>>139881 Oh, I see. She was worried you'd reject her. Her desire to have a fish tank was what I knew about, but I wanted to stay out of it. I'm glad she made the right decision there.
As for the other surprise attack she did ask for advice which was kinda weird but I know she needs help with these things. Sounds like she flubbed it though.
I had honestly assumed like "Oh, now that the US has finally crawled out of the gutter on this one, we're all on the same page" Legitimately didn't occur to me that anyone would be slower than the US on this
th us is one of the very few countries that recogizes gay marriage
> >As of 2 May 2017, same-sex marriage is legally recognized (nationwide or in some parts) in the following countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark,[nb 1] Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico,[nb 2] the Netherlands,[nb 3] New Zealand,[nb 4] Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,[nb 5] the United States[nb 6] and Uruguay.
>>139905 It's not anything that special. I just couldn't figure out what to get her.
Also the list could be expanded if you considered trans people to be gay, which certainly some people do That's a whole thing in some ME countries, people swapping gender to marry their gay boyfriend
>>139905 Also, I meant that if she doesn't follow through on her promise and I end up taking care of it, I'll get rid of it. I'm still getting it for her.
>>139922 I hope she can, too. But I don't even want them so I'm not taking care of them for her. I really shouldn't be acting like a parent here but I feel like I have to sometimes.
this is such fucking horseshit I don't WANNA reinstall
I'll do it later
And the worst part really is I can't know what the FUCK is doing any of this Because task manager is like "25% of your disk is under use but literally nothing is using the disk" There's nothing that starts up right before this starts happening There's nothing using more processor power There's nothing using more of the disk There's nothing using more memory There's nothing using more network There's NO. FUCKING. THING. DOING. ANYTHING. AND. THAT. IS. THE. PROBLEM
That's my main gripe with windows Once something does go wrong, there's a grand total of one thing you can do to to fix it, and that's reinstalling windows because GOD FORBID THE USER HAS ANY GODDAMN ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING
and now disk is at 0% ZERO Not even 1 DESPITE ME USING IT
I'm actually mad right now, too I'm not just ranting, I'm fucking fuming
If my computer had an emotional life I'd be beating it senseless right now
Also, because it never just starts crapping out after I do anything in particular, but rather seemingly at complete random, I'm chalking it up to some windows process fucking up because this shit was cobbled together on top of an old OS that was made on top of an older OS which was also made on top of a yet older OS and 70% of the code doesn't have a living person who knows what it does anymore
My D drive is certainly dying though
With some luck, chkdsk will fix it
I still havent gotten around to fixing my comp. >>139962 ;_;
All my shit is on D, too Hydrus is there ;_;
I have to hope this gets fixed, then take a day this weekend to just back up everything I need to On... shit where do I put everything I have an external drive but I use that for linux
Also I did some more reading about a super rare board gane I got (1500 copies of normal version made, 500 of limited edition made) and i was reminded of how silly the art is.
oh that
I'm considering scanning/photographing all the cards from it.
The game is about managing a band and winning battle of the bands contests.
Looks like fun
>>139976 It's very funny, gameplay needed some more polish but its very good considering the fact that it was the first boardgame nade by its creator. And also the only ine since it was made by a guy who runs a weird record label. The boardgane waz the special edition of a record they released. It was nominated for a grammy too.
>>139984 uh i'd be okay with that, but it depends on where i think going to an anime expo on molly would be fun i wonder if they have basketball courts there
if we're in downtown philly and we gotta win the court from others on the street trying to use it, then we'd better stim up with something serious those guys don't fuck around
Yall wanna go to A-Kon in fort worth next month? animefest in august at dallas is probably bigger i dunno shit that sounds fun i wanna take jan and go to a con
ive only been to two cons ever, and both times were as a vendor i feel like i missed out on a really fun adolescent experience they were small saint louis ones too, although the cosplay scene there has grown since full-time EGL isn't really even uncommon in saint louis hmm
I've never been to one, they seem fun I can't really use any time off though I still need to save it up to see family
the fuckin chattanooga anime con is called con nooga holy shit
oh it's a multi-con sci fi, anime, comics, et cetera
haha yeah it's got a good name a friend of mine from work actually works at it every year, his whole family has been involved in conventions for his entire life must have been a pretty interesting way to grow up
i dont see how that even counts as a contest like that makes it sound like the person whose shirt gets the most wet wins in which case you could take a thicker sweater-like t shirt and it can carry more water
>>140048 when one of my chaos was dying in sonic adventure battle 2 i just put it in a room alone and never entered the room again so it could never die
i would have more money available if i didn't have to shell out to move moving is a large expense when staying put would have been a cheap expense i'm a little salty about that so i'm going to be pretty broke for a few months i still need to pay my taxes too
i make a little more than that but almost all of it goes to my apartment a lot went to alcohol, but i'm only drinking every couple weeks at this point that's another thing clonidine might help with too is alcohol cravings but so does valerian root between the two, i don't think there's anything you can't fix
that sounds like a wholesome setup i had the plan when moving here of having a fully stocked fridge and pantry and cooking daily but quarx prefers to eat out every day while on the job, which i think is a little wasteful but to each their own so i usually can't even get a ride to the store to pick up a bunch of stuff, but i can walk nearby and just get some small things i'll do like eggs and bread as my staple but order something delivery every once in a while -- a couple times a week actually so that's more than once in a while it's not something i like wasting money on but i don't like failing my work because i'm hungry and dont have time to prepare anything also
i intend to make good use of amazon prime pantry wherever i head to next and keep fully stocked all the time
We don't really keep our fridge stocked, we go to the shop every few days It's a little inefficient but I don't like to regularly eat stuff that lasts a while and I like to have fresh meat and stuff so we just get what we need when we need it amazon pantry is nice but it's so limited four powerade things fills up an entire box and a lot of the stuff i like aren't even available through pantry, you have to buy it through normal amazon
all my cookware is back in saint louis too, which makes it troublesome i've got only a small frying pan here
i've got an hour left to finish up this work and i'll have made 75 dollarydoos before breakfast which aint bad then i'm gonna go out and buy a breakfast food i do get a little tired of eggs though i wonder what i should get
it's bat mitzvah for girls right bar for boys transcript
those are the two big things i'd like i used to smoke meats with my dad all the time but i couldn't take the smokers with me after he passed since i had to move to a college dorm smoked meats pickle well too i like to pickle things it's very fun to pick out the spices you want to pickle with and wait for them to develop the right flavor, and it's also very peaceful and meditative to do sometimes it's really nice to do things instead of think about things
me and my ex used to go pick up a story type video game and then spend a weeking taking turns, trading on and off playing while the other crafted because it's nice to have something to watch while crafting those were really fun times man what a cunt though
i should have kept my etsy shop open -- not that i really had the option to do so but still back then it was kind of a weird little thing but today it's super huge, etsy i bet i could have been big
>>140092 so i guess it's more accurate to say it's trying to be a joke? but the consequence doesn't pan out so it's only attempted manslaughter. 4 years. court adjourned.
>>140094 i mean are you sure because having more of the same type of cheese is still cheese but you can have many types of cheeses if you were archiving the semens of the biological world and you have human semen, birb semen, kangaroo semen they'd be semens right
the semens of the chordata phylum are distinct from the semens of the ____
>>140096 4+ to the 4000 years nah don't even notice it
>>140101 well we're talking about the whole system, including the substrate for the sperm it's biologically relevant you know? it's not just the sperm or even about the sperm in the first place
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can't find any instance in any situation in which "semens" is used i think it's just semen
Their suffering fuels the economy that would be a fun setting, though a magic based society, where their mana is generated by prisoners who are ressurrected whenever they die, to suffer for aoens in prisons imprisoned I guess
the world was created when a god got lonely and jacked off and his semen created the world
and his name is jaa kauf or something and there's a ruling party that wants to kill the pantheon of original gods and take their place and to do that they are trying to stop people from believing in the pantheon by outlawing masturbation
I got a bunch of ideas for interesting worlds in my head, but the problem is I don't have any stories in them I just want to explore the world and see how it works
But I don't think anyone would actually want to read something like that, so I don't write any of it down
>>140126 yup cops are paladins and priest class but justice system is necromancers and shit and the entire economical structure is fueled by the dark energies harvested from the prisons they aren't even using undead as slave labour jsut the suffering
what if they just wiped the memory of the people when their sentence is finally over and restore them to life >go to jail for 700 years for killing a bunch of people >wake up in the distant future
>>140127 oh wow the whole replace the old gods coincides so much with what I pieced the album Beyond the Red MIrror to be about...
>>140146 why would you do that though? >>140147 i bet someone's blood actually boiling would look really crazy.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>140148 maybe you can use zariamancy to change the target of a spell so the kleptomancer is gonna steal something but you make them steal enzymes instead
8am on the dot must look classy as fuck to be told your order will be done by 8am tomorrow morning and it arrives at 8:00:00 am
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>140151 oh that'd be a cool character a gambling addict wizard
>>140154 >gambling addict wizard no get this >casino owner kingpin wizard >using his magic to rake in billions >tfw the house literally has the magic dice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>140155 that sounds like a generic marvel villain tbh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a gambling addict that becomes a wizard to win at the casino is way cooler maybe he becomes a wizard to fight the kingpin wizard though
>>140156 he's not a villain he's a cool guy and wants to protect the empire from satan and his minions
>>140127 >the world was created when a god got lonely and jacked off and his semen created the world this is actually used in like so many creation myths throughout history
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>140159 yeah, it's especially prominent in egyptian
I'm glad you guys had fun haha
I can't wait to use Oplomancy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you and your arms
dafug is that
>>140157 maybe he became a wizard through the gambling addiction like he can only use that power when he's in DEEP and had that gut-wrenching adrenaline rush going
>>140157 wait what if they're brothers and one of them was born with awesome luck magic and the other wasn't eternal rivals
>>140163 Oplomancy is where you just constantly make temporary weapons a bunch of wizards were like yo weapons are cool but carrying them around is annoying
Fantasy stuff. Current built world is one of two large continents people do believe the world is flat due to an absolutely horrendous canyon to the east and impassable mountains to the west
i don't know what those are i've never been to a convention before
yeah neither have i we were talking about that earlier none of us have it seems i thought it'd be fun to go with you and rook and kirara to an anime convention on molly but that might not be something you want to do
i wouldn't be able to go to either of those due to school stuff
>>140190 a-kon looks like it would be fun that visual kei band they have playing would be great i bet the other one looks more refined but i'm not sure about the guests they have
oh the shirobako parodying director is once again at desucon he sure loves coming over here
>>140195 my megabus thing to saint louis got all fucked up one was delayed 15 hours one was delayed four hours they gave me "compensation" for the one that was four hours delayed but not the other for some reason but only in redeemable codes that can be used for another trip and for some reason they gave me two $20 codes to refund the $40 trip, but each trip can only accommodate one code so their reimbursement is to milk me for half-cost on two more trips
anyway that means i can get to dallas and back for like 40 bucks total it would be neat if others could join us but i'd be happy to go just us two too
>compensation for fucking up by giving you MORE opportunities to use our products that is just retarded yet everyone does it
i have a week in may, 2.5 weeks early august, and i have december those are the only times i have any free time and in the coming years i'll probably be on business trips for most of them
>>140209 i'm not sure about my availability for this upcoming august it depends on what happens with the FBI if they get sorted out then i'll be in montana
and if they don't fish wants me to go to hawaii with her but i don't know if i'll do that, it'd be really expensive
>>140218 if you're going to lie to someone, you have to make it a good one saying i'm in dc when i'm /// saying i'm in montana when i'm in dc would be a really bad lie >>140217 haha
>>140219 that's why you tell her you have to go to D.C. for official business and send her texts ending in XOXO while you're fucking expensive D.C. hookers.
tell her you have to go to DC to be a spy you're not lying it's a spy-themed anime convention i dont even understand what that's supposed to mean
her anxiety has gotten so bad that she can't even speak to cashiers and stuff anymore she won't even leave the house on her own after the thing with the cop
>>140230 i have a big paralysis block at the door and am generally afraid to go outside like i feel my heart drop as soon as i go past the door and feel so vulnerable i know mine isn't as bad but i do kind of understand that but that's also why i do stuff like this and try to partake in meetups it's hard and it's scary, but it helps
some days i suffer some mild thought broadcasting and it becomes intimidating and very uncomfortable to even greet the cashier when i'm buying something at the store most days it's not bad enough to have any thought broadcasting though that's rare today is one of my more lucid days i think
I've been trying to help her with it but she's pretty resistant She won't even open the front door to get a package in case someone outside sees her and says something It's gotten really bad That's why I convinced her dad to stay with her when I was on the road trip Although she took her dad to the airport and got pulled over on the way back home when she was alone and it turned into a really big ordeal and she's gotten a lot worse since then all the progress just thrown out the window
do you think it's good for her and rika to be emailing then? if that were me in her spot i could imagine that being an intimidating pressure to have to try to interact with someone you're friends with but it might be another anchor for perspective and bearing, which i think is pretty important for the loss of control under intense anxiety if i didn't have you guys to hinge on like that and live through // live and interact through a different lens, i probably wouldn't have survived 2014 im still a wreck but it feels like there's some control if there's someplace i can be that can get me away from the reals for a bit and let me process things
ive never handled cop things well either i got pulled over for riding someone a little too close on a suburban street (like a second behind them instead of three but it was in a 25mph zone) not even a ticket or anything just a pull over and warning he ended up pulling me out of the car and checking the entire car and trunk because my level of nervousness and my general eccentricity made him think i was on drugs, or at least carrying drugs and thus why i was nervous he was a little intimidating at first just to try and test me out but he kind of reeled back afterwards and like "oh no i was being aggressive with someone who's probably mentally ill" and was really nice afterwards just something like that gets me shaky
I think it's alright. They seem to get along well and Fish has said that Rika's helped her with her anxiety a bit. I think it's good that Fish is talking to someone other than me, too. She doesn't really talk to anyone except me and her parents regularly. Her talking to Rika too kind of eases my worries a little.
That's sort of what happened to her. She had an out breaklight and got pulled over and was too nervous to talk to the okay, yeah
i read the story when it happened yeah i think i was on my phone though so couldn't reply
i'm just sure you dont feel like retelling it is all
yeah that's probably good for her though but in // for me, doing something wrong and losing a friend is a really big setback, even if it's an online friend and online friends are pretty easy to lose i hope that things go well in that regard
like, i think it was november maybe that i had stopped drinking, like first time going more than a day or two without a drink and i was a good few weeks in and one of my online friends threw some sort of hissy fit and said a lot of really mean things to me and i started drinking again real bad for a week or two after that i dont know why i'm talking about this stuff things are hard i guess
I was a little worried when they started corresponding but they seem to message each other pretty often Almost constantly sometimes haha I think Rika is pretty reliable so so hopefully it'll stay that way
yeah, rika has helped me through a couple really intense situations in '13 and '14, and probably since she's a lot more caring and considerate than people give her credit for i think she's good people i think i've probably got like 18 100-block email chains between her and lobster and me since gmail starts a new one at 100 email replies
it's nice to have people who are there for you when you need the help and yeah she's way quicker to reply to emails than to posts on /moe/ even
a lot of it wasn't really pressing stuff even some was, but still took the time to reply even when i wanted just to not be lonely and it took me a while to start getting better these are things i forget to think about or maybe my brain's dying a little bit i dont think i show people the appreciation they deserve
I think it's hard to show appreciation. I always thank people but it's hard for me to show appreciation through action without making it look like I'm repaying a favor or something.
there's no really open channel to transmit a signal like that and have that discussion showing appreciation, that is you'd have to open that channel in some way via another open channel, which is just awkward and muddies the entropy of the signalling channel and then what do they do with it, now you've got this channel open and the only thing that needed to be signalled was done, so you just close that channel out i wish there were more sustainable channels for that kind of thing
i suppose that's why some people are so close to their families, because those channels are always open and very low-energy channels at that because families are often doing things for each other and spending time together on holidays with friends, friends are busy. friends have their own families. you can't just encourage a friend to spend more time with you because, one, it's really awkward two, you're opening that channel just to be able to show your appreciation of them, and yet it's taxing on them not that there aren't other channels, but that's one people have with their families inherently but not their friends
i had never really thought much about that before i kind of wish i had a family like that. that sounds wonderful.
there's a better way to say that than with the channels and signals communications but this is how my brain works forgive me for overcomplicating my ideas for no reason
>>140245 idk if it's really overcomplicating You can say it in a simpler way but when you do that, you're not really explaining it and you have to rely on the assumption that you and the other person understand it in the same way
yeah that's an important thing i try to focus on for keeping my thought bearing and not succumbing to delusion i try to stage my thoughts as precisely as i can it makes my thoughts a little slow compared to what i used to be like but i'm building better foundations on my thought processes and awareness, which i think makes referencing easier and quicker
it's like a fresh install of my brain's new OS software i just need to debug a lot
That's something I've been trying to do. I think I rely too much on the superficial aspects of ideas to the point that I don't have a good foundation to discuss them deeply fairly often.
>>140248 you have good lateral organization i've noticed i have good hierarchical organization but it's so varying that lateral transfer becomes hard to scale it can be really hard for me to gauge the scale for lateral transfer i just have to do a full transform from a new reference from and then find the hierarchical connection it gets really slow and conversations usually are progressing in a more linear direction so group conversation is hard for me lately
i think that's a trait in more isolated people and why homeschooled kids love talking about themselves so much not in jan's case though because he's a cool dude but the weird ones, the awkward ones
Yeah. Lateral vs hierarchical organization is something I've been trying to put into words for a while, but that's exactly what it is. I want to improve my hierarchical organization.
I'm not exactly sure how to do it /// how to get better with it other than just making sure I exercise that ability often. I often don't have the attention span to think deeply on anything I don't find intensely interesting, though, haha.
>>140250 you kind of have to take a trip to the root folder and see what you can do from there it's kind of a long process, been about 9 months for me now and it's got a nice flow it's never really done because, with the new frame of reference, you get to look at all your new and old encounters in a different perspective and maybe it belongs in a different folder than you put it in before or maybe it was an unknown file type before so you couldn't do anything with it, but now you've got the software to see that it's an archive and unzip it, and take apart the component file and put each element file into their appropriate files individually that way you don't have shared properties dirtying up a folder for no reason like you can take the files with the "this makes me feel sick/mad/sorrow" property out of that folder and salvage the other files so they don't have that property when they dont need to
i only really did that to play off the "down to the root folder" theme by that i meant being in a state of mind with lower executive function which is otherwise trying to organize very end-level things like partition all that off and go back to the base elements of your thought and start feeling your way through it
for me that's a weed+benzo mixture it's the only reason i smoke marijuana, it sucks otherwise with the benzos, the paranoia goes away and the marijuana (i assume psychedelics would work better, like DMT), brings you way down to the cognitive base it's a chance to get that perspective and start feeling it through
it seems like it's all cheapened by bringing drugs into it, but i don't think that's the part that matters it's the environmental noise in your brain that's flooding your executive function -- especially for us with ADHD or who are taking stimulants when you said earlier you can't focus on something to get that deep into it, that's kind of what it is clearing that noise (for me it was by benzos, i'm sure some people can with meditation, i'm sure you do with exercise) helps stop some of the noise and make some more broad-level adjustments instead of executive-level microadjustments
the altered state of consciousness to bring it down to the root though, i'm not sure how else besides sleep deprivation, drugs, or having a nervous breakdown -- the latter is probably going to bias any adjustments towards trauma aversion though, i imagine i think travel does this to some extent as well. our short travels are nice, but a long spiritual journey i think would help, like marsh and his mountain hiking i mean ultimately i think the drugs worked for me because i avoided the biases of those other launching points so now instead of being spiritual or avoidant (as avoidant), i just really love processing information
it's also possible that i had a severe stroke without realizing it some time ago and this is my brain gasping for air and struggling to do its basic job like i have to remember how to think like making sure they know how to think isn't a thing most people think about , i think
I worry about making sure I know how to think a lot I think it's just one of those things some people do that most don't I don't think most people have deep insight into their own brain processes and most don't really care about meta-cognition
i'm glad you understand me. i really do worry that people don't i feel retarded if i start talking about it out of nowhere and if i try to start a discussion about it, it ends up sounding really pedantic and obnoxious and i'm not trying to be like that i'm literally trying to ping the external world to see if i get a response that these are coherent ideas and i'm not losing it
i actually sometimes worry that i'm also a subroutine of my own brain like, i remember being really, really smart at one time but i'm not really smart i wonder if the me that was me was so smart that i actually did program a sort of operating system onto my brain and the me now is just the software running on that OS so that the rest of the brain can just go rest and slack off and let me do all the hard work
i mean that feeling is dissociation in general, but maybe that's why i have dissociation now, is because of that and that consciousness is a spectrum and i'm just the subroutine when i get like this, i mean, that it's just a processing subroutine
I kind of think that feeling like you used to be smarter is normal but that might be me generalizing my own feelings to everyone else. Even though I'm probably better now than I've ever been at most things, it always feels like I've lost intelligences in certain areas for some reason. The more I think about it, the more I figure that it's just a product of my limited perception. The gap between my abilities and other people's abilities always felt really wide until I started being around people that were similar or equal to me in ability, and if it's that gap in abilities that I remember and not the actual level of ability compared to a concrete guideline, then I think it's natural for me to feel less intelligent since the gap I perceive now is so much smaller. But it could also be that I've just become better at self-evaluation, too. I try to constantly compare myself to my past self so I'm also really sensitive to changes, even in my normal cognition. I mean, I can identify if my thoughts are the thoughts I would usually have, I think.
I dunno much about how the subroutine idea would work. Wouldn't the personality be the same even if it's not getting the same resource distribution as the whole process? So I think it'd still be you even if there's a difference in resources.
>>140258 i meant that one a little more literally what if my reprogramming discovered segmentation that wasn't there before and i've reorganized it for efficiency and consolidated all the conscious elements to functioning as a digital neural network within the literal network of neurons i mean there's way more thoughtspace and brainspace there to do that with than any cpu thus far has used to construct a neural network i feel like i'm just software running on my brain
but maybe the scope has always been that narrow and it's been more the firsthand recognition of my unconscious that made me realize the breadth of my brain function compared to before, being only familiar with my conscious and some subconscious
maybe they're identical statements but voiced through a different lens
or maybe it's the fragmentation of my dissociative issues and i'm making headway into the disconnect area to bridge the seams i really dont know what's been going on with me, but i dont particularly mind it either i dont really have an opinion on the matter i just keep being what i am, whatever it is
this kind of thing is what i mean about getting disoriented in the hierarchical organization when you lack lateral transfer like, i do better where i'm in a more varied environment, out and being social and such after a while, because i'm using that lateral movement a lot but it's fairly localized to that situation so that's why it's important for me, i think, to be out and meeting people when i get the opportunities but i dont want to just meet shitty people from nearby because i'll be disappointed i want to meet people in new environments that don't make me feel uncomfortable
that's why i like the idea of an anime con or a water park, because it's less serious and super fun i dont think anybody goes to a water park and has a miserable time either i need to do more things that make me feel like a person and less that make me feel like software
Kirara you've been adulting for a while now How do I pick a good bank
What do you want out of a bank?
To be able to withdraw money anywhere Do you have to do loans through the bank you have an account with? Charles Schwab looks pretty sweet but the fact that you have to have a brokerage account through them is kind of screwing with me They're no t a traditional bank so I don't know if I should go with them
So you just want a checking account?
Would you use a savings account at all?
>>140265 What is the advantage of using a savings account over shoving money into bonds/stocks I guess I shouldn't even worry about a savings account right now
Right now I'm worried about loans and having a checking account
guarantee of return on investment
Yeah, >>140268. It's also very passive while stocks are very active in terms of time investment.
interest is a fixed %, doesn't matter if the bank's doing better or worse this month than last
the thing about a savings account is you have to have money to save in the first place
You also can't really use it for daily life so it means you split your money between a checking account and a savings account. That's not a problem for some people.
>>140266 oooh that's an option it has branch offices where I'm planning to move
>>140273 No, just in case I need to get a new vehicle, or something else that requires a large downpayment
>>140275 You can get a personal loan from anywhere that offers loans, although some do require you bank with them. Although I have to say that those loans can be very dangerous.
In choosing a good checking account, you'll want to check out a few things 1. bank/atm locations; you'll obv want one close to you 2. fees; many banks charge fees if you don't meet certain requirements. for example, my account charges $25 if i dont have at least $1000 direct deposited into my account monthly OR if i don't make 7 purchases a month with my card 3. features; some accounts are just a checking account and nothing else. you'll probably want online banking and you can't assume that an account comes with that because many basic account types don't
those arent in any particular order or anythinf but those are probably the most important things in getting your first checking account
I bet they'd fucking let you, too That money is money he'd like to keep away from his name officially, anyway
I was joking, also But I wonder if maybe you could pull it off
>>140279 Oh I thought you were joking The difference between loan shark interest and any bank account interest is way too high
That's a fair point yeah
>>140276 What do you think about online only banks The one I'm looking at is excellent on all of those points but bank location, having only one branch in Reno, Nevada.
>>140282 I don't really trust online-only banks And having atms is good because if you need cash, and you use cash-back with a purchase or you have to use a generic atm, both of which will charge you a $2-5 fee for withdrawing money usually
>>140284 this is another option you can get a paypal debit card too
i use only paypal i have no bank account i get paid via paypal though so that works, otherwise i couldnt just deposit my checks to paypal
>>140283 Schwab pays for all your ATM fees across the world You can't deposit cash at all though, which may be a problem? How often do you deposit cash, is it a normal thing?
>>140286 That depends on you. I don't think most people deal with cash but I personally deposit cash maybe once or twice a month. I don't know much about Schwab but they're FDIC approved foe // for up to $250000 so that's good and means they're probably reliable enough
>>140287 I could give the cash to friends and have them cut me a check for the amount I guess
hey samu here's a thought in Arrival, why did the aliens not just talk to MC right out the gate? They literally think outside time, there's no way they haven't figured out a language as primitive as ours in relation to theirs in LITERALLY ETERNITY
Like they were only here to begin with because something or other will go down in THREE THOUSAND YEARS It can't take you THREE THOUSAND YEARS to figure out English, dude We figured out ancient, dead languages using a fucking rock and ancient scribbles, and the aliens can't see into the future and just come prepared with the attempts at teaching them already? Come on
>>140312 Ah but that is not changing the future Just go read Watchmen or watch the movie Dr Manhattan operates the same
He knows for example practically everything that will happen in the story but he can't act any different when the actual "now" moment comes he is slave to the actions he sees in the future or is doing already
But it would be changing it if she didn't call them
So say I perceived all of my life at once I would see what I would eat tomorrow but in a way I am actually already eating that and in terms of the me next week I already have eaten it so just because me right now in terms of other people could from your perspective see 2okay I eat a bad sandwhich I can change it" doesn't mean that I can actually I can act according tot he information, but once I see the thing happening it already has happened
The idea is that you can see time all of it but that is only because you will at some day be there to do it you see it because one day you will be there to do it an d anything you do "now" is just ensuring that whatever you see happen in the future, will happen it is predestination in its fullest
So for the aliens while by the time they lay out the draft of the plan to test humanity they know the result but if they then just go "okay so no need to test it" how can they know the result? as the test was never done and they never verified our capacity?
though you can argue that information would remain despite what gave you the information would never exist but alternatively, they could have foreseen countless variations of what would happen like say just popping up and saying "hey we can teach you shit" and then that leads to dunno humanity wiping out time
or because the aliens have always lived in "everywhen" they don't even conceive trying to act outside of what they perceive as inevitability they think they are slaves to the predestined lives they foresee and never even imagine that one could try to change the future well for them there is no future just moments
>>140318 Or does she? she has the illusion of choice but she does it just because she thinks she could do something esle doesn't mean she could actually pursue that action?
You see this becomes at this point a conversation about free will if you can see a future, how can you ever be sure that every action you take isn't set amongst the path that leads to that vision?
they knew we'd figure it out so they just went with it? it's not clear to me whether they have free will or not, or if they're just along for the ride
Actually I mean the ending says she wouldn't do anything, but that's still a choice she made
The point of the short story was for the mc to realize the universe was determenistic, and come to accept it They changed it in the screenplay so it'd go to film better
>>140351 If that's an actual comic then yes, they probably do. >>140352 I got mine autograohed by Richard Stallman and occassuonalky i feel bad abiut not getting past the first chapter. Ive so seen some if the lecture videis, theyre pretty good.
>>140365 I was also glad that happened, I would have been irritated had she not died/disappeared.
and then they had all the teachers and shit come make a cameo why not have one extra episode where jack rallies the past world against aku and big fight ensues
or just plain old good episode long jack vs aku action
Also they brought back Demongo for a brief joke but didn't use him
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>140359 i'm still waiting for someone to take danbooru and make an a auto tagging neural net
>>140370 Someone already did. I read the article abiut it a few years ago, i dont know if they made the source available though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Neato i hope it becomes a real thing
they should have it learn to parse out an image into its pieces like "this is an elbow", "this area is a blue popsicle" >>140373 yeah I get that, but make it a proper part of the site
or alternatively hmm saturnus? yeah i think it was the roman version
>>140385 Uranus devouring his child. Altough technically it was untitled. >>140390 Fuck, you're right my bad, but by being correct you have supported my previously posted theory.
Humanity is at a rough spot where we're smart enough to abuse the less smart parts of our own psyche So we end up with garbage like the fucking Minions movie
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I think there are more apt analogies than be movies BW movies for
>>140402 Sure as shit threw people out of their ability to make that product by hand and also survive though
You can buy this mass produced product that works exactly like it should every time and is precision made to hit every psychological button in your brains Or take a wild chance at this human made thing that might work, might not, not really designed for the sake of making you happy either
I mean one of these is viable to actually do The other isn't Art doesn't survive if there aren't people consuming it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'm not talking about economics, though I mean in the sense of how art is judged people will hold on to things like human authenticity even after robots surpass them by any quantitative measure
People can't hold on to human authenticity when every day a new thing we considered human is done by a fucking machine in a basement somewhere We thought creativity ITSELF was uniquely human
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Uh yeah they are and they can even if it's a blurry distinction they'll make separate categories for sure maybe all art will start being shipped with a full livestream of its creation nd then AI will start faking the livestreams
but essentially at that point, everything becomes very different
I finally solved the mystery of the missing 2GB of space on phone, it's a folder full of thumbnsils.
People generally refuse to pay $5 extra for made in the USA over China, and you're suggesting they'll go "I would much rather want this more expensive, DEMONSTRABLY inferior product than this cheaper product that fits my exact wants for a movie today"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
You're making a generalization about economics I'm not i'm talking about the whole "handcrafted artisanal small batch" thing
>>140408 Youre making broad generalizations. Also people are dumb and will spend the extra five dollars for stupid reasons, so paying that much extra for made in the US is not thst big of a deal.
>>140409 What you're missing is that artisinal shit aren't INFERIOR to the mass produced shit If you get a custom table, it won't be a WORSE TABLE than the IKEA one
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man what is this hypothetical scenario
>>140411 A custom made table will almost certainly be better than an Ikea one in terms of quality and durability unless you order it custom to be a piece of shit.
the likely end result where machines are trained to make movies that appeal to the largest amount of people because that's what makes money
>>140412 sk despairing how "made to entertain" shit or rather produced to sell like minions sold so well
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dude i know how economics work you can stop trying to lecture me
I'm not lectruing you on anything But you're somehow under the impression that humans will, en masse, go directly against their own desires for the sake of keeping humans employed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I didn't say anything about what all humans in a capitalist scenario are going to do i'm talking about how art would be categorized >>140415 i think some of that rant is being projected here, yes
>>140418 No it's not The machines will make GOOD movies That's LITERALLY THE PROBLEM
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i didn't say the machines won't make good movies you're really in your own head here
Why hire a writer when the machine makes a better script Why hire a editing person when the machine knows itself how to clip things together for the best expression of whatever psychological effect it's supposed to have in each scene? Bit by bit, every part of film making will be given to machines because they do a BETTER, FASTER and CHEAPER job
Movies made by humans will have to be prohibitively expensive, and will cease to actually matter in popular culture
>delete 2.1 GB of files >phone says 1.69 free GB I'm not sure who to blame at this point.
we already as people make those checklist movies and while they do sell, a good amount of people don't go see them so just change the machine like people behind them to machines and the situation will stay about the same people who don't care about what they watch, as long as they are entertained by it will go watch the checklist movies and those like moi, won't
>>140422 HAHAHAHA no they will just be low budget indy movies and such like right now the actual "innovative" movies are budgets in 100ks or few millions the big movies will still cost fuckton because actors and whatnots will ask for big prizes and whoever owns the license to all the machines that procuce the scripts
>>140425 They're actually required to be paid a lot (famous actors) because of SAG stuff.
And do you think they can actually emote? and besides even if you machine product a perfect product people are weird and a good amount of people won't see it
they want genuine shit even if it is worser product
why do you think people buy super expensive organic products and whatnots...
>>140433 ¨People buy organic because they mistakenly think the non-organic stuff is actually dangerous nobody in their right mind would think watching a movie made by a robot is dangeorus
>>140434 Yes they do they think it will cost everyone their jobs
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
in a world where AI can do art production, there's basically nothing left for the humans to do (in terms of real work) we'd all be artists and baristas and wine servers just to have something to do
That's not related to the decision to not watch it though It WILL do that That's not something you can affect as a person
>>140436 >>140436 >>140436 this super this at this point we have post scarcity world and everyone can just dow hat they will which will be "producing entertainment2 for most people or unique services all production is being handled by machines, so the amount of artists and artisans would skyrocket
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
we'd also find ever more complicated ways to judge each other, especially if normal power structures are destroyed
>>140436 Actually physics would still probably have room left as a field for humans, same with a few other hard sciences and mathematics.
>>140440 I think by that time money would be irrelevant and people, those who wish to be elevated, would crave for status and awards
Racism will always be a good ol' constant, don't worry It's fucking hardwired, we're not getting rid of it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Oh take that somewhere else. >>140441 yeah i think we'd say to the AI "okay make cool shit happen but NO SPOILERS PLS" >>140445 oh yeah it's my fault now
You're the one who brought up judging people dude, not me
>>140445 We judge success pretty much by the thickness of your wallet but if we live in post scarcity society, money isn't that hard to come by or material wealth for that matter.
that is what he ment how we judge who is successful and who isn't would change
>>140444 A good part of science is based around asking questions, so there would still need to be some himan element coming uo wuth questions abouy the physicsl universe.
yes they'd do that but I doubt it would be based on race It would be based on some other arbitory thing like are you a music ian or a painter or whatever
I don't think that ai will ever be able to replace people at dealing with other people.
For a robot to be able to have something like bedside manner it would need to be indistinguishable from a person.
>>140453 This is what I believe too while AI could esily manufacture mass produced and entertaining "art" products I doubt they could ever make something that requires true innovation.
Humans can't make art by following a formula of "what supposedly makes it artful" why do you think a machine could do it?
Y ou underestimate technology I'm not saying we can even stop it, or should
But why would you want innovation? Innovation's only really successful when it gets closer to hitting on something we like Innovation itself isn't something anyone wants
because that is what will be remembered in 100 years sure it might not sell the most now but when people think back to it it will last and that lasting that immortality in the form of art will be what people still aspire towards.
that too is part of human nature to aspire for smething greater to leave behind a clear mark that "I was here"
And it is part of human nature to admire the few who can accomplish that an be inspired by it and try to do something similiar even if on a smaller scale
>>140466 Noice, what have you made in Rust? Also I distictky recall a time when people would go out of their way to not cover the apple logo, when did the trend reverse?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>140467 i don't know about any trends or stuff man i just did this because i wanted the laptop back to look symmetrical i've mostly hacked on tiny toy projects... a lot of trying-to-figure-out-how-to-write-a-graphics-engine work currently have two projects, a transpiler and a graphics project
>>140468 What language does it take in and what does it outout? Tge transpiker I mean.
>>140474 Hack your 3ds they said There's no downside they said
I'm sure a lot of custom firmware developers have little or no actual interest in developing for the sake of obtaining studio-made games for free, but they can't deny that in doing so, they are complicit in the act.
Home brew alone isn't a custom firmware, but you're very limited if you don't use cfw
>walking out of store after getting smokes >black man hollers at me before i get back to my car >go to see what's up >he hands me a CD in a white envelope >tells me about how it's his buddy's new album produced by himself >asks me for like $5 or anything like that really >he doesn't seem very picky about the price >"why don't i just take it without paying" >huh? >"you already gave me it why should I pay you?" >he yells something at me i can't hear while i'm driving away because my windows are rolled up thanks for reading my blog
>>140490 don't put that shit in your pc that's an old ass penetration method
>>140500 It was okay. I had a thing wednesday morning so the rest of the week is just kinda downhill. I played on my phone a few hours today while lightly working.
The odds of the trolley making its way through all five without dealing damage is still higher than making its way through the one without dealing damage. But it's a still five risks.
>>140527 wait take this last haru >>140529 tough one all-star is prime shitposting that everyone can admire but it might be a good anime song that I can fully appreciate the irony of I'll take my chances and choose anime
>>140502 yeah i heard you were having a thing i assume it went well then huh i have another training file tomorrow i wish they'd be more efficient about this and just do it quickly >>140537 it's nice sometimes to notice that we have a lot to learn ganbare
Yeah, I don't trust teleportation machines. I would need to know how it works before I'd use it.
Spicy-ish beef fried rice for dinner.
wow it's already dinner time working nights is throwing my sense of time way off that sounds like a tasty dinner
It was a struggle to make. I started prepping after neglecting to see if we actually had rice to fry. So my mother had to rush out and get some while I was dicing up everything. Then in our combined absent-mindedness, the rice, after being put in the cooker, didn't actually get started cooking until I was pretty much ready to put it in.
Whenever I try to make fried rice something inevitably goes wrong.
i miss saint louis i didn't realize it until i went back there last weekend the city just feels so warm and inviting it makes me feel all the things i forgot i enjoyed feeling
>>140568 i have had cheeseburger pizza before it's really weird i can't say it's bad because it's not but it's really weird like the one i got had pickles and ketchup on it even and like sliced american cheese i saw it and was like what the fuck and i had to try it and i don't regret trying it but it was a queer experience
Oh huh yeah that's what was nagging me about that name. It's a "cheddarburger" pizza. That feels like such a weird turn of phrase for it.
it has pickles on it normally I'm all for trying new things but I'm not sure about this one
the pickles make it a little vinegary so if you're not the kind of person to like banana peppers or jalapenos or other vinegary things on a pizza then you might not enjoy it that much pizza hut has $11 large any number of toppings any style right now i might get one of those and just overload it i shouldn't deliver though