just fyi this isn't sayin nothin about the moment but just so it's on the record if i go missing or anything please don't be nosy and bother my family it would be bad i'm probably just in jail or dead and it's not a big deal
>>268007 don't worry about it at least i understood forget about him, they dont say they're down under for no reason it's because they're under the iq threshold
>>268019 She looks like she's a pretty good tank. She's definitely a really tough unit.
i hope we get buddy arena so we can play against each other's teams that would be really fun i would be a lot more dedicated to building a strong team if i got to have fun with /moe/ with it
more important than anyone elses problems right now: i think i have streptococcus and its awful and these antibiotics arent doing shit so im thinking maybes it some hellish plague or something that just specifically attacked my throat
>>268033 bitch i did go to the doctor they gave me these antibiotics and said "well our small clinic is only capable of testing for a certain couple strains of strep, so we're gonna send the sample to the main hospital and theyll see if its some other strain of strep that we couldnt detect" "also we'll call you with results" and they still havent called me but at the clinic they told me it wasnt any of the strains they were capable or detecting so its either RARE STREP or BUBONIC PLAGUE
/moe/ i prolly shouldn't share this but ive had bulimia issues for upwards of six months
It's okay to share these things because we care about your health well it's better to be out and in the open about these things at least
>>268068 If you'd like to argue about semantics I'm sure I can find gamma if I look for him for you to have a semantic argument with. It's obvious I was talking about illegal drugs.
>>268071 i'm just saying that when you want to exclude large swaths of the population, there's a pretty big difference between a fourth and three fourths you have to be more specific or people might think you're a right-wing christian fundie
>>268072 I thought you were cool bang. I guess if you want I can treat you like gamma and be overly-specific so I don't have to worry about you nitpicking. I mean nitpicking in the colloquial sense by the way, not literally picking nits. Just so you know.
>>268074 So you really weren't following the conversation and didn't realize I was speaking about illegal drugs?
>>268076 some drugs are also legal in different places and weed is the big divider here as well as illegally abusing prescription drugs, which is so easy to do it happens on accident all the time
technically, most synthetic cannabinoids are legal because they haven't been outlawed yet and when one gets outlawed, they just change the formula which makes it legal again
i can mostly guess that you mean cocaine, heroin, mdma, lsd, and shrooms, but maybe not weed, and maybe not the psychadelics
>>268083 I feel that "illegal drugs" is a pretty clear way of describing it. That would include prescription drugs that one doesn't have a perscription for.
>>268084 I don't have an email for him or anything like that.
what about drugs that are legal some places but not others?
i'd be way more keen to not be friends with a rampant and dangerous type of alcoholic than i would someone who pops a molly on the weekends
so the problem is more that person is breaking the law rather than that they are using a specific substance?
>>268078 synthetic cannabis is pretty terrible >>268085 I don't think finding him on steam is that hard
I think the saying "stay away from drug users" should really be more about staying away from dangerous addicts than staying away from certain flavors of vice
>>268092 I'm feeling fine. I don't understand why my statement was so controversial or so hard to understand. You should avoid people who break the law to get high. Is that an easier to follow way of saying it?
>>268093 you're being kind of incoherent, it's just been hard to follow what you're saying
That's still avoiding a flat rough half of people and that's just a big take then you gotta bring it down to >people my age group >people in my interest groups >people in my socioeconomic reach and suddenly if i want to have a drug-free social circle i can be friends with my dog and the local pastor
if i completely avoided people that broke the law to get high, id hhave never become friends with Saku, rook, and jan and they're like some of the best friends ive ever had
everyone smokes weed everyone your parents have probably been high before i fucking hate being high i've toked maybe twice in two years now but other people do it and i can't possibly make friends in downtown austin's edm scene if i'm gonna be a prick about weed and some drugs don't seem to be literally satan i'm not about to fuck with anything that has abuse patterns and i don't quite have the psyche for psychidelics but if my friends want to do MDMA i'm not going to unfriend them unless it causes some shit
ive never smoked weed but like 62% of people have admitted to smoking it according to surveys and stuff
that said, i definitely won't try to continue communicating with a girl who did coke on the bathroom floor with the girl her 4-days ex was taking home
>>268099 Even with people like that you have to be careful because people who do weed will very quickly move on to harder stuff. People who do weed are very quick to do spice, and spice is bad stuff.
>>268102 look i've had friends in high school who smoked pushed moved and loved weed to death and they still do and i think maybe one out of the 14 i'm thinking of just one of them has any other kinds of abuse problems and now he doesn't because he's gone you live in ohio btw this is austin ohio is like heroin overdose central right now austin is just a hippie city
>>268102 spice is a really big jump from weed that's definitely not the normal progression of drug use
>>268107 Sorry, I typed incorrectly. I meant synthetic weed.
>>268106 I think I know more about drugs than you give me credit for. The reason I don't like them is because I've seen what they do to people.
it doesn't feel like you know a lot about normal drug culture your experiences might be outliers
you might only know what they do to the people who ruin themselves the person is always the root of the problem too, but that's a different conversation i can tell you from spending quite a lot of time spent around entire crowds of people on all kinds of drugs, the people who end up dead or in hospitals and the people who go to shows with ticket prices and alcohol prices that demand someone have a decent job there's like a small venn diagram intersect and that's it
>>268109 I don't know a lot about being a user, but I know where a lot of users end up.
>>268111 a lot of them wind up dead or ruined forever yeah but the majority don't
i know a few successful people that do drugs rather i know a few people that have the money to support their coke habit
one of my professors drops lsd occasionally one of my professors makes and drinks moonshine they're successful people with many publications and well known names
one of my employees was on acid all day and i had no idea
there are probably more lowlives that do drugs than successful people though just look at me >>268115 it makes all the difference when you can see how happy the bread is when you bake it dude
oh for sure but the point I think is important to make is that you can't define the person simply by drugs
you have to define the person by the person drugs are a part of them, and so are their other traits
would i prefer my friends don't smoke weed around me? yes but that doesn't make them two-step-away from dying from fentanil
ive never smoked weed and i never will won't edibles either ive abused a prescription or two before but that's it as far as illicit shit goes
tylenol3 was such a disappointment
codeine isn't shit
i never took more than the "1-2 every 4-6 hours" but when i did take 2 it was just kind of annoying made me feel unsmart and gave me a headache
percocet helped me make it through the day for a little while when shit was really rough
the time i did a couple percs was alright but i mostly just slept the whole time
and didn't drink any water that day so woke up with my mouth dryer than i'd ever known it could be
>>268131 yeah it's good for zoning out and just sort of numbing existence
i'm like 50% between "i'll never roll" to "maybe i'll roll someday but probably not" i only worry for drunk bang
i dont abuse percocet anymore ive more or less made it through that i dont drink anymore either life is a lot harder without booze
>>268134 if you do it make sure you don't drink or take anything else with it
yeah i definitely wouldn't if it was planned i say i worry for drunk bang because of that one time i blacked out and said things i'd never say i'm really careful to not get that drunk now because i don't want to wake up at the police department
or the hospital
or worse, in hell
i was just saying it's best when taken alone alcohol just dulls the effect and it will make your mouth really dry
If the eye of Irma stays over water, will it keep getting stronger? Could it go just barely west of the panhandle and then go into the panhandle and georgia really bad?
>>268152 Well, it looks like the eye is going to miss the panhandle entirely and just kinda go up the coast. I don't know enough about hurricanes to know if the edge of the storm being over land will weaken it.
panhandles are just strips of land from one territory or state that extend into another territory or state peninsulas are extensions of land from a main land mass that are surrounded almost entirely by water
>>268157 That could be really bad. If it is a strong hurricane when it makes landfall in the panhandle, it could still be a hurricane by the time it reaches Georgia.
>>268164 Doesn't that mean it could still be a low grade hurricane even once it's pretty far inland?
>>268168 no, the mountains will disrupt its ability to rotate and the energy will dissipate after the mountains start breaking it up it couldn't get further than Tennessee
>>268169 That's pretty far inland though. If it is still a low grade hurricane by the time it reaches the appalachians, that is a long way.
I think if it stayed strong while sideswiping florida, and then goes into the panhandle as a very strong hurricane and is a hurricane until like atlanta, that's the worst thing it could do.
>>268170 it would easily get farther than Atlanta as a hurricane it would probably be cat 2 or 1 by the time it reaches Atlanta assuming it makes landfall as a cat 5 or high cat 4 It would be very bad, yeah we're probably going to get a few more hurricanes like this in September
>>268171 I hope that doesn't happen. That would be a pretty bad disaster. I imagine a hurricane in a city like atlanta that isn't built for it would be a big problem.
>>268174 Yeah, it'd be really bad. A lot of people would die.
>sitting AFK in Absolver >guy just runs up and starts punching me while i'm at the altar >sit up at half HP >whoop his ass >sit back down >he never got to activate the checkpoint because he wanted to be a dickhead this game is actually awesome
>>268180 The forecast thingy on google has the track about 50% into florida, and 50% into the ocean adjacent to it. It says there are hurricane warnings out for hald half the panhandle too.
>>268182 NHC is most accurate generally Even if it goes to the very edge of the cone, it'll still be losing energy because half of the eye will be over land for some time the chances of it going way west is really low
So if it makes landfall in the southern peninsula where it is supposed to, it will still be a hurricane halfway through georgia, and it will be a tropical storm until it gets to tennessee?
sort if of it'll become a tropical storm somewhere between the h and the s It'll be a depression long before it reaches Tennessee
>>268202 It doesn't seem that low, looking at the radar! The eye is already nearly clear of the peninsula.
>>268211 okay 1. the fact that something happens doesn't mean it was likely to happen and 2. it's not really clear of the peninsula or close to it it's doing exactly what was expected - landfall in the keys
that's a messy link, but on this map the eye on the radar is further west than the eye on the model. I assume the model is old and this map is real-time.
yes, as i said, the new forecast comes out at 2:00
the Google map is not very accurate though you can't tell where it is based on it it was off by like 100 miles earlier today when irma was in cubs
>>268233 Well just hunker down really well in your closer. closet that is
Tornadoes are also loud even when they are still up in the clouds. They sound like trains though, they have that deep base feelings feeling that trains have, too.
A tornado still in its cloud passed over my home recently.
Tornadoes are nature's random XDDDDDDDD Sometimes they do nothing, something they just decimate stuff, and sometimes they do weird stuff like picking cows up and placing them unharmed in somebody else's pasture.
>>268282 You need to be careful if there are possible tornadoes in the area. Tornadoes are extremely unpredictable. I may not know a lot about hurricanes but I know a lot about tornadoes.
>>268437 My level of patience is just a touch lower than normal, I'm sure you've noticed. So I'm just going to cut to the chase. You wouldn't be angsting over it if you weren't a little upset by your behavior. I think you can change it and you are working on it, slowly. I don't think anyone can change overnight.
Pushing people away is a bad habit. I understand why you feel that way since it is moving fast. I'm not saying you need to go at the flow. Just go at your own pace. There's no need to sabotage yourself though.
Pushing people away isn't the problem. I'm comfortable with the pace of our relationship. I'm talking about the hedgehog's dilemma where the hedgehogs yearn to be close but can't get close without hurting each other.
"sabotaging myself" are your words, not mine. I think fighting occasionally is just part of being in a relationship. I don't think you should be worried about that.
>>268525 we're talking about the DEEPEST lore here >>268524 If you build it, they will come
Or maybe we should do it in Rogue Trader Which would be "In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only war and also Kemono Friends space pirates."
>>268527 how deep can a show about a wildlife reservation be
>>268532 same I still liked it though One day I'll finish it
i thought it was okay
i don't remember why i stopped watching it
>>268533 You should finish it soon. It's pretty good considering the budget, and also that its a mobage adaptation.
oh thats why it was popular?
>>268536 Yeah it IS pretty good. Exploring the park is fun. I like watching Kaban come up with neat little human solutions to problems the animal girls can't solve. >>268537 People didn't expect a lot from it. So when it ended up being really good it was a very pleaseant surprise.
i bought destiny 2 but it appears they gave me the original game? maybe i should ask for a refund
>>268612 Too dangerous >>268611 I'd recommend changing the autofocus setting to only focusing on the center the default setting can autofocus on any of the tiny dots in the viewfinder
>>268613 Thanks for the advice, I have been playing around with the focus
>>268614 It's a really good starter camera im sure you'll have a lot of fun with iit
I am pretty happy about it. I hope I can capture some interesting moments.
Make sure to share them when you do
How are you holding up? Feeling any better?
it's hot as hell and my cold has yet to die also sleeping on the floor messed up my shoulder a little haha i only slept like 4 hours too but things aren't too bad
Hopefully you'll be able to recover in peace when the Hurricane has past.
hello >>268620 I hope so. I will probably go help with disaster relief though. Classes are cancelled until Thursday so I might be able to help people a bit.
>>>/@PBCountySheriff/906904556604444672 >they'll detain you for going outside i have the competency to make a decision about whether or not to go outside fuckin pigs
rick scott says we've gotten assistance from 16 states
he also said we can donate money by texting some number and that we can volunteer to help and also the first thing we should do in times like these is pray
>Governor Scott said time is fast running out for 6.3 million Americans ordered to flee Hurricane Irma and warned them to take shelter immediately or “you will not survive”. wow thanks for the vote of confidence
>>268662 take them down you asve money by not having them be torn to pieces
I wonder how much time it takes to take them down
>>268654 Remember yesterday when I expressed shock over crane owners taking the risk of leaving their cranes up swinginging about because it would cost money to take them down? who could have predicted this...
>>268662 Take them down like TN said. They made the conscious decision days before the evacuation to leave them up. They can be taken down it just costs money to do so. They gambled (with not just their own propery, also anything nearby that could be hit) and lost. Some would argue it was a gamble with odds not at all in their favour >>268667 oh
I mistook what we were talkng about they probably could have done so beforehand I was thinking of a different scenerio
Also seriously, shouldn't anyone who suffers damage ebcause of the crane parts flying around, be able to sue the company for it It is their plunder afterall
I should have taken the Free Lyn and rolled for Ike Because at least in failing to get Ike, I would get characters who have skills that I'd want to transfer. Instead of Staff users who can't accept any good offensive skills, only have Tier 2 of whatever one skill that they can transfer off, and will never spend 20k feathers to bring to 5. I could have failed and gotten a Julia by accident. There are no 5* colorless characters that I want other than Lyn. My odds at happiness are bad.
Oh, that's a lie. Genny is available in here. I don't care for Jaffar since I can't transfer his dagger
this is so fucked im in the bottom 70% for one casualty in my run and these maps are horrible this week
>>268710 There are a few ninjas and archers that I could have used, but I was afraid of rolling in a pool full of healers I don't need. So I chose Lyn as my free unit.
>>268713 im barely off im trying but its stupid shit everywhere
If I had a good physical green unit to begin with, I wouldn't have felt the need to grab Ike. I'm glad I have him but now all of my rolls are literally trash I don't want to keep. The only archer I'd want is Faye and that's just to steal Firesweep Bow from. But that's not even very high priority for me right now. Just a cheap consolation for ruining my %
>>268729 She is an annoying unit, yes. She's about as annoying as Rein.
>>268733 the problem is that she's on the same team as rein every time, and it's always that stupid crumbling wall map with two narrow paths and even if you have a plan to take either one of them down, the other easily sneaks in and pops someone off and if they manage to somehow not kill you and you deal a sliver of retaliation damage, here comes wings of mercy azura and wings of mercy frederick to clean up the job on phase 1 i'd have to go invest a couple hours to sp grind and also i hope i have the units to inherit the skills i need to counter this kinda stuff but then i still need to be able to handle these armor march teams and also the occasional +7 ryoma with heavy blade and aether
there's just no well-rounded solution available to me, it's just rolling through my dueling crests until i get a forgiving run and i've gotten 1-death runs twice this week but i'm just outside the tier 20 threshold i'm a little miffed
it's for a seasonal PA spot so it's not really that big a deal since it'd only be for five or six months PA is essentially an assistant manager I'm mostly going for it just to see if I can
sorry about last weekend btw my schedule is weird with these new roommates, I like them but I need to flex my sleep to work around their schedules a bit more and it's messing with me I'll get into the rhythm soon enough >>268756 I was gonna LOOK FA D but I ended up not getting home
sorry for what if there was anything scheduled i'm sure i was too drunk to remember it
man i've been lookin for d my whole life what's an extra couple weeks aint shit
wait a second i was with jam last weekend anyway
were you? I thought you guys split on thursday or something maybe my memory isn't what it used to be
>>268774 Oh, I thought you guys were already through most of the bad stuff. Did you sleep?
>>268781 I slept 3 hours and 44 minutes according to my Fitbit
Hurricane hasn't even made landfall unless you count Key West
>>268780 agreed 14 feels like it could benefit from a design on the outerwear
i was doing transcripts of life insurance policyholders who were on a fitbit program where they received discounts for using a fitbit and letting it record usage data everyone was really pissed off about it because the savings were pretty petty (for rich people) being just a thousand-ish dollars a month difference in exchange for having to wear that stupid thing instead of their luxury watches they're like "i guess it's okay for the weekend but i wouldn't go out on work days wearing this stupid thing"
>>268806 I guess it's making landfall there after all. It sucks for the people there ubt it's probably best that it isn't sideswiping the whole state and going in at the panhandle.
>>268815 No, we only just entered the initial wind field. We've got a few hours until we get the worst of it. We're in for like 16-24 hours of bad weather. Probably only 10 or so hours of really bad stuff, though.
>>268821 I guess, but Irma is extremely unusual. It's rare for a hurricane to reach cat 5, and then Irma was the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic and the second strongest ever recorded. It also maintained winds of 185mph for over 24 hours straight which is something we've never seen any storm anywhere do. It's also abnormally expansive so it covers a lot of ground.
Parts of the east coast are expected to see a storm surge of like 10-15 feet and the west where it's making landfall is expected to get a storm surge of 10 feet
the storm surge is one of the main reasons the storm is so terrifying, although the wind is certainly terrifying as well
>>268822 Yeah, I saw where some of the places it would hit were going to be completely underwater because of the storm surge. Will it be bad where you are? You are on the other side.
>>268823 Yeah. Downtown Miami is already underwater and the storm surge hasn't even hit there yet.
I'll be safe from the storm surge. My area is protected by the barrier islands that separate the Indian River lagoon and the ocean. The barrier islands are in grave danger but I'm far enough away from the coast that the surge from the lagoon would never be able to reach me. I'm sort of close to the coast, though.
I had to go outside to move a thing that I forgot to take care of before the storm. It's pretty windy outside. The tornado or whatever from last night didn't do any damage that I could immediately see but I didn't walk around since there's like wind blowing at 50mph nonstop not even gusts
It seems kind of crazy to me that people in the states can live with those kinds of things, but I guess it's not like I have my own natural disasters to worry about
>the flamesprayer where has this been all my life
I haven't seen a tornado in a while.
>>268856 Waterspouts are cool. I saw one on a fishing trip like 7 yeaes ago. *years
>>268880 once you fuck up blood starved with the oil + bone ash flamesprayer start hitting the chalice dungeons for a lost weapon of your choice, as long as it has a waning slot in the first two slots anything works after that have fun melting most beast bosses with fire
>>268917 It's very good. The DaS boardgame is also good. Really expensive though. My friend put like $400 into the kick starter, he's going to be getting stuff every few months for years to come. Since they hit so many stretch goals.
We're getting the worst part of the storm now very strong winds for the next 12 hours
>try to open a png file >windows isn't sure which program to open this file wih. please choose a program: >Express Invoice Software >Paint >Windows File Viewer
why would it think i wanted to open it with express invoice over the built-in file viewer wtf
i'm pretty sure i could write an article about how north korea and russia's AI programs and the US'es and about how we've been preempting the north korea crisis for a while and started seeding clouds months ago in preparation in order to strike up harvey and irma at the precise time to circumvent national concern over the north korea crisis
i could just bullshit the whole thing and i bet i could get an RT from musk he loves that shit
Sounds like it. Sounds like panels are being torn off the sides of the building too. Earlier it sounded like a tree broke and fell down. something also hit one of the windows but I don't think it damaged it
it's so hot fish keeps complaining about the heat too
Samu 🦅 !KW2DbpWwls
activate cryogenic freeze encase in carbonite
sounds like the walls are gonna cave in although that's very unlikely it's still a little stressful
also i found a radio station playing the indiana jones soundtracks??
>>268949 didn't you say it's raining outside? Just stand outside for a bit it'll cool you guys right off >>268950 >tfw can't carbonite freeze myself until 2020
>>268953 haha good idea let's just go get blown into walls and shit
if you see that little part that sticks out on the east coast, im somewhere around there
the yellow circle is tropical storm force winds which are currently hitting me at about 50mph continuously as you can see, im going to be inside that for a long time by the time I'm out of it, it'll be around Monday
as the night goes on, the winds will get even worse for me it'll probably be at it's peak for me around 2am
>>268969 I don't think her VA is bad. I think her VA is a rookie and that the result is a more authentic sounding voice. To someone expecting a moe moe cutesy voice, I think they may find her VA bad. I don't think the acting itself is bad, though. She just sounds more like an actual person than a moe character.
denim will come back into fashion this fall i'm sure
they were mentioning that Miami was on curfew. i wonder if other cities did the same. >>268988 hurricane is a type of storm? tornadoes are individual effects idk.
also, apparently there's a super aproppriate movie coming out soon called "geostorm" about a global weather catastrophe. i wonder if people will complain because of it's inadequacy idk.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1981128/
>>268992 the movie? yeah it looks all kinds of bad. but it's not surprising since 2012 was a hit and since then they've been pushing fringe conspiracy movies as best sellers.
I liked 2012 But I was also a 14 year old so I probably just had bad taste >>268991 this looks dumb >>268995 >that one lady who dies saving her little dog >>268996 It made a lot of money
I hated how they killed every person who did something slightly mean or not family-friendly. like both of the main actor's bf/gf. and every other person. >>268996 i feel people still watch it and find it "good". "day after tomorrow" wasn't popular enough but 2012 was. here
>>268993 sorry what do you mean when you say 2012 was a hit
anyway. apparently it's the same guy who has done every one of them since independence day.
I'm so excited for Geostorm It combines both space stuff. And disaster stuff. And crazy connection plots where a dude has his secret service gf kidnap the president. It will be a fantastic time at the movies
pretty sure there's a lot of damage outside
my nose is so runny and all i have is one ply toilet paper
>>269018 Yeah, all you can really do is sit there. You really want to be on the ground floor in a tornado but I don't think there's anything you can do about that.
apparently the storm is moving more east than was predicted so that it can hit me better
>>>/watch?v=BHIo6qwJarI Me on the riright. Also this band uses historical audio recordings for all their songs. For this album NASA gave them access to a bunch of stuff.
>>269034 Fucking hardcore Which reminds me, my highschool has had only two snow days in the past 45 or so years. One in the early 70's, and one in 2019. *2010
Not exactly. As a powerful storm like Irma loses energy, the storm becomes unstable and starts expanding which causes it to lose more power. It means it's falling apart. So the bands start getting longer as it starts to die. So the wind field grows.
that deck kills me faster than anyone else can they lost because they wait for a one turn kill with a cool ass card but the optimal way to play it is SUPER boring
when the earth is turned into a dripping dungeon in which hope, like a bat, flutters blindly and bruises its timid wing and tender head against the walls and rotted cielings