it's weird that people think this is inspiring the lady that got the generator needed it to power her father's oxygen machine during the hurricane the fact that we can't supply enough generators for equipment that people will die without is ridiculous yeah the guy did the right thing but like, fuck that shit's so fucked up
I guess I can understand well really those kind of
>>269105 it's inspiring because of that fucked up situation they're both in
calling it inspiring is implying that this situation could not have been prevented this didn't happen in a vacuum this happened on purpose
>>269114 It could have been prevented. What's inspiring is the actions of the individual. >>269117 >Sakura Dungeon >Every day we stray further from gods light How intriguing
i bought the humble sakura bundle i now have all the huniepops and all the sakuras i have no intention of playing them but i couldn't pass up the waifu value
the pope has a black eye and the Vatican is saying he fell down in the popemobile hnn
>>269134 >>269137 I'm not even sure if it's someone pulling an ol' joke or not
woe to you, o earth and sea for the devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it its a human number its number is six hundred and sixty-six
some people you run into with dementia were really quite bright when they were young one client I met used to be a brain surgeon now he has trouble doing basic tasks apparently
I have extra chik-fil-a sauce from the other day and i'm dipipng my pizza in it and holy shit this is the bomb
Damn I'm really bored, but don't feel like reading a math book right now (I'm in the middle of a few right now). I might just have to read my Vampire The Masquerade ™ book.
I would be upset about being trapped in a little closet too! I'm glad I'm not in the hurricane. Though part of me thinks that's probably better than going to work.
>>269256 nope i played the shitty mmo when it came out a long time ago and the gears of war knockoff for the ps3 that i returned because the online didn't work for anyone on PS3
>>269257 It's not a board game, also they have tabletop rpgs.
I want to break into somebody's house while they're at work and pour 20 boxes of rainbow nerds in their bed
lol vol4 of hidamari sketch is the only vol with unbleached lower quality paper, but it is 1 dollah more expensive than the other vols running out of money yen press?
just 40k people in the "city" and abput 2000 in this region of it but yeah it just apparently needs 3 competing stores all in the city centre fucking car owners
It's easy to stop if you got enchantment removal, yeah. But not everybody's got that. The magic of this card is two-fold though. The 10 Treasure threat is a strong bluff. You can go blue/black with this and just kill creatures and counter threats to it. And you'll have all that extra mana just from removing threats. It is a 5 mana spell though so at least it's not an early accelerator.
like... the Keys? Or is it one of those Red Box "Islands" I think they were called Islands.
the barrier islands i crossed the bridge to get to the islands and then cops showed up and refused to let anyone leave the island they're saying all the bridges just got closed and they don't know why they're just "following orders" the cops have checkpoints fucking everywhere they all wanted to know where im going and why im going there none of them had the sense to warn me about all the down power lines or anything one cop was telling me i need to park and stay put nobody knows why
i finally got back home a bunch of people and i had to rush the fucking bridge we just went straight around the cop and booked it, like 10 of us
>>269366 Dude, you have nno ideidea. There's another card in standard that makes this even better.
>>269372 I'm also excited about this card even though I'm probably not going to be playing black. I love instant planeswalker removal.
The Brevard County Sheriff's Office has restricted access to the beaches and barrier islands until conditions are deemed safe for residents to return home.
Bridges from the mainland will be inspected by the Florida Department of Transportation this afternoon.
The timing of the DOT determination on the causeway bridges is uncertain.
the barrier islands are too dangerous so you gotta stay there the bridges are fucking fine fucking ridiculous
they should have closed them before people could get over there or not closed them at all
>Felidar Guardian getting banned I did not think they would give something so dumb for the new Planeswalker so quickly. Ponder being banned in Modern hurts so much
>>269434 That's the only thing that would make sense of it. If they're adding Legendary to Planeswalker then the legendary-ishness of the PW Supertype should be gone.
>>269436 Well, the real reason is because they changed the legendary rule, but planeswalkers aren't legendary so you coukd still use a Jace planeswalker as removal for Jace the Mindsculptor. Now you can't
Didn't they change the rule for both? I'm almost certain that they did. both Legendary and Planeswalker rulings were changed at the same time. Even if you made PWs legendary, it wouldn't change the fact that having the same PW would break it unless they changed the PW rule too. There's no reason to add Legendary to PWs unless they're outright removing the rule on PWs breaking for having the same Type. Now they just go by the same name. Still, I don't like it.
>>269438 Oh yeah Now I'm not sure I guess its so you can have eight Jaces out now then
You couldn't easily do the same thing with the Planeswalker rule. I guess this is almost to showcase design space? Still, it's kinda lame. not the card, but the ruling itself. The ruling won't change much for playstyles in Standard so this is like.. Modern, Vintage, Legacy stuff.
They could have achieved the same thing with this card if they said the copies had no Planeswalker Type. If the type isn't "Jace", then it's all fine. But whatever. This really only affects the very frequent PWs. Jace, Chandra, Sorin, Elspeth (ugh), etc And out of all of them, I think the only ones good enough to utilize this would be Jace, Elspeth, and Liliana. I GUESS KIORA but you'd hardly abuse that.
the /moe/ mtg arc was pretty fun
>>269444 Changing the legend rule made me so mad that I didn't play Theros. Theros was a mistake Except for that 1BB instant destroy target planeswalker card I think it destroyed creatures too
Hi, my name is Gideon and I hate every last one of you. Just take your best shot, I'm pretty much indestructible.
>>269455 In one of the recent short stories, Nicol Bolas is bouncing Gideon off of a wall (because he's indestructible) during a super long monologue or something.
I really have to read the stories now. I love hearing Bolas talk and do things. He's such an awful, vengeful, scheming dude. I'm not so interested in Pirate Jace although my favorite Jace moments are moments when he's in shit he can't control. And Jace becoming a shipmate sounds like that kind of situation. CAPTAIN VRASKA LOOKS SO COOL THOUGH
Of course on the dark side of the matter, internet then doesn't stay aflame on things that really matter or is exhausted to care about things that actually require effort spreading and not just #this #that
>>269490 It is surprising how little sweden has cracked down on human rights compared to say germany, whil being in equally big mess of "gotta cover it up and hide wrongthink"
>>269501 It is good for managing your finances, though but if I wanted to move somwehre to hide from the public and have best deal on taxes I'd choose one of the tax paradises
>>269502 because he said nigger live and has made non pc jokes? well he is going way too edgy imo too, not that I even follow his content just seen some of the stuff through my other follows.
He's done it with the Jews and now Black people. What else is there to be racist against? I can't wait for the Asian jokes. Ah well, I have no strong desire to wrap myself in these conversations.
I think at this point he is just dialing the racist and edgy and dark switch up towards eleven and seeing just what happens Maybe go out from public life in a blaze of glory and controversy and then just live quiet somewhere with his millions
pretending to be racist is the same as being racist
>>269511 He might be actually one too, for that matter but the point is his carreer has been long and his "slips" have just started recently so I would place my money on him just either a) trying to cash in the controversy b) just doing it for shits and giggles
Dude what The first time I even heard of youtube YEARS ago part of it was "oh yeah and he says racist and homophobic shit all the time" Pewdiepie, that is
>>269527 It is an idiot saying idiotic stuff on the interwebs pretty much same as some idiot hollywood star >>269531 So video games also make people killers
>>269526 It's the parents' responsibility to look into what their children watch, while its much harder to do these days since you know internet rather than tv But that doesn't remove the responsibility from the parents
>>269530 and. so. it. is. important. to. know. that. these. things. are. happening. I mean, who would have guessed that "some minecraft streamer on the internet" is going to say anti-semitic shit now and then. It's MINECRAFT. You can't go out and say "Well, blame the parents and not the guy with the millions of viewers" while they are literally discussing the problem of this guy who has millions of viewers, many of which are children.
>>269557 Oh, I actually heard about that on the news, I think. You made the national news in a way! They were talking with officials there about how people were trying to use the bridges and they were pissed because they need people to not be on those bridges because they haven't inspected them and can't inspect them until the wind gusts get under 50 mph. They said people would not be getting on or off the islands until around 6 tonight.
>>269558 Did they talk about how people rushed the bridges? I was able to get onto the island and then they closed them after I was there. Then cops harrassed me while I was following the law. It was really bad.
things that mess with the chronological order bother me!
>>269559 No, they were talking about how people needed to stay off the bridges though. I guess you got there before they were out there trying to shut them down.
>>269567 Ha. Emergency personnel. The cops weren't really doing their jobs. They had checkpoints near dangerous areas but they didn't warn anyone about dangers. They were like, "go ahead" and then there were like 20 downed power lines that I had to avoid driving into. The military was also around. The entire thing was handled very poorly. They should be ashamed of how poorly they handled it. Their poor planning put me in danger and resulted in me breaking the law.
>>269569 It's monday morning so they were still probably trying to get it together. People are haphazard no matter how important their jobs are in the end.
>>269573 They could have prevented me from breaking the law by communicating. If they'd told me the bridges weren't safe, that would have been okay. They just told me I couldn't go over a bridge I had just been over without any trouble.
I also got harassed for open carrying a knife legally. I // It was suggested that I was a looter and they wanted me to give them my knife.
I don't have money to play mtg anymore. Maybe when I job
>>269581 That's what I meant, dont you start soon? Also there's an $8~ uncommon in standard right now They made a promo of it to drive the price down (ostensibly) The promo goes for $20
>>269575 That sucks! It's probably best just to stay put right now. I'm surprised they thought you were a looter though. I doubt there are very many oh I should stop myself right here
>>269596 Isn't the window for it quite small like the brief perioud whne things are in shambles/abandoned and it is safe to move untill people start to get back into the streets?
Shoe looting is something rika should have some understanding for, seeing as we already had a discussion on moe long long back about how poor people legit can't afford good shoes that wont' wear out and end up costing them a large chunk of their income forever
>>269607 Yeah I guess when you get big enough flooding or enough evacuation tht vies /that gives a big looting window between "safe to move" and "order restored"
I could have easily broken into homes yesterday The homes without people in them here were marked
I guess an earthquake could have a big looting window if it results in lot of people being displaced from their homes/workplaces, but the shit not collapsing completely so that there is stuff to pick
Saying that >looting this kind of thing is okay is the same as saying >punching that kind of person is okay who draws the line? who decides what is okay and what isn't as a target
>>269624 You're right The people should punish those who try
Saying that looting is fine is an affront to my sense of justice Take the water, but even if they unjustly raise the water price, you are not just for taking it.
>>269628 Also what? >>269630 A single man running a single man company is also private so that makes robbing a one man store okay
>>269631 in Texas after Harvey, people were charging $40-50 for 20 small bottles of water Before Irma, businesses here were selling 20 small bottles for like $30
>>269635 >people have died You're trying to drag the conversation away to a place that's more favorable to you. I already said that looting is permissible when it is a matter of life and death.
I don't say it isn't okay to go to a region and set up a business that sells goods to the local But I think you should still apply ethics to it and not profiteer Maybe even actually sell a little cheaper during hard times, and thus gain goodwill from the people so when you are doing bad, you can possibly credit from that.
>>269647 No, those are the same topic. If you think stealing to live is OK, putting a cop between someone who needs something to live and them is wrong
>>269651 If the police are present, they will be trying to help the people who need water and stuff. Looting is only okay when order has broken down and you need to grab food or something to live.
>>269651 Stealing to live in an emergency is different from stealing for a living
>>269663 We aren't in Dickensian London. There are resources available (though not all in all areas) available to help people find employment and to get food in order to survive. While they may not be as good in some places as others >>269666 Under what definition of "richest"? I dont not believe you, but I want to know what you mean.
It goes against law and morality even if it is forgivable based on circumstance it is important to recognize that it was wrong >>269670 >>269671 laws change over time but surely you arent comparing stealing to this
it used to be against the law to share a water fountain with a black person law can't be equated with moral judgement
Freeing slaves was immoral and illegal, for fuck's sake
>>269669 those laws changed because they were immoral some laws are immoral law doesn't equate to morality
Laws changing over time literally means you can't infer morality from them You can't say it's wrong to break the law if the fucking law is in flux
Unless "wrong" literally just means illegal Which it doesn't
now i don't think looting is good across the board but i do think it's fine to fuck up price gougers and it's fine to take what you need to survive
I would say a combination of years of humanity living together mixed with religion
SK, this isn't directly related to the current conversation, but I want you to read this
millenis really, not years
>>269693 If we say it comes from religion, then theft isn't morally wrong as the commandment not to steal originally referred to kidnapping rather than the theft of material goods
>>269708 If you argue that, then what are the people who will suffer from the non-person organisation suffering? those are un-people to also when it comes to legal matters, businesses and organisations are practically treated as giant people
>>269710 it's fine if they suffer in this context because they were purposefully depriving people from necessary supplies through price gouging
Shit always drips down the losses from the theft are cut back by cutting from the lowest level of the hiearchial pyramid you hurt a company, you don't hurt the profiteers you hurt the spot where it is easiest to cut to cover for the losses which means most likely the people in the worst positions in it and who will then be forced to resort to alternate means of acquiring necessities
and cycle continues
>>269708 >a business isn't a person yo i dunno about that one talk to the maritimers they'll tell you that a person's name is their commercial representation and not tied to the living person directly they're fuckin weird
I will accept the idea of punishing price gouging but dont generalize looting to okay, please. It should be punished by law to begin with.
looting almost always takes place in an emergency disaster scenario and is nearly specifically used in relation to such an event. Generalizing it towards something as being bad is probably more harmful than making it seem good.
You argued that stealing from businesses is wrong because the higher ups will punish their employees, possibly leading to cuts and unemployment That's arguing that if your actions lead to someone else harming someone, your action is wrong Charlie Hebdo's artists lead to harmful actions, therefore, they were wrong.
>>269733 Objectively it is wrong even if from the subjective view of the thief, who stole for survival of him and his kin, the losses to the company will be eventually cut down from the lowest point of the hierarchial pyramid so someone innocent suffers from the actions of another and not the person who actually did the price gouging or profiteering >>269733 also I am arguing that the stealing is wrong not that price gauging is wrong because it causes theft that would equite to your nonsensical charlie hebdo example
eating price gougers is morally acceptable debate me
I think the distinction between "things needed to live" and other things is important. Taking what you need to live and nothing more is okay. Any more is not okay.
I'm gonna buy the last box of water bottles and every person after me who failed to reach it in time is punished by my swiftness. Getting things for your survival is in no way "objectively wrong." It can be wrong "by law", but the law exists for your protection, safety, and survival. If the law can not protect you, then there is no value to listening to it.
>>269735 Why isn't what I wrote accurate? Why's theft wrong?
There are some character parallels coming to mind from that conversation, Kirara! It was kind of fun
violent people of violent ideology did it for wrong reasons not to survive because they had to do it in order to live >>269751 You are equiting something like >hanging meat outside is wrong because bears will attack the house to this thing
you have no real argument you are just pulling shit and equiting outside force attacking a company, because of actions of few workers
did charlie hebdo because of the attack on it, fire people or change their policy?= no they actually doubled down on it
So for some reason, you don't think cutting someone's pay is violent?
What's important here is to ask why it may be important for a person to re-define something like a price cut as "violence". There's really no need to redefine it under normal circumstances, it's easy to understand what cutting someone's wages is. The only real motive I can come up with for wanting to define something like that as violence is to justify violence against someone who did something like cutting your wages.
>>269770 Yes, I was getting to that. The motive here is to justify actual violence against the person who cuts wages.
I'm not redefining it I'm saying it is violence.
I don't personally consider it to be violence although i understand the argument
Also the examples here are >a wicked person in corporate ladder does a decision that causes people in bad conditions to try to steal necessities from the said company in order to survive, which eventually (assuming they succeeded) will lead tot he company finding ways of cutting the losses they just suffered from the theft, which usually means pay cuts or laying off people >basically a person/company commiting an immoral act/semi-illegal that causes suffering to people outside of it directly and indirectly to the people inside it due to cause-effect relation of said decision and >a person working for a company makes a satirical cartoon, which causes a violent member of a violent cult to commit an unspeakable crime and kill the artist in question, because his cult and creed told him to do so in the latter example no universal immorality was caused no innocents were harmed just some violent crazies were offended who chose to instead of say "I am offended and will not buy this magazine" do "I WILL KILL YOU" and actually do it
these examples are literally comparing a wildfire to a fire used to cooking
You are redefining it It's not violence using the original definition of violence
Yeah it is. If you consider robbing someone, but not actually hitting them or shooting them, violent, then so is cutting someone's wages
And stuff like this is why I will never ever even a little bit entertain the idea of agreeing with communists. Redefining things as violence or terrorism is just trying to justify violence against people. The rationale here is that it's okay to be violent towards people who are "violent" towards you because it's self-defense.
In reality, you're just trying to justify acting like a thug.
>>269779 Legal use of violence? The problem here is that you've defined so many things as violence that it's hard to understand what you're talking about . That's another things I dislike about communism, keeping things hazy is part of the philosophy.
You'll have to be more specific in what you mean by legal use of violence.
>>269772 So example A: innocents are harmed which causes said innocents in desperation do acts, which causes a the original harmer to further harm innocents, due to indirect actions of the original innocent group and Example B: a joke causes a wicked person to kill innocents
how are they similiar?
>walking down the street >someone steps in front of me and walks slowly >they're stealing my time >this is so fucking violent, i won't stand for this >smash a rock into their head in self defense
>>269787 Only way to say they are similiar is to say and argue, that offensive jokes cause harm to people and the people who then act because they were offended were innocent and whatever they did because of them being offended, was justified because the joke was made.
But here is where things like contracts come in in properly just society, contracts between employer and employee prevent such sudden wage cuts or laying off for arbitrary reasons and you have signed said contract before hand, and thus when your wage is cut or you are laid off, and it does break your contract, you are sufficiently reimbursed for it and if the wage cut/layoff was according to your contract, then it just is shit luck
No violence waas done as all actions are either according to the contract between the individual and the enterprise or if "violence" was done by acting outside of the contract, the individual will be automatically reimbursed, or can seek legal action against the enterprise for violating their contract
>>269799 This is so retarded I am going to have to unpack it a bit to even convey why it is retarded.
So let's take this down to the basic level. I have a cookie. I say this cookie is mine. Everything is fine unless you try to TAKE the cookie from me. Taking my cookie is an act of violence.
The fact that I may try to protect my cookie if you try to take it from me is not violence. It's just me defending myself.
>>269814 The act of owning is backed by social contract when you braek the contract, you cause violence towards others and towards yourself for breaking it so you can say that social cotnract is enforced through necessary violence but the violence only happens, when you break it
if you don't like the contract, you can try to change it or just gtfo and find a place to build your own society
>>269823 Well, the problem here is that it's not just a matter of you not believing in that social norm. You are forcing your disbelief in it upon others by taking their stuff.
there is no such thing as a society that isn't backed in violence according to these argumenta communism will require violence anarchy - violence democracy - violence
>>269825 That's the same with any social norm If you break one, you're forcing your disrespect for it on others
>>269826 Well I don't believe that any social contract can be enforced in the end without the threat of violence if you break it. without a court system to decide what is actually breaking it and dealing with the gray areas everything will be just street justice and practically police state without a governing body to which making of laws and edicts is given to, the courts can't properly function either and the governing body also needs to divide the treasury for the other "organs" requried for the social contract and society to fully function and the last part is the enforcers cops army whatever you call it those are the "arm" of the governing body and the courts tehy keep the peace and deal the justice
>>269827 This one is kind of acting directly on other people though. Don't you understand what you're saying here?
You're basically saying that someone is inflicting violence on you for having something and wanting to be left alone with it. You are saying that you are justified to be violent against them even when they just want their thing and to be left alone.
This is why I dislike communism. You justify violence against people who just want to be left alone.
>>269829 No, it's acting directly on things socially agreed to be theirs
>>269830 If you take my things, you are acting directly upon me. You are lowering my quality of life, and in some cases you are taking things I need. If someone took my car, I would be in very bad shape.
>>269833 Because property, I guess is what it comes down to
I've lost track of this whole conversation at this point, this went on for too long
Where do they get the water in florida anyhow I kinda imagine that part practically being seawater, it would be really contaminated >>269847 so it is groundwater and your cleaning facilities are from the cold war
no just poison the water is really bad it stains teeth and concrete they put Fluoride in it to mask how bad it is last year the quality was so bad that it was actually illegal so they fixed it by lowering the standard of water quality until tthe water was legal
I drink lakewater from 400km north or something or was it just 200
most cities use the abundant as fuck water sources here for their water towns and villages might use ground water on house to house basis, but it is quite rare nowadays >>269852 what in nine fucks... so people drink bottled tap water from other regions...
It just baffles me how people are more interested in keeping their costs minimal instead of offering good service to people and you know being able to drink good tap water >>269857 well corrupt politicians also come in
because of unfettered capitalism money matters people are expendable
Of which came to mind, his third or fourth? Nth term anyhow is coming to an end I wonder will he still continue in active politics or retire into the shadow cabinet? and who will be his direct successor anyhow.
>>>/watch?v=v9YnDirqwT4 I wish we get another Yeltsin the guy was hilarious on screen always drunk
It ould be fun if you PLAYED as lillie, tough or if there was a pokemon sequel where you had the same character again How would that work, I dunno, though or atleast if the champion could be set as your old character with even using your old pkmn team
Dragon's Dogma had that if you played the final boss in offline mode, which was imo much more amusing than the online version of "just random guy" on NG after completing the game once, that is.
a lot of manatees and baby sea turtles died/will die from the hurricane fish is devastated we were gonna go watch the sea turtles hatch but they're all dead now
Actually i doubt the avatar would do that much against a natural disaster
he'd go around saving people and shit, but even if he/she could stop the hurricane, I doubt they would cause disasters are part of the nature and balance and messing with that is causing an imbalance
>>269888 i mean aang stopped a meteor or comet or some shit
well that is outside of system "natural disaster" though yeah roku did die fighting a volcano too but even then it was more to let the people evacuate then completely stop it
>>269892 The easy answer is: kids show The SPECULA answer is actually, the avatar is an extension of nature, and therefore unable to disrupt it. This means the avatar can fuck up a hurricane
No they are a force of balance really But I would guess it depends on the avatar Ang wouldn't stop the hurricane, he'd just save the people but some other avatar would try to stop and blow up the hurricane
I think the biggest idiot ball in the show was >amon drops in water >waterbends himself out why wouldh e do this? why why undermine his shit that well just swim to the shore, you are a deadly kungfu ninja fucker
>>269906 and they could have tossed in "amon didn't even know how to block airbending, cause he had never practiced on him" them being rare as fuck, it most likely never occured to him that their bending whatever, would be different from the rest
this is why you don't use market research for creative content you're literally placing creative power in the hands of normies who are getting a $50 gift card for participating in a study and normies ruin everything
i bet if hillary clinton died in 2005 korra would have been good
how are those two related?
because hillary clinton and george soros are connected at the soul and killing hillary would kill soros and save avatar
Also biggest fault of the show is how timed the show is avatar is clearly timeless and will still be good 20 years in the future, as it isn't tied to any pop culture movment or shit but korra just seemed so well product of its time period
also really >in 70 years they go from mainly agrarian to 1920s newyork Like I could have belived 19th century new york or shit since fire nation had industry going for it and they had 17th/18th century level tech around them and bendign helps but fucking 20th century... Nope
>>269915 market research might study market forces, but that doesn't mean it enables them or encourages them it's pretty uninterested in the outcome of it, just the recognition of what forces are where this is why it's crucial for market research to be third-party independent, and not part of a private R&D sector
Just for the sake of it, does anyone actually "hear" the 'owo'?
okay good
yeah like oooh woooo
>>269937 >>269938 BOTH of these but usually the former. And it sounds like one of those weird push/pull whistle sounds. >>269941 or that. that's better
>Amazon is holding a multinational audition, asking for cities to submit proposals to win the exciting opportunity to host tens of thousands of tech nerds Who is about to get gentrified this time?
>>269960 there's no overdoing anything with photography you get to wipe the frame of reference clean and capture something how you want it captured there's technique on how you do that, but it's just understanding the tool you're using the subject of your photography will always be something you have complete control over as long as you have the technique to use your tools well
>>269966 always have fun with what you're doing and take the time to experiment and play playing is learning don't be afraid to just try things that seem interesting and you'll learn how to use features better, whether it's editing or doing really long zooming shots with lots of focal length to make the moon look super-huge against a house on the horizon stuff like that
seems to reflect our elections quite well Except central is losing support because kepu pettää aina "central always lies" Why do people keep electing them they always back down on ALL of their promises and campaigns
Like you can have a poll anda sk people "Were you surprised that central lied?" and everyone goes "no" and then you ask them "so why did you vote them" and then they go silent
>>269995 Central party here is conservative and for the "agricultural finland" their root is afterall with "farmer party" before they reorganised themselves into Central Party
Heh just like our SDP used to be our three old main parties are all practically central parties when compared to the world parties SDP is bit left of centre Centre is centre and Coalition is bit right of centre and all are shit
Left Alliance is half liberal party and half Anti-Fa elected Green Party is green, liberal and anarchy nowadays Both have a lot of clever and good people int hem, but the majority is the "blackblock" idiots nowadays christian and swedish parties are wll driving the good of christians and the finnoswedes while being conservative but they also are kinda "we will be whatever as long as you promise us these things when forming the cabinet"
is weird thatt he pirate party doesn't have bigger support ehre, though I guess people don't vote for them thinking they don't get elected and just vote for left-alliance or green candidates who are pro-digital rights
I haven't watched any of S3. I should watch it while farming dust next time. Dust farm is boring as shit but it's the best and simplest money maker in GW2 now. I'm actually kinda sad that I found this.
Publix was open but there was no hot food i ended up getting muffins we'll have to try again later Maybe the places that are open will be less busy later
I want muffins or something sweet i wonder will I have enough energy to waddle to the store tomorrow don't really wanna spend 3€ on busfare for that trip
Tonight's my first night back in classes, it's got me kind of nervous. 'Course drinking about a litre of coffee probably isn't helping the nerves at all but suuuuch is life.
neat what class?
Academic Writing and Research. It's part of a set of classes I can take to get a certificate that might
OH MAH GAH that was an episode I kinda called what was the overall plot of it cause it was obvious but still nice
>>270026 contribute to passing enrollment for a full-time course in a humanities or arts program at a university. Which I kind of need since my current qualifications are rather lacking.
>>270027 It gets pretty obvious at a certain point, doesn't it.
I was gonna say "well you can phone watch it" but then I remembered how shit your providers are
yeah haha feels bad power come back please
someone got arrested for tying their pet to a tree and evacuating
>>270031 The part with the envelope of documents is kind of the "yeah this is obvious" moment now. I had a feeling something was up before that, but I wasn't giving the first watch of the episode my undivided attention so I didn't get it before that.
>2015 and scanlator filling every page with "funny commentary"
>>270105 There are commentless versions Also rejoice, because he is too busy to do that shit now. Also he's not even the translator or redrawer, he's like qc or editor or something.
There is a bloody good reason why most groups stopped doing it aside from maybe 1 or so times per chapter opr just leaving the jokes in the credit page but seriously like 4 in one page...
>>270105 >pay attention to me and not the authors week you came here to read
Blue have you seen this episode yet? Oh yeah use spoilers if yeah
use spoilers if you talk about it
no not yet I've been pulled around so I haven't gotten to watch things yet.
>>270139 >grab my knife >head to the powerplant >IM HERE TO TAKE MY POWER BACK >use the basics of cqc to kill everyone in the factory >my power is in another castle DAMN THE PATRIOTS
>>270145 I still haven't seen it Where does it fall on a scale of 1 to Season 2 finale being 10. >>270147 I genuinely do not believe you, but I'll watch it later this week.
This is probably the number one heaviest episode they're ever going to make
fuck i wanna see it
Also, I saw an 8 foot tall graffiti of Rick in one of the "hip" parts of town.
It's insane, because it's a warning It's so heavily political, it's so explicitly warning the viewer of fascism throughout the WHOLE fucking episode, and gets you to SIDE WITH the fascist It's insanely fucking good
No, it's explicitly fascism He's not running on a socialist platform. He's a complete and utter fascist in rhetoric, behavior and policy all
I'd call it tyranny of any kind you can add -isms to it as much asyou want and they themselves can pretend to be following any ideology they claim but tyrants are always tyrantas
Being a tyrant is itself fashy as hell
The cop dynamics and everything else too This whole episode is so fucking dense I could SCREAM
meh socialist dictators do it quite well too for that matter
>>270158 well it played with quite many parodies at the same time you had the worker does something and ends up replacing just the thing, i can't recall any specific stories but there are many of them the new cop, old cop thing and not to mention the "school quest" >>270161 you are overreading to it most of the stories in the episode parodied just general genres the political side too most likely parodies some movie, though unlike in any movie out there the bad guy actually won
The episode isn't a comedy. They've hijacked their own show for commentary. Insanely strong commentary
>radio show >they're saying they are helping people >someone calls in and says they need help because theyre almost out of gas and their oxygen tank will stop going and she will die >"call the power company" >i did >"well keep calling, bye"
>>270160 Dude the writer has gone off the deep end
nah, you just are overanalysing it and you are off the deep end
No he's literally actually gone real far into the anarchist section. him, the human being That's gonna reflect in the show
well the writer team is luckily more than one person, though the show has anyhow been one anarchist mess anyhow I mean in just ep1 of this season rick took down the council and the galactic government two somewhat democratic legit bodies of ruling and as season finale he faces against an actual wet dream of anarchists, a fascist dictatorship suits the show anyhow
Oh wow the random "playnext" algorythm didn't end up in bonjovi hell
>>270169 well they're the two creators, they have a few more people, but they're gonna be calling the shots
>>>/watch?v=XKvsLLfRpLs Here's the man himself He's apparently been sliding here, too, according to a guy I talk to Like this hasn't been his shtick forever
Also a basic hiking stove might be a wise bargain for the next time or a somekind of minituare gas stove those are pretty much included in rules and also no one would know anyhow >>270193 huh really? well I do have a weird family and friends, though
>>270192 I know how to and have the stuff needed for that, but I never really need to.
>>270195 the problem is getting the right equipment really >>270196 dude issue is not really food or maybe it is but rather the want to eat something cooked
>>270197 yeah youc an atleast cook sausages like this
>>270199 I know someone who cooks shrimp like that. She calls it carburetor shrimp, even her car is fuel injected
>>270207 at this point you havet o denounce the alt-right and their ilk openly or you get flagged with them by the media not just by some cringe media like huffpost and shit but some big outlets and then you aren't just "person who speaks stuff we don' like him speaking" but a nazi enemy
>>270201 That's how the microwave oven was invented.