oh i screwed up some terminology on a pharmaceutical interview i thought they were talking about one thing but they were talking about a different thing hm, i hope they understand
I don't have any either. Last time I was shopping I knew I should have gotten some but I didn't want to spend more money than I had to since I've been short,
hey kirara what do you think of the use of psychadelics in treating depression is that ever a discussion in psychology or is it just kind of out-there stuff
It's pretty out there. It isn't as effective as the other 10-15 major depression treatments which all only work 60-75% of the time as is.
i know it's a dissociative and not a psychedelic but ive heard people reporting ketamine treated their depression for a few weeks after use i know that's used for anesthesia stuff in hospitals so maybe there's more relevant data on that somewhere
There's a body of literature that says ketamine is mildly effective at helping with depression, but the amount that someone would use when they abuse is ineffective. It's only effective at small and very particular doses. Not enough to get the k hole with.
i see i ask because i'm on an information binge about pharmacokinetics and things and it was a tangent thought not because i have personal interest in trying to do that
yeah ofc not clinical i know there was a trend for soldiers with ptsd-related depression to use low doses of lsd to help handle their depression whether or not it's clinical, people still are gonna do what makes them feel better
The LSD was for the traumatic memory-related symptoms, not the emotional symptoms. Right now, MDMA is being tested for use with PTSD and looks promising. LSD wasn't that good.
>>140623 I have class from 1pm until 3pm. Do you need something?
Kirara are you preoccupied tomorrow around noon/afternoon?
>>140622 that sounds even better than treating the depression i really hope we find something good for that soon i still want to try the emdr but i got super scared and chickened out last time
>>140622 I'm a bit pre-occupied tonight but I can settle my debt with you tomorrow. Just, uh, if you see me around and I'm not talking about it, remind me! It slips my mind easily.
>>140626 is that why you wanted to try mdma or was that something i misunderstood i would really like to try it if i'm in a safe space is that like recreational dose or microdosing they're looking at
I wouldn't say I want to try MDMA. Like, I wouldn't go out of my way to try it. But if I were in a situation where it were convenient and safe, I would be willing to try it.
The dosage they use is probably microdosages, but I honestly haven't read the literature on it because it's all pretty new. The FDA only approved the testing two years ago or something. err maybe it was the DEA that approved it Someone federal approved it anyway
that would be the fda i'm sure i wonder if it's in clinical trial or still trial design or what there must have been people eager to trial it if the fda bothered approving it
You'd think so, but probably not. Pot got approved for testing, and then nobody was willing to do any research with it. It took a long time before anyone stepped up to the plate and agreed to do it, even though grants were being offered.
most of what i do is transcript and document preparation for pharma industries doing trial prep and design like spending tons of money polling all these doctors about how to even try the design and then there's often geographical issues in making the trials logistically feasible when you consider their communication period is one fiscal quarter, depending on how many hurdles have to be identified and addressed before you can even start the trial, i wouldn't be surprised if two years hasn't been enough time to start even though theyve started starting
psych trials are especially problematic because of compliance issues if you're dealing with trauma patients there's probably a lot of fear about something like that and if // there's not always stability to keep taking it
i ordered delivery again like a sap it's good though it's probably better than me not eating which is what would have happened otherwise eating is important
wow, i got hit with an automatic payment on a subscription for 5-htp supplements i forgot i had going for like 60 bucks i got sad and went to cancel my subscription and thought i wasted 60 bucks, but they automatically refunded the previous charge a++ company
>>140642 no it's great i just got notified of the charge, it was one of those sneaky subscriptions but when i cancelled the subscription, they cancelled the shipping and the charge normally you'd have to call up and have to pry the refund from them but they gave it up willingly it's nice to see companies not trying to screw me over
say goodbye bang
tfw i work so much i'll never be able to get married
>>140653 how do you manage to sleep like my work schedule is so frantic too and i'm having troubles sleeping when the time is there >>140656 so you just lay down and force yourself to sleep or are you exhausted and ready to sleep
>>140655 I mean there's little exercises but nothing i explicitly depend on breathing more relaxed, thinking about peaceful things I am exhausted but I'm pretty much eternally exhausted because of how much I work I also control my sleep schedule pretty hard. I'll intentionally only get certain amounts of sleep a day in advance to control how tired I'll need to be in order to sleep later. Last night I only got 5 hours because I knew I'd need to be sleepy right now, and I am. What sucks about 6 hours from now is that I'll have to do the truck and then open the store immediately or possibly before I'm even finished. Then I have to work my shift until 2pm and then MAYBE I can leave
You guys are pretty good at knowing retarded unfunny meme things, so explain to me what a fidget spinner is and why everyone seems to be crazy for them.
It's a toy for children that you fidget with and it spins. I'm not sure why they're in a craze maybe it only affects normies.
They're a fad that are capitalizing on the concept that having something to fidget with can help with AD(H)D issues and improve mental focusing. Combined with how every teenager wants to self-diagnose themselves with mental disorders, the fact that they come in a variety of colours and styles, means that social scenes like schools and groups of friends really promote others in those groups to want one too. I feel bad for the teachers that have to deal with all these kids that are spinning these little colourful things in class when they're trying to teach a lesson.
Never mind that you can just spin your pen or spend two bucks on a small foam ball.
Kinda? I mean if you actually have them you'll probably still have to deal with the social stigma of the struggles you have to deal with. But it's really popular now to diagnose yourself with some kind of mental disorder with little actual analytical backing, and say you're AD(H)D, have PTSD, are bipolar, or whatever, despite the fact that you don't actually exhibit the actual debilitating drawbacks to those problems.
My biggest issue with it is sure, it's a toy, but it's a really expensive product for what it offers. They're around fifteen-twenty dollars for a little thing you spin around. If they were five dollars and still as obscenely popular I wouldn't bat an eye.
i dont see why people are so upset/irked by them it's just something to busy your hands, everybody does this anyway >>140677 yeah i tried it once at uni to do the test thing, but you have to schedule a time to do it in a different room and with someone proctoring like, and then you're not in the room to ask questions for clarification and stuff if there's problems
I was diagnosed with ADD but I can't think of any way that it's affected my life. I guess you could get 15 extra minutes on tests if you asked but I have always finished tests early and it was more trouble than it was worth.
I'll probably be spending my weekend with PAN again so feel free to have fun with that information.
>>140684 That's really not true at all. Perhaps your ADD was always manageable and progressed to have very little impact on your adult life. But there are a lot of adults out there that weren't as fortunate and still suffer from how their AD(H)D affects their daily life.
i always kept a pack of cards on me in school my figdet // fidget was shuffling cards and doing flourishes and things i also had those two little metal balls that have a weight inside that you're supposed to roll around in your hands without letting them touch but they made noise so i only used them at home, not at school
I actually had a couple of fidgets that were less benevolent than me doodling actually. Stuff like peeling at the skin on my fingers, and once my hair got long and thick enough, running my hands through my hair and dealing with knots that formed in my hair with my fingers. They both produce a lot of waste and are pretty detrimental really, but they're still bad habits I have a hard time breaking.
>>140691 Oh I see. I just thought I was being clever shortforming ADD/ADHD into it; I didn't know there was something like that which works better. I'll stick to it.
>>140686 it's ad/hd the h isn't like an option on the add it's a separate thing that shares a spectrum so they clump the two together
If I don't take the Happy Pills I just lie around in bed all day waiting to die.
>>140690 yeah it was attention deficit disorder, but hyperactivity disorder was deemed to be in the same classification so they made it into attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder so it's like (AD/H) disorder at least that's how i understand it but kirara would know better
I actually knew that they'd reconsidered hyperactivity into the same classification, but I didn't know about the renaming. My bad/
>>140708 yeh but the people doing court services for particular hearings isn't
Just cheese on top of a burger is nice. It's easy and low-risk for messy eating.
Personally I also don't like leafy greens and juicy vegetables on my burgers since I don't like the texture combination; I like them well enough on their own. But I love onions. Onions are great.
But really who fucking calls the store up because there's salad on their burger
I'll tell you who degenerate faggots who need to be gunned down in the street
>>140709 I just don't like the texture and flavor those things add.
If there's a special sauce for the place that can be nice. Bacon's okay but I prefer without most of the time.
>>140712 That's why you articulate properly and explain to the cashier what you want. So that no future calling is necessary.
That's also why I didn't buy any burgers in Japan until I was sure I was somewhere with skilled English speakers.
I ended up eating a burger with all the fixings while I was road-tripping with Kirara, Jan, and Notso though. Ordering the stuff was already enough stress on Kirara and I didn't want to put more on him. I did eat it but man, all it really did was re-affirm my understanding that I don't like burgers that way.
Like in the rare case that folks mess up my order and don't give me a plain burg, I have tried to eat it and see if my opinion has changed.
It hasn't. Mustard is still no fun, pickles are still my nemesis. I don't ask for onions so those usually aren't there. The crunch of tomatoes and lettuce aren't my thing, and I particularly don't like how tomatoes taste. Lettuce on a taco is alright, I've tried that. I also had a chicken wrap with lettuce and that was p good. I just don't want it on my burger.
I really like the mix of pickles, mayo, and chicken on a chicken sandwich actually. But the mix of pickles and burgers isn't as nice for me.
Well it was fantastic talking about meme trends, mental illness and bitching about work with you guys, but the day is getting on and things need to get done. You all have a great weekend.
And burgers.
>>140723 Take it easy Mersh. Don't party too hearty.
>>140722 He says "this gonna be good" like one time a minute. And a bunch of undertone "ooooh yeah".
yeah i know isn't it great
It's kind of funny.
Those burgers are pretty fantastic though. I've never smoked a burger before.
I memorize and retell stories of my failures a lot more than stories of my successes And I think this has an adverse effect on me and how I view things But my failure stories are just more entertaining, more relateable, and less like bragging
I was telling my buddy about an old date of mine, and I told him it was awkward He said >how was it awkward I didn't know what to say Except for "I didn't know what to say"
I have tried to go to bed at least four times in the past hour but everyone has wanted to contact me.
Last-minute birthday wishes~?
>>140732 that sounds terrible sorry you have so many birthday wishes coming your way i wish things weren't so difficult
This streak of days in which I've had some sort of bodily injury to take care of has gone on too long and I'm definitely not at the age where I should be in pain on a daily basis
well i'm not retarded, i didn't know it was in the shoe until my foot started hurting though i sat through a doctor's appointment and went to wendy's and ate before i decided to take my shoe off and found blood all over my sock and foot
They've GOT to have it lined up. There's no way it wouldn't. Does Capcom even have any other title of interest on the Switch?
No PC release I assume Wasn't one MonHun supposed to have a PC release?
There's a couple MonHun MMOs, but they're fairly limited to Asian countries. Not one has made an international release.
wow I really like what I hear about monhun I just don't wanna buy a console It's a lot of money to sink down for a handful of games, you know
Yeah I get it.
Like maybe I'm just spoiled But I can spend the same upgrading my PC, and have access to like 1000 times as many games Sure a lot will be shit, but that's the case in roughly the same ratio for consoles and PC, so
I don't really know if that's spoiled, but it is the more pragmatic rational.
Console gaming is expensive in the big picture, but I'm content to make the sacrifice for the games on it that I enjoy.
Even if Capcom becomes the absolute posterboy for stupidity and doesn't release it in North America, Switch games aren't region-locked. So people could just import the game from Japan all the same. It's not like MonHun requires an in-depth understanding of the language involved.
I played P3rd in japanese for a while before they released that fanpatch. It's not super hard to play the game without knowing japanese. You basically don't even need to read any of the text.
Yeah pretty much. Wouldn't be as easy for newcomers though, approaching the series that way. But for anyone who's got MonHun experience you can pretty much disregard text and look at the pictures.
I wonder if they'll update the abysmal terrain graphics in the Generations generation for the Switch though. Would be a total waste to use the same terrain textures, even if they up the resolution.
But for example, since it's the G-rank Generations game, they're probably going to have missions in that fucking ugly Ancestral Steppe map from generation four. The one with the BRIGHT ORANGE-YELLOW plains. Maybe it'll look better in the higher resolutions, but I'm not holding out.
>>140775 hey that map actually looked great in MH4 but the Generations graphics are worse for some reason and it looks all fucked up Generations has noshaders
I'm being more mean that it deserved, most of the map was all right. But I hated the colour and flat texture of the grass even in 4U.
well frankly i don't like the color of the grass in the first parts of the map either but the rest of the map looks great to me and the terrain is really fun maybe they will make it look a little better in dos equis
>>140780 vanquish is the craziest most hyperactive balls to the wall EXPLOSIVE ACTION third person shooter / beat em up / power fantasy EVER it's good wholesome blowing aliens up with a fucking rocket launcher while powersliding through their mates at 60mph frantic frenetic fun. and now you can play it with a mouse and keyboard and 4k resolution at 120fps on your PC instead of on the PS3 like 7 years ago.
>>140783 That's crazy. I haven't fought him since I last played MHFU in the prehistoric age. >>140784 They were, but they used to be more crazy with their ideas. All of their modern games kind of play similar now. Which isn't really a bad thing, the gameplay they make now is pretty refined. But their older games had some more interesting elements, like Vanqush and its powerslide. That's actually a key part of the gameplay, rocket boosting around with your augmented reaction suit and suckerpunching enemies.
That was the last game he showed up in, at least concerning main series games.
>>141013 That doesn't sound like something I would do. I was just saying you should be less clumsy. You have to be some kind of crazy klutz to knock a razor over and then stop on it.
>>141026 You can put it out of the way. I put mine on top of the tub thingy kinda up where it meets the wall sometimes. And in my old bathroom I would put it deep in the window sill because there was a window right in my shower for some reason. It had blinds though but it still felt kinda dangerous.
I don't have anything like that! All I have is a hanging thing that hangs from my showerhead and it has three razors.
I have two razors hanging from it and Fish has one.
>>141028 Windows in the shower are nice during winter. But if it had blinds, I think that would be too low. And even then, it tends to get knocked down.
>>141029 It kinda looks like P-san is holding an exacto knife to her.
>>141029 You don't have any ledges or anything in there for them? Well, you should be really careful then. Knocking a razor down and then stepping on it is so clumsy that it's not even in the realm of things that I would do.
>>141030 It was pretty low, if there hadn't been blinds there people could have seen me showering!
>>141033 Was it at least frosted glass? I'll never understand why people have regular windows at low height in bathrooms... It just makes you feel too vulnerable.
it would be really nice to have a big window next to my bathtub so i can watch the beauty of nature while i take a bath as long as nobody is around anyways
>>141039 Get a big monitor with nature documentaries running
>>141038 That wasn't my intention! I can apologize if you like. I'm sorry I called you a klutz for knocking your razor in the floor and then stepping on it.
>>141039 Mine just looked into the front yard and over the road outside.
>bathroom next to the front yard with a window facing the street i'm going to tell you the same thing i told my friend when i noticed their bathroom was like that lol
You wouldn't have been able to see through the blinds anyway. Also the window was just kind of up a bit so you'd have to be viewing from an upward angle to see my chest.
I think we've become a little sidetracked. This isn't about my chest, it's about trying to save Kirara from his clumsy tendency to knock sharp things over and then step on them.
>>141082 I wasn't teasing in the first place so I can't really be done since I wasn't doing it in the first place. I'm going to be napping soon anyway.
>>141087 It's really good but it can be hard to get crispy.
Cracker Barrel had really good turkey bacon but idiot faggot losers kept ordering it and sending it back because they don't know what turkey bacon looks like and thought it was undercooked and corporate took it off the menu.
>>141086 You attacked me where I'm most fragile! My heart!
>>141096 >"this used to be on the menu but now it's not displayed even though we still make it" That's kinda what I suggested they might have done with the bacon
You can ask for it but it's not listed
But I guess not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i asked for it but the waitress told me what happened and a waitress in tennessee confirmed it for me ;_;
Awful I've never tried turkey bacon, but removing food from a menu is always a sad thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah especially because customers were literally too stupid for a basic item on it
Cracker Barrel was actually ahead of its time With bacon
Who the fuck orders something, doesn't recognize what's on the plate, and just sends it back without at least going "Uh, is... are you sure this is the thign I ordered?"
Like if I order spaghetti and I get a soup, sure, I'll immediately know But if the spaghetti is just a slightly different color or something, I'll ask if that's normal, I won't just send it back and demand another SEVERAL TIMES
>give customer thing >he says to take it back Like, so far so good, but you have TWO options as the waiter here You either ask if there's something wrong, or you JUST BRING IT BACK But if you JUST BRING IT BACK, you don't know if they want another one or just their money Maybe they were displeased and just wanna leave? You can't just assume, so of course you ask if something is wrong And if they say "This isn't what I ordered", the situation should resolve itself when you ask "Oh you didn't order the turkey bacon? My mistake, what was it you ordered, I'll get it right away" The situation should be cleared up now and ALSO YOU COULD AVOID ALL OF THIS BY ADDING A PICTURE IN THE MENU
Mad about food
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently it happened at such insanely high frequency that waitresses complained and corporate got rid of it because of that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>141105 adding pictures to the menu is really expensive unfortunately
What, really? Maybe on a national scale, but for each business it can't be more than a dollar extra per printed menu, right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The menus have probably 100 or so items on it
I think this is all rooted in America's fucked up culture of "the customer is always right, especially if they're demonstrably incorrect" Waiters don't dare say against the fucking idiot customer, and don't want to make them look dumb because THERE GOES THE FUCKING TIP AND THE WAITER DOESNT EAT TONIGHT Meanwhile customers are 500 times more willing to call out bullshit that doesn't exist than they should be
As a people, you gotta stop thinking your lack of understanding is proof of your understanding
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
waiters can't say anything if they do, they lose their tip and then they don't get paid for all the work they're doing it's so fucked up
tip stuff is the worst
"I dont' know what this thing I got is, but I know for a fact it's not this thing I asked for and literally have never seen before"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
making your customers pay your employees is so stupid
It's about the most disturbing thing about American life
What the fuck
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it better than companies that force the government to pay their employees so they can line their own pockets?
>>141117 I mean... if the government pays the employees at least they get paid But those corporations need a small dose of THE SPECTRE OF COMMUNISM Just scare 'em a little bit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
for example walmart employees don't make enough money to eat something like 75% of walmart employees are on food stamps the taxpayers are literally being forced to pay for their food so that walmart doesn't have to pay them
The US should have like a state-size flag of the USSR being flown across each state, rotating so it's always flying over a different one, and takes exactly one day Just to make people go "Hey maybe we shouldn't be so exploitative in case that fucking thing happens here that'd be really bad for us"
It's like the most bizarre and corrupted form of it you could imagine, but yeah
It's corporate welfare
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's socialism created by capitalism and not glorious worker
for capitalism, rather
The US really oughta rein that shit in, I'm serious It's gonna fucking eat you, and it's not gonna be glorious capitalism that comes out the other end You're gonna hit a point where the literal commies start being the only good option left for the working man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we have socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor in the US
Dude that may sound like a big achievement for Greece but also they're just getting funded by the EU, so Like oh you tanked your entire economy? Here's a bailout and don't worry about denbts
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but they're still using that money for NATO instead of internal stuff
yeah well they probably figure it's best not to burn any bridges right now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if only everyone thought that maybe our useless defense pact would waste even more money
Us even spending money on the military is a joke There's not even 5 million of us We could arm the entire country and Finland's regular military would outnumber us
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
members of NATO literally fund NATO's enemies why do we even do this shit
because it's just a defense thing It's not an alliance
And really, it's hot air at the end of it, if it ever comes into play The US isn't gonna step in to stop anyone from attacking us, get real
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we should remove turkey from NATO at the very least
NATO is shit UN is shit EU is shit why do we even pretend that we can get along?
The US won't even properly stop their own enemies because keeping them around is good for the expansion of the government, but NATO somehow thinks they'll help US OUT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and also because arms dealers make so much money from it
>>141141 Yeah, that too I guess Mostly it's just real fucking convenient to be at war to keep people from questioning too much when you dump money into the military one more time Or when you go "Oh but those rights are in the way of NATIONAL DEFENSE" Or when you go "But we need this to be classified for an entire generation, or THE ENEMY would have some clue what our elected officials are actually doing"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think getting rid of rights is just a bonus primary reason is money in my opinion
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
getting rid of rights helps make money by putting people in fear
Power is what it comes down to Your congress has been the same dudes since what, the 70s? It's just a fucking aristocracy that sits on power and expands that power while making it impossible for the people to really vote against them because everything that would make them do that is classified for the entire lifespan of the people who elected you the first time "The freedom of information act has provided us evidence that 500 years ago the government did a bad thing. Too bad you had NO FUCKING IDEA at the time so NOBODY could stop it"
Like it took a leak to discover that your federal government had just outright stopped giving a shit about the whole right to privacy thing The same leak revealed they'd been leaning on people for political objectives not related to the security of the nation necessarily
You found out but nothing happened because the system keeps itself going and if anyone TRIES to stop it, they're the ones who get LEANED IN ON BY THOSE AGENCIES
It's pretty awful how close the system is to one where the anarchists are probably right, and the only way back is violent revolution
it is but we, the workers, will rise up and the turkey will rise with us
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
In Franklin’s letter from Paris to his daughter, dated January 26, 1784:
I am on this account not displeased that the figure is not known as an Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the truth, the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America… He is besides, though a little vain and silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on.
turkeys would fuck a brit up if he came stepping to the hood but a bald eagle would probably run away and dial 911 fuck eagles
The Bald Eagle IS Britain He looks mean and tough, but in the end he just flies off Meanwhile, the turkey is the revolutionary. He stays and fights because America is the only home he's got
turkeys look stupid and weird but if you mess with them they'll fuck your whole world up that's america
One time I was waiting at a red light and a wild turkey jumped out of the woods and jumped over the hood of the car in front of me and continued running across the street into the woods on the other side. It looked really smooth. It looks like it did one of those cool powerslides across the hood of the car.
Turkeys are great.
One time I tried to raise a supermarket egg into hatching as a kid
>>141265 Yeah, it could get pretty boring at times. There were some sick moments tho, like the fight between Shichika and his sister, or the final tower climb. Some episodes would've worked better as half-an-hour episodes than hour long ones.
iced coffee is common also don't they have those fancy vending machines that keeps some things warm? they have vending machines for soup so I'm sure some of their coffee can be warm
I don't think milk tea is really a good idea. I haven't had it a lot, though. >>141304 >putting anything in your green tea except for fucking leaves filthy degenerate
I accidentally almost said the word "shit" in class yesterday with a really strict and stuff professor I caught myself at like shi- It was really embarrassing but I don't think she caught it even though my classmates did since they know I have a pretty vulgar way of speaking haha
So here's an interesting question Which is likely to be the better movie
Suicide Squad or Sinister Squad, the mockbuster based on Suicide Squad
Keep in mind this is suicide squad, so there's a decent-to-good chance the low budget mockbuster is actually significantly better
>>141317 Happy koko day. I hope we get news of the new Fighting game soon.
not like chinese who are super rude. and gay
Best items in dead cells Attack Buffer Biter Swarm
Nothing tops these two
That combo also has the added benefit of meaning you never need to add strength, and can focus all upgrades on skills Because attack buffer just gives flat damage to your weapon, which of course means all you need to do is find something with a high attack per second stat
Boring as hell. I didn't do anything special. My sister's on a diet, my mom is diabetic, and my dad just found out he was borderline-diabetic, so I only had a small cake for myself. Just read, drew, and studied like every other day. Today will be better. Praise Cutekoro.
I went to a kosher deli on saturday. I had forgotten how good they were since i hadbt been to one in a really long time.
I'm trying to get this Comptia A+ cert so my friend can hit me with a job. That's what I've been studying but there's always more stuff I don't know. I need to take better notes or something.
water you planning to do with that why aren't you going after design stuff like you're already trained to do it's a booming field i have a hard time believing you can't find something that a full snail education can help you land
i can fuckin see krillin standing there during the cell junior fights just trying to balance that shit and spin it progressively faster with his hand for like five minutes until it's ready
Is DBS getting any closer to the big tournament? >>141356 OOOOOH SHIT
I gotta catch up
yeah i think it starts this week there was literally 10 episodes of TALKING and recruiting the 10 fighters like each character got an episode, which is totally cool and all that people other than goku or vegeta get any airtime but it was fucking boring and filler bullshit with really little animation and long talking scenes and not even much writing time because it's the same format every episode for 10 episodes straight WHICH TO ME makes me think that they literally just made a filler season with lower work time in preparation for the tournament episodes >>141357 we're not told yet whether hit is in it there's suggestion that he is but it LOOKS LIKE some fighters might be going to switch to another universe's team and hit was talking in the champa games arc about leaving universe 6 that's why he wanted that time cube thing
Did they at least get Hit on the other team so Goku can go The World v Star Platinum again?
OK but at least he's not on team with Goku, so THERE'S A CHANCE.gif
>>141358 there was a CLIFFHANGER on the last episode (the final episode of the RECRUITMENT arc) that, oh no, majin buu isn't able to participate so it's either going to be another episode of trying to wake majin buu up from napping (i wouldnt be surprised) or they're going to grab someone else like yamcha, or maybe an UNKNOWN SURPRISE i don't really care about all this bullshit i just want them to get back to the story i don't need episodic filler it's been two months of this garbage i'm thinking that this episode will be trying to wrap up the recruitment and then have them arrive at the tournament at the end of the episode so probably still another week before the actual tournament begins, but it should at least begin to begin by now
They always cop out with buu Was a mistake to make him that fucking strong to begin with
they threw everything about power out the window this arc like now it's about STRATEGY like a whole episode of them learning there are ways to fight TOGETHER and do things you cant do on your own it was fuckin dumb
I guess he got inspired by HxH There were some hints of more strategy in the first tournament too
there's some retconning a bit like now it's all about ki control, not power level and what makes ssb and ssg so wonderful isn't its power boost, but it's perfect control over ki where as the ssj's have plenty of power but relatively little control so that kind of thing
Like the fire man was a DIRECT reversal of the chi monster Babedi teleported Goku too in the Buu arc He overwhelmed that one by just maxing power output, but fire man he had to think against
Aren't they only able to stay in SSJ to begin with because their ki control is abnormally good to \\\ good after training?
i mean yeah that was the big threshold in achieving and utilizing ssj in the first place but once you're in ssj it's sapping up all your stamina in exchange for basically an unlimited energy supply >>141367 blue is supposed to be 100% perfect ki control so like, there was a point where he was fighting krillin and he went blue and still took blows/landed blows on krillin and people were thinking that's dumb because that'd literally kill krillin and it's ruining the powerscaling if krillin is somehow on par there but that's the thing they're talking about now, SSJ is just raw power boost so everything's more POWER goku can be blue and take his ki to whatever level he needs and use it freely so he can be 1% or 100% at his discretion rather than all the "i need three episodes to warm up before i can hit 100% and i have to spend a long time powering up even then"
So do they basically have like 10% control normally in SSJ after training in it, but SSJGSSJ gives them like 90%?
Oh, that's neat So it's BASICALLY a power boost of like x amount, since it boosts what they can do with their power?
>>141366 Does this confirm that Beerus knows for a fact that he was using about 75% against SSJG Goku? Cause he should have that same amount of control, right, so he should know exactly how much he was using
>>141369 but "he wouldn't be powering up if he was holding back" would be the argument but this argument is that blue isn't necessarily powering up he can access it without powering up, but he would have to power up to go ssj and even still better ki control than fighting in base form >>141370 no idea
yeah, even the super saiyan states can't access all of their potential only ssblue and gohan's mystic form can do that mystic gohan can access all that freely so he doesn't need to go ssj and it wouldn't help him if he did it'd be like putting a bandaid on top of your gauze it's like it's already being taken care of better so don't even bother >>141374 hm i dont think so at least not in that biological sense i would say it'd be something like, the warrior lifestyle they have and what they live in, the environment that formed their thought processes, that sort of directed anger is where they have their mental clarity goku just has his mental clarity being comfortable with his friends and having fun so that's why he gets it there
Theory! Saiyans, because of their primitive aggressive nature, gain MORE control over their power the madder they get That's why anger is what lets you get to SSJ at all
What if actually The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly isn't actually that insanely powerful, and he really was just born pretty insanely strong, but because he's ALWAYS SO FUCKING MAD, he has way more control over his power than the rest of the gang, making him appear far stronger despite technically having a lower power level
>>141375 hey we're talking about dragon ball theories wanna join u
Everything falls into fucking place if you just accept saiyans gain control over their ki as they get mad That's why the Oosaru are also so unbelievably strong THEY'RE ALWAYS MAD
That's why the original super saiyans were so FUCKING MAD
I don't think it would've looked good in print either The textures struck me as really ugly
>>141422 It looks a lot different in print, theres a lot done to the image in terms if color and what not before *of color it gets uploaded to manga sites.
>>141422 reminder tahat in print that pic is about third of that size
>>141451 not big on photography huh that's kind of the end-goal of doing all the cutesy stuff and pose them with props because it makes for a good photo
>using exactoknife while watching anime and building a model because I'm retarded >look down >blood on shirt >can't figure out where im bleeding ???????
At what point do you decide that you use a service enough that signing up for an account with them to long-term save a little bit of money is worth it/
>>141467 Every five orders, I get five percent of each of the previous orders in "loyalty" dollars. So yeah eventually I can save enough to order a full pizza for free.
>>141473 Probably wouldn't have happened if she weren't grabbing me all over and stuff while I'm holding an exactoknife! It's totally her fault. >>141472 Yeah, the killer escaped at the end. >>141470 Yeah, I wish I could get a job like that. >>141476 Pretty sure!
>>141475 a photography studio would be really nice to have you could embark on all sorts of endeavors with very little entry cost just by having the studio
>>141478 You're so cruel. I'm going back to my model! Mou! >>141479 Yeah, I think so too If'd be like $2000+ to get even a workable one though probably
>>141488 I do sometimes! But it's weird to say stuff like that to someone's face. I was going to tell you I appreciated you a while ago but it was too awkward so I just didn't.
I considered getting some model boats to go with the boats I have figures for. I couldn't find any good shiratsuyu ones though, I guess that's no surprise.
Kancolle team has been having old, really good ship models, remade and has been selling them Ships take a looooong time to build though Definitely not good for first timers
They're such a time commitment that I wouldn't dare do one without painting it too
>>141544 I want some sort of Red Alert level warfare to happen just so I can see the pikachu mascot death squads
>>141547 haha My dad and I only built that one model together He wasn't really into modelling and just thought itd be a fun father son activity I didn't pick up gunpla for a long time after that
A reboot would allow them to make a goddamn story with lore that makes some sense
Rather than the current situation where NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE
True dat make first one a one with just hints at the story at second one unfold some secrets and at the third finally give enough pieces that the story can be told by dedicated fans but never really make the audience listen to some rant
Which movie is the one where like 5 people are brought into a room to do some test, and as stuff goes on all but one dies, and that one is recruited by the CIA to be a tool for the government essentially? That's not cube, is it?
I remember it in relation to cube, but nothing cube-y happened since it was just one room
I think Hypercube or the 2nd one third one was prequel with more primitive cube
fuck I know the name of this movie
Hypercube was fun when in the end time began to be wonky that one guy turned cannibalistic and began to eat the time clones
And he can jam in really out there shit A room that itself is fucking around with time and space within the single room, rather than in relation to other rooms That kind of shit Just go fucking nuts and don't even care if the audience gets it the first time around
HYPERCUBE REBOOT: Watch it more than once or you understand NOTHING
Cause you can have time loop in on itself and do primer stuff
Indie movies are usually either too artsy, or not doing enough different
>>141607 >one character in the beginning is a timelooped version of the MC
>>141609 >the MC is actually replaced halfway through the movie by a clone from a different timeline, but you have no real way of realizing until something is revealed at the very end, and even then you only realize when rewatching the whole time
>in one room time is bended through the room so in one corner time moves 10 times faster than another, and in some parts space gets fucked up and 1 meter as seen from one part of the room looks like a kilometer from the other There's no fucking limits to the SHIT you can pull here dude
Was it really the same room in hypercube? I thought there were different rooms, but also time was getting fucked with also
hypercube yeah in the end it just reverted so that all the other rooms ceased to be and the mc girl jumped from one entrance at the cannibal guy >>141617 basically the only real room was the exit room and it got twisted in space and time both, infinite times and the only way to win was just to stand still untill the cube reset
You could have different people hang out in different 'rooms' that are actually the same room BUT They all slowly gather up copies of themselves from slightly different points on the timeline and eventually they fight other groups for dominance but everyone has unlimited copies in time so it never ends ever
>>141619 >4 people are having a conversation >in between camera switches it doesn't change between persons >but between rooms where different iterations of the same people are having the same conversation >ends up with them killing eachother or something, but in each iteration a different guy survives
>>141629 If you've ever had cookies and cream ice cream, oreo or oreo-likes are often the kind of cookie used. The cream is like, less flavourful filling cream.
They're good though I rarely ever buy them but that's a price/goodness thing
See if they sell dominos in your stores next time you go to one.
I really don't like the taste of Oreo cream. At all. It tastes like chemical and sugar.
The actual cookie though is kind of tasty.
The cookie is why you buy it If it was for the cream you should have gotten lemon cream cookies instead, which is like oreos with regular cookies, but the cream is lemon As you may have guessed
The power was out when I woke up this morning. I have always been academically aware that your night vision is black and white, but it's not really something you notice until you're trying to pick out clothes and can't tell what color anything is. It was a strange experience.
because preservatives mean you can just shelf shit until someone buys it, and the US is large
Why sell fruit when you can sell froot loops for a lower price It has about the same color and the name sounds similar so people will probably not notice
>>141650 That's just an internet meme. You can get affordable food that's good for you easily here.
Where's "here" though, the city?
I'm not saying this was necessarily true, but I saw a documentary that showed a bunch of areas in the US where even buying fruit and veggies was hard enough because of the distance to the nearest farmland and the income level of the locals
Here is America. I've lived in both the country and the city. You can eat well for cheap if you want to. You can make a nice balanced chicken and veggie meal for only a few bucks per meal. The problem is that people who can't even cook chicken and veggies buy terrible food and then complain about healthy food being expensive.
if you are content eating pasta+sauce variations till the eternity you can live real cheap practically anywhere rice is good too, but bit more expensive.
>>141656 I wouldn't be surprised if that was a misconception or twist of the facts. One of the key parts of eating healthy and eating cheap is also eating LOCAL. Know what your part of the world produces in agriculture, and odds are that produce will be more affordable.
People buy into meme food too. You don't need to buy pomegranates shipped from angolia or some crazy place to eat healthy. Peas, corn, and broccoli is cheap and healthy!
>>141656 people aren't efficient shoppers they'll buy the stuff that they're going to make that night, and it ends up expensive
>>141664 I have never in my life encountered a grocery store that didn't have veggies. If you live that far out in the sticks you can just grow your own.
"I'm too poor to eat healthy food" is an excuse you hear a lot. It's usually that the person is a bad shopper, unwilling to learn even basic cooking, or just loves junk food.
I can eat healthy for a week on like $20 well, fish and me like $20 for the both of us
and i could do it cheaper too way cheaper
>>141668 that wasn't a thing in this documentary as far as I remember It's been a long time though, my memory gets shaky
there is some pretty expensive healthy food but lots of it is pretty cheap
my energy bars are like $1 thats so expensivr i could get different ones and pay half that
You can buy a thing of mince for like 6 dollars and that's dinner for two nights in a row
>>141671 Who are you going to trust, some documentary or someone who lives here!
depends on who made the document etc but most of the time the documentary, as they have a lot wider perspective and view on things and research shit and also usually, too live n the place.