it onto the album. It was performed live a bunch of times before it actually got released in 2008. Fun piece of trivia I guess
Err They rearranged and rerecorded it though. They didn't just use the unreleased version from the OK Computer sessions.
>>339550 Yeah, that's why it wasn't on the album. Also >>>/watch?v=uAk93YZgTts The first time I hheard that cover was on the music player on a now defunct lain fansite imageboard thing.
Like there's still a lain website at the domain name But it's a different and in my opinion not as good one
mobilus? something that? like that yeah that's the exact domain you posted is the one
Whatever the domain name is, its something that was on the gauge on tthe cooling apparatus in llain's room
Anyways the old version was better This one I think used to be at a different domain but then they somehow acquired mebious.co.uk and replaced the good one
I've fallen asleep every time I've watched Lain so that's why I can't repeat that name at verbatim
Would watching Lain make Rei fall asleep faster or slower?
an interesting idea >>339560 I guess this is goodnight?
I've gotten approval to fall asleep so thats no longer an issue
Well I'm not actually sure Going upstairs to say "need anything from me before I go to bed" woke me up a bit. But I think ill be able to sleep within the next two hours
>>339558 I'm not in a place emotionally where I think I'd be able to sit through Lain.
but it seems to me the hues of Lain would probably keep you up I guess that's why it's called Wired
>>339564 Well I'm currently in a much better place than I had been for several years. But I just don't think I'm ip for it. For lack of a better term, it would just make me feel too hard. And I would also really be made to think. And I just don't want to have those feelings and get caught up thinking about that stuff right now.