Thread #334198
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wonder if i'm anime tonight
two car 3 gatsu houseki mahoutsukai imouto ireba umaru-chan animegataris
i watch all of those last three better grab a beer
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i watch the last four
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Well then that's what we'll watch. So where is tilde?
Yes anime
currently sending all of my power out to my brother tilderino
I am going to get up from my computer to take the trash out. That will probably work
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>>334214 It worked because I guess you got tilde to show up back in time because he's >>334211 okay mahoutsukai umaru animegataris imouto ireba so starting with mahou orange okay we're all orange let's start
ok I really like mahou's opening
okay done
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i want to be this comfy
One can only aspire to be so comfy.
that little guy has a hell of a voice
Oh I LIKE this.
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>>334258 this is what was on screen as you posted that
I deny no accusations.
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this girl has advanced physics
how much time do i have
11 minutes
he got a boner
Gosh she is CUTE.
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umaru-chan just need jan okay let's start!
umaru is love
why is umaru so useless
because she is umaru
whenever i hear those sound effects i can only think of monster hunter
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this is monster hunter tho
yellow subs what the fuck HS
they're hard subs too fuckin gross
ur getting fucking rekt my dude
Yeah these yellow subs are pretty nostalgic.
she doesn't love her brother she's USING HIM
>>334295 thats how little sisters show their love
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>the OP is hard subbed >everything else is soft subs what is going on
get back in your fucking seat TSF
>>334297 probably the easiest way for them to do different colors on the romanji and the english in the OP whoever did the work, i mean
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>>334299 i dunno it seems like it would be just as easy to change the color of soft subs
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
poor kirie he autism is just too much
I wish UMR's voice wasn't so annoying
oh no
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kirie is my favorite
kirie is probably the best
>>334303 i like umr's voice i don't like desu wa that much
i hate desu wa also you're a fucking cuck
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you can't prove that my little sister is a hard working member of society
both of my little sisters have jobs and my little brother
This is a powerful okaa-san.
it makes sense now wait so is light blue hair the product of blonde hair and dark blue hair
j a p a n e s e k i m o n o
oh fuck
i completely forgot about that whole gag
that head of lettuce looked like a light green brain
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it really does
She's got a real steamed head this episode.
woh shit she blew a fuse
if having the temperature at a comfortable level is expensive, then so be it
It's only May for them though. How hot can it get in May.
you have no clue, do you
>>334331 he lives in a frozen wasteland
yeah i guess you're right
>>334333 In Japan I mean. I get that you people have chosen to live in a desolate sunscarred desert.
Japan is literally an island and I'm willing to bet that I live in an area just as green as yours or greener for most of the year
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>>334335 i didn't choose to live here i didn't even choose to live and it's not a desert here it's a concrete wasteland
Dallas is a concrete wasteland yes Austin is rather green
>>334336 We've got plenty of evergreens here. Green the whole year long.
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>>334341 their dicks are so short because of the cold.
>>334339 how are your winters so long but your dicks so short
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>>334320 really makes you think
>>334340 Pretty much. Ice and cold ain't good for the male valuables.
>>334340 fair enough
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>>334344 If it's too hot all your little guys will die though.
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animegataris just waiting on ika please wake up ika okay lets start
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>>334349 all you missed was them going to an anime con and meeting a one off character i guess all that changed plot wise was the prez met some other anime club presidents it was a good episode though!
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i'm actually an episode behind on animegataris but i'll just watch anyways i guess
let's hit those showers
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i // best left untold
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>>334354 you can't just DO that
Girls & Tank
>>334356 too late
>fingerless gloves
have you ever seen someone wearing fingerless gloves before
i've seen a couple bikers wear them. but they usually wear fingered gloves.
other than that no and i see a fuck ton of people every day
I went to a couple meccas like that. Kyoto Animation uses a lot of scenery out of Kyoto so it was easy to hit up a lot of places from their anime while I was there. And in Tokyo I went to the shrine featured in Love Live for New Year's.
that oujo's outfit and she's literally drinking tea
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Ojou is best girl!
look at all these fucking nerds
>>334366 probably by default yeah
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this bitch just did what you did bang you can't just do this
>>334369 could this be foreshadowing of the central narrative to come, or something like that is what he just said
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Or maybe he's just a sperg around girls.
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i'm pretty sure he is a sperg 24/7 365
Nah he was pretty serious and focused when he went up on stage to defend the anime club.
>>334356 >>334369 yeah alright fine the last time i was in a shower with other guys, one of them looked at my dick and then glared at me, and literally gossiped to other guys that dudes with big dicks are always egotistical jerks i literally only ever said hello and greeted this guy it was at a summer leadership school in rotc high schoolers are retarded but i figured the story wasn't worth telling because it's basically just me bragging about my member
>Destroy the wall between 2D and 3D >Proper goal in life
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>>334375 >wow fuck this guy i'm going to tell everyone how he has a huge dick
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>>334375 you're right it totally is but i thought it was funny so worth
Wow FUCK that bird.
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Lots of GuP service this episode.
i still need to watch the GuP movie
this is the true happening
he did this on purpose you fat bastard
I'm not sure. He's been consistently useless and unmotivated to help the club for the most of the show.
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ah yes, yuri on nice.
wait what did the other sign say
Hah hah the butler is just kneeling in the corner with the guys,
wasn't he also standing outside the girls' room
what was the anime where the butler oh bakuon i think where all the girls were swimming at a private beach and he's just chilling there
Oh no Kaikai.
yeah he's doomed basically
hearto marku
This moefag is really not helping anything though.
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kaikai is having a tough time.
too bad it's anime so it's just going to get dismissed in some unimportant fashion anyways
OH it said forest
what the FUCK
this metal gear solid-ass music
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He gets to redeem himself for his failure last episode.
this fuckin guy
no no no don't find kaikai
kaikai will find them
You can't escape the Kaikai
>peeking through finger
Well that's particularly meta.
butler is so cool
Oh wow.
i hate anime
She's got her hair done up in a really cute way though.
he should probably kill himself
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I thought for a minute there wasn't going to be a misunderstanding.
>>334429 i was really really hoping despite my better knowledge
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fuck lol
>>334432 But isn't that super cute.
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>>334433 she is pretty good
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okay imouto ireba okay lets start
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i've been ready the whole time but couldn't pick an image to post
sorry i got really sucked into that song
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It's like an arranged marriage!
oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo there's going to be competition
There's already been competition though.
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they're perfect for each other
>>334448 pff barely
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Oh, she loves imoutos too.>>334449 except that she isn't an imouto.
they're going to disagree on some minor point
what if they don't actually disagree and she becomes like his little sister but not really
uh oh
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A fake little sister isn't a little sister at all.
wait she isn't in the OP
>>334455 a fake little sister is less likely to be as annoying as a real little sister
>>334456 yeah she is
>>334458 oh yeah shut up
>>334459 little sister enthusiast club beginnings
Oh Tax Accountant-chan has joined them for their sakura viewing.
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Oh the accountant is randomly there.
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accountant-san is pretty best
His editor gets pretty loopy when drunk.
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when your illustrator gets inspired and draw's your imouto's ass but you don't even know your imouto isn't an otouto
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wow that is a CRIME
when you don't know that your illustrator just tried to accost your younger sibling
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this guy is a criminal
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Can he really call himself an imouto lover if he's had one right next to him the whole time but he didn't know?
I think they're step-siblings or something so he hasn't really been around Chihiro much.
They all had TERRIBLE high school experiences.
I guess these niche board/card games are popular enough in Japan too.
When she talked about playing soccer in the pool I thought it was going to be polo. But nope, it was underwater soccer.
>>334482 that's called blitzball
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These games they play are really creative games.
Hah hah hah. They really can't get this game straight. And now none of them can talk back to him because of that.
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Is that really embarrassing?
I'd say it's pretty embarassing as a high school student.
You can really tell who the normal and weird people are here.
uh oh
You probably shouldn't say something like "sometimes you have to break loose" to the girl who's most liable to break loose on your body.
>cards facing different directions >some upside down >accidental dogearing
>>334491 probably should*
>>334493 THE WORST.
oh no
he's going to die
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Oh yeah that's a good point. Getting the finished copy a few days before it airs is a pretty bad premonition.
>this is a miraculous piece of shit
oh shit
Oh he's coming out clean with his writing tricks.
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I guess the anime staff did a bad job.
To their defense I don't think his novel was particularly special to begin with. But yeah it really seems like the anime production botched it hard.
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I guess he's having a nice little mental breakdown.
ah fuck i feel him really hard sending that tweet that's the worst shit having to fucking face up and do your job
Yeah. He's a plain guy with plain writing and writes a bit too commercially but he's a pretty tough guy.
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I like how Myaa-san os is such a crybaby.
silver hair is best i've decided
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>>334511 it wasn't obvious 10 minutes into the first episode?
I like Nayu the most too. But all the girls in this show are really, really high caliber.
yeah this show has top tier girls
All the characters are really good actually. Like even Itsuki and Haruto are great foils of each other and have full personalities.
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i want some sweets beer>>334515 i came into this expecting garbage and got good writing
oh no, tomorrow is coming....
i'm drinking cinnamon angry orchard
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
Tomorrow is HERE. Thanks for anime, it's fime for me to sleep.
the show is a lot deeper than i was expecting for sure
>>334516 It's kind of amazing really. The show is written by the guy that did that series with the Neighbour's Club and the most-dense MC of mankind. I'm surprised the writing on this show is as good as it is after how trite the characters in that series were.
>>334519 nighty night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
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>>334518 i'm drinking steel reserve
>>334523 well you do live in arlington
Thanks for anime
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>>334524 it's only $3 for 2
and they get you fucked up real good
I really like how the ED gets lead into. It's a little melancholic and kind of carries the kind of sad notes a lot of the episodes end on.
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>>334527 that's the other positive yes