>>287958 that's a weird thing for someone to say is it someone you are close to?
>>287960 somewhat i (thought that i) was rekindling an old flame
im hoping the explanation will be something like "we need to temporarily stop texting because ive run out of my messaging limit through my phone service provider" but im almost certain itll be something like "im back with my ex" or "i dont feel the same way towards you that you do towards me"
this is pretty upsetting considering what an upward spiral my life has been in for rhe paat few days
and rika was right, guys like me do indeed always fail when they actually want something real
hopefully i can make her feel bad about saying that, later
But it really interests me how they handle the chips and all the gear inside a screen and shell that fold sure easy but battery, microchips and whatnot how did they pull taht off
it's a heavens feel collab i don't really like card games like that though
I don't know what card game it is.
I think theyre trying to cash in hard because the collab leaders you can buy only last until oct 31 whereas the street fighter leaders are still around
>>287989 fate doesn't make a lot of money in the west and heaven's feel doesn't have a release date in the west so they probably are trying to avoid loses
damn it /moe/ the sun is coming up and i still havent gotten a reply i hate it because we spent all of our time together at night, and watching the sun rise like this feels so symbolic of me being forced to go back to my regular life
a fungi expert said hello to me randomly. I now know what fungi are bad to drink alchol with.
yeah they are fungi are really cool you should become a fungi expert too learn about lichen too
Hmm bit shame tomb raider doesn't have stats on your kills, weapon use and such would be fun to see which I used most in the end most likely bow, but peestol might be close
>An orbital ion cannon blast for Skyrim, because... why not? now that is a mod after my heart
Well I did a few things and also noticed the rest of my lundia are either practically useless to me to build them up or actually useless in terms of lacking parts to properly set them up
>>288030 ladybird you mean but thats a japanese beetle youve got there
>>288037 this looks like a generic western revenge flick i like it
The previous Red Dead Redemption was a really engaging and fun game in the disguise of a generic western revenge flick. I'm really excited for this new one, though odds are I might have to wait on Rockstar's beck and call for the PC release.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
dann i might even play it GTA without cars and traffic sounds great to me
Yeah but you can lasso up people and drag them behind you.
curious they didn't make that a feature in gtav
Well there weren't any ridable horses in GTA V, duh.
nah I mean just add it anyhow lasso people from a car
Yes TN I know.
then again the two games prolly used different engines or versions of the same engine so it wouldn't have just transferred 1:1 into V
Also this new RDR looks like it takes place before the events of the first one. The man at the end of the trailer, Dutch, is the man who lead the gang that the player character from the first RDR used to run with. And he's a lot younger by the looks of it in this new one. Wonder if that means we might see a young Marston.
I hope this doesn't mean there won't be a lot of new locations, though. I think Dutch's people were based out of the area in RDR.
I guess seeing those old places in modern graphics isn't so bad though
Considering Rockstar's principle of making larger and larger world maps with every new game they come out with, and how long ago in their line of releases RDR was, even if we retread a lot of old regions we'll probably get quite a lot of new area too. Those Rockie mountain-y parts looked pretty awesome.
>say hello to the person behind you >on bus seats This is a horrible idea. I am avoiding buses with this on them.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>288054 the Hyper States of Algorithmica an infinite plane of procedurally generated rustic American plains, coastline, mountain ranges and desert and a continent sized swamp
>>288073 Yeah, bees will get fucking pissed if they can't get back to their hive but they'll fuck off somewhere else after a while.
Over the summer some wasps built a nest somewhere near my window overlooking our backyard so my dad just drenched the place in wasp spray. It was kind of a terrible stench for a good while but it's probably better than having to deal with fucking wasps.
i forgot to take a pic dressed like that with a nerf gun unfortunately
i could go to the halloween party like that though i guess
>>288082 Yeah, I guess that's true. Especially if he's got anything resembling a gun.
-I- could skulk about my neighbourhood dressed like that without having to worry about getting shot though!
Oh speaking of Halloween parties i have a really good story So back in the 80's my parents had a friend who moved into a really shitty area (in either Atlanta or Chicago, I don't know the specifics) And being a white guy moving into a predominantly black neighborhood made it kind of hard to get to know his neighbors initially So what ge did was he invited a bunch of his neighbors to a party, and he invited a bunch of his white friends too But he told all his white friends that it was a costume party
i think my grandfather's trenchcoat is really what ties the look together
What I actually did was I taped up my pantlegs and wore a hoodie and taped up the sleeves and tucked my shirt in and covered my face while whimpering in fear as I made my way down the stairs
And the fact that it looks like you've got only one leg. You're like some kind of urban myth demon.
>>288089 It's a Japanese wooden short sword. My mom had two of them because she learned to use swords in her martial arts stuff, and when I was moving out, I asked her if she had a baseball bat I could take, and she was like, "no, but take this instead" So I ended up getting a sword.
hahaha i thought it was a hatchet my eyes are suck or a hammer
Oh the bandanna tie-off looks like it's stuck on the end of the blade.
>>288091 Oh I couldn't tell because there is a thing on the end of it or something
Any of you weebs like Japanese fiction? https://www.humblebundle.com/books/haikasoru-books There are actually three or four really good scifi books in that bundle
Yeah I remember the bouken now. I've even got one that's a bit similar to it knocking about. I should totes bring it with me too when I finally get out of here.
I'm not trained in using swords, but I can use it. I've only been trained in fighting hand-to-hand and using a staff, but that was like 10+ years ago. I still have the hand-to-hand stuff down but I can't use a staff effectively anymore.
My dad's weapons are all really plain looking.
Also there's this live in dojo/temple near me that specializes in traditional Japanese weapons So you can go there and train just like your Chinese cartoons.
>>288100 It's 3+ feet long; there's no way it would fit in a suitcase. And I'm not really up for trying to walk something like that through customs.
>>288107 Yes, that wasn't the question. If you get a martial arts weapon bag you can just say you do martial arts. It'd be a pain to bring it while flying though Cause the tsa would break it
just walk around everywhere you go with it over your shoulder like a DELINQUENT
I had my fill of that in high school.
>>288096 I'm raising my count of good sci-fi books on there to six Oh and all of those six had anime adaptations. LotGH (volumes 1-3) Yukikaze (well I'm not sure if the sequel was adapted) and its sequel and tgen Mardock Scramble.
Long dress and wear a scarf over your mouth. Become a Sukeban
Oh wait, I was mixing uo mardock scramble with something else. I can't recall how good it is.
>>288113 I don't think so are supposed to cover their faces, since the sukeban are the female bancho equivalent. And hiding your face is more for low level delinquents. *sukeban are supposed to
Also holy shit The English Wikipedia article on sukeban has so much really bad English in the "In fiction" section.
>>288116 Most of the stuff is made up, the scarf is just a fashion statement in most cases. I don't really think it has a set sort of hierarchical apperance. I can think of a few sukeban characters who wear masks.
>>288118 Well, I was referring to the portrayal in fiction. But the stuff with how delinquents are portrayed in manga and what not is based on real phenomena. Really? Who, just wondering
>>288125 Hrrm I probably won't end up playing it then My moon rune skills aren't that great Also VN sake a while to *Vns take a while to play And I already have a ton on my backlog
Not really. I ran out of cigerettes a few days ago and I don't usually get cravings. I think when I panicked on losing my phone I smoking a fair bit. *I smoked a fair bit.
It is only a slight headache so I am sure it'll pass.
I'm always a little dodgy when I get headaches. I can handle all sorts of physical pain without much complaint but something about headaches just cripples me. I don't even think mine are particularly intense I just can't handle them. So the moment I feel one coming on I try and nip it in the bud.
Of course it doesn't help that I'm somewhat bad at keeping myself hydrated, so they come on somewhat regularly.
>>288141 I didn't know that you smoked. What type do yoi usually smoke? *you
>>288164 You only satisfyingly take it easy once you have mastered everything. If you Yukkuri Shitene after doing easymodo you won't feel the reward of taking it easy.
>>288185 That's a really retarded way of referring to them.
>>288183 Lots of terrible pictures >>288184 Quiet friday nights for sleeping are the best. I don't know what goes through the minds of people who go out drinking and partying when they could be enjoying a sleepy cozy evening at the end of the week without paying money for all that alcohol and terrible music.
I think I'm gonna put this thing in the giant sink and let it soak
>>288193 You can go pretty far! >>288192 I've never engaged in any socialite nonesense! I the weekend is my kingdom of laziness. I will never work on a weekend! Weekends and Friday nights are divine relaxation time and mondays are hell. Mondays are really the worst days of the week.
it takes little energy to keep a channel open but it takes a lot of energy to open a channel from a closed state to a lot of people, interfacing with moe lately is actually more work than literal work i've said this a few times lately but i don't think anybody takes much i say very seriously or just thinks i'm nagging about hurt feelings when i'm usually not >>288277 i don't know how to suggest other people open channels because that's their own set of preferences but i know most of the time i do it gets ignored, scolded, scoffed at, or sometimes just closed out quickly because there's not enough activity and people get bored to go do something else so it's just a preference disparity there and i just leave it alone because i also don't want to take the energy to make things change. i've got too many hardships to spend my energy on of my own
Well, it's easy to point out problems but it's harder to come up with solutions. If you have any suggestions on how we can make things better, I'd love to hear them.
>>288276 I don't intend to do anything like that, but in the case of hurt feelings and whatnot I can't really know what people are thinking unless they tell me. If people are feeling put out or neglected they need to be clear about it. I think everyone would like to clear out such issues.
all i really have to talk about is my work or my research or personal projects and there's not a lot of overlap there so it's fine i talk about market research and algorithms and interfacing but the programmers around don't really overlap with that they're just like wtf moon you can't even code you're full of shit i had some film projects with kirara but they fell through i guess i like to talk to jan but he wants to be alone or something there's not really a lot for me to interface with i'm not making a complaint but i'm just pointing out some of the things that makes me close my moe tab and do other things i like to have some fun shitposting and some humor but then i get drama for doing that so whatever, i just dont deal with it and find other ways to use my energy can't sweat what i can't change
it feels to me like everyone is always playing video games now so they don't post on /moe/ as a result nobody's posting on /moe/ so it's boring which means there's no incentive to post on /moe/
it could also just be the times im around too i guess /moe/ used to be more active around this time a lot more active around now and around 2 used to be prime time but now it's often dead around now and prime time is like midnight
maybe the problem is me!
Sometimes I feel like I'm posting for the sake of it without saying anything of value or meaning.
>>288282 What if we played video games But did it together
>>288283 Part of it is the season, too. This time of year is the slowest time of year on /moe/.
The weather has cooled so people aren't staying inside in ACed rooms, and it's not so cold yet that people stay inside hiding from the cold. School/work is always busy this time of year.
When the holidays roll around and people are stuck inside because it's miserably cold outside people post more.
>>288288 It was like this throughout the summer, too. And most moes with jobs don't get more work this time of year either. Also, we don't have many moes that spend much time outside as it is.
>>288280 most of our lives are too depressing to blog about and we've spent so long learning to suppress that kind of talk
>>288296 rook isn't going to be posting on /moe/ anymore and jan is usually playing final fantasy or going out with his sisters which he does year round
>>288293 i meant more the circumstances are a downer to talk about too even stuff that i don't find depressing to talk about is still a downer to people who aren't used to it
>>288303 He doesn't have fun here anymore. He didn't really talk about it before deciding so you didn't know about it. But it's his choice so please don't go after him or anything.
I understand that you'd like to be told about it, but people are free to make their own decisions. He probably didn't want to argue about it or make a big deal out of it like what's sort of happening now.
>>288312 I'm sorry that you don't like it. I don't really like it either, but I want to let him make his choices. Well, not that I could stop him.
Anyway, /moe/ is really quiet all the time and the people that used to bring life to the board aren't doing it anymore. I know you and I always joke about bringing life to the board but it's really everyone else that does.
I don't think I'm much of a contributor in that aspect. Being disengaged with a lot of things has always been an issue of mine. I don't know what I can bring without other people helping me.
Aside from complaining that it has gotten FUCKING COLD here again.
>>288313 Well, phases like this are natural. We've had them in the past, even during what people consider the glory days and even in times before you were here. They always come and go.
We can always use new blood though! Hopefully some new people will stumble upon us.
>>288318 Well, it's getting really boring around here. If things don't pick up, we'll never get new blood.
Where are we supposed to get new blood anyway?
>>288320 If you have friends outside of /moe/ you could invite them
>>288316 No one made dinner tonight, so I'm at a loss for what to eat. So I'm also cold and hungry and (sort of) have no food.
>>288317 12C at the moment. Which might not sound that cold but only three days ago we were hitting temperatures in the range of 22-32C. My body isn't climatized for this.
I think we need more than one person. If we get a random, they'll probably just leave after a day or two anyway, since /moe/ is pretty dead and other liveboards are super alive.
>>288322 12C is basically my perfect temperature I love it
>>288325 I don't think the other boards are that much more relatively alive
We also have some certain rigidity that doesn't encourage people to stick around. Lewd images are a manner of currency for a lot of the Internet circles that match /moe/ interests. And politics are currently SUPER in fashion for Internet culture right now. I'm in favour of dropping it out of /moe/ discussion but it also does set up a serious wall-off for potential new interests.
>>288326 tano generally seems more active than here even if there are fewer posters
>>288328 Really? I might have agreed with you a few months back, but I feel it's bene pretty slow lately. Like I can go to bed and wake up and there'll only be a few hundered more posts.
>>288330 If I took that eyepatch off would she die?
We are trying to make moe less political but it's kind of a process. We have a couple of posters highly interested in politics so it will take some time!
That's not the issue though. The issue is in doing that, it drives away newcomers that, while mayben -maybe not being passionate about it, wants to talk about it. And seeing people ignore or tell them to stop is definitely not encouragement for them to stick around.
I feel like most internet politics people are frogposters and shit like that I don't really want them here anyway
>>288334 It's hard when your life intersects with politics though. Like where do you draw the line between politics and blogging about how you're getting fucked by new tax rates or something I don't really likethe politics either Though I let myself orbit into it
so fucking hungry i want to cry i havent eaten since sunday hows that for blogging
>>288372 It's not a conscious choice I make. It's the way my brain works. If you don't want to be thrown to the side, you'll just have to become interesting all the time!
>>288374 potentially botulism i'm going to eat them anyway though i don't care if i'm lucky i'll go into convulsive fits tonight and have a bad seizure and not remember any of this bullshit
>>288389 i dont have any fur accessories but i do have some taxidermies and some skins i would like to make a fur hat to stay warm skins are very warm
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>288337 it's fine to talk about like real life politics once in awhile there's a point where it becomes a problem and anyone who gets to that point gets ample warning
I didn't actually wear that to fight bees, I was just playing around when I was getting a jacket to help get past the bees. Pest control came and pissed off the bees like 15 minutes before I had to leave for my exam this morning, haha.
I kind of thought it was an ice scraper at first glance. But it wouldn't make much sense for Kirara to have an ice scraper laying about. And what an ice scraper would actually help with against bees.
>not having a Trotsky shrine with an ice pick in your house
>>288400 They filled the hole the bees were building their hive in. Some of the bees escaped and got really pissed off and were freaking out. I had to tape my clothes up and cover my face so I could get past them.
>Dad trying to help my imouto with math >Struggling with terminology and figuring out what it wants >Finally gets it and gets a little excited >"Dad can I just go to bed I- >"No no just see here..."
I mean, it's sort of in the realm of unlikely but plausible. I guess that sort of thing does happen even though it's rare.
If you look at it like that, I guess it is kind of low grade weird. That's probably why it became the talk of school.
Mass swarms of bees also aren't really an unnatural thing. That part wasn't really abnormal. If it wasn't for your concerns about allergic reactions it wouldn't have been as big a story.
I'd bet that at least 80% of people would be unwilling to walk through a swarm of bees without protection whether or not they were allergic, though. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to do that.
Yeah but if push comes to shove they could do it without risking death. This ties into the whole "go to school even if it almost kills you" thing that I already find absurd but that is a normal absurdity.
>>288415 Do you think the entire swarm would be liable to go after you like that though? Generally I haven't ever been harrassed by bees.
In that situation, they may attack and they may not. They are unpredictable when swarming.
Like I said, I would have walked through them but stings don't bug me much. If I were allergic I would not walk through them. Sting allergies can be very severe.
>>288421 Can't remember I was maybe less than ten when this happened. Long time ago regardless.
Well, I don't think Fish would have let me go even if I didn't have to worry about allergies.
Either way, everyone was very interested in the absurd situation. I don't usually publicize the ridiculous shit that happens to me every day to the people I know IRL.
I bet Fish would have been willing to act as a shield for you How romantic!
That's probably a draw in of itself too then. Like we get a sort of kick out of it but it probably doesn't compare to the lustre of what it's like to hear something like this for the first time.
Yeah, I guess. For you guys it's just another episode in a long line of strange episodes, but they just basically watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm for the first time.
I had a bee get stuck in my shirt this summer. It was one of those types of bees that can sting multiple times so it just stung me over and over until I realized what was happening. It just felt like a weird little jolt every few seconds so it took me awhile to realize what was happening.
He wasn't that lucky. He was stuck above my shoulder blade, not exactly my most sexy spot! If he had been stinging me on the front side that probably would have hurt a lot more and I would have realized what was going on a lot faster.
I got stung mostly on my upper back and shoulder. He got me on my upper arm once one the way out too.
I wouldn't say they're a huge draw for me but I'll appreciate good ones.
I saw a lady with some really bizarre shoulders the other day though. You know how shoulders kind of slope along the collar, smoothly, either upwards or downwards towards the neck? This lady had what were practically corners facing inwards towards her neck. It was like her shoulder joints were cubes and you could see where it joined with the collar. It was really weird.
>>288441 earlier today i thought something bad was happening and i remembered rika shitting on my life and just thought "uwu she was right" but then the bad thing DIDNT happen
>>288444 >>288445 >>288447 okay shut up listen, i dont want to tell everything out of respect for her personal privacy
but basically someone doesnt want us together, and pressured her into texting me "we cant see eachother anymore" and i was like "uwu can we at least talk about this in person" so she told me about how so and so doesnt want us together and she was like "so we'll just be together without them knowing" and i burst into TREATS /moe/ i literally spent the last 15 hours being the most depressed piece of shit waiting for us to meet up, to hear that shit i mean, its a new venture now, but one im looking forward to
>>288449 I guess, but you like, need both shoulders for it to be appealing. Like a single shoulder doesn't really appeal to me. It's more the full form including the shoulders that can be appealing.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
*just a disembodied human shoulder floating in space* eyy bb
That is true, the shoulders have to suit the rest of the body! I know a girl with super thin shoulders but she's kinda lanky and she just looks like she needs to eat some meat. She's a really strict vegetarian.
>>288448 Good luck, normie! Don't go romeo and juliet.
>>288453 It is pretty damn secret! Only my closest friends know about us, and none of her friends/family know about us We'll be free from these shackles soon, though
I don't like the cold and I like being cold even less. But at least I wish we got cold SLOWLY. We've dropped like twenty degrees Celsius in three/four days.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
test :o safari finally allows localstorage in incognito mode amaze
>>288504 No way, you're just a brain. We could tear you out and put you in a new body in your sleep tonight and you'd never know as long as the body was the same. We could tear you out and put you in a vat that simulates having a body too. You'd never know!
>>288518 Like literally? Isn't that really bad news for people who get heart transplants?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
free will is an illusion
>>288518 sore throat, eating is difficult but manageable, lots of coughing a single double-dose of cough syrup has had me find fine* for the last 6 hours though so maybe it was just a small cold
>>288533 gotta work hard to play hard my bank account will be bigger than it's been in my entire life on saturday and i'm going to Dallas to a big show because i have the weekend off
>>288565 The best winning move is not to play, man..
>>288567 >>288568 I don't count it as a fight if there isn't an exchange The only times I've been in a "fight" I just sort of held the other person down and said "we're not doing this" or "stop moving"
>>288598 yeah he was pretty great at the end true hero i hope there's more of the show
>>288598 I thought the giant toblerone was best girl?
>>288599 I imagine there will be a season 2 I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was though, from the things I'd heard so maybe it will be niche because it only appeals to people who get it?
Just got home from work and now I work from 7-4 tomorrow But at least after that, I won't work until Monday at noon
>>288608 What the fuck I guess I just often underestimate how much logistics goes into running a restaurant What even is your position now?
>>288610 Assistant Manage Manager A lot goes into running a Panera There's a lot of items on the menu and our standards are a lot higher than other food places that serve lower quality food slower than we do Panera is only really behind Chik-Fil-A in the "food you can get in under 5 minutes" category and that's because Chik-Fil-A stores are ran like a swiss watch Those places exude operational excellence
>>288612 When my cousin who manages a chik fila was asked by my aunt to wash some wine glasses He just rinsed them in really hot water until someone told him to use soap
my mom was trying to lecture me about something and insulting me so i got upset and hung up on her it's going to be awkward when i talk to her next
i really hate lectures like that though
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>288607 not today i turned on HSTS like two weeks ago
>>288624 an employee called a couple days ago and said "Hi this is ____ and I just got back from the docto-" and then i slammed the phone on them and they showed up a couple hours later apologizing for calling earlier
one time when i worked at the suicide hotline and my boss was literally destroying my health with the shifts he was giving me i called in sick one night because i was really fucked up and he was just like "THIS IS NOT IDEAL" and i almost quit right there
>>288632 the person in question was not too sick to work when they showed up but then when they called the next day they dropped their phone while coughing so they didn't have to come in today but i also didn't need them very badly today so it worked out
>>288649 well yeah they're the CEO you should've instead asked them the last thing they want you to do except they wouldn't respond "go to your state's workforce comission and file a complaint while obtaining a doctor's diagnosis and avoiding work"
>>288655 i can get fired for any reason or no reason
it wasn't really worth it, it was miserable and i actually could barely do my job like i was trying to talk people out of suicide with staph
that is to say, more worth it than pursuing legal action against the company
>>288657 you can get fired for any reason and no reason but that doesn't mean you aren't entitled to certain compensations and potentially damages they can fire you for whatever they want but it can still be wrongful
>>288661 in florida, you're not entitled to that stuff i would have to prove that they wrongfully fired me and they can say they fired me for something else, and i can't disprove that this happens all the time in florida
no i'm pretty sure if something were to come of it, then it wouldn't just get swept under the rug that other people (or you) were hospitalized due to their decisions unless you let it
the great (or horrible) thing about our systems and laws is that the individual can always fuck things up for the greater entity if they try hard enough
it's easy to say that but generally these things get swept under the rug in florida it's really bad here
then leave?
i can't, i won't be able to go to school if i leave
oh no it's 12 minutes past my bedtime >>288678 you can, but if leaving isn't worth it then it's probably fine the way things turned out and the way they are >>288662 this image is super cute
no, like, i really can't i don't have the freedom to do that
>>288725 I legit developed plans for an experiment to test stuff related to it Wrote it a while ago, its been rated as my second funniest experiment proposal by my friends.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>288726 billionaires only he'll use it to fund the mars mission? idk if that's true
>>288723 Oh also its incredibly retarded on many levels
>>288728 Doesn't matter if you wrote plans, it's not like you'd find the capital to get it working.
>>288731 It's not really that dumb. It's basically just shooting ICBMs with people as the payload. The military shoots them just for fun all the time.
>>288735 If you don't think that's dumb, you need to actually try thinking about it. I mean, its not absolutely impossible to do ut without killing or causing permanent damage to a person But it's difficult
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/watch?v=S5V7R_se1Xc go to 1:25 from the end when the video ends and then accidentally starts up again, then someone kills it and goes to the desktop ahaha
>>288736 We've been launching astronauts in vehicles extremely similar to ICBMs for decades, so I don't really see why it's really a problem to do it to other people.
>>288739 You don't see why its a problem because you are unaware of just how dangerous it is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-G_training
>>288746 This is the kind of thing Elon is good at. Elon is pretty good at figuring out clever solutions to problems like that. He is not all that good at super ambitious giant projects like that vacuum rail line, but rocket transport is something I can see him doing.
People said that reusable rockets were impossible but he found a way to do it.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yes go on tell us how musk's plan is retarded
elon probably already has it figured out man's a damn genius
>>288761 I understand what you're saying, but we have rockets that people can ride too.
Even if the "thirty minutes to anywhere in the world" ideal is a bit of a stretch, being able to reduce travelling to anywhere in the world to mere hours would be crazy. Imagine making popping over to Asia a weekend trip.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
are we also going to ignore that this is the same thing as space tourism
>>288766 Imagine if you could just casually go to Japan over an hour Like you're a businessman with an urgent meeting over there so you go there in the morning, have your meeting, and then go home by dinner time
>>288778 That's what space rockets are! You just shoot them a little more safely because people are squishy. The orbital mechanics are the same though.
>shoot person into space >wait for earth to rotate >then bring them back down and land them on desired destination FLAWLESS PLAN
why not just build people in space
I'm just reminded of the episode where they go into low orbit in Eureka Seven. I remember being in total awe of that episode.
The best episodes are orbital re-entry ones where some poor shmuck burns up and dies in the atmosphere