Thread #265731
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Not much new tonight.
let's see sagrada isekai restaurant hmm Is that it? We watched the latest kakegurui, didn't we?
Tonight's new shows are Gamers and Konbini Kareshi. There's also a 91 Days OVA but I figured with four actual ly airing shows they'd be better to do.
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Yeah, looks like we have a list for tonight. Let's do Sagrada Konbini Gamers Isekai Restaurant. We'll start once Ike gets here.
Well remember Ika's aware he might have to miss out on the first shows of the night. So if it gets running too late for you, we can start without.
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If we can make it through everything without too much delay I may be able to do 4.
watch reset home in 10-15 but can shower
good news is 3 days of freedom now
You get Fridays off or just this week?
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in that case, sagrada okay lets start
In the end threatening to take a hostage is usually effective too. Really there isn't much legwork between threatening to take a hostage and actually taking them.
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I don't think there is any real difference between threatening to take someone hostage and taking them hostage, if they aren't free to leave at the point you threaten.
This woman's power is kind of a good argument for why powers should be curtailed. In the hands of a less decent person that would be pretty serious.
this week and next
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That's a weird doorway.
last week was good
Were there too many Soumas?
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Didn't she just get her memories back?
Looks like it. Must have been a lot of Soumas though.
How much time left
Seventy-five minutes, probably.
what are you LYING
Three shows. About twenty-five minute- Oh you meant for the show. It just wrapped up.
noo i mean of reset
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Good timing, we're done! Konbini>>265820 yes okay let's start!
hmm so gamers konbini and isekai shoukudo are left right well worse case we can hold a show for tomorrow if rika is sleepy lets og
I like the opening of this it reminds me of one of those teen sitcoms for some reason
Last ep he snapped right because mommy issues
Well kind of parental issues overall. Also because he was getting annoyed with how Mihashi was always "but my family doesn't want me to do things".
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I guess we're deep in end of season drama.
Obligatory I still want a book case like that for my phone post.
Man the QUALITY in this show can get so bad.
its like flamenco
Fucking lewd.
he's probbly so confused
People's stories seem to begin every episode of this show.
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okay gamers! ika please okay lets start
Okey dokes.
ok sorry
doroboneko is going to steal mc
no dess
>>265886 h oh wow you're here
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He loves blondes too much to stray.
Yeah and I think Karen is pretty strong.
Hah hah hah she almost blocked the reveal from herself.
there's a lack of desu
Wow these groans.
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Wow now she's awkwardly trying to message him now that she knows who he is.
Souka souka
how suspicious
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haha what's she doing in there
Totally wholesome exercise. Totally.
naru naru
is she really going dressed like that
And now they can't escape each other. Desu desu It's like UNMEI
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Wow, tsundere.
l i e s
Demo demo
why would they make a shot of the feet especially when they're going to go full quality
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MAKE sandals product placement or they're just trying to keep this talking scene interesting
Eto eto
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Wow, she's all messed up.
wto wto oh no
She's spilling hard her- OH NO NOW HE KNOWS TOO.
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oh, I didn't think he would find out this episode. I wonder if she will find a way to cover it up.
Oh she's going to put it on her sister isn't she. ISN'T SHE. DON'T DO THIS YOU AAAAUGH.
why did she just cuck herself
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Why would she do that?
Oh he's not entirely buying it.
that's an interesting way to put it the imouto just went with it
Normal-kun puts in a lot of work. Sure it's kind of in a bit of a self-serving ego trip but he is also earnestly trying to help.
Oh yeah she buys a bunch of eroge.
what a crazy person hahaha
desu yo ne
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This girl is going to make everything crazy.
i guess the games are part of her wholesome exersise regime
I forgot How did imouto fall in love with MC agian oh nevemrind i remember
>>265952 And we were getting so close to maybe a calming down point.
wow kimoi
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This girl has already made things 1000% more crazy.
Oh no.
theres kinda too many misundertandings it kinda gets annoying i can see why people didnt like this show that much i still like it though
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Uehara knows how to make things more crazy too.
there wasn't much video games this episode
That's the Splatoon 2 themed Switch controller she's got in the endcard.
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okay isekai restaurant okay lets start
Comfy cooking time
where did she get that tiny book
Oh gosh they're all so tiny.
golem get ye gone
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>it's a trap to lure is in >so let's go in
Some times you must wilfully trigger the trap even though you know it's here.
shouldn't the dragon god be off the charts in fairy vision
wow they're so small i didnt notice
it's not like the customers usually acknowledge anyone but faries seem like something worth taking notice of
oh yeah i guess since they're so small they ahve to share a dish
Oh no now they're fighting over the deserts too.
hahah they sure love sweets s
food riots
how many faries does it take to flip a menu page
>Still but a child of a hundred years I mean sure, elves. But still.
Is this guy even alive Elven childhood friends should be oh he's a half i guess or an elf
oh no
Oh yeah this was the bitchy elf that lost to the D(ofu).
It's a natto skit this time.
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Lots of title drops these past two weeks.
The restaraunt is always open at the same time how did they not bump into each other
that was well animated i guess it is the important part
n a t t o
Natto on rice is probably more Japanese than natto spaghetti anyway.
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Natto on spaghetti seems weird.
The gooey, stringy way natto is always makes me a little uneasy. Texture is an important quality of how I enjoy food and it just looks way too out of my range.
oh no he gave her his stinky elf cheese
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He turned the elves into weebs. thanks for anime!
he clearly stated the rice is western food in their world
Yup, thanks.