Thread #291802
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Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 08 [720p (…).jpg )
「The Thr3D」 TN !PcAPtAiNJo
2017/10/01 (日) 19:43 No. 291802
You saw it in 2D all those years ago and loved it and now we bring it to you HD remastered in full 3D Because no one asked for it, but we didi it anyhow, since it is good income for near no effort. coming soon to imageboards near you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/01 (日) 19:47 No. 291804
First 1!!!!111!1!1!1!11!
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2017/10/01 (日) 19:54 No. 291806
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 08 [720p (…).jpg )
Oh god that is a thing and it has that prequel sequel
the prequel has a special BACK TALK mechanic the sequel will most likely have time rewind
2017/10/01 (日) 19:55 No. 291808
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 09 [720p (…).jpg )
back talk?
it's when you shit talk someone to their face
2017/10/01 (日) 19:56 No. 291810
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 10 [720p (…).jpg )
wow so good much game>>291807 I should dl pop trilogy and stream it I wonder did the pc get the hd remasterd stuff
Shirobako was good shit
2017/10/01 (日) 20:12 No. 291812
Search [iqdb] (♫, 25s, 5.0 MB, 848x480, Shiro Shiro.webm )
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2017/10/01 (日) 20:45 No. 291814
Search [iqdb] (44s, 3.1 MB, 690x388, 1821781104.webm )
hydroplaned into a ditch lol
2017/10/01 (日) 20:59 No. 291816
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 01 (…).jpg )
what part is confusing
2017/10/01 (日) 21:00 No. 291818
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 01 (…).jpg )
what is hydroplane?
hy·dro·plane ˈhīdrəˌplān/Submit verbNORTH AMERICAN gerund or present participle: hydroplaning (of a vehicle) slide uncontrollably on the wet surface of a road. "a motorist whose car hydroplaned and crashed into a tree"
2017/10/01 (日) 21:00 No. 291820
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 01 (…).jpg )
confusingly weird word for it you okay?
>>291819 you have terrible luck with cars
>>291815 You really are the main character in a weird manga! You keep getting into so many things!
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>>291815 Oh no! Are you okay?
i am okay only damage is a hubcap will need to be replaced
2017/10/01 (日) 21:13 No. 291825
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 01 (…).jpg )
I guess luck in misfortune at the very least
that's how it always goes haha luckily i was able to get out of the ditch just by reversing
>>291822 such is life
it was pretty exciting tbh
2017/10/01 (日) 21:14 No. 291829
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 01 (…).jpg )
I once hydroplaned seriously that is a silly word why not water slide or something simple and selfexplanotory? well I once hydroplaned with by bike into a ditch, that was kinda fun too though was bit hard to get out of the ditch what with the bike on top of me
i think it's like $50 for a hubcap replacement i think i can swing that but maybe i can bend my old one back into shape
2017/10/01 (日) 21:16 No. 291831
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 03 (…).jpg )
how bad was the bumb? did airbags deploy? Well if they did you'd have to replace them so I guess they didn't
everything was fine finished driving to the restaurant with a panicked but safe fish
2017/10/01 (日) 21:16 No. 291833
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 03 (…).jpg )
That must have been scary for her all car stuff is much worse tot he passengers always
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>>291824 Oh good, I'm glad the damage was not serious and that everyone is okay.
Glad you're good, Kirara.
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So how are we all today?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/01 (日) 21:46 No. 291837
Meh I'm okay I guesz *guess
>>291836 i cant access my old harddrive to log in to my old email whats yours again
>>291836 genki
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>>291838 rika at doushio is a perfectly fine way to reach me.>>291839 >>291837 That's good!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/01 (日) 21:49 No. 291841
>>291840 "I'm okay I guess" isn't really good. Its just not bad.
>>291841 It's like they say No news is good news
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>>291841 >>291842 Yes, there are certainly worse alternatives.
I slept the better most of twelve hours throughout today. I don't know why I sleep so much some times.
I had an awful sleep I keep forgetting to turn my phones alarm off
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I slept a lot. It will help me be prepared for tomorrow.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:07 No. 291847
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Just eat sleep
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2017/10/01 (日) 22:11 No. 291849
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well slept`?
Oh, Jagmeet Singh won the leadership for Canada's NDP party. He's seemed to be an articulate, decent man, but I must admit I'm surprised he won the position.>>291851 The New Democratic Party (NDP) is Canada's most left-leaning party. People generally think of our Liberal party as left-leaning but in relative terms they're generally centrist. The NDP are regularly the third-largest political party out of the major groups, but during the Liberal's period of weakness a few years back, and under the leadership of Jack Layton, the NDP surged to become our official Opposition for four years. Unfortunately after Layton's passing shortly after winning the seats, the party entered a pretty serious identity crisis. They didn't have a very strong marching order and instead I felt, reacted more against what the other parties were committed to. This culminated in some rather embarassing occasions such as the "Elbowgate" and severely damaged the party's image and respect amongst voters. The NDP has stood for some important qualities of life such as union rights in the past, and I got to know the man who held my respective seat in the House of Commons for a very long time -- since he was my neighbour. I hope they can find themselves and get the wind back in their sails.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:12 No. 291851
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ndp? how big is the party?
2017/10/01 (日) 22:13 No. 291852
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>>291850 that is an innovative name
2017/10/01 (日) 22:14 No. 291853
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>>291850 You can always be lefter
Yeah, sorry, I should have specified the most left-leaning out of all our currently relevant parties.
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2017/10/01 (日) 22:24 No. 291856
>>291855 >>>/watch?v=DV1WtZreqQ4#t=1m34s
>>291856 cool fight bro I liked the blood
looks like someone got shot
someone by the gas station>a minute earlier >what are those fireworks or gunshots >now >police sirens
2017/10/01 (日) 22:31 No. 291861
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>>291860 wow I wonder could I still tell the difference between gunshots and fireworks from distance that is
oh no i was just at a gas station what if it was me that got shot
2017/10/01 (日) 22:32 No. 291863
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>>291862 It was an impressive gun if blue heard it all the way in NY.
the shot heard around the world
2017/10/01 (日) 22:40 No. 291866
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the third such, I would say name the two other! first moe to do so gets a medal
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Home safe and sound.
oh, president of catalan implies that a dec of independence is coming shit's gonna get LIT
2017/10/01 (日) 22:54 No. 291869
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We civil war
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Why do they want to be independent?
2017/10/01 (日) 22:55 No. 291871
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lot of reasons going into long history of spain
Yeah it's a really complicated ball of economic, cultural, historical, and political reasons.
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The simplest way to put it would be to say that Catalans feel they've been mistreated for 1000 years.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:56 No. 291874
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think of catalon as scotland of spain for simplicity
2017/10/01 (日) 22:56 No. 291875
>>291873 not that long catalons used to have their own country aragon
>>291874 Only Catalan is actually a somewhat powerful economic region.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:57 No. 291877
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and spain didn't really go "spanifying" spain untill maybe late 17th or 18th century that is hwen they began to press catalans, occitans, basqies and whanots into speaking "castillian" or as we know nowadays spain
Yeah, even now, Catalans don't particularly feel like Spanish people. They feel like Catalans.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:58 No. 291879
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France did the same but more effectively
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Spain is terrified of losing Catalonia because it's one of the strongest areas of Spain, economically.
2017/10/01 (日) 22:58 No. 291881
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Basically the same if california or texas went away but add in that usa is fucked up economically I mean spain is in deep red Catalonia would most likely do better without the rest of spain to drag them down
is this why my crypto has been recovering
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Yes. Today, over 500 Catalans were injured and more were arrested. The police indiscriminately were shooting at protestors. But the police /// oh, rubber bullets, i should clarify The police had trouble bringing in reinforcements because hundreds of farmers crowded the roads with tractors so police could not move.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:01 No. 291884
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 1032x1457, --shameimaru-aya-touhou-drawn-(…).jpg )
Yup shit like this fuels your bitcoin
2017/10/01 (日) 23:01 No. 291885
>when europe electscounts wounded not votes
2017/10/01 (日) 23:02 No. 291886
also to make it more amusing...
2017/10/01 (日) 23:03 No. 291887
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Anyhow seems like 90% or something voted yes
93% voted yes, yeah
2017/10/01 (日) 23:03 No. 291889
though that is lwoer, since some votes were taken by the spanish cops
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So will the government let them get away?
2017/10/01 (日) 23:03 No. 291891
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I heard one source say 700k votes were confiscated
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>>291890 No. There will probably be a war.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:04 No. 291893
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Now interesting will be How will EU react
>>291892 Who do you think would win?
2017/10/01 (日) 23:05 No. 291895
2017/10/01 (日) 23:05 No. 291896
>>291894 the one with the army
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>>291894 Catalonia has a chance at winning. They have a lot of industrial strength they can convert and the people are willing to fight.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:06 No. 291898
Search [iqdb] (401 KB, 827x1224, ea5e39ecedbaf9f159ab4c1c3b86c9bd.jpg )
>>291897 You think in conventional war a powerful enough military, as proven many times in recent decades by USA and Russia both can take down a country in a flash if spain can rally its army to strike at the catalan if it comes to war the budding nation can be snuffed before they can rally enough people to form an effective fighting force>>291900 In remote locations not urban highly developed region like europe is
>>291896 People's liberation army of course
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>>291898 I think the US has been smashed by people that truly wish for freedom many times. It's unlikely that it will be just the Catalans, fight, too.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:07 No. 291901
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That is very similiar what military minds here call "the uselessness of the finnish army" sure we can prevent occupation but we can't prevent russia from just going "press button to bomb all cities" they can take us out of the picture with one sufficiently large air and missile attack but we can prevent them from occupying us and we even have a powerful army
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I think the Catalans can win. Even if barely. Although it does partially depend on what the EU does. And Russia, too, in a way.
basques would probably get their shit together and join with catalans too
2017/10/01 (日) 23:10 No. 291904
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Civil war part 2 "Do you wish to send supplies to the republicans/nationalists"
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I personally would support Catalonia.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:11 No. 291906
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I support always people's right to self-govern
2017/10/01 (日) 23:11 No. 291907
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hmm 120k personnel with about 300 tanks 71 hornets and 52 eurofighters quite big air force
I wonder who will fansub SideM or if it'll be fansubbed at all.
it'd be funny if spain balkanized
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i got beat up in card games
How pathetic.
2017/10/01 (日) 23:16 No. 291912
Search [iqdb] (619 KB, 1120x1564, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_(…).jpg )
>>291909 Kaboom! it is a region with high splinter potentional, though
>>291908 getting simulcast on CR
>>291912 yeah, i wouldn't be too surprised if the seeds for it were sewn
2017/10/01 (日) 23:18 No. 291915
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>>291914 >spain splinters into civil warring states >spanish refugee crisis >EU takes none
2017/10/01 (日) 23:19 No. 291916
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I can jjust see it happen all "we need to help them" but in the end they all get stuck in refugee camps in southern france or something but for somereason there are 1 million more migrants in germany from elsewhere
2017/10/01 (日) 23:22 No. 291917
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But interesting will be which side EU supports
>>291916 It'll be interesting to see where the priorities lie
kirara i feel ive heard that song that basara wants spoop alien folks to listen to before
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>>291919 i've posted it on /moe/ before
>>291921 hmm that may or may not be why
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I ordered a bunch of posters from these Twitter artists and they're trialling some weird system. Guess it's time to shoot them an email and figure out what the fuck is going on.
>>291922 the best songs are later although Planet Dance is top tier
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [CCM] Kakegurui - Episode 12 -(…).jpg )
maybe if i need to watch another anime with macross, i should pick cardcaptor sakura since the collab is soon
2017/10/01 (日) 23:32 No. 291927
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tasogare Otome x Amnesia(…).jpg )
>>291925 reminds me of
>>291927 Ghost Yomi ;_;
2017/10/01 (日) 23:34 No. 291929
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Tasogare Otome x Amnesia(…).jpg )
well that sure is a pretty boy thank you tl notes
don't fall in love with basara he's mine
2017/10/01 (日) 23:36 No. 291932
He already did
Oh no.
>>291931 not quite what i meant
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
There was a way to make my bluetooth into a little wireless network. I can't remember how though.
>>291926 CCS is a masterpiece
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1280x720, [SHiN-gx] Morita-san wa Mukuch(…).png )
>>291935 Like a portable hotspot with your phone?
>>291926 Have you seen Nana before?
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>>291937 Yes, I have a little USB bluetooth thingy and used to use it to host a little wireless network for my 3DS. I can't remember how I did it though.
>>291938 huh probablu not
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [SHiN-gx] Morita-san wa Mukuch(…).jpg )
Hm... I don't think I can help with one of those.
scoot down the road, what's my number?
>episode preview: vampires have appeared h-huh?!
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/01 (日) 23:47 No. 291944
>>291943 it begins
>>291944 No. Not anymore. It's just Jeb. Jeb.
>>291946 always
2017/10/01 (日) 23:49 No. 291949
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ookami-san_to_Shic(…).jpg )
>>291948 Imagine there are people who liked flixnote
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/01 (日) 23:49 No. 291950
the sun is a deadly laser
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2066.PNG )
thanks rika
The world is a vampire.
>>291948 >inspiration lol
despite all my rage i am still just a cat on a stage i am so high energy that car incident really turbo charged me
>>291954 Are you feeling the drift fever
i went to the store yesterday and the most expensive item i got was three dollars
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>>291955 i'm feeling the rush of danger!
>>291957 What a thrill
that was probably the first thing i said when it happened i couldn't stop laughing and i was just like "what a rush"
I remember when I was a kid my dad drove into a collumn thing in a carpark. Pretty lightly but still unintentionally. I thought it was the coolest and I was like "DAD DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN" >>291959 What was Fishes reaction
Back when I was on my P's I was doing probably 70kms on a dirt road, when I hit a pothole and lost control of my car. I nearly hit a guy in the process. It was quite scary.
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>>291960 she screamed and was very scared
>>291962 as expected!
>>291961 That is quite scary. I bet that guy was super shaken up.
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One time I was like seconds away from a head-on collision and i narrowly got out of the way it was amazing
>>291964 I ddin't see it, but according to him, I knocked the leaf blower out of his hands. He was super cool though, helped us fix my tyre and even invited me to the rally club he was a part of.
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I heard on the news this morning the US took a bunch of refugees from Manus Island.
>>291966 Wow that guy is pretty cool
Why wont they just listen to his song
it's too powerful for them
it's great that everyone on twitter is adding pumpkin emoji and the word spooky to their name haha
Search [iqdb] (552 KB, 601x850, マノ@お仕事募集中 - 日焼けチルノ(62543443).jpg )
Got my Black Knight 5* Now to push towards the real prize.
Search [iqdb] (593 KB, 800x1000, 1506842593[1].jpg ) Here you go, Rei.
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I don't have to take that from someone running both Nephenee and Oscar. Tempest is a three man run with Elincia. The first two runs are stress and then I don't really feel like doing more.
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excuses excuses my black knight has been level 40 since friday or something
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You make that sound as if getting him to level 40 takes any amount of time. I can get him there in under an hour thanks to Warriors. Tempest is just way too bothersome thanks to Elincia.
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I'm just saying you're SLOW
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Mine is still level 1. I'll give him some attention once I have all 100000 points.
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I wish he'd never been added to the game
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He is too strong. Fortunately I have some blue units who are very good at blowing him up.
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whew that was close
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>>291981 It sucks because 80% of teams in arena now are armored teams.
>>291982 Waifu life right here
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I haven't run in Arena for a while. I should play. Sucks that armored is all hype now. That means they're going to throw out more Armor hate. My team isn't even ready yet.
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>>291983 I have a 4 star +10 Corrin who absolutely ravages Black Knight. I also have my swimsuit Robin who completely destroys him.
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you have a fundamental misunderstanding about what i'm trying to say
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Oh, is that so? What are you trying to say?
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That armor teams aren't fun to play against.
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I just enjoy defeating teams. Whether it's fun or not is completely up to my ability to wipe them from the screen.
i am surprised i hate seeing the same team a hundred times it's boring no point in playing if it's gonna be boring
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I do all of my Arena runs at once and usually hours before the session is over. So it's just how I feel about Arena in general.>did I win 7x in a row? >Yes: hell yeah, this is awesome >No: this is trash
why do you play
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Not for Arena, definitely. I play because I like the characters. I enjoy the skill customization. I enjoy build development and team development. And I want to collect the FE characters that mean the most to me. And as you can see, I'm very bad at that last one.
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>>291989 The teams I dislike most are horse teams.
owo whats this
>>291996 *nuzzles ur bangs*>>291998 I was surprised this guy got to be cool in the end
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>>291995 Horse emblem, flier emblem, armor emblem. None of them were fun.>>291997 Right? He needs to marry hime-sama though
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Hey Bang.
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>>291998 Yeah totally. She needs her knight. >>292002 I loved their little argument over form vs aesthetic
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love this dude
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I think my problem might actually be that my 2DS can't connect to the internet anymore. Maybe somehting is broken.
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Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
broken like my mind
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 686x731, 1502508604778.jpg )
broken like my heart ;_;
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 811x702, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 12 [7(…).jpg )
>>292006 >>292005 You both appear to be connected to the internet, so you aren't broken like my 2DS.
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1000x1412, mizore and yukko.jpg )
for some reason i feel like this situation of us worrying about things being broken is actually a big deep allegory for us three as people
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 737x522, DK0X1bFVwAAuoLo.jpg )
Like, it's just hard to think of Arena as interesting when it's the gatekeeper of feathers. I don't run Arena because I like it. I run it because I need feathers. Meanwhile, in Arena Assault? I don't run that at all.
Search [iqdb] (668 KB, 891x991, 1506219939574.png )
hi koi do you have any cute 2hus today
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 781x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Oh, restarting it fixed it. Crisis averted.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1920x1080, [Hiryuu] Kakegurui - 05 [1080p(…).jpg )
what a dweebazoid
Search [iqdb] (556 KB, 380x386, 1502475397586.gif )
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 1200x1600, DKps8w1UEAAccE8.jpg )
>>292010 Hi bang. Here is a koi ready for October. Bless.
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1126x1620, DKpd3erUEAIEbdx.jpg )
>>292011 Nice work dess.
mae the mistake of looking at auto battle
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 03 [(…).jpg )
I thought I was going to have to get my brother to send me his spare 3ds.
Mae was a mistake
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 2(…).jpg )
in hell i'll be in good company
>>292015 ty
>>292018 What are you going to play?
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 985x1024, sub.jpg )
I have a 3DS sitting around somewhere that I don't use and a PS Vita too I wonder where they've gotten to
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 462x665, tenshi.jpg )
>>292022 Fire Emblem Fates. I still need to finish the Revelation arc.
did you finish the final dungeon in echos?
>>292019 is mae bad
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, 1506046156545.jpg )
>>292025 Nope, I'm saving that. Have you?
>>292026 I don't use her but she probably isn't I have a 4* at +5
Search [iqdb] (616 KB, 540x630, desu desu.PNG )
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 2(…).jpg )
>>292027 Yeah.>>292026 In Heroes, sort of. She's a memegirl though.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 532x744, 4d3e032bcf1199ad7798139e74b5e006.jpg )
rate this cutie
a pretty solid 5/10
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 1000x951, 46403614_p0.jpg )
>>292030 Was it good? I've heard mixed things about it.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal(…).jpg )
>>292034 It was interesting but not particularly fun.
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 782x576, 1490032539250.png )
>>292035 The bit about it being not particularly fun is my concern. Dungeon maps were fine in the main game because they were kind of paced well and mixed with normal maps. Doing them over and over really makes you realize how unfun a lot of them are.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal(…).jpg )
Yeah, exactly.
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 632x889, DK3ITjkVwAAjQ4C.jpg )
>Xander with Distant Def 4 These people
Search [iqdb] (313 KB, 904x1300, img000008[1].png )
Blinded by breasts, huh.
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 2000x3000, 1506077837578.jpg )
Uh oh.
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 317x340, 1474531934106.png )
My power flickered, wwwwww
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 00:51 No. 292043
>>291974 Thanks
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 407x530, 1506057237601.jpg )
>>292042 It's raining, huh?
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1280x1600, DJ9AdQVWAAAwzCn.png )
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 1280x824, 1474522916147.png )
>>292044 Horribly! We have a tropical depression on us.
/moe/ Ive got AWFUL news i was letting someone go through my phone, and i was all confident because i have nothing to hide, AND no shame but then they opened up my web browser and found /moe/ and i had to explain to them about how i browse an obscure weeaboo imageboard
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1020x650, DK0R6sVVYAAA6Kd.jpg )
Here we go. Shigure GET 3* Draug 4* Mae (lol) Shigure
>>292047 l o l
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 600x338, 1506721258431.jpg )
>>292047 Nice.
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 800x829, 1373752668259.jpg )
>>292047 How'd that go?>>292049 Congrats!>>292046 Oh, more storms huh?
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 500x400, DK0cYb8VwAI-pOJ.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 550x677, DJ74hYXV4AAFHGy.jpg )
...I forgot that Shigure was the one that I wanted the least
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 282x252, 1473143467197.png )
>>292052 Yes. It's the reason I hydroplaned!
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1163x1644, a75899892e2e16db697cfc15a9423463.jpg )
Hello yes this is ton I am having fun playing light
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 00:58 No. 292057
>>291974 Also I forgot go mention that I already missed their Chicago show. Tickets sold out pretty quick and I didn't get any. *to mention
>>292054 sounds like heresy to me
>>292052 they basically stopped me as i was explaining how its like a chat room, and were like "you know what, i dont really wanna know"
>>292056 why do you like little girls so much?
Search [iqdb] (448 KB, 1914x2048, DKK5SAeUMAEzdWy.jpg )
>>292058 This isn't Shigure (someone's WIFE), this is Shigure (male).
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 00:59 No. 292062
>>292059 Noice
Search [iqdb] (659 KB, 1801x1300, img000037[1].png )
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 600x345, 1505935367984.png )
Oh! Great is such a crazy artist
ive actually had an earlier friend notice /moe/ on my phone, but who wasnt aware of the 4chan format, and was like "wow, anime, do you guys just like share anime pictures with each other" to which i replied "yes" it didn't help that you weebs are always posting pictures of lewd
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 600x600, 3d8bf32db0c00b3449f7fa35693dcdd0.jpg )
>>292060 why do you like dicks so much
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:01 No. 292068
>>292066 That's mostly Blue, Bang, Rika and Kirara
>>292057 Ah, shit sucks.>>292070 Tossing it up. I'm gonna see Paul Kelly sometime anyway.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:02 No. 292070
>>292069 You gonna see them?
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1093x1077, 1506291901078.png )
>>292059 Oh, that's a bit awkward.>>292068 I don't post lewd images.
I want to hear someone say "wow, anime"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:02 No. 292073
>>292071 Sure
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 535x571, 1473175357959.png )
>>292071 I don't either. Defend me, too.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:02 No. 292075
>>292074 Sure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:03 No. 292076
>>292069 Wait, I thought you already went to that?
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 469x938, 7ab7f33e8f06da810022cec9a312468a.jpg )
>im not in the list of lewdposters what is this heresy
>>292071 You posted an image with pantsu last night.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:03 No. 292079
>>292077 Yeah I forgot to mention you My bad>>292068 AND TON
>>292076 I don't think I ever mentioned that.
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 485x453, 1473964940063.jpg )
Rika and I don't post lewd images.
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1090, 1503531982376.png )
>>292073 >>292075 Feel free to produce evidence to support your assertions. I'll be waiting.>>292074 There, I defended you too.>>292078 It was probably an accident, or a little 2x2 pixel square.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 477x600, 1474543617283.jpg )
>>292082 What a reliable onee-chan
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 720x450, DK0RldIVAAYyg1n.jpg )
If they can't handle you posting on anime imageboards, then they ain't shit. Let them not know
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:04 No. 292085
>>292080 Well, I re call you saying that you were going to see him, and it was like a month and a half ago.
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_Onii-chan_Dakedo_Ai_Sae(…).jpg )
>>292072 Me too.>>292085 Oh wait, you're right, my mistake.
now if i was a nameperson, im sure they would have only gained massive amounts of respect for me
i will say "wow, anime" for you
I see him in November, I believe.
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 935x987, DKAfY9HVwAUXimU.jpg )
Why is there even a Blue Tome SP Valor as if Blue Tome characters have any problem with murdering enemies.
Actually one of the best lewd images I have on my computer was posted by kirara
>>292090 to make things faster>>292091 ??? i don't think i've ever posted anything lewder than accidental panties
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:06 No. 292093
>>292091 Noice
Search [iqdb] (478 KB, 2048x1578, DJ5kadPUQAUyD6e.jpg )
If that's the case, bring me an armor valor blue tomes are EZ Mae, Ursula, Reinhardt, Robin, uh... I don't know if Odin is good. but seriously. They kill things
it's the one where miku is making love to someone in a stall
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:07 No. 292096
Now to crash my pphone Loading up the last thread in its entirety
>>292095 i certainly never posted anything like that
well then someone with your name in the namefield did
you're definitely mistaken my man i don't have any pictures like that
i'll look for it in a bit it's on my old hard drive
it was probably blue tbh
Search [iqdb] (417 KB, 600x600, 1503251250798.png )
>>292100 You managed to get her?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:08 No. 292104
Search [iqdb] (417 KB, 1073x1170, Screenshot_20171001-200836.jpg )
This is a bit lewd
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 960x720, 1502831009074.jpg )
this is me
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 716x1024, DKasgWIVYAAAjxL.jpg )
>>292103 No, I already have one. I'm just going down all the Blue Tome characters I can think of. It just baffles me that they'd put out a Blue Tome 2x SP skill. I think I just feel this way because I really don't need it.
>>292104 it's not
>>292063 I like it
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 225x276, sonoko11.png )
>>292106 They seem to be trying to put 2x SP skills for everyone, but they've put them all on super rare units. Thankfully you don't really need the SP bonus for a blue tome user.
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 623x507, 404327d534.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:10 No. 292111
Search [iqdb] (605 KB, 1070x1805, Screenshot_20171001-200950.jpg )
>>292107 Okay, sure Anyways this one is more lewd
so i bought Destiny 2
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1502x1669, shihou@秋例大祭き46a - こいしのひ (62899808) .jpg )
>>292109 But that's what SUCKS A generally pointless skill. Now I have to get him a better C skill. but I guess it'll be faster this way w w w w w w w
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1828x988, Jin-Roh [08C8B92C].mkv_snapsho(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 638x703, 1505517730937.jpg )
>>292112 should have waited for the PC version fam
>>292111 this image is also not lewd
>>292115 i make more than enough money if i end up wanting that one too
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 627x720, 1422698502496.jpg )
>>292117 Yeah but you'll have buyers remorse! Congratuations for reaching the point where you can say things like that though. I'm proud of you.
>>292118 I don't really have that though
Thank you, it's the only upside to my self-destructive work schedule
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:11 No. 292122
Search [iqdb] (410 KB, 1067x1195, Screenshot_20171001-201128.jpg )
>>292116 Her bottom is ccoming off
>>292120 regrets are useless they serve to help us avoid making mistakes again, but simply avoiding making those mistakes is well enough
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 493x382, 1473473090166.png )
>>292122 This image is also not lewd. You're out of your mind.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 600x851, tamamusi.png )
>>292122 Let's play a different game.
>>292123 If I didn't regret mistakes I would just make em again
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 700x583, 1385041354727.jpg )
now THIS is lewd!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:13 No. 292128
>>292125 Than the one where I post a screenshot of a lewd kirara post and he denies its lewdness?
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 2507x3541, 1474792374275.jpg )
You're the only one that thinks these images are lewd.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:14 No. 292130
>>292129 They're only kind of lewd Also I sincerely doubt it
Those really arent lewd images Please try harder
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 270x320, 1472236674725.jpg )
>>292130 You can doubt it all you want, but that's how it is. Those aren't lewd images. That's why nobody other than you would argue that they're lewd. Except someone that wants to be contrarian, I guess. If you truly think they're lewd, ask the mod what she thinks.
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1280x720, [KamiTranslation] Monday - Epi(…).jpg )
>>292128 Yeah, it's kind of wearing thin.
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 825x915, DIjVvHdVYAAzE_T.jpg )
Mae is now level 1 + 6
Search [iqdb] (911 KB, 1300x2000, 1505876190587.png )
Some are suggesting but not lewd. Certainly not lewd enough to qualify as lewd images for enforcement around here. I doubt you can find images even that suggestive that I've posted.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1500x1031, 1417137063078.jpg )
oh i found it
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 400x741, 1469618929493.png )
>>292136 I think that's a Teacup image. I wouldn't ever post that, though.
uhh oh
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>292136 Now that image is lewd. I can't even spoil it because you've spoiled it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:16 No. 292140
>>292135 What's the difference between suggestive and lewd?
well that would explain why i thought it was you the namefield
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 754x717, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>292140 Lewd is a bit more explicit.
we use the word lewd a lot to the point that some people think of it as a cuter way of saying "obscene and profane, especially sexual in nature" but it's really just that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:18 No. 292144
>>292143 Ah Yeah, I don't exactly use it like that.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
And the line around here usually falls where something that should be covered isn't covered.
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 307x318, 1415806667674.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 784x850, CqESdE4VMAAMpi6.jpg )
this is lewd
as far as i know, the explicit rules are no pubic hair, female nipples, penises, vaginas, or their related fluids and then panties are spoilerable but not typically grounds by themselves for deletion
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 800x839, DK0B3qPUIAErue-.jpg )
I have wanted to post that for a while.
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 600x600, 壁埋まり子 - 連装砲ちゃんの燻製.jpg )
oh you wanna see hot?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:21 No. 292153
Okay, yeah I was using lewd as "suggestive and up"
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 500x450, 46759566_p34.jpg )
don't post my pic
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg )
>>292155 oh shit
>>292155 what no what
yes YES
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1098x1196, DLFIb92XoAAlBBy[1].jpg )
>>292155 Oh fuck.
>>292159 r u want fug ghastly girl
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 450x600, DKvHcB7VAAAksME.jpg )
>>292158 no DONT
>>292161 why not come on
you gonna have a super heated knife and not have fun with it? come on
>>>/watch?v=E1iwrfgNOUU i live in a constant state of pain and misery don't you miss me anymore?
Search [iqdb] (635 KB, 1173x840, 1418598934686.jpg )
I'm glad that we were able to establish that I don't post lewd images though. I accept your apology.
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 640x511, heat 99 percent.png )
>>292163 It would be bad.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:23 No. 292168
>>292166 Only by the definition oof lewd previously given. Also I didn't post a single screenshot of a post by you so we've only exonerated kirara.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 500x450, 46759566_p32.jpg )
>>292166 And that I don't either.>>292167 Why?
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1920x1080, ss+(2014-12-28+at+07.24.35).jpg )
I never post lewd images
>>292147 i like this image
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 635x699, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
>>292165 I like the part where he goes on about being a pteradactyl on adderall too. He's pretty good at lyrics.>>292168 I don't think you wil lfind a post from me that meets any reasonable definition of lewd. The reason you posted only Kirara images is that you didn't see anything you could even argue from me.
>>292171 ofc you do
>>292173 it reminds me of havimg to eat all the eggs>>292176 thank you this is a good image
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 500x450, 46759566_p33.jpg )
here's an image for you
>>292172 Have you heard his stuff as Joji? He's got an honest shot at being more famous as a musician than a Youtuber maybe
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 600x888, もりちか - 眼鏡マフラー.jpg )
>>292175 it's a present from teacup a present from the grave perfect for hollow wiener
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 462x313, 1500631292897.png )
i got this new image of pop jump it's so cute
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:25 No. 292180
>>292172 I went through less than half of a single thread. That's not a large enough sample size to get any real definitive results.
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 485x719, c3.jpg )
>>292177 I have, yes. He's very talented. Being a youtube shitposter is probably a waste of his talent.
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 409x517, 1500631292898.png )
Rika doesn't even post suggestive stuff. She posted a dick once by accident, though.
Are you enjoying seasonal Hibiki,Ton?
>>292182 Why did she have a dick saved
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 403x495, 1500632992689.jpg )
>>292184 She didn't see the dicj. It was a pic of a male onsen and there was a dude with his dick out in the background.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:26 No. 292186
I remember her posting something with panties in it by accident once
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 452x408, 1413382481212.png )
>>292186 such a lewd poster
>>292185 What a pure angle
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:27 No. 292190
>>292188 Ikr
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 659x267, 1500632992989.jpg )
>>292189 In Rika's defense, she'd never seen a penis before so she didn't know what they looked like
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:27 No. 292192
>>292191 I find it improbable than individual can attend prom three times and not know what a penis looks like.
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 822x718, kanakana3.jpg )
Yes, that is just how it goes when you're this pure.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 299x638, 1501519348537.jpg )
>>292192 Rika's not such an easy lay that she'd see a dick on prom!>>292195 It's in my main picture folder.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Girlish_Number_(…).jpg )
I broke up with my highschool sweetheart because I didn't put out at prom and didn't understand
>>292192 Rika is a bit special. They just let her come to be polite.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 591x543, master of foreheads.JPG )
>>292192 I find it improbable to go to three proms and think that it's not excessive, but Yuu exists.
>>292183 I am enjoying the art a lot yeah
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Girlish_Number_(…).jpg )
>>292196 ooops lost the post I didn't understand the cues or what I was being asked for.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:29 No. 292201
>>292200 Wait, who ended the rrelationship?
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 234x615, 1500631292896.png )
That reminds me of the story about that guy coming over to your place and thinking you'd fuck him and you didn't even know it
>>292200 Wow that's even more pure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:30 No. 292204
>>292200 Also That sounds like literal autism
Thanks rika for reminding kirara which then reminded me of you making jokes about me watching porn with pan
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 250x250, 1494676126963.png )
>>292204 that's just what it's like when you don't have exposure to lewd things
Search [iqdb] (371 KB, 700x1024, エノキドォ - 諦観 (63127208) .jpg )
That's just being dense.
Search [iqdb] (598 KB, 1800x1601, DK4wQ2ZUEAAM5wh[1].jpg )
>>292199 Yeah, me too. It was all over my Twitter the other day.
>>292205 i don't remember this, do you watch porn with pan?
>>292209 pan and I have played h-games in the dame room more accurately he plays them for my amusement
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Girlish_Number_(…).jpg )
>>292201 I did, because I was mad about being called boring.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:31 No. 292212
Back in college I played monstergirl quest 1 on my friend's big screen tv
>>292210 oh
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 545x521, 1499557952601.png )
It's not weird to not know about sex in high school.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 01:32 No. 292215
>>292211 At what point did you realize what you were called boring for?
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 500x500, かにかま - 詰めッター (62411354) 3ページ.png )
I am filled with laughter.
>>292213 his reactions are usually funny
>>292217 Beautiful.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1600, 1489977000697.jpg )
i used to be pretty pure well, i'm still super pure i guess
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, [Davinci] Girlish Number - 02 (…).jpg )
>>292215 I realized in college that I was the one who messed everything up.>>292214 I knew what it was, I just didn't realize what I was being asked for.
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 246x289, 1484241862989.jpg )
>>292221 Wait, how is that your fault? He messed everything up by being an asshole.
Search [iqdb] (451 KB, 715x1000, DLFweaHU8AACSTk[1].png )
Yeah, that's dumb of him.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1115x1322, 1485394756897.jpg )
I guess I knew about sex in high school. I didn't have it until after, though
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 467x497, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
>>292222 I probably would have put out if I'd realized that's what the problem was.
>>292223 oppai
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 284x226, 1484241862688.jpg )
>>292225 Wow, I'm surprised!
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Momokuri_-_01+0(…).jpg )
>>292227 I had delusions of it being long term. We were going to get married!
Yeah I figured this was just Rika being dense. There aren't many long-term relationships that can surive on a no-sex principle.
Search [iqdb] (904 KB, 700x840, 094fc151ad7c44ec94dbc5bf14c530ab.png )
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 837x371, 1484241862988.jpg )
>>292228 Well, I can imagine you thinking that, but I thought you were a no-sex-until-marriage kind of girl!
>>292224 Who didn't know what sex was by HS?
>>292232 Depends on your part of the world. Plenty of more conservative, Christian cultural regions will be quite aggressive about not teaching any kind of sex education to kids.
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 500x449, 1480406595614.png )
I was a no-sex-until-marriage until I had sex before marriage
man i used to be so uptight
I've never been uptight. Just awkward and socially inept.
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 644x719, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
>>292231 You know how these things go though.
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 316x213, 1479335563358.gif )
>>292237 Yeah, I mean, it's how I was. I gave in to Teacup pretty quickly. I thought you'd have more willpower than me, though.
>>292233 Yeah true. But I mean most people in my school knew what sex was way before sex ed. By the time we got to that we were like yeah we know how that's supposed to work.
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Logging into social media gave me some regret of highschool, this morning.
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I haven't looked at the social media I was a part of in high school in years now.
>>292239 this only made sex ed class funnier a absolute shitter friend of mine would come in everyday and ask the most retarded questions that the teacher was obligated to give serious answers to>what if you lose the condom inside the girls vagina
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I'm going to a picnic with people from high school this month. Gonna show off how amazing my life is and pretend I don't have PTSD or anything.
>>292243 I remember we had a box you could write slip pieces of paper with questions on into So you could write whatever retarded questions like that in anonymously and the teacher had to give answers>what if you lose the condom inside the girls vagina That's a great one. What'd the teacher answer with?
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>>292238 It's fine if you do it and get married at some point later, isn't it?
I haven't talked with people I've known from high school in ages either. Well I guess there was one message session over Steam about something a couple months back, but that was a matter of sort-of business. Nothing casual about it at all. The last time I talked with anyone from that time period was maybe January, 2016.
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>>292246 what of you dont get married though
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>>292246 I dunno, I think it's too early. I mean, I guess it's fine if you are delusional enough to think you will. I didn't think I'd get married to Teacup at that point!
>>292247 I haven't talked with mine in forever because they're all in Australia
>>292246 nah because then youre just a slut
>>292245 teacher just told us that the girl would have to go in and fish it out she also did the box thing and one of the questions was "what is spoon" (he meant sperm)
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beans I am being assailed by UNHAPPY THOUGHTS tell me something funny
>>292247 When did you graduate? >>292254 Do you wanna hear my mums really terrible joke?
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>>292249 Yeah well the difference between you in me is that you're extremely tsundere, and I fall in love and get delusional expectations very quickly.
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>>292256 I'll never be in you, but I appreciate the thought. I'm also not tsundere!
>>292255 s-sure
>>292255 Uh, 2011? Maybe? I hung out with friends from high school pretty regularly until maybe around 2013-2014 though.
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>>292257 Let's not point people's typos like that.
>>292258 Okay. Why do boats from Norway have barcodes?so they can scandanavian Do you want me to tell my mum it's bad? I'll do it for you.>>292259 Wow that's way longer than me.
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>>292260 I can't help it when it's funny. I can't help it, so it can't be helped, right?
>>292262 i saw you type "once and a while" the other day but i didnt say anything
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I wonder if I have ever not been delusional
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>>292261 FUCK
>>292261 beautiful
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>>292263 Sometimes we really take this stuff for granite, but even I make mistakes once and a while.
>>292266 She has another one. People in Dubai don't like the Flinstones, but Wait Fuck I forgot the joke
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>>292263 Yes, it's very easy to get and and in mixed up.
ive had a miserable migraine all day i had to have my mommy take care of me
/moe/ why do i fucking hate discussing my romantic life with my family so fucking much
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Just because it's easy doesn't mean I can't point it out and make an inappropriate joke.>>292271 I also hate doing this
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rate this cutie on a scale of 1-10
the fuck is that cup that's the stupidest cup ever
>>292271 It's better to discuss a romantic life than discuss the lack of one right? I hate it when family gets nosy about that stuff.>>292273 yeah fairly cute/10
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>>292274 it's a bell
>>292273 1-10? fuck like e maybe
>>292268 Does this somehow end in "Yabba Dubai do?"
>>292279 Nah it was like "aba daba do" But then I looked up Aba Daba and I couldn't find any country called that
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Oh! Great is fuckin weird
Abu Dabi maybe
"Abu Dhabi" The capital of UAE
oo aau eehh
everyone knows abu dhabi its where garfield mailed nermal
it's where garfield mailed a bomb
>>292282 Yeah it was probably Abu Dabai Do
>>292286 did you watch sex survey results yet
>>292285 Garfield was dark
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I am skilled at the bad joke. A shame I don't have the children to pass it on to.
>>292288 yeah a while ago
>>292291 want to hear a really bad joke? it's a little mean though
>>292292 the whole thing? its so good
>>292291 show me your best bad joke
>>292294 yeah it really is
>>292293 My name isn't Koi but yes
>>292297 alright, ready?
>>292298 yeah I'm ready
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how much room does a fungi need to grow
>>292299 alright i hope you won't regret this_______________________________________________________________________________your_life_______________________________________
>>292302 What was the point of that? I read this joke every time I look in the mirror. >>292300 DAMNIT YOU GOT ME Nice one Kirara you could learn a lot from this man
>>292301 as mushroom as possible only biologists will get this joke
>>292303 yeah i could learn how to be a DUMBO from that man
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>>292305 wow my childhood trauma of everyone making fun of the size of my ears is coming back thanks
>>292307 blue was obama the whole time
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Such a strange and mundane childhood trauma.
maybe since we missed last week's session in my campaign i should get more content prepared as in more stuff from level 9
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>>292310 yeah i have way better ones
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>>292310 when no one likes you, even the mundane sticks to you
hey yuu can you juggle
>>292313 i read that as "no one even likes you" and thought damn blue youre spitting fire tonight
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>>292314 I can juggle two items but not three.
i can juggle my bike with no handlebars no handlebars no xannie bars
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>>292318 if you can juggle two you can juggle three there's no difference
no zanzabar?
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>>292321 I can confirm that this is not true. I cannot do three. I've tried.
hey moe guess what
moon thinks that people are taught to juggle as a child
>>292324 r u... b a n g
>>292324 are you pregnant?
no bangnant
chicken butt
I don't get it
>>292330 >>292331 i'm gonna turn YOU into chicken butt for this
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I'm calling the rook police
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>>292323 it's just a mental block if you closed your eyes and were juggling two, i bet i could toss a third one in and you wouldn't know it
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>>292325 I wasn't!
isnt it the worst when you take a sip of normal water but then its FLAVORED WATER
>>292335 hey look its a cute girl and a super cute girl
i just grilled some chicken im a happy bang
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>>292336 Well, whatever the issue is I can't do it. I don't think I could juggle even two with my eyes closed. I have to watch them to catch them.
>>292340 Nice I like grilled chicken can you mail me some
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if I juggled with my eyes closed, I wouldn't be juggling anything soon.
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>>292341 does your eyesight give you headaches? i had a real miserable migraine all day i wanted to die in fact i did
>5.8 mb ow my data
>>292342 how about i mail it to you in a burning slow cooker so it will be perfect when it gets here
moon could you juggle knives? >>292346 Thanks Bang you're so thoughtful So that'll be $50 for postage right?
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probably not i'm afraid of knives and sharp things
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>>292344 Bright light does.
>>292348 Living on the edge
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>>292345 be nice to your data
>>292347 well yeah but you also owe me a $250 service fee
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what about superheated knives
>>292352 Okay cool so with the exchange rate that'll be $700
dont superheat
i want it i need it to make me feel superheated
What if some fire spit met some stone cold insults
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the other day my professor was like "tupac ain't the daddy of rap. he my daddy though" it was good
she's a black new yorkian jamaican
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>>292361 I was having a lot of dissonance before this post.
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>>292364 daw
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>>292363 hahahaha
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a lot with copious amounts of blinking
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Did you think my professor was a white person at first?
I've always imagined him as white
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It was more an issue with the thought that it was a guy.>Yorkian Is that what she says
there's no white people in florida
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This professor is a big, black, sassy new yorkian jamaican lady
>>292370 is it triggering you? no i'm saying that i was wondering if you'd point it out
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Well you went out of the way to say it twice. The idea of some white dude saying tupac is my daddy in a professional setting was a lot more neck turning though.
people from phoenix are called phoenicians
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>>292374 yeah, would have been worrying if that's what it was but have no fear my white professors don't like black people so they'd never say that just kidding only two of them are racist
i got reported in a game today for racism for calling someone a gypsy piece of trash
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My sister was telling me about how there was a shooting by the gas station a while ago. Not the one today. Something is fishy.
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>>292377 did you get banned
i dunno maybe probably not
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Man I really fucked this mosobox thing up.
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unfuck it
america sucks remember that time we were mean to black people
no?? ????? ???? racism was ended in the 1800s
>>292386 It's okay we made up for it with all those free bonfires on their lawns
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>oh, Shigure is +SPD, I wonder what his max is >32 trash
lol 32 or something yeah
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tag yourself i'm pink
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>put Shigure on the farming team >"That's weird. Why can't I use Dance on h- ... oh"
This is an annoying experience
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rip ika
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>>292389 Oh well at least he can dance.
>>292392 second one is me
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I'm going to have to remove Dance from him as I level
at least,, you can water
you can dance if you want to
>>292392 I'm middle green.
>>292401 yeah def
or maybe I shouldn't bother and just feed Geyser Dance to Ninian
>>292392 I'm blue I would have been pink but you stole it
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>>292398 Oh yeah I guess you can move his dance. That would be weird.
my debit card just got a charge from tennessee and an authorization what the heck
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If you're nothing without that suit, you shouldn't have it T. Iron Man
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Seriously though... should I even bother keeping him. His speed is subpar. His tome is okay. Should be at 43 ATK by the end but 32 speed will only be taking out red characters Neither his Res nor Def would be enough to withstand attacks.
>>292407 You want this shield so badly? Take it!
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>when people think they're stronger than bang
but I am
>>292410 eye'm the strongest
this is where you go>who are you and I reply>I'm you but stronger
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>>292408 I can't really find anything too good about him.
Spider-man was a let down except for the end and a few parts here and there i got bored during a lot of it
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>>292415 It wasn't as fun as I wanted, but I might rewatch it when I'm in abetter mood
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I am remembering why I wanted Shigure the least. Even besides his stats, the problem is that he's blue. And Magic. He competes with Ninian. And he won't win against Ninian.>>292418 I didn't. I only rolled the blue orb because Nephenee is in there. Of course, now that Nephenee isn't in the banner, I get the banner character
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Why did you want him? To be honest he's not worthy of sharing a name with my wife.
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.right now i'm plotting my next big attack get ready /moe/
>>292419 Who are you gonna attack?
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>>292419 I'm ready.
does anybody want to play rainbow six siege? or destiny 2? or pubg? or overwatch? or divinity original sin 2? or battlefield 1? or battlefield 2? or battlefield 4? or risk of rain? or starbound? or league of legends? or dota 2?
>>292418 he was crap in game too
>>292422 how about star wars battlefield 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
let's play fiddlesticks and marbles
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>>292426 Cute Delicious Very fattening
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>>292417 Wow, you're rolling blue just for the small chance you get Neph? That's very dedicated.
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I don't think you guys really understand. Getting Nephenee is one of the things I have wanted to do is //since this game was ANNOUNCED. Specifically, her and Ilyana, whenever she shows up.
what would joan do wwjd
blue is that guy who could get every rare except the one he wants and still feel bad
get back on her ark
>>292429 i feel bad now
>>292431 I dunno I sorta get the one about kids
>>292433 fuck you man thats just rude
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>>292429 Well, I get you, but it may be a better plan for getting her to save your orbs and wait until she appears on another banner.
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Maybe. I think I'll keep Shigure too. So I can have an extra dancer for things like squad missions. Putting all my eggs in the cute dragon basket won't help me in situations like that.
fish got upset that i called this robot cute
>>292436 sorry
>>292439 Well it's not like SHE'S got light-up eyelashes.
>>292439 I want one >>292441 I bet she'd get them augmented if it was for Kirara
>>292440 no im sorry
>>292441 and thank goodness
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>>292438 The chances of getting her when she's not on the banner are very low.
>>292445 That's crazy
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chance of bang tonight: 100%
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>>292447 yeah, i get it I don't think I'll be seeing her in another banner for a long time though. She'd have to win a CYL, which is "possible" because she's moderately popular and people might want to have another chance at her WITHOUT an Oscar to worry about ruining their chances. Just have to hope they don't put out another blue character that people really want.
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someone say something that will make me entertained
you are now entertained
>>292452 ur gay
phantom pain is free in ps4 right now if you have +
>>292452 What will I get in return
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I hope to god nobody at work brings up spain because I don't think I'll be able to stay peaceful if someone plays cop advocate in front of me on this
the correct answer was: "are you not entertained?"
why are you even here powell
McDonald's is bringing back their Szechuan sauce to select stores. They aren't overtly saying so but it's pretty obvious why they're doing it.
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Enjoy the taste of breaking the grand illusion with new Simple Rick's Selects
>>292460 I wonder if this was planned out before the episode aired
>>292462 no they started sending the sauce to rick and morty people after the internet wanted it
i wish theyd let it die
i wish they'd let us die
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>>292450 \ They run random characters from time to time. She'll make it!
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i'm still sick
>>292465 soon
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only one in my youtube feed with anything on this so far is Tim Pool
>>292470 Hannibal's the same actor as the gym\detention teacher in Homecoming, isn't he?
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Yeah, it would seem so.
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Fuckin' knew it
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god this is the most frustrating feeling ever i hate being sick i don't want it
i accidentally closed my nose before sneezing and now my ears hurt
Pop Goes the eardrums
starting to feel like a total fucking cuck like im giving out too much of my own resources and doing favors for nothing in return
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i'm starting to feel like i shouldn't go to work tomorrow but i will anyways
>>292479 what an awful timeline
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Really wish I could stay home today
i always give people shit for calling in shit wait i always give people shit for calling in sick i lose so much credibility if i don't show up
well then you probably deserve it
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I have too much work to not go in tomorrow.
My job is the kind where my presence itself is almost as important as what I do with it Unfortuantely calling out doesn't mean that my work doesn't get done, it means that someone else has to do it, and that it's my fault
The weird thing is that I also have a job where technically being sick should automatically bar me from working at all, because I have to handle food That's how it's supposed to be, but the world doesn't quite work that way
What if you actually do get someone sick though Good luck. I worked KFC while a bit sick once it was awful
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you have kfc in new zedland what the fuck
>>292490 The KFC I worked was back in Australia. But yes we do have KFC in New Zealand it's very surprising. But they're quite rare and I have to go out of my way. >>292492 Cuntucky Fried Cunts
kentucky fried cunts innit
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The Colonel would be proud that his herbs and spices made it all the way to lord of the rings land.
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the coughing never ends
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i'm gonna post until i die
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okay im dead rip
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bye bang have a good day at work.
>>292501 bye we'll wait for you in the land of the living
this one girl totally used me for free food and rides
when do i get to use a girl for sex
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>>292504 That's what we call male privilege.
>>292505 for what purpose
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>>292466 It's not really random. The only way ...well, I guess there are two. Is if they put her in one of those skill cycle banners. Heroes with Moonbow. They could also do a Slaying Weapon run but I don't think we have Slaying Sword. Oh wait, we do. Saber's Slaying Edge
>>292507 i need to make my comeback
ill give you your come back
good one
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>>292508 They often put pretty nice heroes on those banners designed to deal with challenge maps too. Celica was one on a banner recently, she's a recent rare super nice unit, just like Neph.
>>292506 there's a chance it might be happening again i mean we also hang out outside of this stuff but oof last couple days have been OOF
Fuck it's cold
How cold is it?
lemme go check
8.6C I guess it's not as cold as I thought it was but it's still realfuckin' cold
That is pretty cold though Gamanshitte
sleep is hard to find i feel like i'm producing phlegm faster than i can rid myself of it
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 733x792, DJcRTMRVYAAB2Xe.jpg )
>>292512 Well, if they ever release Brom as a unit, then maybe. Problem is that Brom is ALSO a lance unit, I think And it'd be Oscar all over again
>>292519 That's the worst fucking feeling I hate phlegm Except getting rid of it fels satisfying But while it's stuck there it's just shit
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 1537x2322, C6U2rIZWYAAYE-O.jpg )
Having to sneeze is the worst Sneezing is great
>tfw got pointed out in high school because whenever I sneezed it took a whole half a minute and I'd interrupt the class with five sneezes in a row
It's childhood trauma night on moe
anime>>292526 →
>>292530 >it's trauma night on moe
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 478x603, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
>next map has reinhardt on it >go manual to take care of him >think it's safe after that >summer robin immediately suicides on hector
>>292537 theyre pretty dumb lucina and robin keep blocking each other so that neither can attack and luc wont get her fat butt outta the way then someone just chips away at robin for 20 turns
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Yeah, I just had to fix a loop they got stuck in because of reposition. I am pretty sure the enemy AI isn't as dumb as the friendly AI. I had Elise blocking the whole team while a unit whittled at her too. It's better than actually grinding it all though.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 400x279, this is a good gif.gif )
that spooked me
That manga has a bunch of really good reaction images to it. I've been kind of reading chapters when I see them posted on /a/. The actual series is generic shounen jump harem comedy but the art is nice.
Oh I've made a mistake. I hit the lever on my chair to drop the height and spook my cat that wanted to sit in my lap. But now I've realized I can't bring it back up to proper height without half-standing up which would make her go away. So I'm stuck in a midget chair which is too low to be comfortable at my desk.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 412x480, 1432026218901.png )
You can try to hover above the seat and have it go up!
Well that's what I meant with half-standing up. The moment my legs are at a slant my lap's no longer comfy for her. I ended up holding her to keep her from bolting while I adjusted it.
waking up hacking and wheezing and then crawling over to my desk to post on /moe/ about it this is a low point for me
No one enjoys being sick. Revel in the fact that pretty much anyone can empathize with you. It's about all they can do for you now.
open at risk of own sanity
Nice rolls.
W O O O W so my smoke detector fire alarm piece of shit things are just all gonna go off in the middle of the night for no FUCKING REASON
currently having a much worse day then bang
i sold twelve novelty dallas cowboys cups to some lady that drove in from fuking california to come see the dallas cowboys (they lost by the way) that's like almost $26 of crappy plastic cups made in china 1.99 a pop
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/02 (月) 06:00 No. 292575
place i'm staying has a switch i'm a squid now
But are you a kid now?
>>292572 this happened to me a while ago and it turned out it was because there were ants in the smoke detector like a bunch of them
How terrifying.
fucking crazy ants that's what they're literally called they like electrical equipment but usually they are on the outside and not the inside no idea how they got in there's a lot of holes and stuff in this house
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] ACCA - 13-ku Ka(…).jpg )
like most other horrible varieties of animal that exists in the US we got them from another country they've only existed in texas since around 2002
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 06 [7(…).jpg )
/moe/ is always dead when i come here there's only one consistent factor i can think of
im here
>>292581 real aussiehours
Search [iqdb] (595 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
even my bait only got one (You) >>292582 what are you up to?
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 552x704, 1506354234311.jpg )
can't sleep
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 960x720, [DeadFish] Yu Yu Hakusho - 58 (…).jpg )
>>292585 ¿por que?
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, 564458.jpg )
>>292586 hello sea nations
Search [iqdb] (576 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
>>292587 gasp are you on the drug
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 210x240, images.jpg )
im not on anything i took a lorazepam for my migraine but that's gone now the migraine i mean
>>292581 I'm usually winding down to go to sleep by the time you get home from your shifts I think. And I'm not really good at keeping social energy levels high to begin with.
Search [iqdb] (336 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 2(…).jpg )
>>292589 are you seeing the sea nations or hearing the call of the ocean?
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1126x1620, DKpd3erUEAIEbdx.jpg )
I think I can't getting background Android took an hour or do your beat The too Long beaches Android took an hour or do your beat The to seeing you sooner than layer of all the regards to The 🌒 too long ago I wasn't if have questions about-face too long ago by shelter Android took an hour or do your price range forward to heating and cooking and If you cannot opening if you
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png )
i dunno visual mostly
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 2(…).jpg )
>>292590 i am doing the same thing right now well more accurately i am very far gone already what time iss it right now for you? >>292593 are they frightening, or enthralling?
02:16, should just be an hour ahead. I try to be up and moving at about 09:00 in the morning so most nights I shouldn't be awake later than 03:00.
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 06 [7(…).jpg )
ah well i got off work about 2 and a half hours ago i'm usually home from like 12pm to 5am your time i wake up at like noon or 1
>>292594 kind of gritty and annoying
unlesss i am going to work at night or in the morning anyways i wake up at 9pm on friday and 3am on wecnesday
>>292596 Well the keystone word in that sentence is "try". There's a lot of days where my alarms can't penetrate my barriers of apathy and not-being-a-morning-person. And I end up sleeping in to around noon. But such is life.
>>292598 weaknessday
>>292600 thats what i feel like on wednesday >waking up in the morning
gotta make it through to the weakened
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1027x1220, DLG5bl3UIAA0akS[1].jpg )
oh boy it's daylight savings
>>292602 god im ache in through the weakened
gotta get dow on cryday
oneday bluesday weaknessday hurtsday cryday sadderday runday
i invented a calendar for suicidal people
i'll pay you two some royalties too ofc
just leave monday as is
Yeah that sounds about right.
>>292611 runday? more like runfromyourproblemsday
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1200x1402, DLD0l5NVAAAIbex[1].jpg )
shunned eh?
on the mendsday
let's change sunday to munday Nothing more depressing than having two mondays
>>292579 3 of my smoke detectors went off at the same time tho so its unlikely that they all suddenly realized they had bugs in them at the same time
Check the batteries maybe. I could see some methodical person having replaced all the batteries in them in succession, which means if they start beeping when the charge gets low, all three would go off. Either way if you haven't checked the batteries in them for a while it doesn't hurt to make sure they're still all operational.
>>292624 >replacing them in succession >not just replacing them when they run out of battery life
out of the 3 one was simply pressed on the buttons, and hasnt bothered us again the other is dangling from the cieling by a cord now with new batteries in the third has a new battery, but immediately started beeping when i reconnected it to the cieling cord so now its just on the floor ceiling*******( id be more inclined to dingle with this shit if it wasnt 1:49am
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 06:48 No. 292627
I have rreturned.
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 2039x1378, DKlBJExUQAENv6z[1].jpg )
welcome back
>>292628 But where's the soft steamy krabby patty buns?
Oh wait no I see them now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 06:56 No. 292632
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 1115x1600, 002(11).png )
New chapter of Maou-jou de Oyasumi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 06:59 No. 292634
>>292633 Noice
>>292633 nice
All right/5.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:26 No. 292639
>>292635 I read through their entire list of genres and it was missing cow punk.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himegoto - 06 [(…).jpg )
Nice. It's neat to look at least.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:29 No. 292641
>>292640 Yee, it's breddy cool
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:32 No. 292642
I'm glad it wasn't missing jangle pop though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:37 No. 292643
Glad to see that the US has tthe most genres under it on the genres by country page.
work emails at 240 am lol
>>292644 pretend you're asleep lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:42 No. 292647
Huh this website is pretty cool I wonder what the guy did the thing in Seems like something Mathematica woukd be great for
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 798x600, DKqcN4GVoAAXV_2[1].png )
yeah I have some stuff to do though It's a great distraction
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:45 No. 292649
>>292648 Holy shit That pic is great
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/02 (月) 07:47 No. 292650
Gonna attempt sleep Oyasumi /moe/
Ye it's nnS Godd night
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I told the managers and the boss lady about being on meds now and at least the manager was very supportive Said if I need to talk i can come to him cause he knows how it is Boss lady is whatever, but she was at least understanding
>>292650 goodnight
Mass shooter reported at Las Vegas.
>>292655 how many?
Early reports but I'm seeing two dead
Wasn't there something in NY too?
Phssh two isn't 'mass'
like 24 injured and shot into a huge crowd is pretty mass
there's dozens being treated
I think if four or more people are shot then it counts as a mass shooting
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bets in on motive
I'm betting "because they were there"
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Shit man Uni all day working every evening I don't even know what to do with myself when I have free time any more.
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been doin nothing all day need something to do with life
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 1280x720, ping-pong abyss.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1200x1665, DLDerlTVwAEcCSe[1].jpg )
ah daylight savings damnit>>292668 I'll take abyss thanks
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>>292669 No. c'mon. fight. Also do any of you guys have that webm of the fire girl from Brilliant Park shitposting on 4chan
Search [iqdb] (1m7s, 3.0 MB, 640x360, australiasgottalent.webm )
>>292669 There's nothing down there you'll just wanna climb up later anyway >>292670 This one?
That's good too although I was thinking of the shorter one where it's just her face and telling them they're butthurt
Search [iqdb] (33s, 2.8 MB, 640x480, mariasweekend.webm )
Nah sorry I don't have that one
never seen such a webm only>>292671 but less edited
I know the exact one Marsh is talking about. But I don't save Webms.
2017/10/02 (月) 08:56 No. 292676
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg )
2017/10/02 (月) 09:01 No. 292677
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 1421x2269, DK2TVgGVoAEadaJ[1].jpg )
got my email anime merch should be on it's way
over 20 dead hundred plus injured mass
2017/10/02 (月) 09:05 No. 292680
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 640x480, Azumanga_Daioh_16.DVD(H264.AAC(…).jpg )
in what?
oh I guess //>>292680 yeah
2017/10/02 (月) 09:06 No. 292682
ah vegas
Search [iqdb] (760 KB, 3008x3320, DLEFr1xVAAANrEr[1].jpg )
2017/10/02 (月) 09:28 No. 292684
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 960x720, Legend.of.the.Galactic.Heroes.(…).jpg )
WEll that wasn't the season finale I expected
>>292683 >accept
accept THISunzips zip file
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nono is cute
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This place has a 1:1? Bobba Fett doll and it keeps giving me the occassional shock when I go past it.
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How can a dog be angery with such delicious cherries?
shit I thought those were tomatos
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himegoto - 06 [(…).jpg )
Now I'm seeing reports of 50 people killed. Wow.
Apparently the suspect is called Stephen Paddock
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Guess we have a new puppy. I hope it works out.
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I broke the UI of the game. None of the HUD buttons are showing up. Though a positive side-effect was that I also broke the scroll-back limit on the camera and could get a neat view of my entire explored map like this.
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>>292698 Cute Big dog is very fluffy
>>292704 → >>292704 →