goodbye sleepless rika >>140789 at least theres only trhree shows
also how do you two feel about watching a movie tomorrow ot sat or sat** >>140791 oh then sat then
i wanna watch but i can't watch tomorrow
>>140790 if we watch sat i'll have to go to bed like right after probably i have to wake up for work at noon so i only have a few hrs on sat >>140793 sunday is better i have like all night
>>140789 No not necessarily. But I haven't been able to drag myself out of bed until now the past couple of days.
It's been a busy week, don't be mean to me.
If it's too much of a struggle for you to get it together for this time we can look at another. But if you're gonna be stubborn and refuse to compromise then I won't hesitate to be snarky about it.
>>140801 Not for me, but if it's hard for you to show up at a certain time, you should see if you can reschedule it to a more comfortable one. >>140802 hai
There's also Saekano (Rika and I caught up Jan) but we might be short on time for that tonight.
Well, we can do four shows if we don't drag ass. Clockwork?
2-3am is okay for me doesnt matter much unless the schedule is packed >>140807 ok
lets argue while watching the soso show that is Clockwork planet >>140813 okay how about an hour before regular time i'll write that in the thread saturday
>>140809 How is it being stubborn? You haven't even suggested a compromise. You're just bitching. I asked a few weeks ago if people wanted a different time and the consensus was that the time we do it at is fine.
>>140793 I can only watch on Friday or Saturday Anytime on those days works
>>140809 What time do you suggest? Is it a problem that I'm late sometimes? Like I said I'm fine with things the way they are. I don't think it's stubbornness for me to be okay with things the way they are. The current anime times are best for gathering the most people because we have a lot of night owls.
everyone is orange let's start
>>140814 Starting at 03:00 is difficult because it heavily reduces the wiggle room we have. Especially since it's rare that Squid , and to a lesser extent you, want to watch past 04:30. It -is- possible to work four shows into that time period, but it requires precision and no one needing a lot -needing time for the washroom.
>>140818 Which shows are consistently getting delayed? The only backlog we have right now is tsugomugo or whatever and that's a result of your trip and the show being so lackluster that nobody cares to catch up.
Shuumatsu got delayed this week on a four-show day.
Besides, this is tangeting into a different discussion.
Even if we did it then I would still be in a hurry. 11 EST? I'd want to be asleep by 1 EST or so.
Is it unreasonable to not have 45 minute breaks while watching anime? It seems like the problem is that we don't have as much wiggle room as you'd like.
Yeah, since it takes a long time for me to fall asleep. So I need to be in bed a good forty-five minutes or so before I intend to be asleep. If it's cutting close to 05:00 to watch four shows, then I'm falling asleep later than what's feasible for me, if I want to wake up rested. On the other hand, if we were wrapping up at around 04:00-04:30, then that wouldn't be an issue. Which if we're starting at 03:00, means it's a bit of a struggle to watch four shows. Wiggle room is important because shit comes up, or someone needs to use the washroom because we're human beings, or etc. Trying to watch ninety-six minutes of anime in an hour and a half is a struggle in itself.
>>140831 that's why you skip the op and ED and only watch 84 minutes of anime in an hour and a half
Hah hah, I know eh. I thought about that, but getting that coordinated would be another logistical nightmare. Also some times there's OPs and ED that are nice to watch.
>>140837 I read it. We're doing fine on actually watching anime.
If the problem is that you're getting to bed too late, I can try showing up earlier and being late less often. I think the current time we do things at is more or less fine.
I strongly disagree. Starting at 02:00-02:30 instead of 02:45-03:00 would help considerably.
why didn't you just say you want to start on time so you can get enough sleep when she asked if being late was a problem 30 minutes ago dude
Because some times a question being worded in a specific way makes me respond to a question differently than what is probably ideal. It's one of those things I'm probably literally autistic over.
>>140851 oh i didn't know i had to tell you i have a drinking problem
Oh in that case I have a problem keeping objectives straight. The moment I stop thinking about something I need to do, odds are I'll forget it entirely.
>>140855 So you have trouble with long-term goals or anything? I'm ready btw. >>140855 i dunno, i texted him?
kiss noto
oh ok he said no
>>140857 I guess? Long-term or short-term, either one I can struggle with. Like if you give me an egg in a spoon and tell me to walk across a field and put it in a bowl, I can probably manage that without getting distracted. But I'll go to the kitchen to get a drink, pull out a glass, leave it on the counter, go pet my cat, go back to my room, all before remembering I wanted a drink. Some times I'll even repeat a similar scene after pouring out the drink.
what time are you
02:05 02:10 02:15
She never got a replacement Kiss Note. She's still using the gyaru's phone version.
Don't they have an agreement that no one knows about their relationship at school? That's the source of most of their problems!
haha now she's getting cucked Maybe she will do something about it nope
pink-kun and sensei are the best ship
I never got heatstroke when I was out at amusement parks when I was a kid. These kids just need to git gud.
finding your way around an amusement park isn't that hard
I dunno man, a lot of the ones I've been to, I'm pretty sure have deliberately been designed like mazes. If you don't have a map, I think it's pretty easy to get mixed up where you are.
That stutter fast-walk he does is kind of dorky. At least take full strides.
Because normally the SUPER SHOUJO Utaha wouldn't be talking with such a total nerd. All her communication with Ethical-kun happens away from normal people.
>hidden powers The show is literally called how to raise a boring girlfriend. The end is as telegraphed as toradora.
Hah hah hah. That ending must have been still pretty unimpressive even with all of Utaha's assistance.
I wonder if Natsu Comi is the finale point for the series. When the series first started, I thought the previous Comiket was going to be the culmination point. Pushing out their first game and resolving the character plotlines. Maybe that was even the original plot layout.
He's still being a good friend and a lousy director. When will he ever learn.
I don't think it was coincidental the screen flashed at that point where it said "the protagonist changes too"
The visual direction for this show is pretty good. They manage some decent subtleties for an LN adaptation and there's a fairly high level of quality involved.