I dunno how to manage my life anymore I feel like crying but I don't know what for, and I can't either
Keep thinking the only good choice left is to just give up and revert to hikkineet again
I start thinking about anything and the conclusion is always that trying is meaningless because I can't
I'm not making good choices I'm not thinking clearly But it all seems so real, even knowing I'm wrong doesn't help and knowing me, I'll soon stop being able to tell I'm losing it again
Everything is fucking futile, even trying to fight my own mindset seems like it's pointless because I'm inevitably going to go insane again and get paranoid and stop even considering anything other than the absolute worst possibilities
I don't know how to explain it so anyone can understand It's stupid I'm stupid for knowing and letting it happen I'm stupid for it even being something that is happening
If I was half as smart as I think I am, this couldn't happen to me I don't know what to do anymore
Why tell my boss when she won't understand what I'm saying Why tell my doc when he won't Why am I making this post? My reasoning is completely shot and I blame myself for not bring able to stop any of this
My head feels like it's being pushed down
And I can stop it I can get dressed and go to work right now, I know I can and nothing but me is stopping me How can I know that but not do it? Am I just a shit human being? Am I just lazy and fabricating everything to justify myself?
What the fuck am I doing anymore I'm supposed to be better than this
Pink Autism
Get your doc to refer you to a psych, and talk with them. They might be your better option. Or rather, they might be an option, that will lead you to something. I don't know what you're feeling, but it sounds familiar to me. You probably are better than this but have a roadblock to clear up, and I am sure you can find the help you need if you seek it.
I don't think I could make them understand I don't think I understand
It's clear until the moment i try to formulate it I don't know if I'm lying I think I'm lying
I don't know if I ever tell the truth
Pink Autism
>>129368 Believe me, there's a lot more to get from trying than giving up. They're trained to figure these things out, and talk you through until one of you understands.
Lying about what?
Everything in this thread
It makes more sense if I'm just lying to myself so I can be lazy
Pink Autism
>>129370 I'll be the first to tell you, denial doesn't make it go away or any less detrimental in the long run. I spent a long time lying to myself and it fucked me over. Now that I recognize it, I'm going to do something about it.
I don't think it's worth trying to salvage what's left Even if I have problems and I can fix them I think I've already winged my life enough that the only choice left is to bash it with a rock and prevent more suffering
Pink Autism
>>129377 It's still salvageable. It can always be turned around. You may not make up for lost time, but you can at least enjoy proper what's left.
I'll never amount to anything even if I became normal today It's already over and I'm just hanging on like an idiot because I refuse to fully accept that I wasted my whole fucking life already
I don't have a future and I don't know why I stick around when I know that
Pink Autism
>>129379 You do have a future, behind the cloud that is hanging over you. Please, just go get help. Clear up that cloud, or at least try.
They won't understand He didn't last time
I wasn't even planning on being around this long
Pink Autism
>>129383 Was it a GP/Family doctor or was it a psych? Or are you like me and lied through your teeth to get the hell out of an uncomfortable situation?
>>129386 Then you got a lazy fuck of a psych. Find a new one.
Both All of the above
The problem is me, not the psych
Pink Autism
>>129387 Then do what I did, find a way to explain it to a friend and take that to them. Or rather, plan to take that to them...
I tried I freeze up, I can't bring it up I can't properly explain it anyway
Pink Autism
>>129390 Have you considered writing it out and handing it to them? Did they ever try to build a rapport with you, build trust so maybe you'd open up? Just because you can't explain it doesn't mean they can't figure something out.
I considered it but giving it would just be as hard I don't trust people so I don't think they could, and I'm not sure I'd recognize it if they tried
>>129393 I'm not diagnosed with anything Other than adhd
Look at us, we're not face to face but it's making sense.
I'm asking if that's how you could quickly summarize it. >ADHD Can 'o worms.
Probably I guess it's a good way to summarize it but I'm not diagnosed
Pink Autism
>>129394 You don't have to be diagnosed to feel anxious or be slightly paranoid but when those feelings start to impede your life, as they seem to be by your own admission, you might want to do something about them. Just as I am planning to do. As soon as I wake up early enough to call and schedule an appointment before work.
I can talk on moe because it's not reality I can't be honest with real people
doesn't work help to take your mind off those thoughts a bit?
Maybe I don't know
My memory isn't reliable But it's a dead end no matter what because this keeps happening and I ruin whatever good streak I had, and there's no future then
I'm not qualified for anything, and the things that don't need qualifications have scores of applications from people who don't just skip work without a word randomly because they don't know how to explain what's happening
i guess you could try to use the current job to try and fix the absence problem and also try to get some sort of qualification
Pink Autism
>>129405 Do you have health benefits right now? Use them to address the problem causing absences, then either apply to new things you want to do or be like my mother and go to school a bit late and still get qualifications.
>>129422 The current job is where the absence problems are Today is the absence problem >>129424 I'm not sure what that is
School is a pipe dream, it's not realistic
Pink Autism
>>129433 What what is? School is not a pipe dream, but you will have to work your ass off for it... But hell, my mother raised me and went to school. I mean, she did a rather shit job raising me and had help, but you ain't got a kid do ya?
I'm a virgin so having a kid would be surprising
I don't know what you mean by health benefits
Pink Autism
>>129449 Health insurance, that's what we call it here. That is: If you have a full time job, you get some money taken out, and you get insurance so instead of shelling out your life savings, you can go to the doctor for a reasonable price. If you don't, get fucked.
Oh, I don't have an actual job I'm in Norway so health insurance isn't really a thing
I've got life insurance though
Pink Autism
>>129458 Life insurance is good. As long as you have someone to collect it...
>>129463 It's better than pissing about innit? I mean, it at least opens up a chance.
Oh god, I had one dude say "oh, you just need to sleep from 10 to 6 and you'll be fine" and it was like... THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM, THAT'S A SYMPTOM.
I can go see a doctor, but I just don't know how useful it'll be I tried last month or something and he told me I was low on vitamin D
If sleeping fixed anything I wouldn't have been a neet from 18 to like 24
Pink Autism
>>129464 I wouldn't be working a dead end job for less than enough to sustain myself on my own, living at home at 23, and feeling absolutely embarrassed by the fact.
>>129491 And yet it's what he needs to do. He needs help.
Pink Autism
>>129493 I'm not denying either of those things. It's something I have had to come to realize myself. Hence my suggestions of even writing down what explanation he can muster.
You're probably not wrong But I tried before and hit a wall and I don't think trying again will be different
>>129534 Now's the time to get over it and do what you need to do.
>>129535 I lock up Because I don't know if it's true I don't know if I'm lying I'm scared if I'm lying there will be problems
Pink Autism
>>129542 I'm just going to say, it looks pretty damn true to me. And if that's a thing, it might impede progress, but maybe talk about that aspect of it too. What really matters in all this is that you give it an honest shot.
I kind of live through lying I'm never really sure how much of what I say is true Actually that's not entirely right I know in general but when it comes to my own head i don't know what I'm making myself think and what I actually think It's just a fucking mess
Pink Autism
>>129554 Then that's likely something else that needs to be addressed. The short of it is, you need help.
>>129554 You said it was easy to talk to us about these things because we're not real people. It's obvious you're having trouble with doctors because you're afraid of being judged. You need to get over it and talk to them honestly.
You have everything to gain, but you need to take the first steps to getting back on track.
On track to what though There's nothing from here on out
I could MAYBE get back to school if somehow reality alters itself and makes that and option I'll be there for 6 years assuming I fucking ace everything on the first go Then I'm 31 I'm 31 with 0 worthwhile work experience going into a field where the very flaws of my current record are even worse and there I will be
Pink Autism
>>129635 You can always go back to school. You can always enter training for other professions. And at the very least, you won't be plagued with these feelings.
>>129646 Doesn't matter. Doesn't even matter much when it comes to health. Someone who takes good care of themselves will be physically younger at 32 than someone at 25 who is rode hard and put away wet.
Your problems have nothing to do with age, it's that you refuse to move forward. And you use your age as an excuse to justify not moving forward. You're in a feedback loop that you need help getting out of.
>>129672 You have plenty of time to go to school. I don't understand why you think it's too late if you don't follow the progression from high school like everyone else does.
There were lots of people graduating at the age of 30-35 out of my grad school.
I run out of time for school in roughly 2 months because then my dad retires and I need income to help out
This isn't a fucking fairy tale
Pink Autism
>>129672 Once you get out of this haze, you'll be able to formulate a plan to get through.
>>129683 My mother RAISED A CHILD and went to college, at around your age. It's not impossible.