Thread #269073
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All right.
knights and magic ballroom princess principal fate altair I don't think I missed anything.
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i am the most anime
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The list: knights and magic fate princess principal ballroom
I'm ready with Knights
>>269080 → >>269080 →
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okay so where is ika
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i am here
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I want to move quickly tonight, or maybe I'll just skip the last show. Knights and MAgic okay lets start
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He shot down their giant slow ships!
Now this is some gorilla warfare
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Wow, he's actually bargaining!
Well, playing with the pretense of it. It's like "I already have everything I could ever want, what could you possibly offer me?"
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Or maybe he's just bragging.
>sabotaging your own ship It's not like Ernie can't just fly away anyway
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That chunk of etherite has an interesting shape to it.
woah from the birds eye view I thought that thing was the size of a ship
He's gonna monopolise all the sillhoutte knights I wonder if they have their own model kits in universe >>269121 gotta catch em all
so greedy
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Is it a dragon or a ship? Or a dragon ship?
I want Ernesti and glasses boy to hang out
Thanks for anime /moe/s have a good one
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okay fate ika please okay lets start
Hello sorry
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I guess Archer and Ruler are the moe girl squad now that Fran is dead.
That's a litle grotesque.
Crazy Vlad.
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edgelord vs edgelord
People were talking like this was giong to be a two-cour series, but it really feels like the story's only going to last one cour. Unless there's some second act after they take down the Gardens of Babylon.
I wonder what his NP is
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Probably something vampire related. princess principal okay lets start
All right.
Principle princess
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>>269162 Sorry, this isn't the camwhore thread.
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The sound is not as good without the bucket.
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Beato is always being thrown into situations she isn't qualified for.
they're gonna whack her
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So I guess she's addicted to something?
Oh no Beato you're too young to drive.
I feel bad for the train attendants. That's going to be one hell of a clean-up.
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Even though I said Beato is unlucky, I guess it's Dorothy who always ends up with the hard pills to swallow.
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hmm What episode number was this one? I well I guess Beato was along with them so it's after the deal. I guess they're going to defect. Or maybe just Ange will.
time to betray them
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okay on to ballroom okay let's start
Youkoso e
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Wow, to think he started dancing so reluctantly.
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Ket's see if he gets his revenge or not. His narration voice is kinda weird.
He's aso kind of super-narcissistic.
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Nope looks like he's just going to choke.
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>Kiyoharu stepped on to the next stage when he fell on the floor
That zoomed out shot of the MC had a pretty funny expression.
limit release
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He activated a few flashback powerups. I guess he's going to make a go for it!
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So far protagonist-kun is getting served. I guess he will counterattack next episode.
next episode will be pretty exciting is this only 12 episodes?
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I guess next episode is the battle. Looks fun! thanks for anime!>>269235 As far as I know it is.