>>128284 Do you live in europe or california? That shit doesn't real
very comfy bang
I have literally worked 37 hours out of a 48 hour stretch with only a few hours in between
Pink Autism
Though, it might be because our company is in fact based out of California.
very comfy bang
I mean it could very well be a law here too but now that I think about it very few companies in the food industry actually follow labor laws like even a little bit
Pink Autism
I've managed to avoid the food industry thus far, I guess we're... I don't know what it's called. It's a foundry, but I work with wax.
very comfy bang
They also don't follow health code laws....
very comfy bang
It's not like most of the rules they break result in anything that matters, but they do skip out on rules
>>128292 Ours was work that needed to be done in a year we were pretty much behind on everything. But overtime was still optional and I decided, more often than not, that it wasn't worth the hassle.
>>128325 wow i am reading this guy's FB page and he is a very sad memeboy people are stealing his memes and when he asked for a linkback they just blocked him
Well, I mean he took them for other people if he posted on posted them on the internet. He should be happy that he was successful in getting people to actually pay attention to him.
Pink Autism
The dog has exclusive rights to his image, thus they are the dog's memes.
>>128337 hey you can definitely own photographs posted on the internet you just don't understand the struggle of being a meme machine half the images on his page aren't even his anyways though
i've been replacing meals with soylent, one or two meals a day and so far i've gone two days on just about 2k calories a day that's huge maybe if i can keep this up for a while i'll be normal-sized within the year
Wait have you been regularly going for more than two thousand calories a day for a long time or something? I know you're on your feet and moving a lot but I think that's a lot.
Pink Autism
>>128406 >normal size Buy into that body positivity so you don't have to do anything.
very comfy bang
>>128408 2000 calories a day is a lot less than what i usually eat i mean i'm a big guy regardless, even if i lose the weight i gained after high school, i'll still be a 220-pound 6'1" monster and i've stayed where i'm at currently because i have a high-energy job but also have been eating like 3k+ calories a day or so
i had success with this ketosis diet thing once but then i became allergic to shellfish and also started having weird heart things so i stopped that and then regained the weight i lost from that
this soylent stuff is the first time i've felt confident i could go 2k calories a day without being unhappy about it
I think it's somewhat uncommon for me to consume more than 2000 calories a day. And when I do it's usually because I was doing something intensive and craving food.
Pink Autism
>>128417 As someone who's 6' and at last check about 240 lbs, who eats way more than they need to, I feel it.
I need to get my diet portion of calories in/out in check I probably do enough exercise at least
very comfy bang
I mean I don't go out of my way to exercise but between going to shows, being a manager in a restaurant, and putting away the truck twice a week, i'm not exactly sedentary 60 hours of work in the average week has also been rough but i figure it's about time i stop beeing a chubber and get hard
You've got to do the truck work by hand for some or all of it, right? That's gotta be some decent physical work.
very comfy bang
It's pretty intense It's just me and 150-200 boxes weighing anywhere between 5 and 60 pounds
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
unforgettableeeeeeee in everyyy wayyyyyy
very comfy bang
but i have to move them all over the fucking place
This is scary stuff. Julia might win. But she's still likely not to even if we get the 3x. This is hard. Even looking at the rate, if things keep up, we'll actually hit it at the final hour. But we need a huge jump in score for it to work.
>>128509 meguca v3 ended my moderator duties (because he didn't have moderation coded in) as well as my fiduciary duties (since he moved servers). So, I've got nothing to do with any of it anymore.
Pink Autism
>>128511 But you can eat more when you're hungry. You can also eat shittier food.
>>128504 Oh I thought it would have changed with the rest of the code
Pink Autism
>>128514 Unless Lat decided to do something different, and even then you can poke through the code to find it.
>>128523 They had this weird split where some of them liked the format and others thought the format would deter from their cause. But they stuck around.
Not "invading", they've assimilated them. A place where the dev puts moderation on the back burner is the kind of place that would accept generally anyone. So now they harbor 8/pol Also you can make your own board on v3 just like 8ch. So it's not like they have to cross.
>>128513 i can't eat more than it takes to sate my hunger
Pink Autism
>>128526 Then you're doomed to be Mr. Skeletal. Unless, you know, you eat shittier food.
>moderation team That's just Lat who doesn't really care He just writes code and then flings it at the userbase. The ones who are left are the ones who can deal with the turbulence. Whether it's his or the posters themselves.
Pink Autism
>>128533 >The ones who are left are the ones who can deal with the turbulence. Or the ones who can't fit in on any of the other three options. Or the ones who are ostracized by the other three options. Four if you count the other one, but it's even more dead.
>>128535 Yeah, they pretty much always die out so it doesn't even matter. Most stuff stays in a single thread in a single board Lat made a lot of interesting things but it's essentially lost on the base.
>>128527 but i don't like shitty food i like good stuff like STEAK
>>128542 Not really. It just makes it look like it has a lot of empty space. With or without board creation, fractures happen. It's just less noticeable. You'd have to watch the movement as it happens to see it and that's not something people can do without vision.
They've been getting their foot in the door since Pokemon GO. Nevermind Fire Emblem Heroes. I guess you could also count that temple run Mario brand game too.
>>128585 I want a zelda mobile game that forces me to go out into the wilderness
>>128596 I don't live in Australia! There's nothing there but desert anyway
>>128585 >game inspired by going out into the woods and swinging a stick around inspires game inspiring kids to go out into the woods and swing a stick around we're getting pretty deep now
where you walk around with your lil bitch and your lil bitchass sword
what do you do for anime now that nyaa is dead ? ? ?
There's another Nyaa. Also all but maybe one or two currently-airing shows can be obtained direct from a sub group's website. And the library is still up and running.
Yes but there's math involved. Julia's strongest point jump has been 1.249 billion points. Tharja is on the road to reach 13-14 billion. So unless Julia pulls out a new record at midnight, she loses.
War things are interesting This book is particularly interesting because it relates various mindsets to things outside war, too, like elections or just management of any group
33 isn't a lot i wonder how many sun tzu has in his book
They're more like rules than 33 full strategies
The art of war actually contains only like 3 or 4 outright strategies It's mostly also about the way you think, not what you think
It doesn't tell you a strategy to use, it tells you how you should approach any situation, what to consider, and a few ways to exploit certain situations
Which is important because neither book is actually about warfare
My favourite strat is to feign madness whilst keeping ones balance
In video games you can have strategies as something you know, but in reality there are no maps Every time you need a strategy will be different in real life
>>128697 I do something like this I always act really meek and feign a lack of understanding
It's mostly fear of confrontation, but it's pretty useful not to be seen as someone who keeps a close eye on everything around me
Also people start ignoring complaints if you always complain
Looks like I'm in charge of a group again How unfortunate, now I'll have less time to listen to my book, which is ironically about group management in large part
I have never lost an argument by the virtue of being stupid and bad at arguing Thus it can be argued that any argument I lose, is only lost because I am bad at arguing and not because I was wrong
Tomorrow I gotta be in charge of a group again the whole day Nande
I'd just gotten comfortable with working alone and just listening to my audio book, and especially now that I'm thinking of trudging through communist literature, the time and quiet would be very nice
The small enclave of twitter gommunists I've managed to discover is pretty interesting Most of their tweets are political, but so are mine, and it's interesting to see what they think of stff stuff
I wanna replay the Dewprisms again But I wanna share it with people, too
I wonder if I just drop a twitch link on twitter, will people actually watch? I've got like 150 followers almost, surely a few might pop in and see what's up
The main issue with me reading stuff like The Art Of War is I don't actually have any real goal to use this shit to get to
I'm just reading up on a bunch of shit I won't use because I don't have anything to use it for You can't really employ this kind of thing in single player games either Multiplayer MAYBE, but the diplomatic and political aspects die in those situations because all players are trying to get the exact same thing If everyone wants world domination, alliances and truces are shaky at absolute best
It can be put into practice in terms of career in private companies and stuff, I guess, but then I need something where I want to elevate myself Lawyer isn't really a field where you need to fight people a lot, even in a metaphorical sense
Maybe if I really wanted power it could be useful, but I don't really have that kind of drive. I wouldn't turn down power, and I'd probably go for it if it was relatively easy, but I'm starting at nothing here
I can't very well start my own fucking political party either
>>128731 Problem with grand strategy online, you need people to rp a little for iit to work why the fuck does moe elect every first letter of a word i type?
quite annoying thing in terms of typing
testing besting texting fixd damn hacker keyboars has gained unnecessary features. never update
Also this image more or less sums up both The 33 Strategies of War and The Art of War
>"Other than golf, [Trump] considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy," writes Evan Osnos Jesus fucking Christ
The part I'm at right now goes into how you shouldn't ever assume someone you're against shares your values, and instead try to find out what their values are Not just so you can feel better and demonize them for theirs, but so you can better actually fight them
Showing mercy to a culture that doesn't value it is a bad strategic move, for example Showing aggression and strength to a culture that thinks it barbaric and unseemly is also a poor strategic move
too bad the chinese never took that to heart deep enough when dealing with their nomadic neighbpurs
The example used was actually some British... guy, I missed some details, who tried to put an Afghan former-ruler into power, but didn't let him ice all of the tribal leaders around Afghanistan This seems like "Oh that's just how we do it in civilized society", but they didn't see it as that at all. To the Afghans, him not ghosting all the tribal leaders was a show of weakness, proof he was not fit to lead
One thing led to another, britbong was literally torn limb from limb And his body parts were paraded around
>>128748 yeah but the gut himself only speaks of the people he fought
Yes but also it's literally what's still keeping quake alive to this very day
utnis ut is better game anyhow
also their attempt sounds more like a "let's try to leech off of overwatch" similiar how people thoughr just making a dota/lol copy would net them millions
I like Quake way more than UT UT feels weird to me
If they leech off overwatch with a modern day, solid version of Quake, I'm all for it dude And it's free to try so why not
'deed but kinda have doubts
Always be skeptical, but when a free game you're sorta interested in shows up, there's rarely a reason to pass
>>128750 I'm refunding this if I don't enjoy it enough though I'm going in with the assumption that the game is dead updatewise from the moment I purchased it
>>128795 YOU'RE PLAYING IT btw some graphics settings actually run faster higher google it because they're all better at different settings and it's a lot to remember
>“We got 18-year-olds that are leaving to go off to college, 18-year-olds starting their careers, 18-year-olds sacrificing their lives, going overseas to defend our liberty and what America stands for. Then you got this moron standing out there creating a Japanese anime whatever its called,” said the sheriff. I love it
after struggling so hard just to clear 3* ursula with four level 40 5*s i was able to do the lunatic map with just effie and kagerou ??? really weird but at least that's done
Holy shit dude, StalinGrindrBot decided to allow me to follow him Which is not very meaningful, but I remember seeing him at least get mentioned by someone big one time
I attempted to follow this guy long ago I guess he noticed my request for commie literature and let me in
Her name is Layla. She's not a particularly popular character. Her defining trait is her dead, soulless eyes and tendency to stare at people in a way that makes them uncomfortable.
i made all this spaghetti sauce but i only have macaroni
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that person sounds really neurotic
yeah i'm pretty neurotic but i wouldn't be like that i'm always careless about food i've eaten raw beef and raw ostrich and old stuff all the time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>It just makes me sick that I forgot about them! I am kind of imagining them having so much anxiety over this that they have a really bad stomach ache
i cried in a bathtub because the people at the liquor store treated me really weird for having an expired id like it's out of state and expired they're just like probably thinking i'm escaping a warrant or i'm homeless or something it's really embarrassing
i want a VR sim where you have to use a fork to get spaghetti from a plate and feed it to reimu and if any of the spaghettis or sauce spills on her face or clothes she gets progessively more flustered
>>128888 good god like you wouldn't even be able to pack a sandwich for lunch then i've heard people say a sandwich has probably gone bad because it has MAYO in it before MAYO was invented specifically to keep things from spoiling during hannibal's elephant trip to carthage
>>128888 >throwing out all bread you buy before even leaving the shop
>>128892 idk man I've been driving for 7 years now or maybe about 8? I've parked under a LOT of trees in my life I've never had a problem where bird crap accumulates on my car In fact, most bird crap on my car doesn't happen under trees
>>128905 there's a pretty big problem, yeah it did hit some hospitals and other organizations in the west but even after the patch and the killswitch solution, it's not going to stop anyone from just redesigning it but having the killswitch domain pre-registered. >>128908 no they all do like the easiest thing to imagine is the hospital's patient files or anything and if all that got encrypted it'd be terrible for the hospital but that's not the most relevant case, just the easiest to imagine
consider a medical products business that would have made and sold 20 million dollar MRIs to a hospital 10 years ago that would have been running XP-embedded back then and now the company has been bankrupt for half a decade and there's no way to do anything about it because the old company who embedded it can't patch it because they don't exist
The server with the valuable data on it is connected to the computer that the employees use to see the data on that server and also the computer they use for their work emails and to do scheduling.
>let me just build my system around outdated bullshit that's completely irreplacable and make 0 efforts to make it possible to resume operation if the server catches fire
Shit is expensive Why do you think the company I work for still has cheap ass outdated unverified copies of windows 7 with an outdated program that desperately needs upgraded to not be an infuriating mess
>>128937 backing up that much shit is insanely expensive and also a fairly new concept
I mean excuse me for thinking you could just have a server farm somewhere hoarding up the files as they need backing up, I didn't realize you needed a new server farm running the same OS as your new client computers every time there's a patch
>>128938 now you can make that pompadour and become a delinquent samurai
Because goddamn I have NEWS for these people I can get rich
Just use literally any non-microsoft backup solution and you save BILLIONS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you need to realize that this does not exist in a vacuum
>>128943 do you even know the timeline of events assuming you're even talking about wannacry it specifically targeted a vulnerability that was explicitly patched in april, // in march, sorry exploiting a vulnerability patched in march, using an exploit that was publicized in april to hit computers in may that haven't patched in that two months we're not just talking about a company having legacy systems from 1995 we're talking literally two months
>>128940 that is probably a whole lot of files to back up my dude
>>128945 Yeah, but I mean I get that the attack was hard to avoid
But how is that related to them somehow not having backups for any of this shit? These are separate issues, one of which is a near perfect solution to any and all ransomware because "oh fucking well, they bricked it, but we still HAVE ALL OF IT"
because backing everything up is expensive you need lawyers, IT shit, people to constantly back up the files, etc
some things can't be backed up some things aren't even files that need to be accessed but rather devices that you can get locked out of
>>128947 back up how often? how about the MRI i was talking about that's still operating at XP embedded that has to store images on a server extremely large images, a ton of them, many times daily
>>128949 Once an hour or something, you just check if anything's changed If there's a super big, system-fully-encrypted-now change you don't copy it over the other shit
I don't know dude, there's no way there's no system
>once an hour >>>>>
do it ton
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what happens if you can't use any medical equipment what good will your files be to you then
>>128950 this can't logistically or financially happen IT departments are already overstretched in every industry and they're highly cumbersome departments to have let alone you're now interfering with the ability of the hospital to operate because everything has to be backed up every hour i don't even know
>>128955 OK I guess you might as well just give up then
Why take ANY security precautions whatsoever if the failing of this tech would make every possible future one where you go bankrupt? Just run on windows vista without a firewall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no that's not what i'm saying
that point needs to be considered in the context of every other post that's been made it can can't be looked at in a vacuum
You're saying the medical equipment breaks down it's game over in reply to "why aren't they doing more to safeguard their files?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no, that's not what i'm saying
That's LITERALLY what you did though
>>128953 "what good do your files do you if your equipment craps out?" "You can replace the equipment" "No you can't it's game over you don't have the money"
what i'm saying is that there is a lot of shit and no matter what you do, you can't stop these things many times
you can't upgrade everything to make it safer you can't back it up to protect your files, and even if you did, you can't stop your medical equipment from getting fucked so the backup isn't useful you can't really do anything to completely protect against these kinds of things
I guess they could pay some basement nerd to hook up a laptop or something and FIGURE IT OUT Program new firmware using nothing but a laptop and the machine
also if it can't update, hospitals have to buy a new one if they want a new one (they'll never buy a new one)
>>128977 The masked man only said "I installed gentoo" before leaving
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are insanely powerful and useful pieces of medical equipment out there, like new fMRIs and stuff but they aren't going to be put in any hospitals anytime soon because it would cost so much just to TRAIN people to use it
i'm working on adaptive segmentation today this is a pretty big breakthrough for me i was afraid i was going nowhere with this but it's starting to make sense
Meatloaf is shutting down a part of a major street in downtown Toronto today to promote a musical based off the Bat Out of Hell album. I might go down there this evening.
I mean, I remember seeing ads for it on the TV I remember it because the Norwegian voice pronounced it funny
There was so much about this one album I started thinking Meat Loaf was from Norway or something I was a child, I didn't even know what kind of music was on this
I actually didn't know until now that it was that old either
i got up to the part with that girl with the black star over her eye i paused there and haven't read up since the girls are great but kaiman and the mushroom king are the best things
My new semester started today. I've been really tired all day but my day was okay. A bunch of people were interested in hearing about my road trip which made me kind of happy.
>>129045 Yeah. I don't really have any real connections with my cohort so it was kind of nice to see they don't think I'm just some distant weirdo. They all hang out together and stuff, but I don't usually go to that stuff.
Yeah, there are 24 of us and two of us are guys. The other dude tries really hard to hang around the girls as much as possible, I think he's kind of creepy, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy. Like, unintentional creepiness.
I think pretty much everyone in my cohort is good people. They're just not really my kind of people. They're pretty close-knit and I'm just kind of on the outside. That's basically where I want to be, but I worry that people will think I don't like them.
So it just makes me happy that they don't think I dislike them.
>>129062 Yeah. That's how I operate, too. The only time they've ever seen me not composed is the day before I had an appointment at the eye doctor because I was nervous and it affected my body language I think you generally gotta keep your weaknesses close to you
especially if you want to get it in with the girls in your cohort a lot of guys think that women will respect you if you show some sensitivity but most women look at an adult guy crying that his mom didn't love him with judgmental eyes
i try pretty hard to keep myself composed in public and i think do a good job of it the recoil can hit pretty harm when i get back home though it's just pretending to be composed
i think there's something to respect if it can be seen that you have sensitivity, but that you handle it well and that's not really handling it well
In some ways, there's nothing wrong with it. But if you're a total wreck in public, people are going to use that against you forever, and you're going to start off lower in the power differentials of every relationship you try to enter. It's sad but people have to hide stuff like that if they want to be successful.
I wish it weren't like that, though. I'd like to be able to talk about my problems.
>>129066 Yeah, I get the feeling he's one of those "eternally friendzoned" kinds of guys for lack of a better term.
>>129071 I think emotional stability is important, but when it comes to being in public, looking stable is way more important. Like nobody in my cohort knows about my ptsd-type stuff with Teacup and maybe only two of them even know about Teacup. So I'm not 100% stable but I definitely look really stable.
oh yeah i got in some trouble once well not once i got some pretty bad vibes for telling someone she'd have really cute hair if she could get it under control, that she could do a lot of cute things with it because she had kind of frizzy hair i was trying to be nice but i think it wasn't that appreciated
no only >>129092 is something i've actually done and it was in person the other things are either really old memes or things that i just generally assume to be social problems
i know hyperhydrosis is really bad because people are afraid to shake hands or having to take several outfits to school and change so you don't get them covered in sweat so saying that to them would be a "crap everybody knows" moment and not be very fun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
asking them how many avocado toasts they've eaten today is a good way to break the ice too
some rich australian millionaire faggot went to TIME and started talking shit about how millenials can't afford to buy a house because they spend too much money on "avocado toast and coffee"
>millionaire >with an m lol
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>"We're at a point now where the expectations of younger people are very, very high," Gruner said. "They want to eat out every day, they want to travel to Europe every year. The people that own homes today worked very, very hard for it, saved every dollar, did everything they could to get up the property investment ladder."
>>129100 i've been ordering nice food delivery quite a bit lately which is something i really don't feel good about doing money-wise or health-wise but no car makes grocery shopping kind of hard sometimes i can either order a bunch of stuff through amazon and have it show up in several days or i can go walk to the store and buy like one bag that i can carry back well i could carry a few bags
yeah i really think eating out is pretty wasteful though when you're just hungry you either do it because you have to or you're going somewhere nice as a treat
Yeah, like having our future stolen from us before we were born.
This guy is saying stuff like, "in the 80s, people bought houses at your age!" In the 80s, people made way more money than we do now if you include inflation in the calculations and were able to work more hours. Plus they paid less for living expenses.
So many boomers just can't understand that they're judging us with standards that can't exist anymore.
and a 15 thousand dollar house then is worth a lot lot now how many millions does this millionaire have
boom the boombers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Gurner isn't the only Australian critic of young people who choose to spend a lot on avocados. Mashable pointed to an October article from The Australian columnist Bernard Salt criticizing those who spend a lot on them. "I have seen young people order smashed avocado with crumbled feta on five-grain toasted bread at $22 a pop and more," he wrote.
i have trouble beliving the shit this guy says that's just so ridiculous maybe it's an australian rich person meme
maybe eating avocado is the secret to getting rich
i mean i buy avocados all the time they're like a dollar each when they're not on sale
Well, the boomers will not be able to hold on to their wealth forever. It's really just a question of what they do with it. There is a good chance that it will get pumped into companies through healthcare on their way out.
Oh, apparently he has a property portfolio worth 2.7 billion or something
oh speaking of buying homes do you remember that article about that girl who "saved up" and bought her home it was posted here before i thought you did that i really wanted to read that again it was great
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hmm doesn't ring a bell do you remember how long ago i posted it?
When are boomers going to fuck off and die
>>129114 would've been 3-7 months ago i know that's a big gap but we remember time kind of logarithmically anyway this girl was making this blogpost about how she bought her own home saving up from scratch and it was all stuff like "well my mom had a condo she wasn't using, so i stayed there rent-free while going to college, and i worked at our family's company part-time and got paid enough to buy my own home in four years!" >>129118 fuck it's so good i need it