My philosophy with anime at this point is "If the show doesn't get you interested by the first midcard, there are plenty other things you can use the time for and enjoy more" I could just play a video game instead with the time Or watch another anime
There's been a few times where an anime dragged its feet for the first few episodes but the later payoff made it worth it Imo
Yeah, but those usually float to the top so I can pick them up later I'm really picky with my anime nowadays
For example, if it reminds me too much of this, I ditch it without looking closer I can tell from the image alone I won't actually enjoy this, and the text isn't helping
>>143980 I usually tune out when I hear the words "light novel"
This is likely a shirobako with a bit toned down drama, likely done to a lower quality than shirobako So scrapped, because I don't really feel like watching a watered down shirobako
This one I actually did try because I wanted to see if it could be worth it after seeing art of one of the characters But if not for that art, automatic trashcan anime It's a x amount of archetypes do nothing and are about as deep as my toilet bowl show
and of course, anything that's clearly just there to sell toys, like beyblade or whatever goes
Mecha can be accepted, but the art has to at least look OK I don't care about the artstyle too much, but if it looks generic it's probably shit
It's a fucking minefield getting to me for anime, but that means I only end up watching shows I like, and I spend time I would use watching worse anime on video games Or panicking about something, but that's just what I do
Mecha can either hold a large amount of artistic freedom or none Sometimes the men in suits will say "yeah do whatever just so long as there's a mecha on screen every few episodes" Sometimes they'll meddle a lot though and put on weird restrictions. Like when Tomino made Victory Gundam they had to do this weird media res thing because the suits demanded the Victory Gundam was on screen in the first episode
I gave this an episode and it wasn't interesting whatsoever The whole episode i was uninterested and waiting for something to happen that would make it interesting But they left me at a cliffhanger for next episode, promising it will deliver, so I dropped it
>>143993 >there are people who restrict themselves solely to currently airing anime Must be hell
Basically, anything that looks like K-On or Lucky Star, looks generic, or looks too much like whatever >>143996 this is I already watched K-On, and every attempt of cloning it has been unenjoyable I watched Lucky Star, a copy will never be good
What about Hidamari Sketch?
>>144000 Hidamari Sketch is super old though, and I make exceptions for it
Basically point here is, that trying to be one of the "classic" moe animes, without adding anything new to the table is just waste of time. You can watch it, or you can rewatch something you know you like
>>144001 >2007 Wow I thought that was way more recent.
I get why people like them I just get bored because I've already seen Hinako Note and whatever next season's Hinako Note is I've already seen the show before, it was just visually different
Writing a good sol show must be hard You've gotta make basc human interactions and conversations cute and interesting
If, at a glance, the show doesn't seem to have more to offer than the characters and their personalities, you can safely ditch it You already saw it before It's the same show each season Hinako Note and GuchiUsa is practically the same as far as I know
There's a few girls with some slight abnormalities in their personalities, and they do a day to day routine, and there are things that happen around that, but nothing ever gets more serious than that time the Moogs stole Mio's strawberry
That one girl in Bunnycafe is some sort of operator, the MC in hinako note is some autist savant who likes birds, one eats books You can swap them around and I doubt the audience would realize
And you can then watch it later when you are bored ifyou want to see somehting cute but no point prioritising it when there is something better and fresh available
I mean obviously they'd notice if you did it mid show But if you swapped characters around before airing it, would anyone notice? Would anyone go "hey, this character seems a bit out of place, don't they?" when they see the blue haired girl eating a book in the bunny cafe? If the bunny and the girl it rides around on were in hinako note, would they at all be out of place? What are YOU going to be watching this summer?
I'm excited for the new Cardcaptor Sakura animation I'll try Knights and Magic because I'll try literally anything with mecha
>>144014 yeah I picked at glance warau, zouroku and tanukis as shows i will watch at some point only one that I am still watching as it airs is zouroku though warau didn't seem like something I wanna watch once per week
18if I'll watch Isekai shoukudo or whatever I'll give an episode probably Jigoku Shoujo I won't respect anyone who skips over I'll give Keppeki an episode Made in Abyss looks interesting Shoukokou altair thingie is getting an episode reflection gets an episode, but is likely bad
And that's that season
Only really excited by 18if and abyss, though
Everything not on this list I'm not even giving a second look
I should read the synopsis for these shows, probably, but I'll do that tomorrow
new game, reflection, isekai shokudou, vatican, made in abyss, centaur those seem watchworthy or interesting but I doubt I will follow anything as it airs
You can tell a lot about a show by the promo art People seem to think "oh you can't judge a show by the promo art", but they're incorrect These things are made by people whose only job is to make these things and make them convey the show's spirit
So once you've seen a fair amount of them, you know what all the things mean
All promotional material exists to ensnare people to watch it or atleast the target audience if the promotional material doesn't tug at you, you most likely aren't target audience
It's important for peace of mind to realize that most of the media out there is actually pretty terrible It's also important to realize that you can enjoy terrible things
And some things are only good because of the time they came out Some things were fantastic when they came out and terrible now because they were a reflection of the time In 50 years, a super hero parody movie like Deadpool won't make any sense And it wouldn't 50 years ago either Only now does such a movie make any sense
I think Deadpool works as both a parody and its own movie
>>144028 No, watching just general horror horror is best omedy
>>144030 Deadpool's entire character only makes any sense when contrasted with other classical super heroes Without them, he's just a powerful wacky dude With the contrast, he is more
>>144032 People will still know what super heroes are. The comedy still works even if you're not a super hero fan
>>144051 I mean a lot of HS sol doesn't really make sense because you never see them go to class or study or anything In university there's more room for the characters just fucking about and living without their parents
>>144052 The art style looks like it adapts pretty well.
>>144053 This is very true. I spent more time outside of class than in class, and didn't study, but you could do a whole arc where people need to study for a test and keep getting invited to party.
>>144053 I never studied or anything in high school. Just because a show is showing slices of life from a high school student's perspective, doesn't mean it is obligated to show scenes from the actual high school.
>>144055 Most nips do. I'm not saying it's obligated to show that stuff, I'm just saying that setting it in a university gives a bit more freedom.
>>144054 We could do a whole episode on not going to lectures and lying about how much you study whenever your parents ring up
>>144054 Do you read Grand Blue? It's a manga about a bunch of university students and I feel there are chapters you might appreciate very much, considering this post.
Throw in a quick "exchange moment in finland" and you have sooo much fu nyou could have.
We could have two characters, one that's always sober and one that's always drunk, and then in the last episode the twist is that they're actually the same person
>>144058 I'll start. Might be nice to have something to do on break at work.
>>144062 You'd have to have people presuming they are siblings and a quite good voice actor to pull it
>>144074 Yeah I read that the original manga was based on the own mangakas experience in university pretty neato that he went to school with anno and gave him his signature
Irritated because my best friend doesnt want to hang out because he is tired, even though he probably slept over 6 hours in naps today already.
>>144080 The controllers don't work properly. It's not the individual controllers either, we've tried controllers from a friends place. They don't connect 90% of the time and when they do they don't respond. We've tried resetting the controllers too.
>>144083 >interference How does that work? Yeah we've got direct line of sight to the console, and we've tried connecting with a microusb cable. >a lot of other bluetooth or wireless devices in the house? Like phones or wifi? Yeah. Maybe I should try turning everything but the PS4 off
>>144083 to be fair, I dunno if we're using the Sony micro usb cables. Like it might be from my phone charger.
>>144085 I'll try buying a dataline cable before spending a few hundereds.
>>144082 Might be interference from something in the house. Direct line of sight to the console? A lot of other Bluetooth or wireless devices in the house?
>even USB isn't working That's... Curious.
>>144078 Im good I'm just enjoying my evening off waiting for pan to get off work
>>144082 As long as the cable you use has data lines, which some don't as I've learned, they should just work... If you can use the cable to connect your phone and transfer data, then I'd send the PS4 in.
You should
Help I need assistance with whatever you think might help
>>144093 I'm actually posting from a DSI netbrowser as we speak no I'm not
>>144088 I just took a nap and that's just made things almost certainly worse because now I wont be able to sleep at a reasonable time tonight and I really needed to sleep at a reasonable time tonight because I haven't been getting a lot of sleep this past week and I've got a couple tough days coming up tomorrow and the next day :(((((((((((
>>144098 Wow that's fucking awful Anon. No one should have to endure that.
>>144097 I used to browse hentai on my brothers dsi when I was a teenager. I'd have to sneak into his room at night, take it without waking him up, then sneak it back in later.
It must be something embarassing given your lack of response.
>>144108 There's ups and downs like in all walks of life but more importantly is about what you do with your time and what you want to do don't catch yourself slacking off now instead of building towards the future you desire
I do have an internship (entirely unrelated to my major) coming up soon though. >>144135 Not really, I'm miserable pretty often but thats udually cause of my depression.
>>144136 I don't know if I could handle the nagging to get a job
>>144137 I'm not currentky getting tthat since I scored the internship, also for the most part it is my patents' fault that I ak no longer in school. It's complicated thoygh, but at the very least they forced me to take time off after a stressful semester (it was also my best semester GPA wise). >>144140 They forced me to take time off and then wouldnt let me go back. The rest is complicated though.
>>144138 >wouldn't let me go back That does sound complicated
Do you mean didn't pay for you to go back?
>>144142 Sort of, it wasn't "we wont ever pay for you to go back" but "we wont pay for you to go back right now" and then sometimes "we would pay for you ti go back but dont have the money right now" and has cycled between them. >>144144 Because they forced me to take time off in the first place when I had almost all A's.
My otouto had to take some time off too. His grades were atrocious his first year.
>>144154 I'm still irritated about it because my grades were good when they had me take time off. I had been doing bad previously but I really turned stuff around that semester.
Also now all my friend's have graduated, even the ones who took more than four years.
>>144177 same i'm kind of at a loss just, pet my cat and try to not think about things and take something to fall asleep that's all i can do
i can't keep telling myself there's some sort of future ahead of me that's worth hanging on for I don't believe it anymore
i feel that way too but it's easier just to ride it out i haven't hit a dead end yet and i've hit some pretty low points
there's nothing to ride out there's nothing on the other end there's where I am now, and that's it
I don't think I'll ever get my shit together and since I know that already I feel like giving up on everything, especially this whole work thing because the only purpose of being there is getting my shit together, and if I never will, why am I going
giving up really is kind of a chore iti's easier just to do the motions
it's fucking meaningless
I'm not entirely sure I can give up In a way, giving up requires I ever tried, and I'm not comfortable saying I ever tried
>>144181 that's what it's like to be at a dead end job yeah
>>144184 the way you talk about it i can tell you haven't because you make it sound like it's the easy way out and it isn't it's more work than anything else you've ever done and it's a big giant chore and i've been procrastinating on it for so long that i forgot about it
>>144182 That was what I fid a lot when my depression was neat its worst.
all i'd have to do is stop wasting all my free time and id be fine but i never do that I can say I will, but I won't actually cause im a fucking failure, with a failure mindset
>>144188 you have too much noise in your brain and you're distracted by it as your local shaman i advise you to either ask your doctor for some xanax or buy some online
>>144188 you're only a failure because of that mindset though
i have the mindset because I'm a failure it's a circle
I got here on my own, and then I probably gave up, and now I'm here pretending I never gave up and refusing to accept reality And I'm always feeling like I'm under some ofrm of pressure >>144201 I did I'm getting a psych appointment I didn't ask him for anything, he wouldn't be the one to prescribe them anyway
>>144198 did you talk to your doctor about anxiety the other day did you ask him for benzos
I'd probably be best off getting back on ritalin, getting a high dose, dealing with the paranoia I get, and just letting that person deal with my life for me while I lose control
>>144202 man, i know where you're coming from with that because i felt that way at one point but you really need to take a step back from the anxiety before you can even see the way it's affecting you i wasn't able to do this until the last few years >>144205 stims are fine, but they also increase anxiety and it's not stable for someone who already has anxiety like you and me it's fine to take them, but i would strongly suggest a short-acting benzo like lorazepam to handle the thing you need to handle
i know you're just like "it wouldn't help anyway it can't be helped" but it's one of those things that you can't see the way it's affecting you until you step away from it >>144206 CNS depressants can also do this and increase focus and motivation it's not intuitive because of how we perceive depressants, but they're extremely helpful and i don't think a brain under anxiety is healthy
if you've got some cash, stop by a pharmacy on the way back and pick up some valerian root if you take two 300mg capsules of valerian and find it helpful, then anxiety meds would be a good option for you a stimulated brain isn't necessarily an active brain, just a busy one emotional maintenance is important and having a safe space to perform that is something i don't think you realize is crucial until you have it
>>144209 this is coming out of nowhere, but do you remember that time your guys' diplomacy game got frozen for investigation of cheating for like two weeks how much distress did that cause yall
>>144212 yeah i figured now's as good a time as any to confess my sins i played innocent about it too, it was really nasty of me i was a little angry with you and really angry with sugoi for being a jerk and i wanted to toss a wrench into things i know sugoi was really flustered by it
i think about that sometimes and feel bad for lying about it not as bad for doing it though, you guys probably deserved it
>>144224 that's why we go to sleep and let our sleep brains handle all the shit we don't want to go take an antihistamine or something and just go to sleep dude
>>144225 It's not a bad feeling, its just a sort of restlessness maybe.
>>144208 My head is a bothered wasp nest when normal Ritalin doesn't make it more active, at least not just It lets me not pay attention to things I don't wanna
>>144229 focus is a fickle thing stimulants do achieve improved focus, but it's kind of different than the way cns depressants do
i would use the analogy of a leaky pipe. say you need waterflow to a certain area, but it's leaking and you're not getting enough water where you need it you can turn up the pressure, pumping more water through so it gets to where it needs to go, but the increased pressure also makes the leaky spots leak even more but when it's lower pressure, it doesn't stress the pipes so much and it flows without leaking everywhere
that's kind of the gist i get from my experiences with all varieties of stims and depressants
>>144227 i didn't find it, but i did find another email from an earlier diplomacy game i think you'll find interesting i'll forward it to you
I'm worried your suggestions will change parts of me
>>144231 I was worried about the same thing. My father offered me some of his clonazepam to hold over for now. And the only thing it did was make me calmer...
regarding that other game, i told them i was a player in the game and felt like people were cheating, so i google searched the link to the game and found a message board where people were metagaming and i linked them to the gar thread, i think i can't find the email though it was pretty scheming of me, not my proudest moment
>>144230 i'd much rather have 120% flow with 100% of the water reaching the destination and 20% spraying fucking everywhere than 80% with 20% lost to leaks!
>>144237 none of it's lost to leaks under low pressure it's one of those fiber hoses that gets stressed under high pressure but fine under normal pressure
I'm not a leaky pipe as much as I'm a lack of pressure to begin with
>>144239 Really? I'd say you're an overabundance of pressure with no outlet so all of it is leaks clear the noise out of your head and you can really direct the flow a lot better
>>144238 there's somewhere in this analogy that you've lost me 15mg adderall ir twice daily works for me though
>>144240 Well I am but now you're mixing analogies I am constantly under pressure, but that's not me having any form of focus I'm just a fucking train wreck with a negative self motivation score
>>144236 >Maria Osawa Getting those photos out was hard work man
>>144243 sugoi really liked that character from canaan, that was the thing there
i got totally wrecked when I tried to play diplomacy with /moe/. gamma and sugoi bullied the shit out of me. i got double penetrated from the south and the north!
it feels pretty good to confess sins too >>144246 trust me. i know i'm a fucking lunatic, but that doesn't mean i don't know what i'm talking about when it comes to anxiety and the brain i know that i can't know what you're feeling specifically, but that's not the point what i can notice is something that can be remedied there might be other things there, but clearing out the problem i see you having will give you the thoughtspace to organize yourself mentally i'm not saying everyone should be on benzos, but i think you have a significant anxiety problem that reminds me of mine, and i think you can benefit from it
they both spawned right next to me and deleted me like immediately. the majority of the game wasn't even including three of the five players we started with. It was just sugoi slowly losing to gamma!
I dunno if anything will really help me anyway without rebooting my whole system
Last time I was able to stay focused on anything I spent hours making images about the human eye's color vision
of course you don't know because you haven't done it that's why i'm asking you to trust me on this one
>>144248 man, so much drama i hung onto, thinking it would eventually mean something and here i am, not even remembering that it existed and nothing ever happened of it time is weird
>>144261 Wow I didn't even tell you and somehow you knew!
>>144264 yeah april 2012 you did kind of deserve it though but i feel pretty bad about being nasty and lying about it i was a shitty person i dunno what to say
>>144267 Not big enough to be a good pillow, aldo there is a store kind of near me that sells authentic japanese ones just like in your animes. They were on clearance too.
>>144272 it's only fun for people who are into rp'ing really i think the game itself is pretty boring >>144274 did you see the image from the game i was in when it got closed for cheating on that other site this image >>144236
>>144268 Don't worry about it it was so long ago, and a bad year for you i ngeneral. >>144270 Not when all I do is win, win, win and never stop
>>144281 naw i don't really go for the bear type not for me he'd probably get picked on by the other lumberjacks for being kind of scrawny and worn out easily, i imagine
>>144285 It's hilarious! and you know what the funny part is The part where moon emailed the admins to get the game shut down is still only the second greatest betrayal associated with that game.
>>144284 she looks like she maybe had too much fiber
>Look Rika, I know I betrayed you earlier in this game, but I swear I never will again. YOu can trust me She actually fell for it, the absolute madwoman!
>>144292 Yes it's directly associated with sugoi's being a slut. Sugoi would have the nastiest sluttiest sex you could ever imagine just to say that he was the one that won.
>>144297 1300 >>144296 At the end of the day the victor gets to write the history >>144299 I do that and giggle when I trick people with my schemes It can't be helped
i dont really laugh out loud i inherited my laugh from my dad, it's a sort of silent laughter where you can't breathe but you're dying inside like you're convulsing ive been told my laugh is one of my charm points
Sure let's play another game. I can show you the ropes, teach you when to betray one of our allies >>144300 Like a muffled laugh where you can just hear the air escaping?
>>144302 yeah if i audibly laugh, it's fake i might still find it funny, but i have to gesture that to other people otherwise they won't realize it so i have to fake laugh i have a pretty good convincing fake laugh though some people don't
this is a bang
dude history doesn't really reflect well upon you know js
laughter is important it clears excess action potential that's distressing your brain so does crying, violence, and masturbating i personally suggest laughter though, it's a lot healthier
I get too little of all those Especially violence I'm at nearly zero violence To the point I just wish someone would tick me off just enough that I lose it and cave their skull in
>>144312 when i'm with doc/quarx/nine, it's like one of those things where something funny happens, and then four or five minutes later someone will notice me trying to catch my breath and realize i'm crying with laughter and it gets kind of contagious it's really fun to laugh like that it's a good feeling
>>144316 do you live in Germany? Speak german to me it sounds cool
I practically don't feel much of the spectrum I have plenty of anger, I'm only really happy in a few scenarios I don't cry much at all because nothing is real to me
sugoi, i'm trying to convince SK he should ask his doctor about anxiety meds to help him out can you help the case and point out how different i am pre-treatment versus now and what a paranoid and angsty piece of shit i was back then
well I don't know about piece of shit but you have to understand how crippling moon's anxiety was he couldn't function at all like at all
Seriously they help a lot it's not bullshit. It's science.
it wasn't even a response to my dad passing either, because i was like that before you remember when i was in school in 2011 and just disappeared for three months or something crying all the time i was a mess and i didn't even know what was wrong clearing up the noise in your head really helps you figure things out i know now that it looks to /moe/ like i'm an addict who's edgy when i dont have my meds, but it's not like that that's just me being untreated that's how big of a difference they've made
well not as much but yeah playing chess instead of going to class yeah
>>144335 you drink alcohol don't you that's a nervous depressant taking a benzo is like that, but without the headache and the impaired judgment and the sloshing >>144337 that's because it's alcohol it's like the least manageable depressant there is depressants aren't bad. your nervous system is a delicate thing and you shouldn't put it through abuse it doesn't need to go through >>144338 that's not a depressant
Yeah and alcohol makes me a completely unlikable human being
>>144333 You finally finished a game. I'm proud of you. >>144335 Well you don't know until you've tried it do you? What's the worst that could happen? If it has some negative effect that outweighs the positives then you could aways just stop right? You lose nothing by trying but have everything to gain >>144332 arigatou
>>144345 he already knows how weed affects him though he doesn't know how benzos would, so that's why i'm illustrating their purpose and function and relating it to what he does know
>>144374 i think they would while that wasn't my trigger, i did have some very specific and arbitrary triggers that rika and sugoi learned the hard way these days i don't care so much or even realize like i said, i can't really know what you're going through, but i can guarantee you i caused way more of a fuss on /moe/ than you ever have and i'm okay now, or as okay as i am
Ritalin didn't, and it managed a lot of my bullshit
>>144387 oh good, so it was you it was really bothering me who it was who was studying cosmetology i get people confused sometimes and i thought it was rika but i was wrong so i figured it was probably you it's not a bad profession, my great uncle got really wealthy from it because he was real good in the 80s and all the rich people came to him
I'm not even sure I really have problems rather than create problems I'm likely making everything up, that's why everything gets worse over time
>>144390 oh it actually wasn't me sorry i was just meming then
>>144403 you still haven't told me what you're doing these days, unless you're still working at the sporting goods store did you finally get into INTELLIGENCE
>>144398 Dude where do you think the point of the phrase "there's other fish in the sea" comes from. They wouldn't be saying that if there was four or five. There's a LOT OF FISH IN THE SEA.
there's not many fish in the sea we overfished them you're screwed for a partner buddy
There's a ton of fish in the sea but most are inedible
>>144411 i swear i was thinking "he's gonna say two hundred. please say two hundred" i don't know what i'd do without you in my life man, probably nothing so basically the same but just less compulsive satisfaction
>>144415 That's okay, I've accepted my lot in life by now.
>>144411 Yes, I am aware of the fact that there are a lot of big fish out there that are stronger than people. There are a lot of fish that are bigger than people too.
>>144411 did you know that there are some really big fish out there that are way stronger than people Oh whoops. >did you know that there are some really big fish out there that are way stronger than people Yeah, were you not?
I got harassed by a really big fish all fucking day it was a blue marlin and it pulled me overboard twice and the third time i was just like nope and didn't even hold on to the rod
>>144462 Sounds like you had the best catch of all.
>>144462 wow you were a true seaman today you were all seamen (plural of seaman)
Is she a good swimmer? I feel like having an interest in marine biology might prompt someone to be a good swimmer but that might just be my weird world view.
fish is really powerful for such a meek person she pulled in a 60 pound grouper like it was nothing idek
>>144494 I didn't FALL in. I was PULLED in. It's different.
You probably don't have the best upper body strength though, do you? That sort of thing is really useful for situations like that. Upper body/core strength, and knowing leverage.
Or maybe she is just that strong. Would she ever give you a chance to arm wrestle you~?
>>144509 One is clumsiness, the other is when you're being acted on the unnatural force of a four million pound fish. on by the* the unnatural force of nature yes
>>144506 I dunno how she could be so strong, all she does is swim I probably do more upper body than her It must be some kind of AUTIST STRONK power
One of them is DESTINED FATE.
>>144512 Swimming is a pretty thorough exercise though. It trains your legs, your upper body, and your core. Don't underestimate the qualities of swimming!
I tucked one of my legs under the other earlier since it's a comfy way to sit for a short period of time. But then my cat wanted to nap in my lap, and now she's kind of ensconced there. My ankle that's directly under a leg is starting to lose circulation.
In any case, it was a pretty good day. The boat had a water bed which seems really weird to me but I was assured that it isn't weird to have a water bed on a boat.
It doesn't actually surprise me that much. Kind of like how hammocks are nice on boats because they can adjust for a ship rolling in waves.
Yeah but wouldn't a waterbed amplify the rocking of the boat?
Maybe in really bad storms, but at that point, I don't think anything's gonna be comfortable. But with slight rocking, I'd imagine the waterbed actually stabilizes pretty well.
I'm not fond of them either but fresh water tanks are much easier to deal with than saltwater tanks. A freshwater tank won't have much negative impact on your life as long as she takes care of it. She has fish autism so I'm sure she will.
And as long as the glass doesn't explode from a chaotic pressure accident and flood your apartment with gallon upon gallon of water and scatter dead fish everywhere.
Oh yeah, when I got back to land and turned my phone on after charging it a little, I had a bunch of weird texts from ton i saw them and was like "i'll deal with this later"
>>144870 it's a portmanteau of semen tick as in somebody who sucks the semen right out of you antisemetic people really hate them because they're stealing all the semen for themselves instead of spreading it around for everyone to share
>>144898 no i have a local set of ganglia nearer to things that function independently and just report it to the central nervous system later so i don't have many internet issues, but sometimes there's lag in processing components of information >>144897 go ahead and try to beat this then >>144873
>>144901 >central nervous system Have you tried giving it comforting words of reassurance?
>>144907 we don't really use words for that scale of signalling it's just signal intensity and radial pressure there needs to be some pressure otherwise the central ganglia can't respond to their local environment >>144915 seems like more of a shitpost than drinking spoiled milk that's not even a post
>>144919 this ganglion kind of has but it plays its role in the greater purpose of things and is pretty diligent >>144923 what even is your interpretation of what the word means
>>144925 it wouldn't really care, it's just an operand it's not like it's an actual person, just an element of a processing system
>>144928 >it's not like it's an actual person How can you say something so terrible? It does this wonderful, hard work for you, asks for literally nothing in return, and you tell it that it's not even a person Every day, I make sure to at least thank my ganglions and doohits and doowads.
>>144930 It's the Ganglion in you that's doing it. >only ting it's capaable of It's capable of so much more
>>144939 why would you waste the resources to do something so meaningless as respecting the ganglion it's a distraction and it's the very thing that the ganglion's purpose is to avoid doing you're wasting what it is doing by doing that, and that's inherently disrespectful >>144945 it's not even your ganglion you fat fuck it's mine get outta here
>>144944 Because god bestowed it upon me and I respect all of the lords creations
>>144959 it's bad news i'm sorry to report this, but it's terminal there's no cure
>>144962 Fuck doctor, tell me it ain't so! It's too early to say goodbye to Gay. They have so much to give this world. Please tell me you're lying. I can't live without them.
Oh fuck I meant to hit the backspace but I hit the enter key instead and now my post is unessecarily large
>>144968 you fucking idiot you look like such a retard right now have you even liveposted before why are you entering a culture you dont understand and fumbling all around like a goddamned cripple on a dance floor ruining everybody else's time because you're to fucking lazy to get your etiquette right
>>144969 It doesn't matter how much experience I have, my cap's too low
>>144972 I want to marathon season 2 when it's done.
They do a really good job of making her a realistic kid with powers she doesn't understand trying to learn how to be a person. The whole "mosha-mosha" bit from the last episode was completely spot on.
i want a yellow post too orange rather oh now everyone closed it i'm the awkward kid now who's following the dying fads
How do people handle this How do people live their whole lives content being in a dead end
I wanna hurt someone just to feel better
>>144981 they cry a lot they take any chance they can to close themselves in a bathroom door and cry for 10 minutes straight and then pretend like everything's okay
>>144981 Just gotta convince yourself that your REAL life hasn't started yet
>>144981 don't hurt anyone sk it's really not worth it it's the worst feeling in the world just breathe struggle through it and cry at home if you need or quit your job and go home don't hurt anybody don't engage any feelings that make you feel like you want to hurt anybody that's a bad sign and you should try to overcome those things
>>144981 i've tried hurting people and i've tried hurting myself neither gives you a good outlet for frustration neither will make you feel like being in a dead end is good
>>144986 It is >>144984 I'm too vain to hurt anyone without provocation and NOBODY IS GIVING ME A REASON
>>144996 i know you're at work and don't have long come and talk to me about this later man i do well with helping people with problems like that it's not a healthy mindset, let me help you help yourself
I know it's not healthy I'd be wrong to do something, but it'd make me feel a lot less trapped in my own life
>>145000 I've been really liking how it's exploring some of the other characters in the series more. It's also doing a really good job of not retreading over the themes it went into in the first series, while preserving the core values of the story. The author of this series is such a 10/10 guy, I wish I could get my hand on his novels.
>>145002 i'll help you with this, okay? just let it rest at the back of your mind for the day where it can ruminate in the subconscious get through your work, do the motions come home and it'll be okay trust me i can help if you'll let me
>>145007 In what ways do you feel you don't have control?
I don't have any real control over anything in my life Everything is a fucking trap
>>145003 I'm phone so I don't want to type much but basically same agreedo I love how cleverly he weaves the standards of tanuki/tengu society into every character without making them too similar as well
>>145012 There's also a really well-done aspect of alien, yet familiar with those societies too. Common aspects between them, and human society, do exist, but there's also a lot of things, from major aspects to cultural minutiae, that are really foreign. Like tengu attitude; that's not something stuck-up or rude about them--it's innately who they are. Which is why you can really understand how the crude jeering of the Yakuza-y tengu is abhorrent to more traditionalist Tengu. It's marvelous.
>>145020 i know you just wanna help everyone does but let me try to handle this one, too many chefs fucks dinner up for everybody at thanksgiving and your family starts a fight or however that saying goes
>>145017 My favorite was the scene with grandma tanuki It was a bit bizarre but at the same time it made perfect sense for tanuki out in the sticks to be so different Also such an old tanuki It was a really heartwarming scene
I'm pretty sure it can't be helped It's not just anxiety
Throwing someone through a wall would only be temporary alleviation too, I'm under no illusions
>>145033 Yeah, there was so much heart in that scene. Like, it's not the same kind of emotion, but I felt it was as intensely emotional as the scene from the first season, with the brothers coming to terms with the true fate of their father. The tanuki are so much of a family that it hurts in the best way possible.
>>145025 You can always count on me, probably >>145029 That's a good reason to forget I hope you had fun while forgetting
>>145039 too late i'm already goin to fuck myself your to late
>>145041 forgetting is the best i wish i could forget forever, everything
>>145041 oh i think it was something by atmosphere do you like atmosphere
I don't know I'm about to find out
I can't even commit to watching one thing for 25 minutes
>>145046 wait take my suggestion before just wandering off on your own it's dangerous you're going to fucking KILL YOURSELF OUT THERE IF YOU DONT exercise some caution
Leader of our labor party is getting some criticism for owning 3% in a company that has been doing a thing he says he wants to be illegal I don't buy that anyone criticizing him is doing so in honestly They know damn well there isn't anything wrong with this
>>145077 People should consider the following: By owning 3% he is aware of why it should be illegal.
Ooh you want to make a currently necessary thing illegal, but you do it yourself, explain yourself!
Dealing with idiots is just something a politician has to live with and deal with.
8 mean, as I said, the people calling him out on it know this, they're doing it for political capital But anyone who buys it is a complete moron and the reason democracy is a shaky system
It's legal to do x, and it is the only way to run a business in field y This man is against it being legal, owns stocks in business in field y
this is awkward because i selected this image with the anticipation of a message i would be delivering but you posted while i was selecting it sorry jammy sorry for everything