Once you pay in about $250 to the healthcare system, you get a freecard and most health services are free Apparently also covers some prescriptions, and travel costs like busees
>>264906 Where's this? Does that road go anywhere interesting?
>>264907 Bottom of a farm field. it is right next to my workplace
>>264908 You work next to a farm? I'd like to own a farm. Not to actually do any work, but because it's nice looking land. I'd like to walk across a farm, but that'd be pretty rude to whoever owns it. Which is a shame because there's so many farms here.
>>264910 What sort of work do you do in the middle of nowhere? Is it nice?
>>264909 I work in a barn converted to data storage company.
>>264911 That's a weird sounding place for a data storage company. I guess it's a cheap place to store lots of hard drives, but it also seems like the sorta place that'd burn down easy or something.
>>264924 that seems like quite the hike >>264925 that's pretty worrying though as long as you get to safety I think I trust fish pretty well to look after you
I'm told that it's already too late to evacuate the roads are too packed with people I can't sit in a car for hours with my injuries it's too painful idrk what I should do
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Can't Fishes family pull some strings?
Are they evacuating the hospitals?
generally no ERs are kept open during hospitals and many people in hospitals can't be evacuated
>>264935 what kind of strings do you think exist do you think they can part a sea of cars like moses
I presume there's a reason for not going to an evac centre
haha those are more dangerous than my house and full of people so we can't go anyway shelters are all school auditoriums that were built in the 70s
i might stay at fish's parents house it's not that much safer though
idk what to do
staying with fish's parents doesn't sound to bad
it doesn't sound safer than staying home either
>>264952 having more people to help can't hurt though right? if something breaks down it helps to have extra people.
im sure their employees will be happy to give their lives for mine instead of being with their families
why would their employees come in for you
>>264955 I meant more her mum than that sort of thing.
yeah I was just thinking you would at least her parents to give you company or whatever I'm >>264959 I don't know, I'm just trying to think of ideas with the very little idea I have of your situation I guess my train of thought is that having someone familiar as company, you could all fend with each other, rather than being shit out of luck on your own
>>264957 her mom is a rich model, there's not much physical work she can do and her dad just had heart attacks >>264958 what good is company
>>264959 that's still more physical capability than your current state right?
I just want something that's like coffee cranked to 11, but no physical symptoms like shaking or sweating and stuff science is bullshit, can't even get this right
this circle is bigger than that circle but in reality they're exactly the same
yes I see probably
I wonder if bushfire season is going to be bad it certainly doesn't look optimistic
for someone who lives next to the bush the closest I've seen a natural fire was 9 years ago maybe when the house was being built actually that was probably just backburning which they also did some recently now that I think about it but I guess there's always a first
The color Phthalo Blue is available as a dye in GW2 It's incredibly expensive. As expected of Bob Ross
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jubilant_Dye_Pack Help me choose a color Neglect the Shadow Dyes. I can buy them if I want. Except Shadow Abyss but fuck that. Darker than Darker than Black
this ain't a one way street buddy I like lapis I guess
or maybe zaffre without the character model like >>265052 it's not as easy to make that call
some old dude he was fighting with this other guy about water and i was standing next to them and i was like "hey take it easy man" and he put his hand on a gun he had on his hip and told me to fuck off so i fuckin did lol
And this is Zaffre on one part and Lapis on two parts which makes me sad because I can only get one for free. >which is most expensive I guess I'm getting Zaffre I really like Lapis though. I feel like it's a better supportive color.
also open carry of handguns in florida is illegal people get scary
hell one of them doesn't even want half the othey guy can still get 3
when i say old person, i mean he was like in his 50s or 60s one of those generic looking hunter republicans with the white beard you know what i'm talking about
>>265087 goddamnit, could republicans just be good people
I'd rather let the hurricane kill me than one of those fuckers
idk i'd rather get killed doing something stupid and pointless like standing up to a dude with a gun for telling me to fuck off than die in closet crushed by a roof cave in
this shouldn't be this confusing me sudafed is 15 US for 48 pills at a good retailer here I feel like we oh here it is >>265106 sasuga shitty cost of living over here
more importantly, Peter Daou approved of a sursuit ferret as the mascot for verrit lol fursuit*
hey imats DSA has a Irma relief form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNMAdYYm4irMaM9SckhMSbNaYES0E0UgUpUVHJXpM0CUNybA/viewform?fbzx=-5951161486314547000
i'm probably gonna volunteer to help out after the hurricane there's not really much i can do but i might be able to deliver supplies and stuff
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjB-fnxPv9F3e9vArTGl7xOnSL8eKEMBuhZEqZeuBG-sK4gw/viewform They've got a form for that too
yeah, i was lookin at it it made me feel like there's not much i can do but i'm still gonna volunteer after the hurricane as long as i'm not too sick
/moe/ my car was robbed last night of my backpack, which had my laptop and all my textbooks in it so only about $500 dollars worth of stuff and almost no academic progress has been lost but damn man i am a victim of crime the ULTIMATE worst would be if they used my email to do something bad, to me or others
>>265115 that fuckin blows did you call anyone and report it?
>>265117 yeah my guy, buy used also met a cute girl at the used bookstore anyways >>265118 yeah we let the police know they were asking lots of questions about the sspecifics of the situation which makes me feel like they give a fuck but ya never know
maybe I should install some software on this comp
Incredible context: a family friend in the neighborhood has had the same thing happen to them, and lost their mother's purse and credit card
walmart was able to get footage/photos of the guy who used the credit card but supposedly that wasnt enough to get the guy so, technically even though he used the card, we dont know if he was the one who actually committed the theft
although if it was him, we know what he looks like, and he is our next door neighbor who walks with a limp and im starting to have thoughts about going over there and taking one of his legs completely away from him
>>265119 hopefully the guy tries to pawn the laptop or something and gets caught i'd recommend checking local pawn shops occasionally
just log out all other sessions from your email account and change pass for that concern
I got a pretty good emergency radio a while ago it can charge via crank, solar power, USB, or use AAA batteries and it can charge my phone
one minute of cranking apparently is enough to use it as a flashlight for 20 minutes or 10-15 minutes of radio usage i can fully charge it by cranking it for 4 hours and also get buff
I'm only seeing art for her and Black Knight I'll check >>265130 lol >do you want any of these three girls that you already get at 4* or this one dude who only shows up during Special Battles
oh there's a new starter support campaign
a free Est, Catria, Palla, or Narcian at 4* depending on what tweet gets the most RTs
I was thinking of that actually. Ignis is great because Matthew has really good Def and the Rogue Dagger+ increases it by 5 after combat. So the next combat would have his Ignis damage as 32 He shreds pretty hard. Also note the Spur Def for Ike to just show up and lol all over the place with 39 defense
some days, my jaw will fuck up completely and open up some sort of passage between my throat and ear drum, and I can hear myself breathe all too fucking well, as though I'm breathing through my ear And it doesn't go away I don't know how to deal with it, it makes me dizzy after a while
I know it's my jaw cause if I move it around I can sometimes close it for a short bit
Originally I was doing this combo with Luke because WoM Brave Sword+ is pretty great. But I wanted a non cavalry unit to do it so he can go into forests in case it was necessary.
I'm honestly amused that I am winning with this. I have two defense wins
>>265155 You might want to go to your GP and see if he knows about it or if they've got an expert they can refer you towards. Not that it sounds like a serious problem but for a period of my life I couldn't open my mouth without my jaw hinge popping in and out. I could function fine but it was really, really annoying. And it did some times actually hurt a fair bit.
It's not life threatening or anything, but it does make my day fucking terrible when it happens
Matthew already has Poison Strike so I kept it on him. Didn't have to get a load of SP. I also had this Matthew setup a long time ago with Ignis and Savage Blow. When I beat Narcian the very first time long long ago. I got him to 5 and put SB on Matthew.
it happens very often when I've run or something I wonder if it's related to my heartrate, cause I at least seem to remember it being more frequent when I remember to take my meds
I think my Matthew was pure neutral it's been a while since I checked. If there was a Firesweep Dagger, I'd love to go with that + Galeforce Hm, actually no, GF is 5 charges
my kagero is -hp/+atk but i don't really want to use kagero i want to use someone you don't see often
i find myself having to transcribe the word "meme" more and more often these days, in the internet memes context ofc this time it's during a disciplinary hearing twice already in the first two minutes
>>265170 Yeah, I think that's the thing about my setup. >wtf, matthew? Kagero would be "good" for the same thing. Just change Ignis with Glacies. And she's strong against infantry anyway.
if i had rebecca, i'd use her, probably it just doesn't feel right with characters that aren't surprising to see i really want to have some rarely used character decked out to be strong
sure i mean i used it in valter's battle but i don't believe i've ever seen it in arena
i see it here and there it's not rare but it's not like a staple i think it's good to have onhand just incase you need it it's just an assist slot anyway
>>265195 I mean, ... wait this would make for a great Corrin lol
Savage Blow instead of Atk Smoke
Harsh Command doesn't flip Panic or Panic Ploy so it's useless
it doesn't? i used it in valter's battle
i didn't win that time but i'm pretty sure i remember it working
I specifically remember having this conversation with Moon before where I said lol, I can just Harsh Command it away and it didn't work and I was upset
hmm maybe i'm misremembering
Hey, if it works now, I'll be happy. Actually, thinking about it. I don't KNOW if I tested it on Panic Ploy itself. Just Panic.
Or +RES/-SPD The idea here is more in who the audience is. Essentially, he has to attack someone, get double striked INTO low HP and then WoM
>>265222 Wanna make a no fire emblem allowed thread?
you'd probably want quickened pulse on him and the infantry pulse skill along with miracle then because i think he'll probably die if he gets double striked
I think I have a really good combo because even after thinking about which is an initiate and which isn't, hardly anyone goes around bringing Dagger or Axe counters. Although Urvan Ike might make Axebreaker a popular choice
>>265234 if so, you could switch to anna with cancel affinity lol
The WoM potential is great on this because it opens up not only the main target but all the other ones. God forbid they were crowding a point. This would be nice on that one map where it's just two roads and a middle section and everything else is water.
Have both a melee and a ranged with WoM. Saizo works just like Matthew in that he has high Def. So he can actually tank. the -5 and -6 atk hits will also facilitate his survival. He'll melt to magic but the AI won't chase a mage unless necessary.
actually with 40 Spd, he's not likely to get double hit by most mages and will just have to survive 51 points of damage.
Bartre uses recipaid on Delthea to lower his HP to 29 Saizo uses ardent sacrifice on Bartre, lowering his HP to 23, Olivia dances, lowering Saizo to 13 then you can WoM anywhere with saizo on turn 2
wasnt it one of the founding fathers or something that said if a law is unjust, you're morally obliged to not follow it? or something like that
not sure but civil disobedience is an american value historically
The OST for the second season of Hero Academia is out and I've been trying to sift through YouTube to find the track that plays during All Might's exposition dump from a recent episode. But it's not easy finding. Maybe I should just go and hunt down the album and find it myself.
>>265279 idk, you could use someone in place of jakob that can actually do damage like savage poison niles and then just have a healer or something or use a falchion battery
or a debuffing niles i guess since you already have savage poison matthew
>I took off Ninian's dance so I can Dance her when I was farming for SP whoops
i'm thinking Felicia, Lance Lucina, Falchion battery, Hawkeye that'd throw people for a loop hawkeye would have WoM as would Lucina and Lucina increases Felicia's speed to 46 when they're within two spaces of each other
Realizing I don't have to use Olivia because Ike is also a bonus hero lol
good thing i'm not evacuating because there's literally no where to go within a day's drive they're saying that irma might hit new york too
also jose is now cat 3
and is expected to grow to cat 4
if irma keeps going west, it'll be good for me if it goes down the middle of the state, it'll be cat 3 by the time it reaches me either way though so if nothing changes i should be safe
barbuda, which just had 95% of all above-ground structures destroyed in a cat 5 hurricane is expecting to get hit by a cat 4 hurricane
>people still live there
they won't for long
>>265325 thought you were talking about my tabletop game for a aecond
>Check the Guardian for news >Historically, more storms hit Florida than any other U.S. state no shit guardian >Some of the countries in Irma's path are among the world's most vulnerable to natural disasters no shit guardian
I have to remind myself that a lot of these things are catching people up on shit that they never knew ever.
>>265369 yeah they added support a day or two ago they get up to +2 atk/spd/def/res with ally support and then you can marry your favorite and get +2 atk/spd/def/res and +5 HP
my frobin has 53 hp and 35 def
neat looks like they've improved the game a lot but I'm still not a gachaman
I hope I don't lose power too long during and after the hurricane. I'll have to sit around cranking my radio for hours so I can do tempest trials in FEH.
Depending on RNG, I could get a really easy time, or I could be risking my life. It's about 50/50 both ways, according to the most accurate model for predicting hurricanes.
It's expected to be cat 4 by the time it makes landfall in Florida, though. It should make landfall around the time it replaces its storm walls, so if it keeps going at the rate it is now, that'll be a lucky break that will weaken it significantly. I think it'll be cat 3 by the time it reaches me, but that depends on RNG. I won't have a good idea until around the /// around Friday evening.
>>265377 My Ike is almost done. I'm taking this time to get Lightning Breath+ for Ninian
>>265388 Yeah, Felicia was like my second 5*. She's been 40 forever. I'm glad I'll finally be able to use her, though. She's doing some really crazy shit with Lucina buffing her.
>Matthew taking 0 damage from Caeda she tried
i feel really bad for caeda she was like my third 5* but she's so bad she just can't damage anything
Drag Back Ike lets me be an insufferable faggot between him and Matthew.
I love this.
i'm probably gonna put draw back on tana instead of H&R once i get a saizo
oh yeah, we mixed it up Draw Back is the Assist, Drag Back is the skill. But that sounds good. pull someone in and Saizo smoke
oh, i mean drag back instead of draw back yeah
it's a shame there are so few thieves i wonder if they'll manage to turn any other old characters into it
>>265395 >once i get a saizo i wish i could give you one of mine i've got like a dozen
i have 13 4* lon whatevers or some shit i'm sick and tired of it like i don't even have enough characters to give vantage
i dont even like vantage that much but i might put it on my frobin i'm not sure what to put for her b skill wary fighter would be fun since she's already so tanky but it'd just be silly
wary fighter is also armored unit only
oh is it dang
quick reposte might be decent if she's tanky bait and bash
i've got brave lucina and bridge cordelia so she's usually doubling most things besides lyn i'm still not sure whether to do gronnraven or keep her with gronnwolf or gronnblade since i've got the buffs i mean i'll probably put a bunch of stuff on her but it's hard to organize very well i hope i get my fuckin meds back
When's the appointment? my memory is telling me the 13th or 16th
13th no insurance i have to spend like no dollars until then to afford it fuck im so stressed
USA Today doxed 4500 people in a gold /// golf club with Trump using social media and a website golfers use to track handicaps and research that's so fucked up
People started evacuating a long time before I expected them to, so the highways are not navigable anymore. If I go tomorrow as planned, It'll probably take me about 16 hours to get out of Florida and then another 6 hours to get to where my hotel would have been and I can't do that.
I had to cancel my hotel and stuff. But as of now, the forecast seems like I don't need to evacuate so there's some luck there. The forecast is changing a lot, though, so I won't have a good idea /// a better idea until 9pm when the forecasts get updated.
Fish and I were talking about staying at her parents' house, but they decided this afternoon to house the families of their employees during the storm and Fish is worried she won't be able to handle all of the people now.
>>265442 I'm around where this little red dot on Florida is. The hurricane is expected to make landfall as a category 4, so by the time it reaches me, it'll be a category 3.
>>265441 I don't think there will be an opportunity for that
>>265445 imagine all the twitter followers you could get off of this
>>265447 imagine how much revenue you could generate by advertising relief efforts on the twitter
>>265448 Sadly Kirara just isn't ruthless enough for this gig.
https://www.cnet.com/news/equifax-data-leak-hits-nearly-half-of-the-us-population/ well this seems fun
My class today got canceled like 30 minutes before class time. My professor said too many people said they weren't going, so class was canceled. She docked the people that emailed her saying they wouldn't be there a few points from their grade, though.
>>265457 Yeah. If they'd canceled wednesday or thursday to give people time to evacuate, I would have been able to evacuate by now.
>>265458 I'm glad you're so worried about me, but please don't be too mad.
I have enough provisions. I stocked up earlier because I didn't think we'd be evacuating originally. I also went to the shop today because I needed cold medicine and I picked up some extra food.
I got threatened by a guy with a gun at the store, though.
if you know of any places higher above potential flooding areas where you can park your car, i highly suggets doing so and walking back you won't, but at least now i've told you
>>265462 He wanted a bunch of cases of water and another guy wanted some, but there weren't enough for both of them to take what they wanted and they were arguing about it, so I said "hey take it easy, man" and he put his hand on his gun and told me to fuck off so i did
>>265465 i have enough water, although i'm already doing that freezing a bunch of tap water and stuff
>>265460 yeah, i might drive my car to my school's parking garage and leave it there it's only like an /// like 45 minutes to an hour walk from here
you could just buy a bunch of containers for water and fill them up from your sink, too
>>265477 But then they'll move (and honestly, I don't want them to move up here) if its uninhabitable.
>>265477 they would have no way to know that there's radiation killing them until they're already sick
Yeah I guess that's true. There's a chance they might have some kind of off-grid radio like you do and could pick up the news. But that probably wouldn't reliably cover everyone.
There are actually 2 nuclear power plants in the path of Irma.
I think only one is in danger, though.
Fucking hell Irma. If America goes ass-backwards in terms of warming up to nuclear power you can bet almost no one else will be interested in going for it.
>>265483 is it ass backwards when one of your power plants just exploded? >>265485 you gotta account for dumbassery
When the fault is not on the plant and the dumbasses that are supposed to upgrade and maintain the infrastructure.
Turkey Point survived Andrew which was category 5, but it got the eye, and a lot of the "hurricane-proof" parts of it were badly damaged. The smoke stacks for it almost got destroyed, and all of the warning sirens got torn out too. I heard that it had to operate on generators for like a week back then, too, and that it couldn't last much longer than two weeks.
Miami is really in for the apocalypse. Normal damage, on top of it being one of the most dense and highly built parts of the State, on top of those cranes that no one wants to play safe and take down as the hurricane comes. And now the nuclear plant has a chance at going critical. I guess the next Fallout is gonna take place in the Floridian south.
There was actually an article in a local publication lately about how Turkey Point has fucked up cooling canals due to erosion from salt water that haven;t been properly maintained, too.
>>265489 now that would be annoying another big old "ban nuclear" campaign
Yeah that's what's got me really annoyed here. Hopefully they can put aside their headless chicken-ing for a bit to make sure the plant stays in operation.
imagine what's going to happen to all the islands near florida if it goes bad and the radiation will travel up along the east coast through the ocean currents and destroy fishing all along the coast most likely
shit is definitely flying but i don't think the fan is splattered yet most of the country is relatively peaceful and i don't have to wear any certain colors to avoid being fired upon when outdoors
I feel like that's way further than shit hitting the fan!
i think SHTF is when life is at risk constantly due to natural and unnatrual reasons there's a damn low likelihood you die and only slightly higher likelihood your life is going to be on an entirely paradigm after this >>265506 why notjust unplug yourself
this is just the first little bit of shit that hits the fan before the main body of the turd hits the fan
why notjust unplug the fan?
>>265506 because there's shit all over it I'm not touching that
>>265509 i'm seeing Netsky in a few hours r u jelly
>>265497 Because we haven't had a disaster of that magnitude in Western civilization in, I don't even know if ever. It would be horrific and terrible and undeniably a nightmare for the people who's livelihoods and homes would be nigh-irrevocably damaged by the cause -course of events. But because of that it would be something also completely unique and fascinating to see happen. The value of it as a chronicle of events would be immense. The part of me that loves the fascinating and the strange craves things like that to happen.
Just not particularly to me, hoh hoh hoh.
>>265512 I don't know netsky, give me reason to b jelly
that song was pretty recent but he's been doing this for a while this is back from when DnB was just barely starting to get a lot of attention >UKF >2010
>>265558 I thought that evacuations would start on Friday but everyone started evacuating today. I know it was stupid.
But it should be fine. The storm will most likely be a cat 3 when it gets here or at worst, on the borderline between 3 and 4. That kind of hurricane isn't bad at all.
>>265562 My Felicity has 37 RES and 20 DEF. But she gets 39 DEF and /// 39 RES and 22 DEF around Lucina due to support.
She easily does enough damage like this to one-shot a lot of enemies.
I also have her using Poison Strike and Savage Blow.
My plan is to lol i said felicity my plan is to have Felicia and Lucina along with Alm and Sonya or Alm and Hawkeye I may replace Alm though because Lucina is able to heal people with renewal although not as effectively as my Alm.
>>265550 she's cuter than my other option for my dragoncraft leader. other one's a big guy who gets made fun of all the time >>265567 >playing with the sound on when youre not just listening to what characters sound like
It's kind of ridiculous that like 20 cops went after this dude that wasn't doing anything illegal because they were scared, though.
>>265582 yeah it is pretty stupid. They had like 20 guns pointed at him.
>>265584 It's not like the police are the legislators. I'm not sure why you'd carry around a rifle if you aren't planning on using it though. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Yeah. They could have handled that a lot better. At the very least, they should have stopped pointing their guns at him when he put the rifle completely on the ground.
Why do you guys let people carry rifles around in public though
Because the second amendment says we have the right to bear arms and some states allow open carry. It's very rare to see someone open carrying a rifle unless they were just hunting, though, and even then it's usually on a strap.
>>265590 Isn't it technically legal to own a minigun so long as it was produced before a certain date?
>>265607 did you end up seeing Dunkirk I've heard mixed things about it I will probably take the old man to see it >>265609 agreedo
>>265611 I ended up not seeing it. I don't really feel like seeing it honestly. I'll probably watch it in two years time or something at home. Maybe.
kojima said dunkirk was one of the best movies he's seen so it must be amazing
Speaking of movies, Disney is gonna pull all the Marvel and Star Wars content off Netflix when they start up their own streaming service soon. I guess this is how cheap streaming dies. Hello to a new golden age of piracy.
digital anarchy
I wonder how long 'till other large video conglomerates start doing the same. Like a Warner Brothers streaming service or the like. Does Warner Bros. even have their movies on Netflix?
>>265617 I'd actually heard Disney tried buying Netflix. Or was it that Netflix, early on, tried selling itself to Disney. Can't remember. Either way the time for Disney buying Netflix is probably passed. Netflix stands to gain so much by being autonomous and producing its own content.
>>265619 When you say punisher movie what do you mean by that? The Punisher is a Marvel character so I assume you do not mean the show starring Frank Castle.
Yeah, the stuff that's "Netflix original" is probably all going to be kept on their service. They in part supply the funding to produce the series, that probably gives them an indefinite right to distribute the content.