Thread #289981
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There's still actually shows tonight.
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Is there? What's actually tonight?
Bahamut Made in Abyss Altair Jigoku Shoujo 18if
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okay that's what I see too. I'll try to find Ika.
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sasuga ika
He's even online -- though Away -- on Steam.
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okay there we are let's start with made in abyss? okay let's start!
Okey dokes.
maybe a bad thing to start with maybe not
I really liked this OST piece. The composer previously worked on the anime adaptation for a game called norn9, it's got some really good tracks on it too. Even better it's some Australian bloke. I don't even think he's Asian.
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>>290020 I would start with Bahamut if left to my own devices but Made in Abyss is the most often requested first show.
>>290024 we actually watched norn9 though
I didn't!
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You should have, it was really something.
there is gonna be some gorey stuff
Even as a human Nanachi is pretty gender ambiguous. The "oira " pronoun Nanachi uses is even gender-neutral too.
i think the long hair has a bit of implications and another thing later
mildly unethical
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There's Mitty I guess.
For a young child she's awfully developed compared to the other ones her age.
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How many episodes is this supposed to be?
this is the last one i think
yeah this is the last
Bonedude's got a pretty cool mask helmet thing.
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Time for science!
This isn't much of a garden Bonedude.
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THere's some weird stuff going on down there.
>>290055 those are other ex-humans
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>>290056 They looked like Mitty so that was my guess.
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Maybe something about Riko can fix Mitty. Given this series they would kill her before they find out though!
riko is just a little girl
Oh no, they both can't cook. Guess they need Riko concious so they can actually eat good food.
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Oh, this episode is 48 minutes long.
Oh wow yeah, it is. Can he bring himself to vaporize her?
Oh she's the one who broke first.
Oh wait the mushrooms are still infesting Riko's arm. That's unpleasant for me to think too much on.
Ponytail'd Riko is pretty nice. She should keep her hair like that more. Though I guses with her hat that style wouldn't work
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I guess it's tough being a robot.
>You pulled Reg's treasure up That's a good ehdasdahgfhad NOPE.
fllop is th ebest character
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Yes, that's true. The quality of the show increased dramatically once the floop showed up. This was a very good last episode.
They did a really, really good job with Nanachi's backstory. She's probably had the most depth writing out of any character so far.
Oh fuck Bonerdude is still relevant. Shame that's the season end though.
well yeah they're going to his layer
and lair
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Very good episode. That episode made watching the whole series worth it. Okay let;s baha okay let's start
Baha baha SOORU
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actual manga page
Oh right. I can't believe Kaisaa is fucking DEAD.
;_; Poor Rita though.
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best girl is dead
kaiser died a stupid death
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Yeah, I guess he just randomly died.
That's actually a pretty good parallel between Nina and Favaro. If only the series had done more establishing the bond between them as master and disciple. I feel pacing this series out to three or four seasons worth of episodes and fleshing out some the characters better would have made for more complete characters.
what tijme are you
6:45 6:50 6:55
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6:50 I don't remember there being any major deaths in the last episode of bahamut's first season. well, except for the really obvious one.
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There's Gabby. I think she's the most unintentionally funny character.
Yeah probably. Geez Heika that isn't a euphemism in the slightest.
>Tackle him naked and grab hold of his shaft
Okay what itm enow
For pete's sake man. 9:25 9:30 9:35
how does amira know her
Well that's a pretty brutesque shot of Bahamut.
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What's to stop him from coming back again?
hes dead now not sealed
So he did end up going full blind. No real surprise there.
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He's really lucky he lived. I figured he would die!
And Jeanne is back to being some farmgirl in the sticks. Considering her real life origin, there's some poetry to that.
Oh Nina can't talk either. I guess that's why her gestures have been so weird now.
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That's a pretty big price for someone like Nina!
Poorest Favaroooo though. First he loses his waifu, now he's lost his AIBOU.
The fuck is with this throne. It's not like he's got eyes to look over the city with.>>290170 Considering Charoice too, it's doubly crippling. He can't look to see she's there, and she can't call out to let him know
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They still get to be together though! In the end it's a way better ending forr them than I was expecting.>>290174 I was expecting that too. sasuga bahamut
>Bahamut isn't dead WELL I GUESS THAT'S THAT.
Oh gosh Rita. You really went ahead and did it.
I was totally unsure whether she'd actually stich and zombify him up but she really ended up doing it, the madwoman. Plus he looks pretty terrifying now.
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I had a feeling she would do that. He looks like a bona fide zombie. He looks way more zombie that Rita does.
I was totally aware it was a possibility. Like when she was mourning his death I was thinking "well she can just raise him" But the way she was acting made me feel like she might not to honour his life. To me there's a certain dismissal of one's free will if you just raise them death without their permission.
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the bitemarks on his neck were a good touch too okay jigoku shoujo okay let's start!
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>>290182 She probably prefers him fresh!
>>290183 You can also see bitemarks on the hand he's got on his hip as the camera is panning up his body. Though I think that might be the hand he was separated from for a while. Also what I don't get is why he's got the ugly stiched up clothes now. Like sure he's undead but at least that you can give him a respectable outfit.
Kokkuri-chan Kokkuri-chan
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This looks like one of the early episodes, based on the style.
She's being turned to maaaaliiiice.
Though really, she's rather unharmed for a box of glass objects falling on top of her.
Guess deaths are far too difficult a coincidence to work. Also this is really starting to remind me of the artstyle DEEN used in the Higurashi anime.
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Surely she isn't going to use Emma Ai to keep up her rep as a curse girl. That would be kinda dumb!
You got to hand it to her, she's thorough in these practices. Though I guess a lot of crazy spiritual people end up that way.
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Wow, she's gonna do it! The guy probably isn't even stalking that girl. She probably just owes him money or something.
Yeah I figured something like that too. The girl who's demanding it of her doesn't seem like the kind of girl who- Well okay that didn't take long.
WWWWc razy
Pft. It was even more trivial than owing money.
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Yeah. I'm surprised the curse was so stupid in this episode.
is 18if now
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yep, 18if okay lets start
Open the red doors
he's so comical
Well RIP.
Also it must be pretty weird to hear about your own coma like that.
this is sure some nice quality
Holy fuck the QUALITY is off the charts here. It feels like it's just been getting worse and worse each episode after the 3D GCI one.
you're adam haruto reeeeee
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If eve dies when eve dies, why not just kill the harmless one instead?
Hah hah hah. What is this.
what the hell is going on
What the fuck is this.
>I want to destroy the world because God made it so that women are supposed to obey men >That's so outdated; no one does that anymore
just save the world with girl talk
>a tea party
Even in the last episode they're throwing us all for a spin.
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Well, I guess the world is saved.
is she mildly dumb
They had such a straightforward plot to conclude the final story arc on at the end of last episode. They even laid some good teasing for Lily being Eve, or at I guess some other Eve. And now things have just totally gone off the rails. Oh it looks like we're back on track now. Kinda.
it's amusing to have them just talk it out
Is this the finale?
yeah i think so yep this is the final episode
They're getting really out there with bastardizing Eve's name now.
are they shipping them
And then it's POISON CAKE.
You know they could have made it some kind of apple dessert instead of generic strawberry cake. Go for some really good subtlety.
ok end of the world delayed to an unspecified date
Well okay. I'm not complaining.
but that's his sister reeee
Hah hah Haruto. Even now he's (rightfully so) being selfish about being stuck in a dream.
Oh no.
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bar succupus?
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Haruta died like he lived. Asleep.
Oh jin did the vocals for this song.
Well that was one hell of a finale to one hell of a series. What a fucking ride.
just like talk things out
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He didn't really do anything in the last episode except die at the end.
He did all the legwork beforehand! Besides, on a meta level, having Eve want to destroy the world because men subjugate women, only to have the male characters do all the work in the show, kind of comes off a little hypocritical. I think it's clever that the girls solved things.
>>290249 he made tea
thanks for anime