Thread #336144
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3gatsu x 2 boku no bitch konohana
Yes anime
There's also an episode of Black Clover from yesterday.
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oh, I didn't notice that okay 3 gatsu ep 26 black clover boku no bitch konohana sound good?
ok How many episdoes of 3gatsu will ther ebe
Just one watched today, which will leave us with one on the backlog.
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okay 3gatsu 26 okay oh okay still orange okay let's start!
Or do you mean for this whole season. We're getting another two-cour with this new season.
what time I had to restart
6:15 6:20 6:25
And now they eat Hina alive.
bully maki
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Well I guess it's obvious she'd be the new target after that.
Yeah that's why lashing out at the bullies isn't really a solid solution. It really only works when it's a one-on-one situation.
And then there's Momo crying because she doesn't know what's going on but everyone is SAD so she has to be sad too. Kids are kind of simple minded.
There's been some pretty solid animation this episode. Oh she tripped.
Hina is a good girl. The passion of JUSTICE burns strongly in her.
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Strange to hear someone other than Rei narrating.
It's a pretty uncommon thing to happen. The last one I remember was Shimada doing some narration back when he was playing against Shogi Iceman.
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You can't really solve this problem with Shogi so I wonder what he'll do.
It's important for a kid to know when they've done a good job.
Rei's still on the warpath though.
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okay black clover okay let's start
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I guess twintails girl is going to be the waifu.
But his waifu is SHISUTA MARIIII
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No one had any faith in him.
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The black team is definitely the best team. He ended up in a good place.
It looks like they're going to have to de-bitchify the lead heroine before she's any fun to be around though.
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I guess he has some passive anti-magic too.
I heard the anime does like less than 1 chapter per episode it's going extremely slow unsure why
Because studios that adapt shounen series have been trying for decades to figure out how to pace the material in an -a way that doesn't involve making shitty filler or stopping animation. Since stopping animation means stopping the money flow.
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I feel like the pace is comfortable though. If they went faster, wouldn't it be rushed? I guess this bitch is mad because she can't shoot straight. Maybe protagonist-kun didn't have anti-magic. She's just a bad shot.
She's still a bitch but i guess she's a low level bitch in a family of mega-bitches.
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well she summoned up something amazing.
Now that's thinking with portals.
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She got de-bitched in a single episode. That's pretty good pacing.
i think she'll be more fun as a not-bitch
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that was a good episode okay boku no bitch okay let's start!
It gets more tolerable the smaller the fraction that Asta speaks gets.
>Summer outfit change episode >Middle of November They're mocking us I swear it.
Oh no.
Wow he lost it real fast.
Yeah that's about what I expected.
He's pretty aware of dirty jokes from girls but the ones from other guys just go totally over his head.
As soon as he started talking about curving right I knew it was going there.
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It was really obvious it was going there, yeah.
Jeez fucking louise.
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I guess the shoe is on the other foot now that she's worried about him cheating with the cool guy.
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Even her batting helmet has cat ears.
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His foul balls are really dangerous.
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konokitty okay letsstart
Gay foxgirls
Well that didn't take long.
This is pretty nice. I like Asian woodwind instruments.
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>almost get spirited away >look forward to next year
>Aren't there more mature ways to have fun? Oh the show immediately lead into my joke.
She's swooning HARD.
>I'm glad you gave me your first Some times I wonder if this is all intentional.
That was a really good episode. This show delivers really consistently good content.
thank you
You're welcome. Thanks.
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thanks for anime! that show is comfy dangerously comfy