Jose will finish off Barbuda, probably. Which is really unfortunate because Barbuda already needs 100 mil to rebuild and it's such a small island that it won't be able to do that. Jose isn't expected to head towards the US, though.
>>265659 If you have time to worry about that, that means you should be happy that the building isn't falling in on you and your guts aren't getting all pierced by rebar.
>>265673 In the sense that the hurricane is still in progress and we don't know how bad it is going to be, I think the answer to that is yes.
what if we got a hurricane that reached to the midwest and tore apart all the trailers where old ladies lives with their 26 cats and the hurricane dragged cat poop all across the country
>>265692 Obviously, we're not getting married. That wouldn't be a very reasonable or good twist. Having to get a lecture about being responsible after an ordeal ends sounds really death flaggy.
>>265700 i upped it to full time no data caps for 100 dollars a month even though it's still 1.5Mbps (lower case b) shit's crazy expensive but at least i can work
>>265698 I dunno, with you getting so mad about this, it means you must care about me a lot. This is basically a confession, if you look at it like that.
I Keep Throwing Myself At Natural Disasters So Sempai Will Notice Me?!
>>265703 i can't remember what the sign was exactly, jan might but we were here in saint louis and there was something like "Get things straight in your life" and he and i were both just like "no" at the same time it was fun
>>265702 Don't twist things around too much. I think you'd probably be mad at me if I did something like that, too.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>265702 There's a few Benny Goodman performances, and a bunch of other stuff. A good few radio play type things. Some WWII broadcasts, though they seem to be mostly German.
>>265706 I don't really get mad at people for stuff like that. I'd be upset and worried, though. I don't think your response is unreasonable, but I still don't like you being mad at me.
those packages won't handle themselves though now I handle conceptual packages information packages
not sayin nothing be we coulda used someone who could handle a package on the trip jan couldn't
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>265710 This one's semi-sorted: This is the source of it all: I just thought of you when I was trying to think of who would be interested.
we bought $7 takoyaki at the festival that had four takoyaki in it it was such a rip but we had fun there was cool cosplay you woulda loved the girls in bodysuits and the guys
ok I gotta drive now adios >>265715 festival food is always a ripoff but I still get something I bought some shit at that con for my friends and it was a rip but it wwas worth it
tbh i will pay $20 just for the experience of being ripped off we watched a CARDS game but they weren't in-town sadly go home you fat fuck
>>265732 Don't worry, I'm not that mad. I had a feeling you were going to do this so I had time to prepare. I will give you some onee-chan advice about this later though.
I also checked in on /moe/ today around lunch to see if there was anything I needed to moderate, and saw you posting. I figured you probably wouldn't have been posting if you'd been busy evacuating.
Yeah. Something like 60% of gas stations were out of gas this morning.
Someone I know in a Discord is actually in Miami for it, apparently. Doesn't seem to be evacuating, he says he'll be drinking beer with his boss when it hits.
have you ever wanted to be so filthy fucking rich, you could get two big anime studios to produce an anime with your son and make the main character a self-insert for him? >>>/@NeoYokio/905814613538811905
>>265757 They're sending people down there like the money thing isn't an issue. If they're doing that, I think the higher ups probably know it's going to work out.
>>265760 I duno. The people here aren't expecting FEMA response. I talked to a bunch of people at the store today and nobody things we'll get help for a while.
I heard that Trump is going to have a secret service detail protect Mar a Lago from looters too.
>>265762 Well, all I can tell you is that I know FEMA people here who are shipping down there soon, and some who are training to go down there right now too. I don't know what is happening behind the scenes but the FEMA people here are doing the normal things like the budget side isn't a concern.
It would be pretty stupid of the Republicans to act like assholes and not send aid to a swing state that was crucial in winning the election for them. I mean the Republicans ARE stupid, but Trump has proven himself to be pretty smart about these things.
The Republicans tried to deny Harvey aid. Trump ended up siding with the Democrats on Harvey aid because the Republicans were being so stupid about it. And then Paul Ryan was crying about how unfair it was that Trump didn't side with the Republicans.
>>265766 Well, I think if that's what needs to be done about Irma, that is probalby what will happen. Trump does a lot of out there stuff but he has a record of being pretty smart about this stuff.
I think some of the Republicans are being really dumb about this. Especially the ones who have taken aid money in the past trying to say they shouldn't give aid money to places like Florida.
>>265770 Hmm Does Trump have a record? He's only got one natural disaster under his belt and he did a lot of really weird shit and actually slowed disaster relief down a few times. He's handled the budget part well, I think, but everything else has been weird.
>>265772 I'm not really talking about disaster management specifically. I'm just saying that his record so far indicates that he understands enough to know that denying disaster relief to such an important swing state is not a good idea.
I agree that he is weird and crazy, but I think his record indicates that he has the common sense to not do something that stupid. I think he will do the same thing with Irma that he did with Harvey.
What I don't understand is why people like Ryan can't see the basic fact that you have to help people when there are big natural disasters.
>>265773 Paul Ryan is a big "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" kind of guy. If RNG fucks you over, then you should just pull yourself back together and try again. He lacks the common sense needed for actually getting voted in because he only has his spot due to voter demographics. People don't vote for him, they vote for his party. The same is true of Mitch McConnell and other big-name Republicans that have been fucking everything up this year.
The Democrats and Republicans don't really care about anyone anyway.
THere seem to be a lot of Republicans that don't understand that it's just common sense that you help people in these situations. It blows my mind even further that it's happening in Florida and Texas. Both those states were really key states in the election.
It kinda shows you how out of touch those people are! It's crazy that they got offended when Trump did the smart thing and worked with the Deomcrats to get people what they need.
Trump does some weird stuff but he is with it enough to understand this basic stuff!
>>265777 Trump is evil and crazy, but he does know how to get votes. When he went to Texas to address the people there, that speech was actually a fundraising opportunity. He did it in front of a very rich Trump supporter's home and then did a meet-and-greet with that guy after the speech.
The GOP and Democrats both need to be totally purged though. None of them know what they're doing consistently. The Republicans have especially dropped the ball. The fact that they can't get anything done when they control congress and the presidency is ridiculous.
For how many years have they been the dominant political parties in the States?
It's not. Political parties were warned against by the founding fathers. And then a couple founding fathers decided to usurp power using political parties and everything has been fucking destroyed.
I think our leading conservative party is only like less than twenty years old. It was a merger of two smaller parties.
I guess the Liberal party is pretty enduring though. But their image also changes a lot.
Yeah, the founders expressly warned about political parties, but they were formed almost immediately.
You can warn about them all you want but I think partying is pretty critical for politics. Too large an entity is dangerous, yes, but too small an entity means your attempts to act on your philosophies will be largely ineffectual.
Something really hilarious is that so many Republicans talk about staying true to the FF's intentions but then vote explicitly along party lines and follow the party line no matter what.
>>265790 The US was not intended to work that way. People were supposed to vote for decent people, and those decent people were supposed to make the law while other decent people elected the president. Everyone decided to chain themselves to political parties though. I think it may have been a little naive to expect otherwise, ganking is one of the basic rules of winning. But political parties were still a bad idea and the founding fathers totally warned us.
I don't think they're inherently a bad idea. Without them nothing would actually get agreed on.
>>265793 Our lawmakers would still vote on laws and stuff without them. Not having political parties wouldn't stop them from voting. It would also cut way way way down on corruption. Political parties are too easy to lobby and corrupt with money.
Unfortunately, there's no way to fix it. It's a fatal flaw in our system and one of the things that will directly lead to our downfall - and already is leading to our downfall.
Well, the founding fathers had a solution for that too, and that is watering the tree of liberty. What they didn't anticipate is the fact that people would get too comfy to do that. The modern world is way more comfy than they could have imagined.
There's also the fact that the police have tanks and assault weapons and civilians can't do much against that. And police will protect those institutions from civilians no matter what.
Well, I think people with guns can beat tanks and stuff. Vietnam proved that sort of thing.
It's just that people aren't really willing to do stuff like that.
i remember the story of an italian lady who stopped a bridge of tanks from storming the village by pouring soapy water on the bridge so the tracks couldn't get any friction and they fucked up i dont know if it's true but they had it in an episode of master keaton so that's good enough for me
Sorry if I come off as too comfy or brainwashed but I think violent revolution is a shitty way to engage into a new form of government or society these days.
>>265816 It's possible, yes. But it's not really feasible. These things require large groups of people and these groups get busted before they can even try.
>>265818 I think it would happen if things got really really bad. I don't think a country can fight its own people on its own ground and stay stable. I think it would be a losing situation for everyone though because foreign powers would get involved.
>>265817 You can't really change anything with government when it's corrupt though!
And violent revolution tends to only make things worse. It worked for America in the 1770s because Britain was already strained and they had ways of putting on the pressure.
>>265821 Maybe if things got really bad. I still think it's a long-shot as much as I'd like it to be possible.
>>265825 Yeah, tell that to all the recent revolutions for independance in the past couple decades. I'm pretty sure there's still a boot stomping on their faces.
>>265827 Well, the real issue there isn't an inherent flaw with revolution. It's the fact that the world is much smaller now, and as a result you can't have a decent revolution without foreign powers getting involved.
>>265826 It would happen if things got really bad. Society is fragile.
>>265830 There isn't an inherent benefit to revolution either. Like with a lot of things, it heavily depends on the people using it. And generally with violent revolution you need the kind of people that are good at it to pull it off.
>>265836 I think most Americans are relatively comfy, at least in the context of what we're talking about. The average American leads a way better life than a feudal serf or a citizen of the USSR did.
>>265837 I guess? But who cares? Americans are working 50+ hours a week and struggling to make ends meet. Every time I go shopping, I meet workers that are willing to complain about how hard it is. The average American worker is suffering horribly and Congress won't do anything to help them because the people that own Congress are the people driving Americans into suffering.
ooh the video i uploaded of that japanese dancy thingy is finally done processing >>>/watch?v=WoocWWVir4U there are some real characters in that crowd
>>265842 Yeah. That's why I think we'll see it in our lifetime.
Also doesn't help that income inequality is a problem being faced by most of the world in some fashion. Whoever finds a functioning solution will get a lot of points on the global scale.
Yeah. And prices need to go down. If you work minimum wage for 40 hours a week, and get an apartment at the median rent for your state, you're spending 80-90% of your income on rent before taxes. It's disgusting. Americans can't continue to live like this. A change has to come.
Hey I'd like a slice of the higher wages and lower prices uptopia please
>>265852 It's not a utopia! A very simple rejection of neoliberalism will lead to improved conditions for everyone. All we have to do is value the workers and everything will be okay.
I think the unlikelyhood of a nice thing is exactly utopian. I am also willing to lower my utopia standards
Especially since a utopia by definition is something unattainable.
Every time we loosen the restrictions on corporations, our economy plummets, and everyone goes poor. Then we fix it by adding too many restrictions which we then realize is too many and completely get rid of those restrictions, which leads to another economic crisis.
We need smart restrictions on corporations that cannot just be thrown away because a corporation paid someone to do it.
>>265856 Technically not defined as imaginary but considering its function as the total opposite of utopia, maybe? Or maybe since it's the opposite then maybe it is also something attainable? Either way dystopia doesn't have that component as part of its definition.
It's pretty comfy here. The weather has been nice.
Summer ended really suddenly though.
>>265885 There isn't anyone punishing us for being fucking dipshits this is just- Well it might be some how indirectly punishing us if the human assisted climate change has any impact on the current set of affairs.
>>265894 It's not hot anymore so summer is over. Summer can prove me wrong by getting hot again but the forecast says that isn't happening any time soon. I don't need fancy calendars to tell me things.
>>265900 The ocean is abnormally warm this year, which can be attributed to the rising temperatures, and is the reason we're having these obscenely strong hurricanes. The summer has been abnormally warm - thanks to rising temperatures - which dried the land out at a faster rate than nature is accustomed to, so when a child launched a firework into some trees, it set the entire west on fire.
>>265901 Yeah, summer never ends, didn't you know? We have license plates that say "Eternal Summer"
Summer barely started here this year. We had maybe a week in days where the temperatures peaked over 30C. Not even a week straight. It was a little depressing. Lots of cold and lots of rain too.
Sure as hell wasn't lucky. If it's not consistently super warm here the nights get cold. And that means my fingers, toes, and shins always end up cold at night.
To be honest the excessive weather in Florida isn't the biggest problem with it for me. I just don't really want to live somewhere that's not hyper-urban. Like even Toronto kind of pales in comparison to places like Tokyo. And probably New York City but I've never had the chance to be there.
Wow. An 8.0 is already potentially pretty devastating, and it only scales drastically up from that.
mexico city has major damage, they're saying it happened like literally next to mexico city
Mexico City is built on like, milennia of civilization. The modern city has buried a bunch of temples. This earthquake is the sleeping gods in those temples waking up. And they're angry.
Sure Rush is an asshole but this is also in part the fault of the growing distrust of media. If people didn't already possess that they could probably mostly just brush it off. I get that in some manner, the distrust of media is a belief grounded in precedent. But at some point you have to reel it in and trust them to some extent. Otherwise you get people that seriously believe it when you tell them hurricanes are a made up ghost story as part of a secret agreement between the media and retailers to push product.
this game said it would be finished downloading 6 minutes ago, 5 minutes ago er, in six minutes, five minutes ago. now, it says it's going to be 8 minutes from now.
Apparently there's a plausible connection between the melting of the ice caps and tectonic activity. Since its a redistribution of large mass -- the mass of water concentrated in the ice now distributed more evenly over the globe. Dunno how much of an actual effect is would have though.
Broke: redistribution of wealth Woke: redistribution of weight
Good to hear, Kojima. Wouldn't know what we'd do without you.
Wow I sure missed a lot today.
You should be grateful it missed you.
Also I feel like I skipped the second half of the sixth and all of the seventh. Being a NEET really messes with your sense of time i guess.
Doesn't have to. I keep myself to a pretty good grasp on the day and usually time. Just don't let it slip away from you.
I was also really "productive" today so it went by fast I did some cleaning and cleaned/repaired our vacuum And then worked on a bunch of mtg decks cause I found the final two (probably) boxes of cards that went missing during the move. And one of those boxes had a bunch of really good cards id been looking for for a while.
Oh wait I figured out why it felt like I missed it It feels like the sixth was just yesterday, because I woke up on the seventh and haven't slept yet.
Do you ever just walk into tthe kitchen and find a giant snake cooking you breakfast?
Also I found a really awesome fortune cookie fortune I got a few years ago. I had thought it had been thrown out. It basically says that I will become Archer from Fate/ Stay Night
oh no not the tanasinn this author got his shit stolen pretty good 147 followers on twitter 171 followers on facebook 265 followers on memecenter for god knows what reason yet here I am looking at 3k share of it with the watermark cropped
My Matthew/Ike/Lucina/Ninian team stresses me out though. I ran it and it was great but that final stage was like everything I didn't want. >Olwen, Frederick, Lyn, Eirika Ephraim would have been preferred. Although Alm would have been ehh since he's a Falchion nerd.
that hector is INSANE there's always an olwen although i guess she was replaced with Cecilia one time i saw it sometimes the enemy on the bottom left is alm sometimes the enemy on the bottom right is Ephraim upper left has been olwen or Cecilia when I've seen it top right was kagero once, that was horrifying
this is the game handing the final stage into my lap
shit if i put aether on alm, i can make a defense team that starts his aether off at 3 charge and then he can use heavy blade to toss it out like immediately lol
>>266182 Path of Radiance was the first game where skills were introduced. Nephenee came with Vantage ... or was it Wrath? Either way, this guy moved both onto her and this is Nephenee being the absolute strongest. >>>/watch?v=kIuNlvYqeeA
>>266189 Biorhythm affects your % chances. So your ability to hit, dodge, and crit. If it's low, it goes down by a bit, if it's high, it goes up. Biorhythm shifts every new stage.
oh yeah I went to an actual speakeasy last night like a you-need-the-code-to-get-in kind of place non-descript door in the middle of the street it was fuckin dope
>>266190 see >>266130 it's looking ideal it's gonna be so weak that i might go outside and video tape it a little
Yeah. There's a chance that another earthquake will hit Mexico City within the next 12 hours, as powerful as 7.4, which would of course, possibly bring another tsunami.
No, Mexico hasn't had an earthquake like this in over 100 years. And this many hurricanes at once hasn't happened in like 100 years. And we've never ever seen a hurricane like Irma.
The west burning is pretty normal for this time of year, but it's burning worse than usual and started because a kid shot a firework into some trees in Oregon and it spread across multiple states.
Harvey was the strongest in like 300? years Irma 500 Next one ????
It's not climate change though, don't worry it just happens to be what all of science predicted but they're really just corporate lackeys seeking to fuck over those corporations in service of the state for no reason
>>266210 yeah it's predicted this is gonna cost mexico 2% of its GDP
also there's a nuclear reactor in miami that is in a state of disrepair that the hurricane could damage and cause to go critical which would leave miami uninhabitable for 10k years
I want to believe in the DSA I haven't seen anything bad about them, at least, and I'm 100% sure Vikky would spam it if they did a bad job with this kind of work. Vikky's real good
>>266242 I hope to God they do >>266241 haha the people of Haiti never got a single cent of all the money Red Cross raised for them years ago Red Cross regularly refuses to donate the money they collect and >>266246 yeah
lol don't they also sue game devs for using a redcross on healthpacks and stuff?
If Red Cross was smart, they'd arrange a deal with game devs that they can use the +, if they donate part of the profits of the game to Red Cross Games could advertise with that
did y'all see the new magic schoolbus trailer for the netflix show it's like really generic flash animation and they replaced miss frizzle with a normie
>>266257 Can't wait to see Computing Forever's hot take on how this is communists indoctrinating our children using established franchises that they corrupt to fit their evil, updated scientific narrative There's gonna be comparisons to Bill Nye's show, I know it in my heart
i kind of agree they're probably nice if you live with your family though so you can get out of bed and go to the bathroom naked without someone seeing you
i live with my family, but i guess my family gets along better than most i could see if you were parents and had kids though, a master bathroom would be pretty important or rather if you lived with other people and had a partner
as a bachelor though, it's pretty unnecessary
it's just the privacy of it bathrooms are a safe space sometimes i have panic attacks and go sleep in the bathtub
alright i'm fucking hungry and lazy where will i order from today
this 18 year old or something i know in a discord chat lives in tampa and he's like freaking out super bad about the hurricane it's only going to be a cat 2 when it reaches him so he really has nothing to worry about but he's having panic attacks and shit about it because he thinks his house is going to be ripped out of the ground and thrown into the air but like he won't listen to anyone telling him that it's not gonna happen
>He’s staunchly pro-union and says he has refused (and returned) any campaign donations tied to real estate developers, an interest group which he sees as having outsized power in City politics. What a guy
>>266324 if you enroll in their TrustedID to find out if you were affected, you have to waive your right to be involved in any class-action lawsuit against them
i started playing with my emergency radio and i found a station with someone talking about how God gave us capitalism and comparing it to the ground after we get rid of rocks which represents our sins i guess? it's hard to follow these metaphors are bad
what's with all these religious stations
Religious people are, well, you know Religious They want to spread the word, so they often broadcast on old shit nobody even uses anymore
found a station about /// with a guy talking about whether or not trump likes being stepped on
i gotta worry about my back because Jesus is watchin every part of me he's the folk that goes out and SPIES before you get there you gotta watch out for brother so-and-so
i found a black church channel i love it
he's gonna warn you of your enemy - listen - so i see 'em comin' But I don't gotta worry about it because God got 'em
I watched my life flash before my eyes before luckshit drawing a card to kill then them even
whew spicy
blue as a card game person for reference that 10/10 cannot be touched by anything except things that directly touch its atk/def no destruction no banishing no damage nothing
Irma is close to being downgraded to cat 4. Unlikely to gain more strength unless it does a twirly swirl into the gulf or something which isn't unprecedented but very unlikely
>>266376 The hurricanes aren't real, they're just using the same fake satellite images from years ago for other fake hurricanes
The damage is real, it's caused by the US government's secret weather manipulation device called HAARP which can call down the wrath of God anywhere in the world but is regularly used to destroy the United States so that people won't realize the illuminati is manipulating them
>man can call down wrath of god how arrogant can you be
not literally wrath of God HAARP is allegedly a weather manipulation device that can just summon storms like Irma or Harvey anywhere at pretty much any time Just straight on top of somewhere
So what about say 300 years ago when we didn't even have steame ngines rolling around proper?
what did you just say to me you little bitch. etc etc i can call hurricanes on your ass anywhere anytime in over 300 ways and that is just with my bare hands
They didn't happen or were very weak They're not saying hurricanes aren't a real phenomenon, just that these hurricanes aren't real
I just love how vulgata is close to vulgar well both was it vulga or something in latin meaning people or common where the root of "vulgat" comes from vulgata being something like "common language" bible I will have to go check
I'm talking to someone in Mexico City right now. They're telling me that there was a large protest that was developing into a riot over a visit from the Mexican president when the earthquake hit, so the protest got shut down because people went to go find supplies and stuff and the president fled the state.
So I made a joke about it being a conspiracy and they told me that someone was getting conspiratorial about it and they were crucified and burned by an angry mob. I don't know how true that is, though.
I doubt they killed him like that maybe flogged or beaten to death that seems realistic
but when people actually have real problems, wacky conspiracy theories have no root or soil to grow on decadence of a happy and bored society is where those can exist
I can't even find news of a protest going on yesterday now that I search for it
Oh wait, I found it >Mexican police clash with teachers in south Mexico
Wow, seems like it was really getting heated.
>>266399 We have no way to find out. We have to sign up for Equifax's services to be informed whether or not our information was leaked, and to sign up for their services, we have to agree to waive our right to be involved in any class action lawsuits over Equifax.
I dunno. Nobody knows. Maybe it's not? Nobody knows what's going on with it at all. It's a big fucking mess. Everything Equifax says about it is incredibly vague.
>>266418 They fucked up and now 140m americans have their credit and social security numbers out there on the hands of some hackers though they havn't as far as I know, been leaked publicly anywhere, but that doesn't mean they havn't started selling them
Like I literally can't kill Hector anymore with my setup lol. No matter how easy the rest of the final map is. I'm only on 5/7 though
That said, the amount of shenanigans I can still pull off is high
don't kill hector he makes good music
>>266427 the story for this tempest trial is kind of funny lucina was like, "yeah the boss is some fucking insane berserker dude" and she said that to hector even though the boss is an alternate hector
i hope hector has some snarky shit to say after the trials end
this client i'm working with today is doing a documentary her and her friend/film partner go around all over to reservations and talk to doctors and film the scenery, where the people grow up and like the houses they live in it's so fuckin fun what they're doing most of the transcripts end when they're swapping out lenses to get an insert or to get other cool footage i'm so envious ive been doin these for like a year now i suppose but every time they make me yearn to go out and do filming
i don't even have enough feeling to care if something's depressing all the information is just so fascinating to me i just love seeing how the systems evolve and change informatically that i've become distant from any human content i think this is probably how supervillains are born i guess that's okay
I wonder if there really will be a PoR banner. It'd be strange. The past TTs have used characters that have been out for at least a month as bonus characters. There are only five PoR characters in FEH right now, though. and there's no GHB to get a PoR character before the TT 1 of the bonus characters could be one of the three free starting characters, but then there'd still be one character that can't be fit in. The last of those three would be the character you get in the TT>
I guess the unexplained character could just be Masked Marth, though.
It annoys me to have to switch from moe to some other theme and then backt o moe on every new load of doushio if you have gar as default theme, then why not have it be on gar and not on moe so it would atleast be a one clicker and not a two clicker
That's exactly what I said. I don't think the whisky I had in Japan was that bad though, and it was like 799 or 899yen for a 750mL -- wait no I didn't buy that much. I can't remember how much I bought but the bottle was priced only a little more than one yen to a mililitre.
>>266465 WHAT like 7.50 for a fucking 75cl bottle? gatagunk da brafiv sis hahnrara fidididfi
gatagunk da brafiv sounds funny
>>266466 Well that one would have been closer to ~850yen. And the 750mL bottle in the Amazon link I posted was 1081yen before shipping. Which is still insanely cheap.
it's not a good representation of personality it's missing 150 questions
>>266485 Why isn't it ordered as Conscientiousness Agreeableness Neuroticism Openness Extraversion
How can you be an authentic personality test if you aren't forcing acronyms
>>266485 Yeah there's bits I feel run too far with assumptions. The Agreeableness part I feel runs a bit too binary. Doesn't really take into account the struggle to remain honest and forthwith with people while not trying to hurt them too much.
And that there are people who are introverted that still crave social interaction.
I was just amused that my Neuroticism score got that high.
>today I will commit the lottery draw by going before the parliament house and throwing balls at the MEPs >the first 16 headshots will be the right numbers
>wait a minute frangen, security checkup >okay I am prepared for this >here are my left hand fingerprints, then my right hand fingerprints, both of my feet's prints, my nose print and finally my well... it doesn't matter what print
I was at the shop and the couple in line in front of me were talking about Roiland prank-calling the prayer line. I guess this is what being in touch with popular memes feels like.
>>266524 Is selfish of me to say, but it most likely represents us all quite well. Humans afterall are selfish but that indeed, death being it, is the worst for us
but for you yeah a lot can happen that are in a way lot worse
Jose is a category 4 and could potentially become a category 5. It's expected to finish off Barbuda and then move out into Atlantic instead of heading towards the continental US. That could change, though.
Yeah, I'm familiar with that.
So it's expected to dodge the mainland, at the moment. All right.
Here's the 5-day for Jose. It may continue without turning east, but it's expected to go east right now. If it goes west , that'll suck because it'll probably power up and hit Florida If it goes straight, it'll probably hit the Carolinas as a category 1 or a tropical storm/depression
They're generally governed by the general wind circulation. Right now, it's between a wind that would push it into Florida and one that would push it into the Atlantic. Going straight is pretty unlikely but it's possible it could shift a little west and get caught by those winds.
>>266534 considering the nature of storms the one that would push it southwards is more likely to affect it than the one pushing it toward florida unless I am bloody mistaken how the wind circulation there is
here's a good pic of it it's a cape verde hurricane so it started in africa and was heading towards the gulf of mexico but was pushed east a bit by that wind that goes into the atlantic but it had enough force to continue moving towards the US so right now it's kind of in a limbo between the two winds it's most likely that it'll go into the Atlantic, though
Those purple ones on // near Florida are the trade winds There's an area in the Atlantic where the trade winds natural swirl together with the westerlies
>>266540 The trade winds go west and the westerlies go east But there's an area in the Atlantic where the trade winds also go east due to their interaction with the westerlies
I looked at pairing Faye up with Spear Lucina, but I think her speed is a little too low for it to really work well. I think Felicia may be the ideal unit to pair with her because Felicia has good defensive stats but still has a lot of speed.
>>266538 go in exact opposite direction of the european trade winds
>>266538 if you ask me the trade winds as a whole are a cyckle of winds that "begin" in europe about mid portugal and up to england and go from there westwards towards americas and then from americas at southern caribbeans to brazil go back eastwards towards the coast of africa which formed the main trade route to the colonies anyhow
Sugar trade was big part why caribbeans were filled with pirates but it wasn't the be all of it in the end
>>266539 I think so too. A +SPD Saizo or Gaius could work as well. They won't reach Felicia's like 48 speed but they can get to around 44 speed or something with enough bond, probably. My Felicia is +SPD, but a +ATK may be better as her damage can be a little low sometimes. With Lucina, my Felicia gets about 40 ATK, I think.
>>266542 The area Felicia is strong that Gaius isn't is res. If someone needs to take a hit from a mage, Felicia can do it pretty well.
Faye has really good res too, but her speed is low and she gets doubled so it's almost pointless. I may take a neutral Felicia I have an 5 star her, she's pretty ideal as a companion for spear Lucina.
>>266543 I think Felicia is really good with some WoM allies. Probably a brave weapon ally with WoM. Especially if you give Felicia fury. It's especially good during tempest trials and chain challenges because you can just hit strong enemies to decrease their def and res by 7 and then have a WoM brave fellow or reinhardt or something pop in and deal an extra shit ton of damage.
Yeah. Lucina can tank physical and Felicia can tank magic. It's a good combo. I may get a gold Felicia to make use of it. I don't have a good dagger user anyway.
I need to come up with two or three different really good teams, I think.
Blue and I were bouncing around ideas and we came up with a +spd saizo with seal atk/def or seal atk/spd and atk smoke. That'd be -6 def/res and -7 atk on all foes around your target in addition to -5 atk/spd or atk/def on the enemy you hit directly.
I would pair that with Tana. An ally would then use Tana's guidance to pop up next to the enemy and smash them after they're weakened by Saizo. And Saizo's def is 36 so he can tank if he has to while he does this. It also gives him a ton of damage with Ignis. And with fury, he'd have 40 spd which is pretty damn good.
I should probably say that we won't be having the game tomorrow most likely. It's possible depending on when my power goes out but I will probably lose it around midnight.
If I sleep now, then I'll wake up around 5 or 6 AM. We're getting the real storm from like ~4:00 tomorrow until ~4:00 Monday. The worst of it will be during the day // night of Saturday and day of Sunday. I can't really be awake for all of it unless I'm up like 24 hours. It'll be on top of me around 8am on Sunday. I'm not really making a coherent argument, my mind if // is kind of hazy.
If I sleep now, it'll be harder for me to be awake when I need to be during the storm or something I think my brain's shutting down
The worst part of it will hit me around 8 PM sunday. 8AM is when I start getting tropical storm force winds.
So if I sleep now, I'll be on a sleep schedule that has me getting tired in the evening so I won't be able to be awake as well for the worst part of the storm. I'm probably going to stay up until about 4 or 5am and then sleep. That should more-or-less flip my sleep schedule and allow me to be awake for the storm.
The short threads are a minor annoyance compared to your tendency to declare new threads in the middle of an ongoing conversation, almost always killing that conversation. My current batch of anger stems from the fact that you made a new thread while I was in the middle of making a post, and you sucked all of the air out of the room in doing so.
Try to pay a little more attention to what people are doing when you are making new threads.
yo more importantly shafowverse is having a collab with fate and Archer is forestcraft which i guess makes sense because that usually involves bows. but fucking how am i supposed to unlimited blade works when archer isnt swordcraft >>266643 card game
>>266641 well arguments aside, I will say I will promise to be more "actually read the last 10 or so posts and see if something is happenynintyinghingingy" more in the future is that okay? when making threads
am not trying to make fun of you I am just bit drunk and can't think of anglish
You'll pay attention and not kill off interesting topics with your need to post new threads. If you can't create new threads responsibly, just let other people do it.
>>266650 but that's like the natural outcome right? robin hood is the expected "archer" in fiction. Emiya is basically an anomaly that Rin pulled over.
>>266654 Now mind you killing an "interesting topic" is always subjective I mean Sammy himself has already killed like 20 topics in terms of politics I can think of RIGHT NOW
Anyway, this issue is fairly simple. Kill off conversations I like by indiscrimately making threads, and it will make me mad. Particularly where you cut me off mid-post. It's fairly common sense.
And you do it far more often than anyone else. It's very annoying when I am enjoying a conversation at 250 posts in and here you come in the middle of the conversation expecting everyone to move to a new thread.