>>290953 What did he mean by this? Is he referring to how people reacted? >>290956 People just can't believe how successful it's been
>>290955 he's talking about how many people died in puerto rico what he meant? nobody knows he speaks in nonsense
he started talking shit about puerto rico and saying they should do everything themselves even though we treat them like a colony and refuse to help them with anything whatsoever and haven't for a long time it's sickening people are dying
>>290973 The problem is when your standards are hard locked on low. Anything better than poor quality becomes unwatchable to you because your tastes are so bad.
I try to be open minded as much as I can when it comes to watching things.
i avoid obgoing stuff especially eternity stuff
With such a limited amount of time on Earth, I don't know why anyone would sit through something that's not very good.
>>290988 imagine someone going "time to star watching one piece"
>>290988 tfw you spend 40 hours a year, almost two days, pooping
>>290990 this is why we have invented tableys and smart phones
>>290989 Well some people enjoy One Piece, so I get that. But I mean the people who watch trash, they know it's trash, they don't enjoy the trash, but they keep watching it anyway.
>>290993 It's a trap. You start reading while it's still new and a reasonable length. Then it just keeps going on and on. I'm not sure how new people ever hope to catch up and watch the whole thing.
>>290992 nah point is more the simple amount of time...
>>290992 shounen in a nutshell they get you wgen you are young and naïve
>>290994 By the time you're a tired old salaryman you just have to keep reading because it's your last connection to those carefree days
fell down the stairs a little bit when i was going downstairs to get the pizza lol
My mom fell at synagogue and hurt her knee. Its the knee that didn't get surgery yet. So know she's laying on the couch icing it. I'm probably going to be doing all sorts of stuff to take care of her this week.
that sucks Hope her knee feels a bit more steady soon
>>291057 It's not unsteady, she fell from twisting her ankle on her other leg. I forget what the specific knee issue is but the fall just made it hurt a lot more.
my body feels so much worse after eating a little haha but i'm gonna eat until my tummy explodes
I'm hungry but also not hungry right now Like it feels like the lower part of my stomach wants food, but the upper part doesn't.
>Return to the computer after napping and lounging in bed all afternoon >Game I was playing before leaving was never closed and has just been sitting on the main menu all this time Oh no I have become an IMPOSTOR.
>>291069 I have a friend who just leaves CK2 open for days at a time, sometimes weeks.
>>291080 This is of no surprise to me. If anything, when those bits were coming up while we were watching the show I couldn't help but think of how contextually appropriate they were.
>It would be great if the Persona 5 protagonist turned into a fish. -Fish
Fish version of manga. like if Fish was the director the manga.
what the hell, lol what It sent delthea all the way forward danced her into the heat of all the enemies but out of range to attack anyone and she died to CAIN
>>291082 So you're telling me. She wants a Piscesona 5.
Mine does really stupid stuff too. I feel like the AI isn't this dumb when I fight it. It never just straight up attacks my red units by placing green casters with no armor directly in front of them.
earlier i realized my tempest trial wasn't done yet because i had three units and one would move forward, the other would draw it back, and then it would end the turn without anyone in the enemy's line of attack and it must have done that for an hour before i realized because the turn numbers was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there
>>291119 I feel bad for you, since your bonus unit is a fragile unit with a lot of weaknesses. My bonus unit is sword Ike. He is practically invincible.
in the depths of the atlantic the water is so compressed by the sheer weight of all the ocean on top of it it becomes lighter than air yes that is my story my story of the flying angler fish
>>291150 >>291151 No Kirara, technically Rei is right Shellfish do not fly They merely walk Actually some shellfish fly
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
most crabs skitter along sideways and run shyly from first contact not my crabs my crabs are here to stay
>>291152 i was telling rika not to be like that you dweeb dweeb Gundam
>>>/watch?v=i-ahuZEvWH8 Mantis shrimps are so cool >>291154 It's okay I thought the girl she posted was cute I am not a dweeb my learning computer has 1000s of hours worth of combat data recorded and is augmented by 3 Temray circuits You are the dweeb meatbag
A dark weapon with the ex icon, meaning it has an unknown modifier you always want at least one of them in your grid since different modifiers will get multiplied together and make you stronger.
Samu 🍷 !KW2DbpWwls
i'm startin my own event in fact i'm gonna start two at the same time all the events
Wow Samurai why do you get TWO events.
Samu 🍷 !KW2DbpWwls
the samurai event number one: red wine event number two: also wine
>>291217 like just now someone was talking about some program and how it gave them an error and they had to type like 600 characters idk but hearing normal people talking about technical details is something i seldom experienced ten years ago and now it's just normal
Yeah, probably! I guess he fell asleep after all. I guess fasting is a lot of work.
Samu 🍷 !KW2DbpWwls
i think he'd say "Fasting is the surest path to enlightment! Glory unto the forgotten gods! Let's all take off our clothes and bathe in the pools of the forest and crush grapes with our naked feet!"
>>291228 but knowing Kirara, something really unexpected and wacky would happen! like the pizzaman would forget his soda!
Samu 🍷 !KW2DbpWwls
>>291230 i think the pizzaman would actually secretly be hoarding the soda but Kirara would flip out and develop x ray vision and spot the goods!
>>291231 He'd notice the intense sweat on the pizzamans face and deduce that he's nervous about something. Then he'd get him to fess up about what he did. Then he'd be let off with a warning, but just this once.
What an exciting episode!
Samu 🍷 !KW2DbpWwls
Wow, Kirara sure is powerful!
I've got a scratch right below my nose and I've got no idea how it got there.
>>291233 That's what you get when you've got a super aidoru powered by all 7 chaos emeralds.
>>291234 Did you walk past any sharp objects lately
So earlier while I was trying to sleep, my parents were asking me to come downstairs, bit I was igmoring them cause I was trying to sleep. But now that Ive given up falling asleep for now and want to get a glasd pf water I can't go down stairs without encountring them.
>>291237 Do you have any bathrooms on the top floor with faucets?
>>291238 Yes But they'll hear me if I open ky door. *my
What time isit where you are?
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
it's always amusing when the waitstaff closing out your bill suddenly becomes interested in you personally fight at the moment when you're about to fill in the tip
Life sure is full of fascinating coincidences like that, huh.
>>291240 11:14 They're going yo bed soon though *to bed
No it's not you I just rather leave than havr to embarrass myself every time So I left, and went to bed later
I'm just done pretending I matter, and I don't wanna put myself in positions where I freak out so I just piss off instead of saying anything Because when I do, I end up mad and every one's just mot happy anymore and I'm always the asshole
i had a nice cactus once and i came home one day to find a bite taken out of it my cat tried to eat it >>291287 good luck sk sorry you aren't feelin so great
im feeling fine I just woke up
I'm just not going through this bullshit every fucking time anymore
>>291336 I don't think the world is a cold place because I don't think people are cold. People just don't want to leave their comfort zones very often.
the Cool Ranch flavor doritos peanuts is not as good as the Nacho Cheese flavor doritos peanuts. i don't know what they were trying to achieve here though. if you wanted doritos and peanuts you could buy peanuts and doritos and eat them both.
that's all i have to blog for today that's how cool my life is
They are peanuts, covered in a crunchy corn shell. Dusted with doritos flavoring. if you have ever had japanese peanuts or cacahuates japones then you know what it tastes like.
they taste okay but you can get way more of like regular peanuts for a lot less.
The cool ranch ones do not taste that good. I don't think ranch is a complimentary flavor to peanuts. The nacho cheese flavored ones were alright. But they don't taste better than japanese peanuts, and they're more expensive, so I don't think I'll buy them again.
The corn and peanut feels like too much dry base for the snack. Like just one or the other with the seasoning and you're fine.
>>291437 I think you're probably right, it is a very dry and salty snack. The corn and peanut combination is pretty smooth, so it really just tastes like a peanut with a slightly softer but still crunchy shell. I should have bought Deluxe Mixed Nuts (store brand) that shit has like a perfect spread of all sorts of nuts walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, almonds, peanuts I love nuts
I like peanuts and pistachios, and some times almonds. The other sorts of nuts aren't something I'll particularly go out of my way to eat, but I'll take them without complaint.
I have killed a lot of flies working at 7-Eleven. One time I even killed a fly with my bare hand. While he was in midair! You can do it! Kill that motherfucker, I believe in you!
I'm going to wait for him to calm down a bit and then kill him. My eyes are bad so I can't see them flying aroudn too well. I have to kill them when they're landed.
hi moe i had a great time in dallas now i'm back home and still sick yeehaw
>>291454 i had a boring time nearby at work what did you do?
>>291455 i saw Elohim and Alison Wonderland and then went to Cafe Brazil oh also we stopped at the North Park Center and i went on a bit of a shopping spree before the show
>>291456 cool, what did you get? and how was the cafe?
>>291457 it's pretty dope, they have a few of them in Dallas I highly recommend i bought a pair of red dockers shorts, a blue-to-red gradient palm-tree patterened tee, and some gray all-weather high top vans oh and some dope fuckin vans socks
I've been chewing the skin off my lips a lot again lately. What's annoying is I don't even notice doing it until after I've gotten a piece off the surface and between my teeth. It's probably not good for my lips to keep doing it.
>>291488 Toronto is the capital of Ontario, so that's the province I'm most familiar with. The geography round here had a lot of glacial action in the last ice ages, so there's a lot of those same rolling hills and valleys. We don't really have mountains like Tennessee did, but there's some similar, less altitude changing terrain when you get out into central Ontario.
curve and plop this is the right position to be in, or so i'm told
>>291512 I'm sorry about earlier SK I thought you were talking about these meme videos called spooderman not the actual movie which I didn't have downloaded. I was a dumbass.
critical support for all decentralization but I don't know a fucking thing about Catalan my guy
they're an ethnic group that want to form an independent nation so they're voting on it and the spanish government is destroying them for it in a very violent manner
As an anarchist I'd be 100% on the side of the government if they violently crushed fash protests I'm just saying I don't know what the fuck they're about
Yeah I mean I support it on the grounds that they're tearing themselves from the government But I dunno depending on what they want to do from then, I just don't wanna say anything, and following these things is hard
I've been trying to see if there's any sort of stuff I could do around here but there's no networks that I can find
6yo kid and his grandma fish 100 fish in commemoration of 100yo finland and then send a letter telling about it to the presodent amusingly, the president replied
it was very nice to hear about you and your grans stunt to fish 100 fish to celebrate finland's anniversary must have been quite a feat thank ypu for your greetingsand i shall forward tgem to lennu(hisdog) i wish you and your family really good 100 year celebratipn year of our independence
best regards sauli niinistö president of republic
oh yeah in case you didn't know the actual name of our country is republic of finland sitting president is president of republic with former ones being just president
>>291555 That's really nice. >>291556 So while they're president, they're president of the republic, but when they are replaced, they just become president?
so i had a conversation with my aniki and he asked me "why don't say god's name invain?" and i hit a wall why indeed? why wpuld omnipotent god really care and what does it really mean, making empty oaths in god's name or just gping "jesus christ"
I guess it's just part of Him wanting us to respect Him?
>>291569 or us being polite but still bit amusing rule
don't take can~t remember how it is in hebree but i remember rrading it was more of a "don't make oaths" basically swearing in gods name or calling god as witnesd for petty or empty oathd
that would make more sense
in that case saying jesus would be okay but omg would be blasphemy
Glad to see people all over the world stand in solidarity with Spanish police against Catalonian rebels
yeah, pretty fucked up how many people are rebelling against their masters in today's world
They really should just step down and wait until their oppressors decide to stop They have to go through the process and beg and plead and make a deal with the people holding a gun to their head Anything else would be illegal and the law is what's most important
Also I swear I'm not a fascist I just happen to be making arguments that could be moved wholesale to literally any fascist state and be 100% applicable
they should give up and let the government kill them
Gonna be fun to see the hot takes from the sargonites on this one "is not legitimate thou what were the cops supposed to do? NOT beat people senseless for trying to vote?"
i checked wikipedia and i was right but more importantly i found this it's a picture of yosemite in the morning let's go to yosemite
preferably in the morning
why not all day and night
Morning is the period of time between midnight and 11:59:59 am or, more commonly, the interval between sunrise and noon. [1] Morning precedes afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise. we were both right but my day always starts at midnight that's when i wake up and start my day >>291604 that's too much you'll find a way to fuck it up
so, not to prick any sore spots or nothin, but i gotta ask are we still gonna do any filming or are you scrapping that idea
i would like to but im not sure when I'd be able to at this point not until December at the earliest and I'm not sure if I'm going to Montana for work in December yet
once a quarter is about all can afford to do probably not sure how the winter will treat me anyway. last winter was hell and i was bringing in like $400 a month tops and had almost no work hopefully new clients make that easier for all the times ive been to wyoming and the dakotas, ive never gotten to go to montana despite it being my target
unfortunately i wouldn't have much time to enjoy it there
all right, well i wont distract you too much with my film fantasies stay focused on getting your stuff done and holler if/when the time is right i'll be around probably unless i'm fucking dead
google et al apparently now keep track of what mouse you last purchased, review the average life expectancy of that mouse, and start advertising new mouses to you when that timer runs out lol
smbc kind of surprises me with how regularly good content is pushed out sometimes you can feel that something was just pumped out for the sake of having something, but for most other webcomics that's a daily thing they're pretty rare on smbc a handul of things kind of fall flat but they still have an entertaining air about them
Yeah I have no idea how he does it It's so consistent
XKCD was like that a while, but not anymore imo
xkcd is garbo imo tries way too hard to seem inspirational and it falls flat when it tries to be funny it's just annoying maybe like one out of a dozen are genuinely good
the trick to juggling is in the catching, don't think about the throwing i never got past five one-handed or eight two-handed but i wouldn't have made it through clown college probably, though i know an acquaintance who dido
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
this truck has. replaced the normal beeping for it's backing-up warning... with the tetris theme
this is gonna end with either you or i growing up in a weird community that's isolated from the rest of the world in what we learned which do you think it's gonna be
both but most people don't learn to juggle as a kid
Most people don't get past juggling two objects Three is the difficulty line.
>>291716 whatcha gon get today was global communion day so i had a bunch bunch of bread
probably prime
what's global communion day
prime rib*
>>291718 its like a already forgot but ts a day for everyone to be united in communion regardless of race or origin because of being one through Christ so there was a crapload of bread brought in
the bread is the body of christ or something, right?
like this chirch does evilar communion weekly but apparently global communion is once a year or so and some of the churches dont do it anymore ironically one of them created a second global communion day but it was for anglicans which completely defeats the purpose
also that was "church" and "regular" in that first sentence
christian stuff is really confusing to me for some reason
I'm sure some jewish stuff would be confusing to some christians too
I mean there is the whole thing where we go "this guy is the son of god as well as literally god" and you guys are like "what no"
I don't think there's a state that grants anyone that right.
>>291732 I'm glad to hear I bet it's a good sense of community
how about being cared for then what state takes care of their mentally ill i need to go somewhere, this isn't good for me
>>291735 Not quite like that because I'm hesitant to say I'm part of the community, but I like the spiritual bits of it. It could just be placebo but I feel good.
>dance with lonely wallflowers video game please
>>291736 do you want to be in an institution, or? >>291737 spiritual stuff is good at making you feel good spirituality is important imo
i don't think i would mind, yeah but that's a big ask
>>291743 i legit don't know what's wrong with me i want to get help but all i know about mental institutions is they strip you of every ounce of humanity you have and leave you washed out, handing you to a family member who can take care of you -- which i don't have i can take care of myself longer than that but the delusions, paranoia, et cetera wouldn't let me sorry sam i know you don't like coming to somewhere depressing
>>291745 that's generally my perception of institutions but i think there has to be somewhere good for you somewhere there's a place for everyone somewhere
i'm thinking about finding someone i can just pay a thousand dollars a month to be a roommate and watch over me that's more than the rent around here so maybe it's fair i don't know anymore
There are assisted living homes Like you live with a few other people and then people come by and hang out/check in/help you and what not once a day or whatever.
I think I'll have my aunt, who wants to get me a birthday present, get me persona 5 so i can enjoy that
>>291764 Someone just needs to make an improved Eliza. Also did you see the thing where someone set up an Eliza based thing to argue on twitter with trolls a few years ago? It was pretty good.
>>291769 i mean within reason yeah it's not good for my mental health or my wallet to move to finland probably that's probably expensive
would be and i just asked, am not interested in the offer, even if i was your neighbour no pffemse ment
offense i need a phone woth with working touchscreen
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
if i had a place with a couch i'd offer it up for a few weeks i'm still looking damn shoeboxes
Moon, a group home might be a good thibg to consider I don't really know the extent of your issues, but there are a wide variety of services available for people with varying severities of psychiatric issues so I'm sure there's something out there that coukd eork for you
that's all too dramatic i just need an assistant i don't like making phone calls and i don't like doing errans i just need a proper business assistant and/or personal assistant i could afford it if i take this new business prospect but i would need it to do this new business prospect so i'm spooked
I wouldn't call myself a fan, but there are some Neil Young songs I like a lot. I really like Old Man.
>>291783 That song is really nostalgic for me. I remember listening to it a lot in like 1999 or so. Probably when we got that neil young best of compilation.
neil young is great i remember my dad showing me this album when i heard sugar mountain, i asked him what barkers were he told me they were dogs, like barkers, dogs barking i learned later that barkers was an old-time name for clowns i remember that really vividly i like that memory
Ah fuck It's October
>>291788 Also you never answered my question about your birthday.
Ahhh I just thought of something to do that will make me feel like I have been productive Deleting duplicate files and moving big files over to my microsd card
Unfortunately I have to use the garbage default Samsung file browser to move stuff to the microsd card cause the os prevents write access to it from non stock apps