>>286864 I really only dislike mine because it jjust reminds me "it's been n years since you should have graduated from college" This year n is equal to 2
Hmm isn't it at the end of the summer when they do the hive splitting a good amount of bees going around with a new queen(s) to found a new one that might be the result of one of those messes
>>286982 Lycka till if you need to get out, make a makeshift beeproection from some covering clothes and something to wrap around your face and then just run I doubt they are killer bees
>>287045 duct tape some clear plastic wrapping into a beesuit and run to your car
>>287047 haha this reminds me of the >finn a swede a norr are caught by cannibals >the cannibals challenge them to shoot down a bird for them to eat or they will eat them >the swede grabs the gun and shoots and misses >the norr asks for a drink and then fires and misses >the finn asks for a drink and then aims, but then asks for another >and then aims and then asks for another, after quite the several he goes "Okayish" >takes aim and shoots down a bird >the cannibals ask him, "waith ow did you do that so drunk?" >the finn answers "eashier to hit a flock, mate"
well proposal two is a smoke bomb proposal three is watergun proposal four is out through window proposal five is take it easy and deal with it tomorrow
Better idea Order dry ice Tell the delivery guy to juse throw it on the ground by your door
There is almost certainly a dry ice place near you that delivers Dry ice companies are the fucking best I found one near me that while not technically open 24/7, if you call them during their off hours will send someone to their warehouse for you to go meet with and pyrchase stuff Even at 2am Subday morning. *sunday
>>287112 Also are you 100% sure that they are bees? I can't tell from the video. I'm only asking because like 50% of people I know call yellow jackets bees.
the problem is that the screen enclosure is creating distortions in the image their speed isn't a big problem with the shutter speed i used
They could be wasps The body shape makes me think of wasps. They look horrifying eitherway. How does that even happen? Just one day you look out your door and bees/wasps or whatever
yeah they might be wasps idk
i opened my front door and there was a swarm of bees and i was like oh shit and backed back inside and shut the door they certainly weren't there yesterday i was out there at like 10pm last night so this is all new
I should probably get a dslr. I have a decent film camera, but there aren't very many places near me that develop film. And I don't have the space for a darkroom. Even though I see people getting rid of darkroom equipment for free on Craigslist all the time.
Cool http://www.evastore.jp/sp/index.php?toid=SP_ARTICLE&fromid=SP_ARTICLE_LIST&article_id=17631&category_id=125 There's so much stupid Eva merch I love it
Fuck I don't know why they keep the listings up for years after they run out of stock. http://www.evastore.jp/sp/index.php?toid=SP_ARTICLE&fromid=SP_ARTICLE_LIST&article_id=11500&category_id=12 5 I really wanted this camera.
This is the orginal. I guess It doesn't like this picture
Kodak are still very much alive They make some instaprint cameras all the time.
>>287260 I haven't heard much about their cameras in a while Canon, Nikon, Ricoh (who bought/merged with Asahi tge iriginal maker of the pentax) and sony still do decent cameras though
i still miss tapiola most beautiful district easily in the country
>>287279 Are you going observe the war? Tell them to use a thermonuclear warhead.
they sneaked up close and sprayed them with a can of bee killer but the bees just got pissed and aren't dying they said they're gonna get the pest control guy to come
>>287291 that is the power of honey+vodka as wasp lure to keep them away from chilling outside and then left on the porch on the next day total casualties: about 100 wasps dead from alcoho+brawling with about 7 queens in the mix next year we barely had wasps for some reason
>>287299 I estimated atleast 500 wasps swarming around it when I took that pic around and inside ofc it was really noisy too but it proved that our honey+vodka is a good lure to keep wasps away from your food and drinks just better not leave it outside unwashed
Well I don't get twitter so it is alien to me. 140 was just sms size so i guess it was convenient, but you know since like 2000 when you went over 140 it automatically sent it as multiple messages and the receiver either received it as many or if they had equally "smart" phone it combined it into a one long message
so don't really get the 140 character limit anyhow
Coincidentally if you hear anyone say "text messages were invented by [person/country]" they are lying it was like 10 european countries working together from many different companies and tech unis
>>287358 yeah cause they are building a nest what you see are just the vanguard you might get 10-20 000 there by the end ofthe day if it is a large swarm
become a new supervillain QUEEN BEE
>>287358 You have all these free bees and yet all you do is bitch
>>287361 i know right he could make like a dozen bee smoothies with those bees
>>287360 there actually was a marvel hero swarm or something who was literally bees mutant bees that ate him and then he became the bees and he was like gillion billion bees in the shape of man
that aounds dope as fuck
>>287362 He could start up a beekeeping business right now Just tossin' away oppurtunities
>>287367 True. Don't let those bees penetrate you unprotected
>>287372 well you could go buy some supplies to wipe them out yourself though I guess you'd need a beesuit if so, since you have that death by bee risk
I don't have anything defrosted for dinner either. I was going to order pizza, but I can't really do that now.
>>287377 maybe i can figure something out but it's really dangerous
>>287378 spray water at their nest and use bats and other shit to knock down the assaulting wasps and then use water and brooms to shrub at the building boards containing the nest and whatnot eventually they just abandoned the next and we killed the queen(s) taht flew out did take some dmg always 2-10 stings on the group of 4+
Beelieve in miracles
>>287380 I assumed it'd be the other way round Whack the nest with a bet and knock down assaulting wasps with the water I assumed wasps were like flies and could survive a hit in the air from a baseball bat
>>287379 it doesn't take quite thick layer to protect from the sting and in general bees aren't that aggressive so you have a window to bust out of there the key is to make a 100% covering stuff and since you have weak resistance a few minutes of smoke to pacify them won't hurt
also in case you do end up doing something like that don't immediately go to your car rather run a good distance away see if you are bee free and then go to your car bad luck to be stuck in the car with a bee or few
Build a make shift themonuclear device and that should deal with the bees and all your problems
good thing i keep all this radioactive stuff around
amusingly my most recent clothing+ducttape to make it more weather proof comes from "ductaping raincoats to make them radioactive proof" oh well not really proof just to make us feel better about being irradited by 100 megatons of soviet love
My fathers generation was actually told to grab few pine branches and then "scrub the fallout" off of you like tiwas some foam or something hahahha
>>287387 >>287388 >get match //// >get something that burns very well >set it on fire >get compressed air or spray can >point both at bees >nuke them all at once
>>287391 >ruin property with fire >pay a lot >get stung by one bee anyhow >die
wow you have better inheritance than we have here inheritance is sum value of all possessions, funds etc - sum value of all debts, etc and then the next of kin can decide do they want to just declare the fund "Bankrupt" and not inherit the debt at all or if they sell some of the possessions to pay off the debts and keep the stuff like say some uncle dies and has a 250k house and 100k in debt you could sell the house to payu the debt to get some money or you can outright inherit the debt too and also keep the house
I am now committed to two hours of guild wars tonight ganbaruzoi
>>287404 that's because most wealthy people get all of their money through inheritance and often have unpaid debts from failed business ventures and shit like that
But anyhow the debtor always gets their money many anyhow sell their "Inheritance" to well "inheritance sellers" kinda like pawnshops, but they specialise in buying inherited possessions like furniture etc and then they sell those onwards but they rarely just buy like the decoratum of an inherited house, but rather all the stuff
they stay afloat for ages, so I guess they eventually always make their money back especially with people who hoard old and antique items, since those can fetch a huge price
like say my stepfather died and we idiotically sold his possessions away on a whole price we'd lose a fuckton of money, cause he has a huge sum in ww1 and ww2 guns, medals and whatnots
But the idea in their business is that some people just don't have the time and energy or even money to make sense of what their inheritance really contains so they just sell the whole shit for a good sum of cash
basically it is kind of like a corporation of the persons' possessions and debts that can be split between the beneficiaries, but they can also agree to keep it "alive" and manage it without splitting it also all listed and legal beneficiaries must agree on how the hoard is split for it to be split, unless there is a will that dictates clearly how it is to be split if an agreement isn't reached, anyu of the beneficiaries can call upon a lawyer to do it on default, the widow has the main say on the Hoard before it is split also legally, you can't disinherit the widow or the first in line beneficiaries (kids or parents) anyone else, can however be removed from the line
though the share of the widow can be made a much less, in a non-will sitution the widow gets 50% and the first in liners get 50% if no first in liners exist the widow gets it all unless there is a will of course that dictates additional beneficiaries the share of the widow can be reduced, but the widow will always get well what is called "widow's share" amusingly it is similiar to how much the widower would have gotten, if the married couple had divorced
>>>/@Sakurauchist/912948321857167360 There are some people who say it will allow them to say a lot more. and others that don't particularly like it and think it will just turn twitter in a blog.
Someone in my cohort was going to show my professor the bee video but apparently he said he didn't need to see it because it didn't sound like a situation anyone could make up.
Isn't it interesting that this is happening to me? Why does so much weird shit happen to me? Why is my life a sitcom?
Yesterday was an interesting day for me. I lost my phone, I had to find my way back and loads of animals kept appearing. Squirrels, Hedgehogs, a Frog, Cats. It was pretty eventful journey home.
>>287425 You are an Aidoru, you attract all the big events so that you can shine in them.
Wow, it is so weird for it to happen to suddenly though and having to wait on outside help so you even leave your house. I mean you could order pizza but that would be cruel to the pizza person, although interesting to see how they deliver the pizza. >leave a note for your driver: "There are bees everywhere."
That reminds me of that image of someone selling a truck and they're like THERE ARE SO MANY BEES ON it
i was going to get pizza tonight so i didn't have anything defrosted but if they come and get hurt, my apartment community would be liable and that'd be bad for everyone i wouldn't be able to get the pizza anyway
No you'd likely have pizza being fed to fuel the bees. >>287433 Bees work out pretty hard. so they would probably work off the calories in their new gym outside Kirara's door
the bees would eat the pizza, get fat, and all DIE
https://twitter.com/Cobratate andrew tate talked shit about anime and then got spammed by anitwitter and convinced to watch anime and now he won't stop tweeting about waifus and anime girls
What a bizarre world.
>>287435 haha When the garbage people come to check to see if I put garbage out tonight, they'll probably have to deal with the bees, which will get my apartment community to make it get fixed much faster, I'm sure. I need the bees gone by tomorrow morning, though, because I won't be able to get my exam moved further back.
I also have like three meetings tomorrow and a class.
>>287437 Hopefully the bees have meetings and have to leave tomorrow too! Otherwise I guess you'll have to NEET it up with the fish the NEET detective.
>>287436 Wow that is so anime shitposting going on there. *some
i can't miss this exam though i'll have to cover myself in tape and wrap my head up and wear ski goggles and wear a trench coat
Do you know the weather for tomorrow, if it is raining they probably won't come out. If you do leave, it would probaby be best to like get some incense or something and fan it out a window on the deck outside the door and the smoke should make them move away
or could set off smoke alarms I guess I don't know
If I can get out early enough while fully armored, I can probably get past them once and then stash my armor in the car so I don't look like a terrorist everywhere I go. If they're still there after my classes, I can go to the office here and complain until they fix it.
God I would be so anxious in a room with bees outside it. I am not sure I'd get to sleep, I'd think every sensation I feel on my neck and body was a bee and freak out.
They should go to a handshake event if that's what they want.
I couldn't come up with a suitable bee pun. Like suitably bad one. >>287457 Quick throw out handshake coupons maybe they will leave. the pest control will be confused by the tiny little pieces of paper with immaculately printed tiny tickets for handshakes
Just put on a disguise and the bees will ignore you It's the aidoru they wanna meet
That is why Kirara has to wear the trenchcoat and goggles
I hope maintenance didn't just leave you hanging. You should have said you have an allergy to bees or something to make them. >>287465 Wow and it has been a while since they said they'd get pest control. not very fast responding pest control.
Yeah, I told them. I talked to them when they came to spray the bees when they didn't die. The maint guys are good people.
There is probably a third-party company used for pest control and they're just slow or busy. As long as I can get out without dying tomorrow, I should be okay. The manager at the community loves me because I stopped to help her get her golf cart out of the road and into a parking spot when it stalled one time. If I go talk to her tomorrow, she'll make sure shit gets done. But I have to get there first.
It is a good thing you know who to call and how to handle things. If it happened to me. I'd probably be crying on moe and hiding under my desk worrying that they were going to get in.
God the thought of it even happening gives me the chills. Bees are fine from a distance. not near me
If it ever happens to you, I'll find a way to come save you!
I can only really handle things because I'm naturally resourceful. People tend to really like me for some reason so I know a lot of people that do different things which helps, too.
>>287468 I'm not really good at networking because I'm skilled or anything. People just naturally like me, so I don't have to put it any work towards it. It also means I don't have to do a lot to maintain the relationships. I just naturally build a network by being friendly.
I think you're brave enough to avoid burning your house down!
Talking to people is a lot of work for me. I don't really make friends, it is like people befriend me and if I get on well with them it works out but for the most part I don't get on well with a lot of people.
The best way to manipulate people into liking you and relying on you is to give them the impression that you are indebted to them. People naturally like people who are indebted to them, and naturally dislike people whom they feel they owe.
>>287472 Manipulation sounds tiring. I don't feel like I could do it to have connections. I get on well with a lot of the older ladies though. Old ladies get on really well with me.
>>287472 Isn't that like putting yourself beneath them instead of an equal friendship? It doesn't sound like a good position to manipulate from if you're going for that.
If people come to rely on you, you become essential to them and they'll want to keep you around, and they'll be more likely to do things to keep you around.
Changing how you approach people at work is sort of common sense but I wouldn't really do anything particularly manipulative at work. It is better not to have to do more work. I just have to be hardworking.
>>287495 I don't know. There's a swarm of bees outside my front door.
When I tried to leave for class, I opened my door and saw a ton of bees and noped back inside. There were like 20 of them around noon but now there's 50+. I can't leave my house.
Are you sure they don't have a hive under whatever that is on the bottom left?
>>287505 Yeah, I guess that's a large drop. But I'm sure you could call someone over with a net to catch you with Maybe bring a pillow too to soften the fall You'd probably make it
It would just be cheaper just to wait for pest control than get dry ice >>287519 A fellow pyromancer. We'll let the dust and ash settle as the bees are vanquished.
>>287526 Yeah sure Actually get a metal bowel, stick some leaves in it, and set those on fire You create a smoke bowel but the fire is contained to the bowl
>>287528 Don't you have trees hanging oover your balcony?
great idea, i can use all the leaves i just keep in my house
and how do i access those trees
>>287529 Well on all the balconys I've been on there's been branches hanging over pretty close
You could just use paper that burns pretty well
Paper burns very well, meaning it doesn't last very long and doesn't produce much smoke either.
1. I have to go outside and expose myself to bees in order to place anything within proximity of the bees. 2. If I use anything flammable, there is a risk that my apartment will catch on fire. I will have to pay for that.
Also that Kirara might get in trouble for lighting fire outside his door. It would probably be better to wait for pest control. Hopefully they'll come before you have to try your luck and run out.
Live by the fire Die by the fire
He could use his kratom and try to get the bees high.
What give the bees clarity of mind that they'd realise that were being a public nusiance and they'd buzz off.
It looks like the bees might be sleeping now or something. I'm afraid that they'll come out if I move around outside, though. I guess I'm really going to have to fully cover myself tomorrow.
I can sleep on floors, but I like having cushioning since I have a tendency to roll about a bit. Given an option between the two, a fair option at least, I would pick the bed every time.
As a kid I thought it was really fun to sleep on the floor I'd get a duvet and use it like a mattress
Paramount Pictures and J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot have won the rights to adapt the blockbuster Japanese animated movie “Your Name.”
The two companies announced Wednesday that they will work with Japan-based Toho Co., Ltd., the producers of the original animated film, to develop a live-action take on the story. Toho will handle distribution of the film in Japan.
>"Your Name is a film created with the innate imaginations of a Japanese team and put together in a domestic medium,” said Shinkai in a statement. “When such a work is imbued with Hollywood filmmaking, we may see new possibilities that we had been completely unaware of. I am looking forward to the live-action film with excited anticipation.”
>>287611 Yeah it is. I'm not too fond of overworlds in Fire Emblem but I liked having the tower dungeons they were cool. I feel like it had some pretty unique classes too. Like the summoner that can summon extra soldiers I'm not sure if that class was ever used again
>>287632 I missed three classes. Two of those don't matter, but I had an exam in one class, which I missed. As a result, I have to come in at 8:30 tomorrow morning to take the exam. Tomorrow is a long day with meetings until like 10pm, so that really sucks. I didn't get to have the dinner I wanted because of the bees. I also can't go running because of the bees. So my day and evening and tomorrow are all fucked up because of these stupid bees.
If they are, I'll have to break out my ridiculous protection plan. I'll cover myself from head-to-toe and tape off all potential entry points in my clothes so I can get to my car. I'll look like a really ridiculous edgy terrorist but I can take off the gear once I'm in the car.
Go out into Florida like it's winter in the mountains.
head wrap, ski goggles, long sleeved shirt, trench coat over it that doesn't even fit me because i inherited it from my grandfather if i do it i'll make sure to take a picture so everyone can laugh
>>287637 Don't forget to wrap your face with saran wrap
Well, you may want to call the landlord if the problems continue.
i cant text but i mailed you krr
>>287640 Moon I found an awesome research paper It's about a cryptosystem that encrypts grammatically correct english into grammatically correct english And when decrypted with the wrong key still results in grammatically correct English
>>287661 I'm glad you still know what im talking about I'll just call it weeb schwarz now
>>287659 Pierogies are more the kind of dumplings that rose out of eastern Europe, as opposed to dumplings that have cultural origins elsewhere on the planet. They tend to be really cheesy. I've been binging on Oxygen Not Included a lot lately.
>>287663 What sorta game is that? I think someone was talking about it before. Oh yeah it's the one where you gotta help the space people survive right?
I don't know much about Eastern Europes food, but that's pretty cool that they had those. I know this little chinese place near my uni that has great dumplings and pork buns and stuff.
>>287667 The path of justice is easy to stray from
ß Hrrm, I can paste it But when i tap an auto suggest word with it the word before *the entire word before the ß gets posted and then the posts ends
>>287665 You think someone was talking about it before because I was talking about it before. When I say I've been binging on it, I mean that. It's a science-driven base management game. Since your base is trapped inside a meteorite, you're forced to work in a lot of closed system kind of management for your resources. Recyling water, purifying oxygen, dealing with carbon dioxide building up, etc.
>>287679 I actually don't know what kind of blood we give them all I know is that we test blood type well do every step normal and actually run a few units of blood in them
I'm gonna try restarting my browser and ccheck if it still hsppens
>>287674 Basically. And then you need to figure out how to deal with the waste that isn't so easily recycled. You also need to keep temperature in mind, since heat spreads somewhat realistically, and in a closed, insulated environment like the heart of a meteorite, drastically changing temperature in an area does mean having to deal with the impacts.
I hope you don't mind, but I shared that twit image with my other buds.
My good friend said to tell you , "Thanks."
No problem, whoa's good friend
>>287694 Do you think this is very realistic? If you get a perfect loop going could you just set it to autoplay
Who's your favourite anime girl nowadays kiara Nico??
>>287697 There's certainly some video game leniency, but you could probably set up systems to deal with power, food, water, and breathable air that would end up hands-off. Out of all of those water would probably be the biggest challenge.
Okay I did a screen recording of the glitch
>>287701 Collecting water that's lost through stuff like sweat would be annoying. Or washing. But if it's an airtight base, then the water isn't actually removed right? Get a dehumidifier and collect all the water that's floating around.
Sweat isn't tracked, but lots of water ends up polluted due to various matters of hygiene. Water is also the end-game for creating oxygen, breaking the water down into hydrogen and oxygen. Water is also one of the more reliable ways of removing carbon dioxide from the air, but it turns the water polluted too. Polluted water isn't difficult to clean, but you're limited by filtration medium you have available (e.g. sand). It's also useful to feed into some crops though.
>>287704 I didn't think about hygiene for water, except that piss would be boiled or something. Well purified. But stuff like vomit uses liquid. In a closed system, you'd have to clean all that.
The game doesn't track the amount of water your residents drink (since, for all intents and purposes, they don't), but they can vomit, which produces polluted water. Before some later patches added in less revolting ways to produce water, some end-game strategies for the game was to only take on vomitting people and create high-stress environments that would trigger their vomitting, creating free water.
Got it This is with the 6 seconds of changing windows and 40 seconds of trying to figure how to stop the *end the recording removed Also the way you stop recording is wait for it to crash
>>287728 That meeting? No, it's just a work meeting/social gathering sort of thing. I guess she hasn't met those people yet but they're people I used to be really close to I guess
>>287731 I guess. I used to think of them like family but now they're just co-workers. I don't really care whether or not they know Fish but I want her to come anyway to make it easier for me and to give me an escape plan for if I get mad at them.
>>287732 you now noticed? hold down any key and it pops up all the alternate ways of ir ë
>>287734 I usually do my typing of non latin characters or characters with accents in non English keyboards
Ruß Hoiß Heiß Hrrm, doesn't trigger when I use a capital
>>287735 I just use a keyboard app that doesn't have problems being able to use any latin character using language and its special letters
>>287737 ?? Okay I don't think I said anything implying that my keyboard app had any problems with that, only that I use language specific keyboards when typing in other languages.
>>287768 I just think if you toss a X½ you were stuck between X-1 and X not a really solid score
>>287770 But a 7.5/10 is a 15/20 If he normally rates on a scale from 0 to 20 and gave it a 15 before converting to /10 then that proposition no longer holds
That sucks I wanted to meet him He went to highscool at a school that's sort of near me. So I had a few highschool teachers whose parents went to highschool with him.
though high school reunions aren't even a thing here anyhow
>>287785 Generally people go to thirtieth, 40th and what not reunions And maybe 20th or 10th
Err, by go to I mean the people who actually organize those events usually do them by decade, and of the people who go they tend to go to the later ones
Samu 🦊 !KW2DbpWwls
ah high school reunions good shit or not last one i went to was during my Year of Anxiety next one will be bettar
maybe i shoulf just rewrite doushio in react 16 i know never rewrite but
maybe reqrite
Die Fuck Accidentally switched keyboard to german Anyways Did you know that there's a picture of Ben Bernanke in ASCII in one of the early bitcoin transaction thingies?
>>287808 i barely have the savings to get by on for a month but i also kind of thrive under pressure taking a short rest would be nice though i need financial stability if i ever want to start my business but maybe there's a better opportunity that will avail itself
>>287812 i would need to spend a few months drafting and creating new designs, then probably half a year building clientele before i'd be maybe making enough to cover myself i'd love it yeah but i don't have any cushion to do that really
>>287813 that sci jokes thread sure caught on fire huh
yeah haha i have made that same thread and joke so many times
Those ramunajuan jokes are really funny
>>287819 haha i love them i didn't even make them there was one someone did like a few years ago that was really great and i was hoping someone would repost it but i haven't seen it it was an image so i know someone had it saved fuckin ramanujan
did you make those i felt like those were something you'd make
I've been thinking about programming a lot recently so I'm having trouble thinking up non programming jokes right now Although most of the programming jokes ive made recently are along the lines of "CDR? I hardly know her!" tl note: CDR is pronounced "cusser" *cudder Fucking autocorrect I swear
good maybe now you can program yourself a pair of balls just kidding i dont really mean it sorry
>>287832 yes bang i missed you so much i dont know what i'd do if i didn't have you around in my life i was really worried for a few minutes that maybe you had moved on to something better which would have made me really disappointed because now i don't have anyone to remind me that my life isn't that bad
that sounds pretty good but i'll have to decline my heartburn has been acting up
Also I fucking hate how Lisp fanboys always say "Lisp is the second oldest high level programming language" Because it fucking isn't ALGOL 58 was implemented and released in 1958, Fortran was released and implemented in 1957 And Lisp had its language soecification or whatever written in 1958 And had no compiler until 1962
yeah my gi tract isn't happy with me for all that alcohol consumption the past years i know how you feel how about creamy chicken alfredo pasta i bet i could shuffle down four pounds of it without a problem
overeating is bad i just stopped myself from eating a second cheesesteak sandwich and am very happy because now i feel content and happy and not stuffed and bloaty
I had two very large corned beef sandwiches Each with three or four slices of meat and two slices of cheese And the cheese slices are an extra large variant
>>287841 ive been snacking a lot instead of big meals milktoast or a single egg with rye or like an avocado on bread with some radishes
just small snacking throughout the day i can't do big meals much anymore though i wish i could be a competitive eater that'd be fun
>>287845 not really there's a few national sandwich chains and one or two local sandwich shops that have a corned beef (or similar meat) sandwich but most don't in fact i can only think of three places i could go to get one
hamburgers are really the thing here the way people from other countries think that americans eat hamburgers? we actually do that here in texas
>Lou muscles into the cut-throat, dangerous realm of nightcrawling -- where each police siren wail equals a possible windfall and victims are converted into dollars and cents sounds gritty
oh it's gritty alright it was definitely a thriller
Is it about ambulance chasers?
it's about nightcrawlers - video journalists, esp. cameramen looking for footage of wrecks, fires, murders, etc
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh here i thought nightcrawling was cruising around with your lights off
i still wanna see baby driver while it's still in theatres
Here's the trailer >>>/watch?v=2UuRFr0GnHM I would put this at around 1 or 2 on my ordered list of films by how good they are Of the >800 or so movies ive seen in my life
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
i used to be obsessed wit the movie haven't seen it in some time tho
>>287885 It's a damn good movie Charlie Kaufman is a great screenwriter.
I wanna learn to spin web out of my butt and make a 40ft web in the lobby of the westin francis and trap her in it
>>287884 seems kinda cool but it also seems like the kind of movie i'd have to invest time into not only watching, but reading about and thinking about
so I'd like to know what does she coat her arrows in to make them so flammable and burn so hot that it doesn't get snuffed out during flight and then still be enough to spill all over the target and nearly instantly set it ablaze
Also how have these people the solarii not have died of some disease they have their sacrifices lying all around dead bodies murkign the waters and all that shit cholera whatnot should just kill them all >>287915 yeah it is awesome as fuck, but nothing to do with reality sure firearrows or something like those were used, but mostly in sieges or naval fights and even then it is something like 2% chance of litting something on fire
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
you gotta admit a fire arrow is pretty Rule of Cool
>>287917 that is the point makes the enemy have to spend manpower looking where the arrows fell you don't want your castle or fort or ship on fire afterall
Or anything of your on fire, really.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
drr real life fire arrows are impractical N'YVVEN so wow how about those Video Game fire arrows
>Squire, ready my hourse, so I can ride it out onto the fields of battle >I'm sorry my lord, but your horse is on fire
>>287920 mah it can't lit a person on fire especially with the tech people had when arrows were relevant
>>287921 I never seem to pick them up so I just dip my nocked arrow in a lantern.
Breath of the Wild is one of the most fun physics engine demos disguised as a video game I've ever played.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
actually,, ocarina of time is incredibly unrealistic......
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
damn i wanna get a Switch but im committed to finding a place to livce first and also doing tax but if Smash DX comes out it's just going to happen
and you know that shit is going to happen so
Well with any luck they might do something around Black Friday down there. It's always a good time to keep an eye out for gaming stuff.
>Consistent temperatures of 30C and higher over the weekend >Nights now as cold as 12C Ballistic temperature ranges are one of the reasons I can't ever really dig spring/autumn.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh right that's a good idea
There's never anything particularly noteworthy on sale for the weekend up here. I guess you could say Canada never really went as full mercantile as the States went. But at the same time I wish I could have more chances to not pay full price for some things.
Wait Is that Rise of the Tomb Raider?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
well not going full mercantile sounds like a good thing to me
I agree overall, but my heart isn't in total unison over it.
The fuck. The printer down the hall just started printing something at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one still awake.
basically monday is after-sunday, tuesday is little friday, wednesday is little saturday leaving just thursday as the only day in the week when it isn't okay to drink