Thread #289688
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It's hard to follow up after such a rare Kannagi thread, but we're gonna try.
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>>289687 → gonna try. Are you saying you don't?
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>>289690 Nope, that's why she's missing.>>289691 hi!
Hello Anno wassup
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>>289692 She doesn't have internet right now.
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There goes my once in a couple years thread! I gorew up and got big!
>>289693 I am hanging out. What are you up to?>>289692 Hello! I have not posted here in a while.
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>>289694 Oh, is that what's going on with her?>>289696 Yeah, it has been awhile!
>>289696 I was gonna play mahjong with people from /a/, but I think they all left. So I'll probably do assignments. Are you planning on doing anything this weekend?>>289695 And now it's gone off to college and left us behind
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>>289697 Yeah.
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>>289699 She needs to get it back!
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>>289700 Well, you better go kidnap her if you want her to have internet. Anyway, you don't have a harem!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:12 No. 289702
>>289696 How have you been?
First in-class assignment of the term compleeto. Literary analysis is so easy it almost feels unfair. At least when I don't have to go find secondary sources and can just run off my own bullshit.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:14 No. 289704
>>289703 What did you have to analyze! *analyze?
i liked it better with the exclamation mark just do that all the time
>>289697 I am posting here now.>>289698 I am going to shoot a gun this weekend.
>>289698 Nothing that I can think of right now.
>>289703 What did you analyse? >>28970 → ///>>289706 Sounds fun.
this is a picture of me, everyone's favorite idol
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>>289704 >>289708 A sonnet, Edna St. Vincent Millay's, "If I Should Learn, in Some Quite Casual Way"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:18 No. 289712
>>289711 >poetry I'm so sorry
>>289708 I hope it will be fun.
>>289712 I remember poetry being easy to bullshit off of in Highschool
>>289712 Up yours, loser. Poetry is easy to analyze.
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>>289701 I didn't expect you to accept a world where I have a harem anyway. You're the one that's delusional!>>289706 It's nice of you to drop by!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:19 No. 289717
>>289714 >>289715 I never said it wasn't. It's just not fun at all Most of the time
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>>289716 No way. You're totally delusional. I just asked Fish if she thinks you have a harem and she said no.
>literary analysis is easy Yo, where's that poem from last time.
>>289717 I find bullshittery to be very fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:21 No. 289721
>>289720 4U
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>>289718 She doesn't know many of my harem members though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:22 No. 289724
>>289722 Now this is poetry I can get bwhind *behind
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>>289722 No. I mean, the one I had to "explain".
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>>289723 Yeah, I guess she hasn't interacted with Dash. I think she has a pretty good idea about you, though. You're the only one that thinks you have a harem!
Rika's like the opposite of the oblivious protagonist who doesn't realise they have a potential harem
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Dash is a part of me and that part of me is telling me "what is even going on "
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The real OTP was Saku x Dash tbh>>289728 Rika thinks she has a harem which contains Dash.
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The part of me that is Dash is currently hurting my feelings. wow. that was mean
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You just have no idea!
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You are delusional. It's kind of funny that you are so adamant about not being a lesbian but your delusions have an all-female harem.
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tbh you're probably the one who has no idea
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wink wink
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>>289732 Welcome to the club of embracing our delusions
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>>289733 Having a harem and being a lesbian are two entirely different things.
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>>289737 Yes. But having delusions about having a harem and being a lesbian are related.
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I don't have delusions!
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Then what do you call your belief that you have a harem?
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I am super sleepy. It got late all of the sudden. Nighty moe!
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>>289741 oh no kyannyannyanagi sleep well I'll see you on /dream/
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:28 No. 289743
>>289741 Oyasumi
>>289717 Poetry can be plenty fun. Even for learning to write standard prose, there's a lot to be learned from the artistic forms and literary devices used in poetry. And then there's also poetry that sounds like damn music when you speak it out. Something like that is really, really nice to me.
>>289741 Good night.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:29 No. 289746
>>289744 It takes me a really long time to shift my brain into a mode where I can properly appreciate and analyze poetry.
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"I think Rika really, really wants me to believe she has a harem." -Fish
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:31 No. 289749
>>289744 Also for reference, I've won poetry writing contests But that part of my brain at sone poijt became really hard to access.
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My harem is gone into the wind. It's a beautiful sight to see. notImouto had her last name changed a few months ago. I was so excited.
>>289741 night
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My life would be more pleasant without a cast of people around me that could become a harem.
then fuckin kill em all and get rid of them
>>289750 >towing my dog with a rope That's good
I've never had a harem. Just one heartbreak and missed opportunity to another.
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It's bound to happen when you've got a stand like Crazy Train, are moderately attractive, have a girlfriend, and are surrounded by women all the time.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:32 No. 289758
I have harem flags But no harem
Someone on this bus is making it reek of weed and it's giving me a fucking headache. Damn it all.>>289757 GEEZ Kirara, no need to brag so hard.
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I am back from Church stuff
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:34 No. 289761
>>289760 On Friday? What the fuck
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church stuff can also happen on Friday evenings.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:34 No. 289763
>>289762 Yes, I know. But why is ToN going? Oh yeah, forgot about his mom
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>>289759 I said "moderately attractive" in order to avoid bragging!>>289763 ToN is a devout follower of Jesus now.
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This is a cute girl with a fishing rod
>>289764 Well if you need a reason it's because my mom wanted me to go. Probably expected me. But I had fun.>>289766 can confirm
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Kirara is sexy af. You probably don't know this. But it's true. He is what peak performance looks like.
I've seen him! He's about average!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:36 No. 289769
>>289766 You forgot to say "no homo"
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I think I'm just moderately attractive!
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>>289740 Fact!
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>>289771 Sasuga delusion queen.
Alternative fact.
I was just gonna go treat myself but now I'm assembling a posse we're all gonna go get food
Rika probably has a harem But is it the one she thinks it is
>>289774 i was thinking this same thing. popeyes has those chicken bites thing I don't have a posse though
in the words of a wise man lol
It's okay that you don't really have a harem Rika I'll still send you annoying emails
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>>289774 Sounds like fun.
Rika has a harem of nendos
>>289769 >
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Oh kirara you wont care in the granblue sense but maybe youll care in the maid sense that that Dorothy girl or so thats a maid in granblue is getting an ssr tonight
>>289766 I know this.
>>289782 she's rpetty cute
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:39 No. 289785
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Wait What the fuck
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I'm really hungry. Already, I'm afflicted.
>>289785 It happens sometimes.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:40 No. 289789
>>289788 Yeah I know It's still funny
I dont see it
oh thats rhe point
I got all the collab cards from the shadowverse collab. I am huge card nerd. I private challenged some of my granblue crew members and they were scared because I'm like two or so tiers above them in ranked.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:42 No. 289793
>>289792 Noice Too bad they aren't real cards and are just ones and zeros though
time to drive a baby
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drive a baby?
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>>289795 I guess you weren't here earlier when we talked about it. We're gonna have a baby.
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Oh wow, time for a shotgun wedding, huh?
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We're actually planning on using them as a source of income after we escape Fish's dad Just pump out kids and sell them
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Having Illya is really fun
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>>289798 Wow, I'm surprised Fish would agree to something like that!
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>>289800 Now that I've gotten her addicted to my drugs, I can make her agree to anything!
>>289801 Yeah, Your Love is a Drug
that was the gayest thing you've ever said and you've talked about wanting to have sex with guys
I liked Valhalla
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>>289805 I originally saw this and thought the one on the far right was totally Blue. But then I saw the whole thing and found the double entendre AMAZING.
>>289805 why this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:52 No. 289808
>>289805 Dude I've seen those ads Are you in the Chicago area?
No I'm in fucking Toronto.
>>289809 are you sure dude maybe you weren't checking hard enough
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:53 No. 289811
>>289809 What about regular Toronto?
Chased out by the rising housing costs.>>289813 I meant the start-up one but you can be whatever you want to be, son.
>>289806 I'm a dramatist?
>>289813 a startup dog
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>>289801 How sad!
>>289810 Oh man yeah maybe you're right. I took the wrong train on my way home and ended up in a whole 'nother country.
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>>289815 If only you could have saved her from me. I'm a bad, dangerous man!
>>289816 tbh toronto and chicago are basically the same you and some dude from chicago coulda switched places i doubt either family would have noticed
i mean, the ad says "Toronto" on it and ".ca" in the url
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:55 No. 289820
>>289819 I wasn't looking thst close
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 01:56 No. 289821
>>289802 >>>/watch?v=0n3OepDn5GU
>>289821 no fuk you>>>/watch?v=mpJCs-OJqfM
alright time for me and the boys to smack down on some tendies
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>>289821 >>289822 How weak.>>>/watch?v=QR_qa3Ohwls
>>289818 Fuck man, yeah. We're both on a Great Lake, both have about the same population. Both based off an indigenous name. How terrifying.
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It seems like the new NES Classic had Star Fox 2 on it. Which was previously unreleased!
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Wow! Everyone's known about that for like six months or something, though.
everyone except you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 02:00 No. 289829
>>289826 It's the SNES classic though
and me but I don't have money to follow these things
i didnt know about that
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>>289827 >>289828 Wow, there's no reason to be so sassy about it.
>>289825 and you both suck ass
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 02:00 No. 289834
>>289831 Same here Well, not the starfox 2 part
>>289833 Wow rude.
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>>289832 I can't help being a bitch!
>>289836 I knew you were going to say this.
>I know what you're thinking, but
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 02:00 No. 289839
>>289833 t. St. Louis
>>289838 why are you on moe
dont answer that i'm going to get chicken my birth right.
fuck i want some chicken
good your suffering is important
Oh the church I went to was a black church, it was pretty neat
.... how does one actually support a person participating in suffering>>289846 have an easy breakfast oh no my autocorrect
>>289843 i will destroy you>>289845 you say "have an easy fast"
>>289845 Nice.
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>>289845 Wow, you're a monster.
You're going to make it and it'll be great. Make it through the fast, I mean. Not ... well, nevermind
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>>289836 That's for sure.
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The beginning of Baby Driver is awesome.>>289850 Oh well! I can't help it! I'll just have to keep being a bitch, I guess.
>>289849 Best breakfast he'll have had all year!
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okay I'm going to get what I said I would get now people are waiting on me
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>>289851 You should be nice!
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>>289854 Hmmmm, I wonder if a bitch like me can do that?
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>>289855 I think you can do it.
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>>289856 But I I'm a bitch.
Quit yer bitchin
There's nothing stopping bitches from being good girls
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>>289857 I have faith in your ability to do it!
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>>289860 There's no way I can do it. I used to be friendly and happy, but then I found out I was a bitch!
Kirara what is your blood type
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>>289861 You can overcome it.
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Why do you want to know my bloodtype?>>289863 I can't. I'm a bitch.
dont worry about it
I feel sick. I suddenly have stomach pains and lightheadednesd. Everytime I try to sleep I get sharp cramps. This sucks.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 02:11 No. 289867
>>289866 Oh no What's wrong?
>>289839 yo ill take saint louis over chicago any day
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>>289865 I want to know why you want to know!
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>>289866 you're too anxious, you poor thing just try to relax, have a nice dream about traveling somewhere far away with distant trains passing by no need to fret
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>>289870 I'm already bored with it but I was going to say something unsettling like "oh then it will be fine then"
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>>289872 I hope you'll take responsibility.
I'll take responsibility
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 02:14 No. 289876
>>289868 Okay Enjoy living in the US city with the highest number of murders per capita then
>>289866 that does suck
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>>289874 here's a volunteer have fun with him >>289875
Fuck strong headache. I have a bit of a temperature now. I really hate this sensation that i feel like i am gonna throw but i don't know when.
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>>289878 It has to be you.
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>>289880 Being mean isn't allowed!
>>28987 → >>289879 i feel sick too but its bc i drank lets lay down and be sick togethet
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>>289882 You were mean first!
god I hate this I wanna sleep
>>289883 together fuck phone typing
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>>289884 I wasn't being mean. It was a term of endearment!
>>289886 fuck phone typing seriously
just remember i feel sick too and you can endure
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>>289887 Well, it can't be helped, I guess.
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>>289888 >>289888 >>289888 and feel better
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>>289890 It CAN be helped.
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>>289892 How?
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By not being mean!
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Well, we'll see what happens.
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Going back and playing Awakening a bit really reminds you as to how good a game Fates is in terms of mechanics. A shame about the story.
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I found a pic ToN will like.>>289896 Yeah, it really is a shame.
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Here's someone really dedicated to Selena. The funny thing about units like her is that they make pretty decent units once you give them a bunch of buffs because of their balanced stats.
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Can't be that dedicated if they've got a silver sword on her.
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This movie is INSANELY good.
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I assume it was a deliberate choice since she comes with an armorslayer. Probably trying to deal with her low atk.
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>>289901 Zanbato, Wo Dao, or Slaying Sword would all be a thousand times better than Silver Sword.
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Well, I don't deny that. I think he's either poor or just misguided and going for the highest possible atk.
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Also HM at 1500. Not very dedicated!
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Selena is the kind of unit you can't really use extensively until you've already pimped her out! He probably wanted to show off as soon as possible.
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I think they probably did it for memes.
>>289902 >having a character with any of these
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You can get 4*s with Wo Dao.
>getting a character with Wo Dao
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You will eventually.
I've gotten two Elincias before a single wo dao person
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I have that guy with Wo Dao+ He came as a +5 too. I don't want to feed him to anyone though, feels like a waste.
The important thing is to DOOOON'T STOP BELIEVING
>>289912 what?
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>>289912 Not feeding him to someone is a waste.
>>289897 oh that no thanks
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>>289914 I have five star Karel, he has a wo dao+ but I'm hesitant to feed him to someone!>>289915 But that would be killing him!
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Baby Driver is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time. It's really good.
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>>289917 So?
>>289917 oh five star you said came as a +5 and I'm like... ????? how
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>>289920 uh yeah He rolled as +5. There's no way I'd spend 20k feathers on him that's crazy.>>289919 I don't have a good candidate to feed him to right now anyway. My sword users all have unique weapons. Well, my good ones.
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>>289921 Put Wo Dao on your Olivia.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:03 No. 289923
My dad just let me know that I have to be at synagogue at 8:30 tomorrow for my shift. This is the first time he ever mentioned what time it would be.
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>>289922 That feels like a waste since she just spends most of her time dancing. I would want to put it on a red unit I really liked and needed the help to be useful. Maybe if I had like a 5 star Hana, though I think Hana is supposed to use a brave sword.
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Wow, almost all of the sword users I really like are unique weapon users. Lucina, Alm, Chrom, Ike, Xander.>>289926 Don't nitpick me, it is unique because you can't inherit it to other people.
>Falchion >unique
I get angry about it all the time
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I would give it my Gray, Gray is actually pretty good. The problem is that my Gray is -atk so he is not worthy.
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I really want to eat some potato chips. Mou.
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i did it
>>289924 Wo Dao Olivia is really good though Especially since you don't want your Olivia to be useless wd+ would make her not useless in combat
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My Olivia is set up to obliterate green units and to dance.
She'd be able to obliterate more than green units
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she could obliterate your heart kyun
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anyway, you're probably not going to find a more likely candidate to hold it because you're not going to have much of a reason to use them. Since you have "all those exclusive sword users" and "the red slot is such a competitive one to fill"
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they're a light unit by the way
Three girls would get pretty heavy though.
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>>289935 Well, I'll consider it. I don't see myself using her for much other than what i use her for already though. She's mostly there to kill Hector when he shows up in arena.
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you dont get it. her limitations are only there because you don't give her more power She'll be able to kill things worse than Hector with WD40+
>>289937 nice
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>>289939 I feel like I do get it! I get that she will kill stuff easily but she is most valuable as a dancer. With the triangle adept setup she can also bait and tank green units!
why would you lube hector
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 03:31 No. 289943
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 600x964, DDKq6n8UAAAhE02.png )
Baby Driver is so fucking good.
I've heard nothing but good things about it. Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were some amazing movies too, it's good to see he's keeping his quality up.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:35 No. 289946
>>289943 Sup Sammu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:36 No. 289947
>>289945 Edgar Wright? Or Simon Pegg?
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This is straight one of the best movies I've ever seen, probably.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:36 No. 289949
>>289948 That picture is kibd of lewd. *kind
>>289947 No, the OTHER director that those two movies and Baby Driver all share.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:37 No. 289951
>>289950 Nick Frost
>>289951 Not involved with Baby Driver. Suck it.
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Y'all gotta watch this movie.
I'll keep it in mind if I ever have a reason to watch movies.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:38 No. 289955
>>289952 I know nothing about this movie aside from what had been mentioned in this thread. Suck it
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>>289954 My recommendation is a reason to watch a movie!
It's a reason to watch a movie but it's not a reason to watch movies!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:41 No. 289958
Nick Frost is in the upcoming Tomb Raider movie.
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I gotta download the Baby Driver soundtrack.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:45 No. 289960
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My team is good enough to auto-battle lunatic now. The 5 map version, but still. It's improvement!
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You weren't doing that before? Which one were you on?
>>289960 Give her a headpat for me Is this dog blind?>>289964 Oh okay I thought her eyes looked kinda funny. Cute dog though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:58 No. 289964
>>289963 Not with her right now No she can see
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>>289962 The highest difficulty hard one.
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I'm gonna buy Baby Driver. This was a really good movie.>>289965 How weak!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 03:58 No. 289967
>>289963 It's cause of the flash
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>>289966 It's all about what units you have. You need beefy strong units for auto-battle. Most of my units previously were high skill cap mages!
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>>289968 Well, I guess it can't really be helped that you're so weak.
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You guys get pushy and smug about games sometimes!
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I'm a bitch, so it's to be expected.
stop being a butch
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It's just what I am. Kind of like how you can't stop being a lolicon.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:11 No. 289974
>>289973 Gottem
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Wow, fine! If you are going to bully me all night over it, you arne't a bitch! I'm sorry for greeting you that way!
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>>289973 at least I'm not hurting anyone!
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>>289975 I'm not bullying you!>>289976 Sometimes the truth hurts.
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>>289977 You bullied me ALL NIGHT
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>>289979 I'm just having fun being a bitch!
anime >>289981 →
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If I were really going to bully you about something, I'd be getting back at you for making Fish worry that I had a harem.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:19 No. 289985
>>289984 You guys have an aquarium riggt?
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>>289980 I'm going to go jump off a bridge.>>289984 I actually told her that you didn't have a harem. And I smoothed it over for you for forgetting your anniversary. But don't worry, I don't expect any gratefulness!
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aoba is cute CUTE
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>>289986 Our anniversary isn't until the beginning of March. I didn't forget it.>>289985 Yes, but it's currently empty.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:20 No. 289989
>>289988 Any plans to put something in it soon or no?
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No. All of our fish died in the hurricane and Fish is still upset about it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:21 No. 289991
>>289990 Okay, I'm not surprised something like that happened but I wasn't sure since it was never brought up.
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>>289991 Why do you ask?>>289995 When did Fish tell you I didn't remember?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:28 No. 289997
>>289996 I was reading wikipedia articles about porcupine fish just now
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 04:28 No. 289998
>>289966 oh man i still gotta see that
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>>289998 i gotta say it was amazing It's easily in my top 5 favorite movies, I think. That gives Kevin Spacey two spots in the top.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 04:29 No. 290000
amazing soundtrack too
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 04:30 No. 290002
it's still in theaters too it's been there forever i keep putting it off
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yeah for like three months now i've been putting it off too
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>>289996 Who knows!
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>>290004 I know, I was just wondering what you'd say. She already knows I know the date.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:32 No. 290006
>>290002 Might go see it soon
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I'm really hungry
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:34 No. 290008
>>290007 All this talk about being hungry is making me hungry.
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>>290005 oh well I'm happy for you both.
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>>290009 Sorry that I'm being a dick tonight. I guess I got carried away.
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That's okay.
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I'm not sure if it is. I think I was really mean to you.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:39 No. 290017
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>>290014 4U
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>>290016 Well I just have to be forgiving since everyone bullies me.
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>>290021 I dunno about that. If I made you mad by being a dick, you should tell me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:41 No. 290023
I just had a great idea for what to have for breakfast Challah with whipped cream on it!
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>>290022 Well, you already said you were sorry and nothing is really required past that. I'm sure you're just cranky because you can't eat or drink.
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>>290026 I dunno, I think I go too far like that sometimes even without being irritable.
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Well, it's resolved now!
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If you say so. I'm going to make an effort to be less abusive, though.
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Well, don't worry about it. I'm just especially sensitive.
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>>290043 It's not just with you that I sometimes abuse.
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>>290026 Maybe you shouldn't call your friends a BITCH>>290030 Maybe you shouldn't be a BITCH
>>290044 That's a pretty astonishing feat, switching how you play the guitar like that.
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>>290044 It's good to be nice!>>290045 It's a term of endearment!
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>>290049 Yeah, but I'm not very good at it when it comes to the people I appreciate.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:55 No. 290054
>>290049 What ever you say, bitch.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:58 No. 290059
>>290058 I'd really like to play that game.
Peco is a pretty morbid game if you think too hard on it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 04:58 No. 290061
>>290060 4U
>>290062 That's such a fucking cool photo
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>>290052 Well I'm forgiving so do your best!>>290058 They should have made the game to release along with the anime.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:01 No. 290065
>>290064 I would not be surprised if the ggame got made. Although I don't think S2 sold well enough to warrant it. Maybe they'll do a Peco manga
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>>290064 It's because everyone I abuse is forgiving that I need to get better.
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>>290066 Well, try not to be hard on yourself!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:02 No. 290068
>>290066 Abuse is a bit too strong of a word in this context.
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Well, like I said, I do stuff with other people and frequently treat people poorly. It's definitely abuse.>>290067 I'll try.>>290073 I definitely tend to be abusive.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:04 No. 290073
>>290072 It's called being kind of an asshole sometimes Abuse would be much worse
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me im a demon cat
>>290080 Off camera there's a dog in another pentagram about to be fused
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:16 No. 290084
>>290083 People actually play guitar with bows sometimes. I can't recall which specifically, but there are a few bands I listen to that do that.
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The bird was the first part of that image that caught my eye so I saw it was knitted from the get-go. It might be a little less clear in person from a distance though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:21 No. 290093
>>290088 Do anything interesting recently?
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That picture never gets a good response even though I really like it. Such is life I guess
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:21 No. 290095
>>290094 I've seen it several times before, so I don't think I have any obligation to say "wow thats really funny" whenever I see it.
>>290093 Nothing unmentioned.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:22 No. 290097
>>290096 I can't really tell anons apart that well, are you the guy who did the poetry analysis?
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>>290086 i will never be fooled by knitting
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 05:22 No. 290099
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 05:22 No. 290100
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i got me a Gordon Freeman
>>290098 Are you telling me that you will never be deceived?
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>>290098 I bet you were tricked for just a second!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:23 No. 290103
>>290100 Noice
>>290097 Yeah, that's me.
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>>290101 >>290102 I'm a girl that sees through lies.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:24 No. 290106
>>290100 Is the bar named after Flynn's Taxonomy?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:26 No. 290109
>>290107 How long has it been in open beta? Cause the massive amount of negative feedback could just be from /v/ fucking around.
wakaranai i don't get on steam ever
>>290105 You must be amazing at poker >>290109 It's probably deserved At this point steam is my primary method of communication
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:27 No. 290114
>>290112 Same desu senpai>>290113 Poker? I hardly know her.>>290113 Normally steam is but my comp is wonky and fixing it has been a pain
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>>290113 No way, I'm terrible!
The best poker face doesn't mean shit when all you get dealt is lousy cards.
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>>290105 Yes, but ti see is an act! To see is to make the unseen seen. So there's a moment where you're tricked by the knit is what I'm trying to say.
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>>290120 Maybe for you, since you see with your eyes. I see with my mind.
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Seeing is still an act though, even if you do it with your mind.
>>290118 You gotta trick em into thinking you don't have lousy cards. Until you actually get decent cards. >>290115 What about scrabble are you good at that?
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>>290123 You won't understand until you open at least your fourth eyem
>>290126 no
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:32 No. 290131
I fucking love scrabble
>>290131 Scrabble has some great mind games going on with it.>>290129 Are you good at any games>>290136 What did it cover from the manga?
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I don't know who among you has watched it, but the final episode of made in abyss was really good. Definitely the best episode of anything this season.
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i haven't even touched that show>>290133 mind games
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It was okay to above average most of the way through. The last episode was really great though.>>290133 Nanachi's stuff.
>>290139 Oh, they didn't get up to bone daddy Nanchis stuff was really good though. Really great manga. What happened to her and Mitty was super fucked up. I love it>>290142 It's worth one.>>290137 What sorta mind games.
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I probably won't watch it.
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I did it. I finished Path of Fire I'd have completed it faster but I was doing the story with friends
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 05:37 No. 290144
>>290143 Omedetou
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>>290143 Are you free now?
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fish is so tired that she's starting to babble a little the kratom comedown hit her hard and she isn't even on a full dose lol
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She's seemed pretty normal in text. Kinda funny how that works.
It takes skill to properly babble in text. Not everyone can do it right off the bat.
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>>290155 She's pretty much normal. Kratom doesn't really make you act weird. It has a mild sedative effect and it can stimulate a little.
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>>290151 sorta I still need to finish aurora but there's no pressure
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>>290158 It sounds like she was acting weird though!
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>>290167 She was more straightforward than usual but she wasn't acting that weird.
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It's funny when people act funny.
___ things are ___
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 06:07 No. 290190
Fuck I need to wake up in 6.5 hours And I'm barely tired
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 06:08 No. 290192
Going to bed Oyasumi
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>>290192 Good night
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 06:33 No. 290222
hash tag savage
Elegance and eloquency is an artform, and this guy is a grand master.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:27 No. 290253
i can only aspire to such eloquence.
>>290222 Wow what a dick he can't even handle a different opinion
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:43 No. 290255
>>290254 ahaha yes can't even hand'e
I ate like three hours ago and I'm still beyond stuffed. Chili is so filling.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:44 No. 290257
>>290256 chili beans nd beef or what
Beans, peppers, ground beef, tomatoes, all sorts of various spices. A hefty supply of cheese grated over top it. And I eat the whole bowl using corn chips to go even further beyond. It's so good but I get the itus HARD from it.>>290259 I don't actually get that gassy from bean-y food. Same with spicy food; it doesn't give me any issue after eating it. I always feel left out when everyone complains about all their problems after eating these kinds of foods!
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:45 No. 290259
yeah i can see that bein filling i am so fucking gassy these days it's hieous good luck my man
what a fun night of massively overeating and playing Destiny 2 when i wake up I get to go to Dallas and see Alison Wonderland and Elohim fun stuff night /moe/
oh the itus that's what i have right now real bad
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:50 No. 290262
>>290258 yeah i been having issues so nyah nyah E N J O Y
Though as I've gotten older I can't handle stuff that's as greasy or as oily as some things I had in the past. Like the faux ice cream they serve at McDonald's and other fast food joints, or the kind of stuff that you get cheap at the grocery. It always gives my digestive system a run for its money if you noamsayin.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:52 No. 290264
fucken meow to the meow>>290263 yoh yeah i think that's just a part of becoming more aware you understand
Yeah, maybe. My diet's probably changed a good bit from when I was a kid and maybe I just can't weather such scourges on my body anymore. Proper ice cream tastes better anyway.
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 07:56 No. 290266
yeah man your palate is more discerning it's a proper and natural proces
>>290260 goodnight
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 08:08 No. 290268
goo naigh
go nagai free vidya gam
>>290263 I have a similar problem where I'm aware it tastes bad and is bad except it's very cheap and I do not have a lot of money
I'm glad my tastebuds are still unrefined enough to enjoy McDonalds
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McD is alright here, honestly I mean I only ever buy those real cheap burgs but still
>>290273 Do you guys have the Angus burgers? I've never had one of those but they look nice. McDs Apple Pies are great.
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Dunno As I said I only buy one of them I don't even go there often, just when I'm in the area anyway
I am not really a fan of McDonalds. Their burgers are okay, I guess.
Burger King here is based because they have Initial D Arcafe>>290276 McDoanlds burgers always look pathetic compared to what the pictures show though. I know it's to be expected, but they feel totally tiny compared to what was advertised.
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burger king is the only of the two I ever buy like, the more expensive burgers but that's super rare too
Burger king has the best fries
I rarely ever get fries
You really seem to like burgs
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yeah burgers are nice
oh man shopkins are coming LIVE to the Fox theatre in saint louis i can't wait
>tfw the all the ingredients slip out of the burger and it collapses in on itself
>>290284 i had a frisco melt burger earlier and the opposite happened the bread got a little soggy and basically fell apart and i was left with just the innards
>>290285 Oh my God I hate soggy bread in my burgers When the sauce is too liquid and it makes the bread feel soggy instead of fluffy or crisp. Disgusting.
it was alright because it was sourdough bread and a thicc burger
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i wish i knew what to do when i lose my cool and my anger starts taking over not because i think its wrong to be angry, just cause its inconvenient
You've probably heard or thought this before, but you gotta ask yourself what being mad accomplishes by itself.>>290290 How can you be wrong by default
nothing accomplishes a fucking thing when you're by default in the wrong and can not ever hope to not be
because nothing matters but exactly now
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fuck this im taking a walk
Have a good one
back still upset fuck me
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>>290298 that's no good do you want me to bruise the rest of you to match it i am having a calm early morning
I just woke up. I feel like my arms are bruised. How are you?
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Good morning y'all Kannagi, I just read Washizu in hell It's amazing
>>290299 That is super good. I enjoyed it. I really like akagi, one of the few manga I really enjoy
>>290297 It is good to be calm! I just realized my hearing is like 110% right now. Even though I feel like I been made to climb a gruelling mountain.
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>>290300 Fukumoto is definitely my favourite mangaka. Everything he makes keeps it so real. Akagi consistently tops itself again and again. I can't stop reading.>>290303 Fookyoumoeto>>290304 Nah I'm gonna read it after I've read all the Akagi that's out. I need to catch up on Kaiji and New Kurosawa too. I hear old Akagi is super chill
>>290302 fukum8
>>290302 have you read ten i think it's just called ten i dont remember where akagi first appears in print when he's old old akagi is cool
>>290301 thats great
>>290302 akagi has always been chill it's everyone around him that can't be chill
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since your hearing is better do you want to hear some music with me
>>290306 True. It's hard not to be chill with Akagis mindset.
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I wish I had somewhere to go where it was just me and nobody else and I could just be there and not be anxious all the time
yeah i do too for me that place is in my head though it's the only safe space i have that's why i spend all my time there i want to live underground
i should move out my head isn't safe either
it took me a long time to make mine safe it was like completely renovating a physical environment, a massive overhaul but the progress is coming along and it's starting to look pretty decent i'd even be willing to invite company over as long as they're careful
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im tired of living for a future that might never come ive been doing it my whole life and its never gonna fucking end is it
i just feel helpless
>>290307 Sure, I just got out of the shower. Lemme get ready.
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Hang in there SK.
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>>290314 too much brain friction huh i admire your resolve in sticking through that for so long i couldnt i turned to benzos to lube my brain up and have clarity and peace and for me it's been great but i'm sure ive sacrificed something in exchange i know how you feel and it's somehow i used to feel and never want to feel again that anxiety is friction in your brain though, and it just gets so raw and sore you should try some valerian root it should pair well with ritalin too if you like mixing, or as a comedown aid if not
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I'm on meds right now because I was losing it earlier
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I'll go to the pharmasy later today and ask if they have something like that If they're open I'm not sure if they're open on saturday, or for how long
I don't even know if these things are doing much I'm calmer now, but I dunno I got really emotional watching the mayor of San Juan talking about the situation in Puerto Rico just about like 10-15 minutes ago>>290321 15mg of Sobril It's uh Oxazepam
what did you take
oh you've got oxazepam man forget valerian root you've got benzos how long have you had those? yeah, benzos are central nervous depressants so the first few times you take them you will feel a wash as it kicks in because your brain is scaling back a bit and that latent action potential comes out in a wave of emotion that's totally normal it isn't always sadness either, sometimes it's laughter, it really depends on where your life is at i hope that it works out for you. i'm glad your doctor got you something to help
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I got them from my doc on thursday
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rate this cutie on a scale from 1 to 10
>>290324 4
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>>290322 will it even out over time? I'm not supposed to take these like, all the time, just when I start freaking out I can take up to 3 a day, he said, but he didn't say I'm supposed to take it every day
>>290326 correct, take them when you feel like you're panicking try to give yourself a break from them when possible and start slow taking them every day can be really troublesome, but it isn't necessarily>>290328 try the one and see how it works for you. i'd suggest letting it fully come out of your system and you feel the rebound before taking a second one, unless you really can't manage
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the pack only has 25, since it's just to see if it helps he said to call me if I have any problems, I think, but even if he hadn't I will I keep having more and more scuffles with my dad lately and its wearing on me
let your brain rest it will be okay anxiety wears on the mind constantly let this be a deep breath for your mind to just heal
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but I'm still really anxious I'm on guard I'm in my chair alone in my room and my head won't stop fretting about getting mad at my dad earlier i don't handle anger I don't know how
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oxa is a particularly slow benzo. ive never had it it'll peak around 2-4 hours after taking and has a pretty short half life, which is a little strange that's probably why it's good for panic rather than chronic though i dunno>>290332 hm it was a big shake-up huh?
it's been like 2 hours in 5 or 10 minutes
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I'll count this as a fluke and if it happens again and doesn't do much I'll call my doctor and see if there's something else
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hm, they're all pretty different i've had valium and didn't like it lorazepam works great i'm kind of looking at the oxa stuff and this has some strange indications>>290335 lorazepam works in about 15 minutes but it is really addictive too some people have motor compulsion a day after having it and have a lower threshhold for lashing out, which i'd worry about with you i don't do that but that's just me there are milder ones like klonopin that don't hit hard but they last all day and it's kind of a cushion against having those issues in the first place, but it seems like overkill to me to be sedated 24/7
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I need something that works fast because sometimes I lose control of myself while at work and that means I either have to go home, or have something that works within like half a hour or something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 12:39 No. 290336
Truly I have become Ohio.
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anything that lowers my ability to keep from violently lashing out would be a no-go, I think Ritalin makes it hard enough sometimes
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well, don't rule out your oxa yet it might be helping more than you realize try to engage your mind with something other than this meta-perspective and let it do its job
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 12:51 No. 290339
I need to get out of bed and shower and what not. But I'm super comfy. So I'm gonna stay in bed for another 10 minutes or so.
>>290338 Yeah I might have overestimated what kind of effect it would have I'm not like, pit \\\\ out of control right now, at least
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>>290340 people talk about developing a tolerance to benzos, but for me it was really kind of the opposite the first few i took didn't have a real strong impact because my brain was still wired in that mold of anxiety after using them for a while my mind got a little more in the rhythm of how to not be anxious so it was really primed to benefit from the med, if that makes sense it's like it took my body a while to figure out how to use the substance>>290342 i always am afraid too i have an adderall prescription for 20mg twice a day and i only take 5mg once a day like im just constantly scared about taking meds. i worry about taking my antidepressant because it might make me feel too much
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Im always scared of meds Not just cause of addiction I hate the idea of relying on meds
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I hate it because taking meds is an admission I'm flawed and not good enough
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>>290343 that's just not true, that meds are an admission to that what meds are an admission to is that we're living in a world of disparity between what we have to do to survive and what our bodies were built to do to survive they're a tool for functioning in this world it's how it goes
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I know that, rationally But my emotions are hard to force into accepting that it's not my fault
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 13:09 No. 290347
Time to go do Jew stuff. Bbl
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 13:46 No. 290349
Anyone up or no? I'm not inside the synagogue right now so its fine that I'm using my phone.
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I'm here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 13:50 No. 290351
>>290350 We have several law enforcement guys here for security. I was talking with one of them about sovereign citizens. He said "I've pulled them over before, they're very "interesting" individuals .".
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 13:55 No. 290352
You feeling better at all?
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Yeah, feeling better now Still a bit on guard, but I'm more mellowed out
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 14:00 No. 290354
>>290353 That's good Bbl
>>290344 Y'think it's safe to drink with this in my system? I looked through the brochure but it wasn't mentioned
it says drinking can make it more powerful, but I dunno if that means it's unsafe or if it should be alright as long as I don't drink a lot
drinking with benzos is unsafe yes
I have realized why I really dislike flier formation I have none of the ranged fliers. A ranged attacker would be good for this. or maybe paired with others using hit and run
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Today I have been thinking about things that I shouldn't. Or at least things that aren't helpful. But now I feel a little better. Hopefully today stays that way.
im thinking about puero rico
I have not
i am seething with anger of puerto rico
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I'm mad as hell too and I can't do a fucking thing
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You know me and how I deal with these sorts of things. Part of the problem and all that. I'm at a walk to beat alzheimers though.
walk hard
jokes on you i am rimging a cowbell instead even though i thought i was alking
walk and ring or the joke's actually on you
can't wait for tonight i wanna eat
I ate way too much last night. Think it made the headache I had even worse to deal with than it could hav been.
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10 hours until i can eat and drink>>290370 are you feeling better now?
Yeah. The headache started popping up as I was going to bed, so I just took something and laid down. But I woke up like three hours later and the ibuprofen hadn't kicked in yet, so I didn't get much sleep.
fuckin RIP
Guess not all those ancient proverbs can sound like sagacious advice.
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This is definitely the most annoying Tempest run I have had. so much effort and unavoidable damage
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>Speed D I might as well just attempt a flier team with Elincia and when it dies just switch to Cavalry
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>>290379 why
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it reminds me of the mangaka way too much I'm just expecting 100 layers of boke
oh wow
>>290382 who is the artist for Inigo
>>290380 The whiplash on that gas hose was beautiful. Nothing disappointing about that.
>>290384 agreed>>290383 let's seeeee>>290386 yeah
suekane kumiko so it's not the same perosn but still BUT STILL
The Tsuredzure adaptation was really good though. You should totes watch it some time, Blue.
yeah it was
i watched half of it maybe ill watch the rest maybe
wish I could use my chapstick
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The reservoir of water I was using burst at a point of high pressure on a piece of flimsy material and ran down to merge with the reservoir sitting a bit below it. You can still see where my previous one was by where the sippy straw thing was placed. I wasn't even aware blocks could get destroyed when too much pressure was forced on them.
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cuphead looks good
The backgrounds in that game look really, really nice. There's a few things that actually feel kind of like cop-outs when you look at the quality levels overall, hah hah. Like the finger gun lasers he shoots feel kind of out of place with the colour palette and feel of the rest of the game.
thr music and animation too high quality shit
>>290396 yeah a little
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 16:02 No. 290399
Fuck I really want to play cuphead. I need to fix my damn comp. Also I'm standing outside the synagogue while using my phone so inb4
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8 hours until foooood
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 16:03 No. 290401
>>290400 4U
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 16:03 No. 290402
Oh and Fallout 1 is free on Steam right now In case you guys didn't see the message about it earlier.
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Don't banepost unless it's funny and original.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 16:04 No. 290404
>>290403 4U
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Wow, a noontime Rika. How rare.
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it's not even noon here that's a morning rika the rarest kind
>>290403 yeah rei sure likes baneposting
fuck im hungry 8 more hours can't come soon enough
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>>290405 I fell asleep a little early last night. I was pretty tired.
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>>290409 I ended up falling asleep earlier than I had planned to, too.
That disgusting magic school bus show starts today on Netflix I guess. fucking normie frizzle
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You really don't like magic school bus
I'm mad because I liked it. The new one introduces a new teacher who is a normie
The only thing I know about it is the those old computer games I used to play when I was tiny
fucking normies
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I'm pretty sick but I'm still going to Dallas for that concert tonight
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It's not Tracee Ellis Ross so I don't care about the new Magic School Bus
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>>290414 It's a show about a class and their crazy teacher with a living school bus that flies and goes places.>>290420 Given the artist, if it is a cosplay, it's more likely to be Rumia
is that a koishi pretendimg to he futo
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>>290410 iT just can't be helped.
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>>290421 It probably could have been helped. But I can't just say no when I'm needed by someone crashing like Fish was. I had to carry her downstairs, wwwww
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oh no, I'm too late to make a >maybe you were both tired of BITCHES joke My joke window
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wow i hhad forgotten about that already you're tryna make me a bitch again
>>290419 I gathered that from the computer game. I mean the magic bus in a school with a insane teacher isn't hard to miss or forget.
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>>290424 Yes, but I was too late and had to explain the joke before you thought I was calling Fish a bitch
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>>290422 Yeah, it seemed like she crashed pretty bad!
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I am too used to the Japanese sense of the word bitch. You are all lewd.
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>>290428 Aren't you the lewd one here? Ms. 25 hours of f*sting
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>>290429 I don't wanna hear that from you. You are like lewdest person! Wait whoa that , you can't prove that I never completed the post it could have been anything
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>>290427 It was cute, though, so it's fine. I'm really tired right now, haha.>>290426 hmmmmm
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>>290430 Game recognize game. I'm on to you.>>290431 Joke windows are very important and must be utilized properly.
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i'm really sick this is bad
How has your fast gone so far, Kirara? I imagine it must be tempting to eat that nice looking jewish bread. I had a tab still up about that bread earlier and I wanted to buy some.>>290435 Yes, and?
y'all are crazy
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>>290434 I'm so weak and hungry and I want tto shower and apply chapstick. And yeah, I wanna eat my challah. You should try challah. It's the best bread there iis.
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>>290436 Can you get challah anywhere or do I have do I have look in specific places for it?
>>290436 I'll try to get some head challah
>>290438 some supermarkets make it, but you can always find it at a Jewish bakeries
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I could go into a local synagogue and ask to buy some challah. I wonder if that is acceptable.
>>290439 huh
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>>290439 wow ToN wow
>>290443 what? i don't get it
its one of the dragon ball z openings
oh im not dragonball
neither am i really its just sime trivia i know
>>290441 they won't have challah at the synogogue probably
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>>290448 Wow, they are missing a business market. wayward internet posting NEETs
>>290450 shuls are places of prayer not business! you can't even handle money on shabbos if you're Orthodox
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Wow how non-capitalist. No // I keep forgetting it is saturday because my holiday has thrown me off. I feel super lazy today. I haven't gone outside to take pictures at all.>>290453 There were a few I got from /po/ years and years ago. Actually I can just find out from the file name time stamp I love the cute papercraft stuff
>>290452 wow that's cute
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yo check out this kamikaze she is cute as a button
Her arm diametre is really small relative to her head.
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it has to go through all that breast
yeah it's a bad pic
>12/06/2010 @ 5:31am (UTC) Well not that long ago I got that picture. well actually 2010 is 7 years ago now
>2010 >not that long ago It's almost as old as Madoka.
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I am used to thinking 2010 is like not that long ago.
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
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>>290431 Because you haven't eaten?
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>>290462 Or had anything to drink. Going without food is easy. Going without water isn't as simple.
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I haven't had anything to drink since yesterday but I have had a packet of quavers to eat. so I have sated some appetite
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I guess it's not as difficult for people that are used to abusing their bodies!
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I just forget to drink and eat occasionally. It actually think is probably why I have this headache. It isn't easy to notice I am hungry unless I get some pain.
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I think Yom Kippur might be the thirstiest day of the year.Because you can't drink, or fuck.
>>290466 Yeah, I'm in the same boat. It's so difficult for me to remember to stay hydrated. Especially during the summer, since at least during the winter the allure of tea to keep me warm means I'm encouraged to drink stuff.
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Kirara is really Thirsty What a lewd person.
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How dare you. I'm not lewd.
>>290468 I occasionally feel weakness and headaches and I only then realise I haven't eaten at all. I remember going 1 and half a day without food or drink and coming home feeling really restless and out of it because I had spent time with a friend and they didn't give me any food or drink and I didn't notice.
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My medications dehydrate me, too. Going without water is really hard. Especially for 25 hours.
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Fasts were really trying times.
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>>290472 Any you probably live in place way hotter than here. *and I've lived off just plain spaggetti for a couple of weeks when I was running low on money but I haven't lived with out water when I need it.
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Yeah, it's pretty hot here. I usually have a few cups of tea every day and drink a bit of water.
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I drink water constantly. If my throat feels dry, I drink!
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I sometimes go a few hours without drinking, but I drink a good amount. I drink powerade too and tea I really want a snack!
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Hopefully a few movies will help get me through the day
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i love water i drink so much
who is the thirstiest /moe/ on average?
do any of them live in a hotter state than texas?
florida is like 110+ with the heat index due to the humidity for most of the year
i think doc is still in nevada and it was like 120 or something earlier this summer
and doc is doc therefore doc confirmed for thirstiest
i guess we have our answer
>when you hack up a fat loogie and there's a thick brown chunk in the middle of it
i fell asleep kanyonagi are ya still here
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gonna watch the new spiderman movie
>>290488 for what purpose
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because it looks good, i guess?
i saw something that looks good today i guess that means i should watch it
was it a photo of me
kirara on mfc when
>>290492 close it was Shopkins Live! at the Fox Theatre in st louis
>>290487 Yo
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>>290495 whatcha doin
I think I am really thirsty and my conscious doesnt realize it
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Everyone knows you're super thirsty.
>>290498 I guess
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"i eat ass">>290499 it's true
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>>290501 I dont really want to be that guy
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There's nothing I want to drink.
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>>290502 The guy that's thirsty or the guy that eats ass?
>>290504 well both but i meant the former
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>>290505 Everyone gets thirsty sometimes. It's natural. It's just part of your character.
Yeah but like my dreams keep bringing it up and its annoying
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Your dreams are telling you that you're thirsty?
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>>290507 Oh, you're having those kinds of dreams, huh?
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fluffy kumiko
>>290508 >>290509 yeah but it may not be exactly what youre thinking
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If you're thirsty, quench your thirst.
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The disco urse
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>>290511 thirsty for boys?
no rika>>290512 there's a lot that goes into that and I dont know if im ready or capable of that yet us I have trouble interacting with people since I al no longer in a school environment
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>The villains in Spiderman Homecoming are some dudes that the government fucked over by giving them a job and then taking it away and they got mad and stole alien tech lol>>290515 You have Pan. Rika's right. We joke about you being gay but maybe you really are! You do seem thirstier for boys than girls.
No seriously Pan cannot satisfy my desires because I am not attracted to him sexually
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>>290515 Welcome to the post-grad isolation cell. You may call my Koi-senpai.
>>290518 maybe you just need to find a more handsome boy
Pan is handsome to me but i kust cant bone him or vice versa
giving each other a handy probably isn't that gay
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You can do it, ToN. Tell him you love him.>>290523 It's only gay if you like men, not if you like a man. So it's fine.
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okay moe time to start my day it was nice seeing you all i'll see you tomorrow
>>290523 I love pan but you are missing the point
>>290524 byebye
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>>290524 have fun!
rika theyre trying too hard to ship me again
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You can either get used to the constant feeling of solitude or try to meet new people. The former isn't bad but the path to it is awful. ...same goes with the latter, honestly. I recommend doing both?
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I'll head back to my box of solitude now.
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just be more like me
That is not something I can advise.
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Why not? Everyone loves me! I'm only isolated because of my own mental illness.
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can't even have a boat waifu around you people
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im the isolatedest probably
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>>290533 It's not something that will work just by trying.>>290534 it's okay >>290535 most likely
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>>290536 Yeah, I guess that's true. It'd be hard for just anyone to try to be like me.
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but it's okay ton, I don't like saying "It'll be fine" though. Make money. Get paid. Hang out. Take time to relax.
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>>290496 I am pretty hungry now
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>You're that Spider guy on Youtube, right? >Yeah >Do a flip!
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>>290534 Why not? Everyone knows about my boat waifu.
>>290541 I cant call Utsuho not-waifu is the real problem
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There can only be one waifu
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It's a tricky situation to be sure. Also sometimes kirara will get mad and berate me for lolicon tendencies.
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I don't get mad or berate you. Is that how you see it?
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My mood and how I percieve your mood can affect how I see it at the time. Usually it is tease tier but sometimes it can be hard for me to tell
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Kirara is super chill, except when Kirara is not chill which is usually when there are terrible tweets or something but even then that is pretty chill.
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>>290546 I don't actually care that you're a lolicon as long as you're not gross about it, and you usually aren't. You're my friend so I just like to give you a hard time about it. Like I said last night, I tend to be abusive, though.>>290547 haha
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That's good. If I'm feeling down, like I am right now, I tend to take things the wrong way and self-deprecate and spiral.
So dont worry about stopping the teasing. A reminder or confirmation like this one is all I need to not worry about it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:45 No. 290551
Back from synagogue I tooky shoes and socks * took my of but my feet still hurt *off Anyways, if I wear shoes and socks too long the top of my feet get really hot and irritated
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I feel like getting pizza for my break fast meal. haha they keep calling peter parker PENIS PARKER>>290553 cheese
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What will you get on it
just cheese? youre like the old me
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I can't put pepperoni on it!
Well i mean you COULD
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:46 No. 290557
>>290555 You can You're just not supposed to
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I'm physically incapable of it!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:46 No. 290559
>>290558 So if someone held a gun to your head abd asked you to order a pepperoni pizza you physically couldn't?
Please dont be unfun
Everyone here is a fungi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:48 No. 290562
>>290560 Me or Kirara?
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>>290559 That's right.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:48 No. 290564
>>290563 Cool
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Penis Parker sounds like a praise for a young guy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:48 No. 290566
Ooh A manga I really likehat never got ffully scanlated is getting updates.
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This movie is pretty funny. The Vulture suit is really well designed.
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>>290565 Sounds like a really bad porn name.
>>290563 cute
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:50 No. 290570 It's breddy gud By the guy who did Blade of the Immortal
Maybe when Peter gets the girl, he'll be like, "let me park my penis somewhere"
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>>290571 Wow that is super laaaaame.>somewhere How vague!
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>>290572 He's Peter Parker! Of course it's lame!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:51 No. 290574
ARGGH My foot is still super irritated.
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I am gonna get some food. See you in a bit moeeeeeeeee
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:58 No. 290578
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 17:59 No. 290579
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>>290576 I didn't mention this but I'm making food too.
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>>290580 Girls are so cruel. You're all betraying me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:00 No. 290582
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:01 No. 290583
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dont worry kirara, im not making food
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:01 No. 290585
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>>290581 It can't be helped, I'm hungry.
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>>290586 You're all rubbing it in my face. But I'm gonna eat so much tonight that you're gonna be jealous.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:03 No. 290588
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:03 No. 290589
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>>290587 I didn't bring it up until someone else did!
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>>290590 But you brought it up to torment me!
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No way, I just mentioned it becausae it was relevant. It's still cooking too so I'm hungry. That's like solidarity and stuff.
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You're tormenting me! You're the worst! I'm going to cry. Kannagi is betraying me. You're betraying me. Fish is betraying me.
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No way, I'm a fellow hungry person for at least 20 more minutes.
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I'm as hungry as you are!
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That's a lie!
i dunno about that
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Actually 32 minutes. That's how long this thing wil ltake to cook. I was so hungry I snatched up a cookie while I was in there putting itin the oven. so now I'm probably a little less hungry than you. Still hungry though.
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I haven't eaten in almost 20 hours! You're not near to as hungry as me!
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:13 No. 290601
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whats up with that one girl with the face tattoo I'd post an example but they're all ... not for moe
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>>290600 I don't know, I was pretty hungry. I hadn't eaten in like 10 or 12 hours.
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>>290602 She's from Mushiking. >>290603 That's half as hungry as me.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1764x2508, 生醤油うどん - 版権らくがき (65162928) 1ページ.jpg )
Thank you Takagi-mangaka-sensei But why is a 2003 Sega game becoming such a lewd meme
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Not sure. Maybe it'll be in Yakuza Kiwami 2 or something.>>290608 Not as many as me.
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>>290604 No way, I was super hungry. My huge brain burns a lot of calories.
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You're not allowed to play games during Yom Kippur, are you? Missing an entire day of Tempest.
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>>290609 You're not supposed to, but I only fast on Yom Kippur. I'm not Orthodox.
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Ah, I got you. I guess with Orthodox, you wouldn't be using the computer either.
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And it seems like my current Arena team is making many casualties. I have a scrollbar now.
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christmas lights in september
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>>290612 Correct.
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I put Desperation on Cordelia forgetting that her speed is subpar. screw it, I'll just do one more Cav+Elincia run and hope it isn't as awful as the last run
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:31 No. 290618
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:32 No. 290619
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>>290617 In tempest?
I am getting a cheeseburger! I can't wait to eat it!
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 562x771, DIcmVaSV4AAt4bs.jpg )
yeah well i am getting hungrier
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:35 No. 290624
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>>290622 an american delicacy!
>>290623 You'll be so holy and pure when you are done. The food will be heavenly when you finally have fun.
Everything is already ruined and it's only stage 4
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:36 No. 290627
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 25x25, explodyparrot.gif )
>>290620 is she an angel
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:37 No. 290628
>>290623 Take a nap
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:38 No. 290629
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des pa cito
>>290626 I am gonna try it out
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>>290627 yes just look at her! she could be your devil or yuor angle >>290625 mou!>>290628 no thanks
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kannagi rn
who in their right mind would get a big mac
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 18:42 No. 290634
>>290631 she's got a cool color scheme is that older her & younger her or two different people
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>>290632 Not yet waiting. so much anticipation for this burger!
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I forgot to switch Clarine's skill back to Rehabilitate. And now I'm stuck with Mend instead.
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>>290634 two different people the angle was mayu and this is nina
meat likes both
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I cooked a french bread pizza. I burned it a bit though.
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You should have burnt it to a crisp, TRAITOR!
oh i havent had a french bread pizza in forever what kind?
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I haven't played in a while. Skills are a big thing now. Maybe they were before didn't notice.
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It is far better to sacrifice a team than it is to struggle with it and lose out on speed. Survival B Speed A
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i want to use chapstick
It's amusing how the 3x multiplier on Tempest actually makes me do Tempest less. Not because "it saves time" but because I stress the first two matches so much that I end up not doing them quickly. It wouldn't be a thing to just run Tempest and fail a lot if the first two didn't hold so much weight.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:52 No. 290647
I don't thikk I've ever heard of french bread pizza before.
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
>>290641 Just cheese. I prefer pepperoni but I had this off-bran box. The time on the back is wrong so I burned it a little more.
>>290647 Neither have I!
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>>290648 thats unfortunate they are natirally pretty crispy so i hope it still tastes fine check out this cute girl
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>>290648 Is the time on the back wrong or did you do it wrong?
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>>290651 I did it right. I have never bragged about this, but I'm super good at pulling things out of the oven at the right time.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 18:57 No. 290653
>>290648 Those things differ by oven. The time listed on the box will never be exactly right for every oven.
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>>290652 Are you? Hmm.
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Are you guys going to do anything for Halloween? it's just a month away now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:02 No. 290657
>>290656 Maybe I'm gonna try to convince the guy who runs the FLGS to do a costume contest. Which I intend to win by wearing my authentic KGB uniform.
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I dont usually do anything for halloween. Hmm... if the campaign of mine finishes by then or so, maybe we'll have a halloween bonus episode
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:03 No. 290659
Fuck I just realized it probably won't fit anymore cause I gained weight and it was a tight fit in the first place.
>>290656 I never do anything. I wonder if should.
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Spider-man was okay.>>290660 Let's have a halloween party!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:06 No. 290662
>>290658 Run Tomb of Horrors
That wouldnt be a bonus episode!
>>290661 dress up as penis parker. moe should have fun Halloween.
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>>290664 I can only think of one person that might enjoy that. Well, maybe two.
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>>290665 Wow. They have unique but fun tastes.
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Have fun
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Okay, now I'm not hungry anymore.
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My fun hasn't arrived yet. *food.
I haven't eaten all day!>>290672 wow cannibalism is very unbecoming of you.
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i'm gonna eat you guys if you keep shoving food in my face!
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>>290671 An idol's gotta do what an idol's gotta do.
>>290673 I don't think that is good aidoru trait!
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>Physic only works at Range 2 >not range 1 AND 2 wow this is trash lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:15 No. 290676
>>290672 Humans aren't kosher.
Depends on how you
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>>290676 Cloned human meat might be.>>290675 you've never used it before?
>>290677 wow it dropped me. Depends on how you prepare your human!
Search [iqdb] (896 KB, 909x650, DKPllHoVwAABxbt.png )
>>290678 The only healers I have ever used had Martyr or Rehabilitate. I'm only using Physic because of the formation that I run for Warriors 5 SP farming but I'm only now noticing that it can't be used at short range.
I feel to lazy to change skills to optimal skills.
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i wanna eat less than 5 hours now
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This Sakura that blocked me from my Archer Lyn is going to become swole That will be her punishment.
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Apparently FEMA is telling Puerto Ricans to register for help online.
>>290684 >>290683
You can't just say things like that after I post my unsurprised squid
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Maybe you should be less liberal in your posting of it.
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I'll just stare up at that TASTY BURGER
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>>290689 WHAT
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>>290692 ONE MORE TIME
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that's right
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You'll be able to eat soon, right?
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Does he look like a BITCH
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>>290697 In five hours.
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That's not too long.
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it's sorta long
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I'm confident in your ability to be hold steadfast not expand this image
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I'm gonna give in and eat and then I'm going to die!>>290702 I already did!
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I did not notice she was holding a spatula. The fates are conspiring against you.
that's a fucking pan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:32 No. 290706
>>290705 I bet ToN wants a fucking pan
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>>290705 Clearly you are paying much more attention to these details than I am.
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>>290707 You're just DUMB!>>290706 def
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/30 (土) 19:33 No. 290709
Gonna try to nap I got up super early and barely slept last night so I may be able to fall asleep.
>>290706 no
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>>290701 It's not really long at all.
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>>290711 It is when you're at 20 hours of no food or water! You're outta your mind!
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One more run and I'll have a delightfully shoddy Cordelia set up.
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>>290712 It will be over before you konw it!
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>>290714 I'll know it as soon as it's over because I'll already have food on the way.
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You'll make it! I've been hearing that Fire Emblem Warriors is a bit better than people were anticipating. It seems they combined the strategy gameplay with the musou gameplay a little more than people were expecting.
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Gettin a headache>>290716 of course i'll make it not hard for a game to be better than people expected when their expectations were for it to be shit
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I'm just gonna go to bed early before I work myself up again I'm tired of all the death and suffering
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It's time to see how this trash team works out Flier team woo! Stage 1: Shanna, Abel, Mist, and... Takumi
>>290716 wait is it already out
thats was tasty.
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>>290720 yeah obv>>290721 gunununu
>>290722 beans i need internet so i can jack that onto mu 3ds
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I dunno. The moment I saw Xander's flying horse, I immediately thought that it was probably going to be a fun game
>>290723 when did you get a switch >playing the 3ds ver
>>290722 soon you'll be able to eat delicious food soon!
>>290725 hey i dont WANT to have to but i can and you know how my 3ds is
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>>290720 Yes, in Japan.
>>290727 why don't you play a real fire emblem first you fuckin nerd
>>290728 oh english release soon?
>>290730 end of october go play fire emblem echos
maybe i will when i stop grinding this event that just started
fate emblem
>>290732 obsessedddd
>>290734 i need to be ready for water guild wars and to do that i need fodder
>>290735 obsessssssed
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 19:55 No. 290737
deja vu
i've just been in this place before
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 20:01 No. 290739
a one armed waitress just served me sandwich plate and coffee saucer how did she even
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>>290739 wow, that's pretty cool
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 20:03 No. 290742
like she brought both to the table simultaneously
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She must be good at balancing stuff on her forearm.
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Lost to Nephenee Fliers are lame
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what a shame
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Do you think -atk Hector is worth investing in and using?
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What's his +?
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Defense. It's a good + but a really bad -.
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Workable. I would kill him, though.
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The thing about characters that you only get as 5* is that it's rarely going to be a waste. To level them, I mean. Because you'd only get another 5* that you can +1 and carry all the skills to. Or you can just feed it to someone. hector doesn't really need much to be good. Throw out a Lon'qu lol
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I have given lots of thought to feeding him to Amelia. Then Amelia and Black Knight can form an invincible combo. I've also considered waiting to see if I get axe Azura and maybe feeding him to her. My Amelia is +spd so she's really good. I think her bane is defense or something.
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That's what I would do.
o i wouldn't do that with amelia then
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She still has 32 defense. Defense isn't the best bane for her but she still tanks pretty much anything physical. She's better at it than some other armored units because she has 38 speed and nothing doubles her.
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Well, lota /// lots of things can double her, but I suppose 32 def isn't that bad.
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Yes, especially with armor emblem buffs. Though Hector's goad armor is another reason I am hesitant about feeding him to someone else for ranged counter. Hector really has too many useful skills. I wish I could chop him up and distribute him to other units.>>290757 It doesn't feel right, no. But I would want to give goad armor to someone, too!
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Are you really going to run two axes on one team?
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>>290754 She has a really big problem though. She's green. Green needs good def or it'll be slapped around by the thousands of fast swords that everyone has.
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>>290756 Might as well just leave him in your box forever, then.
I got back into my FGO account. whee
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>>290759 I just need to figure out what to do with him. There will be a moment when I'm like, I need a Hector! And then I'll have that medicore Hector to use. One thing I've considered is waiting until I get a decent Effie, hten teach her spur attack 1 from some worthless unit. Then she will be able to inherit both ranged counter and goad armor from Hector. She would be the perfect cheerleader for an armor emblem team.
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I'm also the kind of person that finishes all of the RPGs I play with a bunch of unused, really good items that I never use because I might need them later.
>>290761 you could just do that to black knight
I remember why I stopped play FGO as much It updated at some point and killed my tablet. I think it was a unity update
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>>290763 Black Knight already has ranged rounter, though.
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Your right. My brain isn't working right.
you're see?
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You're delusional from hunger! I was that hungry earlier.
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I am pretty full now! well I want to get some dessert. but I need to watch the calories!
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>>290768 Where have I been delusional?
I have 2000 golden fruit waiting in my inbox in FGO wow
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>>290770 You forgot about black knight's ranged counter for a minute.
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>>290772 You don't know what a delusion is?>>290771 Nice.
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I think you should first decide what Armor units you want to use.
Oh god so many things
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I have 186 gems to roll! Wish me luck!
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>>290773 Don't be picky about words, you knew what I meant!
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 20:26 No. 290778
maybe i should try fasting he thought then bought a scoop of ice cream
>>290778 Are you going to go fast?
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He's going to get ice cream fast
I need to get ready to head out again to the shop! it'll close soon or maybe I can wait t othe the morning
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Fasting is fine when it's just food.>>290777 hmm
I don't think I can go more than a handful of hours without food
Do 30 days and 30 nights of fasting
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a fist full
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Going without food is easy. Anyone can do that.
>>290785 of data
>>290785 : D
>>290786 not of my own accord!
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>>290789 You're underestimating yourself.
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Man, if Sheena was blue, it'd probably be perfect. I don't feel comfortable with someone green unless they have like nearly 40 defense.
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I got this caster! neato
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for defense, anyway. Offensively, I can deal with most nature setups But formulating a defensive plan is difficult when considering green units. Ike is okay because he reduces all additional hits by 80% and that's ridiculous. So his 35 def is, on average, a lot higher than 35.
>>290762 same pan was yelling at me a bit during Berseria during the final boss fight for it
>>290792 she looks cute but why isn't she wearing pants
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 20:32 No. 290796
cest trop bizarre
>>290795 You can see her pants right there bakamonome
>>290797 I don't see any pants only lewd lingerie
>>290798 They are pure white. PURE not striped slutty pants
>>290799 they're not pure white they have a gaudy gold trim!
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wow, you're being culturally inconsiderate. Those are totally pants just like Azura is TOTALLY wearing pants just ask Kirara
>>290800 She is a pure Buddhist. You need to cleanse yourself of your worldly desires.
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They are pants.
>>290802 I refuse! I desire that she wear some shorts or something it is probably really cold there anyway!
>>290804 You are really afraid of a little skin huh
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>>290804 >Man thinks he has the right to tell women how they should dress
>>290806 I have the right to tell anyone they should wear clothes over their underwear in public!
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Anon needs to go on a fast and fast.
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>>290807 Those aren't underwear.
>>290805 It's okay to show skin she can wear bootyshorts if she wants.>>290809 they definitely are!
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She obviously wears underwear underneath it.
>>290810 I think you are just pushing your fetish of bootyshorts on all the women. How shameless
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>>290810 Prove it.
>>290812 damn you caught me, I actually just want all girls to wear bootyshorts
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>>290814 You'll have all the men you want in bootyshorts.
>>290815 are they cute boys
asking for a friend
i want a cute boy in bootyshorts a cute girl is fine too as long as she has a penis
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i wanna eat some food i'm getting light headed 3 hours remain
the light headedness means you're almost to the best part
>>290819 you're always light headed
>>290820 of dehydration?
there's no good part of dehydration no best part*
>The film was a critical and commercial success,[4][5] grossing over $566 million worldwide against its $185 million budget. that new king kong movie was really successful wow
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I would enjoy a short shorts campaign.
>>290826 join my political party the shorts party we promise to cut taxes on shorts
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short short with thigh-high socks hng
>>290825 it was decent enough and entertaining
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i wear short shorts sometimes
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>>290830 do creative works like artists doing paintings or illustrations do well on twitter or is that more of a tumblr thing
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>>290830 You can be their short shorts campaign model then!
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>>290831 Twitter is the best place for those right now. Tumblr has poor exposure. >>290832 I won't do it for just anyone. Only certain people can see such a thing.
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I get a lot of neato art on twitter
>>290833 You won't show people the glory of your aidory aura in nothing but short shorts
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i should get a nice camera and take photographs of my art and upload them
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A scanner would be less expensive than even a decent camera.
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>>290837 a scanner wouldn't work they are textured ink arts so a scanner would cause them to glare they are light reflective
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>>290831 this too is good >>290828 What do you mean by "do well" because that depends
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>>290839 Sounds like something a camera can't capture either.
>>290841 sure it can i just set my own lighting and it's fine
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If you say so.
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am i wrong? i dunno i dont know photology as well as you
>>290826 yo same
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They're your paintings. You probably no what they're like better than I would. I just don't think photographs of paintings will do well.
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It can. You have better light control by using a camera than scanner and that's good for certain things.
you can just get a good scanner that lets you control the light which is cheaper than a nice camera
but the thing about a photograph of a painint is that people don't share it in the same way
my body is in fucking shambles
My mom likes taking photos of her paintings but yours sound a bit different.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 20:58 No. 290853
>>290851 hydro pump
>>290852 she paints?
>>290853 i used protect
>>290854 obviously kannagi means the paintings her mom buys
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No the paintings my mom paints. well yeah, I didn't want to respond though!
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>>290849 yeah but then i wouldn't have a nice camera i'd just have a big dumpy scanner i can't use a scanner for as many things as a camera
>>290857 yeah, obviously i was making fun of the dumb question
i actually thought that was a kirara post not a nagi one fuck where be my glasses
>>290858 so what, you're gonna spend like $1000+ on a camera and lighting stuff? probably more than that
it doesnt have o // to be that nice i've never had a camera worth more than 40 bucks man a 200 dollar camera is nice in my world
a cheap camera is going to set you back like $400 if you want one that takes decent photos
plus probably $300-800 for a lens that can do what you want, maybe more
even the camera i use was like 200-300€ new
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i guess i'll stop using the word "nice" to describe things that i wish i could have jeez
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My mom just uses her phone and she has nice pictures of her paintings
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People are saying the new Blade Runner is amazingly good. I should go see it next Saturday.
oh yeah it is a sequel not a reboot
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Some of the reviews are saying it's the best sequel ever.=
lol hype much? i don't anyhow trust any modern critics
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/30 (土) 21:09 No. 290872
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i might go see a finnish duperhero movie next week might be fun
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>>290871 Do you trust anyone?
>>290874 god
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I see.
>Gosling was educated at Gladstone Public School,[15] Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School and Lester B. Pearson High School.[16] As a child, he watched Dick Tracy and was inspired to become an actor.[17] He "hated" being a child,[9][18] was bullied in elementary school[19] and had no friends until he was "14 or 15".[20][21] In grade one, having been heavily influenced by the action film First Blood, he took steak knives to school and threw them at other children during recess. This incident led to a suspension.[18] >n grade one, having been heavily influenced by the action film First Blood, he took steak knives to school and threw them at other children during recess. what the fuck
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>>290878 → >>290878 →
>>290877 who is this guy?