Thread #139793
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「Koe no Katachi」 Anno 2017/05/25 (木) 07:18 No. 139793
hello friends does anyone want to watch Koe no Katachi this weekend it's called A Silent Voice in english the one about the mute girl Iplease respond
yeah sure okay
I already seen it but I'd reccomend others watch it it was good
>music by kensuke ushio gasp
I'll watch as long as it's not tonight if you have to do it tonight then that's fine too
probably friday or sat friday has worse shows i think
Jan can't watch Friday and saturday is a little tight so our options are Saturday or Sunday I think sunday is light on anime
rook can only friday and saturday so how aboutSaturday 30 minutes to an hour before regular starting time
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
i don't get off work until 2AM sunday morning EST so starting early is kind of hard >>140821 i have about 3 hours we can totally watch one show maybe
oh then sometime when jan s hows up on saturday we're probably not watching any other anime unless people want to fi t in a show or two
I dont even know how long ht emovie is I assume its under 2 hours
2h10 minutes says MAL
>>140827 >>140824 yeah i think we can watch one or two i've been kind of lax on my schedule for saturday recently anyways
I'll be ready as soon as everyone shows up
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
I'll show up at like 2:10 or 2:15 EST
say goodbye bang 2017/05/26 (金) 07:43 No. 140870
I can do saturday night I think
okay good
7 people so far
Thank you for reminding me that it was a thing. I managed to forget, even though I basically yelled at Maria to go see it.
8 people? Download the movie we're gonna watch this around 23 hours from this post
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This is my first post in this thread, mind if I join? I've got it downloaded, all I have to do is show up in 14 hours, right?
What time you guys thinking of doing this? I
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 455x800, Eiri.full.236113.jpg )
in about 14 hours, it looks like>>142389 yeah, we do mind actually please go away no i'm kidding please join us it will be fun
>>142397 Off topic but wow, I haven't spotted you in forever!
around 8 hours of this post
eta less than 20 minutes
Search [iqdb] (414 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Saekano S2 - 07(…).jpg )
missing moon notso anon1
Search [iqdb] (656 KB, 728x1170, DAzUztlVoAEVMFA.png )
>>143063 anon1
hey hello
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so it looks the HS rip is hardsubs
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
i think moon is asleep i can't get ahold of him and he didn't answer the phone
>>143071 is there a better version?
oh i found one 4.2gbs though wowza
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:38 No. 143077
wait uhhhh hmmmm someone steam me if this is really going down
>>143075 >>143076 There's half a dozen or so on AB
i don't seed
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:39 No. 143080
wait uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 386x516, [Commie] Love Lab - 03 [5D42F8(…).jpg )
I've REALLY got to get webm streaming working... again...
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1516x1075, C-VusNLU0AEXxZl.jpg )
So we have Jan,Ika, me and Notso as anons. ..right?
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it's goin down
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:40 No. 143084
do i have to download the movie then where
>>143084 how fast is your internet
>>143084 HorribleSubs has a release of it, is it on CrunchyRoll?
it's amazon
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:41 No. 143089
>>143085 fast
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:41 No. 143090
>>143082 Here, this helps.
>>143089 ok sent ;)
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:42 No. 143092
Koe no Katachi - 00?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:43 No. 143094
>>143091 thx 4 invite ;)
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:43 No. 143095
wait.... i don't have a torrent program.... goddamnit i wanted to keep this pc clean fuck you guys
try irc maybe
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
at this rate i'm not even going to have enough time to watch it all
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:44 No. 143098
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 331x509, [DameDesuYo] Love Lab - 02 (12(…).jpg )
>>143097 I swear I had webm streaming working once and I lost the fucking batch files to make it happen.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:45 No. 143100
Search [iqdb] (4s, 1.4 MB, 960x720, TAKETHIS.webm )
kannagi moon>>143095 horriblesubs
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:46 No. 143104
eta on slowest downloader?
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Saekano S2 - 07(…).jpg )
>>143104 you tell me >>143103 moon is AWOL is kannagi watching this?
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:47 No. 143108
at this rate i'll be done in about 10 mintues
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Ara ara
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:48 No. 143112
Oh shit, hiding in plain sight.
we'll start when bang finishbes
tine to get comfy
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:50 No. 143119
uh oh
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:51 No. 143122
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 900x638, [DameDesuYo] Love Lab - 02 (12(…).jpg )
I found all my streaming stuff but it's taking forever to dump the subs. All it has to do is dump the fucking subs.
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ok so are we ready to watch or ??
Search [iqdb] (435 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsuki ga Kirei (…).jpg )
>>143125 i am orange up fellas bang should be done soon >>143135 rook is here just bang is MIA he's probably just afk >>143129 i dunno i'm literally about to start i only have 2 hours left
Lotta? ?? going on I am though
Orange up #prayforbang Start
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ready >>143135 wow RIP bang should we start? this thing is two hours long
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 06:54 No. 143130
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 343x497, [DameDesuYo] Love Lab - 02 (12(…).jpg )
AAAANTE UP Oh wow this is two hours long. That's a looot of time.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] DanMachi Gaiden(…).jpg )
we're missing bang and rook ok we waited over 20 minutes for bang to tell us to go lets gostarting
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:59 No. 143136
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 06:59 No. 143137
just go
If Notso hasn't started I'm just telling him the time.
bang's magnificent ruse cruise
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:00 No. 143142
>>143140 I' I'll be behind. But also Or Should be streaming... I THINK the subs are working? It might drop. Just reconnect if it does.
the soundtrack for this is by the same guy who did ping pong's soundtrack btw
>>143142 I've got a copy on my hard drive. All good.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:02 No. 143147
>>143145 My stream died anyway. Fucking... Gotta work out the bugs.
Search [iqdb] (581 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
this is NOT the opening song i expected
Western music huh
>>143148 Pretty much.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:02 No. 143151
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 682x646, [Commie] Love Lab - 03 [5D42F8(…).jpg )
I watch anime for less familiar things. Not things I know.
Search [iqdb] (886 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
me on the left
me on the right
I've only actually read the one-shot for this series. Didn't get around to reading the manga, and some of the stuff I saw in threads on /a/ about it turned me off.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:03 No. 143155
>>143154 The manga was ok, but the one shot nailed it.
whatt ime are you
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:04 No. 143157
>>143156 4:10 now
4:30 4:35
oh no I'm ahead
You're on the same time as me. Do you have the HorribleSubs or 3mm one?
>>143161 HS
Huh, I guess everyone else is just clumsy.
I'm way ahead
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:05 No. 143167
>>143165 Alcohol and trying to get the stream owrking killed me.
Life is a struggle.
Search [iqdb] (674 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
i started on time but i went back a few times to take screenshots
They aren't translating the moon runes Sasuga HS
I thought she was totally deaf or something.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:07 No. 143173
>>143172 Extremely hard of hearing.One of the plot points I remember was him tossing her hearing aids in the river.
Oh wait, yeah, I remember that from the one-shot. I wonder if this is what actual deaf-Japanese sounds like.
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143174 this is similar to what deaf people sound like
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:08 No. 143176
These fucking gibberish subs are too much.
>>143175 Yeah that is true
>>143175 Yeah there's definitely similarities between it and what I've heard of English dead people speaking. I wonder if the reason it sounds so alien to me is because she can't get the phonetic balance of Japanese right.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:09 No. 143179
>>143175 When I think deaf, I think LV. Who's partially deaf. I can't imagine it much worse...
Such a bully
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:10 No. 143181
She's just trying to be nice...
Girls are vicious demons, man.
Though I guess in fairness this shows how all young kids can be absolute jerkwads.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:13 No. 143184
Yeah, fuck young kids.
This teacher is also being a bit of a shit too.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:14 No. 143186
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 642x717, [Commie] Love Lab - 03 [5D42F8(…).jpg )
Don't you just want to knock the living shit out of him?
oh no
He's got a good arm though.
This teacher makes me really fucking mad.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:16 No. 143190
>eight Jesus fucking, these kids.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:17 No. 143192
The punishment. And of course, the flakiness of young bastards.
what time are you
19:35 19:40
19:50 19:55 20:00
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:19 No. 143197
20 secs behind >>143194
So really just adjust wherever, we're all so over the place it doesn't matter.
Ara ara
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:22 No. 143200
Beat the shit out of him. He deserves it.
he deserves to have bad friends who turn on him
He got really lanky as he grew up.>>143202 But they what do they deserve? They were all being considerable assholes themselves.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:25 No. 143204
>>143203 We don't get to see if but they all die horrible accidents off screen.
he was the main butthole though
>>143205 That doesn't excuse their actions. If we're punishing him we ought to be punishing all the offenders.
>Sold off his bed That's a really inefficient way to try to pay someone back.
I feel this isn't the best display to put on in front of a toddler.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:28 No. 143209
>>143208 You try containing your emotions when your child is about to kill themselves. Or anyone you know for that matter.
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I knew this had some drama in it but I didn't know it was like this.
if bang was here he'd be like feels bad man
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:30 No. 143212
It feels bad on the other side, too.
this is a bang 2017/05/28 (日) 07:31 No. 143214
i'm here now just shit got too real
He totally had a chance there to socialize but was too busy wrapped up in his self-pity.
>1.7 million yen literally went up in smoke. That is actually a LOT of money. Especially for a teenager to have earned. All gone.
and a weird way to approach someone who tried to kill themself
Search [iqdb] (556 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143216 literal fat stacks
>Piece of bread he throws away shaped like a heart S Y M B O L I S M
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 470x513, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
This has been a really uncomfortable thing to watch so far.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:36 No. 143223
>>143222 I can drink to that.
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ok last time ill ask forver what time are you i h ad to get up like 3 times and went back to rewind quick to see whawt i missed
37:10 37:15 37:20
you know what a good movie would be that onani master kurosawa manga
Search [iqdb] (687 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143222 uncomfortable how
Maybe it reminds her of how she was when she was a rowdy little kid.
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
>>143226 It's just uncomfortable. I can't think of another word for it.
Hah hah, this little guy is dorky.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:38 No. 143231
It reminds me too much of the past.>>143230 Those are the best friends. A whole circle of them are the best thing you could ever have.
Also I thought that was a girl.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 466x604, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
I like the french fry ketchup cigarette though.
It's a good bread
this guy reminds me of a character from bokuhero
Mineta. Though Mineta is a complete and total shitbag.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:40 No. 143238
>best friend Fucking stalker.
A little late but I'll probably watch this later. I've got a bit of sleephead and stomach ache right now
>>143239 ;_;
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:42 No. 143241
>>143239 I hope you feel better soon. Stomach aches are nothing to scoff at.
Into the water again.
>>143239 Feel better friend
It sounds like she's got a nice seiyuu. Shame there's such little lines for her.
Oh no time for Bullying 2.0.
In every KyoAni work, there's a shot of a woman's legs below the knees as her legs fidget or move about.
This guy's family situation reminds me of Blue's a bit. With how he's stuck looking after his sister's kid mostly, I guess.
That is a big umbrella. I wish I had an umbrella like that.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:49 No. 143251
I didn't ask for the feels.
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i dont think i finished the manga for this
I didn't finish it but I read further than this
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:50 No. 143254
I finished it, but this isn't quite how I remember it...
I'm going in blind
I never started it in the first place.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:52 No. 143258
That's such a cute little sister to have, too.
hahahah that was funny
He's got such a dumb way of going about asking things.
Like that shouldn't even be the fault of sign language.
This can only end in tears.
Search [iqdb] (712 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143263 that's the idea
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 07:55 No. 143265
This fucking guy.
Wow this girl's school has a whole stop to itself. Fancy as fuck.
Search [iqdb] (591 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
sahara is really cute now
She's not really my type but I can see where you'd be coming from. Looks like she's sporty now.>>143269 No the black-haired one was as Roc is saying.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Busou Shoujo Ma(…).jpg )
Was she the one with long black hair? She's much less cute if that is the case.
no the one with long black hair was the one he just saw that was handing out coupons with the nekomimi
She's the one who volunteered to learn sign
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 627x697, [Coalgirls]_Tamako_Love_Story_(…).jpg )
Long black hair had the cat ears just now shes the leading girl bully
The Queen Bitch.
They should just enjoy the cats.
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>oh shit we're going to get robbed
megumi dsguise
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 525x700, meruru.jpg )
Maybe she's a nicer person now.
>>143278 Not to mention the scrunchy ponytail. But seriously there should have been no way he missed her.
she still seems bitchy
She's also getting wrecked by him. Trying to dig in and he's dismissing her.
>>143289 "ish" feels like an understatement.
she really doubled down on it
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:03 No. 143297
>>143295 That's how it goes. Some of them realize their mistakes. Others just take a fancy pirouette and dive off the deep end.
Yeah she's still a bitch
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:03 No. 143300
>>143299 She needs a punt to the cunt and a punch to the gut.
I kinda wish I could get a sleeping space like that.
>That faint total face blush
He's fucking up pretty bad here.
bad move
Oh no.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:06 No. 143312
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 725x719, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tenshi t(…).jpg )
I don't trust there -these people AT ALL.
This x thing is interesting
Search [iqdb] (676 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143323 it represents people that are closed off in his mind or something
>>143328 he has an evil face mc should punch him
Oh no Ueno is still around.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
>>143330 Maybe he's misunderstood because of his evil looking face and has led a terrible life just like protagonist-kun.
I trust NONE of these strangers. I only trust the ones that were decent when they were kids.
Oh no bullygirl
Search [iqdb] (665 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143335 but the MC was a shithead when he was a kid too
sahara seems like a nice girl
>>143338 Yeah but there was a part of him when he was a kid when he wasn't being a shithead.
Sahara dresses really well for her body proportions.
They'll probably all even out
Search [iqdb] (761 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143344 me on the left
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:13 No. 143348
>>143346 me on the right
>>143346 Ditto.
She got X'd again.
>>143348 this
She's got a pretty rational perspective on the whole thing. But she's still also a massive bitch.
Also the imouto is still wearing his shoes.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:15 No. 143355
crafty imouto
So cruuuuel
>I was bullying you and you went to the only people you thought that could help you and ruined OUR LIVES
Like Ueno has some valid complaints. But they're still minuscule up against all her assholery.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:18 No. 143365
Beat the shit out of her, come on...
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:18 No. 143367
The feels come from every angle.
Search [iqdb] (665 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143364 like what
Search [iqdb] (697 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
>>143368 Shouko kept trying to push herself on everyone without any real respect for the people she was doing it to. Like they were all kids, so maybe this sort of social complication is way above them anyway. But her attitude for being flat-nice to everyone around her is -completely- alien--no person is like that. But she kept with it despite creating obvious unease in the people around her.
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Bokura wa Minna Kawai(…).jpg )
This girl is the worst at least Ueno owns up to her behavior she acts l ike she does nothing bad
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:20 No. 143374
This... Bitch... Am I angry, or am I sad?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:21 No. 143376
>>143372 I'll actually relate to this. LV was basically Shouko to me. This... annoying weird person whom I had to keep repeating myself... And over time, I began to realize that he was just a normal person, hard of hearing, with something to fight against. Sure, it interrupted, but you had to understand, he didn't ask for it. He didn't want it... And he was so persistent, because he just wanted an outlet, and expressive method. And I gave in, and made like, the greatest friend ever.
Oh no
So much blame game
Also Ishida is really full of it, trying to say he wants Shouko to love herself when he himself is full of inward disgust.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:24 No. 143383
>>143382 But when you know the feeling of hating yourself you don't want anyone to ever feel that way. You know yourself, and you hate all the worst parts of you. But you want to forget that everyone else is the same...
Yeah I know. But it just doesn't ever work, trying to fix others while you yourself are still beating yourself up inside over similar things.
Search [iqdb] (708 KB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A Sile(…).jpg )
this fucking loser
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:25 No. 143388
>>143384 So I've learned through experience... Though, I've had some success.
Also this old woman drinks out of a wooden cube cup. What a weird old lady.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1385x747, me.png )
Shimada is the final boss hes a jerk too
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:27 No. 143396
>bread as wonderful as you
Yuzu is cute
the soundtrack is doing some neat stuff
Poor baacchan. She was a good woman.
how did I miss that detail
>>143400 the soundtrack is really nice for this
He's really lame.
is he scared she'll do something bad
Oh no make it stop.
He's so cumbersome
I mean Yuzuru's photos are a little macabre. But that's probably the kind of thing photo competitions dig.
this show is kinda realistic
>>143411 yuzuru's gonna end up on a watchlist or something
Why did he take his shoes off
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1068x980, question23.jpg )
Why did he believe her when she said she was going to study in the middle of fireworks
Because he's a total dumbass. And he's probably weighted down with so much guilt when it comes to her that he'll take anything she says at face value.
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Why did he take his shoes off first when he saw what was happening
>>143420 Don't you ever do irrational things when you get overloaded with panic? Your body doesn't always do what you want when you're freaking out.
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
holy moly
Fucking shit. What do you want from her Ueno.
>maybe she got nicer
>And who are you? Geez Ueno.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:42 No. 143429
fucking it's obvious who needs to kill themselves
Yeah, as if that would solve everything. Instead of piling even more guilt on top of Shouko and Ishida and everyone else around.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:44 No. 143431
I'm just a very angry and vindictive person.
Music got weird then
Broccoli is a good guy.
yeah hes been really good across the movie
Kawai seems to have a really hard time keeping her voice down, eh.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:46 No. 143436
>everyone has tough experiences THAT YOU FUCKING CREATED
I mean she followed it up with a good counterpoint. You gotta find the things about yourself you can love, even if you can't forgive yourself for the things you hate.
the power of koi
The power of "I'm too stupid to realize I must be in the hospital for a pretty fucking serious reason".
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He was able to make it out of the hospital and not a soul noticed or stopped him?
It's probably like 03:00 or something in the morning. Granted I still figure he ought to have been caught by security, but it's prob->I'm all good now DUDE COME ON.
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The lights are blinking like the power is going to go out.
She took a page from Ueno's book
If you want someone to help you live, you should probably start by getting your ass back to the hospital, son.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:55 No. 143446
What a terrifying brother-in-law.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 08:57 No. 143448
>>143447 Just 'cause he's a black Brazillian?
I mean imagine being a stick of a Japanese guy. And then being paired up against this built, taller-than-you Brazilian whenever family photos come up.
He's just drawn weird
wait when did he fall into the water as
July 7th or so. I think that was the festival he was celebrating with Shouko's family.
the fireowrks? he fell onto the cement didnt he
>>143453 Oh the water was in spring. When he was fishing out Shouko's old notebook after it blew into the water?
Ueno said that shimada and someone saved him did he drown then?
there was random blood too
>>143456 I think the water was all in his head. He hit the pavement and Shimada and someone else "pulled him up" or so they said.
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It doesn't make sense for water to be directly below a balcony like that anyway.
Eh. I could go pull up some photos from Japan that would probably indicate otherwise. But I still don't think there was water there.
no cause like she said he fell into the ri ver unless she saw the stuff in his head too it doesnt make sense
I thought he bounced into it or something
Oh that might be the case. That would have been a crazy fucking accident to be in if that's the case.
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That could be it. There could be a canal wall directly under a balcony like that. If it was an apartment on the river and you fell straight down off a balcony like he did you would likely bounce off the canal wall into the water.
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wow that might be the cutest moment of the movie
That was a really nice burst of OST too. These colours are also AMAZING. Fuck KyoAni can hit an 11/10 on artistic quality.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 09:05 No. 143467
I had to go run and take care of a problem.
Kimi no na wa was still a better movie though.
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Thanks for anime
>>143468 still need to watch it
The North American theatre run is probably done by now, eh. I would strongly urge you to go check if a local theatre is running it but I fear it's probably too late on that. Bar the 1080p, audiophile-tier rips that we have to wait for autumn to show up, seeing it in cinemas is probably the most amazing way to watch it.>>143472 They wouldn't be the true BD releases man. Anything that's currently uploaded is a leak.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 09:08 No. 143472
>>143471 They're already out. On AB.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 09:08 No. 143473
>>143471 I'm pretty sure the Jap BD is out.
>>143473 >On May 9, Toho Pictures announced a domestic 4K UHD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, and DVD release on July 26. On a side note apparently I'm wrong and the previous predictions aren't correct, but they're still not out.
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that was really good i cried
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/05/28 (日) 09:09 No. 143477
>>143474 Weird. Guess I'll be replacing it later. Maybe.>>143475 I choked back tears, I don't cry...
Oh they didn't do the epilogue stuff.Which is probably fine, from what I gathered from the threads the epilogue stuff sort of killjoys the ending a bit.
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>>143478 what happens Overall the movie was pretty decent I'd say like 7.5/10 some characters were pretty good but some were like eh I liked Ueno's character design she was a bitch though surprised last boss-kun didnt show up much
Not 100% sure but I think they confirm Shouko and Ishida just remain as friends. Or maybe even something like he tries to ask her out but she doesn't want to take that step. I think the fluffy ending note they gave the movie was nice enough.
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also that awesome song from the ending scene is this right here >>>/watch?v=rSn1M0hVf6E
>>143481 The movie was above and beyond on aesthetic details. Design, audio, animation, cinematography; that all was really, really good. I wasn't really hit by the plot writing, but the character writing was well done--at least for the characters they bothered writing for. They also didn't shy away from making the bitchy or despicable characters be, well, bitchy or despicable, but they still made sure to not make them shallowly bitchy or despicable.
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hmm I'd put this a good bit above 7.5. It was very good.
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my fave char is probably imouto or ueno
>>143487 I agree I will give it a 9
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>>143468 I think Kimi no Na Wa overshined the movie cause it's popularity they were released nearly at the same time right? I loved Kimi no na wa though
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The beginning made me uncomfortable but that's because I get really into stories and don't have much experience with bullying on either side or being shunned. The movie dealt very well with heavy subjects like guilt and the willingness to live. It was a good movie.
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I'll probably give it a rewatch and might as well watch your name
>>143491 About a month -a little under a month apart, so yeah. I'm putting aside the popularity of the two though; I just feel Kimi no na wa was more polished in plot writing, and none of its main characters had the symptoms of lack-of-writing like some of this movie's main cast did. But in fairness to Koe no Katachi, it did tackle a much larger main cast than Kimi no na wa. Also this OST was good but Kimi no na wa's was better in my opinion. I will say that Koe no Katachi definitely wins out in visual aesthetics though.
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We should watch Kimi no Na Wa when a good rip comes out i've watched it a lot of times but ill do it again
Also Shouko started getting really cute once she started expressing herself.
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>>143494 whats your favourite song i like sparkle>>143502 we have bokuhero eromanga granblue recreators shingeki for tomorrow i dont think much airs
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We'll have to work hard to make up for all the anime we didn't watch tonight. Fortunately I have monday off so we can work hard tomorrow.
>>143500 Nandemonaiya > OP animation song > ZEN ZEN ZEN SE > Sparkle They're really all so good, this isn't an indication that I dislike any of them really. Also the Kimi no na wa OST's instrumental tracks are amazing for setting the moods and scenes of the movie.
>>143505 teki daaaaaa sparkle > nandemonaiya > dream lantern > zenzen
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haha I was just thinking about that
>>143508 It was a pretty great music choice
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It's a pretty common choice for movies. Just not the one I expected for an anime one.
It's a common choice because it's a good one