Thread #336361
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Tenko on frontpage
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Barb's the girl who got taken by the face monster, right?
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I heard a few things about this season and boy, it wasn't a joke
2017/11/16 (木) 10:45 No. 336365
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good or bad it was quite good overall
I heard some bad things, and so far it seems to be true But also some good, soseveral fake jumpscares each episode is the bad thing
2017/11/16 (木) 10:49 No. 336367
oh yeah I don't react or notice those since I see them miles ahead
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they're annoying
the kid can draw
2017/11/16 (木) 11:00 No. 336370
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2017/11/16 (木) 11:04 No. 336371
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>proposition to start using mini-nuclear power plants to heat finnish homes instead of the current "burn to heat" wow we fallout
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a small nuclear plant in every home the future is now, and the future is the fucking end
2017/11/16 (木) 11:05 No. 336373
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>if some engineer notices that burning wood produces co2, we are in trouble lol
I remember seeing an article talking about local small-scale power plants that could power towns by using radioactive material in a buried system deep underground. I think the concept was to use retired nuclear armaments and redesign them to work as a power system. Honestly I think that sort of thing is cool. Decentralized power is a positive for everyone but hegemonic power companies.
2017/11/16 (木) 11:16 No. 336375
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>>336374 They already do this in USA, well not that exactly but using retired nukes to produce power
Ah, maybe the article was just explaining that then. This was at least a year back I came across it; I only really remember the synopsis.
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Ah yes let's use yellow marking flags in a forest in October I am very smart
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>31,28 for electricity >42,27 for tax and transfer fucking caruna
2017/11/16 (木) 14:22 No. 336381
oh wow Okami is coming to pc
Oh yeah, I remember that. Maybe I'll finally play it.
I never finished Okami
I never owned Okami.
me neither
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The day isn't nice yet. But we'll see
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:09 No. 336390
Truly I am Ohio And also late
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:10 No. 336391
>>336371 >>336372 Nuclear power is good
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Yeah it's actually really good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:12 No. 336393
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wish bang were still alive to see this
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>>336394 wow That is terrilewd
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:14 No. 336396
>>336394 Noice
Nintendo did say that wanted more adult games for the switch
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:14 No. 336398
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>>336398 wow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:15 No. 336400
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I still can't get over this though.>destroy target player
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:17 No. 336401
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Also I cant tell if Spike is a chick or not.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:18 No. 336402
I know someone who is definitely going to bringing> $100 Cards just in case he gets that at the event So I need to bring bronze tablets and that efreet
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:20 No. 336403
Like shit like Time Walk Or time twister
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:21 No. 336404
Which are each about $1,000 for a white bordered copy in bad condition
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:24 No. 336405
I have like six minutes left on /moe/ until like noon So speak now or fiveever hold your tongue
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:27 No. 336406
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 277x401, bronze-tablet-11868-medium.jpg )
This is like $0.30 And banned in every format
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 15:31 No. 336407
I must go My planet neess Me
2017/11/16 (木) 16:14 No. 336408
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2017/11/16 (木) 16:19 No. 336409
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CRAFT POWER SUIT EQUIPED +10% comfy +20% frost resistance +10% mobility
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How is moe? Coughing is dess
im good sad you arent better
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Good that you are good! It is a bit depressing being home by myself coughing. I think I am too used to do lots of work at work. It feels to weird not being at work.>>336413 I have a cat's tongue and it feels like a pain in the ass to wait for the kettle for tea maybe. I could.
2017/11/16 (木) 16:45 No. 336413
drink hot stuff
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I tried looking at some Japanese language learning discords but I can't stand young people. too many young people with cutesy emoticons and retarded conversations. Why is Japanese so popular with annoying young people. please.
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2017/11/16 (木) 16:49 No. 336416
>>336412 it does ease with coughing
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>>336415 I did a summon yesterday with only enough for 1 summoning. I got a 5 star. It was fun.>>336418 Mostly socks! you lewd anon
Wow look at all that pantsu.
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! ...oh it's socks.
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>>336419 Your lewd megane are too powerful!
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>>336420 aww thanks! How are you? On break or is the day over?
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>>336421 Took the day off from work. Was coughing pretty bad last night couldn't get much sleep.
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>>336422 oh no! I'll beat up your sickness for you. Unhinge your jaw and I'll punch your throat in the throat. That'll teach it.
Geez Blue.
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No sickness messes with my frens
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Remind me never to see Doctor Blue. I'll die
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>>336426 What's wrong? Don't like our American Healthcare system?????
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>>336427 Not only will I die, I'll get charged a billion for it.
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Don't worry, since you're dead, you can deduct it on your taxes.
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American taxes sounds like a pain in the ass. I don't need to calculate anything. I just get a bill and pay it.
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It sure is a lot of pain. You should see the current edits. I still really wonder about the tax deduction you get when you file your taxes after dying.
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You guys pay your taxes how often? I have pay mine every month for local council tax and then whatever household bills I have: Gas, Electricity, Water and Internet.
2017/11/16 (木) 17:13 No. 336434
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My employer or whoever pays me money, if it is state benefits automically take the % tax and social fees and whatnots from it
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>>336433 People with employer paychecks get it automatically deducted. But it officially happens every year around April. So you get a return or a bill depending on how much you've already paid.
2017/11/16 (木) 17:20 No. 336436
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in april tax office releases files to everyone that states how much their tax percent will be and if they want anything corrected ro additional information added, like say they have moved and state hasn't registered that back whent hey made the file so you could apply for "long distance commuting benefit" etc and it also informs you do you get refund or a bill in december generally, everyone gets a 1-5% refund fo their yearly income
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I have my income automatically taxed so whatever I got told I earn is 20% less // more than I actually do. 20% tax is a pain.
2017/11/16 (木) 17:22 No. 336438
I think I get a 100 or so eumus refund this year
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featured image blue and kannagi
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Wow, that is horrible. I wish English trains were like this
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>>336440 it's more like this
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>Unexpectedly upgraded to Firefox Quantum >NoScript doesn't work >The tabs are all clear >The UI is more difficult to manage >No tab groups, so all the tabs I had in a group are now gone
>Quantum lol what
2017/11/16 (木) 18:06 No. 336446
>>336443 the koi looks bit trappish
I guess NoScript for quantum will work by the end of the week that's good>>336445 it's called quantum because it's fast apparently
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>>336443 Cute>>336445 It's all James bond and like. I will never upgrade to that fancy shite!
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>>336448 It upgraded me without warning!
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>>336446 She's a girl.
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>>336450 That sucks. They are taking a leaf out of the windows 10 book of fuckups.
2017/11/16 (木) 18:11 No. 336453
>>336444 the what?
Now only if Google could upgrade me to Chrome Ultron without warning.
>>336453 not sure what you're referring to
2017/11/16 (木) 18:11 No. 336456
firefox quantum was ist das
it's the new firefox
2017/11/16 (木) 18:11 No. 336458
i'm mostly mad that tab groups don't work with it
2017/11/16 (木) 18:12 No. 336460
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Jan rules my country
2017/11/16 (木) 18:12 No. 336461
and eh has a 25y wife
2017/11/16 (木) 18:12 No. 336462
and already a kid
getting rid of tab groups is the worst decision mozilla ever made tab groups were insanely useful
2017/11/16 (木) 18:15 No. 336464
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 1131x870, firefox_2017-11-16_20-14-55.png )
ya mean this stuff?
yeah, it's like that
2017/11/16 (木) 18:15 No. 336466
tab mix plus better than the ff default and was available way earlier
doesn't work with quantum
(most extensions don't)
2017/11/16 (木) 18:17 No. 336469
ios why I don't have auto updates on
i didn't have auto updates on
Firefox can force updates sometimes. It is a major pain in the butt.
not having noscript makes me feel paranoid too
2017/11/16 (木) 18:21 No. 336473
there are few alts I would say ask at tano sicne it seems to have few tech experts or siome of the sort on it
ublock still works and noscript will be working within the week so i don't plan on replacing it or anything i'll just limit my browsing until it's working probably
I did used no-script for a while but it breaks a lot of sites so I barely use it but I don't browse with much personal information.
i silo my browsing experience so that it cant do nuffin
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
got myself a roy time to grind him up so he can be best buds with Lilina
2017/11/16 (木) 19:14 No. 336479
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fuck i keep hitting my burn wound on things
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the weekend approaches
2017/11/16 (木) 20:08 No. 336481
my weekend began now
Firefox Quantum does indeed seem to be quite a bit faster and more stable
2017/11/16 (木) 20:31 No. 336483
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It's always the weekend
2017/11/16 (木) 20:54 No. 336485
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>>336484 bum
>>336485 Ho hum
2017/11/16 (木) 21:02 No. 336487
Search [iqdb] (493 KB, 600x600, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_draw(…).jpg )
>>336486 Yo way yo
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 21:08 No. 336488
Holy shit This train smells awful
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 21:08 No. 336489
Smells like cheap menthols and BO
2017/11/16 (木) 21:37 No. 336490
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>>336489 >>336488 must be homely to you
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my worry is coming back Why haven't they gotten back to me I've got like a week now
I know 'when' class starts. I don't know 'where' class is.
And I'm not a full employee yet. There's still stuff to do.
if i start getting migraines like my mom, im dropping out of life
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Hey blue here's a Heated Gamer Moment for you EA's stock price fell by a whopping 0.7% for a short while A big win in the Star Wars War
That's the value of all those reddit downvotes
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 800x1107, DOlA_BEXcAEEBVj.jpg )
Oh it's already back up again by the way This was like, a blip
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 576x768, DOra07_XcAEf7eq-orig.jpg )
People really do buy in, fully, to the idea that the consumers are the ones in power It's so silly
And you wholly, completely, over-simplify the situation by assuming it down to one concept. It's so silly.
2017/11/16 (木) 22:30 No. 336500
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>>336498 I remember when a copy of you in the past would have argued ou in the present to a standstill and then furthermore to a breakdown
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>>336500 It'd be a hell of an argument, that's for sure Because I, too, did buy into that idea
2017/11/16 (木) 22:33 No. 336503
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>>336502 No it wouldn't be that much
sk would probably get mad at sk and they'd both just get riled up until one of them went to bed
2017/11/16 (木) 22:35 No. 336505
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thank you that is pretty much yeah what would have happened
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Possible, yeah
2017/11/16 (木) 22:36 No. 336507
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it's not an opinion
2017/11/16 (木) 22:37 No. 336509
communism isn't an option when states exists
2017/11/16 (木) 22:38 No. 336510
and in my opinion states will never stop from existing, we will rather at some point have a global state
2017/11/16 (木) 22:38 No. 336511
and mind me asking you, will you want that global state have absolute power?
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Are predictions opinions?
SK is an anarchist
I don't really know if it would be avoidable for it to be extremely authoritarian Anarchy is a form of order It's not like it's disorganized just because it's without a state
2017/11/16 (木) 22:39 No. 336515
Search [iqdb] (614 KB, 600x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Anarchy = chaos can you form anything out of that but order and order always implies uniformity = hierarchy, and so on
2017/11/16 (木) 22:40 No. 336516
>>336514 >anarchy is a form of order >peace is a form of war >oppression if a form of freedom
2017/11/16 (木) 22:40 No. 336517
what is your understanding of anarchy, exactly
2017/11/16 (木) 22:42 No. 336519
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2017/11/16 (木) 22:43 No. 336520
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>>336518 for a longer answer ask for a time or something it does require an explanation
Search [iqdb] (11s, 2.9 MB, 960x540, robotflip.webm )
Guys check out this robot it does a flip
>>336521 hell yeah motherfucker>>336520 what do you mean a time?
>>336522 I was shocked that it worked Boston really is something >>336524 Super Robotic Odyssey
>>336521 Oh fuck the robots can platform now Irl super Mario recreation when?
2017/11/16 (木) 22:43 No. 336525
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 706x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>336522 say how much you want to answer to "how much does it take you to bake a perfect sun shide egg"
2017/11/16 (木) 22:44 No. 336526
and add to it NINTENDO AND SHIT
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:45 No. 336527
I am returned
2017/11/16 (木) 22:45 No. 336528
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 550x550, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Do a flip
Search [iqdb] (24s, 2.8 MB, 1280x720, robotshoots.webm )
Robotic police state when >>336528 Can you do a flip? I don't think I can get enough height to do oune
>>336529 Oh shit can it aim accurately with that, or is that preprogrammed?
>>336530 I actually have no clue But it's clearly good at hitting those targets and handling recoil >>336533 Oh I guess the /moe/ bot has spoken
it's probably programmed to identify something on the targets or the shape of the targets or something
2017/11/16 (木) 22:47 No. 336533
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1280x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>336529 #flip (false) NAh>>336530 fuck you
But can it aim the guns while they're held at chest level, just calculating the direction they're facing and somehow mixing it with the camera feed?
2017/11/16 (木) 22:50 No. 336535
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 900x700, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>336534 And that evaluates the IMPERIAL GUARD but the space marine are billion miles of tghat all also TYRANIDS will NOM NOM that all
>>>/watch?v=HTPIED6jUdU this is impressive
>>336536 Russias police force needs an upgrade you could say
2017/11/16 (木) 22:51 No. 336538
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 429x624, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Actually Imperium at large will meet many of SK's standards at face value
>>336532 it'll aim at turtles
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:51 No. 336540
>>336539 Blue Did you see the new uncards?
>>336539 haha
Rules Lawyer is the greatest card in the history of Magic the Gathering
2017/11/16 (木) 22:52 No. 336543
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1800x2400, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
It's not even broken.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:52 No. 336545
Dude Did you see Spike?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:52 No. 336546
I'm fucking bringing in a bunch of banned cards
Yeah, I love her shirt
Black Lotus UUU UU, 4 Life Spike 8 life, tutor for Ponder U, Ponder First turn Ponder is BACK, baby.
>>336536 Russian bots interfering with elections got much more real The DNC was right, the Russian bots are too strong
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:53 No. 336550
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 277x401, bronze-tablet-11868-medium.jpg )
I'm bringing in this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:53 No. 336551
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 480x680, 2014-tempest-efreet.jpg )
And this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:54 No. 336552
And bloodbraid elf, and grape shot and damnation, and gitaxian probe, and artifact lands, and looter scooter, and golgari grave troll ...
>Golgari Grave Troll
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:57 No. 336554
>>336553 It's a good card
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:58 No. 336555
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 265x370, Amateur-Auteur.png )
I like this flavor text
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:58 No. 336556
Did you see Baron von Count?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 22:59 No. 336557
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 270x377, Side-Quest.png )
I am so hyped
>that reminder text LAME
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 23:10 No. 336559
Anyways Baron von Count has "destroy target player"
>>336559 >target player gets doused in gasoline and burned to death
>>336560 yami_yugi_grinning.jpg
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 23:18 No. 336562
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how am i doing>>336563 the best part is that card is a luck goddess
>>336564 you look like you're not supposed to be wherever you are oging
could you make your hair white in original moon?
>>336564 that's good Cute girl
2017/11/16 (木) 23:34 No. 336568
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and now we're back to your regularly scheduled rika time!
>>336568 that's kokoro you dummy
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 349x667, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>336569 Wow, I was going to say you were really early today, but it's already 6:30.
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 786x800, 1369973071777.jpg )
Yeah, I'd say that I've arrived a little on the late side of normal. But much sooner than I had been for the last week or so!
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 610x800, 82155a14b34b3d63757ca809d9ae54(…).jpg )
I watched this. You probably won't. but I'm dying.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 23:40 No. 336574
>>336573 I'll have to watch that later
i am watching it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/16 (木) 23:40 No. 336576
I'm super tired right niw thoufh Can't keep eyes open Bbl/yasumi
wow he got shot in the eye
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he sure BUSTed that case
the cop is very much anime elitist and i like it
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Just wait until you see the VILLAIN
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It's nice to be able to slack off. Slacking off is the best.
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Look. It's me.
>>336573 Wow, that is pretty amusing but painful. also clearly subs > dubs always
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>Bob Dugnutt The Deepest Lore
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>>336584 You got it, Anego
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>>336586 当たり前だ! その当たり前な事は誰でも簡単にかんがえるよ
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>>336585 Willie Dustice is the best one.
todd bonzalez probably became a porn star
Bonzalez and Sernandez are my favorite
Like, Mike might be a name that Hispanic people use or at least have as a nickname But Todd? Todd? ??????
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but bobson dugnutt is the meme fave
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dugnutt is a good name
2017/11/17 (金) 00:09 No. 336594
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Damn good one I damn shit have kinda bad name several BLACK MIRRORs lack my name but one of them has me on them
2017/11/17 (金) 00:12 No. 336595
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Taking it easy is good!
2017/11/17 (金) 00:36 No. 336598
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>>336597 So You would relax without complainant
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>>336597 yeah
2017/11/17 (金) 00:39 No. 336600
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2017/11/17 (金) 00:40 No. 336601
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2017/11/17 (金) 00:40 No. 336602
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It feels like it's been awhile since I was able to slack off and be really worthless. It's nice.
2017/11/17 (金) 00:52 No. 336605
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>>336604 good foer you want me to base off your slack off for you?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 01:24 No. 336606
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Now I've eaten. Now it's time to super duper lay around.
>fuck up my pokemon ultra moon save >have been trying for two hours to fix it >cant fuck
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 01:52 No. 336610
So apparently there's a convicted drug trafficker/dealer in the mtg hall of fame. And the key witness for the prosecution died right before the trial.
sounds like someone got so salty over an MTG loss that they suicided just to cast shade on someone else's trial
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 01:57 No. 336612
He would have served much longer if they had more evidence Such as witness testimony
shadow realm'd that bitch
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>>336599 >>336599 help me
>>336614 just tell the truth anon
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i'm not your anon, anno.
not on the surface but deep inside i'm speaking to the anon inside you
deep within you
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sounds like someone who's going to get sued for sexual assault
>>336614 what will you do
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There are no save states. I'll probably just die.
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My tummy hurts.>>336622 tell her you're married to your birbs
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but zoey is cute and she likes dating sims and has good taste in shows and is really positive and supportive of my life Why did Daisy do this to me
>>336624 would you like me to take it off your hands for you
>>336625 so marry her>>336626 no
>>336627 are you sure i'm sure your insurance would cover it
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and we both have a burning frustration at the rate of feather drops
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>>336628 what insurance
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how is everyone else
my stomach hurts
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I'm going to go with Option 2 because I am sure that Dom likes Zoey and Dom gave me that code for 10 Shiny Feathers and he's a cool dude so I won't get in the way of his osananananananajimi ship.
>>336633 fix it never move save files without a proper extractor
>>336633 your theft insurance i'm sure there's a tummy theft policy
i dont have theft insurance
how much does tummy theft insurance cost you should call them up and ask
>i fixed it NEVER MIND
so the shit i was truing to fix was never the problem it was the fucking filename FUCK computers
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 02:34 No. 336642
Oh man I just thought of a great combo for magic
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 03:07 No. 336645
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We should play this.
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How are we all doing? Seems like the kancolle event is starting now. Rewards seem not all that great. Not that rewards matter much to me, I plan to probably just do this last one.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 03:11 No. 336647
I'm meh Bored and sort of irritated
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>>336646 im fine now any good girls maybe?
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I'm okay, but my stomach hurts.
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>>336646 i'm a little flustered how are you
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>>336651 Flustered over what?>>336649 Did someone punch you?>>336648 Just DDs and DEs.
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>>336652 meds probably they sent my meds to my old walgreens in tennessee and there's a problem now ive got some new project that i have to help these materials science engineers with designing new laminates strategies but i'm stressed and dont have anxiety meds
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>>336652 No. That's a weird question.
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>>336654 Is it? That hurts!>>336653 You have had lots of trouble with scripts going to the wrong places.
hi moe
/moe/ wow bang just show up at the same time as me why dontcha
so i was making curry again but this time i decided to put all the rice into the curry chicken and then add milk and let it simmer for a while and the rice kinda melted into like a thick soup so now i have this gigantic portion of curry rice chicken thing
have you tried it
yeah it's fucking delicious and creamy i used half and half instead of coconut milk this time because i didn't have any it's super thick curry it's great
i'm eating it with pita chips ii made enough for like 10 people so i'm probably going to be eating curry a lot for the next few days
sounds yum
i wish i had people to share it with ;_;
freeze it and have curry Popsicles
>>336655 yeah it's weird i should be upset but i try not to think about it
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i think my favorite part about cooking is sharing the food with others to enjoy and then when they like it, it's a really good feeling unfortunately everyone in my family works in food service so we always eat at work there's never anyone to cook for
share the recipe with me and then ill fuck it up but ill eat it anyways and you'll have vicariously cooked for me
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today was a really good day at work i feel hopeful for the near future the commute will be arduous and the money won't be amazing but i will like my job at least
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hey bang how are you doin i havent really talked to you in a while
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>>336668 That's good at least!
>>336669 i'm just doin i'm feeling down about not having a car but i'm feeling good about work
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>>336671 you may not realize it but your attitude and optimism have really taken a big leap forward>>336670 hey yuu i feel like i haven't talked to either of you in ages
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>>336672 We talked yesterday!
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did we? about what?
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>>336674 I don't remember!
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yeah you were around i don't really remember either probably dicks
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i dont remember that or much of anything man ive got to get my head looked at or something i dont remember talking to anyone for a long time
sorry i just made it awkward for no reason just ignore me
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It's not awkward! I was just distracted in another tab.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 04:40 No. 336680
So it's like 34°C And I was just out in flip flops eating ice cream in front of 7/11 It wasn't cold at all Well, I didn't feel cold This must be my latent mutant ability or something
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>>336679 how do you feel about laminate fixtures
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 04:42 No. 336682
34°F Fuck Lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 04:48 No. 336683
Bang You here?
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oh i got banned from cgl again i probably deserved this one at least
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>>336681 i don't know anything about them!>>336684 What did you do?
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>>336686 i dont think you wanna know
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That just makes me more curious.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 05:03 No. 336689
>>336685 I came up with a combo in unstable that would let me make a player in another game lose.
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>>336688 are you sure like im givin you a legit chance to say "nah i pass" you didn't pass on that furry hotel video and remember how that went we all told you to pass on it
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I don't mind, what did you do?
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i did this in a feels thread
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You were banned for that? Maybe I don't understand /cgl/ culture but you'd think feels threads are shitposting threads so anything goes.
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>yuu in response to how eating semenburritos should be received on cgl "with /cgl/, anything goes" and it's not like you're wrong either you should have seen the post about the semenimon rolls
and yeah i was banned but it was already lifted it seemed like a friendly poking ban from the friend i have who's a mod probably
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>>336694 No, I said you'd think it was anything goes since it was a feels thread. feels threads are pure shitposting.
my post did get deleted though maybe it was a legitimate feel for me how do they know help im being opressed
>>>/watch?v=LkuM1wSH5hI >>336699 what's up
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i have to write a presentation on bad data in a reputable tech company and i dont want to man this is way more troublesome than i expected there's so much work... i've barely slept in like a month
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and i drank too much tequila ive got t // to lay down
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I wonder if I have clothes to wear tomorrow. That is the kind of thing that is important and I should check on that now.
>>336705 that's one nice thing about working from home there's not many but that's one of the bigger ones i dont have many professional outfits so it'd be tough
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 05:23 No. 336707
Bang you wanna hear that combo or no?
gRAND tHEFT aUTO WOW CAPS LOCK Grand Theft Auto 5 is 93 GB to install so i don't think i'm installing that
>>336707 i'm not really going to get any of it i knew about magic a long time ago but i don't really care about it anymore too much money, too much RNG
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 05:25 No. 336710
All of the cards it uses are new except for one And it makes a player in another game lose. It's a three card combo
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>>336709 speaking of magic would you rather have biscuits and gravy for breakfast or waffles with strawberries and whipped cream
tough but i'm probably gonna go for the waffles
anime >>336713 →
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alright /moe/ time-old question how do you like your eggs?
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over medium
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 05:35 No. 336720
Over easy Or hard boiled
>>336718 raw in beer
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 05:36 No. 336722
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Scrambled eggs are the best.
>>336723 wait i gotta ask you too biscuits and gravy or waffles with strawberry and whipped creme
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biscuits and gravy but hold the gravy please
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you dont like the gravy huh okay i can cook you up dry biscuits if you want i dont have a problem with that if it's what you want
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bang do you want to watch anime or were you just shitposting in the anime thread?
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me? shitpost? never
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no gravy you just want a biscuit?
>>336731 what would you pick?
biscuits and gravy i think i dont like sweet stuff i might go for a pecan waffle but it wouldn't be with sweet toppings it'd just be butter and maybe some condensed milk syrup is too much for me though
i usually eat my waffles with peanut butter and honey
peanut butter is good i keep my honey in my valerian root tea though
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>>336738 Yeah.>>336737 people shitposting in anime threads legit pisses me off.
I really wasn't shitposting though I'm not caught up
damn son you made yuu use the word legit how'd you manage that
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>>336744 Oh, I'm not accusing you of shitposting in the anime thread. This time.
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oh good walgreens cooperated with me that's good news for them
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images are broken
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 06:06 No. 336753
>>336752 Oh no
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Not anymore!
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me in my life
we lost a lot of posts didn't we i can't even post the tfw i wanted to post
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i gotta be up sooner than later bye bye moe i hope you had more fun than i did
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because i know what you do out of passion but it only makes it harder for me and i know that you're scared by the notion we'll become who we're meant to be
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 06:13 No. 336773
>>336771 Yasumi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 06:15 No. 336774
Going bed Yasumi
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>>336769 Fixing the image issue requires me to sacrifice some post numbers.
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this is giving me goosebumps
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My knee on my right leg has been hurting. I wonder what happened to it.
this comic got this guy the nickname bike cuck lol
i rode my bike home from work today and i haven't ridden a bike in over a year maybe once or twice but not like i used to my legs made me feel regret
>>336780 sounds about right
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That's pretty funny.
a man should want to protect things
The edits are really funny.
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It hurts when I move my leg a certain way. I probably pulled a muscle.
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Maybe you got bit by a monster.
>>336788 You would have known when you did it right? If you pulled it, I mean
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>>336789 I'm sure the monster is in worse shape than I am.>>336790 Not if I injured it in my sleep. Sleeping wrong is how I get most of my injuries.
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>>336791 What if we were the monster the whole time?
>>336791 do you move a lot in your sleep?
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>>336792 I would know if I were a monster.>>336793 Yes and no. Sometimes I shift into weird positions and lay there and it hurts something.
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>>336794 Not necessarily.
what if bang killed himself a while ago and this is his friend executing his will
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You put in your will that one of your friends has to impersonate you on the internet?>>336795 I would know!
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>>336797 How?>>336796 spoop
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>>336798 It's the sort of thing I'd notice.
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yeah actually i think i'm gonna write that into my will right now that someone has to pretend to be me until one of you finds out and then spills the beans
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>>336799 Not if you didn't want to believe it.
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>>336800 I don't think wills work like that.>>336801 I would know for sure if I was.
i just have to find a good lawyer
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>>336802 How?
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>>336804 by using self-awareness.
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i need some somber music with strings and or piano
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>>336805 Wait, when did you get self-awareness?!
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I'm super self-aware. I am probably the most self-aware person.
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what do you want, /moe/?
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I want my leg to feel better.
i want be free
someone please link moon this >>336812 →
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What do you like, /moe/?
what do you hate, Kirara?
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Legs that hurt.
you skipped a question back of the line
>>336818 the fleshy prisons that keep us from being free
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you consider our bodies to be prisons?
are they really OUR bodies maybe we're being held prisoner inside them by someone else
I think that my 5 senses create experiences to be thankful for feeling i think our brains are the real prisons for holding captive such desperate painful thoughts i'm grateful for being able to live, to feel but i'm not so happy for my ability to deconstruct every nnotion of existance into meaninglessness and suffering i resent that my brain ends up at the conclusion that life is pointless except to be alive i wish i could just live
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i think i should sleep before i think too much i'll see you tomorrow /moe/ unless my friends doesn't flake, in which i'll be drowning out my sorrow with alcohol and loud noise as they say, "to turn up"
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get him off the throne moreover he's not in control no longer the king will come, it's over tha game goes on soneine's waitibg on the otherside trying to get over
Hey did ya ever hear about that fungus that takes over an ant's brain and stuff
>>336821 >>336822 The demiurge imprisoned us in physical space reeeee
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Look at this gathering of trash bois
>>336830 Are they here to protest something
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Unfair trash lid conditions To heavy
Unlock the bins and their hearts
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fuckin britbongs go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 5 to an inbox full of shit from UK-based companies why can't you guys sleep when i sleep
Rejoin the empire and maybe they'll consider it
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aliums r gay
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 14:37 No. 336840
Truly I am Ohio. Also I have a .ogg file that is so large two of my music players crashed trying to play it. So im listening to it with vlc. Although I am pretty sure that one of them was able to play it without crashing before I updated Android.
good job
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 14:52 No. 336842
>>336841 Domo
2017/11/17 (金) 15:17 No. 336843
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So apparently I missed this, but a few months ago, a judge in Georgia decided that the Official State Law of Georgia was subject to copyright, making the laws for the state copyrighted, so disseminating them is not covered by free use. So you have to pay to legally read the law in Georgia. If you send someone a copy of the law or anything, the state will SUE YOU FOR VIOLATING COPYRIGHT LAW.
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A strange cat just forced its way into my house when I opened the door and now it's just hanging out on top of my fridge, meowing at me. I gotta get it out somehow. Maybe it'll calm down and come down and I can put it back outside.
>>336845 cute
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It's not cute! It could be dangerous!
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>>336847 one of the better granblue events is rerunning and this time you can get the skin for mc from it
that's cool i guess
this catttttt
2017/11/17 (金) 17:31 No. 336852
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2017/11/17 (金) 17:32 No. 336853
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>>336851 Maybe it is your new cat
i am free from the cat
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didya evict it?
i am become the evictor
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squatter down
now that my lunch is cold, i can eat my lunch
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I'm making a pizza, which I'll eat warm
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i ordered a pizza the cat got in when i opened the door to get the pizza haha
2017/11/17 (金) 17:58 No. 336861
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Jan is quite comical ruler>fuck these bureaucratus and peasants
>>336860 Oh wow pizza buddies
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unmei no pizza
2017/11/17 (金) 18:02 No. 336864
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the great war of how the fuck do you pronounce this
gaelic has some crazy words
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I absolutely love that PJW's new video is about soy boys, now after everyone's been on him for Brain Force(tm) It's poetic, it's beautiful, it's like he planned it, but I'm not sure if he did
PJW is incapable of planning anything lol
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The only one more frequently self-owning is Baked Alaska, and he's out
did you see the stuff about him going to an in-and-out and bitching about getting banned from twitter and then a british guy explained to him how freedom of speech works
>>336869 Oh yeah he had a NINE HOUR LIVESTREAM about getting banned from the bird website
i can't believe he blinded himself and STILL humiliates himself daily
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Lunch break Rika-chan dess
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>>336872 What in the world!
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I have to go back after I eat, but I'm here for a few minutes.
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Today is so weird.
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If this is all it takes to weird you out, maybe your life isn't as weird as I had given it credit for.
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Oh, no, I just finished dealing with a weird incident which occurred after being woken up by a related weird incident. And I got some weird news. And now you're here at lunch, which is weird. So taken together, it's all weird.
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Wow, Shigure went into serious mode for the event!
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Are you going to get serious about it, too?
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No, I'll just do it on easy mode. I don't have a lot of resources anyway. I am seriously thinking about stepping down to secondary status.
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It's not like the game is that much fun, is it? I actually caved and tried out Azur Lane after saying I wouldn't try it so many times. It's actually a lot more entertaining that Kancolle and very friendly. It's not stressful at all.
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I think I would describe it as an issue where the game has become more frustrating. When I was really enjoying it, it was a lot more simple. You'd think about how to prepare, and if you prepared well you'd have a good chance of clearing as long as you had enough resources/etc to deal with the failure. Since that time, a lot of new mechanics and memes have been added. For example, a map may have LBAS, a special debuff that's just tedious to get, and then a meme that the boss takes extra damage on. So to actually get a good result you have to hope that 1) your LBAS strike rolls well, 2) you were able to get the debuff to work right 3) your support fleet actually activates and 4) whatever boat has the meme loadout actually does damage. The memes are usually something like landing craft or red planes, so you'll have 1-2 boats with that setup and you have to hope they shoot the right target and do good damage or it's just over right there. It's just a lot more frustrating and RNG has been layered upon itself. It used to feel more like gambling, but now it's just an exercise in frustration. I want to try Azure Lane, but I have been holding out in hope that it gets an English interface.
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I iwan I wan tto try Azure lane sometime I shouldve tried it when I got banned in granblue
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It's a lot friendlier than Granblue, too.>>336882 That sound really annoying. It's no wonder than Kancolle has lost so much popularity. I'm not sure if it will ever get an English interface. Since it's a mobage, I mean, it's hard to do that.
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Well, Azur Lane is Chinese run rather than Japanese, I think, and already has Japanese and Chinese versions. There is more hope but who knows.
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I'm not completely sure, but I believe that a Japanese company is licensing the game, rather than the Chinese company making a Japanese version of it. The Chinese company BiliBili isn't managing the Japanese one. So it might have to be that an English-speaking company licenses it.
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Oh, I see. Well that makes sense. Their focus is a little more international and the game is getting popular though, so I hope we see some English for it. If not, I may not bother. I don't really want to learn a new interface and everything, especially since I already have Fire Emblem as a mobage to pour my mobage energy into.
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Oh, and Animal Crossing mobile is coming out soon too. I'll try that to see if I like it.
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I didn't really like that one, but I might try it again when everyone else does.
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I didn't try it when it leaked. I'm going to try it to see if I like it. It seems to be a comfy game, so I may use it for when I don't have a lot to do in FE as a backup I don't have to try hard at every day.
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Did it get leaked? I just played it on the Australian server, since they all use the same client. I got the APK from Australia.
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Hello rare lunch neechang If you feel like granblue, this is a rerun of one of the best events with a good free unit and a cute costume
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>>336891 Yeah, that's what I was talking about.>>336892 hello Which unit is the free unit?
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>>336893 Neteon he's a fuccboi with a good kit since he buffs and debuffs he's wind though
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>>336893 Oh, well, I didn't really like it anyway. The game immediately tricked me into going heavily into debt so I got upset and uninstalled it.
I bought a friend pokemon today woo>>336897 to be fair being tricked into debt is what the first animal crossing was all about
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Are any of you guys getting usum anytime soon?
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Not me.>>336898 Yeah, but it's supposed to be a comfy game about making friends and managing a camp ground. Being tricked into debt isn't comfy. What's the point of escaping from reality with a game if I'm just going to be heavily in debt in the game, unexpectedly, too?
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Well, that's it for me. Bye bye!
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See you later, Rika. Don't have too much fun at work.
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/17 (金) 19:19 No. 336903
oh no my temporary cast is too thicc the hoodie gambit is failing
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... disappointment yet again
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This cat is still outside, trying to get inside again. Aa doushio?>>336905 For what?
2017/11/17 (金) 19:28 No. 336907
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The cat wants to be yours
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Well, it can't be mine!
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>>336906 there are no hoodies here
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Odd mushroom was worth the 999 feathers
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What does it do?
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There is too much heartfelt stuff in this game. Talking to Zoey and Josie makes me want to go outside
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Go outside and watch some real birbs!
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time to sleep so I can be awake and have fun tomorrow
ugoku ugoku
2017/11/17 (金) 20:17 No. 336917
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Potatos for the potato god
2017/11/17 (金) 20:17 No. 336918
Ugoku for the Ugoku throne
2017/11/17 (金) 20:18 No. 336919
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wow 20k playing eu4 right now
2017/11/17 (金) 20:43 No. 336920
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When you want to go HERESY but it would be suicide
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First episode of Punisher was decent.
2017/11/17 (金) 21:00 No. 336922
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*deep breath* HERESY I am getting too much into my rp
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2017/11/17 (金) 21:08 No. 336924
Hey ton name my next king
Alack Inlets Berth ok for kirara
2017/11/17 (金) 21:09 No. 336926
too late
2017/11/17 (金) 21:09 No. 336927
got pulled into a war so had to dismiss that screen
>>336925 yeah that scene was pretty crazy
2017/11/17 (金) 21:14 No. 336929
>>336925 cause it is so bad?
what do you think about french toast but with a bagel
2017/11/17 (金) 21:15 No. 336931
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Like my current queen regent would say HERESY
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heresy might be mighty tasty
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! Tonight is an anime night.
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It sure is. But is it for you? Aren't all of your shows tomorrow?
hell yes punisher is beating the shit out of a dirty cop
Search [iqdb] (921 KB, 700x700, DOk47YgX0AAp269.png )
>>336934 Oh but today is special.[MaruChanSubs] The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl - Yoru wa Mijikashi, Aruke yo Otome (2017) 1080p (English Subs)
test teste test
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>>336936 oh wow
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i was assaulted by a road rager today no harm was done but they left before the police showed up and it was very anxiety inducing i was on my way to pick up my anxiety meds too i dont think i want to leave the house for a long time
That sucks What'd they rage over?
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Weekend time! My first day off since December 4th. Isn't that crazy?>>336939 I was recently accosted by a road rager, as well. I either pulled out in front of him or beside him? I don't really know. He must have come up on me really fast. sorry I got a phone call. Anyway, it was night and I didn't see him. And we came up to a red light and both had to stop so he yelled at me for awhile so loud I could hear him really well even with the windows up. Among his better comments were "yeah, you better turn" (I was turning left) and "get glasses you blind cunt", which was kind of a questionable one since I was clearly wearing glasses at the time.>>336945 I get half a day off on wednesday and thursday and friday. I may take more since I worked so hard this week. We'll see!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/11/17 (金) 22:28 No. 336943
Whoa uh November 4th or
>>336942 wow you worked a whole year
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>>336942 How many days off do you get for Thanksgiving?
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O h man moe I just learnt how to make my phone tell me jokes in Japanese? It is hilarious, it has a built in laugh track as well.
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>>336942 Take the whole week off! Let's vacation!
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I definitely can't take the whole week off. I may leave early tuesday and take wednesday.>>336946 There's an app for that?
>>336948 It is just the google assistant that you can ask to do things with your voice like make calls, reminders and stuff. I put it into Japanese and asked it to tell me jokes. and it comes with laugh track at the end of every joke its awesome
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It's great if you tell the app to play relaxing sounds and stuff, too.>>336948 I guess that's about what I have off, too.
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Good work rika Please enjoy your weekend Do you get yelled at at work ever
What type of card is best at dancing? The King of Clubs. wwwww
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>>336942 this one was seemingly high on methamphetamine also had no plates on their vehicle it was the scary level of crazy
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>>336953 The guy that yelled at me was white trash so he was probably high on meth as well. My plan was to just drive away if he tried to get out of his vehicle. That semed like a good plan.>>336951 No one yells at me because I am too polite.>>336955 No, he didn't do anything but yell at me.
>>336954 did you call the cops
2017/11/17 (金) 22:43 No. 336956
Name ny next QUEEN
hillary clinton
rosie odonnell
theresa may
2017/11/17 (金) 22:44 No. 336960
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>>336957 #d10 (7) >>336958 #d10 (8) >>336959 #d10 (3)
damn you rosie
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1080x1320, 63802565 - i-パン.png )
This cat is still outside my house. It is still screaming.
>>336962 First screaming bees now screaming cats. You live a charmed life
2017/11/17 (金) 22:46 No. 336964
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>>336963 The cat got into my house earlier and cause a lot of trouble.
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What a stalker! Such is life a toppu aidoru All those cats want that.
>>336954 I got yelled at today by angry people on the phone
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It was a real big pain. It knocked over all my shit and I chased it around. It took us hours to get rid of it.
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>>336968 Wow that sounds like a major pain. how did it get in the first place? rush in when you opened the door? Some cats are super annoying, open the door just a little and then break and enter.
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Yeah. I opened the door and it just forced its way in. And then it hid on top of my fridge and meowed at me for a while.
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What a cunt.
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That cat woke me up a bunch of times last night and this morning, too.
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>>336967 Random people usually don't dare to yell at me.
2017/11/17 (金) 22:55 No. 336975
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What a terrible kitty.
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Yeah. It was sitting there, meowing at me, and it was so frustrating that it briefly went through my mind that if I killed it, I could get rid of it easily. I don't think I could kill a cat, but it frustrated me enough that I thought about it. Thanks to that cat, my lunch got cold, too.
my dog reeeees away any potential cats
>>336954 they got out of their vehicle i know not to do the same thing or else it puts me in a difficult legal position i woulda liked to bash a head in though
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nya, bitch. nya
>>336973 wow thats rad have you seen the new vira
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>>336979 Yeah, I would have gotten scared and driven away if he'd left his vehicle.>>336981 Yeah. but I honestly don't really care about new characters in Granblue since they're just showing you things you can't have.
>>336982 sometimes i luckshit new character swhen they come out today wasnt really one of those days
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got this qt though
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>>336977 Killing cats is bad! You can only pour water on the little shits when they are being naughty.
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Sometimes the world drives you to do bad things.
create a cat rage room
sometimes the world drives you to do fun things
2017/11/17 (金) 23:15 No. 336989
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>>336988 That does not seem likely. the world sucks!
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>>336988 do you mean like when the world drives me to behave completely recklessly and risk my life
2017/11/17 (金) 23:17 No. 336992
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potatos for the potato god!
2017/11/17 (金) 23:17 No. 336993
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>>336991 so what happened in the end with the cat?
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>>336993 It still outside I think screaming?
2017/11/17 (金) 23:18 No. 336995
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also I killed 145k turks
yeah, the cat is still outside, screaming at me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:21 No. 336997
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I got an EVA manga
i'm gonna work you long and hard <3
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Maybe you should adopt the cat!
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Are you going to give me $2000 so I can afford a cat?
>>336997 That panel with Unit 01 playing baseball is cool
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:24 No. 337002
>>337001 This is an official thing by the way.
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>337000 Nope, you're on your own!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:24 No. 337004
>>336996 Do you have a hose?
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>>337001 almost as good as the GBF baseball episode >>337003 Then I won't adopt it!>>337004 Nope.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:25 No. 337006
>>337005 A squirt gun? What about a spray bottle?
>>337005 That was a good episode That guy with the suit from Victory was a cool contender
What about a cucumber?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:26 No. 337009
Or you could just throw the water out of a glass at it. Although I suggest maybe practicing if you've never thrown water out of a glass before.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m21s, 8.4 MB, 640x360, 1499771620308.mp4 )
>>337007 Yeah, absolutely. >>337009 I've already tried that, it comes back.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:27 No. 337011
>>337010 Pepper spray it?
>>337010 >Tfw no real gbf season 2 Remember that joke about all the guys who got ntrd by Fellini tried ganging up on him in the tournament Such a good show
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:27 No. 337013
Wait no That might count as animal abuse
yeah that'd be a crime
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:28 No. 337015
Have you shot it with a nerf gun?
no, i'm not gonna shoot the cat with anything
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:28 No. 337017
It's just a nerf gun Well Good luck
2017/11/17 (金) 23:28 No. 337018
>>337010 ' finally someon posts this
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg )
>>337011 Pepper spray a cat? You're a monster!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:29 No. 337020
>>337019 See >>337013
>>337019 >>337019 >>337019
Search [iqdb] (16s, 876 KB, 640x480, 1510206295475.webm )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:29 No. 337023
Well, you could call animal control, but then it would probably be put down.
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I'm sure it'll go away eventually. For now, we'll just have to go on the defensive when we leave.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:30 No. 337026
>>337022 I don't even have to watch it to know what happens in that webm.
>>337025 Portal 3 puzzle
Like why not just point the laser lipstick at the door in the first place. also laser lipstick sounds retarded! how easy would it be to burn your face off.>>337030 MAGIC
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:31 No. 337029
Search [iqdb] (376 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_20171117-173109.jpg )
>>337028 The mirror amplifies and makes TWO lasers
>>337029 images do this sometimes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:32 No. 337032
Thanks Samurai
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:32 No. 337033
Also my sister is stuck in Shanghai right now cause her airline canceled her flight to Thailand and has no more anytime soon and they didn't give her a refund (they probably won't until she contacts their US branch) And she had to buy a ticket from another airline
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:34 No. 337035
She wouldn't say how much it was, bit I think *but I think It was like $800 or so Maybe more
>>337034 Me on the right!
>>336991 yeah [ ] dont have a drink with your mother [x] have a drink with your mother
I don't drink but if i did, i would never drink with my mother
probably a food time no wait probably a good plan
>>336982 i was spooked my mom was in the car too because i had just driven her to the surgical center and i was on my way to get my anxiety meds because i finally got walgreens to get their shit together and i hadnt had my anxiety meds in days so i had a pretty bad anxiety attack because of it and now i've got a picky client causing me after-hours stress to nitpick today really sucked
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:44 No. 337041
Holy fuck I forgot just how damn funny this manga was. Also despite it being labeled "new" it has damage on the outside and small teaes on the first 20 or so pages. *tears
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:45 No. 337042
>sempai I hope this translator has a brain aneurysm
2017/11/17 (金) 23:47 No. 337043
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 338x248, firefox_2017-11-18_01-47-37.png )
Aobest signature
>>337042 dont wish death on anyone you fucking autist
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/17 (金) 23:56 No. 337045
>>337044 I decided to use hyperbole to express my dissatisfaction. Also most brain aneurysms have no symptoms and go unnoticed. So it's not really "wishing death".
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you'll fellas need jesus
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 519x369, 13686062149872.jpg )
OwO sempai what's this?!?
2017/11/18 (土) 00:08 No. 337048
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>>337046 You need Jesus HERETIC!
>>337046 No Jesus needs me
2017/11/18 (土) 00:09 No. 337051
>>337049 that animu just looks bad
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 427x639, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>337046 You do too!
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 570x700, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
No I don't. I don't need anyone but myself. I'm a loner. The wind is my only true companion.
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 416x573, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Oh yeah. The newest Yucky Tuna was a major disappointment. The entire thing was a recap episode.>>337055 yeah can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh number 4, 4 number 3s, 3 number 7s, a large fry, and a small diet coke?
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 500x844, 52b649eef2733cd5b99d970fc5343881.jpg )
hi it's me jesus can I take your order?
2017/11/18 (土) 00:18 No. 337056
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 730x800, __jun_you_kantai_collection_dr(…).png )
>>337055 I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 larger, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with bcheese, and a large soda.
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>>337054 sorry we don't sell individual fries>>337056 coming right up
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death on the rocks
>>337057 alright, gimme two large fries then
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>>337059 deal I can eat one of them if that makes you happier?
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>>337060 yeah you can have the second fry don't wanna get fat
2017/11/18 (土) 00:20 No. 337063
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Also give me a halloween whoopper
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>>337053 hey kid wanna kill your friends?>>337057 Hey can I get a reason to live? Thanks.
>>337065 soyboy is such a shit forced meme>>337069 Cuck is shit too Let's just call each other faggots >>337067 I have withstood rejection to offer many dates and yet these hands shall never hold anything
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>>337064 there's a lot of boobies to look at and touch
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>>337066 yeah they should have stuck to cuck but calling people cuck made people start thinking cuckolding is okay so they totally failed on that one i guess lol
>>337066 that's homophobic to avoid offending people i have begun calling people numbed skulls, blocked heads, and nim rods>>337071 letting people fuck your wife/girlfriend is for fucking losers tbh
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>>337069 what's wrong with cuckolding?
>>337071 there'snothing inherently wrong but it indicates a lack of self respect in my eyes tbh >>337070 It's okay I'm gay
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:26 No. 337073
>>337070 Not calling people faggots is homophobic
>>337072 oh good point
There is enough inherently wrong with having people sex your partner.
>>337074 Yeah I'm only attracted to traps which is definitely gay
>>337076 depends on how the trap identifies>>337075 there is something inherently wrong with people having sex tbh
I'm actually only gay because I'm a misogynist
>>337075 what's that? you not liking it doesn't make it wrong
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:27 No. 337080
>>337078 Heh
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>>337080 Women can't pilot I'll never let a women into my cockpit Except for this one I'll make an exception for her>>337083 I'm not an eva tho
2017/11/18 (土) 00:28 No. 337082
>>337065 10/10 counter
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:28 No. 337083
>>337081 Over half of the Eva pilots are women. Checkmate Athiest
>>337079 things i don't approve of are morally wrong
>>337079 shut the fuck up steve i am going to fuck your wife now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:28 No. 337086
>>337081 They're made in the image of man.
bike cuck is a good meme
>>337085 didn't peg you for someone who's into incest
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>>337083 The whole world gets destroyed and everyone turns into tang.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:29 No. 337090
>>337089 Go watch it again
>>337089 world gets saved*
>>337089 The world isn't destroy it's just flooded with tang
>>337088 I wouldn't peg you either
>>337093 oh damn
>>337093 wow no reason to be rude
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:30 No. 337096
>>337093 Heh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:30 No. 337097
Has everyone here seen Eva or no? I would assume that but I just want to make sure. Cause I don't feel like using spoiler tags
Search [iqdb] (25s, 2.7 MB, 720x540, dancelikeuwant2win.webm )
>>337093 nice>>337097 I have I liked it Eva is great nude. Don't tell Hitler he'll get mad at me
>>337097 no only Adam, he hasn't introduced me yet
eva peron don't cry for me Argentina
There isn't a single person who deserves not to be spoiled about Eva.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:31 No. 337102
>>337101 Fuck you
>>337102 this tbh fam
Fuck Eva
it's been 40 years if you haven't seen or been spoiled on eva, you will be soon
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m29s, 3.5 MB, 480x360, evarap.webm )
>>337105 >40 years It's been 39 are you dumb>>337107 This was a pretty good scene in the actual movie tbh Vader just coming in and absolutely destroying everyone with no effort>>337108 >rounding in double digits laaaaaazy
2017/11/18 (土) 00:32 No. 337107
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>>337106 i was rounding you absolute Blocked Head
lmao imats can't do math
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:33 No. 337110
Anyways Since some people obviously weren't paying attention when watching EoE. I'll just let them know that the people who turned into tang will eventually turn back into humans. Well, many of them Not sure about all of them
>>337109 you know what i can do though?
>>337111 suck a dick without your mouth?
2017/11/18 (土) 00:33 No. 337113
>>337106 >>>/watch?v=wxL8bVJhXCM
>>337112 yeah true but that's not the answer
>>337113 >that one guy banging on the door Jesus christ how terrifying >DAAAAAVE OPEN THE DOOOR >>337111 can can you do the can can
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:34 No. 337116
My dad spoiled rogue one for me
oh yeah ea got rid of micro transactions in the new battlefront
>>337116 What'd he spoil That they get the deathstar plans? >>337117 Why would I buy the new Battlefront when the original 2 exists Legit question What'd they improve other than the graphics >>337122 Yeah just slaughtering hordes of dumb soldiers I love the time travel level in titanfall because they can't do anything to you and they get terrified as this madman comes in slaughtering everyone>>337121 wow
>>337117 entirely?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:35 No. 337120
>>337118 That Vader kills them
>>337118 they actually made it worse >>337119 apparently
2017/11/18 (土) 00:35 No. 337122
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>>337115 That is how i sometiems feel in videogames as vader that is
2017/11/18 (土) 00:37 No. 337123
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>>337118 Ever played EU4?
ass vader
>FINAL PROCESSING ON MONDAY what the FUCK guys I swear I can't wait for this process to be done
>>337123 no
2017/11/18 (土) 00:37 No. 337127
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 615x600, __jun_you_kantai_collection_dr(…).png )
>>337126 well numbers alone should tell In my current game as poland I have 60% dmg plus with cavalry in combat add to that 10% overall shock combat dmg and -10% shock dmg received that is 80% more dmg I deal towards any enemy>>337128 No Poland not that stronk I AM STRONK
>>337127 Wow Poland is strong Gonna conquer the world Oh okay you're just carrying them then>>337125 what is it processing
2017/11/18 (土) 00:38 No. 337129
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 900x854, __pola_kantai_collection_drawn(…).jpg )
It takes some optimising to make it out
it takes one to know one
I know you are but what am I
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:39 No. 337132
>>337131 A kiwi
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 620x349, laser.png )
>>337132 Yeah
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 1448x2047, DOv2mM7V4AEs8a7.jpg )
>>337128 me getting this fucking job Class starts the following Monday. This whole week I was wondering when they'd contact me. Ends up being past 7pm on a Friday lol Looks like things are hectic on their end if I'm getting this email now but still
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>>337135 >cops end up brutalising other cops by accident lol>>337134 soon
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:42 No. 337137
>>337135 Not the first time I've heard about something like that
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 1308x908, CbZmifRUMAAy753.jpg )
>>337135 wasn't this in Chicago
>>337138 i thought detroit
oh, I don't know how nice
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 797x938, 05d8ce8f7d8f2e95d6f3f3f745c94813.jpg )
Put chicago into a birdcage and listen to it sing
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>>337135 Sounds like something that would happen in TF2.
apparently dril got doxxed what the fuck
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yeah internet is gay I need to get my pension stuff notarized.. or just take the money that I would put in my pension and put it into crypto because screw the old people's ponzi schemes new shit
whoever is responsible for this should be dragged from their home and shot in the fucking head
>>337145 cute summon
how are you guys and gal tonight
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 480x480, lazynoriko.jpg )
Good because I have no work and can just be lazy all day what about you
>>337148 im incredibly mad that someone doxxed dril
i was hoping to turn the fuck up tonight but i get the feeling that won't be able to happen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 00:52 No. 337152
>>337144 Holy shit That's awful
>>337151 why not
>>337152 i hope that bastard gets doxxed and fucked up
what if you used the dox to send nice things and turn a negative into a positive
it doesn't matter the person that doxxed him is the enemy of all things pure and good
>>337143 do you think a dui will affect my background check for a pass to work with vulnerable people?
>>337153 i can't drive anymore so i'd need a ride i can't really afford to to take a Lyft/Uber because i need the money for the bike i just bought and i think the two friends i might have gone with are both gonna flake first world problems i guess, but still sucks
>>337159 You can get turned the fuck up by drinking and watching Japanese cartoons though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/18 (土) 01:03 No. 337161
This is fucking sweet
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>337158 only one on your record?
>>337162 Yes. It's the only offence of any kind and it's from 3 years ago
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
>>337163 I wouldn't anticipate that it would be a problem but I can't really know since you're there and I'm here. Might be something to investigate further but I wouldn't worry too much.
>>337164 It better not.. I got an internship over summer at a legal-advice-for-poor-people office. If this disqualifies me I'll be really bitter about it.
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2017/11/18 (土) 01:06 No. 337167
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rika look at this sonoko
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>337165 It should be okay, I think.>>337168 That's a cute Sonoko. I wonder how tall those stand.
2017/11/18 (土) 01:09 No. 337170
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
Yuu or Chi?
>>337169 probably not too high
>>337169 Probably. Although it is TECHNICALLY a criminal record. It depends how strict they are about these things
the cat returns
2017/11/18 (土) 01:14 No. 337174
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 3841x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>337173 I don't return
>>337169 Apparently they're to-scale so they're probably 150-170 cm
2017/11/18 (土) 01:16 No. 337176
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [m.3.3.w] Kyou no Asuka Show 0(…).jpg )
is blend worth watching as it airs?
imo yeah
2017/11/18 (土) 01:17 No. 337178
Search [iqdb] (♫, 12s, 432 KB, 400x224, 2fe82dd3fac06c6b.mp4 )
it has good meme potential atleast
2017/11/18 (土) 01:18 No. 337179
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
I wonder what kind of animu would be a SYKA BLYAT anime?
coppellion but with guys
2017/11/18 (土) 01:20 No. 337181
Coppelion was art
2017/11/18 (土) 01:20 No. 337182
also shoujoapo is in wh40k
2017/11/18 (土) 01:20 No. 337183
well to be precise wh25-30k
>>337184 → >>337184 → >>337184 →